Thursday, August 3, 2017

Switch can't connect to public hotspots. Classic. Nintendo.

  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch
  3. Switch can't connect to public hotspots. Classic. Nintendo.
Nordini 1 day ago#1
Maybe someone is going to prove me wrong. Maybe I'm going to be wrong and eat my words and Nintendo will be more competent than a small child. I hope I am.

Right Now, I need to connect my Switch to a resort's internet. Im staying at a resort for 2 weeks for vacation. During the late night and early morning hours, I'd like to play some Splatoon 2.

I try to connect to the resort's Wi-Fi (which works wonderfully on my phone and ps4 and every other competent device), but it says "System update required". 

I would love to do the system update. But in order to do that I need to connect to the internet. In order to connect to the internet I need to use the "browser" (which incompetent Nintendo has only allowed us [to use on certain situations) , to login. 

I cannot login though, because the system demands I update. 

How can I update if it wont login? How can I login if it wont let me update?

Please tell me this is not another Classic Nintendo mistake.

Please tell me this is not the equivalent of my 7 year-old nephew programming an OS.
nbean16 1 day ago#2
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.
Is this a resort that requires you to navigate to a sign in screen to "activate" the Wifi kind of thing? Call your resorts help desk and explain to them that you have a device you'd like to connect, but it is not capable of accessing their sign in screen. What they will likely do is get you in touch with the people that manage the network and they'll ask for your device's MAC address.

They should then make a special exception for your Switch to enable it to connect to the Wifi without having to go through the sign-in screen.
Best quest to fight tons of Canadians really fast? ~HaienLai 
Topics won: 6
(edited 1 day ago)quote
AstralFrost 1 day ago#4
Finally you will come to understand the extent of Nintendo's greed and Sony's love of gamers.
So a known Switch detractor goes on vacation the day a big system update comes out, tries to use ****y hotel/resort wifi, blames Nintendo.

Here's what I did: Used phone as hotspot. Updated.

Not often you feel smarter than an attorney '-))
CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
MrBanballow 1 day ago#6
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

Fun fact: Most people don't spend 100% of their vacation out and about. There will be downtime, and having something to do during that time is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, if you go to the beach and a big storm happens to roll through, you may find yourself holed up in your hotel for a bit, waiting for it to pass.
Not changing this sig until Another Code R (Wii) is announced for the US.
Started: October 5, 2008
DaeboVidra 1 day ago#7
I have no signature for the message boards
Mabus51 1 day ago#8
Funny how would the system know it needs an update if it hasn't connected to the internet yet? Switch connects to hotspots just fine. Stop lying.
Foxfire15 1 day ago#9
To be actually helpful - Assuming you have a decent cell provider and connection, turn on the hotspot on your cell phone (or your parents) and connect to that. Any recent-ish cell phone should have this feature, and it's free from most major providers these days. Once you do so you should be able download the update.
It's not the fall that kills you, it's the rapid deceleration.....
*shoves next poster off a cliff*
(edited 1 day ago)quote
OdaNobuna 1 day ago#10
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.
Playing: Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight; Touhou 15 - Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom; The Legend of Zelda: BotW; Kancolle; WoW: Legion.
cdgatto 1 day ago#11
OdaNobuna posted...
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.

Ouch. Probably should just save the money and stay home then.
Switch FC: SW-1701-4873-1418
nbean16 1 day ago#12
OdaNobuna posted...
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.

Uh cause its pathetic. You dont need to bring all your appliances from home when you go on vacation. Try experiencing the place youre going.
To be honest it's supposed to be portable. That is part of the whole point.
The following terms are used by the people they describe: fanboy, noob, scrub, kiddy.
My gaming videos =>
zado19 1 day ago#14
Nordini posted...

not to be that guy but..... why on earth did you bring a PS4 to a resort? Dont people go to places like that to get away from their usual stuff? The handheld I get bringing just in case... but the PS4 too?
"Besides the multiplatforms and exclusives, what else was there on PS4?" - Karmic Dragon2003
zado19 1 day ago#15
more to the point here..... why not go down to the front desk and ask the tech guys at the hotel if they can help?
"Besides the multiplatforms and exclusives, what else was there on PS4?" - Karmic Dragon2003
Playsaver 1 day ago#16
Sounds to me like the tc bought a Switch and never once turned it on. If they had they would have gotten their update at home and that update would have allowed them to use the connection they are trying to connect with. The first update the Switch got on the first day it came out fixed this problem, but you couldn't get this update with a connection that required you to sign in to the connections web page. I wonder if the newer switches are even still on the original firmware they came with on day one.
I have to believe the tc knows all this and is trolling. There aren't many people that would take a brand new Switch on vacation with out ever having checked to make sure it was working and updated. I'll bet he will say his left joycon isn't working right as well.
FlameAbsol 1 day ago#17
Wifi hotspot at hotel/resort are the worst. I brought my laptop there one time and there's so much laggings.

Stick with your own router/modem in your own home.
I am deaf and One's GT: Flame Haze SnS
El_Zaggy 1 day ago#18
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

and here i thought the main reason you drones buy a switch is for portability, to bring it everywhere.

you must be a dull guy if you only pack you clothes when you go on vacations
(edited 1 day ago)quote
El_Zaggy 1 day ago#19
zado19 posted...
Nordini posted...

not to be that guy but..... why on earth did you bring a PS4 to a resort? Dont people go to places like that to get away from their usual stuff? The handheld I get bringing just in case... but the PS4 too?

so its okay to bring a nitnedno console buy not a sony console ?

the dude can do whatever he likes with his life and hardware.
nbean16 1 day ago#20
El_Zaggy posted...
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

and here i thought the main reason you drones buy a switch is for portability, to bring it everywhere.

you must be a dull guy if you only pack you clothes when you go on vacations

How am I drone? Please explain.
El_Zaggy posted...
zado19 posted...
Nordini posted...

not to be that guy but..... why on earth did you bring a PS4 to a resort? Dont people go to places like that to get away from their usual stuff? The handheld I get bringing just in case... but the PS4 too?

so its okay to bring a nitnedno console buy not a sony console ?

the dude can do whatever he likes with his life and hardware.

Don't be too hard on him, he too is a known Switch detractor.

But there's a difference between a handheld and a home console, not sure why someone has to tell you that. One you need a TV for, and the other you don't need a TV for.
CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
DaeboVidra 1 day ago#22
El_Zaggy posted...

so its okay to bring a nitnedno console buy not a sony console?

