Thursday, August 3, 2017

Are video games actually worth $60?

  1. Boards
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. Are video games actually worth $60?
ziggy7900 1 day ago#1
plus tax?
Mirage13 1 day ago#2
To me they are.
If it is short then no but a game like say Witcher 3 then yes.
Gamefaqs you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
Ju-Ku 1 day ago#4
Some of them are, not all.
Depends, it always surprises me how many people buy videogames and never get past the first 10% of the game, apparently they still thought enough of it to fork over 60 bones.... So yea? Remember it takes a lot of work to make a game, even though I think a lot of the budget is wasted on testing that could be done internally
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.
It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
Anything over 4 hours with replayability has the potential to be. It doesn't need to be 100+ either though.
Agent_Ace 1 day ago#8
Depends on the game entirely. Definitely not a standard price that is supposed to apply for all games.
KI11AK 1 day ago#9
Yes, but im afflicted with the ability to enjoy my hobby
Video game haters on a video game message board.....LoL
Now Enjoying; Jessica, Friday the 13th
Some are worth 60, some aren't. Choose wisely.
"When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger." - Confucius
ziggy7900 1 day ago#11
ArsenicSteel posted...
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

You're probably just mad that you wasted money on a $60 game :-)
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

You're probably just mad that you wasted money on a $60 game :-)

I am a GCU member so every $60 retail game only costs me 48 bucks before other discounts. I have yet to spend $60 on a game in over 5 years.

The point still is that it's dumb to debate about value. No cyberchat is going to make you right or wrong for spending your own money.

I can buy a game and not like it. Such is life.
It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
ziggy7900 1 day ago#13
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

You're probably just mad that you wasted money on a $60 game :-)

I am a GCU member so every $60 retail game only costs me 48 bucks before other discounts. I have yet to spend $60 on a game in over 5 years.

The point still is that it's dumb to debate about value. No cyberchat is going to make you right or wrong for spending your own money.

I can buy a game and not like it. Such is life.

I'm talking about the general public, not special snowflakes like you who get their games on a discount. Your argument is invalid.
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

You're probably just mad that you wasted money on a $60 game :-)

I am a GCU member so every $60 retail game only costs me 48 bucks before other discounts. I have yet to spend $60 on a game in over 5 years.

The point still is that it's dumb to debate about value. No cyberchat is going to make you right or wrong for spending your own money.

I can buy a game and not like it. Such is life.

I'm talking about the general public, not special snowflakes like you who get their games on a discount. Your argument is invalid.

You can't even get your comments straight.
Slowdown. Think. Read. Think. Do not post.
It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
ArkonBlade 1 day ago#15
very, very few are worth $60 to me personally.

Normally I always wait till the price is under $40 or less.
YouTube Channel
PSN - ArkonBlade XBL - The Wolf Shadow STEAM - ArkonBlade
ohiei 1 day ago#16
foe me depends on the game, if it can give me more than 60h of playtime it's worth it.
so basically for me only rpgs are ever worth it and tekken 7 just because i play it with friends

gta v
persona 5
disgaea 5
witcher 3 (bought for 30 tho)
pokemon for 3ds even tho its 45€
those are some of the games that were worth full price for me
Pokemon FC: 2380-6944-4358
It also depends how you value your money, for a poor student 60 bucks is a lot of money, for someone with plenty of disposable income getting 12 hours of entertainment for 60 bucks is a pretty decent investment.
Poet Eliot had it all wrong....
Vietnamese Dong >>> US Duller

Mero: "Show me your ***t. I want to see if it's worth fighting for."
ziggy7900 1 day ago#19
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

You're probably just mad that you wasted money on a $60 game :-)

I am a GCU member so every $60 retail game only costs me 48 bucks before other discounts. I have yet to spend $60 on a game in over 5 years.

The point still is that it's dumb to debate about value. No cyberchat is going to make you right or wrong for spending your own money.

I can buy a game and not like it. Such is life.

I'm talking about the general public, not special snowflakes like you who get their games on a discount. Your argument is invalid.

You can't even get your comments straight.
Slowdown. Think. Read. Think. Do not post.

Snowflakes like you think that they are special because you brown nose the game store employees doing god knows what to get a "discount". Please go find a safe space somewhere else
Jay_Souls 1 day ago#20
I like really good beer and I'll pay what it takes to get that good quality beer. And if I enjoy the shit out of that good quality beer... I'll continue to purchase that brew or brews like it.

There's times when you try a beer that is just not up to your standards of what you want to drink, so, you don't buy that beer next time.

I have a similar process with games I purchase.

I have no issues purchasing games for $60. I understand it takes a lot to create a game and I have much respect for that process. But there's certain games that I won't spend $60 on .... so I don't. Videos, reviews and game rentals help with saving money on a game that would be a waste and that I wouldn't play.
"Sex: sure, it can be fun alone, but it's more fun in a group, when people bring drugs." - KDTProjekt
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

You're probably just mad that you wasted money on a $60 game :-)

I am a GCU member so every $60 retail game only costs me 48 bucks before other discounts. I have yet to spend $60 on a game in over 5 years.

The point still is that it's dumb to debate about value. No cyberchat is going to make you right or wrong for spending your own money.

I can buy a game and not like it. Such is life.

