Friday, August 11, 2017

The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture

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  2. Nintendo Switch
  3. The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture
DrChocolate 6 days ago#1

this guy explains it pretty well
Fauch 6 days ago#2
Incoherent ranting.
Komm suesser Tod
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.
DrChocolate 6 days ago#4
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

@sandstormflygon everything looks good enough already why waste time focusing on graphics too much when there are importantier stuff
Larpnugger 6 days ago#5
DrChocolate posted...
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

@sandstormflygon everything looks good enough already why waste time focusing on graphics too much when there are importantier stuff

He think he's knows what the switch can run
LimboStudios 6 days ago#6
Is this the level Nintendo fanboys are sinking to?
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
monkmith 6 days ago#7
LimboStudios posted...
Is this the level Nintendo fanboys are sinking to?

you've got a pretty horse there.
People die when they are killed.
Among horse, Red Hare. Among men, Lu Bu.
Andros-2K7 6 days ago#8
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

Did you help to create the Switch to know what it can run and what it cannot? And when did good graphics = good game? You're a fool if you think toning down a game a little bit wouldn't positively affect a games sales figure. How blind are you exactly? The major selling point of the Switch is the portability and Nintendo's current sales # has been the best it has ever been because of that. How many of these Switch games that are selling so well has uber omg type of graphics? You wait and see how well the Switch version of Skyrim will sell. You must be a Microsoft or Sony couch potato who thinks anything less than a 4k TV and a "powerful" home console isn't gaming or worth having. Get with the times. On the go gaming is where its at now whether its on your cellphone or 3ds or Switch.
Favourite JRPG's: The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, Arc Rise Fantasia. 
N3DS FC: 2208 9375 0944. Currently Playing: Monster Hunter Gen & Pokemon Sun.
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
Nothing in particular he says is "wrong", but his conclusion that the Switch is powerful enough to compete with, and surpass, the other consoles is just spitting in the face of mathematics (which he doesn't even mention, for those who didn't listen to it, he's literally just belching out anecdotal theories).
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
DrChocolate 6 days ago#10
NewMoonShadow posted...
Nothing in particular he says is "wrong", but his conclusion that the Switch is powerful enough to compete with, and surpass, the other consoles is just spitting in the face of mathematics (which he doesn't even mention, for those who didn't listen to it, he's literally just belching out anecdotal theories).

he says some games look better which is due to skilled graphics artists, just like how no PC game look better than uncharted 4... but the Switch is powerfull enought to receive PS4 and Xbone ports whitout execive time consuming downgrades like the Wii U(Switch is closser to the XBONE than the wii u in terms of power) the main problem itself is that it has a diferent architecture and programing

Switch is closer to the Xbone than to the switch when it comes to performance

Wii U 0.352 TeraFLOPS

Switch 1.01 TERAFLOPS

Xbox one 1.31 teraFLOPS
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

Why did devs waste money making inferior versions of games for the PS2 and the 360?
CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
monkmith 6 days ago#12
Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

Why did devs waste money making inferior versions of games for the PS2 and the 360?

to be fair, way more people owned those consoles.
People die when they are killed.
Among horse, Red Hare. Among men, Lu Bu.
Fauch 6 days ago#13
Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

Why did devs waste money making inferior versions of games for the PS2 and the 360?

Many multiplats were better on the 360.
Komm suesser Tod
PS2 had such a massive lead in sales that it got the lead versions of almost all games. Then the games were quickly ported to the Gamecube and XBOX with a few improvements that were easy to do.

The situation for the Switch is different. Now the significantly more powerful PS4 and Xbox One have a massive lead in sales, and porting the games to the Switch isn't an easy job. It's not impossible, but hard.
Super Mario Kart is the single best Mario Kart ever!
ncb1397 6 days ago#15
monkmith posted...
Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

Why did devs waste money making inferior versions of games for the PS2 and the 360?

to be fair, way more people owned those consoles.

The 360 sold 10 million in a year. Switch did 5 million in 4 months. So, not really.
monkmith 6 days ago#16
ncb1397 posted...
monkmith posted...
Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

Why did devs waste money making inferior versions of games for the PS2 and the 360?

to be fair, way more people owned those consoles.

The 360 sold 10 million in a year. Switch did 5 million in 4 months. So, not really.

not the point (not that you don't realize that). when they were still pushing ports to the 360/ps2 after their sequels came out, the number of both those systems in the wild was huge compared to the new ones.
People die when they are killed.
Among horse, Red Hare. Among men, Lu Bu.
DiscostewSM 6 days ago#17
In terms of the GPU, Switch is not as strong as XB1. It's about 1/2 of what XB1 can do when docked and about 1/4-1/5 undocked. Don't really have to worry about undocked mode since that will have a resolution drop (if we go from 1080p to 720p) that lessens the load of about 66.6%. So, devs can simply work with docked mode. Reduction of effects, textures, etc to get it down to at least over half the needed load would be enough. It wouldn't visually turn an XB1 game into a PS2 like some may exaggerate. It'll be like toning down a PC game one notch at maximum. 

In terms of RAM, most of what gets loaded is GPU-based, like textures. If you're reducing the assets to work with the GPU, then you've already done the work of fitting into the RAM.

In terms of the CPU, Switch is actually pretty close. Don't let the ARM architecture and half the cores fool you. Benchmarks demonstrate that the Cortex A57 cores (mobile) at equal clock frequencies to Jaguar cores (also mobile) actually surpass them significantly, especially on the low end. The reduced clock speeds still give the ARM cores an edge. From there, it's about effectively working with 3 out of 4 ARM cores (maybe even partial of the 4th if the OS is handled similarly like the 3DS's CPU) for games that generally worked with up to 6-7 cores (since 1-2 cores get used for the OS of the others with all their active features). Only about 3 cores are used efficiently for game logic because there's only so much parallel processing that can be done for a game world, with any more cores getting affected by diminishing returns. Game engines can partially use these other cores for tasks like getting things ready for the GPU (such as building command lists), but in the case of the Switch, having a reduction already with regard to the GPU, what the game engine does for that won't be as much as the other systems. All in all, while for Switch the game logic may have to be toned down a bit, it won't require nearly as much of a downgrade as stuff done for the GPU, and that's only needing a reduction to half the load.

So, can the Switch runs these other games? It has the power for them should the devs choose to put some work into downscaling. Funny thing is, they're already adept to downscaling since they do this even for PS4/XB1. They start with much higher-quality assets, then drop them down to fit the platforms. So people using the "downscale hardship" excuse need to go looking for another excuse.

DrChocolate posted...
Wii U 0.176 AMD TFlops

Switch 0.393 Nvidia TFlops docked (0.157 non-performance undocked, 0.197 performance undocked)

Xbox one 1.311 AMD TFlops

Fixed that for you, but this is only with regard to raw Flops using FP32. Unlike the rest, Switch using the more efficient Nvidia GPU to get more out of each flop and having access to double-speed FP16, Switch is roughly around the area of 0.615 AMD TFlops docked. Could it be ~0.944 TFlops if it used only FP16? Theoretically, but not only would that bring about a lot of precision-lacking results, but it could only do that if everything processed could be done in doubles to take full use of double-speed FP16 (which takes two sets of FP16 values and processes them with the same single operation, like addition, to get 2 results in the same amount of time as one set of FP32 values), and that is highly unlikely.
"When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
Devs have stated Switch is easy to develop for...
Any information provided on GFaqs can and will be used against you as bullying material.
If you keep talking about me, I will keep pointing out your obsession.
NintendoGamer83 posted...
Devs have stated Switch is easy to develop for...

Those devs don't matter and/or are being paid by Nintendo to say that.

Am I doing it right, guys?
CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
NintendoGamer83 posted...
Devs have stated Switch is easy to develop for...

Those devs don't matter and/or are being paid by Nintendo to say that.

Am I doing it right, guys?

That's right
Any information provided on GFaqs can and will be used against you as bullying material.
If you keep talking about me, I will keep pointing out your obsession.
DrChocolate posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...
Nothing in particular he says is "wrong", but his conclusion that the Switch is powerful enough to compete with, and surpass, the other consoles is just spitting in the face of mathematics (which he doesn't even mention, for those who didn't listen to it, he's literally just belching out anecdotal theories).

he says some games look better which is due to skilled graphics artists, just like how no PC game look better than uncharted 4... but the Switch is powerfull enought to receive PS4 and Xbone ports whitout execive time consuming downgrades like the Wii U

Um, yeah, no. Most modern AAA games would require extensive downgrades to run on the Switch.

(Switch is closser to the XBONE than the wii u in terms of power)

... And? I would be wildly disappointed in it if it WASN'T, considering the Wii U was basically a slight upgrade on the X-Box 360, which was close to 8 years old by the time it came out. You can't even find parts that weak these days. Even modern phones probably have more power than a 360 or a Wii U.

the main problem itself is that it has a diferent architecture and programing

I'm not saying this isn't a concern... but it really has nothing to do with what the system is potentially capable of, which is what the guy in the video is trying to talk about. He's basically making the claim that, with knowledge of how to use the hardware, the Switch will be capable of outputting video equal to that of its competitors, which is absolute nonsense just by looking at the raw mathematical data. And... no. It can be pretty definitively stated that it will not. Especially after the PS4Pro and X-Box One X become the competitor's standards.

Switch is closer to the Xbone than to the switch when it comes to performance

Wii U 0.352 TeraFLOPS

Switch 1.01 TERAFLOPS

Xbox one 1.31 teraFLOPS

1: As we established, the Wii U was pretty weak even for its time (Just like the Wii before it), and is actually pathetically weak by current standards.

2: As is typical with Nintendo consoles, people are trying to compare the Switch to older hardware instead of the new stuff.

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.
GFaqsUser22 6 days ago#22
ncb1397 posted...
monkmith posted...
Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

Why did devs waste money making inferior versions of games for the PS2 and the 360?

to be fair, way more people owned those consoles.

The 360 sold 10 million in a year. Switch did 5 million in 4 months. So, not really.

Wow, that went right over your head.
ncb1397 6 days ago#23
NewMoonShadow posted...

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old. Xbox One X and PS4 Pro have tiny install bases.
Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
NintendoGamer83 posted...
Devs have stated Switch is easy to develop for...

Those devs don't matter and/or are being paid by Nintendo to say that.

Am I doing it right, guys?

And every dev would probably say the original Xbox was easy to develop for as well...Ease of development says absolutely nothing about hardware capabilities.
Super Mario Kart is the single best Mario Kart ever!
Rasputin77 6 days ago#25
This board just oozes insecurity, lol. Poor kids can't catch a break...

NintendoGamer83 posted...
Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
NintendoGamer83 posted...
Devs have stated Switch is easy to develop for...

Those devs don't matter and/or are being paid by Nintendo to say that.
Am I doing it right, guys?

That's right

Sure... now comes the part where you act like an adult, and allow people to have their opinions, no matter how crazy they might sound, without calling them some cute little name. 

Impossible for both of you, rest assured. XD
"They were like 11 year olds on the internet for the first time in the late 90's; NO idea how to handle criticism or negative opinions" - Kevin Smith
DiscostewSM 6 days ago#26
NewMoonShadow posted...
2: As is typical with Nintendo consoles, people are trying to compare the Switch to older hardware instead of the new stuff.

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

These newer systems are nothing more than 4k alternatives. The older systems are still the baseline for all development with Sony/MS. Devs can't even develop only for these newer systems. You want to say that Nintendo is behind the curve, yet none of those other systems can even run when not plugged into the wall, nor can such power come in such a small form factor as the Switch at this time. The Switch is strong for what it is dealing with.
"When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
ncb1397 posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old.

Sorry, no, shoving the same hardware into a new case doesn't qualify as a new machine.
ncb1397 6 days ago#28
NewMoonShadow posted...
ncb1397 posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old.

Sorry, no, shoving the same hardware into a new case doesn't qualify as a new machine.