Did your keyboard just have a stroke?
I have no signature for the message boards
Nordini 1 day ago#23
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
So a known Switch detractor goes on vacation the day a big system update comes out, tries to use ****y hotel/resort wifi, blames Nintendo.

Here's what I did: Used phone as hotspot. Updated.

Not often you feel smarter than an attorney '-))

This is cute guys. I do a lot of travel every year", both for work and for leisure.

I've been to Mexico, Helsinki, LA, MY, Chicago, Minneapolis, Toronto, And London all within the last year.

Why bring my ps4/Switch? Because I spend maybe a total of 3/12 months away from home every year.
NeoMonk 1 day ago#24
When you get caught lying and make yourself look like a fool in front of everybody.
"The Xbox One board isn't the place for personal anecdotes, joke topics or fanboy affair." -Gamefaqs Moderator
It's as if this is the guys first vacation to a hotel with a login hotspot...

You would think that if that were the case he'd actually want to enjoy the resort and not bring two consoles with him...

but yea there are ways around it. Very simple and obvious ways to resolve your issue
(edited 1 day ago)quote
El_Zaggy posted...
zado19 posted...
Nordini posted...

not to be that guy but..... why on earth did you bring a PS4 to a resort? Dont people go to places like that to get away from their usual stuff? The handheld I get bringing just in case... but the PS4 too?

so its okay to bring a nitnedno console buy not a sony console ?

the dude can do whatever he likes with his life and hardware.

Don't be ignorant. One is a tablet that he could at least lounge out with... (Still weird but I at least could understand for the flight or however he committed there) but the one has to be tied to a wall and tv and wifi. Major difference. Completely not comparable.
-Lo- 1 day ago#27
zado19 posted...
Nordini posted...

not to be that guy but..... why on earth did you bring a PS4 to a resort? Dont people go to places like that to get away from their usual stuff? The handheld I get bringing just in case... but the PS4 too?

Netflix, blu-ray, various other streaming services? Cable flat out sucks, hotels are no exception in content. Either way, I don't know anyone who wouldn't love a break from the day and do something relaxing before bed. 

TC, both PS4 and X1 have this issue, but PS4 is incredibly easy to connect. X1 is beyond a hassle but I digress. If anything, you just need to contact the service desk and they can get you hooked up just fine. In fact, it's a helpful hint usually located in the pamphlet by your phone/bed/TV.
Switch - PS4 - Wii U - PS3 - 3DS - GameCube - Xbox One. 
X1X is the ultimate form of compensation for an embarrassed company and community.
Miggi3Fr3sh posted...
El_Zaggy posted...
zado19 posted...
Nordini posted...

not to be that guy but..... why on earth did you bring a PS4 to a resort? Dont people go to places like that to get away from their usual stuff? The handheld I get bringing just in case... but the PS4 too?

so its okay to bring a nitnedno console buy not a sony console ?

the dude can do whatever he likes with his life and hardware.

Don't be ignorant. One is a tablet that he could at least lounge out with... (Still weird but I at least could understand for the flight or however he committed there) but the one has to be tied to a wall and tv and wifi. Major difference. Completely not comparable.

One has games the other doesn't. I can see why he needs the PS4.
the end of one nightmare, prelude to the another...
Shenmue III
For someone that travels so much you should probably learn to make sure all your devices are up to date before traveling.
"The point is that having less variety at once makes each separate session feel more different from the last." - Tables
Mr_Big_Boss posted...
One has games the other doesn't. I can see why he needs the PS4.

May as well bring a PC and play all those PS4 games in 4k 144 fps in that case.
CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
Like others have said, update via wireless hotspot, should use barely any data.
Visit This Old Neon - A friendly civilized gaming forum.
OdaNobuna posted...
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.

^sounds unhealthy.... very much so

i mean if i go on vacation i tend to bring say vita/3ds ect just for the traveling part of trip...
but i hit the local stores beaches and what ever else my vacation offers...

as for the downtime.... thats for purely resting i mean after a day of sightseeing you may be tiered from walking and what not but you also have to consider your eyes need some rest to
apparently unpopular opinion if reported as trolling is trolling on gamefaqs
hellzyaaahhhhhh posted...
OdaNobuna posted...
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.

^sounds unhealthy.... very much so

i mean if i go on vacation i tend to bring say vita/3ds ect just for the traveling part of trip...
but i hit the local stores beaches and what ever else my vacation offers...

as for the downtime.... thats for purely resting i mean after a day of sightseeing you may be tiered from walking and what not but you also have to consider your eyes need some rest to

CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
Rolfin 1 day ago#34
Nordini posted...
nbean16 posted...
You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
So a known Switch detractor goes on vacation the day a big system update comes out, tries to use ****y hotel/resort wifi, blames Nintendo.

Here's what I did: Used phone as hotspot. Updated.

Not often you feel smarter than an attorney '-))

This is cute guys. I do a lot of travel every year", both for work and for leisure.

I've been to Mexico, Helsinki, LA, MY, Chicago, Minneapolis, Toronto, And London all within the last year.

Why bring my ps4/Switch? Because I spend maybe a total of 3/12 months away from home every year.

As someone who travels for a living, I concur. Bring. Your. Gaming. Shit.
"No internet required!"
Cnoggl01 1 day ago#35
Nordini posted...
Maybe someone is going to prove me wrong. Maybe I'm going to be wrong and eat my words and Nintendo will be more competent than a small child. I hope I am.

Right Now, I need to connect my Switch to a resort's internet. Im staying at a resort for 2 weeks for vacation. During the late night and early morning hours, I'd like to play some Splatoon 2.

I try to connect to the resort's Wi-Fi (which works wonderfully on my phone and ps4 and every other competent device), but it says "System update required". 

I would love to do the system update. But in order to do that I need to connect to the internet. In order to connect to the internet I need to use the "browser" (which incompetent Nintendo has only allowed us [to use on certain situations) , to login. 

I cannot login though, because the system demands I update. 

How can I update if it wont login? How can I login if it wont let me update?

Please tell me this is not another Classic Nintendo mistake.

Please tell me this is not the equivalent of my 7 year-old nephew programming an OS.

Mine connects to the hospital wifi where I work, it takes a minute to connect, and there is an "accept" screen, but it does work.
Currently owned consoles: X1S, Switch, PS4
Nordini 1 day ago#36
NeoMonk posted...
When you get caught lying and make yourself look like a fool in front of everybody.