I'm talking about the general public, not special snowflakes like you who get their games on a discount. Your argument is invalid.

You can't even get your comments straight.
Slowdown. Think. Read. Think. Do not post.

Snowflakes like you think that they are special because you brown nose the game store employees doing god knows what to get a "discount". Please go find a safe space somewhere else

There you go not thinking again. Trying dealing with reality and stop making up lies to make yourself feel good. Your topic is trash and you need to use a new account to post. Guess that's your safe place.
It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
Nok_Su_Kow 1 day ago#22
Can you afford to do something within your budget and do you have strong affinity for it? Then yes, it's worth it. And if it's part of your social circle or work interests, you'll want to buy into it sooner than later.

There's also something to be said of being frugal if games aren't a priority type of hobby.
ReD_ToMaTo 1 day ago#23
kyncani 1 day ago#24
ArsenicSteel posted...
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

Games in the 90's used to cost more than 60 bucks and this was when the IS dollar had a lot more value to it. Street Fighter 2 retailed at like 70 bucks, Phantasy Star 4 was like 100 etc etc. Back then how much data the game had to it determined the price of it but nowadays its jsut a flat price for the base game itself and then there is DLC etc etc which will make the full game ever more in most cases.
Put on a smile cause Jesus loves you
Blitz_kid_ 1 day ago#26
Some games are. If you dig a little you can find games for much much cheaper...
Final Fantasy XV is a terrible game with awful characters
(edited 1 day ago)quote
Babbit55 1 day ago#27
Ok let us use maths.

Blu - Ray / DVD at release $10 - $15 (Let us use 10 for easy of maths)
Average running time 2 hours.
Average times watched (cannot put a figure on this so will say 3)
Total time :- 6 hours
Total cost:- $10

Cost to enjoyment DVD - $10 / 6 hours = $1.66 per hour

Game - $60
Average running time 1 - 1000+ hours (Let us just say 100 hours for easy maths)

Cost to enjoyment Game - $60 / 100 = $0.6 per hour

So the more you play a game, the better value it becomes unlike other forms of entertainment that generally may get used once or only a couple of times and don't have the same kind of returns
Babbit55 posted...
Ok let us use maths.

Blu - Ray / DVD at release $10 - $15 (Let us use 10 for easy of maths)
Average running time 2 hours.
Average times watched (cannot put a figure on this so will say 3)
Total time :- 6 hours
Total cost:- $10

Cost to enjoyment DVD - $10 / 6 hours = $1.66 per hour

Game - $60
Average running time 1 - 1000+ hours (Let us just say 100 hours for easy maths)

Cost to enjoyment Game - $60 / 100 = $0.6 per hour

So the more you play a game, the better value it becomes unlike other forms of entertainment that generally may get used once or only a couple of times and don't have the same kind of returns

News flash! Blue Ray movies do not cost 10-15 dollars, try more like 25-30
Put on a smile cause Jesus loves you
(edited 1 day ago)quote
Babbit55 1 day ago#29
Fade2black001 posted...
Babbit55 posted...
Ok let us use maths.

Blu - Ray / DVD at release $10 - $15 (Let us use 10 for easy of maths)
Average running time 2 hours.
Average times watched (cannot put a figure on this so will say 3)
Total time :- 6 hours
Total cost:- $10

Cost to enjoyment DVD - $10 / 6 hours = $1.66 per hour

Game - $60
Average running time 1 - 1000+ hours (Let us just say 100 hours for easy maths)

Cost to enjoyment Game - $60 / 100 = $0.6 per hour

So the more you play a game, the better value it becomes unlike other forms of entertainment that generally may get used once or only a couple of times and don't have the same kind of returns

News flash! Blue Ray movies do not cost 10-15 dollars, try more like 25-30

You do realise that just makes the comparison even starker right? Either way I don't know the full costs for the US as I am in the UK, here they tend to cost about 10 - 15 on release
Babbit55 posted...
Fade2black001 posted...
Babbit55 posted...
Ok let us use maths.

Blu - Ray / DVD at release $10 - $15 (Let us use 10 for easy of maths)
Average running time 2 hours.
Average times watched (cannot put a figure on this so will say 3)
Total time :- 6 hours
Total cost:- $10

Cost to enjoyment DVD - $10 / 6 hours = $1.66 per hour

Game - $60
Average running time 1 - 1000+ hours (Let us just say 100 hours for easy maths)

Cost to enjoyment Game - $60 / 100 = $0.6 per hour

So the more you play a game, the better value it becomes unlike other forms of entertainment that generally may get used once or only a couple of times and don't have the same kind of returns

News flash! Blue Ray movies do not cost 10-15 dollars, try more like 25-30

You do realise that just makes the comparison even starker right? Either way I don't know the full costs for the US as I am in the UK, here they tend to cost about 10 - 15 on release

oh OK and yes it makes your point even stronger
Put on a smile cause Jesus loves you
ziggy7900 1 day ago#31
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

You're probably just mad that you wasted money on a $60 game :-)

I am a GCU member so every $60 retail game only costs me 48 bucks before other discounts. I have yet to spend $60 on a game in over 5 years.

The point still is that it's dumb to debate about value. No cyberchat is going to make you right or wrong for spending your own money.

I can buy a game and not like it. Such is life.

I'm talking about the general public, not special snowflakes like you who get their games on a discount. Your argument is invalid.

