Thursday, August 17, 2017

Is this the full list of Xbox One exclusives for 2017?

  1. Boards
  2. Current Events
  3. Is this the full list of Xbox One exclusives for 2017?
Darmik 16 hours ago#1
Halo Wars 2 (Xbox and Windows 10 exclusive)
Forza 7 (Xbox and Windows 10 exclusive)
Cuphead (Console exclusive
PUBG (Console exclusive/timed?)
Tacoma (Console exclusive/timed?)

Am I missing anything? This is pathetic. Like Vita level bad.
Kind Regards,
Gamer99z 16 hours ago#2
It has no exclusives, all are available on Windows 10.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - Neon Octopus
lolamericans 16 hours ago#3
if its sold on pc its not exclusive
Darmik 16 hours ago#4
Windows 10 is still Microsoft's ecosystem so I'm fine with counting them. Even taking that into account it's still bad.
Kind Regards,
Th3Truth 14 hours ago#5
Username to post ratio 1:1
chill02 14 hours ago#6
only game I want is Forza 7
Ave, true to Caesar.
Zack_Attackv1 14 hours ago#7
l Dudeboy l 14 hours ago#8
Scalebound would have been on that list if Microsoft hasn't cancelled it like the dumb f***s they are.
You are now breathing manually.
Lets put a little lead in the air, and see what falls over.
kingdrake2 14 hours ago#9
it's BS Xbox gets cuphead.

they said they wouldn't port it to the ps4.
Chapped ass sucks. Deliver me sweet release, Kaopectate-.Alucard188
(edited 14 hours ago)reportquote
Darmik 13 hours ago#10
My bad I forgot Super Lucky's Tale

Not only are there several new Xbox exclusives such as Forza Motorsport 7, Cuphead, Super Lucky’s Tale, and the console launch exclusive PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, there is an incredible list of titles coming this holiday including Middle-earth: Shadow of War, Assassin’s Creed Origins, Call of Duty: WWII, Star Wars Battlefront II, Destiny 2, and more — with many of these titles enhanced to play better on Xbox One X. With so many great exclusives and new games to play, Crackdown 3 would have shipped into an incredibly crowded market.

Kind Regards,
Shotgunnova 13 hours ago#11
l Dudeboy l posted...
Scalebound would have been on that list if Microsoft hasn't cancelled it like the dumb f***s they are.
I thought MS cancelled it due to the devs' negligence or something, not just to be big ol' meanies.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Lvaneede 13 hours ago#12
I like my Xbox One, but there hasnt been a single game released so far this year that I want to buy.

That changes very soon with Life is Strange.
There are also a bunch of games from last year I need to catch up on. Forza Horizon 3 is the next game I will buy.
Fact: Nintendo is the best, there is no point denying it.
Darmik 13 hours ago#13
Shotgunnova posted...
l Dudeboy l posted...
Scalebound would have been on that list if Microsoft hasn't cancelled it like the dumb f***s they are.
I thought MS cancelled it due to the devs' negligence or something, not just to be big ol' meanies.

I'm suspicious that Microsoft tried to force online stuff during development which screwed over a lot of the development. But I can only speculate.
Kind Regards,
l Dudeboy l 13 hours ago#14
Shotgunnova posted...
l Dudeboy l posted...
Scalebound would have been on that list if Microsoft hasn't cancelled it like the dumb f***s they are.
I thought MS cancelled it due to the devs' negligence or something, not just to be big ol' meanies.

They essentially blamed fans for the cancellation, saying the hype was too high, and they didn't think they could deliver what they said they would. So of course they cancelled it.
You are now breathing manually.
Lets put a little lead in the air, and see what falls over.
tri sapphire 12 hours ago#15
kingdrake2 posted...
it's BS Xbox gets cuphead.

they said they wouldn't port it to the ps4.

It'll be available on PC, and I doubt you'd need much to run it.
"If history is to change, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it! If my fate is to be destroyed...I must simply laugh!!."- Magus
kingdrake2 6 hours ago#16
that's the main problem, we can't convert to the other faction. once we joined PS faction. we cant switch to another it doesn't work that way.
Chapped ass sucks. Deliver me sweet release, Kaopectate-.Alucard188
glitteringfairy  gun baiter6 hours ago#17
looking forward to playing the f*** out of battleground
"How come you can believe in God but not Bigfoot?" V-E-G-Y
(edited 6 hours ago)reportquote
Romulox28 6 hours ago#18
glitteringfairy posted...
looking forward to playing the f*** out of battleground

this, i have it on PC but i think itd be fun to have on xbox too
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
Asherlee10 6 hours ago#19
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?
"Opinions should be a result of a thought, not a substitute for it."
PUBG and Cuphead are better than any exclusive released on the PS4 so im not sure what your point is. 

Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

so insecure people can make topics like this
Darmik posted...

Am I missing anything?

Crackdown 3

Nevermind, got delayed
(edited 6 hours ago)reportquote
weapon_d00d816 posted...
Darmik posted...

Am I missing anything?

Crackdown 3

nobody tell him
Darmik posted...
Shotgunnova posted...
l Dudeboy l posted...
Scalebound would have been on that list if Microsoft hasn't cancelled it like the dumb f***s they are.
I thought MS cancelled it due to the devs' negligence or something, not just to be big ol' meanies.

I'm suspicious that Microsoft tried to force online stuff during development which screwed over a lot of the development. But I can only speculate.

Platinum works on a ton of stuff at once and I'm guessing MS got pissed that they were neglecting their project (or not giving it as much attention as they wanted them to) and pulled the plug to save money for the One X's launch.
CruelBuffalo 6 hours ago#24
Only thing I want from PS4 is the Crash Trilogy which is apparently coming soon to xbox one
ZombiePelican 6 hours ago#25
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Two reasons, depending on who you ask

1. If you're main gaming platform is PC that's where you buy most multiplats and the only thing that could get them interested in a console is exclusives

2. Outside of brand loyalty they're usually the deciding factor on which console to buy since they both get 90 percent of multiplats, what stands out is the exclusives.

I went with PS4 this gen after I saw Sony paid From to a soulsesque exclusive game
(edited 6 hours ago)reportquote
hyperpowder 6 hours ago#26
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.
Whoever beats my score I will give them a $10 PSN or Live card:
KINDERFELD 6 hours ago#27
Darmik posted...
Halo Wars 2 (Xbox and Windows 10 exclusive)
Forza 7 (Xbox and Windows 10 exclusive)
Cuphead (Console exclusive
PUBG (Console exclusive/timed?)
Tacoma (Console exclusive/timed?)

Am I missing anything? This is pathetic. Like Vita level bad.

Cost of a Xbox 1X: $500

Halo Wars 2 (Xbox and Windows 10 exclusive): $60
Forza 7 (Xbox and Windows 10 exclusive): $60
Cuphead (Console exclusive): $60
PUBG (Console exclusive/timed?): $60
Tacoma (Console exclusive/timed?): $60

That's $300 in exclusive games to enjoy.
Minus that from a $500 console and Microsoft still has $200 worth of exclusive content to put out in order for the console to have paid for itself.
the polyfilla way look strong in the weakness of the gaps
glitteringfairy  gun baiter6 hours ago#28
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.

Why the f*** would that sound cool
"How come you can believe in God but not Bigfoot?" V-E-G-Y
ZombiePelican 6 hours ago#29
glitteringfairy posted...
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.

Why the f*** would that sound cool

My best guess is he buys into the rhetoric that consoles hold PCs back
Trigg3rH4ppy 6 hours ago#30
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

So people that can only afford one console at least have something in their life to be proud of.
~A little nonsense, now and then, is relished by the wisest men ~
TWSSted since~ 3/27/12
hyperpowder 6 hours ago#31
glitteringfairy posted...
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.

Why the f*** would that sound cool

It doesn't to me, but I understand basic buisness. 

But a lot of people don't like exclusives, and wish everything is on the same system. However, that would just destroy the gaming industry.
Whoever beats my score I will give them a $10 PSN or Live card:
Asherlee10 6 hours ago#32
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.

I'm not sure your predictions are correct. I don't think exclusives are driving the market. They are dying out rapidly. It seems like they only appeal to fanboys of a certain platform.
"Opinions should be a result of a thought, not a substitute for it."
hyperpowder 5 hours ago#33
Asherlee10 posted...
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.

I'm not sure your predictions are correct. I don't think exclusives are driving the market. They are dying out rapidly. It seems like they only appeal to fanboys of a certain platform.

Except for the fact that they're major console movers. That's the whole point why exclusives exist.
Whoever beats my score I will give them a $10 PSN or Live card:
Romulox28 5 hours ago#34
hyperpowder posted...
glitteringfairy posted...
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.