Okay, those machines are irrelevant. Sony's current gen console has a an install base of ~2 million and it has been out almost a year. Everyone freak the f*** out!!!

BTW, the manufacturing technology for the Xbox One S and PS4 Slim only existed in the last year or so.
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
DiscostewSM 6 days ago#29
NewMoonShadow posted...
ncb1397 posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old.

Sorry, no, shoving the same hardware into a new case doesn't qualify as a new machine.

I'd hardly say the XB1S is the same hardware in a new case, considering the original XB1 did not have 4K playback.
"When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
ncb1397 6 days ago#30
DiscostewSM posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...
ncb1397 posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old.

Sorry, no, shoving the same hardware into a new case doesn't qualify as a new machine.

I'd hardly say the XB1S is the same hardware in a new case, considering the original XB1 did not have 4K playback.

It got a performance boost as well.
ncb1397 posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...
ncb1397 posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old.

Sorry, no, shoving the same hardware into a new case doesn't qualify as a new machine.

Okay, those machines are irrelevant. Sony's current gen console has a an install base of ~2 million and it has been out almost a year. Everyone freak the f*** out!!!

BTW, the manufacturing technology for the Xbox One S and PS4 Slim only existed in the last year or so.

Holy s***, will people please pay attention to what the actual topic of discussion is about? Nobody's talking about which console is "better" or which is "selling better" or which is "winning", the discussion is about raw computing power and graphical capabilities.

Nintendo consoles ever since the Wii have been well behind the curve, this is an indisputable fact of mathematics. Arguing against this is just being a deluded fanboy completely detached from reality. Especially now with consoles releasing with 4 and 6 times the processing power of the Switch, arguing that it will someday look as good as current X-Box One titles is questionable at best, and completely irrelevant at worst. By the time such technical mastery over the Switch is ever attained, its competitors will have moved well beyond that point.

I love the Switch. I love the games on it, I love the JoyCons, I love basically everything about it with a few nitpicks. But raw power is not one of its advantages, nor is it a reason to even own the thing. Pretending it can match the X-Box One in graphical/processing power is just being deluded, and putting the focus on the wrong thing anyway.
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
ncb1397 6 days ago#32
NewMoonShadow posted...
ncb1397 posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...
ncb1397 posted...
NewMoonShadow posted...

PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old.

Sorry, no, shoving the same hardware into a new case doesn't qualify as a new machine.

Okay, those machines are irrelevant. Sony's current gen console has a an install base of ~2 million and it has been out almost a year. Everyone freak the f*** out!!!

BTW, the manufacturing technology for the Xbox One S and PS4 Slim only existed in the last year or so.

Holy s***, will people please pay attention to what the actual topic of discussion is about? Nobody's talking about which console is "better" or which is "selling better" or which is "winning", the discussion is about raw computing power and graphical capabilities.

Nintendo consoles ever since the Wii have been well behind the curve, this is an indisputable fact of mathematics. Arguing against this is just being a deluded fanboy completely detached from reality. Especially now with consoles releasing with 4 and 6 times the processing power of the Switch, arguing that it will someday look as good as current X-Box One titles is questionable at best, and completely irrelevant at worst. By the time such technical mastery over the Switch is ever attained, its competitors will have moved well beyond that point.

I love the Switch. I love the games on it, I love the JoyCons, I love basically everything about it with a few nitpicks. But raw power is not one of its advantages, nor is it a reason to even own the thing. Pretending it can match the X-Box One is just being deluded, and putting the focus on the wrong thing anyway.

Forget the numbers for a second....

IMO, there are Switch games that look just as good as Xbox One games (or so close that it doesn't matter).

Sunset Overdrive:

Splatoon 2:

Graphical quality is very comparable. Resolution for instance is almost the same between the two. Sunset Overdrive runs at 900p 30 fps(with drops) while Splatoon runs at 864p-1080p 60 fps.
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote

2016 account, so most likely a troll. 

Also, Switch has less than half a teraflop while docked, it is around 1/3rd an xb0ne while docked...
The internet, where people come to be a dumbass.
ncb1397 6 days ago#34
ArabrockermanX posted...

2016 account, so most likely a troll. 

Also, Switch has less than half a teraflop while docked, it is around 1/3rd an xb0ne while docked...

Comparing nVidia GPUs vs AMD GPUs like that doesn't yield accurate comparisons. If an AMD tflop equaled an nVidia tflop, high end AMD GPUs would beat high end nVidia GPUs. It is the opposite though, the NVidia GPUs trounce AMD's.
cory1225 6 days ago#35
So what I am gathering in this topic is that there are a s*** ton of replies of people who have no f***ing idea how game development works/ how much/little power the switch has

oh wait this is gamefaqs of course hahaha
i5 6600k | GTX 1080 | 16Gb
brubie 6 days ago#36
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

people say devs won't waste time/money on making superior versions of their game for xbox one x
people say devs won't waste time/money on making inferior versions of their game for switch
devs just love middle of the road gaming i guess.
DiscostewSM 6 days ago#37
brubie posted...
sandstormflygon posted...
The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

people say devs won't waste time/money on making superior versions of their game for xbox one x
people say devs won't waste time/money on making inferior versions of their game for switch
devs just love middle of the road gaming i guess.

More like going with whichever route will lead them to good profit. If making superior versions for XB1X granted a lot of money, they'd do it. If making inferior versions for Switch granted a lot of money, they'd do it. Doing one doesn't mean they wouldn't do anything else if more than the one granted lots of money.
"When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
Cooldawg86 6 days ago#38
Wtf happened to Undercooked? Wasnt it supposed to be easy to port to this thing?
Let me catch you buying a console at launch! >:(
Fauch 6 days ago#39
Cooldawg86 posted...
Wtf happened to Undercooked? Wasnt it supposed to be easy to port to this thing?

What happened to it?
Komm suesser Tod
Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.
I'm just a drone and life is a nightmare. I'm just a drone, I know that it's not fair. Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me
TalesRevenant posted...
Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.

I wouldn't take your word for if its raining outside let alone anything else.
Any information provided on GFaqs can and will be used against you as bullying material.
If you keep talking about me, I will keep pointing out your obsession.
ncb1397 6 days ago#42
TalesRevenant posted...
Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.

Every benchmark we have of actual games suggests otherwise. Heck, minecraft runs at the same resolution and a higher framerate than the PS4 version (lower draw distance though). Regardless, "close" is an inherently relative term. The moon is close by, relatively speaking...
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
ncb1397 posted...
TalesRevenant posted...
Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.

Every benchmark we have of actual games suggests otherwise. Heck, minecraft runs at the same resolution and a higher framerate than the PS4 version (lower draw distance though). Regardless, "close" is an inherently relative term. The moon is close by, relatively speaking...

Minecraft could run on a potato. It’s probably not the best benchmark.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
Fauch posted...
Cooldawg86 posted...
Wtf happened to Undercooked? Wasnt it supposed to be easy to port to this thing?

What happened to it?

There's some frame drops in the single-player tutorial, so people are pretending those frame drops exist outside of that small part of the game.
CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
ncb1397 6 days ago#45
Ryanator20x6 posted...
ncb1397 posted...
TalesRevenant posted...
Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.

Every benchmark we have of actual games suggests otherwise. Heck, minecraft runs at the same resolution and a higher framerate than the PS4 version (lower draw distance though). Regardless, "close" is an inherently relative term. The moon is close by, relatively speaking...

Minecraft could run on a potato. It’s probably not the best benchmark.

Pick your benchmark.

Snake Pass on Switch holds up nicely against PS4
Our first look at Unreal Engine 4 on Switch bodes well for future multi-platform titles.
ncb1397 posted...
Ryanator20x6 posted...
ncb1397 posted...
TalesRevenant posted...
Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.

Every benchmark we have of actual games suggests otherwise. Heck, minecraft runs at the same resolution and a higher framerate than the PS4 version (lower draw distance though). Regardless, "close" is an inherently relative term. The moon is close by, relatively speaking...

Minecraft could run on a potato. It’s probably not the best benchmark.

Pick your benchmark.

Snake Pass on Switch holds up nicely against PS4
Our first look at Unreal Engine 4 on Switch bodes well for future multi-platform titles.

Yes, that’s a better benchmark, but do keep in mind that the hardware is very different. Also there is half the RAM.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
DiscostewSM 6 days ago#47
ncb1397 posted...
Ryanator20x6 posted...
ncb1397 posted...
TalesRevenant posted...
Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.

Every benchmark we have of actual games suggests otherwise. Heck, minecraft runs at the same resolution and a higher framerate than the PS4 version (lower draw distance though). Regardless, "close" is an inherently relative term. The moon is close by, relatively speaking...

Minecraft could run on a potato. It’s probably not the best benchmark.

Pick your benchmark.

Snake Pass on Switch holds up nicely against PS4
Our first look at Unreal Engine 4 on Switch bodes well for future multi-platform titles.

Heh, even if one claimed the game was unoptimized for PS4, you'd bet your ass it would be even more so on Switch because of it using an unfinalized build of UE4 at the time.
"When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
DiscostewSM 6 days ago#48
Ryanator20x6 posted...
Yes, that’s a better benchmark, but do keep in mind that the hardware is very different. Also there%u2019s half as much RAM.

Take note though about how much actually gets allocated to games. On PS4, it's only about 5GB max out of 8GB (4.5GB conventional memory, 0.5GB OS-controlled flexible memory), with the other 3GB for the OS. With Switch, it's said to be roughly 3.2GB for games with 0.8GB for the OS. Then to go further, because Switch is certainly not going to have the kind of detail in textures, models, etc as something like the PS4, those assets will be reduced on Switch. Honestly, RAM is not going to be an issue here.
"When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
forte 6 days ago#49
DiscostewSM posted...
Ryanator20x6 posted...
Yes, that’s a better benchmark, but do keep in mind that the hardware is very different. Also there%u2019s half as much RAM.

Take note though about how much actually gets allocated to games. On PS4, it's only about 5GB max out of 8GB (4.5GB conventional memory, 0.5GB OS-controlled flexible memory), with the other 3GB for the OS. With Switch, it's said to be roughly 3.2GB for games with 0.8GB for the OS. Then to go further, because Switch is certainly not going to have the kind of detail in textures, models, etc as something like the PS4, those assets will be reduced on Switch. Honestly, RAM is not going to be an issue here.

Yeah exactly...I feel people really don't understand how scaling down textures etc can greatly reduce the needed RAM. Or that Capcom have stated that they managed to cut the RAM needed for Switch' OS by roughly half. This would give the Switch almost 3.5GB of RAM for gaming use...which is no slouch.
Only games Switch can run are Wii U type games
Cuckle doodle doo
  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch
  3. The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture
    1. Boards
    2. Nintendo Switch
    3. The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture
    (message deleted)
    DiscostewSM 6 days ago#52
    TalesRevenant posted...
    ncb1397 posted...
    TalesRevenant posted...
    Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.

    Every benchmark we have of actual games suggests otherwise. Heck, minecraft runs at the same resolution and a higher framerate than the PS4 version (lower draw distance though). Regardless, "close" is an inherently relative term. The moon is close by, relatively speaking...

    No it doesn't...And close isn'ta relative term. It literally is a Wii U 1.5. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4. What do you not understand about that? Is that hard for you to comprehend? It cannot, factually, run X1 or PS4 games. Engrave that in your head. And yes...let's use Minecraft and f***ing indie games to magically say a system is more powerful than it actually is. 

    Jesus the mental gymnastics...

    The system is factually running tech that is years old and not even close the specs of X1 and PS4 is not even in this discussion. It's pretty much a Wii U 1.5, hence, why every f***ing game, including Nintendo's own look like straight up Wii U games.

