Sunday, December 23, 2018

What was cut in Red Dead Redemption 2?

RDR2 Cut Content according to a developer

Update: Rockstar is trying to silence this post. Feel free to spread the word so that Rockstar won't be able to hide it.
Hi, I worked at Rockstar on RDR2 for a little over 6 years and felt like talking about some of the stuff that was removed from the game for one reason or another. This is going to be a pretty long list and most of it is from memory and will spoil a lot of the story in the final product. You've been warned.
Also some of this stuff may contradict other thing because we had to basically remake the game from the ground up multiple times in a lot of areas.
  1. The original concept of the game was supposed to be that it went from 1877 when Arthur joined Hosea and Dutch until the gang broke up in 1899. Then you had the epilogues. A lot of the events before 1899 we had planned were turned into expository dialogue or put in 1899.
  2. There were going to be two epilogues based on if you got the Coyote or the Buck. The Buck would have you play as John Marston as he built Beecher's Hope, the Coyote would have you play as Dutch as he formed his gang of Native Americans. The idea was that a low honor player could go around robbing and killing people while it wouldn't be out of character. And it would also encourage more playthroughs.
  3. Originally you were supposed to be able to have gang members ride with you in the open world. You could only control the 3 "protagonists" though. That would be Hosea, Dutch, Arthur and then if you were a Buck John, Sadie, Charles, if you were a Coyote it'd be Javier, Bill and Dutch. Javier and Bill were supposed to have been working with Dutch and loyal to him up until Dutch drove them off with his paranoia sometime after the epilogue but before 1911. Sadie and Charles were supposed to have parted with john at some other point between games.
  4. Micah was originally far less antagonistic or unlikable, his only real trait was he acting like a yesman to Dutch even when Dutch was doing something stupid. He was from some rich family and chose to follow Dutch because he romanticized the outlaw lifestyle. This put him at odds with the destitute people who had to adapt to a harsh environment that made up the majority of the gang. He was always sort of pegged as an outsider for it. He's so loyal to Dutch because he admires him and is afraid without Dutch's intervention he'd be kicked out or killed. After the Saint Denis job he starts ratting because he thinks Dutch is just going to hurt people and has no dream of founding a society for them. Which is true. But Dutch still kills him for it at the end alongside Arthur succumbing to his TB or getting executed by Dutch as he lay dying. This was changed because playtesters liked that Micah too much for him to be a traitor. We changed everything, even giving him evil looking hair.
  5. Arthur was originally supposed to be bisexual and you could pursue a sort of tragic romance with Charles, whom was originally supposed to admit to being gay if you got close to him. It was only after you learned about the TB so Arthur was okay admitting his attraction to other men because he knew he was going to die anyways. but he'd write in his diary about being sexually confused throughout the game. That got removed because you can only get gay stereotypes into the mainstream media.
  6. There were originally a lot more guns and customizations in the game, you were supposed to unlock period accurate guns as time advanced to replace your older weapons. For instance by 1899 you were supposed to get the "new service revolver" which had the double action's rate of fire but the accuracy and firepower of the Cattleman and Schofield. You'd also be able to get speedloaders for most weapons. The Carbine Repeater still uses it as its default reload. I remember we had a semi automatic rifle you unlocked during the epilogue along with a M1903 Army Rifle, The Hi-Power Pistol and the SA Shotgun These were removed mainly because they wanted the weapons to be more unique and they felt a lot were redundant. The repeaters and revolvers you get in game are almost exclusively the weapons that were supposed to be available from the start in the original 1877-1899 story because we modeled those first before the major rework.
  7. There were also 3 different fully modeled tripod mounted machine guns cut. We had the Colt 1895 and two different models of Gatling guns. a civil war era one like in the RDR1 and a more "modern" one developed a few years before the real machine guns. When you hear someone call a machine gun a Gatling gun that's because the dialogue was recorded for a scene with a Gatling Gun. Also you'd fire the gatling guns faster by spamming the fire button. The upgraded one could actually fire faster than the machine guns if you had a good trigger finger.
  8. reloading the guns such as revolvers and repeaters was a lot slower to encourage players to dual wield and give the automatic pistols an advantage to compensate for their lower damage and accuracy. Players would just turn on deadeye for a moment to get a instant reload with their revolvers so we made them reload a lot faster. It's why the animations look so strange on the revolvers, we had to cut out certain parts to make them load faster without giving the gunslinger superhuman speed. I thought i'd point this out cause i saw a lot of videos complaining about the cattleman's reload.
