Tuesday, August 1, 2017

SNES classic pre-order update

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  3. SNES classic pre-order update
Zurkon 11 hours ago#1

They will be available for pre-order late this month and a significant amount of additional systems will be shipped to stores. 

Still no exact date and I don't know what Nintendo's idea of a "significant amount" is, but it's good to hear they're making more nonetheless.
Cheater87 11 hours ago#2
rabbi_baby 10 hours ago#3
Nintendo has no excuse for producing low numbers of the thing after the NES classic debacle, other than they want to keep the media narrative of the hottest toy in town alive. Patently anti consumer, but that's par for the course for Nintendo.
i7 5820k (H100i v2) / Asus x99-a / 32gb DDR4 QC / EVGA 980 SC / 840 Pro 512gb + 1tb WD Black / HP 232 (Nvidia Surround)/ W10
Coffeebeanz 10 hours ago#4
rabbi_baby posted...
Nintendo has no excuse for producing low numbers of the thing after the NES classic debacle, other than they want to keep the media narrative of the hottest toy in town alive. Patently anti consumer, but that's par for the course for Nintendo.

Of course they have an excuse. They're deliberately doing it to increase Nintendo's perceived demand.
Physician [Internal Medicine]
Solar_Crimson 10 hours ago#5
Cheater87 posted...
I have an Amazon alert ready.

Those are notoriously unreliable.
Blue_Inigo 10 hours ago#6
Coffeebeanz posted...
rabbi_baby posted...
Nintendo has no excuse for producing low numbers of the thing after the NES classic debacle, other than they want to keep the media narrative of the hottest toy in town alive. Patently anti consumer, but that's par for the course for Nintendo.

Of course they have an excuse. They're deliberately doing it to increase Nintendo's perceived demand.

You two are silly for falling for this bulls***
"This is your last dance."
rabbi_baby 10 hours ago#7
Blue_Inigo posted...
Coffeebeanz posted...
rabbi_baby posted...
Nintendo has no excuse for producing low numbers of the thing after the NES classic debacle, other than they want to keep the media narrative of the hottest toy in town alive. Patently anti consumer, but that's par for the course for Nintendo.

Of course they have an excuse. They're deliberately doing it to increase Nintendo's perceived demand.

You two are silly for falling for this bulls***

So, Nintendo is just incompetent?
i7 5820k (H100i v2) / Asus x99-a / 32gb DDR4 QC / EVGA 980 SC / 840 Pro 512gb + 1tb WD Black / HP 232 (Nvidia Surround)/ W10
TheDarkCircle 10 hours ago#8
Blue_Inigo posted...
Coffeebeanz posted...
rabbi_baby posted...
Nintendo has no excuse for producing low numbers of the thing after the NES classic debacle, other than they want to keep the media narrative of the hottest toy in town alive. Patently anti consumer, but that's par for the course for Nintendo.

Of course they have an excuse. They're deliberately doing it to increase Nintendo's perceived demand.

You two are silly for falling for this bulls***

Yeah imagine believing companies aren't about making as much money as possible.
HypnoCoosh 10 hours ago#9
Who cares if Nintendo doesn't make enough?

I think Nintendo is smart for not flooding he market. Keep people thirsty don't drown them.

If you could walk into CVS and buy a mini Nintendo it would be so f***ing uncool it would be marketing suicide.
We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. - C.S. Lewis
rabbi_baby 10 hours ago#10
HypnoCoosh posted...
Who cares if Nintendo doesn't make enough?

The people who want to buy one, but can't because Nintendo didn't make enough.
i7 5820k (H100i v2) / Asus x99-a / 32gb DDR4 QC / EVGA 980 SC / 840 Pro 512gb + 1tb WD Black / HP 232 (Nvidia Surround)/ W10
Were_Wyrm 10 hours ago#11
The 29th according to the email I got from Walmart after they canceled my preorder.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
HypnoCoosh 10 hours ago#12
rabbi_baby posted...
HypnoCoosh posted...
Who cares if Nintendo doesn't make enough?

The people who want to buy one, but can't because Nintendo didn't make enough.

But they want one and that's what matters.
We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. - C.S. Lewis
rabbi_baby 10 hours ago#13
HypnoCoosh posted...
rabbi_baby posted...
HypnoCoosh posted...
Who cares if Nintendo doesn't make enough?

The people who want to buy one, but can't because Nintendo didn't make enough.

But they want one and that's what matters.

I guess nintendo likes pushing their potential customer base to emulators then. I'm sure the stockholders really love that plan.
i7 5820k (H100i v2) / Asus x99-a / 32gb DDR4 QC / EVGA 980 SC / 840 Pro 512gb + 1tb WD Black / HP 232 (Nvidia Surround)/ W10
Tanoomba 10 hours ago#14
rabbi_baby posted...
HypnoCoosh posted...
rabbi_baby posted...
HypnoCoosh posted...
Who cares if Nintendo doesn't make enough?