    I don't understand why the fanboys of this board have to be so damn delusional. Why can't you just admit the system is weak? Especially when there are facts contradicting the bulls*** you just spewed. People have broken down the system and found what's inside it. It's a damn modified Tegra X1 mobile chip. Just use your brain and figure out the rest. As a handheld, it's powerful. As a console? It's a spruced up Wii U. Wii U=/=X1.

    With Snake Pass being 864p on PS4 and 675p on Switch docked, it's closer than you think. And we didn't need to call 30 Gamestop locations to confirm that.
    "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
    Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
    TalesRevenant posted...
    It cannot, factually, run X1 or PS4 games.

    Factually, it runs Disgaea 5, which is a PS4 game.
    3DS FC: 0490-7858-5102/NS FC: SW-6739-0520-9699/PSN: freedumbdclxvi
    freedumbdclxvi posted...
    TalesRevenant posted...
    It cannot, factually, run X1 or PS4 games.

    Factually, it runs Disgaea 5, which is a PS4 game.

    I wouldn't take his comments seriously.
    Any information provided on GFaqs can and will be used against you as bullying material.
    If you keep talking about me, I will keep pointing out your obsession.
    Didn't watch that, but battery life is one reason you can't fully utilize the systems full potential without major sacrifice.
    DiscostewSM 6 days ago#56
    freedumbdclxvi posted...
    TalesRevenant posted...
    It cannot, factually, run X1 or PS4 games.

    Factually, it runs Disgaea 5, which is a PS4 game.

    Remember when that was a PS4 exclusive?


    It isn't now.
    "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
    Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

    There is a reason some games drain more battery than others.

    That is a thing.

    Putting a game on Switch that only last for an hour handheld is bad marketing.
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn%u2019t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

    Yup, CPU is the biggest problem. Half the core count. Recent PS4 and Xbox One games should be optimized to use up to seven cores.

    The GPU is DX12/Vulkan class, it supports all the features needed to run PS4 and PC ports, albeit the graphics themselves need a hefty downgrade. 
    People need to think in terms of how PC versions can scale from maximum settings on the latest and greatest down to minimum on 5+ year old GPUs.
    Super Mario Kart is the single best Mario Kart ever!
    (edited 6 days ago)reportquote
    memoryman3 6 days ago#60
    godplaysSNES posted...
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn%u2019t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

    Yup, CPU is the biggest problem. Half the core count. Recent PS4 and Xbox One games should be optimized to use up to seven cores.

    The GPU is DX12/Vulkan class, it supports all the features needed to run PS4 and PC ports, albeit the graphics themselves need a hefty downgrade. 
    People need to think in terms of how PC versions can scale from maximum settings on the latest and greatest down to minimum on 5+ year old GPUs.

    The GPU is massively weaker on Switch due to thermal constraints.
    Daisy amiibo sass!
    Switch FC - 5067-3358-4023
    DiscostewSM 6 days ago#61
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

    Switch's CPU runs at 1Ghz, not 300Mhz, and doesn't change between docked and undocked modes. I've already mentioned how it's not really that far off CPU-wise in actual use.
    "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
    Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
    (edited 6 days ago)reportquote
    -Lo- 6 days ago#62
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    Except the more power they're given, the more linear, automated driven our games generally become. Devs lose creativity to abuse horsepower and we suffer. For every HZD we get 8 CoD. Most devs won't gain anything from developing for the twins other than breaking even, whereas an original, creative title using fewer resources will be more profitable. 

    The future is very short-sighted if all you're looking for is power. The Switch is a godsend in a sea of mediocrity.
    Switch - PS4 - Wii U - PS3 - 3DS - GameCube - Xbox One. 
    X1X is the ultimate form of compensation for an embarrassed company and community.
    DiscostewSM posted...
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

    Switch's CPU runs at 1Ghz, not 300Mhz, and doesn't change between docked and undocked modes. I've already mentioned how it's not really that far off CPU-wise in actual use.

    That’s not what I’ve heard. Supply a source.
    Here is mine:
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
    (edited 6 days ago)reportquote
    DiscostewSM 6 days ago#64
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    DiscostewSM posted...
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

    Switch's CPU runs at 1Ghz, not 300Mhz, and doesn't change between docked and undocked modes. I've already mentioned how it's not really that far off CPU-wise in actual use.

    That’s not what I’ve heard. Supply a source.
    Here is mine:


    When docked, the Switch's GPU runs at a 768MHz, already lower than the 1GHz of the Shield Android TV. When used as a portable, the Switch downclocks the GPU to 307.2MHz—just 40 percent of the clock speed when docked.

    While GPU performance is variable, the rest of the Switch's specs remain static. Its four ARM A57 CPU cores are purported to run at 1020MHz regardless of whether the console is docked or undocked,

    They're just reiterating what DF said, which is that the CPU is 1Ghz (1020Mhz to be precise), whereas the GPU is 768Mhz docked and 307.2Mhz undocked.
    "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
    Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
    (edited 6 days ago)reportquote
    DiscostewSM posted...
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    DiscostewSM posted...
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

    Switch's CPU runs at 1Ghz, not 300Mhz, and doesn't change between docked and undocked modes. I've already mentioned how it's not really that far off CPU-wise in actual use.

    That’s not what I’ve heard. Supply a source.
    Here is mine:


    When docked, the Switch's GPU runs at a 768MHz, already lower than the 1GHz of the Shield Android TV. When used as a portable, the Switch downclocks the GPU to 307.2MHz—just 40 percent of the clock speed when docked.

    While GPU performance is variable, the rest of the Switch's specs remain static. Its four ARM A57 CPU cores are purported to run at 1020MHz regardless of whether the console is docked or undocked,

    Oh boy, letters, uh...
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
    omniryu 6 days ago#66
    DiscostewSM posted...
    In terms of the GPU, Switch is not as strong as XB1. It's about 1/2 of what XB1 can do when docked and about 1/4-1/5 undocked. Don't really have to worry about undocked mode since that will have a resolution drop (if we go from 1080p to 720p) that lessens the load of about 66.6%. So, devs can simply work with docked mode. Reduction of effects, textures, etc to get it down to at least over half the needed load would be enough. It wouldn't visually turn an XB1 game into a PS2 like some may exaggerate. It'll be like toning down a PC game one notch at maximum. 

    In terms of RAM, most of what gets loaded is GPU-based, like textures. If you're reducing the assets to work with the GPU, then you've already done the work of fitting into the RAM.

    In terms of the CPU, Switch is actually pretty close. Don't let the ARM architecture and half the cores fool you. Benchmarks demonstrate that the Cortex A57 cores (mobile) at equal clock frequencies to Jaguar cores (also mobile) actually surpass them significantly, especially on the low end. The reduced clock speeds still give the ARM cores an edge. From there, it's about effectively working with 3 out of 4 ARM cores (maybe even partial of the 4th if the OS is handled similarly like the 3DS's CPU) for games that generally worked with up to 6-7 cores (since 1-2 cores get used for the OS of the others with all their active features). Only about 3 cores are used efficiently for game logic because there's only so much parallel processing that can be done for a game world, with any more cores getting affected by diminishing returns. Game engines can partially use these other cores for tasks like getting things ready for the GPU (such as building command lists), but in the case of the Switch, having a reduction already with regard to the GPU, what the game engine does for that won't be as much as the other systems. All in all, while for Switch the game logic may have to be toned down a bit, it won't require nearly as much of a downgrade as stuff done for the GPU, and that's only needing a reduction to half the load.

    So, can the Switch runs these other games? It has the power for them should the devs choose to put some work into downscaling. Funny thing is, they're already adept to downscaling since they do this even for PS4/XB1. They start with much higher-quality assets, then drop them down to fit the platforms. So people using the "downscale hardship" excuse need to go looking for another excuse.

    DrChocolate posted...
    Wii U 0.176 AMD TFlops

    Switch 0.393 Nvidia TFlops docked (0.157 non-performance undocked, 0.197 performance undocked)

    Xbox one 1.311 AMD TFlops

    Fixed that for you, but this is only with regard to raw Flops using FP32. Unlike the rest, Switch using the more efficient Nvidia GPU to get more out of each flop and having access to double-speed FP16, Switch is roughly around the area of 0.615 AMD TFlops docked. Could it be ~0.944 TFlops if it used only FP16? Theoretically, but not only would that bring about a lot of precision-lacking results, but it could only do that if everything processed could be done in doubles to take full use of double-speed FP16 (which takes two sets of FP16 values and processes them with the same single operation, like addition, to get 2 results in the same amount of time as one set of FP32 values), and that is highly unlikely.

    @DiscostewSM I have been meaning to ask you. The A57 comes with a neon Simd co processor. How can that come in play with game performance?
    Switch FC: 5419 6809 0486
    GFaqsUser22 6 days ago#67
    -Lo- posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    Except the more power they're given, the more linear, automated driven our games generally become. Devs lose creativity to abuse horsepower and we suffer. For every HZD we get 8 CoD. Most devs won't gain anything from developing for the twins other than breaking even, whereas an original, creative title using fewer resources will be more profitable. 

    The future is very short-sighted if all you're looking for is power. The Switch is a godsend in a sea of mediocrity.

    LOL, no. I like it and all, but you're really overstating its value.
    Bellagio_6 6 days ago#68
    ncb1397 posted...
    NewMoonShadow posted...
    ncb1397 posted...
    NewMoonShadow posted...
    ncb1397 posted...
    NewMoonShadow posted...

    PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
    X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

    So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

    Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old.

    Sorry, no, shoving the same hardware into a new case doesn't qualify as a new machine.

    Okay, those machines are irrelevant. Sony's current gen console has a an install base of ~2 million and it has been out almost a year. Everyone freak the f*** out!!!

    BTW, the manufacturing technology for the Xbox One S and PS4 Slim only existed in the last year or so.

    Holy s***, will people please pay attention to what the actual topic of discussion is about? Nobody's talking about which console is "better" or which is "selling better" or which is "winning", the discussion is about raw computing power and graphical capabilities.

    Nintendo consoles ever since the Wii have been well behind the curve, this is an indisputable fact of mathematics. Arguing against this is just being a deluded fanboy completely detached from reality. Especially now with consoles releasing with 4 and 6 times the processing power of the Switch, arguing that it will someday look as good as current X-Box One titles is questionable at best, and completely irrelevant at worst. By the time such technical mastery over the Switch is ever attained, its competitors will have moved well beyond that point.

    I love the Switch. I love the games on it, I love the JoyCons, I love basically everything about it with a few nitpicks. But raw power is not one of its advantages, nor is it a reason to even own the thing. Pretending it can match the X-Box One is just being deluded, and putting the focus on the wrong thing anyway.

    Forget the numbers for a second....

    IMO, there are Switch games that look just as good as Xbox One games (or so close that it doesn't matter).

    Sunset Overdrive:

    Splatoon 2:

    Graphical quality is very comparable. Resolution for instance is almost the same between the two. Sunset Overdrive runs at 900p 30 fps(with drops) while Splatoon runs at 864p-1080p 60 fps.

    You are embarrassing.
    Tom Brady is the GOAT
    You gamers should stick to playing games.
    It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
    ArsenicSteel posted...
    You gamers should stick to playing games.

    And you should stick to trying to be clever.
    What a mess Nintendo fanboys can't accept the fact that the switch is much weaker than other system and developers don't have to develop for Nintendo for whatever reason.
    DiscostewSM 5 days ago#72
    @omniryu posted...
    DiscostewSM I have been meaning to ask you. The A57 comes with a neon Simd co processor. How can that come in play with game performance?

    Well, the point of the SIMD (single instruction multiple data) as the acronym implies is being able to process multiple sets of data at the same time with single instructions. Kind of like the double-speed FP16 I mentioned with Nvidia's GPU (starting with the Tegra X1). The Neon tech is a packed SIMD architecture, like an extension to existing SIMD operations. How does that help with game performance? Well, you've got a lot of data that must be processed using the same data types and same instructions. Why do each one at a time when you can do them in bulk? Say you have 4 sets of 32-bit values all of the same type you want to add together (not add 4 values together, but 4 sets of 2 values each) to get 4 results. Explaining in simple terms, to add 4 sets together with the CPU, you'd need to do it as 4 separate instructions. With the SIMD, you call one instruction and it processes those 4 sets in parallel. It's invaluable with things like vectors and matrices. It isn't just limited to math operations. Various logical operations, conversions, etc are included.