  9. The reason there was so much effort put into horse genitals was because you originally had a group of horses you kept at the camp and you could breed horses. To get the best horses you had to have them reproduce. The penis were so you could identify the stallions visually instead of having to rely on a stat card. It's why the mares don't have vaginas, since they already don't have a penis. The count, Dutch's albino arabian mount. was originally the best horse in the game that you could only get by breeding.
  10. There were originally intended to be more areas to the map. You could go to standins for the southwestern states with a Mormon dominated region, along with standins for Southern California, San Diego, Baja California, Nuevo Paradiso was going to make a return and New Hanover had more towns based off cities in central Texas, Armadillo would also be extended westward and have a town on the land border with Mexico about the size of blackwater based on el paso. There was a note underlined twice that said nothing should be named after a location in GTA.
  11. The Neo-Confederates were going to be present across over half the map and there was going to be an alliance of 3 different neo-confederate gangs. The decidedly anti-slavery and egalitarian Van Der Linde's would naturally be at conflict with the white supremacists. The Lemoyne raiders were the remnants of that. The Del Lobo gang were originally intended to operate out of mexico and small portions of Armadillo.
  12. A large number of fish were also removed for being redundant or not fitting with the setting as they got rid of the sea. They didn't want you to have to spend an hour in the same region trying to catch one type of fish and getting bites from every other type of fish that shared the same bait preference and region.
  13. Strauss was intended to be a more conventional gunman aged in between John and Arthur. raised in a enclave of German-Americans whom spoke German rather than English. His family was middle class and owned a small farm until they lost everything to sabotage by Cornwall whom wanted to buy their land for less than it was worth. He wasn't a kid like most of the Van Der Lindes when he joined. Because of his formal education He became the accountant. You also talked to him about gang finances instead of putting stuff in a box. He was actually sympathetic to the Wapiti because of their conflict with Cornwall and ended up leaving the gang in the dead of night when he learned Dutch was manipulating the tribe. After that he was captured by the Pinkertons, tortured but didn't break and was executed like in the release version.
  14. You were supposed to be able to go take a ship to Garuma any time after the end of chapter 5.
  15. The basic ammo types were much different. express was intended as a specific type of ammo for hunting animals with a weapon below that class for a one shot kill, you could use a repeater with express on a deer and get a one shot kill for instance. Split point was intended to decrease accuracy but also give you a small damage over time effect which would cause people to get stunned for longer or just fall over and die on the ground slowly. High velocity was intended for doing damage through light materials like wood and over-penetrating targets. We had to simplify it because testers were too stupid to read the item descriptions that explained this. You were also supposed to be able to combine ammo types after we changed it but someone pointed out that express ammo is just high velocity and split point combined into a single bullet already and it wouldn't be able to overpenetrate like high velocity does due to breaking up inside the target.
  16. When you go to Sadie's cabin in Ambarino at the start of the game that scene was originally supposed to show her getting gang raped, when you started shooting she'd bite one of their penises off and fighting them too but after you searched the place for food and Sadie calmed down another group of O'Driscolls would show up and start shooting up the cabin, one bullet would hit the lantern and start the fire. Also that morality choice would consist of Dutch asking you if you should execute the last rapist or strip him down and force him to run into the blizzard and freeze. with the positive honor choice being to just gun him down. This was cut because some of the playtesters just sat there watching her get raped because they thought it was hot. total creeps.
  17. You could originally take baths at camp or in rivers and lakes for free but you wouldn't get a stamina boost and you'd get dirty faster. Also the chores didn't reward you with honor points. If you or no one else did the chores you wouldn't be able to use certain features at the camp. If no one took the corn to pearson's table you couldn't eat stew, if there was no firewood the campfire couldn't be used for crafting, if there was no water you couldn't have coffee or bathe, there was also a feeding trough where you could get fill a horse's core once a day.