The people who want to buy one, but can't because Nintendo didn't make enough.

But they want one and that's what matters.

I guess nintendo likes pushing their potential customer base to emulators then.

They do. It's an absolute joke that GameCube games haven't been on the virtual console. The price of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance on the second hand market is what... 100 smackaroos?
HypnoCoosh 10 hours ago#15
Emulators are great for people but it's obviously not impacted the cost or residual value of their products.

People like to act like they know how to run their business better but it's obvious Nintendo is king of creating the "have to have it" syndrome.

I like the fact that things become hard to get and are rare. There are a million other things you walk past in a store because they are readily available and arer like "eh".

But you see a Nintendo mini on the shelf and just about s*** your pants. This. This is gold.
We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. - C.S. Lewis
rabbi_baby 10 hours ago#16
Nintendo is successful because they have nurtured a cult of anti consumer, pro corporate advocates.
i7 5820k (H100i v2) / Asus x99-a / 32gb DDR4 QC / EVGA 980 SC / 840 Pro 512gb + 1tb WD Black / HP 232 (Nvidia Surround)/ W10
Tanoomba 10 hours ago#17
HypnoCoosh posted...
Emulators are great for people but it's obviously not impacted the cost or residual value of their products.

People like to act like they know how to run their business better but it's obvious Nintendo is king of creating the "have to have it" syndrome.

I like the fact that things become hard to get and are rare. There are a million other things you walk past in a store because they are readily available and arer like "eh".

But you see a Nintendo mini on the shelf and just about s*** your pants. This. This is gold.

Orchestrated supply shortages make zero economical sense and only stand to benefit scalpers.
Coffeebeanz 10 hours ago#18
They make perfect economic sense when you have a more expensive alternate product that happens to be freely available during the shortage (Switch). Especially since Switch provides continued game sales revenue to Nintendo. The Classic consoles are just a one and done sale.
Physician [Internal Medicine]
Tanoomba 9 hours ago#19
Coffeebeanz posted...
They make perfect economic sense

No, they don't. Under any circumstance.

People want thing. There's not enough thing to satisfy all the people who want thing. Profit is lost.

This is basic economics.
HypnoCoosh 9 hours ago#20
Coffeebeanz posted...
They make perfect economic sense when you have a more expensive alternate product that happens to be freely available during the shortage (Switch). Especially since Switch provides continued game sales revenue to Nintendo. The Classic consoles are just a one and done sale.

The mini's are not their bread and butter.

Nintendo is classic for having shortages it's how they roll.

People complain but they still want it and buy it when they can. 

Don't like it don't support them that simple. Nintendo is a global company they don't need your support go buy something else with your money.
We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. - C.S. Lewis
Cheater87 posted...
I have an Amazon alert ready.

I have that, Target, Walmart, best buy, and maybe one more.
voldothegr8 9 hours ago#22
gatorsPENSbucs posted...
Cheater87 posted...
I have an Amazon alert ready.

I have that, Target, Walmart, best buy, and maybe one more.

You guys and every scalper out there lol
Oda break tracker 2017- 6 (2) 
Super Mario Maker Profile: 1237-0000-0073-02FE
by the time you get the alert, the item will already be sold out.

only chance to get it is to refresh the page every few seconds.
Zurkon 5 hours ago#24
Darkninja42 5 hours ago#25
Stupid question I'm sure, but when you pre-order something online, you have to put the full amount down upfront right? I've never done it online before
I'm far from high end, I just know what suits me.
Kolibri X 5 hours ago#26
Of course the only thing I'd want to buy from Nintendo in the last 20 years is under produced and the available only to people willing to pay top dollar to scalpers.
Platinum GameFAQs Member
NibeIungsnarf 5 hours ago#27
Zurkon posted...
a significant amount of additional systems will be shipped to stores.

Imagine believing this
I'll never get one without buying on secondary. BS but whatever
Jake Peralta: World's Grossest Pervert
(message deleted)
L0Z 5 hours ago#30
I'm confused. why aren't they just releasing these games as a single download on the switch
NibeIungsnarf 5 hours ago#31
L0Z posted...
I'm confused. why aren't they just releasing these games as a single download on the switch

Because nobody cares about the games, but about the nostalgia of playing them on a SNES (facsimile)
Duncanwii 4 hours ago#32
I read that places like Amazon and Best Buy are only allowing up to 2 pre-orders per IP this time around. That's good, should keep the market alive.
This is my year of Pokemon!
Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
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  3. SNES classic pre-order update

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