You can't even get your comments straight.
Slowdown. Think. Read. Think. Do not post.

Snowflakes like you think that they are special because you brown nose the game store employees doing god knows what to get a "discount". Please go find a safe space somewhere else

There you go not thinking again. Trying dealing with reality and stop making up lies to make yourself feel good. Your topic is trash and you need to use a new account to post. Guess that's your safe place.

You are mad because my topic is getting replies and yours isn't. Go find your safe space and cry there. Crybaby
Most of the games I buy are worth the recommended retail price. They're probably worth more to be fair. Like shillinator will tell you: Prices of games have not increased, but developmental costs have. This is true therefore most AAA budget games should be retailed at a higher price.

It's because of you cheapo's that arn't willing to pay full price for your favourite games that we get stuck with developers trying to milk us for every possible dime.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, manThe Dude
Mine isn't? I wasn't aware that I made a topic. This topic can reach 500 but it will still be utter nonsense.
It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
ziggy7900 1 day ago#34
ArsenicSteel posted...
Mine isn't? I wasn't aware that I made a topic. This topic can reach 500 but it will still be utter nonsense.

Still crying in a corner? You got owned a long time ago. Run along now child
j-tcc 1 day ago#35
Some are worth more.
ziggy7900 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
Mine isn't? I wasn't aware that I made a topic. This topic can reach 500 but it will still be utter nonsense.

Still crying in a corner? You got owned a long time ago. Run along now child

You do need to read and use your brain.
It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
one of the easiest ways to spot a troll is when they post a topic like this and then proceed to ignore all thought out responses in favor of just talking shit with someone --- ps4 board group picture
PaulFoster 1 day ago#38
very VERY few imo.

only two this year have been worth every penny imo. Horizon Zero Dawn and Elite Dangerous.
Another visitor, Stay a while, Staaaaay FOREVER!
Some are and some aren't. That's why some games I buy as soon as they are released and others I wait till the price drops.
Babbit55 1 day ago#40
Master Alien posted...
one of the easiest ways to spot a troll is when they post a topic like this and then proceed to ignore all thought out responses in favor of just talking shit with someone

Yeah, tell me about it
To me, yes, very much.

Look at it this way, in England you can buy a new Blu Ray release for around £20 which could be 1.5 - 3 hours long, you can watch it a few times, but never changes and you have no control over it.

A game will cost from £25 - £50 and could last many any hours which gives you full interaction too. As an example, I paid £30 for Overwatch and have put over 200 hours into and it cost me just £10 more than a Blu Ray.
{}xxxxxxxxxxx{}::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> 'Pokey Pokey, Stab Stab'
Abrey1985 1 day ago#42
Different games are worth different amounts to different people. Some people don't care how much games are. If they wanted it they buy it. Some have a budget and have to figure their budget into the purchase. For me a single parent a 4 who struggles at times, I rarely buy a game at 60$. I usually buy them for 30 or less. Obviously there are exceptions. But all in all I prefer to buy used disks. At gamestop if you dont like the game you can swap it oit for another used game of the same price but they only give you so many days.
psn: abrey1985
GXL_Leon 1 day ago#43
95% of the time, NOT!
I play Killer Instinct 3... on my pc... With a PS3 Controller.

But im biased. As a collector, I have spent well over 200 bucks just for a game that released years ago. I just recently spent around 90 bucks for a bluray of a movie I have seen countless times.

But it was absolutely worth it and I would do it again, and again. And will. Watch me.
GT: xHuckleberry --- PSN: yafeelme ---- Steam: xhuckleberry(IM YER HUCKLEBERRY)
>Living proof of a dying dream.
rafamaximo 1 day ago#45
Honestly, it's not a game duration that adds value to it. For me, any game is hardly worth 60 bucks today, because they are likely to be launched incomplete and sometimes even broken, only to be fixed on the upcoming months through several GBs worth of downloading patches.

So I do what I've been doing since PS3 days... I wait a few weeks or even months to buy games. By then, all problems it had during launch are likely to be fixed and probably prices will have dropped as well.
Insert funny / cool / original / meaningful quote here.
Alltra 1 day ago#46
Not today, not when they aren't even released finished.
The meaning of life is to suffer and be miserable.
Online is the worst thing to happen to gaming.
tenpowers 1 day ago#47
Funny how this whole "$60" thing didn't really start until this gen.
Games nowdays have way more content so its 60 bucks is a bargain. I bought Division and all DLC and put like 400 hours
Death Road to Canada = 10/10
Alltra 1 day ago#49
It was going on last gen too. It really started to pick up steam right around the time DLC and patches started becoming the standard condition.
The meaning of life is to suffer and be miserable.
Online is the worst thing to happen to gaming.
HolyX 1 day ago#50
I normally pick out 3 games a year that I will spend 60 dollars for as for others for other games that I want, I wait for price drop..Example Attack on Titan, I figured that game would have dropped from 60 to 30 within a month...Well, I was wrong it's still like 40 dollars........Bad move on my part. So i waited it out for Star Ocean, now it's 14.99. Game that I think are worth it this year is Ys 8....and that's all that is on my radar
Theses are the chronicles of life and death
  1. Boards
  2. PlayStation 4 
  3. Are video games actually worth $60?
    1. Boards
    2. PlayStation 4
    3. Are video games actually worth $60?
    very few the last game I felt it was worth spending $60 on was persona 5 and horizon zero dawn meanwhile while I spent $60 on mass effect A cause I loved 2/3 and felt ripped off and burned on buying games day 1 in the future
    You release your game and it has disc locked content and day 1 dlc I will just buy your game used.
    A lot are worth more.
    I wonder if 'Deus Vult' would still be such a popular phrase in nerdom if they knew there was no 'v' sound in Latin.
    The market economy says most are worth that much right off the bat.
    pakathecat 1 day ago#54
    I know some people don't like this sort of comparison, but when I compare them to other things people spend entertainment money on, they tend to compare favorably for the time you get out of them. And, for me at least, how much I enjoy them. I enjoy theme parks and rides, and they are very different experiences of course, but the $60 I might spend to go to one (aside: just looked at Disney's, they are $122 adult now, damn) will result in about 9 hours total with much of it spent in lines and fighting crowds.
    ziggy7900 20 hours ago#55
    ArsenicSteel posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    ArsenicSteel posted...
    Mine isn't? I wasn't aware that I made a topic. This topic can reach 500 but it will still be utter nonsense.