  18. You could also bring groups of prostitutes back to camp for business, So you indirectly help make jack in one mission by bringing Abigail to camp. there was going to be this conflict where Dutch had a rule against keeping their romantic partners with them at the camp, which is why Eliza, the woman Arthur had a son with; Wasn't with them at their camp. and why Hosea left with Bessie until she died All the other girls in camp weren't having sex with anyone in camp. Dutch eventually backed down on it later when he let Molly and Abigail stay with them. This is what led John to leave for that extended period of time because he didn't want Abigail at the camp cause he wanted nothing to do with Jack. The situation for Abigail was very sad and she's really abrasive to John because she doesn't want Jack to grow up in the same awful conditions she was in and John was a pretty bad father. John doesn't see it that way because he thinks getting close to his son would turn him into a abuser like his own father. The prostitute parties themselves were removed because basically only 3 people in the camp in 1899 would be willing to sleep with a prostitute.
  19. Instead of having the mission to mission system that GTA and RDR1 used we originally were going to have it so you meet certain objectives through optional missions or free roam activities, usually around earning money through certain crimes. before the story would advance.
  20. The animals that give you big game meat originally gave you stringy meat. Panther, Cougar, Wolf, Bear, Gator etc. You'd get like 20 pieces from each so you weren't getting the same amount of nourishment from a bear as a raccoon. The high quality meat items like venison and succulent fish were statistically the same as big game meat but they were demoted.
  21. Your inventory space was expanded by your horse's saddlebags and you could get the legend of the east saddlebags which gave you infinite inventory space as long as you were near your horse. If you weren't within the distance to draw guns from your horse you'd only have access to whatever you had room for in your satchel.
  22. You were also supposed to be able to collect phonograph cylinders for Dutch's phonograph that he plays in camp.
  23. There was a much wider range of alcoholic beverages for you to keep in your inventory, beer, whiskey, absinthe, white and red wine, schnapps, tequila and pulque were available originally among others.
  24. Karen did a lot more actual heisting and whatnot. She was played as one of the guys rather than a homemaker like Tilly or Mary Beth. A running joke was that she would get drunk and then offer to sleep with someone who would reject her. She's got the largest breasts out of the women in Van Der Linde's gang, it was more prominent originally. There was also a scene where she got slapped by Grimshaw and then knocked her out cold with a punch too.
  25. There wasn't an explanation for how Arthur got TB originally. It was just supposed to be a random and cruel event to justify a shift in attitude. This was later switched around to it being a direct result of his actions loansharking.
  26. The horse classes had different bonding unlocks based on their class at max bond. War Horses would intentionally trample and stomp on people attacking you. Race horses would stop losing stamina while galloping on roads, work horses carried 4 smaller carcasses instead of 2 and superior horses had all these advantages.
  27. You could go to Blackwater and New Austin whenever you wanted as Arthur. You could even recover the ferry heist take. Bringing it back to Dutch would cause him to hide it somewhere else. It didn't really change the outcome at all. This was changed cause playtesters would oftentimes refuse to advance the story until they were playing as John/Dutch since there was nothing to gain and they didn't want Arthur to die.
  28. The long scope used to be mounted directly over the gun instead of on the side to justify why you couldn't use the iron sights. There were also a series of repeaters based off the Marlin lever actions which could use long scopes due to their side ejecting design.
  29. Bill originally looks like a civil war reeanactor as he wore a blue cavalry uniform as his standard outfit. Then it was decided that looked stupid because he didn't like the army so they toned it down to him just having a Cav saber emblem on his hat.
  30. Arthur was originally a much better swimmer, like a character in GTA. But this was changed to be more realistic as swimming in full clothing is really strenuous. Also people wouldn't use the boats because they could just swim everywhere. His awkward swimming is actually supposed to be how John swam since he didn't know how to swim. You were supposed to be able to learn how to swim as John and get an achievement for it too.
  31. There was "impact" dynamite which would explode as soon as it hit a surface that you could craft. It also wouldn't detonate if you held it in your hand too long. There was also smoke bombs like your typical video game smoke grenade.
  32. There was originally a reliability stat for most weapons, but we determined that it was more likely those "unreliable" guns were simply fired more often in game since they were all revolvers or repeating weapons of some sort so they'd lose condition faster anyways. At low condition your gun could misfire or jam like in Far Cry 2. If it failed badly enough you couldn't even fire it and had to pay a hefty sum at a gunsmith to get it fixed.
  33. When going into first person as john the left edge of your screen was supposed to have various filters on it to make the image look worse due to John having his eye injured in the wolf attack.
