Thursday, August 3, 2017

Minecraft is Dead

  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch 
  3. Rest in peace Minecraft...
memoryman3 1 hour ago#1
Microsoft are ruining it with the "Better Together" Update.

It's replacing the polished console version with a mobile version that it specced to super low end smartphones, and has so many compromises it's unbelieveable.

Want to farm in survival? Too bad. If you go further than 6 feet away from your crops they will simply not grow, neither will your animals. 

Your favourite Mario characters are banned from playing any sort of multiplayer now, thanks to cross play being a thing. 

Your BUD Redstone contraptions are useless. 

Custom Superflats are dead.

All the lush tall grass is gone because of low end mobiles (a world generation compromise...even applies to high end PC's)

Local minigames being replaced with 4 servers. All of them are either super unpolished or money grabbing.

Custom GUI's on Texture Packs are gone. 

Crashing and instability will be common due to "infinite worlds". Seriously, try and teleport 100,000 blocks away from spawn and watch your computer burn. 

"Minecraft Coins" and a marketplace filled with low quality content.

The Wii U version will get updates on the polished 4J version but Switch won't...goodbye world transfers!

I seriously can't see this update being a good thing for gamers, so anyone interested in Minecraft should buy it now before the good version gets taken down from the store.
Daisy amiibo sass!
Switch FC - 5067-3358-4023

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