    Still crying in a corner? You got owned a long time ago. Run along now child

    You do need to read and use your brain.

    Anyone who can read and use their brain can see that you are a crybaby that is mad that they got owned. Run along now snowflake
    trapking 20 hours ago#56
    Depends how many hours I'm getting out of the game, not including replaying the single player. A full campaign that is priced at 60 dollars should give me at least 20 hours of playtime. I like big games so more content, the more I'll pay. I generally buy games later than most, I'd rather pay around 20 bucks or less for most of my games, especially if they're short and lack replayability.
    PS4 crew
    psnshade71 20 hours ago#57
    ArsenicSteel posted...
    A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

    Classic gamefaqs shit posting.
    M'aiq is tired now, go bother someone else.
    Ultimaspirit 20 hours ago#58
    Considering the ever rising cost of video game development, then technically they're "worth" considerably more than we pay for them.
    Draconas_Lyrr 20 hours ago#59
    Value is subjective and is going to change depending on who you ask. Personally, I think games generally are worth the $60.
    Mohammed_Ahmad 20 hours ago#60
    90% of games are worth maybe $20 tops. I pray to Allah the prices get adjusted soon fairly.
    lions_rise 20 hours ago#61
    SamuraiSkillz posted...
    Depends, it always surprises me how many people buy videogames and never get past the first 10% of the game, apparently they still thought enough of it to fork over 60 bones.... So yea? Remember it takes a lot of work to make a game, even though I think a lot of the budget is wasted on testing that could be done internally

    How do you know people aren't getting past the first 10% of a game? Wheres the data to support that?
    I am the bone of my sword.
    PsychoWolfX 20 hours ago#62
    $60 isn't too bad.
    $80 +%15 Tax is criminal.
    Love conquers everything ... except knives, swords, axes, guns, spears, fists, rocks, strong gusts of wind, and/or dangerous wild animals.
    jdilladonuts 20 hours ago#63
    Yes, games and music albums are worth that much due to their infinite replay value. Movies, on the other hand, should be 10-15 bucks tops.
    RIP Prodigy
    highpost1388 20 hours ago#64
    I average about $30 for games. I buy on sale most of the time. The games I buy usually get me about 60 hours of play time. That's $0.50 per hour of entertainment. That's a deal that can't be beaten for my interests. The closest is reading books, but I generally read books in around 20 hours (for 500 pages) for let's say $5. That assumes an older book of course. Most of my books are actually between 10-17 since I read newer authors more. Then it evens out.
    Recently beat: Valkyria Chronicles, FFXV, Rogue Galaxy, Persona 4&5, Pokemon Y
    Playing: Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, DQ8, Life is Strange, ESO
    jdilladonuts 20 hours ago#65
    lions_rise posted...
    SamuraiSkillz posted...
    Depends, it always surprises me how many people buy videogames and never get past the first 10% of the game, apparently they still thought enough of it to fork over 60 bones.... So yea? Remember it takes a lot of work to make a game, even though I think a lot of the budget is wasted on testing that could be done internally

    How do you know people aren't getting past the first 10% of a game? Wheres the data to support that?

    You can somewhat go off of the trophy/achievement data. Most people don't complete the single player portion of games.
    RIP Prodigy
    WTGHookshot 20 hours ago#66
    jdilladonuts posted...
    Yes, games and music albums are worth that much due to their infinite replay value. Movies, on the other hand, should be 10-15 bucks tops.

    How do music and games have infinite replay value but movies do not, in your books?
    WTGHookshot 20 hours ago#67
    "Worth" is entirely subjective. So for some people, yes, games are worth $60. For others, they are not. Simple as that.
    SnakePlisken94 20 hours ago#68
    No game is worth 60 to me.