    To summarize, lots of data needing to be processed can be done in less time with the Neon SIMD co-processor.
    "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
    Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
    omniryu 5 days ago#73
    DiscostewSM posted...
    @omniryu posted...
    DiscostewSM I have been meaning to ask you. The A57 comes with a neon Simd co processor. How can that come in play with game performance?

    Well, the point of the SIMD (single instruction multiple data) as the acronym implies is being able to process multiple sets of data at the same time with single instructions. Kind of like the double-speed FP16 I mentioned with Nvidia's GPU (starting with the Tegra X1). The Neon tech is a packed SIMD architecture, like an extension to existing SIMD operations. How does that help with game performance? Well, you've got a lot of data that must be processed using the same data types and same instructions. Why do each one at a time when you can do them in bulk? Say you have 4 sets of 32-bit values all of the same type you want to add together (not add 4 values together, but 4 sets of 2 values each) to get 4 results. Explaining in simple terms, to add 4 sets together with the CPU, you'd need to do it as 4 separate instructions. With the SIMD, you call one instruction and it processes those 4 sets in parallel. It's invaluable with things like vectors and matrices. It isn't just limited to math operations. Various logical operations, conversions, etc are included.

    To summarize, lots of data needing to be processed can be done in less time with the Neon SIMD co-processor.

    So stuff like assisting with shader, lighting, physics, or even particle can be done with Simd?

    What about emulation? Can it assist in emulation?
    Switch FC: 5419 6809 0486
    (edited 5 days ago)reportquote
    dunnyrega 5 days ago#74
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    oh you mean like when now some ps3 games look and play better than some ps4 games, and the switch doubles in power the ps3?
    PSN: Akiradeviruman 
    quickposter posted... Numbers indicate nothing.
    dunnyrega 5 days ago#75
    Bellagio_6 posted...
    You are embarrassing.

    sunset overdrive looks like crap compared to Final fantasy type 0, and not the ps4 version, the psp/psvita version.
    PSN: Akiradeviruman 
    quickposter posted... Numbers indicate nothing.
    dunnyrega posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    oh you mean like when now some ps3 games look and play better than some ps4 games, and the switch doubles in power the ps3?

    What ps3 game looks better than a ps4 game?
    GFaqsUser22 5 days ago#77
    sandstormflygon posted...
    dunnyrega posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    oh you mean like when now some ps3 games look and play better than some ps4 games, and the switch doubles in power the ps3?

    What ps3 game looks better than a ps4 game?

    Literally none.
    omniryu 5 days ago#78
    sandstormflygon posted...
    dunnyrega posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    oh you mean like when now some ps3 games look and play better than some ps4 games, and the switch doubles in power the ps3?

    What ps3 game looks better than a ps4 game?

    Idk, but just having more memory for higher quality texture makes the PS4 better than the ps3
    Switch FC: 5419 6809 0486
    Solis 4 days ago#79
    DiscostewSM posted...
    In terms of the GPU, Switch is not as strong as XB1. It's about 1/2 of what XB1 can do when docked and about 1/4-1/5 undocked. Don't really have to worry about undocked mode since that will have a resolution drop (if we go from 1080p to 720p) that lessens the load of about 66.6%. So, devs can simply work with docked mode. Reduction of effects, textures, etc to get it down to at least over half the needed load would be enough. It wouldn't visually turn an XB1 game into a PS2 like some may exaggerate. It'll be like toning down a PC game one notch at maximum.

    That's an incredibly simplistic and misleading example. About half is an incredibly best-case scenario, and realistically you're probably looking at more towards 1/3rd or 1/4th when docked. Additionally, you're assuming you're going from 1080p to 720p...but clearly many Xbox One games run at 900p or less, in which case the Switch would have to run at resolutions well below 720p when docked to achieve the same level of graphical quality.

    Additionally, the "GPU" has little to do with texture quality, since higher quality textures have virtually no affect on the actual load on the GPU itself.

    In terms of RAM, most of what gets loaded is GPU-based, like textures. If you're reducing the assets to work with the GPU, then you've already done the work of fitting into the RAM.

    That's definitely not the case. Not only is the Switch's RAM amount notably different (~3.5gb vs ~5.5GB usable), but the bandwidth it provides is substantially less, ESPECIALLY in regards to its GPU performance. While the Xbox One has its eSRAM to rely on framebuffer (and some secondary attribute) rendering, and the PS4 of course has massive amounts of bandwidth in general, the Switch is relying on its paltry system RAM for both system operations and GPU operations, which is very limiting and as little as 1/6th of what the Xbox One or PS4 can offer. So even if you can just assume that downgrading textures alone would be enough to get it working on the Switch, bandwidth is also a significant issue.

    In terms of the CPU, Switch is actually pretty close.

    No, it isn't. Half (or less) the usable cores for games, and even if the per-core performance was similar (which is almost certainly isn't, I'd like to see these benchmarks that puts the A57 near the Jaguar at 1ghz vs 1.6ghz), that is an absolutely massive downgrade. And along with RAM, CPU usage is the hardest to downgrade without impacting the game itself (in fact, nearly all CPU functions are related to gameplay or game-related aspects, not graphics), so porting a game that utilizes the full CPU power available on the Xbox One or PS4 is going to be an uphill battle.

    So, can the Switch runs these other games? It has the power for them should the devs choose to put some work into downscaling. Funny thing is, they're already adept to downscaling since they do this even for PS4/XB1. They start with much higher-quality assets, then drop them down to fit the platforms. So people using the "downscale hardship" excuse need to go looking for another excuse.

    There's virtually no need for "downscaling" between the PS4 and Xbox One. In nearly every case, all they do is drop the resolution, or at best disable a small number of non-essential effects. Things like texture and asset quality don't have to be altered, which is often different from how things would have to be done for the Switch (especially because of the significant difference in RAM and CPU attributes).

    Simpler games, especially those made for lower end and multiplatform systems through universal engines, will fair better. Games that take more advantage of the Xbox One and PS4's hardware though would be incredibly difficult to get working on the Switch. I can't even imagine how awful something like AC Unity would fair.
    "Walking tanks must exist somewhere for there to be such attention to detail like this in mech sim." - IGN Steel Battalion review
    Fran117 4 days ago#80
    No it is not. It is not even close; and that's fine. Switch is for nintendo games anyway. If you bought a switch with the intention of playing AAA multi-platforms in it, then the fault is on you.
    FC: 1092 - 2294 - 8760
    BobVance 4 days ago#81
    It's a tablet. It's not going to play current gen console games well or at all.
    (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
    Linetrix 4 days ago#82
    Damn, this topic is awesome. Delusions, denial, Discostew getting beautifully refuted...
    "Links to GameFAQs statistics is trolling. It doesn't matter the ToU says nothing about that. I decided it is and it is upheld." - GameFAQs mod
    SSjYagami 4 days ago#83
    You mean it is almost close to Wii U. In other words, trapped between PS3 and Wii U and nowhere close to PS4 Pro when it should eclipse it instead of being a Super Vita minus the features and games.
    ncb1397 posted...
    monkmith posted...
    Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    Why did devs waste money making inferior versions of games for the PS2 and the 360?

    to be fair, way more people owned those consoles.

    The 360 sold 10 million in a year. Switch did 5 million in 4 months. So, not really.

    Now now that doesn't count... Like how everyone dreamcast game ran like s*** on the PS2 yet the dreamcast died cuz the PS2 was "better"
    (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
    SSjYagami posted...
    You mean it is almost close to Wii U. In other words, trapped between PS3 and Wii U and nowhere close to PS4 Pro when it should eclipse it instead of being a Super Vita minus the features and games.

    Lol Vita having games... I have one and there isn't s*** on it cept for obscure jrpgs as of late all the major games already came out... Hell not even a gta game came to it like on the psp
    Ryanator20x6 posted...
    I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

    No the problem is the bandwidth. the CPU and GPU scale fine with Xbone and PS4 being 2-3x as weaker(assuming devs fully optimize Switch's GPU with mixed precision mode), but the RAM bandwidth sucks, and could be holding back getting demanding AAA 3rd party ports from performing as intended.

    We've already seen some games scale pretty well on switch versions(lego city undercover, snake pass).. But the big test is the AAA 3rd party games like Call of Duty.
    Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
    (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
    kislev 4 days ago#87
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.
    We need a new Final Fantasy Tactics
    (message deleted)
    kislev posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    By your logic, why should devs make games on anything other than the PS4 Pro and soon to be X-box X. or even better.. the PC?

    Hint: Because people are willing to buy them.
    Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
    brubie 4 days ago#90
    DiscostewSM posted...
    brubie posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    people say devs won't waste time/money on making superior versions of their game for xbox one x
    people say devs won't waste time/money on making inferior versions of their game for switch
    devs just love middle of the road gaming i guess.

    More like going with whichever route will lead them to good profit. If making superior versions for XB1X granted a lot of money, they'd do it. If making inferior versions for Switch granted a lot of money, they'd do it. Doing one doesn't mean they wouldn't do anything else if more than the one granted lots of money.

    yeah, middle of the road, mediocre, mass market appeal. devs love that for their games as it gets the most dollars.
    Andros-2K7 posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    Did you help to create the Switch to know what it can run and what it cannot? And when did good graphics = good game? You're a fool if you think toning down a game a little bit wouldn't positively affect a games sales figure. How blind are you exactly? The major selling point of the Switch is the portability and Nintendo's current sales # has been the best it has ever been because of that. How many of these Switch games that are selling so well has uber omg type of graphics? You wait and see how well the Switch version of Skyrim will sell. You must be a Microsoft or Sony couch potato who thinks anything less than a 4k TV and a "powerful" home console isn't gaming or worth having. Get with the times. On the go gaming is where its at now whether its on your cellphone or 3ds or Switch.

    That explains why COD skipped the console.
    characterz3ro posted...
    Andros-2K7 posted...
    sandstormflygon posted...
    The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

    Did you help to create the Switch to know what it can run and what it cannot? And when did good graphics = good game? You're a fool if you think toning down a game a little bit wouldn't positively affect a games sales figure. How blind are you exactly? The major selling point of the Switch is the portability and Nintendo's current sales # has been the best it has ever been because of that. How many of these Switch games that are selling so well has uber omg type of graphics? You wait and see how well the Switch version of Skyrim will sell. You must be a Microsoft or Sony couch potato who thinks anything less than a 4k TV and a "powerful" home console isn't gaming or worth having. Get with the times. On the go gaming is where its at now whether its on your cellphone or 3ds or Switch.

    That explains why COD skipped the console.

    Yeah, sadly, the Switch isn't getting any current AAA third party support. Sure, WWE and the 2K games are coming but those aren't the major releases and they release on any console so the Switch gets those games by default. The only reason Skyrim is coming is because it's a 6 year old game, of course the Switch can run Skyrim but wait until Bethesda drops support or just release shovelware for the Switch. Bethesda is just trying to squeeze every single ounce of money from Skyrim.
    arrrdunla 4 days ago#93
    Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.
    frogman_295 4 days ago#94
    The same thing was said about the lack of Wii U ports.
    Nipple rubbing intensifies...
    king_madden 4 days ago#95
    Bellagio_6 posted...
    You are embarrassing.

    he was on a roll with the bad posts in this topic wasnt he? 

    havent seen a streak like that in a while.
    finally a new .Hack game! its been too long old friend.
    BobVance posted...
    It's a tablet. It's not going to play current gen console games well or at all.

