Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How did XBAND work?

Basically all it did was receive player 2's button inputs over the internet rather than the controller port. You had to plug a cart into the xband and a phone line into the xband, it was dial up then. Once you connected you had an account and had email, messaging, leader boards, news, and then you could hit play multiplayer or whatever. When you were matched up one player would dial the phone number of the other(automatic in the xband system) and make the connection then it would switch out of the xband interface and go into the game like normal. After the match it would go back to the xband interface and it would show who you were playing and you could message them. It was a neat little system.

In terms of the features today though, just going off this. Would you really want to play most of these online? Even going with hypotheticals. Nes Tennis over mario tennis aces? SMK over MK8D? SMB is pass the controller and you wouldn't even have voice chat so what's the point? Watch a lets play. Street Fighter 2 over the HD remake they just did? Lets even go crazy and say they add n64 and goldeneye or perfect dark. Do you really want to play a single stick n64 fps over pretty much anything else? So what switch owners are now going to get into competitive balloon fight?

Online features might have been a tad bit more interesting on the nes classic where at least you didn't have better versions of pretty much everything right there on the system.

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