When you display the same far below average intelligence you do in every post but pretend someone else is lying, "LUL".
Nordini 1 day ago#37
Cnoggl01 posted...
Nordini posted...
Maybe someone is going to prove me wrong. Maybe I'm going to be wrong and eat my words and Nintendo will be more competent than a small child. I hope I am.

Right Now, I need to connect my Switch to a resort's internet. Im staying at a resort for 2 weeks for vacation. During the late night and early morning hours, I'd like to play some Splatoon 2.

I try to connect to the resort's Wi-Fi (which works wonderfully on my phone and ps4 and every other competent device), but it says "System update required". 

I would love to do the system update. But in order to do that I need to connect to the internet. In order to connect to the internet I need to use the "browser" (which incompetent Nintendo has only allowed us [to use on certain situations) , to login. 

I cannot login though, because the system demands I update. 

How can I update if it wont login? How can I login if it wont let me update?

Please tell me this is not another Classic Nintendo mistake.

Please tell me this is not the equivalent of my 7 year-old nephew programming an OS.

Mine connects to the hospital wifi where I work, it takes a minute to connect, and there is an "accept" screen, but it does work.

I could connect to the Wi-Fi, But only before the update. Now that there is an update, It asks me to connect to the Wi-Fi. But to connect to the Wi-Fi it asks me to update first. It won't open the browser without updating which you can't do without the browser.
Nordini 1 day ago#38
YellowThunder posted...
For someone that travels so much you should probably learn to make sure all your devices are up to date before traveling.

And what happens when the update releases as you were already travelling as was the case here?

OH, that's right. I should just accept the loss. Only with nintendo.
hellzyaaahhhhhh posted...
as for the downtime.... thats for purely resting i mean after a day of sightseeing you may be tiered from walking and what not but you also have to consider your eyes need some rest to
Depends. I usually go on vacation with several other people. Usually I'm the first one up, so having something to do until everybody else is up and about is a plus. Also when you're in a group, sometimes even if you're not done, the majority of the group just wants to head back to the hotel and chill, again... having something to do is a plus.

Also (not directing this at anybody in particular), I don't ever see anybody give people a hard time if they take a book or something like that on vacation. Take a game though, are you mad?! There's so much to do and see!!
Not changing this sig until Another Code R (Wii) is announced for the US.
Started: October 5, 2008
(edited 1 day ago)quote
DaeboVidra 1 day ago#40
I just don't go on vacation.
Problem solved!
I have no signature for the message boards
Nordini posted...
YellowThunder posted...
For someone that travels so much you should probably learn to make sure all your devices are up to date before traveling.

And what happens when the update releases as you were already travelling as was the case here?

OH, that's right. I should just accept the loss. Only with nintendo.

Worse case scenario, which is what you have, others have made reasonable suggestions and solutions such as using a mobile hotspots or talking to IT to have them allow you directly onto the network.
"The point is that having less variety at once makes each separate session feel more different from the last." - Tables
PS4Warrior 1 day ago#42
Mr_Big_Boss posted...
Miggi3Fr3sh posted...
El_Zaggy posted...
zado19 posted...
Nordini posted...

not to be that guy but..... why on earth did you bring a PS4 to a resort? Dont people go to places like that to get away from their usual stuff? The handheld I get bringing just in case... but the PS4 too?

so its okay to bring a nitnedno console buy not a sony console ?

the dude can do whatever he likes with his life and hardware.

Don't be ignorant. One is a tablet that he could at least lounge out with... (Still weird but I at least could understand for the flight or however he committed there) but the one has to be tied to a wall and tv and wifi. Major difference. Completely not comparable.

One has games the other doesn't. I can see why he needs the PS4.

PS4 - Because it was the next gen console i was the most interested in.
Warrior - Because i usually pick the Warrior class in MMORPGs when i played them.
Nordini posted...
And what happens when the update releases as you were already travelling as was the case here?

Just delay your traveling plans.
CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
Rolfin 1 day ago#44
Nordini posted...
YellowThunder posted...
For someone that travels so much you should probably learn to make sure all your devices are up to date before traveling.

And what happens when the update releases as you were already travelling as was the case here?

OH, that's right. I should just accept the loss. Only with nintendo.

Which is a fair point. I'm currently playing ARMS without any updates and will be playing it that way for the next 3 months... When you travel, the options aren't always there
"No internet required!"
(message deleted)
zado19 1 day ago#46
I have some interest questions for the TC regarding this subject.... but with all the shitposting in here, I won't bother...
"Besides the multiplatforms and exclusives, what else was there on PS4?" - Karmic Dragon2003
ikki5 1 day ago#47
Foxfire15 posted...
To be actually helpful - Assuming you have a decent cell provider and connection, turn on the hotspot on your cell phone (or your parents) and connect to that. Any recent-ish cell phone should have this feature, and it's free from most major providers these days. Once you do so you should be able download the update.

Using a hot spot means you're using your data.
| PSN - JSampG / NNID - Sampsonj | Toadette of the MK8 Deluxe board
"27,146 sales is a decrease from 26,114 sales (Paraphrase)" - Linetrix
Linetrix 1 day ago#48
Nordini posted...
YellowThunder posted...
For someone that travels so much you should probably learn to make sure all your devices are up to date before traveling.

And what happens when the update releases as you were already travelling as was the case here?

OH, that's right. I should just accept the loss. Only with nintendo.

That sounds like Nintendo, yeah. The PS4/XB1/PS3/360 allow you to update and connect to the Internet no problem.

Maybe in 2 gens from now Nintendo will implement that revolutionary feature.
"Links to GameFAQs statistics is trolling. It doesn't matter the ToU says nothing about that. I decided it is and it is upheld." - GameFAQs mod
Playsaver posted...
Sounds to me like the tc bought a Switch and never once turned it on. If they had they would have gotten their update at home and that update would have allowed them to use the connection they are trying to connect with. The first update the Switch got on the first day it came out fixed this problem, but you couldn't get this update with a connection that required you to sign in to the connections web page. I wonder if the newer switches are even still on the original firmware they came with on day one.
I have to believe the tc knows all this and is trolling. There aren't many people that would take a brand new Switch on vacation with out ever having checked to make sure it was working and updated. I'll bet he will say his left joycon isn't working right as well.
Linetrix 1 day ago#50
radiobutton posted...
Playsaver posted...
Sounds to me like the tc bought a Switch and never once turned it on. If they had they would have gotten their update at home and that update would have allowed them to use the connection they are trying to connect with. The first update the Switch got on the first day it came out fixed this problem, but you couldn't get this update with a connection that required you to sign in to the connections web page. I wonder if the newer switches are even still on the original firmware they came with on day one.
I have to believe the tc knows all this and is trolling. There aren't many people that would take a brand new Switch on vacation with out ever having checked to make sure it was working and updated. I'll bet he will say his left joycon isn't working right as well.