  34. With Uncle you were supposed to see a decline in his faculties due to the alcohol abuse. He wasn't supposed to be a deadbeat until 1911, with him starting to get stupid around 1907 he was also supposed to be younger and go on more missions. As is he basically doesn't physically age for 12 years.
  35. You were supposed to be able to buy the skins from domestic animals at the butcher. Cow, bull, ox, sheep, goat etc. along with animal fat. You were also supposed to be able to steal farm animals and keep them at camp to provide a constant source of food. The chicken coop is all that remains of that system.
  36. You could buy a still for camp and produce moonshine at it, You could steal wagons full of grain or maize or just buy the stuff legally. It was a good source of income. Also no item in the game was called corn. It was all called maize because in Britain corn just means grain.
  37. If you were fishing in the swamps near a gator sometimes they'd come in and eat the fish you were trying to catch. It was really annoying and kind of like a horror film.
  38. The skin system used to be a lot less complex. You'd have classes of skins with the size of the animal determining how much you got from them. cat, canine, bear, bovine, deer, pig, reptile, sheep and rodent skin are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. There may have been more. This was changed because players would just hunt the most available animal for a skin type for any item they wanted. Alligators were especially easy because you had no inventory limit, they were lazy enough to be easy targets and gave you the most reptile skin. which was more valuable to sell in the northern areas of the map.
  39. There were a few animals cut from the game such as bobcats, jaguars, mule deer etc. Nothing was really lost, they were just sort of reskins of animals with very specific areas on the map they appeared in.
  40. Repeaters depending on their model used revolver or rifle ammo, all the repeaters in game were intended to use pistol ammo. which is actually what they do in reality. There was no repeater ammo in the game. The reload animations were originally intended to show you pulling cartridges off a bandolier and loading them into your gun but even when we got competitive level shooters to mocap loading the guns and doubled the speed. players were complaining it was too slow.
  41. Javier was supposed to be an outspoken agnostic or atheist who was okay with hurting innocent or even good natured religious people such as priests. He'd have to be reined in by the rest of the gang. This was supposed to be the result of the church in Mexico collaborating with the tyrannical government.
  42. You were originally supposed to have a customizable armored wagon with a machine gun on the back that you could take with you. But it wasn't practical with the removal of the party system as you'd have to stop to man the gun.
  43. You could unlock reskins for a lot of the weapons as a compromise between adding redundant guns. Mainly a few Brits wanted Webley revolvers in the game. I remember there was a Remington revolver that was a reskin of the SAA (cattleman). a colt 1878 double action and a webley reskin for it that both got cut, a different webley with a top break action as a reskin of the scholfield. A P08 Luger for the semi-auto pistol, the pump action shotgun was originally a reskin of the repeater shotgun. There was also a smith & wesson hand ejector reskin for the new service revolver that got cut.
  44. Originally the herbs you use for cooking meat could be given to Pearson which would give the stew bonuses to those cores. But players would just collect mint instead of getting actual meat for him to cook because it gave the same bonuses. You could also combine three herbs together on a piece of meat you cooked to give it a bonus to all cores. With the higher quality meats (This was before big game was added) you could get a piece of venison for instance and get all 3 cores gold for a day. Also they'd serve side dishes with it like baked potatoes, sweetcorn, buscuits, bread or crackers if you had someone buy food at the general store. This was to give you a visual indication that having your camp food supply in the gold gave you a better meal. The stew also looked different depending on what kind of food you gave him. Also if you got crackers or bread Arthur would sometimes break them in the stew or dip them in it. otherwise he'd put a topping on them, It was some sort of spread such as fruit preserves or a fat based spread.
  45. opened items used to have to be combined with another opened item of the same type to be consumed as a normal item. otherwise they just sat in your satchel waiting to be mated. this didn't apply to opened items that normally came in stacks like chewing tobacco. you just got fewer items.
  46. You were supposed to work off your bounty doing menial jobs until you either paid it off or the gang rescued you. Kinda disconnected the story from the gameplay if a murder gets you a few days doing janitor work and sleeping in a cell though.
  47. The KKK wasn't played for laughs. Those encounters were originally of them lynching families and random black people. There was one where you'd find a black man they'd hung up by his hands to a tree branch beaten and castrated. When you got him down he'd die from the fall. Another one a white father and black mother would be found hanging with their child on the ground crying after getting beaten. There was also an encounter where they'd circle around a homestead on horseback and toss fire bottles at it then shoot the family as they ran out.