    The thing people need to understand is that Switch supports everything that the current gen consoles do. The biggest problem is that the CPU has half the core count. The hardware itself is modern but the horsepower is lacking.

    The Wii vs Xbox 360 was much worse than the Switch vs Xbox One.
    Wii had a single core CPU vs the 360's multicore CPU
    Wii had 88MB total RAM vs the 360's 512MB total RAM
    Wii had DX7 class GPU vs the 360's DX9 class GPU (with some features not available on PC until DX10 GPUs)

    For the Wii, games needed to be fully remade. For the Switch, they just need to be downgraded alot.

    In theory, everything GPU related could be scaled down easily. The RAM disadvantage is also something console programmers have been used to since always. 
    It's the CPU that's problematic, because CPU tasks are typically affecting the gameplay itself. 

    A game like Battlefield 1 wouldn't be possible on the Switch, primarily because of the CPU. But a game like Tomb Raider, which is more of a corridor game, would be possible.
    Super Mario Kart is the single best Mario Kart ever!
    (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
    @ncb1397 posted...
    ArabrockermanX posted...

    2016 account, so most likely a troll. 

    Also, Switch has less than half a teraflop while docked, it is around 1/3rd an xb0ne while docked...

    Comparing nVidia GPUs vs AMD GPUs like that doesn't yield accurate comparisons. If an AMD tflop equaled an nVidia tflop, high end AMD GPUs would beat high end nVidia GPUs. It is the opposite though, the NVidia GPUs trounce AMD's.

    In this case it should be fairly close, console games are optimized to the hardware frequently which will reduce Nvidia's advantage. Also, even if we ignore all of that, we are still talking about the GPU being under half the xb0ne's while the Switch is docked. 

    Devs have to aim for the undocked specs as their baseline...
    The internet, where people come to be a dumbass.
    How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.
    sandstormflygon posted...
    How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

    Huh, I thought I just saw DQ Builders 2 announced for Switch and reaffirmation on the Switch version of XI. Guess I was mistaken - nobody wants to work with Switch.
    3DS FC: 0490-7858-5102/NS FC: SW-6739-0520-9699/PSN: freedumbdclxvi
    Nobody cares.

    Game 1: Latest graphics, only runs on certain systems that can also run VR (like PSVR). AKA 'technology demo'.
    Game 2: Updated graphics, runs on the Switch that can't do VR, but can handle most of the latest graphics effects.

    There might be a limit to what the Switch can do, but the graphics so far have been great. Some developers cry that they have to optimize their code. Too bad!
    1. Boards
    2. Nintendo Switch
    3. The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture
      1. Boards
      2. Nintendo Switch
      3. The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture
      (message deleted)
      DiscostewSM 6 days ago#52
      TalesRevenant posted...
      ncb1397 posted...
      TalesRevenant posted...
      Lol no it's not. It's slightly more powerful than Wii U. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4.

      Every benchmark we have of actual games suggests otherwise. Heck, minecraft runs at the same resolution and a higher framerate than the PS4 version (lower draw distance though). Regardless, "close" is an inherently relative term. The moon is close by, relatively speaking...

      No it doesn't...And close isn'ta relative term. It literally is a Wii U 1.5. It's not even close to X1 let alone PS4. What do you not understand about that? Is that hard for you to comprehend? It cannot, factually, run X1 or PS4 games. Engrave that in your head. And yes...let's use Minecraft and f***ing indie games to magically say a system is more powerful than it actually is. 

      Jesus the mental gymnastics...

      The system is factually running tech that is years old and not even close the specs of X1 and PS4 is not even in this discussion. It's pretty much a Wii U 1.5, hence, why every f***ing game, including Nintendo's own look like straight up Wii U games.

      I don't understand why the fanboys of this board have to be so damn delusional. Why can't you just admit the system is weak? Especially when there are facts contradicting the bulls*** you just spewed. People have broken down the system and found what's inside it. It's a damn modified Tegra X1 mobile chip. Just use your brain and figure out the rest. As a handheld, it's powerful. As a console? It's a spruced up Wii U. Wii U=/=X1.

      With Snake Pass being 864p on PS4 and 675p on Switch docked, it's closer than you think. And we didn't need to call 30 Gamestop locations to confirm that.
      "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
      Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
      TalesRevenant posted...
      It cannot, factually, run X1 or PS4 games.

      Factually, it runs Disgaea 5, which is a PS4 game.
      3DS FC: 0490-7858-5102/NS FC: SW-6739-0520-9699/PSN: freedumbdclxvi
      freedumbdclxvi posted...
      TalesRevenant posted...
      It cannot, factually, run X1 or PS4 games.

      Factually, it runs Disgaea 5, which is a PS4 game.

      I wouldn't take his comments seriously.
      Any information provided on GFaqs can and will be used against you as bullying material.
      If you keep talking about me, I will keep pointing out your obsession.
      Didn't watch that, but battery life is one reason you can't fully utilize the systems full potential without major sacrifice.
      DiscostewSM 6 days ago#56
      freedumbdclxvi posted...
      TalesRevenant posted...
      It cannot, factually, run X1 or PS4 games.

      Factually, it runs Disgaea 5, which is a PS4 game.

      Remember when that was a PS4 exclusive?


      It isn't now.
      "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
      Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.
      "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

      There is a reason some games drain more battery than others.

      That is a thing.

      Putting a game on Switch that only last for an hour handheld is bad marketing.
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn%u2019t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

      Yup, CPU is the biggest problem. Half the core count. Recent PS4 and Xbox One games should be optimized to use up to seven cores.

      The GPU is DX12/Vulkan class, it supports all the features needed to run PS4 and PC ports, albeit the graphics themselves need a hefty downgrade. 
      People need to think in terms of how PC versions can scale from maximum settings on the latest and greatest down to minimum on 5+ year old GPUs.
      Super Mario Kart is the single best Mario Kart ever!
      (edited 6 days ago)reportquote
      memoryman3 6 days ago#60
      godplaysSNES posted...
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn%u2019t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

      Yup, CPU is the biggest problem. Half the core count. Recent PS4 and Xbox One games should be optimized to use up to seven cores.

      The GPU is DX12/Vulkan class, it supports all the features needed to run PS4 and PC ports, albeit the graphics themselves need a hefty downgrade. 
      People need to think in terms of how PC versions can scale from maximum settings on the latest and greatest down to minimum on 5+ year old GPUs.

      The GPU is massively weaker on Switch due to thermal constraints.
      Daisy amiibo sass!
      Switch FC - 5067-3358-4023
      DiscostewSM 6 days ago#61
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

      Switch's CPU runs at 1Ghz, not 300Mhz, and doesn't change between docked and undocked modes. I've already mentioned how it's not really that far off CPU-wise in actual use.
      "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
      Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
      (edited 6 days ago)reportquote
      -Lo- 6 days ago#62
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      Except the more power they're given, the more linear, automated driven our games generally become. Devs lose creativity to abuse horsepower and we suffer. For every HZD we get 8 CoD. Most devs won't gain anything from developing for the twins other than breaking even, whereas an original, creative title using fewer resources will be more profitable. 

      The future is very short-sighted if all you're looking for is power. The Switch is a godsend in a sea of mediocrity.
      Switch - PS4 - Wii U - PS3 - 3DS - GameCube - Xbox One. 
      X1X is the ultimate form of compensation for an embarrassed company and community.
      DiscostewSM posted...
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

      Switch's CPU runs at 1Ghz, not 300Mhz, and doesn't change between docked and undocked modes. I've already mentioned how it's not really that far off CPU-wise in actual use.

      That’s not what I’ve heard. Supply a source.
      Here is mine:
      "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
      (edited 6 days ago)reportquote
      DiscostewSM 6 days ago#64
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      DiscostewSM posted...
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

      Switch's CPU runs at 1Ghz, not 300Mhz, and doesn't change between docked and undocked modes. I've already mentioned how it's not really that far off CPU-wise in actual use.

      That’s not what I’ve heard. Supply a source.
      Here is mine:


      When docked, the Switch's GPU runs at a 768MHz, already lower than the 1GHz of the Shield Android TV. When used as a portable, the Switch downclocks the GPU to 307.2MHz—just 40 percent of the clock speed when docked.

      While GPU performance is variable, the rest of the Switch's specs remain static. Its four ARM A57 CPU cores are purported to run at 1020MHz regardless of whether the console is docked or undocked,

      They're just reiterating what DF said, which is that the CPU is 1Ghz (1020Mhz to be precise), whereas the GPU is 768Mhz docked and 307.2Mhz undocked.
      "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
      Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
      (edited 6 days ago)reportquote
      DiscostewSM posted...
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      DiscostewSM posted...
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

      Switch's CPU runs at 1Ghz, not 300Mhz, and doesn't change between docked and undocked modes. I've already mentioned how it's not really that far off CPU-wise in actual use.

      That’s not what I’ve heard. Supply a source.
      Here is mine:


      When docked, the Switch's GPU runs at a 768MHz, already lower than the 1GHz of the Shield Android TV. When used as a portable, the Switch downclocks the GPU to 307.2MHz—just 40 percent of the clock speed when docked.

      While GPU performance is variable, the rest of the Switch's specs remain static. Its four ARM A57 CPU cores are purported to run at 1020MHz regardless of whether the console is docked or undocked,

      Oh boy, letters, uh...
      "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain
      omniryu 6 days ago#66
      DiscostewSM posted...
      In terms of the GPU, Switch is not as strong as XB1. It's about 1/2 of what XB1 can do when docked and about 1/4-1/5 undocked. Don't really have to worry about undocked mode since that will have a resolution drop (if we go from 1080p to 720p) that lessens the load of about 66.6%. So, devs can simply work with docked mode. Reduction of effects, textures, etc to get it down to at least over half the needed load would be enough. It wouldn't visually turn an XB1 game into a PS2 like some may exaggerate. It'll be like toning down a PC game one notch at maximum. 

      In terms of RAM, most of what gets loaded is GPU-based, like textures. If you're reducing the assets to work with the GPU, then you've already done the work of fitting into the RAM.

      In terms of the CPU, Switch is actually pretty close. Don't let the ARM architecture and half the cores fool you. Benchmarks demonstrate that the Cortex A57 cores (mobile) at equal clock frequencies to Jaguar cores (also mobile) actually surpass them significantly, especially on the low end. The reduced clock speeds still give the ARM cores an edge. From there, it's about effectively working with 3 out of 4 ARM cores (maybe even partial of the 4th if the OS is handled similarly like the 3DS's CPU) for games that generally worked with up to 6-7 cores (since 1-2 cores get used for the OS of the others with all their active features). Only about 3 cores are used efficiently for game logic because there's only so much parallel processing that can be done for a game world, with any more cores getting affected by diminishing returns. Game engines can partially use these other cores for tasks like getting things ready for the GPU (such as building command lists), but in the case of the Switch, having a reduction already with regard to the GPU, what the game engine does for that won't be as much as the other systems. All in all, while for Switch the game logic may have to be toned down a bit, it won't require nearly as much of a downgrade as stuff done for the GPU, and that's only needing a reduction to half the load.

      So, can the Switch runs these other games? It has the power for them should the devs choose to put some work into downscaling. Funny thing is, they're already adept to downscaling since they do this even for PS4/XB1. They start with much higher-quality assets, then drop them down to fit the platforms. So people using the "downscale hardship" excuse need to go looking for another excuse.

      DrChocolate posted...
      Wii U 0.176 AMD TFlops

      Switch 0.393 Nvidia TFlops docked (0.157 non-performance undocked, 0.197 performance undocked)

      Xbox one 1.311 AMD TFlops

      Fixed that for you, but this is only with regard to raw Flops using FP32. Unlike the rest, Switch using the more efficient Nvidia GPU to get more out of each flop and having access to double-speed FP16, Switch is roughly around the area of 0.615 AMD TFlops docked. Could it be ~0.944 TFlops if it used only FP16? Theoretically, but not only would that bring about a lot of precision-lacking results, but it could only do that if everything processed could be done in doubles to take full use of double-speed FP16 (which takes two sets of FP16 values and processes them with the same single operation, like addition, to get 2 results in the same amount of time as one set of FP32 values), and that is highly unlikely.