    I am a patient person,I can wait.I picked up horizon zd just now for 34euro.
    just your typical butthurt basement dweller
    mirage_004 20 hours ago#69
    Ju-Ku posted...
    Some of them are, not all.
    Need a new signature here.
    SneakiestNeg 19 hours ago#70
    That's for you to decide. That's how capitalism works no?
    CRIMSON-XIII 19 hours ago#71
    amazon prime has them day 1 delivery for $47.99 for standard editions. heck, i got COD IW with MW1 last year for 55$ with prime.

    games are totally worth that. and titles like crash bandicoot and uncharted lost legacy are like 30 bucks, ff12hd was 40 for me. my wallet thanks me
    anytime Gordon Ramsey cooks meat, he always serves it raw. are you guys serious?
    Jaime_Benn 19 hours ago#72
    Games cost more to make than ever. There should had been a price increase this gen, but there would be an outcry. To me though, I'm cheap and actually buy games once they like $40 or below. I'll only buy games for full price if I'm really hyped for it.
    NicoGrimm 19 hours ago#73
    Some are worth more. Some are worth far less.
    How dare the Gods work against me! I don't remember giving them permission.
    HajimeNoIppo 19 hours ago#74
    If you enjoyed it, then yes.
    ziggy7900 18 hours ago#75
    psnshade71 posted...
    ArsenicSteel posted...
    A value debate from a new user. Goodie.

    Classic gamefaqs shit posting.

    What's your dad like?
    jdilladonuts 18 hours ago#76
    WTGHookshot posted...
    jdilladonuts posted...
    Yes, games and music albums are worth that much due to their infinite replay value. Movies, on the other hand, should be 10-15 bucks tops.

    How do music and games have infinite replay value but movies do not, in your books?

    For games, I could stick to a good multiplayer due to its rewarding, dynamic nature.

    With music albums, I can listen while driving, working out, chilling at the park, walking to class, etc. I find myself replaying classic albums more than I do classic movies.

    But with movies, it becomes redundant for me to re-watch a movie frequently. I already know the plot. I might catch on to some of the nuances I missed before, but that alone is not worth it for me to watch a 2-hour film that essentially never changes. Again though, this is just my opinion. lol
    RIP Prodigy
    SaveRem 18 hours ago#77
    No a lil bit less
    megaman1376 18 hours ago#78
    nope i try to buy them at 30 usd phisycal and at 15 usd digital (5 usd indies)
    KanyeEast 18 hours ago#79
    Jaime_Benn posted...
    Games cost more to make than ever. There should had been a price increase this gen, but there would be an outcry. To me though, I'm cheap and actually buy games once they like $40 or below. I'll only buy games for full price if I'm really hyped for it.

    Games in a way still do cost more, dlc is a furtive way to get more money out of your games, so while we haven't seen a solid price increase, game devs still have ways to make more bread from their customers. Also, in the generations before, if you want to release a game, you would make sure that it is as polised as possible, because updates weren't as convenient. But now, we see content being added to games months after launch, so games technically aren't finished on release. There's always a way to compensate for something like this.
    Jaime_Benn 17 hours ago#80
    KanyeEast posted...
    Jaime_Benn posted...
    Games cost more to make than ever. There should had been a price increase this gen, but there would be an outcry. To me though, I'm cheap and actually buy games once they like $40 or below. I'll only buy games for full price if I'm really hyped for it.

    Games in a way still do cost more, dlc is a furtive way to get more money out of your games, so while we haven't seen a solid price increase, game devs still have ways to make more bread from their customers. Also, in the generations before, if you want to release a game, you would make sure that it is as polised as possible, because updates weren't as convenient. But now, we see content being added to games months after launch, so games technically aren't finished on release. There's always a way to compensate for something like this.

    Good point. And DLC is probably more a direct way of getting profits compared to having to ship games to retailers.
    PS4TW 17 hours ago#81
    there are much worse ways to spend 60 bucks.
    some people spend 60 bucks to watch a 2 hour baseball game or UFC ppv
    a videogame you get 60 hours of entertainment with is well worth 60 bucks IMO
    My top 10 PS4 games = FFX HD, The Last of Us Remastered, Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5, Yakuza 0, FF12 HD, Until Dawn, Journey.
    ShELbY_GT500 17 hours ago#82
    Master Alien posted...
    one of the easiest ways to spot a troll is when they post a topic like this and then proceed to ignore all thought out responses in favor of just talking shit with someone

    Also there's you. The kind of troll that ignores what the topic is about in favour of complaining about trolls...
    Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, manThe Dude
    ziggy7900 posted...
    plus tax?

    the video game industry is a billion+ dollar business, and growing every year.

    if people are paying $60 for their games, then yes, it is worth it.
    acne on your face, acne on my shirt bro.
    ziggy7900 16 hours ago#84
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    plus tax?

    the video game industry is a billion+ dollar business, and growing every year.

    if people are paying $60 for their games, then yes, it is worth it.

    Just because people are forced to pay money for something to them it might not be entirely worth it. If I banged your mom and told you that you have to pay to raise my child, would you do it? Or would you just accept that I banged your mom and move on?
    (edited 16 hours ago)quote
    ziggy7900 posted...
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    plus tax?

    the video game industry is a billion+ dollar business, and growing every year.

    if people are paying $60 for their games, then yes, it is worth it.

    Just because people are forced to pay money for something to them it might not be entirely worth it. If I banged your mom and told you that you have to pay to raise my child, would you do it? Or would you just accept that I banged your mom and move on?

    really, that's your example?

    please get the fuck off of gamefaqs and never return.
    acne on your face, acne on my shirt bro.
    (edited 16 hours ago)quote
    ziggy7900 16 hours ago#86
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    plus tax?

    the video game industry is a billion+ dollar business, and growing every year.

    if people are paying $60 for their games, then yes, it is worth it.