  48. Similarly after chapter 3 there was an encounter at Rhodes where you'd see a black woman trying to get into the sheriff's office to talk to her son, claiming he's innocent and he didn't kill a girl he's accused of killing. A deputy would slap her and drive her away. A few days later you'd see them ready to hang the son. Except instead of being an adult he's a 13 year old boy and he's too short for the noose so they have him stand in a chair. You could rescue him and it's ambiguous as if he killed the girl or not.
  49. In Saint Denis there was a encounter about a Chinese child prostitute who didn't speak English you'd find her getting beat up by her pimp and if you didn't intervene he'd choke her to death. If you did intervene and knocked him unconscious or killed him she'd run away yelling that you'd just killed her. You could find her a few days later mutilated in a back alley with her pimp and a group of gang members with him, or just the gang members if you killed him they'd attack you if they saw you no matter what because she gave them your description while being tortured.
  50. Sean was supposed to be an outspoken Catholic. But not a very good one. There was going to be a scene where he complained about Pearson serving red meat during Good Friday while he's drinking a bottle of wine. Then he'd sit down and eat it anyways. There was also a scene where he'd shoplift a handful of cigars and then give a dollar to a nun collecting for charity claiming it was penance for stealing.
  51. The game was supposed to have a week schedule and a lot of businesses would have different hours on Sunday and NPCs would change their schedule to go to local churches.
  52. Horses reacted to damage a lot more dynamically, with damage to their legs draining their health if you made them sprint. Shooting a stallion in the member would make it into a Gelding so he would sell for less and you couldn't use him to breed. and some enemies would intentionally target your horse if you were trying to escape. One good shot from a rifle or shotgun could knock your a horse down. You could get pinned underneath them and have to button mash if they died. You could also fire while pinned under a horse. It made escaping a lot harder though so you'd have to gun down like a million cops and get a 500$ bounty everytime you had a bounty.
  53. The Pinkertons were originally going to have a generic name but this was changed because apparently there's something going on with their copyright on the name, The don't own "Pinkerton National Detective Agency". Because the modern company is just called Pinkertons so we were able to just use their period accurate name.
  54. You were originally able to buy barber tools for Grimshaw, who was the hairdresser for the gang. She'd cut your hair for free. She'd also cut the hair of other gang members as their hair would grow over time too. If you got a haircut at the Barder's shop he would also offer to shave your face, but not style it for free. You also bought your own shaving supplies. You could get a safety razor and a straight razor. The safety razor didn't cut as close as the straight razor but the straight razor had a chance depending on your dead eye level to cut you, and those cuts had a chance of causing an infection similar to getting a venomous snake bite. You could also shave from a campsite or hotel instead of just the gang camp. You could also get lice if you didn't bathe enough and had long hair, the only way to get rid of them was to shave.
  55. Their were movies for all the different hairstyling you could do. They'd use those old manually operated clippers, scissors and a straight razor, pomade depending on if they were removing hair and how much they removed. If you went from having long hair to clean shaven they'd clip it down to the buzzed style and then shave your head. It was multiple movies compiled together. The audio was binaural in 1st person cause someone really wanted to trigger ASMR in the game.
  56. When we had to turn Micah into an absolute asshole one of the traits we added then got cut off was making him a pedophile who was trying rape Jack. It made the whole gang look like dumb assholes for letting an openly predator freak near Jack like that, especially Abigail. So we dumped it.
  57. Bill was supposed to pretty have psychotic episodes when he got into fights, he was also supposed to start abusing alcohol as the story went on which made his psychosis worse. His backstory was more detailed in that he was part of the same cavalry unit that attacked Charles' tribe when he was a kid. After they killed the braves who were fighting them the cavalry started looting and raping. Bill didn't try to stop it but he didn't participate and was disgusted by it. Later his CO accused him of being a homosexual and he beat the CO almost to death as a result. After Bill and Charles realize this Bill tries to apologize to Charles and Charles "accepts" his apology but secretly confides in Arthur that it seems meaningless he just did it to try and prevent friction within the group. Later Charles would bring it up again and get into a brawl with Bill over it too.
