From what I can see the Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 has more movement when using a move and each Pokémon using the same move has different animation like Kabutops and Snorlax.
in this video Blastoise uses Hydro Pump from his cannons in Pokémon Stadium 2.

The video has glitches keep that in mind.
Here is a perfect video with no glitches

At 1:08 he uses Hydro Pump from his cannons in Pokémon Stadium 2.
In Pokémon Let’s Go Blastoise doesn’t shoot Hydro Pump from his cannons

At 1:00 he uses Hydro Pump.
N64 is inferior than the Switch in every aspect keep that in mind. It's very lazy.
For the 3DS games they kind of had the excuse of the 3DS hardware power and the sheer amount of Pokémon included. For Let's Go they could have improved on that.
But remember how Gen5 was a massive upgrade over Gen4 (yes, I like the moving sprites). So they could still improve for Gen8. And I hope they do.
and the sad thing is they only have 151 models to animate not anymore then that...so its losing even to pokemon stadium 1 somehow and its oldschool animations which had 1 animation for physical and one for special...
having them hop up and down for double kick compared to the animation in the old game which has the exact same pokemon no gen2 onwards well idk how they can mess that up unless they are rushing development...
edit: i guess you can count mega and alolan as seperate but still thats not many more animations they have to do...
Gamefreak is similar to EA, only without the money grubbing scams. What I mean is that they're a mediocre gaming company who happened to make a big hit, and they'll eat forever off of that. EA has Fifa and Gamefreak has Pokemon. I actually remember the one time that Gamefreak became delusional tried to insert their independence from Nintendo, by making and releasing Tembo the Badass Elephant on every platform except Nintendo's. It ended up flopping. lol. It's like, yeah Gamefreak, go back home to Nintendo. I hate to sound like a jerk, but that was a huge wake up call to them; if it isn't Pokemon, don't touch it.
True some game company takes long to release games due to them taking longer to make, GameFreak should do the same also.
Instead of dividing resource between 2018 and 2019 Pokémon, all that resource should have gone to the 2019.
Look at Super Smash Bros it is normally good since they take years to make the game and release it.
Exactly. I wouldn't mind waiting as far as 2020 for a really well made game that actually has care and attention to detail instead of the same lazy animations. Hell, doesn't need to be expensive animation just something that makes some sense like damn Blastoise using his damn canons to shoot water attacks for god sake and not his forehead.
the 3DS more powerful than the N64 in these areas:
- Ram
- Memory storage
- Resolution
You don’t have to be rude in your reply.
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