    Just because people are forced to pay money for something to them it might not be entirely worth it. If I banged your mom and told you that you have to pay to raise my child, would you do it? Or would you just accept that I banged your mom and move on?

    really, that's your example?

    please get the fuck off of gamefaqs and never return.

    No, really I'm being serious here. Just because people are forced to pay for something doesn't mean universally that it is actually worth the investment. If I banged your mom, you probably wouldn't find the worth in paying for my child, so you would probably just accept it and move on. It's simple economics
    (edited 16 hours ago)quote
    ziggy7900 posted...
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    plus tax?

    the video game industry is a billion+ dollar business, and growing every year.

    if people are paying $60 for their games, then yes, it is worth it.

    Just because people are forced to pay money for something to them it might not be entirely worth it. If I banged your mom and told you that you have to pay to raise my child, would you do it? Or would you just accept that I banged your mom and move on?

    really, that's your example?

    please get the fuck off of gamefaqs and never return.

    No, really I'm being serious here. Just because people are forced to pay for something doesn't mean universally that it is actually worth the investment. If I banged your mom, you probably wouldn't find the worth in paying for my child, so you would probably just accept it and move on. It's simple economics

    video games are a hobby. you are not forced to pay for damn dingo.
    acne on your face, acne on my shirt bro.
    InfinityOver0 15 hours ago#88
    Most of them, no. $40 is a fair price for most of them, $50 for AAA ones
    Knowledge without power is wasteful, power without knowledge is dangerous
    (edited 15 hours ago)quote
    skermac 15 hours ago#89
    imo no game is worth that mucj, but it you want to play you gotta pay. I don't see why I can pay $8 to see a movie that costs more to make than a game, but $60 for a game that was cheaper to make than a movie
    To the edge of the universe and back, endure and survive
    Nihilist4Life 15 hours ago#90
    Is anything really worth anything?
    Platinum #94 - Marvel Heroes Omega
    InfinityOver0 15 hours ago#91
    Nihilist4Life posted...
    Is anything really worth anything?

    Everything is worth what you are willing to pay for it. I know, mind = blown
    Knowledge without power is wasteful, power without knowledge is dangerous
    Rhinomaster22 15 hours ago#92
    For the effort put into making games, yes.

    For the quality to worth value, varies.
    (edited 15 hours ago)quote
    kuter 15 hours ago#93
    They could be worth way more. With how much game usually cost to make...need a minimum of 1m sale to recoup the base of the cost.
    Byakuren 15 hours ago#94
    TB12 - One for the thumb
    KanyeEast 15 hours ago#95
    skermac posted...
    imo no game is worth that mucj, but it you want to play you gotta pay. I don't see why I can pay $8 to see a movie that costs more to make than a game, but $60 for a game that was cheaper to make than a movie

    Movies are more of a one time experience. And actually owning a movie can be close in cost to a game.
    link0316 14 hours ago#96
    The games that are worth it to me, absolutely.
    The Final Fantasy XIII series are good games, but weak Final Fantasies.
    ziggy7900 14 hours ago#97
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    NaturalCalamity posted...
    ziggy7900 posted...
    plus tax?

    the video game industry is a billion+ dollar business, and growing every year.

    if people are paying $60 for their games, then yes, it is worth it.

    Just because people are forced to pay money for something to them it might not be entirely worth it. If I banged your mom and told you that you have to pay to raise my child, would you do it? Or would you just accept that I banged your mom and move on?

    really, that's your example?

    please get the fuck off of gamefaqs and never return.

    No, really I'm being serious here. Just because people are forced to pay for something doesn't mean universally that it is actually worth the investment. If I banged your mom, you probably wouldn't find the worth in paying for my child, so you would probably just accept it and move on. It's simple economics

    video games are a hobby. you are not forced to pay for damn dingo.

    Video games are a form of entertainment that requires you to pay for it if you want to have it whenever you want. pea brain
    Give grandma a kiss on the lips!
    Rand_Aybara 14 hours ago#98
    Yeah, that's only a couple hours of work
    lazer_lice 14 hours ago#99
    ziggy7900 posted...
    plus tax?

    No. These clowns that fall for what developers say though will tell you otherwise.
    tr1bes 14 hours ago#100
    60$ is nothing. I pay $45 for Contra on the NES in 1987. That would be worth 98$ as of today. Also it only takes about 45 min game time to finish the game. So stop whining about the price of game with a short amount of play time.
    Good to be a gamer. Proud to be owner of NES, SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, 360, PS1-4, 3ds, GBA, psp, Switch
    (edited 14 hours ago)quote
    1. Boards
    2. PlayStation 4 
    3. Are video games actually worth $60?
      1. Boards
      2. PlayStation 4
      3. Are video games actually worth $60?
      KJP3 13 hours ago#101
      Depends, if you can't wait them of course. I don't think every game is worth the 60 dollar price tag but there's lots of ways to get a game for 20% off at launch.
      The Earth is flat and Dinosaurs were made up to discourage time travel.
      With the way TC uses the stupidly overused term "snowflake" and his/her frequent insults at everyone, i can only picture them wearing a MAGA hat, frothing at the mouth as they reply.
      tombrady3to1 13 hours ago#103
      Not usually
      I'd rather lose for free than pay to win.
      ab2c4 13 hours ago#104
      The great majority of them aren't to me, but there are usually 2-3 per year that are. Then again even new release games I only pay $48 for on Amazon with Prime membership.
      ziggy7900 posted...
      NaturalCalamity posted...
      ziggy7900 posted...
      NaturalCalamity posted...
      ziggy7900 posted...
      NaturalCalamity posted...
      ziggy7900 posted...
      plus tax?

      the video game industry is a billion+ dollar business, and growing every year.

      if people are paying $60 for their games, then yes, it is worth it.