Why the f*** would that sound cool

It doesn't to me, but I understand basic buisness. 

But a lot of people don't like exclusives, and wish everything is on the same system. However, that would just destroy the gaming industry.

go find a list of exclusives on ps4, 95% of them are niche japanese games that only appeal to a small audience. pretty much the only ones i can think of that are really notable smash hits are Halo 5 on Xbox, Horizon on PS4, and maybe Uncharted 4 (which no doubt sold a lot but the numbers are overinflated since it was bundled with PS4s).

my point is that they're not really the system sellers the message board people pretend they are, with the rare exception (like with Halo). for the most part people are playing sports games, Destiny, GTAV, Battlefield, CoD, whatever Bethesda farts out, etc.

They're buying consoles because all their friends play on one system, there is good PR for another system, a big sale, etc. exclusives are not what is keeping the gaming industry alive.
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
Asherlee10 5 hours ago#35
ZombiePelican posted...
1. If you're main gaming platform is PC that's where you buy most multiplats and the only thing that could get them interested in a console is exclusives

Sorry I missed this the first time around. I guess seems like the game publishers would just be missing more sales by making exclusives because I can't imagine a ton of people would buy an entirely new platform for a game. 

ZombiePelican posted...
2. Outside of brand loyalty they're usually the deciding factor on which console to buy since they both get 90 percent of multiplats, what stands out is the exclusives.

This is anecdotal, but of my friends that game and myself, a console was chosen based a lot on the controller and "feel" of gaming each console. *shrugs*
"Opinions should be a result of a thought, not a substitute for it."
Asherlee10 5 hours ago#36
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.

I'm not sure your predictions are correct. I don't think exclusives are driving the market. They are dying out rapidly. It seems like they only appeal to fanboys of a certain platform.

Except for the fact that they're major console movers. That's the whole point why exclusives exist.

Are they really though? I'm genuinely asking because I don't know.
"Opinions should be a result of a thought, not a substitute for it."
hyperpowder 5 hours ago#37
Romulox28 posted...
hyperpowder posted...
glitteringfairy posted...
hyperpowder posted...
Asherlee10 posted...
I don't understand the point of exclusives, exactly. Why do they matter?

Well because all of us would be owning PCs and Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox wouldn't exist.

That might sound cool, except the fact that the market would be bloated and it would lack diversity.

It's what happend to the Atari 2600, and the gameing crash of the 80s.

Why the f*** would that sound cool

It doesn't to me, but I understand basic buisness. 

But a lot of people don't like exclusives, and wish everything is on the same system. However, that would just destroy the gaming industry.

go find a list of exclusives on ps4, 95% of them are niche japanese games that only appeal to a small audience. pretty much the only ones i can think of that are really notable smash hits are Halo 5 on Xbox, Horizon on PS4, and maybe Uncharted 4 (which no doubt sold a lot but the numbers are overinflated since it was bundled with PS4s).

my point is that they're not really the system sellers the message board people pretend they are, with the rare exception (like with Halo). for the most part people are playing sports games, Destiny, GTAV, Battlefield, CoD, whatever Bethesda farts out, etc.

They're buying consoles because all their friends play on one system, there is good PR for another system, a big sale, etc. exclusives are not what is keeping the gaming industry alive.

No, they pretty much are system movers, or at the very least "system swayers". All you have to do is is look at the NPD or Japanese weekly after a big exclusive release to understand this.

They can also deter people from buying their console. I was going to spend money on buying One S this year for Sea of Theives. But since it's delayed, there is no point.

That's the biggest problem with the One and Microsoft. There is no point in owning their system because it lacks exclusives and it's not as powerful as the PS4.
Whoever beats my score I will give them a $10 PSN or Live card:
Coffeebeanz 5 hours ago#38
Microsoft is too busy launching a new console to launch any new games for said console
Physician [Internal Medicine]
That's even worse than Vita levels actually. I'd say 2018 is already looking better for this Vita than the Xbone in 2017, which is saying a lot.

Trigg3rH4ppy posted...
So people that can only afford one console at least have something in their life to be proud of.