Ah, the old Nintendo fanboy trick of blaming everyone but Nintendo.

There are an infinite number of reasons as to why he couldn't update it before. Nintendo is the incompetent one here for not allowing the thing to connect before updating.
"Links to GameFAQs statistics is trolling. It doesn't matter the ToU says nothing about that. I decided it is and it is upheld." - GameFAQs mod
  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch 
  3. Switch can't connect to public hotspots. Classic. Nintendo.
    1. Boards
    2. Nintendo Switch
    3. Switch can't connect to public hotspots. Classic. Nintendo.
    Nordini 1 day ago#51
    radiobutton posted...
    Playsaver posted...
    Sounds to me like the tc bought a Switch and never once turned it on. If they had they would have gotten their update at home and that update would have allowed them to use the connection they are trying to connect with. The first update the Switch got on the first day it came out fixed this problem, but you couldn't get this update with a connection that required you to sign in to the connections web page. I wonder if the newer switches are even still on the original firmware they came with on day one.
    I have to believe the tc knows all this and is trolling. There aren't many people that would take a brand new Switch on vacation with out ever having checked to make sure it was working and updated. I'll bet he will say his left joycon isn't working right as well.

    This is just blatantly false. I've had my Switch since launch and was just playing splatoon 2 online a few days ago.

    A quick look through my posting history would reveal that I've played a lot of BotW, mk8d, and Splatoon. 

    This is a problem on the current firmware.
    Linetrix posted...
    radiobutton posted...
    Playsaver posted...
    Sounds to me like the tc bought a Switch and never once turned it on. If they had they would have gotten their update at home and that update would have allowed them to use the connection they are trying to connect with. The first update the Switch got on the first day it came out fixed this problem, but you couldn't get this update with a connection that required you to sign in to the connections web page. I wonder if the newer switches are even still on the original firmware they came with on day one.
    I have to believe the tc knows all this and is trolling. There aren't many people that would take a brand new Switch on vacation with out ever having checked to make sure it was working and updated. I'll bet he will say his left joycon isn't working right as well.

    Ah, the old Nintendo fanboy trick of blaming everyone but Nintendo.

    There are an infinite number of reasons as to why he couldn't update it before. Nintendo is the incompetent one here for not allowing the thing to connect before updating.

    Hey, if you say so man.
    Nordini posted...
    radiobutton posted...
    Playsaver posted...
    Sounds to me like the tc bought a Switch and never once turned it on. If they had they would have gotten their update at home and that update would have allowed them to use the connection they are trying to connect with. The first update the Switch got on the first day it came out fixed this problem, but you couldn't get this update with a connection that required you to sign in to the connections web page. I wonder if the newer switches are even still on the original firmware they came with on day one.
    I have to believe the tc knows all this and is trolling. There aren't many people that would take a brand new Switch on vacation with out ever having checked to make sure it was working and updated. I'll bet he will say his left joycon isn't working right as well.

    This is just blatantly false. I've had my Switch since launch and was just playing splatoon 2 online a few days ago.

    A quick look through my posting history would reveal that I've played a lot of BotW, mk8d, and Splatoon. 

    This is a problem on the current firmware.

    Oh, there we go. I thought you were ignoring the post on purpose. Nice to know it wasn't the case.

    Besides, how did your Switch even know there was a new update without going online first?
    (edited 1 day ago)quote
    OdaNobuna posted...
    nbean16 posted...
    You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

    Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.

    get a tan, whitey
    Somebody at Nintendo needs to apologize for making New Super Mario Bros. 2
    kislev 1 day ago#55
    Portable system that cant even connect to public wifi, it was bad enough during the 3ds days
    We need a new Final Fantasy Tactics
    Kletian999 1 day ago#56
    So when there's a web portal to login, what the Hotel Wifi is doing is putting your device's MAC address (like your wireless's cards serial number) into a list of allowed devices to connect. As long as you are on the router's allowed table (usually for 24 hours or the length of the stay) you won't need to login again.

    Therefore, there are two ways to get around the web portal.
    1. Hotel IT staff could manually put your Switch's MAC address on the router's table if you call and ask them. Find the MAC address in your advanced internet settings.
    2. You can override your Switch to claim it has the MAC address of a device that is already allowed on the network. You do this by logging in with a laptop or phone, once it's in, find the MAC address of the allowed device, then put that MAC address as a temporary MAC address override of the Switch (also in advanced internet settings). This means you can't use the internet with the device you are copying however- things get confused.

    Nintendo should just give us a better browser though. When I try the Switch Browser App it just goes to a page unavailable screen.
    IHATEMYGT 1 day ago#57
    nbean16 posted...
    You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

    Im on vacation but at home, just seeing friends, reading exercising, gaming and chilling. 

    Might go for a mini break next week, but yeah, i don't know why you want tc at the beach at all times... 

    OT, if the phone isn't a solution, it may just be one of those things and you'll have to game offline.
    "Be at peace with the world, and the world will be at peace with you"
    stop3 1 day ago#58
    They had an update that already fixed the OS so you could connect to public hotspots that require a sign in. You're the only person I've heard suggest that it no longer works.
    Funny how people are defending shit like the switch not being able to connect to public hotspots. There shouldn't have been a need for an update it should have been available from day one.
    stop3 1 day ago#60
    sandstormflygon posted...
    Funny how people are defending shit like the switch not being able to connect to public hotspots. There shouldn't have been a need for an update it should have been available from day one.

    The update WAS on day one, wasn't it?
    (edited 1 day ago)quote
    I bring my Switch to public wifi spots all the time. It works just fine. I have no idea what you are complaining about.
    "Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."
    stop3 posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    Funny how people are defending shit like the switch not being able to connect to public hotspots. There shouldn't have been a need for an update it should have been available from day one.

    The update WAS on day one, wasn't it?