      @DiscostewSM I have been meaning to ask you. The A57 comes with a neon Simd co processor. How can that come in play with game performance?
      Switch FC: 5419 6809 0486
      GFaqsUser22 6 days ago#67
      -Lo- posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      Except the more power they're given, the more linear, automated driven our games generally become. Devs lose creativity to abuse horsepower and we suffer. For every HZD we get 8 CoD. Most devs won't gain anything from developing for the twins other than breaking even, whereas an original, creative title using fewer resources will be more profitable. 

      The future is very short-sighted if all you're looking for is power. The Switch is a godsend in a sea of mediocrity.

      LOL, no. I like it and all, but you're really overstating its value.
      Bellagio_6 6 days ago#68
      ncb1397 posted...
      NewMoonShadow posted...
      ncb1397 posted...
      NewMoonShadow posted...
      ncb1397 posted...
      NewMoonShadow posted...

      PS4Pro = 4.2 TFLOPS per second
      X-Box One X = 6 TFLOPS per Second

      So... yeah, Nintendo is still wildly behind the curve, even if you try to argue that it's not by comparing it to 4-year-old hardware.

      Xbox One S and PS4 slim are new machines. Less than a year old.

      Sorry, no, shoving the same hardware into a new case doesn't qualify as a new machine.

      Okay, those machines are irrelevant. Sony's current gen console has a an install base of ~2 million and it has been out almost a year. Everyone freak the f*** out!!!

      BTW, the manufacturing technology for the Xbox One S and PS4 Slim only existed in the last year or so.

      Holy s***, will people please pay attention to what the actual topic of discussion is about? Nobody's talking about which console is "better" or which is "selling better" or which is "winning", the discussion is about raw computing power and graphical capabilities.

      Nintendo consoles ever since the Wii have been well behind the curve, this is an indisputable fact of mathematics. Arguing against this is just being a deluded fanboy completely detached from reality. Especially now with consoles releasing with 4 and 6 times the processing power of the Switch, arguing that it will someday look as good as current X-Box One titles is questionable at best, and completely irrelevant at worst. By the time such technical mastery over the Switch is ever attained, its competitors will have moved well beyond that point.

      I love the Switch. I love the games on it, I love the JoyCons, I love basically everything about it with a few nitpicks. But raw power is not one of its advantages, nor is it a reason to even own the thing. Pretending it can match the X-Box One is just being deluded, and putting the focus on the wrong thing anyway.

      Forget the numbers for a second....

      IMO, there are Switch games that look just as good as Xbox One games (or so close that it doesn't matter).

      Sunset Overdrive:

      Splatoon 2:

      Graphical quality is very comparable. Resolution for instance is almost the same between the two. Sunset Overdrive runs at 900p 30 fps(with drops) while Splatoon runs at 864p-1080p 60 fps.

      You are embarrassing.
      Tom Brady is the GOAT
      You gamers should stick to playing games.
      It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
      ArsenicSteel posted...
      You gamers should stick to playing games.

      And you should stick to trying to be clever.
      What a mess Nintendo fanboys can't accept the fact that the switch is much weaker than other system and developers don't have to develop for Nintendo for whatever reason.
      DiscostewSM 5 days ago#72
      @omniryu posted...
      DiscostewSM I have been meaning to ask you. The A57 comes with a neon Simd co processor. How can that come in play with game performance?

      Well, the point of the SIMD (single instruction multiple data) as the acronym implies is being able to process multiple sets of data at the same time with single instructions. Kind of like the double-speed FP16 I mentioned with Nvidia's GPU (starting with the Tegra X1). The Neon tech is a packed SIMD architecture, like an extension to existing SIMD operations. How does that help with game performance? Well, you've got a lot of data that must be processed using the same data types and same instructions. Why do each one at a time when you can do them in bulk? Say you have 4 sets of 32-bit values all of the same type you want to add together (not add 4 values together, but 4 sets of 2 values each) to get 4 results. Explaining in simple terms, to add 4 sets together with the CPU, you'd need to do it as 4 separate instructions. With the SIMD, you call one instruction and it processes those 4 sets in parallel. It's invaluable with things like vectors and matrices. It isn't just limited to math operations. Various logical operations, conversions, etc are included.

      To summarize, lots of data needing to be processed can be done in less time with the Neon SIMD co-processor.
      "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
      Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
      omniryu 5 days ago#73
      DiscostewSM posted...
      @omniryu posted...
      DiscostewSM I have been meaning to ask you. The A57 comes with a neon Simd co processor. How can that come in play with game performance?

      Well, the point of the SIMD (single instruction multiple data) as the acronym implies is being able to process multiple sets of data at the same time with single instructions. Kind of like the double-speed FP16 I mentioned with Nvidia's GPU (starting with the Tegra X1). The Neon tech is a packed SIMD architecture, like an extension to existing SIMD operations. How does that help with game performance? Well, you've got a lot of data that must be processed using the same data types and same instructions. Why do each one at a time when you can do them in bulk? Say you have 4 sets of 32-bit values all of the same type you want to add together (not add 4 values together, but 4 sets of 2 values each) to get 4 results. Explaining in simple terms, to add 4 sets together with the CPU, you'd need to do it as 4 separate instructions. With the SIMD, you call one instruction and it processes those 4 sets in parallel. It's invaluable with things like vectors and matrices. It isn't just limited to math operations. Various logical operations, conversions, etc are included.

      To summarize, lots of data needing to be processed can be done in less time with the Neon SIMD co-processor.

      So stuff like assisting with shader, lighting, physics, or even particle can be done with Simd?

      What about emulation? Can it assist in emulation?
      Switch FC: 5419 6809 0486
      (edited 5 days ago)reportquote
      dunnyrega 5 days ago#74
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      oh you mean like when now some ps3 games look and play better than some ps4 games, and the switch doubles in power the ps3?
      PSN: Akiradeviruman 
      quickposter posted... Numbers indicate nothing.
      dunnyrega 5 days ago#75
      Bellagio_6 posted...
      You are embarrassing.

      sunset overdrive looks like crap compared to Final fantasy type 0, and not the ps4 version, the psp/psvita version.
      PSN: Akiradeviruman 
      quickposter posted... Numbers indicate nothing.
      dunnyrega posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      oh you mean like when now some ps3 games look and play better than some ps4 games, and the switch doubles in power the ps3?

      What ps3 game looks better than a ps4 game?
      GFaqsUser22 5 days ago#77
      sandstormflygon posted...
      dunnyrega posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      oh you mean like when now some ps3 games look and play better than some ps4 games, and the switch doubles in power the ps3?

      What ps3 game looks better than a ps4 game?

      Literally none.
      omniryu 5 days ago#78
      sandstormflygon posted...
      dunnyrega posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      oh you mean like when now some ps3 games look and play better than some ps4 games, and the switch doubles in power the ps3?

      What ps3 game looks better than a ps4 game?

      Idk, but just having more memory for higher quality texture makes the PS4 better than the ps3
      Switch FC: 5419 6809 0486
      Solis 4 days ago#79
      DiscostewSM posted...
      In terms of the GPU, Switch is not as strong as XB1. It's about 1/2 of what XB1 can do when docked and about 1/4-1/5 undocked. Don't really have to worry about undocked mode since that will have a resolution drop (if we go from 1080p to 720p) that lessens the load of about 66.6%. So, devs can simply work with docked mode. Reduction of effects, textures, etc to get it down to at least over half the needed load would be enough. It wouldn't visually turn an XB1 game into a PS2 like some may exaggerate. It'll be like toning down a PC game one notch at maximum.

      That's an incredibly simplistic and misleading example. About half is an incredibly best-case scenario, and realistically you're probably looking at more towards 1/3rd or 1/4th when docked. Additionally, you're assuming you're going from 1080p to 720p...but clearly many Xbox One games run at 900p or less, in which case the Switch would have to run at resolutions well below 720p when docked to achieve the same level of graphical quality.

      Additionally, the "GPU" has little to do with texture quality, since higher quality textures have virtually no affect on the actual load on the GPU itself.

      In terms of RAM, most of what gets loaded is GPU-based, like textures. If you're reducing the assets to work with the GPU, then you've already done the work of fitting into the RAM.

      That's definitely not the case. Not only is the Switch's RAM amount notably different (~3.5gb vs ~5.5GB usable), but the bandwidth it provides is substantially less, ESPECIALLY in regards to its GPU performance. While the Xbox One has its eSRAM to rely on framebuffer (and some secondary attribute) rendering, and the PS4 of course has massive amounts of bandwidth in general, the Switch is relying on its paltry system RAM for both system operations and GPU operations, which is very limiting and as little as 1/6th of what the Xbox One or PS4 can offer. So even if you can just assume that downgrading textures alone would be enough to get it working on the Switch, bandwidth is also a significant issue.

      In terms of the CPU, Switch is actually pretty close.

      No, it isn't. Half (or less) the usable cores for games, and even if the per-core performance was similar (which is almost certainly isn't, I'd like to see these benchmarks that puts the A57 near the Jaguar at 1ghz vs 1.6ghz), that is an absolutely massive downgrade. And along with RAM, CPU usage is the hardest to downgrade without impacting the game itself (in fact, nearly all CPU functions are related to gameplay or game-related aspects, not graphics), so porting a game that utilizes the full CPU power available on the Xbox One or PS4 is going to be an uphill battle.

      So, can the Switch runs these other games? It has the power for them should the devs choose to put some work into downscaling. Funny thing is, they're already adept to downscaling since they do this even for PS4/XB1. They start with much higher-quality assets, then drop them down to fit the platforms. So people using the "downscale hardship" excuse need to go looking for another excuse.

      There's virtually no need for "downscaling" between the PS4 and Xbox One. In nearly every case, all they do is drop the resolution, or at best disable a small number of non-essential effects. Things like texture and asset quality don't have to be altered, which is often different from how things would have to be done for the Switch (especially because of the significant difference in RAM and CPU attributes).

      Simpler games, especially those made for lower end and multiplatform systems through universal engines, will fair better. Games that take more advantage of the Xbox One and PS4's hardware though would be incredibly difficult to get working on the Switch. I can't even imagine how awful something like AC Unity would fair.
      "Walking tanks must exist somewhere for there to be such attention to detail like this in mech sim." - IGN Steel Battalion review
      Fran117 4 days ago#80
      No it is not. It is not even close; and that's fine. Switch is for nintendo games anyway. If you bought a switch with the intention of playing AAA multi-platforms in it, then the fault is on you.
      FC: 1092 - 2294 - 8760
      BobVance 4 days ago#81
      It's a tablet. It's not going to play current gen console games well or at all.
      (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
      Linetrix 4 days ago#82
      Damn, this topic is awesome. Delusions, denial, Discostew getting beautifully refuted...
      "Links to GameFAQs statistics is trolling. It doesn't matter the ToU says nothing about that. I decided it is and it is upheld." - GameFAQs mod
      SSjYagami 4 days ago#83
      You mean it is almost close to Wii U. In other words, trapped between PS3 and Wii U and nowhere close to PS4 Pro when it should eclipse it instead of being a Super Vita minus the features and games.
      ncb1397 posted...
      monkmith posted...
      Karmic Dragon2003 posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      Why did devs waste money making inferior versions of games for the PS2 and the 360?

      to be fair, way more people owned those consoles.

      The 360 sold 10 million in a year. Switch did 5 million in 4 months. So, not really.

      Now now that doesn't count... Like how everyone dreamcast game ran like s*** on the PS2 yet the dreamcast died cuz the PS2 was "better"
      (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
      SSjYagami posted...
      You mean it is almost close to Wii U. In other words, trapped between PS3 and Wii U and nowhere close to PS4 Pro when it should eclipse it instead of being a Super Vita minus the features and games.