  58. The Murfree's brood would kidnap girls and women keeping them as sex slaves for reproducing. It's why they're called brood. It is how they managed to be a gang made up of all family members. If you went to their hideout they'd have naked women and girls in cages that you could rescue. I may have been the reason this was toned down because i pointed out that there's a subgenre of hentai exactly like that. Also they're supposed to be cannibals cause they can't forage for food in the local area due to the pollution like The Hills Have Eyes or Wrong Turn. There was supposed to be a mission where a Posse from Annesburg would form and exterminate the Brood entirely. They were also supposed to be Matriarchal and have a normal looking "Momma". The defects were the result of pollution and cannibalism. They don't practice inbreeding. To be frank i think the whole Brood was a stupid idea.
  59. There was supposed to be a secret movie you could unlock after completing 100% of the story mode that showed what Jack did in between John and Abigail's death. They sold the ranch and moved to Blackwater. He also met with Sadie, They worked together as bounty hunters and she mentored him. Abigail didn't die of a broken heart but of an undetectable illness, possibly cancer. His RDR2 adult model looked a lot better than the first game since it was created from the ground up instead of reusing John. He was also supposed to move east where he was supposed to ambiguously be a public servant of some kind or an high ranked member in a gang. There were talks about a sequel that ditched the western setting for a early 20th century urban setting. Since it got removed I wouldn't get my hopes up for it.
  60. You were supposed to be able to get that dynamite with the plunger and line that you could place anywhere, along with the ability to carry those jugs of moonshine you use to torch the fields with you and use them like the gas cans in GTAV. The moonshine was dumped when we shifted over towards having all your equipment on your person. You can't fit a 5 gallon jug in your satchel. Just 2,000 rounds of ammunition, a full set of bladed objects, hundreds of yards of rope and a near infinite amount of food.
  61. You could setup animal traps on top of bait. You were actually supposed to setup traps for mice that would eat stuff at camp if you didn't. There were also fish traps you could set. getting crayfish and crabs was mainly supposed to be done by setting up traps.
  62. You could also control the rodent population by adopting stray cats and bringing them back to camp. The cats had a large variety of appearances and people in camp would react to the cats. playing with them or feeding them. If you fed them a lot they'd get fat and sometimes you'd have to shoo them off your cot before you could go to sleep.
  63. The trapper originally moved in real time to multiple locations to setup shop. It was way too slow so we just make him at all simultaneously and made an excuse about him being faster you no matter what because he knows the land.
  64. Molly had a lot more to her character than just bickering with Dutch and doing her makeup. She was supposed to be lying about coming from wealth and she'd actually been dirt poor and worked at a brothel in Ireland where she became the lover of a lieutenant in the O'Driscolls and moved to America with him. He ended up getting killed, possibly by Colm and then the O'Driscolls started abusing her. Which damaged her psychologically. After escaping and changing her name she ended up meeting Dutch and falling in love with him. She was pregnant when they moved through the Grizzlies. The only reason he had her come with him was because he didn't trust her to stay faithful if he wasn't around. She ended up miscarrying on which made her even more depressed and caused her to start drinking heavily. During that mission where Kieran gets decapitated one of the O'Driscolls would call Molly by her old name which would cause Dutch to confront her and start accusing her of spying on him after she admitted to her past being a lie. Most of the gang would side with Dutch on this too. So she was pretty much alone with Dutch forcing her to stay with them only because he didn't want her to talk and he didn't want to kill her either. Arthur would have pointed out the implausibility of her being an informant when she never left camp the entire time they've been on the run.
  65. You were supposed to be able to get soft drinks. They were like moonshine, chewing tobacco and cocaine gum combined into a single item. So it gave you gold bars but hurt all your cores. Also using a lot of healing items rapidly would make your character get intoxicated.
  66. There was originally supposed to be a hardcore mode option, you could only save at beds, you couldn't fast travel using trains or stagecoaches would just put you into a cinematic ride. You had to sleep and eat to restore your cores and healing items only caused your health to regenerate faster, which it regenerated much slower.
  67. There used to be about twice as many gangs. The gangs you see in game were mostly supposed to get wiped out throughout the story. The other ones that got removed were all really forgettable and generic, which is why they got cut.
  68. Uncle was supposed to be a lot more self aware. Making up obviously fake stories for other's enjoyment and acting like he met 9 foot tall indians in Africa to entertain people, not sound cool. He was supposed to have befriended some abolitionists who convinced him to join the Union Army despite being underage alongside them. Dutch liked him because he was a veteran for what he saw as a just cause and actively encouraged Uncle to stop drinking. He was also very close to Hosea who had introduced him to the gang.