    My bad I meant to say it should have been on the system without needing an update
    Nordini 1 day ago#63
    stop3 posted...
    They had an update that already fixed the OS so you could connect to public hotspots that require a sign in. You're the only person I've heard suggest that it no longer works.

    You're missing the point. The problem is there is a new system update. The switch can now connect to hotspots when there isn't a system update pending.
    When there is a system pending, the system demands that update be finished before it will open the browser to login to the hotspot. But you can't download the update without logging in.
    @Nordini, have you tried calling your resorts help desk? They can often get you in touch with the technical group that can make an exception for your console so it can connect without having to go through the sign in. They typically need the MAC address to do this.
    Best quest to fight tons of Canadians really fast? ~HaienLai 
    Topics won: 6
    (edited 1 day ago)quote
    Nordini 1 day ago#65
    CranberryPSO posted...
    @Nordini, have you tried calling your resorts help desk? They can often get you in touch with the technical group that can make an exception for your console so it can connect without having to go through the sign in. They typically need the MAC address to do this.

    Yes. This is what I ended up doing. Was a pain because it was hard to explain to people who didn't fully speak English, But It worked.
    Perfect! Glad to be of service.
    Best quest to fight tons of Canadians really fast? ~HaienLai 
    Topics won: 6
    DTY3 1 day ago#67
    Don't even bother trying to play online games in a hotel lol
    DaeboVidra 1 day ago#68
    Nordini posted...
    ... Was a pain because it was hard to explain to people who didn't fully speak English, But It worked.

    To be fair, those people had to deal with a complaint from someone who didn't speak their language at all, so it balances out. :-)
    I have no signature for the message boards
    (edited 1 day ago)quote
    stop3 20 hours ago#69
    sandstormflygon posted...
    stop3 posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    Funny how people are defending shit like the switch not being able to connect to public hotspots. There shouldn't have been a need for an update it should have been available from day one.

    The update WAS on day one, wasn't it?

    My bad I meant to say it should have been on the system without needing an update

    That's just silly. They have to lock a LOT of stuff behind a day one update so people don't break the street date.
    stop3 20 hours ago#70
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    They had an update that already fixed the OS so you could connect to public hotspots that require a sign in. You're the only person I've heard suggest that it no longer works.

    You're missing the point. The problem is there is a new system update. The switch can now connect to hotspots when there isn't a system update pending.
    When there is a system pending, the system demands that update be finished before it will open the browser to login to the hotspot. But you can't download the update without logging in.

    Sounds like a problem that would affect less than a tenth of one percent of users. Only people who were staying in hotel right when an update went live.
    DTY3 20 hours ago#71
    DaeboVidra posted...
    Nordini posted...
    ... Was a pain because it was hard to explain to people who didn't fully speak English, But It worked.

    To be fair, those people had to deal with a complaint from someone who didn't speak their language at all, so it balances out. :-)

    Posted using GameFlux
    Nordini 18 hours ago#72
    stop3 posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    They had an update that already fixed the OS so you could connect to public hotspots that require a sign in. You're the only person I've heard suggest that it no longer works.

    You're missing the point. The problem is there is a new system update. The switch can now connect to hotspots when there isn't a system update pending.
    When there is a system pending, the system demands that update be finished before it will open the browser to login to the hotspot. But you can't download the update without logging in.

    Sounds like a problem that would affect less than a tenth of one percent of users. Only people who were staying in hotel right when an update went live.

    Sounds like a problem that shouldn't exist at all.

    Do you ever step back and wonder why it is you feel the need to come up with defenses for Nintendo? Why can't they just do such simple things correctly to start?
    YellowThunder 18 hours ago#73
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    They had an update that already fixed the OS so you could connect to public hotspots that require a sign in. You're the only person I've heard suggest that it no longer works.

    You're missing the point. The problem is there is a new system update. The switch can now connect to hotspots when there isn't a system update pending.
    When there is a system pending, the system demands that update be finished before it will open the browser to login to the hotspot. But you can't download the update without logging in.

    Sounds like a problem that would affect less than a tenth of one percent of users. Only people who were staying in hotel right when an update went live.

    Sounds like a problem that shouldn't exist at all.

    Do you ever step back and wonder why it is you feel the need to come up with defenses for Nintendo? Why can't they just do such simple things correctly to start?

    How do you even know this wouldn't happen with a vita, psp, Xbox, PlayStation? Have you taken any of these near launch to public wifi after an update that you weren't able to download? You should let Nintendo know about this bug because they're probably unaware of it since the likely hood of it happening to anyone is so small.
    "The point is that having less variety at once makes each separate session feel more different from the last." - Tables
    (edited 18 hours ago)quote
    LuigiFan835 18 hours ago#74
    You should be able to connect the Switch to your phone's hotspot.

    Actually, thinking about it wouldn't the Switch need an internet connection to find out that there's a new update out? How does this even work?
    3DS FC:1375-8350-6103; Switch FC: 5454-0571-3814
    Mii Name: Luigi; NNID: MARIOS_BRO123
    CartoonWS 18 hours ago#75
    LuigiFan835 posted...
    You should be able to connect the Switch to your phone's hotspot.

    Actually, thinking about it wouldn't the Switch need an internet connection to find out that there's a new update out? How does this even work?

    This has been said about three times by now and TC ignored it every time. TC, explain
    SW-0605-9278-8695 (Splatoon 2, Arms), NNID: CartoonWS (Splatoon, MK8, Sm4sh),
    3DS: 2535 3603 3734 (MK7 and AC:NL), Steam: CartoonWar (L4D2, Portal 2)
    Nordini 18 hours ago#76
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    They had an update that already fixed the OS so you could connect to public hotspots that require a sign in. You're the only person I've heard suggest that it no longer works.

    You're missing the point. The problem is there is a new system update. The switch can now connect to hotspots when there isn't a system update pending.
    When there is a system pending, the system demands that update be finished before it will open the browser to login to the hotspot. But you can't download the update without logging in.

    Sounds like a problem that would affect less than a tenth of one percent of users. Only people who were staying in hotel right when an update went live.

    Sounds like a problem that shouldn't exist at all.

    Do you ever step back and wonder why it is you feel the need to come up with defenses for Nintendo? Why can't they just do such simple things correctly to start?

    How do you even know this wouldn't happen with a vita, psp, Xbox, PlayStation? Have you taken any of these near launch to public wifi after an update that you weren't able to download? You should let Nintendo know about this bug because they're probably unaware of it since the likely hood of it happening to anyone is so small.