      Just because people are forced to pay money for something to them it might not be entirely worth it. If I banged your mom and told you that you have to pay to raise my child, would you do it? Or would you just accept that I banged your mom and move on?

      really, that's your example?

      please get the fuck off of gamefaqs and never return.

      No, really I'm being serious here. Just because people are forced to pay for something doesn't mean universally that it is actually worth the investment. If I banged your mom, you probably wouldn't find the worth in paying for my child, so you would probably just accept it and move on. It's simple economics

      video games are a hobby. you are not forced to pay for damn dingo.

      Video games are a form of entertainment that requires you to pay for it if you want to have it whenever you want. pea brain

      you just repeated what i said...
      acne on your face, acne on my shirt bro.
      dankanefan 13 hours ago#106
      Some, yes. Others, no. And I don't mean this subjectively. I mean it objectively. Games like GTA V and the Call of Duty series, yes. If you like these games, you'll get well over $60 worth out of them. A game like Cars 3? No way. Should have been $20. GOTY games should also be less than $60 on launch. Having a standard price is stupid.
      Sac City Gamer -
      QueenLUCiNA 12 hours ago#107
      I'd argue that there are many games that I'd pay over $60 for. Providing me with 100s of hours of entertainment and at the same time being a result of many people's hard work definitely makes games worth it to me.
      Currently Playing: Xenoblade Chronicles
      Cobra1010 12 hours ago#108
      I spent full rrp on no mans sky.

      its got to be easily my biggest regret purchase my whole life
      c_sunset 12 hours ago#109
      Nope. They are all worth $0.
      ziggy7900 11 hours ago#110
      @NaturalCalamity If your mom is a prostitute, I would pay her for her services, she would be a service I would be paying for for a set amount of time. I don't think she would give me her services for free, same concept for buying a video game. You give the money and are given a service you can use at your own discretion, whichever way you want. It isn't a "hobby", and even with hobbies you usually pay for them anyway. You like drawing? Gotta buy some drawing supplies and paper.
      Give grandma a kiss on the lips!
      (edited 11 hours ago)quote
      ShELbY_GT500 6 hours ago#111
      ziggy7900 posted...
      @NaturalCalamity If your mom is a prostitute, I would pay her for her services, she would be a service I would be paying for for a set amount of time. I don't think she would give me her services for free, same concept for buying a video game. You give the money and are given a service you can use at your own discretion, whichever way you want. It isn't a "hobby", and even with hobbies you usually pay for them anyway. You like drawing? Gotta buy some drawing supplies and paper.

      Gaming most certainly is a hobby. I mean I know you're trolling but what I'm trying to work out is: Are you intellectually challenged or just deliberately acting intellectually challenged?

      Also who's taking bets on how long TC's alt account will last?

      I'm predicting a week at TC's rate of idiocy.
      Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, manThe Dude
      Master Alien 6 hours ago#112
      ShELbY_GT500 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      one of the easiest ways to spot a troll is when they post a topic like this and then proceed to ignore all thought out responses in favor of just talking shit with someone

      Also there's you. The kind of troll that ignores what the topic is about in favour of complaining about trolls...

      i can see why someone like you would think that. you have been guilty of doing the same thing tc is doing in the past --- ps4 board group picture
      Master Alien posted...
      ShELbY_GT500 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      one of the easiest ways to spot a troll is when they post a topic like this and then proceed to ignore all thought out responses in favor of just talking shit with someone

      Also there's you. The kind of troll that ignores what the topic is about in favour of complaining about trolls...

      i can see why someone like you would think that. you have been guilty of doing the same thing tc is doing in the past

      He's still right, though.
      "HZD is buttery smooth at 30fps" -Sony fanboy.
      Master Alien 5 hours ago#114
      SpinoRaptor24 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      ShELbY_GT500 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      one of the easiest ways to spot a troll is when they post a topic like this and then proceed to ignore all thought out responses in favor of just talking shit with someone

      Also there's you. The kind of troll that ignores what the topic is about in favour of complaining about trolls...

      i can see why someone like you would think that. you have been guilty of doing the same thing tc is doing in the past

      He's still right, though.

      lol you are probably the biggest offender of what i am talking about. so to sum it up, 2 people who do the same exact thing tc is doing have a problem with me pointing it out. imagine that. shelby cant even go a single topic without resorting to insulting the opposing sides intelligence. yea you two are really here for discussion. --- ps4 board group picture
      ShELbY_GT500 5 hours ago#115
      Master Alien posted...
      SpinoRaptor24 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      ShELbY_GT500 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      one of the easiest ways to spot a troll is when they post a topic like this and then proceed to ignore all thought out responses in favor of just talking shit with someone

      Also there's you. The kind of troll that ignores what the topic is about in favour of complaining about trolls...

      i can see why someone like you would think that. you have been guilty of doing the same thing tc is doing in the past

      He's still right, though.

      lol you are probably the biggest offender of what i am talking about. so to sum it up, 2 people who do the same exact thing tc is doing have a problem with me pointing it out. imagine that. shelby cant even go a single topic without resorting to insulting the opposing sides intelligence. yea you two are really here for discussion.