  69. The weapon equipment you got from challenges gave you a unique bonus for each set you collected. You just maxed out your stats normally so you didn't get dead eye or stamina from it. The gambler set for instance would let you count cards which meant that as you played more rounds at a certain table you would start getting more and more accurate predictions about who had what cards in their hand. Eventually you would be able to see every card in the deck and basically cheat your way through every hand.
  70. Your clothes had to be washed or else you'd get in trouble for being dirty like if you hadn't bathed, you could either take them to a laundromat which would get rid of the stains or you could get the girls in camp to do it which leave some stains. you'd get to watch them clean the clothes and hang them up on lines, there was a chance that when you put them back on you could get stung by a wasp if you were at camp. If you got a bath at a hotel they'd clean your outfit like the girls at camp.
  71. similar to cleaning your clothes they could also get damaged. taking it to a tailor would get it seamlessly repaired but cost more, where the girls at camp would charge less but you'd be left with patchy clothing.
  72. When you got near those rock carvings you'd be transported to a retrofuture cityscape. It was supposed to jokingly imply that there was a civilization in another universe at the exact same time that was accidentally crossing over into the RDR universe.
  73. There were originally going to be bicycles in the game mostly in the urban areas and you couldn't really replace horses with them. no saddlebags or storage space for carcass. They were worse than even the lamest horse which is silly because in reality a cyclist has far greater endurance than a horse. the only advantage was that they couldn't get injured.
  74. Dutch was supposed to be trying to teach Abigail to read, but she actually had a form of dyslexia called Agraphia-Alexia which prevented her from learning how to. This was to justify why she didn't know how to read even though she was in a gang that operated like a extended family and led by a bunch of erudites and poets. It was deemed to be a bit excessive of an explanation.
  75. Most of the camp was supposed to make fun of Grimshaw by calling her skunk because of the white streak in her hair, which was more prominent as her hair would get knocked down and show she was actually burying most of her gray hair with that style of hers. She was also going to be a red herring for the mole, Arthur was supposed to start grilling Molly on the obvious improbability of her being the mole, when Molly started to back down Grimshaw was then supposed to execute her and act really insistent on Molly being the mole. She was actually supposed to also be jealous of Molly and Mary-Beth because Dutch basically only liked younger women that he used to prove he was attractive. Rather than actually loving them.
  76. You were originally able to get Mare's Leg repeaters instead of volcanic repeaters but we would have had to given you specially made holsters that were too big for any of the other sidearms. or it would clip through them so we used the volcanic instead despite it being really rare. The volcanic/Mare's Leg itself was supposed to use repeater ammo instead of pistol ammo like a sawed off shotgun uses shotgun ammo despite being a sidearm.
  77. The Sea of Coranado, and the southern parts of the Lannahechee river below Saint Denis were supposed to be saltwater with their own unique fish. this was change because the biomes didn't fit very well since the river flows into flat iron lake, which is freshwater.
  78. You originally had to collect matches to light cigarettes and dynamite and such. you'd get them in sets of 50 or 250 and most businesses had matchbooks you could collect that they'd give you 20 for free. so you didn't run out of them pretty much ever. you didn't need them to start a campfire as you could use flint and steel but you had to button mash if you used the flint and steel instead of matches.
  79. You were supposed to be able to go into first person in the bath. if you paid the maid to bathe you, you could see down her top and see her nipples. that homely older maid you can find at Van Horton was intentionally given significantly larger breasts than the younger ones to compensate for her not being as pretty or young. Also you'd see Arthur or John's butt and there was a movie of them undressing and getting dressed at the beginning and end of the bath.
  80. There was a lot more options for neckwear, you could also close your jacket and get waist belts instead of suspenders.
  81. Crafted clothing had a lot more options and variations. Basically instead of the system in game where you just craft preset clothing you actually had a system where you chose the skins you wanted on certain parts of a clothing item you could buy normally. So you could get a jacket made out of whatever type of skin you wanted. Similarly you could get custom made clothes at the tailor but only out of materials they had on hand like wool and leather.
This covers a portion of the cut content for the game but there's a lot more. I could probably write for days about this but i'm running out of character space on here.