Or it's a reason people have to purchase a console. What need do I have for an Xbox when I can play all of its games and more elsewhere? It is also one of the driving forces for console sales, and as a consumer you want good games to play and more console sales. Otherwise you'll end up like with the Wii U with barely any games.
Romulox28 5 hours ago#40
hyperpowder posted...
No, they pretty much are system movers, or at the very least "system swayers". All you have to do is is look at the NPD or Japanese weekly after a big exclusive release to understand this.

They can also deter people from buying their console. I was going to spend money on buying One S this year for Sea of Theives. But since it's delayed, there is no point.

That's the biggest problem with the One and Microsoft. There is no point in owning their system because it lacks exclusives and it's not as powerful as the PS4.

yea but you're an enthusiast, you're in the minority. Sony/MS don't care about you, they care about the mouthbreathing masses that buy the new CoD and Assassin's Creed each year and they buy the system that is the best for them to purchase GTAV shark cards on. 

according to google, GTAV sold 15.6 million copies on PS4, and 6 million on Xbox One. On both systems, that game alone probably sold more than all of both system's exclusives put together lol
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
Asherlee10 5 hours ago#41
I'm trying to find some recent sales data on exclusives and consoles, but so far the resources I'm finding are about 10 years old and no longer exist.

In addition to sales data supporting the relation of hardware sales to software titles,[2][3]

"Opinions should be a result of a thought, not a substitute for it."
Asherlee10 5 hours ago#42
Romulox28 posted...
yea but you're an enthusiast, you're in the minority.

This is what I'm thinking. That it's just the minority that exclusives appeal to at this point.
"Opinions should be a result of a thought, not a substitute for it."
I Like Toast 5 hours ago#43
AlternativeFAQS posted...

so insecure people can make topics like this

If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all
Coffeebeanz 5 hours ago#44
The Xbox 360 was so damn good (ignoring the horrendous RROD thing). Sony got BTFO for putting so much non-gaming s*** in the PS3 and then making it much more expensive than the Xbox 360. Adding insult to injury, Xbox 360 games (especially multiplatform titles) tended to look and run better than their PS4 counterparts.

Ironically that was almost exactly reversed this generation.
Physician [Internal Medicine]
hyperpowder 5 hours ago#45
Romulox28 posted...
hyperpowder posted...
No, they pretty much are system movers, or at the very least "system swayers". All you have to do is is look at the NPD or Japanese weekly after a big exclusive release to understand this.

They can also deter people from buying their console. I was going to spend money on buying One S this year for Sea of Theives. But since it's delayed, there is no point.

That's the biggest problem with the One and Microsoft. There is no point in owning their system because it lacks exclusives and it's not as powerful as the PS4.

yea but you're an enthusiast, you're in the minority. Sony/MS don't care about you, they care about the mouthbreathing masses that buy the new CoD and Assassin's Creed each year and they buy the system that is the best for them to purchase GTAV shark cards on. 

according to google, GTAV sold 15.6 million copies on PS4, and 6 million on Xbox One. On both systems, that game alone probably sold more than all of both system's exclusives put together lol

I mean I might agree with you.....if there was no proof. But there is, we have evidence, we have monthly reports on system sales and game sales. 

I mean the PS4 is in first place this gen, why? Exclusives. 
The Switch is selling like crazy right now, why? Exclusives. 
XBox One will be in last place this gen in sales, why? Exclusives

I mean it's not hard to understand. We would all own PCs if exclusives didn't matter.
Whoever beats my score I will give them a $10 PSN or Live card:
YourAlt 5 hours ago#46
Who f***ing cares? Nintendo is the only good company as far as exclusives are concerned

Horizon Zero Yawn can piss off
Currently playing: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Final Fantasy 15, Breath Of The Wild, Overwatch
Wait... I thought Cuphead was gonna be on steam too. =(
Feel the love...
snesmaster40 5 hours ago#48
VerisimiIitude posted...
Wait... I thought Cuphead was gonna be on steam too. =(

Kizuna Ai plays Quick, Draw!
Cuphead looks awesome. Haven't heard of it until now.
God bless you
hyperpowder 5 hours ago#50
Asherlee10 posted...
Romulox28 posted...
yea but you're an enthusiast, you're in the minority.

This is what I'm thinking. That it's just the minority that exclusives appeal to at this point.

Obviously not when there is a simple thing called "monthly sales reports" to view over...
Whoever beats my score I will give them a $10 PSN or Live card:
  1. Boards
  2. Current Events 
  3. Is this the full list of Xbox One exclusives for 2017?

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