      Well I already put my 2 cents in earlier. TC is clearly trolling - like you pointed out. It's not like you;re here for discussion either. You have some weird hang up about trolls on this forum. The kicker, you're one of the biggest trolls here.
      Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, manThe Dude
      Master Alien 5 hours ago#116
      ShELbY_GT500 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      SpinoRaptor24 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      ShELbY_GT500 posted...
      Master Alien posted...
      one of the easiest ways to spot a troll is when they post a topic like this and then proceed to ignore all thought out responses in favor of just talking shit with someone

      Also there's you. The kind of troll that ignores what the topic is about in favour of complaining about trolls...

      i can see why someone like you would think that. you have been guilty of doing the same thing tc is doing in the past

      He's still right, though.

      lol you are probably the biggest offender of what i am talking about. so to sum it up, 2 people who do the same exact thing tc is doing have a problem with me pointing it out. imagine that. shelby cant even go a single topic without resorting to insulting the opposing sides intelligence. yea you two are really here for discussion.

      Well I already put my 2 cents in earlier. TC is clearly trolling - like you pointed out. It's not like you;re here for discussion either. You have some weird hang up about trolls on this forum. The kicker, you're one of the biggest trolls here.

      anyone who disagrees with you is a troll, shill, or stupid, amirite? --- ps4 board group picture
      ShELbY_GT500 5 hours ago#117

      All of the above for you mate.
      Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, manThe Dude
      Video games + all DLC that it has is worth 60 and no more.
      "I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
      Master Alien 5 hours ago#119
      ShELbY_GT500 posted...

      All of the above for you mate.

      keep it up with the petty insults, its really helping your case --- ps4 board group picture
      ShELbY_GT500 4 hours ago#120
      Master Alien posted...
      ShELbY_GT500 posted...

      All of the above for you mate.

      keep it up with the petty insults, its really helping your case

      Shut up
      Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, manThe Dude
      Dtoohey 3 hours ago#121
      Like any other good or service it's worth what people are willing to pay for it, so I'd say yes, at least for new games when they first come out.
      BabaBooey to ya all!
      OliverQueen 3 hours ago#122
      Some definitely are.
      You have failed this city
      ziggy7900 posted...
      @NaturalCalamity If your mom is a prostitute, I would pay her for her services, she would be a service I would be paying for for a set amount of time. I don't think she would give me her services for free, same concept for buying a video game. You give the money and are given a service you can use at your own discretion, whichever way you want. It isn't a "hobby", and even with hobbies you usually pay for them anyway. You like drawing? Gotta buy some drawing supplies and paper.

      lol come on, you can do better than this.
      acne on your face, acne on my shirt bro.
      Honkwoo86 1 hour ago#124
      They are to me i live near a club and if im in house i get bored pretty easy and go to club and i can spend anywhere from £30-70 a night in club so if i buy a game for £50 and it keeps me in house for a week im saving a fortune.

      Also its time i hate games like order 86 where its £50 for maybe 10 hours but i dont mind dropping £50 on a game that lasts me 40+ hours.

      Im currently playing warframe and to say its a free game im pretty impressed and ive sank over 100 hours into it and its free. I even decided to buy some cosmetic stuff in the game because i think the devs deserve some of my money for at least keeping me engaged for over 100 hours.
      gravy 51 minutes ago#125
      Not reading the whole topic, but it depends on what 60 dollars is worth to you.

      For some people, it takes 8-10 hours of work to make that much money after taxes, and for others it might be 3 hours of work. For me personally, a majority of games aren't worth 60 dollars.

      Like, for 60 dollars I can choose between a 10-15 hour game I might end up hating, a month of cell phone and internet, or 3/4 of my car insurance.

      Idk. I'm very frugal with how much money I feel I can spend on entertainment at the moment. Before I had bills to pay I would just throw my money at games/movies/whatever left and right, but now I'm picky. I usually wait to buy a game used or on sale lol. I think the last game I paid 60 dollars for was bloodborne when it got released.
      banjo03 40 minutes ago#126
      Not by a long shot.
      JRPG is the best gaming genre.
      KanyeEast 20 minutes ago#127
      LightningAce11 posted...
      Video games + all DLC that it has is worth 60 and no more.

      Agreed. Standard editions are generally about 80% of the content in a game, sometimes that is even less for games like Destiny. Now we are forced to pay $80+ for the full content of a game. It is sad to see what gaming has become now.

      Also, you're probably going to have to wait a while if you want a deal like the one you mentioned.
      El_Zaggy 20 minutes ago#128
      tbh I'm still surprised video games arent more expensive. prices barely went up for such a long long time.
      (edited 19 minutes ago)quote
      1. Boards
      2. PlayStation 4 
      3. Are video games actually worth $60?

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