    If you read my posts, I take my ps4 everywhere as well. I have updated it on a public hotspot withoit issue
    Nordini 18 hours ago#77
    CartoonWS posted...
    LuigiFan835 posted...
    You should be able to connect the Switch to your phone's hotspot.

    Actually, thinking about it wouldn't the Switch need an internet connection to find out that there's a new update out? How does this even work?

    This has been said about three times by now and TC ignored it every time. TC, explain

    I have ignored nothing. I have responded to every post that I've actually seen.

    Are you asking why it's doing This? That is what I would like to know. It likely has to do with the fact that the switch does not have a real internet browser that you can open at any time.

    It connects the internet enough to know you need an update, but it wont pull up the browser to actually login until the update is installed. The hotspot won't let you download the update until you login.

    On my ps4, it will pull up the login browser withoit requiring the update.
    CartoonWS posted...
    LuigiFan835 posted...
    You should be able to connect the Switch to your phone's hotspot.

    Actually, thinking about it wouldn't the Switch need an internet connection to find out that there's a new update out? How does this even work?

    This has been said about three times by now and TC ignored it every time. TC, explain
    CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
    ^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
    Nordini 17 hours ago#79
    Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
    CartoonWS posted...
    LuigiFan835 posted...
    You should be able to connect the Switch to your phone's hotspot.

    Actually, thinking about it wouldn't the Switch need an internet connection to find out that there's a new update out? How does this even work?

    This has been said about three times by now and TC ignored it every time. TC, explain

    Read the post literally right above yours, you blinded, ignorant religious-cult-like-fanboy. 

    Every topic you post in you make a fool of yourself.
    YellowThunder 17 hours ago#80
    Nordini posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    They had an update that already fixed the OS so you could connect to public hotspots that require a sign in. You're the only person I've heard suggest that it no longer works.

    You're missing the point. The problem is there is a new system update. The switch can now connect to hotspots when there isn't a system update pending.
    When there is a system pending, the system demands that update be finished before it will open the browser to login to the hotspot. But you can't download the update without logging in.

    Sounds like a problem that would affect less than a tenth of one percent of users. Only people who were staying in hotel right when an update went live.

    Sounds like a problem that shouldn't exist at all.

    Do you ever step back and wonder why it is you feel the need to come up with defenses for Nintendo? Why can't they just do such simple things correctly to start?

    How do you even know this wouldn't happen with a vita, psp, Xbox, PlayStation? Have you taken any of these near launch to public wifi after an update that you weren't able to download? You should let Nintendo know about this bug because they're probably unaware of it since the likely hood of it happening to anyone is so small.

    If you read my posts, I take my ps4 everywhere as well. I have updated it on a public hotspot withoit issue

    Near launch? It's abrare issue that doesn't come up often and you have a couple of different options to resolve. It doesn't make Nintendo as incompetent as a child and you should just let them know it's an issue so they can address it.
    "The point is that having less variety at once makes each separate session feel more different from the last." - Tables
    (edited 17 hours ago)quote
    Nordini 17 hours ago#81
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    They had an update that already fixed the OS so you could connect to public hotspots that require a sign in. You're the only person I've heard suggest that it no longer works.

    You're missing the point. The problem is there is a new system update. The switch can now connect to hotspots when there isn't a system update pending.
    When there is a system pending, the system demands that update be finished before it will open the browser to login to the hotspot. But you can't download the update without logging in.

    Sounds like a problem that would affect less than a tenth of one percent of users. Only people who were staying in hotel right when an update went live.

    Sounds like a problem that shouldn't exist at all.

    Do you ever step back and wonder why it is you feel the need to come up with defenses for Nintendo? Why can't they just do such simple things correctly to start?

    How do you even know this wouldn't happen with a vita, psp, Xbox, PlayStation? Have you taken any of these near launch to public wifi after an update that you weren't able to download? You should let Nintendo know about this bug because they're probably unaware of it since the likely hood of it happening to anyone is so small.

    If you read my posts, I take my ps4 everywhere as well. I have updated it on a public hotspot withoit issue

    Near launch?

    Yes I have travelled with it since launch.

    Why would this matter at all though? I like how you even had to add "near" because you know this isn't launch.

    The console has been out for 5 months, not that it would be an excuse even on day 1. 

    The system should have an internet browser. It should have one on launch day in 2017. I should he able to open it at will instead of relying on an automatic trigger for limited use.
    Matelite 17 hours ago#82
    When I was in DC a couple months ago, my wife and I brought our Switch and Mario Kart 8. It was great, being able to play late at night after sightseeing all day. And when her bff arrived, it was nice cause the three of us could play on joycons without having to carry so much stuff around to play.
    Nordini 17 hours ago#83
    Matelite posted...
    When I was in DC a couple months ago, my wife and I brought our Switch and Mario Kart 8. It was great, being able to play late at night after sightseeing all day. And when her bff arrived, it was nice cause the three of us could play on joycons without having to carry so much stuff around to play.

    Bringing systems on trips is underrated. People underestimate how much down time you have in hotel rooms and lobbies and such on a trip.
    Wheelman2004 17 hours ago#84
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    For someone that travels so much you should probably learn to make sure all your devices are up to date before traveling.

    And what happens when the update releases as you were already travelling as was the case here?

    OH, that's right. I should just accept the loss. Only with nintendo.

    Worse case scenario, which is what you have, others have made reasonable suggestions and solutions such as using a mobile hotspots or talking to IT to have them allow you directly onto the network.

    He'd probably rather have something to complain about than to actually play the Switch, so anything that fixes his issue will go ignored.
    Wheelman2004 posted...
    He'd probably rather have something to complain about than to actually play the Switch, so anything that fixes his issue will go ignored.

    Classic. Attorney.
    CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
    ^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
    Matelite 17 hours ago#86
    Nordini posted...
    Matelite posted...
    When I was in DC a couple months ago, my wife and I brought our Switch and Mario Kart 8. It was great, being able to play late at night after sightseeing all day. And when her bff arrived, it was nice cause the three of us could play on joycons without having to carry so much stuff around to play.

    Bringing systems on trips is underrated. People underestimate how much down time you have in hotel rooms and lobbies and such on a trip.

    Yep. Not to mention the many-hour flights.
    Nordini 17 hours ago#87
    Wheelman2004 posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    For someone that travels so much you should probably learn to make sure all your devices are up to date before traveling.