      Lol Vita having games... I have one and there isn't s*** on it cept for obscure jrpgs as of late all the major games already came out... Hell not even a gta game came to it like on the psp
      Ryanator20x6 posted...
      I really think that the problem lies with the CPU, rather than the GPU. 300 MHz is not a lot. Just because some PS4 and Xbox One games can make the jump doesn’t mean all of them can. Every game is different.

      No the problem is the bandwidth. the CPU and GPU scale fine with Xbone and PS4 being 2-3x as weaker(assuming devs fully optimize Switch's GPU with mixed precision mode), but the RAM bandwidth sucks, and could be holding back getting demanding AAA 3rd party ports from performing as intended.

      We've already seen some games scale pretty well on switch versions(lego city undercover, snake pass).. But the big test is the AAA 3rd party games like Call of Duty.
      Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
      (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
      kislev 4 days ago#87
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.
      We need a new Final Fantasy Tactics
      (message deleted)
      kislev posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      By your logic, why should devs make games on anything other than the PS4 Pro and soon to be X-box X. or even better.. the PC?

      Hint: Because people are willing to buy them.
      Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
      brubie 4 days ago#90
      DiscostewSM posted...
      brubie posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      people say devs won't waste time/money on making superior versions of their game for xbox one x
      people say devs won't waste time/money on making inferior versions of their game for switch
      devs just love middle of the road gaming i guess.

      More like going with whichever route will lead them to good profit. If making superior versions for XB1X granted a lot of money, they'd do it. If making inferior versions for Switch granted a lot of money, they'd do it. Doing one doesn't mean they wouldn't do anything else if more than the one granted lots of money.

      yeah, middle of the road, mediocre, mass market appeal. devs love that for their games as it gets the most dollars.
      Andros-2K7 posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      Did you help to create the Switch to know what it can run and what it cannot? And when did good graphics = good game? You're a fool if you think toning down a game a little bit wouldn't positively affect a games sales figure. How blind are you exactly? The major selling point of the Switch is the portability and Nintendo's current sales # has been the best it has ever been because of that. How many of these Switch games that are selling so well has uber omg type of graphics? You wait and see how well the Switch version of Skyrim will sell. You must be a Microsoft or Sony couch potato who thinks anything less than a 4k TV and a "powerful" home console isn't gaming or worth having. Get with the times. On the go gaming is where its at now whether its on your cellphone or 3ds or Switch.

      That explains why COD skipped the console.
      characterz3ro posted...
      Andros-2K7 posted...
      sandstormflygon posted...
      The switch isn't anywhere close to the Xbox one in terms of power. Also why should devs waste money making inferior version of their games. Some games could be made to run on the switch but that would require a lot of effort just to make portable yet inferior port of a game. Most devs won't really gain anything from that. Developers should focus on the future and push games to their best but they can't do on the switch limiting hardware.

      Did you help to create the Switch to know what it can run and what it cannot? And when did good graphics = good game? You're a fool if you think toning down a game a little bit wouldn't positively affect a games sales figure. How blind are you exactly? The major selling point of the Switch is the portability and Nintendo's current sales # has been the best it has ever been because of that. How many of these Switch games that are selling so well has uber omg type of graphics? You wait and see how well the Switch version of Skyrim will sell. You must be a Microsoft or Sony couch potato who thinks anything less than a 4k TV and a "powerful" home console isn't gaming or worth having. Get with the times. On the go gaming is where its at now whether its on your cellphone or 3ds or Switch.

      That explains why COD skipped the console.

      Yeah, sadly, the Switch isn't getting any current AAA third party support. Sure, WWE and the 2K games are coming but those aren't the major releases and they release on any console so the Switch gets those games by default. The only reason Skyrim is coming is because it's a 6 year old game, of course the Switch can run Skyrim but wait until Bethesda drops support or just release shovelware for the Switch. Bethesda is just trying to squeeze every single ounce of money from Skyrim.
      arrrdunla 4 days ago#93
      Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.
      frogman_295 4 days ago#94
      The same thing was said about the lack of Wii U ports.
      Nipple rubbing intensifies...
      king_madden 4 days ago#95
      Bellagio_6 posted...
      You are embarrassing.

      he was on a roll with the bad posts in this topic wasnt he? 

      havent seen a streak like that in a while.
      finally a new .Hack game! its been too long old friend.
      BobVance posted...
      It's a tablet. It's not going to play current gen console games well or at all.

      The thing people need to understand is that Switch supports everything that the current gen consoles do. The biggest problem is that the CPU has half the core count. The hardware itself is modern but the horsepower is lacking.

      The Wii vs Xbox 360 was much worse than the Switch vs Xbox One.
      Wii had a single core CPU vs the 360's multicore CPU
      Wii had 88MB total RAM vs the 360's 512MB total RAM
      Wii had DX7 class GPU vs the 360's DX9 class GPU (with some features not available on PC until DX10 GPUs)

      For the Wii, games needed to be fully remade. For the Switch, they just need to be downgraded alot.

      In theory, everything GPU related could be scaled down easily. The RAM disadvantage is also something console programmers have been used to since always. 
      It's the CPU that's problematic, because CPU tasks are typically affecting the gameplay itself. 

      A game like Battlefield 1 wouldn't be possible on the Switch, primarily because of the CPU. But a game like Tomb Raider, which is more of a corridor game, would be possible.
      Super Mario Kart is the single best Mario Kart ever!
      (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
      @ncb1397 posted...
      ArabrockermanX posted...

      2016 account, so most likely a troll. 

      Also, Switch has less than half a teraflop while docked, it is around 1/3rd an xb0ne while docked...

      Comparing nVidia GPUs vs AMD GPUs like that doesn't yield accurate comparisons. If an AMD tflop equaled an nVidia tflop, high end AMD GPUs would beat high end nVidia GPUs. It is the opposite though, the NVidia GPUs trounce AMD's.

      In this case it should be fairly close, console games are optimized to the hardware frequently which will reduce Nvidia's advantage. Also, even if we ignore all of that, we are still talking about the GPU being under half the xb0ne's while the Switch is docked. 

      Devs have to aim for the undocked specs as their baseline...
      The internet, where people come to be a dumbass.
      How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.
      sandstormflygon posted...
      How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

      Huh, I thought I just saw DQ Builders 2 announced for Switch and reaffirmation on the Switch version of XI. Guess I was mistaken - nobody wants to work with Switch.
      3DS FC: 0490-7858-5102/NS FC: SW-6739-0520-9699/PSN: freedumbdclxvi
      Nobody cares.

      Game 1: Latest graphics, only runs on certain systems that can also run VR (like PSVR). AKA 'technology demo'.
      Game 2: Updated graphics, runs on the Switch that can't do VR, but can handle most of the latest graphics effects.

      There might be a limit to what the Switch can do, but the graphics so far have been great. Some developers cry that they have to optimize their code. Too bad!
      1. Boards
      2. Nintendo Switch
      3. The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture
        1. Boards
        2. Nintendo Switch
        3. The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture
        Starlord12 4 days ago#101
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.
        If you are skeptical of everything, you wind up not trying anything. 
        Switch FC- SW-5637-7942-0885 NNID FC- 0404-6783-3729
        rockymin 4 days ago#102
        Starlord12 posted...
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.

        Yeah, no. A DQ port that we have had no info on and a couple of indy level digital games does not mean SE is "fully on board". Neither Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts is coming to the Switch, and they probably won't either. So SE isn't even close to being "fully on board".
        "It's funny how dumb you are" -Bill Cipher
        FCs, PSN and Gamertag in profile
        slyman19 4 days ago#103
        arrrdunla posted...
        Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.

        Xbox One indie games sure, but not the big hitters though.
        Starlord12 4 days ago#104
        rockymin posted...
        Starlord12 posted...
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.

        Yeah, no. A DQ port that we have had no info on and a couple of indy level digital games does not mean SE is "fully on board". Neither Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts is coming to the Switch, and they probably won't either. So SE isn't even close to being "fully on board".

        FF and KH (as of yet), I am talking about what is already been announced. I am sure in time they will put FFX again on another platform and even FFXII. Thsoe games are more than capable of running on the Switch, and at the rate in which they seemingly love to remaster port games over to different hardware, it certainly wouldn't surprise me. 

        Anyhow, DQXI is coming to the Switch , We may have little info on it, but it is confirmed to come to the Switch, we will see that game eventually on it. From my point of view, they are pretty much on board with it. Even moreso with how crazy the Switch is selling out in Japan and people are still lining up for it. That will only enable companies like SE to make even more games on it ( Yes that includes ports that have been ported several times over).

        Think what you will though :P.
        If you are skeptical of everything, you wind up not trying anything. 
        Switch FC- SW-5637-7942-0885 NNID FC- 0404-6783-3729
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Tell that to the PS2 and the Wii. Wii got 3rd party AAA games like call of duty running on a console that was 20x weaker then their competitors and they got it running great on its hardware despite the limitations. Compare that to now, and the power gap is much much more narrower and the switch runs all the latest shaders and engines.

        Only reason devs are hesitant are because Nintendo has a history of not selling 3rd party ports at profitable numbers. It's just that. $$$. The Wii U's lifetime sales were abysmal at 14 million as well. But that could change with the Switch, which could match the Wii U's install base in its one year anniversary.. and if people just bought the switch versions in the future, we'd be getting more third party ports over the years as well.
        Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
        (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
        DrChocolate posted...
        NewMoonShadow posted...
        Nothing in particular he says is "wrong", but his conclusion that the Switch is powerful enough to compete with, and surpass, the other consoles is just spitting in the face of mathematics (which he doesn't even mention, for those who didn't listen to it, he's literally just belching out anecdotal theories).

        he says some games look better which is due to skilled graphics artists, just like how no PC game look better than uncharted 4... but the Switch is powerfull enought to receive PS4 and Xbone ports whitout execive time consuming downgrades like the Wii U(Switch is closser to the XBONE than the wii u in terms of power) the main problem itself is that it has a diferent architecture and programing

        Switch is closer to the Xbone than to the switch when it comes to performance 

        Wii U 0.352 TeraFLOPS

        Switch 1.01 TERAFLOPS

        Xbox one 1.31 teraFLOPS

        Yes, docked. but it's not just about tflops. 

        In handheld mode it goes down to .33 TFLOPS.

        The CPU locked at a little over 1Ghz and 4 GB of RAM do it no favors either. So, yes, it is in fact significantly less powerful than the launch XBO. 

        Devs have to account for handheld mode. It's the core feature of the Switch.

        The Switch is going to have to pull Wii sales to get significant third party support. Good news is that it looks like the Switch could actually do those sales.
        ncb1397 4 days ago#107
        Solis posted...

        No, it isn't. Half (or less) the usable cores for games, and even if the per-core performance was similar (which is almost certainly isn't, I'd like to see these benchmarks that puts the A57 near the Jaguar at 1ghz vs 1.6ghz)

        A57 @ 2014 mhz(high of 1572):

        Jaguar @ 1596 mhz(high of 1024):

        cutting the A57 numbers in half to account for the clock of Switch,796 vs 1024 or 78% of the per core performance of PS4. Might be 6 fps difference on a 30 fps PS4 game and a 12 fps difference on a 60 fps PS4 game. PS4 only has a large advantage with games running on 4+ threads with good load balancing between threads.
        arrrdunla 4 days ago#108
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.

        Xbox One indie games sure, but not the big hitters though.

        No. Switch games can look as good or better than some of the Xbone big hitters as well.
        Fishels 3 days ago#109
        arrrdunla posted...
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.

        Xbox One indie games sure, but not the big hitters though.

        No. Switch games can look as good or better than some of the Xbone big hitters as well.