  1. #1 should be retooled into rdr3 ;)

  2. Until you show us some credentials and legitimate proof that you worked at Rockstar then I'm going to take everything you said as false.

  3. Are we really supposed to believe that a game that doesn't even show your own character's ass when he's taking a bath had *on-screen* scenes of gang rape, castrations, child abuse, and other shit? Really? Even Manhunt doesn't go that far.

    I highly doubt that this most of this stuff was even considered or planned for in the first place, let alone being fully written, motion captured, scripted, voice acted, and then completely removed from the game.

    All the weird stuff in this leak reads more like some sort of f*cked up wish list than real cut content. I think the "Rockstar developer" that spun this yarn should probably go talk to a therapist.

  4. Replies
    1. Using "get a job" as an insult is so fucking stupid. Are your parents brother and sister or did your mom just conceive you with a goat?

  5. I personally find this totally believable and feel like this explains a lot of changed/cut content.

    Maybe it's just me but I would love to hear from this person again, on more cut content. Because we already know there's so much more than what he has outlined here.

    Like how Frank Heck originally fit into the Gunslinger arc...

  6. This is so fake lmao

  7. You had me until the Charles part

  8. Stupid ass "fanfic", if you can even call this.

  9. Coming back to this, a lot of this weirdly checks out for some rando. Especially with what we've found in 2's files. I imagine some of the more extreme content, especially with the kkk and child stuff, was just a working idea of events in a document even before it got to animators and modelers.

    Really its just Sadie's gangrape that was allegedly animated that takes me out of the whole thing. RDR2 is a bit too classy for that. Then I remember that Rockstar makes this series and that's totally something they'd do to shock you. Seems like the tone was a lot rougher in the early stages of development.

    Put me down as a "maybe this is true"

    1. maybe we could ask sadie voice actor if this was true