    And what happens when the update releases as you were already travelling as was the case here?

    OH, that's right. I should just accept the loss. Only with nintendo.

    Worse case scenario, which is what you have, others have made reasonable suggestions and solutions such as using a mobile hotspots or talking to IT to have them allow you directly onto the network.

    He'd probably rather have something to complain about than to actually play the Switch, so anything that fixes his issue will go ignored.

    All you just proved is you didn't read my posts in this topic because it is fixed and I've played it since.

    I most likely own more games for the switch and have more playtime on it than you so....

    But of course any legitimate criticisms don't compute with you.
    YellowThunder 17 hours ago#88
    Nordini posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    stop3 posted...
    Nordini posted...

    You're missing the point. The problem is there is a new system update. The switch can now connect to hotspots when there isn't a system update pending.
    When there is a system pending, the system demands that update be finished before it will open the browser to login to the hotspot. But you can't download the update without logging in.

    Sounds like a problem that would affect less than a tenth of one percent of users. Only people who were staying in hotel right when an update went live.

    Sounds like a problem that shouldn't exist at all.

    Do you ever step back and wonder why it is you feel the need to come up with defenses for Nintendo? Why can't they just do such simple things correctly to start?

    How do you even know this wouldn't happen with a vita, psp, Xbox, PlayStation? Have you taken any of these near launch to public wifi after an update that you weren't able to download? You should let Nintendo know about this bug because they're probably unaware of it since the likely hood of it happening to anyone is so small.

    If you read my posts, I take my ps4 everywhere as well. I have updated it on a public hotspot withoit issue

    Near launch?

    Yes I have travelled with it since launch.

    Why would this matter at all though? I like how you even had to add "near" because you know this isn't launch.

    The console has been out for 5 months, not that it would be an excuse even on day 1. 

    The system should have an internet browser. It should have one on launch day in 2017. I should he able to open it at will instead of relying on an automatic trigger for limited use.

    It matters because it's a bug that wouldn't present itself to most people and might not be reported enough for them to know about it and fix it. But yeah it shouldn't be there and a browser should have been available at launch like a lot of other things.
    "The point is that having less variety at once makes each separate session feel more different from the last." - Tables
    Nordini posted...
    Wheelman2004 posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    Nordini posted...
    YellowThunder posted...
    For someone that travels so much you should probably learn to make sure all your devices are up to date before traveling.

    And what happens when the update releases as you were already travelling as was the case here?

    OH, that's right. I should just accept the loss. Only with nintendo.

    Worse case scenario, which is what you have, others have made reasonable suggestions and solutions such as using a mobile hotspots or talking to IT to have them allow you directly onto the network.

    He'd probably rather have something to complain about than to actually play the Switch, so anything that fixes his issue will go ignored.

    All you just proved is you didn't read my posts in this topic because it is fixed and I've played it since.

    I most likely own more games for the switch and have more playtime on it than you so....

    But of course any legitimate criticisms don't compute with you.

    Classic attorney arguments, you got that guy good!
    CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
    ^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
    Playsaver 15 hours ago#90
    Linetrix posted...
    Ah, the old Nintendo fanboy trick of blaming everyone but Nintendo.There are an infinite number of reasons as to why he couldn't update it before. Nintendo is the incompetent one here for not allowing the thing to connect before updating.

    Who's defending Nintendo? I agree the system should have been able to connect to these public connections, that require you to agree to something first using a web browser, on day one without needing an update first. (I have to believe TC is a troll or so incompetent they can't be bothered or simply can't figure it out how to update their Switch, at home before going on vacation, in the first place.)
    I own every system but microsoft ones. I'm not a fan of microsoft when they are the ones that started all this pay to be online stuff in the first place. 
    I'm not a Nintendo fanboy. It certainly saddens me that people that like to play on all these consoles can't figure out how to fix anything. They remind me of the early pc days when a tech trying to help someone would say put a disc in your system, only to have the person they are trying to help say "Ok, I've got the disc out of its cover, but I can't seem to get it in the pc."
    (edited 15 hours ago)quote
    buff8125 14 hours ago#91
    Nordini posted...
    Maybe someone is going to prove me wrong. Maybe I'm going to be wrong and eat my words and Nintendo will be more competent than a small child. I hope I am.

    Right Now, I need to connect my Switch to a resort's internet. Im staying at a resort for 2 weeks for vacation. During the late night and early morning hours, I'd like to play some Splatoon 2.

    I try to connect to the resort's Wi-Fi (which works wonderfully on my phone and ps4 and every other competent device), but it says "System update required". 

    I would love to do the system update. But in order to do that I need to connect to the internet. In order to connect to the internet I need to use the "browser" (which incompetent Nintendo has only allowed us [to use on certain situations) , to login. 

    I cannot login though, because the system demands I update. 

    How can I update if it wont login? How can I login if it wont let me update?

    Please tell me this is not another Classic Nintendo mistake.

    Please tell me this is not the equivalent of my 7 year-old nephew programming an OS.

    I've logged my switch on at Panera and the hospital
    archedsoul 13 hours ago#92
    This is not a bug. It's an anti-piracy measure because of Nintendo's paranoia.

    You can't pull up the browser till it's updated to the lastest firmware because it would allow you to stay on lower firmwares and hack using the browser.
    "Fear cuts deeper than swords."
    Nordini 13 hours ago#93
    Playsaver posted...
    Linetrix posted...
    Ah, the old Nintendo fanboy trick of blaming everyone but Nintendo.There are an infinite number of reasons as to why he couldn't update it before. Nintendo is the incompetent one here for not allowing the thing to connect before updating.

    Who's defending Nintendo? I agree the system should have been able to connect to these public connections, that require you to agree to something first using a web browser, on day one without needing an update first. (I have to believe TC is a troll or so incompetent they can't be bothered or simply can't figure it out how to update their Switch, at home before going on vacation, in the first place.)
    I own every system but microsoft ones. I'm not a fan of microsoft when they are the ones that started all this pay to be online stuff in the first place. 
    I'm not a Nintendo fanboy. It certainly saddens me that people that like to play on all these consoles can't figure out how to fix anything. They remind me of the early pc days when a tech trying to help someone would say put a disc in your system, only to have the person they are trying to help say "Ok, I've got the disc out of its cover, but I can't seem to get it in the pc."

    You literally did not read the posts. This update happened while I was already on vacation.
    Nordini 13 hours ago#94
    archedsoul posted...
    This is not a bug. It's an anti-piracy measure because of Nintendo's paranoia.

    You can't pull up the browser till it's updated to the lastest firmware because it would allow you to stay on lower firmwares and hack using the browser.

    This definitely explains it. Nintendo's paranoia.

    I can't wait until homebrew comes to this system. I will do it out of spite.
    Aeladya 13 hours ago#95
    nbean16 posted...
    OdaNobuna posted...
    nbean16 posted...
    You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

    Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.

    Uh cause its pathetic. You dont need to bring all your appliances from home when you go on vacation. Try experiencing the place youre going.

    I took mine on vacation launch week...granted my vacation consisted of babysitting 3 children for my niece...besides if you have to drive/ride in a car somewhere that is over 10 hours away, or be on a plane, having entertainment is helpful.
    3DS FC: 3411-5257-4704
    Switch FC: SW-4028-2792-9217
    (edited 13 hours ago)quote
    Nordini posted...
    archedsoul posted...
    This is not a bug. It's an anti-piracy measure because of Nintendo's paranoia.

    You can't pull up the browser till it's updated to the lastest firmware because it would allow you to stay on lower firmwares and hack using the browser.

    This definitely explains it. Nintendo's paranoia.

    I can't wait until homebrew comes to this system. I will do it out of spite.

    That doesn't seem like something an attorney would do.
    CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
    ^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
    Hubble105 13 hours ago#97
    This happened
    Nordini 13 hours ago#98
    Aeladya posted...
    nbean16 posted...
    OdaNobuna posted...
    nbean16 posted...
    You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

    Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.

    Uh cause its pathetic. You dont need to bring all your appliances from home when you go on vacation. Try experiencing the place youre going.

    I took mine on vacation launch week...granted my vacation consisted of babysitting 3 children for my niece...besides if you have to drive/ride in a car somewhere that is over 10 hours away, or be on a plane, having entertainment is helpful.

    People. With the mindset of manage people who don't travel much.

    Yea, if you only go to one of these resort's one week a year, I understand. But as I explained I go to tons of placed ever year. This is also probably my 13th-16th time in Mexico. Been going since I was a small child.
    Hubble105 posted...
    This happened
    CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
    ^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
    Pineapple5 13 hours ago#100
    nbean16 posted...
    OdaNobuna posted...
    nbean16 posted...
    You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.

    Why not? If my family wanted to go to the beach... sure! I'll be at the hotel if you need me.

    Uh cause its pathetic. You dont need to bring all your appliances from home when you go on vacation. Try experiencing the place youre going.

    Why is it pathetic? Please explain, I'm curious as to how you reached that judgement. It seems trivial to me that someone would pack a PS4 in a suitcase.
    1. Boards
    2. Nintendo Switch 
    3. Switch can't connect to public hotspots. Classic. Nintendo.
      1. Boards
      2. Nintendo Switch
      3. Switch can't connect to public hotspots. Classic. Nintendo.
      (message deleted)
      Touhou 13 hours ago#102
      Nordini posted...
      CartoonWS posted...
      LuigiFan835 posted...
      You should be able to connect the Switch to your phone's hotspot.

      Actually, thinking about it wouldn't the Switch need an internet connection to find out that there's a new update out? How does this even work?

      This has been said about three times by now and TC ignored it every time. TC, explain

      I have ignored nothing. I have responded to every post that I've actually seen.

      Are you asking why it's doing This? That is what I would like to know. It likely has to do with the fact that the switch does not have a real internet browser that you can open at any time.

      It connects the internet enough to know you need an update, but it wont pull up the browser to actually login until the update is installed. The hotspot won't let you download the update until you login.

      That sounds like how the 3DS does it too. Don't need to actually login in order for it to know and tell you that you need to update. 

      If that's the case, I really don't know why numerous users are being so rude to you...
      (edited 13 hours ago)quote
      barrabaCHHS 12 hours ago#103
      I play games online using a shopping centre wifi so that topic title is a lie
      Switch Friend code SW-1447-3440-8035
      Let it be known that I think the Switch will get a brand new Smash game instead of a port.
      zado19 5 hours ago#104
      another perfect example of what is wrong with this place
      "Besides the multiplatforms and exclusives, what else was there on PS4?" - Karmic Dragon2003
      nbean16 posted...
      You went on vacation and brought your switch and your ps4? Get a life man.
      I dont want too much attention to the fact I let a steamer go in my underwear. - monday nitro
      Nordini 45 minutes ago#106
      Touhou posted...
      Nordini posted...
      CartoonWS posted...
      LuigiFan835 posted...
      You should be able to connect the Switch to your phone's hotspot.

      Actually, thinking about it wouldn't the Switch need an internet connection to find out that there's a new update out? How does this even work?

      This has been said about three times by now and TC ignored it every time. TC, explain

      I have ignored nothing. I have responded to every post that I've actually seen.

      Are you asking why it's doing This? That is what I would like to know. It likely has to do with the fact that the switch does not have a real internet browser that you can open at any time.

      It connects the internet enough to know you need an update, but it wont pull up the browser to actually login until the update is installed. The hotspot won't let you download the update until you login.

      That sounds like how the 3DS does it too. Don't need to actually login in order for it to know and tell you that you need to update. 

      If that's the case, I really don't know why numerous users are being so rude to you...

      Because they don't read, (see post directly above),

      or they don't want to to acknowledge that it could be anything resembling Nintendo's fault and would rather blame user error.
      1. Boards
      2. Nintendo Switch 
      3. Switch can't connect to public hotspots. Classic. Nintendo.


  1. Hi all. I wanted to actually be helpful here and I have an actual answer which does NOT involve tethering and actually involves the original hotspot of the hotel... it does involve your phone/tablet however.

    Here's what you do:

    1: Connect your phone to the hotel's WiFi network (or any public hotspot) and do NOT tether it...

    2: Download NetShare from the Play Store: - or download it's APK here: (I have an Amazon tablet, which doesn't have the Play Store so I have to use this - it works just fine!) I'm afraid it's not available on iOS devices.

    3: Open NetShare and click 'Start WiFi Hotspot'

    4: Connect your Switch (works with 3DS too) to the NetShare hotspot and you're ready to go!

    PS: This app does NOT tether your mobile data - it shares the signal of whatever WiFi network you're connected to...

    Hope this helps...

    1. Sorry about all the 'actually's in the first sentence XD