        Sure they do lol. Name one.
        Maine-Coon 3 days ago#110
        What the Switch lacks in power it will make up for with better games than the Xbox One.
        (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
        ncb1397 posted...
        Solis posted...

        No, it isn't. Half (or less) the usable cores for games, and even if the per-core performance was similar (which is almost certainly isn't, I'd like to see these benchmarks that puts the A57 near the Jaguar at 1ghz vs 1.6ghz)

        A57 @ 2014 mhz(high of 1572):

        Jaguar @ 1596 mhz(high of 1024):

        cutting the A57 numbers in half to account for the clock of Switch,796 vs 1024 or 78% of the per core performance of PS4. Might be 6 fps difference on a 30 fps PS4 game and a 12 fps difference on a 60 fps PS4 game. PS4 only has a large advantage with games running on 4+ threads with good load balancing between threads.

        To note, this is only when looking at the highest scores for each, not counting any other score given to the same products. As it is, the Jaguar @ 1600 Mhz scored as low as 345, whereas the A57 @ 2014 Mhz scored as low as 1338. So a range of 345 ~ 1024 for PS4's Jaguar and 669 ~ 786 for Switch's Cortex A57. There's also the possibility that because the PS4 uses GDDR5 for everything RAM-related, the CPU may have some issues because GDDR5 generally is high-latency, which may not allow small quick accesses to be quick. It's unsure though if this is an actually issue with PS4.
        "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
        Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
        slyman19 3 days ago#112
        arrrdunla posted...
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.

        Xbox One indie games sure, but not the big hitters though.

        No. Switch games can look as good or better than some of the Xbone big hitters as well.

        They are not even close.
        Solis 3 days ago#113
        ncb1397 posted...

        A57 @ 2014 mhz(high of 1572):

        Jaguar @ 1596 mhz(high of 1024):

        cutting the A57 numbers in half to account for the clock of Switch,796 vs 1024 or 78% of the per core performance of PS4. Might be 6 fps difference on a 30 fps PS4 game and a 12 fps difference on a 60 fps PS4 game. PS4 only has a large advantage with games running on 4+ threads with good load balancing between threads.

        Most games nowadays should make decent use of the extra cores, especially when you're only reaching 3 threads on the Switch and 6-7 threads on the PS4. So even if we assume that games are only running 5 threads fully on the PS4, that's still around half the performance when moving to the Switch, which is rather significant. Sure, you could drop framerates from 60 to 30 if that's an option, but if the game was already running at 30FPS, then it's going to be a big challenge for it to run on the Switch decently without significant downgrades, and downgrading CPU-based elements is only second to RAM amount in difficulty.

        DiscostewSM posted...
        To note, this is only when looking at the highest scores for each, not counting any other score given to the same products. As it is, the Jaguar @ 1600 Mhz scored as low as 345, whereas the A57 @ 2014 Mhz scored as low as 1338. So a range of 345 ~ 1024 for PS4's Jaguar and 669 ~ 786 for Switch's Cortex A57. There's also the possibility that because the PS4 uses GDDR5 for everything RAM-related, the CPU may have some issues because GDDR5 generally is high-latency, which may not allow small quick accesses to be quick. It's unsure though if this is an actually issue with PS4.

        The idea of GDDR5's higher latency is actually something of a myth. While it's true that the latency of GDDR is higher per clock cycle, GDDR5 is designed to run at much higher clockrate, so the difference becomes negligible. That's also why we haven't seen performance issues as we've gone up through various DDR versions despite the fact that CAS latency numbers have actually increase: DDR1 had a CAS latency of only 2 to 3, but DDR4 has a CAS latency starting at a whopping 12.5 and going all the way up to 19. However, because DDR4 runs at such higher clockrates, it doesn't actually have worse latency. In fact, because of the difference in clockrates, DDR4 actually has lower latencies than DDR1 in effective use.

        And the lower scores on the Jaguar CPUs in that benchmark were only when run under Linux, which obviously isn't comparable. Heck, if anything it's likely that those benchmarks are weighted in favor of the ARM CPU, since it was comparing Android to Windows where Android should have more efficient processor usage. On closed box systems like the PS4 and Switch, that difference goes away.
        "Walking tanks must exist somewhere for there to be such attention to detail like this in mech sim." - IGN Steel Battalion review
        (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
        arrrdunla 3 days ago#114
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.

        Xbox One indie games sure, but not the big hitters though.

        No. Switch games can look as good or better than some of the Xbone big hitters as well.

        They are not even close.

        Spare me the exaggeration. Switch may be weaker but it's not far behind.
        (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
        slyman19 3 days ago#115
        arrrdunla posted...
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.

        Xbox One indie games sure, but not the big hitters though.

        No. Switch games can look as good or better than some of the Xbone big hitters as well.

        They are not even close.

        Spare me the exaggeration. Switch may be weaker but it's not far behind.

        It really is. Nothing on the Switch comes to Gears 4, Halo 5, Battlefield 1, Doom, Fallout 4, etc.
        Fishels 2 days ago#116
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        slyman19 posted...
        arrrdunla posted...
        Some Switch games do look better than Xbone games, for what it's worth.

        Xbox One indie games sure, but not the big hitters though.

        No. Switch games can look as good or better than some of the Xbone big hitters as well.

        They are not even close.

        Spare me the exaggeration. Switch may be weaker but it's not far behind.

        It really is. Nothing on the Switch comes to Gears 4, Halo 5, Battlefield 1, Doom, Fallout 4, etc.

        I'm still waiting on their comeback for games that look better on Switch
        rockymin posted...
        Starlord12 posted...
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.

        Yeah, no. A DQ port that we have had no info on and a couple of indy level digital games does not mean SE is "fully on board". Neither Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts is coming to the Switch, and they probably won't either. So SE isn't even close to being "fully on board".

        He's a fool. Mainline FF and KH are never coming to this system, ever. This system isn't strong enough and can't run current gen AAA games whatsoever. Square is deff not "fully on board" DQ has always been on and come to Nintendo platforms. That literally tells you nothing except more DQ...which has always been on Nintendo. Everything else are literally all indie titles and smaller low tier 3rd Party games, which no one cares about. 

        Where's FFXV? Where's NieR? Where's KH3? Where's FFVII:R? Where's Dissidia? Where's Star Ocean? Where's etc. "It's coming!! Just YOU wait!" Lol ok. FFX and FFXII are never coming to this system. Those are PS2 classics and PlayStation console exclusives. They've been only on PlayStation systems for over 10-17 years. Good luck with that! :)

        He'll see it when 2 years pass and this so called "fully on board" is gonna just comprise of DQ and indie games.
        I'm just a drone and life is a nightmare. I'm just a drone, I know that it's not fair. Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me
        (edited 2 days ago)reportquote
        TalesRevenant posted...
        rockymin posted...
        Starlord12 posted...
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.

        Yeah, no. A DQ port that we have had no info on and a couple of indy level digital games does not mean SE is "fully on board". Neither Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts is coming to the Switch, and they probably won't either. So SE isn't even close to being "fully on board".

        He's a fool. Mainline FF and KH are never coming to this system, ever. This system isn't strong enough and can't run current gen AAA games whatsoever. Square is deff not "fully on board" DQ has always been on and come to Nintendo platforms. That literally tells you nothing except more DQ...which has always been on Nintendo. Everything else are literally all indie titles and smaller low tier 3rd Party games, which no one cares about. 

        Where's FFXV? Where's NieR? Where's KH3? Where's FFVII:R? Where's Dissidia? Where's Star Ocean? Where's etc. "It's coming!! Just YOU wait!" Lol ok. FFX and FFXII are never coming to this system. Those are PS2 classics and PlayStation console exclusives. They've been only on PlayStation systems for over 10-17 years. Good luck with that! :)

        He'll see it when 2 years pass and this so called "fully on board" is gonna just comprise of DQ and indie games.

        Remember when you said DQXI was never coming to Switch in a rant similar to this one? Good times....
        "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
        Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
        DiscostewSM posted...
        TalesRevenant posted...
        rockymin posted...
        Starlord12 posted...
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.

        Yeah, no. A DQ port that we have had no info on and a couple of indy level digital games does not mean SE is "fully on board". Neither Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts is coming to the Switch, and they probably won't either. So SE isn't even close to being "fully on board".

        He's a fool. Mainline FF and KH are never coming to this system, ever. This system isn't strong enough and can't run current gen AAA games whatsoever. Square is deff not "fully on board" DQ has always been on and come to Nintendo platforms. That literally tells you nothing except more DQ...which has always been on Nintendo. Everything else are literally all indie titles and smaller low tier 3rd Party games, which no one cares about. 

        Where's FFXV? Where's NieR? Where's KH3? Where's FFVII:R? Where's Dissidia? Where's Star Ocean? Where's etc. "It's coming!! Just YOU wait!" Lol ok. FFX and FFXII are never coming to this system. Those are PS2 classics and PlayStation console exclusives. They've been only on PlayStation systems for over 10-17 years. Good luck with that! :)

        He'll see it when 2 years pass and this so called "fully on board" is gonna just comprise of DQ and indie games.

        Remember when you said DQXI was never coming to Switch in a rant similar to this one? Good times....

        I wouldnt take his word on what the weather is.
        Any information provided on GFaqs can and will be used against you as bullying material.
        If you keep talking about me, I will keep pointing out your obsession.
        TalesRevenant posted...
        rockymin posted...
        Starlord12 posted...
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.

        Yeah, no. A DQ port that we have had no info on and a couple of indy level digital games does not mean SE is "fully on board". Neither Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts is coming to the Switch, and they probably won't either. So SE isn't even close to being "fully on board".

        He's a fool. Mainline FF and KH are never coming to this system, ever. This system isn't strong enough and can't run current gen AAA games whatsoever. Square is deff not "fully on board" DQ has always been on and come to Nintendo platforms. That literally tells you nothing except more DQ...which has always been on Nintendo. Everything else are literally all indie titles and smaller low tier 3rd Party games, which no one cares about. 

        Where's FFXV? Where's NieR? Where's KH3? Where's FFVII:R? Where's Dissidia? Where's Star Ocean? Where's etc. "It's coming!! Just YOU wait!" Lol ok. FFX and FFXII are never coming to this system. Those are PS2 classics and PlayStation console exclusives. They've been only on PlayStation systems for over 10-17 years. Good luck with that! :)

        He'll see it when 2 years pass and this so called "fully on board" is gonna just comprise of DQ and indie games.

        Nintendo wii got call of duty games.. On a console that was twenty times weaker then its competitors. Your point is moot.
        Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
        I wonder if that infinity user is still pathetically still trying to tout the wiiu as the strongest thing alive?
        /BinBinricecake - Morgan - Warrior/~"You're brothers-in-nobody's-arms. Family that's lonely together is bro-nly together"
        A few thoughts on this.

        First is, yes, the Switch isn't too far off from the XB1 in terms of chip performance, when docked. However, when developers make games for the system, they have to optimize for unlocked performance, which is far less capable.

        Second, Architecture has little next to nothing to do with this. This isn't cell, out of sync, or IBM, this is Tegra aka NVidia and ARM. No it comes right back to the portable mode power, optimization, and how demanding their engines are.

        Third, gen 8 games can and currently are running on hardware that's both better and worse the then the vanilla PS4 and XB1. While this doesn't immediately mean that Switch or XB1 X will automatically be supported, in the PC sphere there is weaker hardware running games and significantly more powerful hardware running games. It all comes back to devs and optimization.
        Yay gaming
        (edited 2 days ago)reportquote
        DoMyEyesLie posted...
        A few thoughts on this.

        First is, yes, the Switch isn't too far off from the XB1 in terms of chip performance, when docked. However, when developers make games for the system, they have to optimize for unlocked performance, which is far less capable.

        Second, Architecture has little next to nothing to do with this. This isn't cell, out of sync, or IBM, this is Tegra aka NVidia and ARM. No it comes right back to the portable mode power, optimization, and how demanding their engines are.

        Third, gen 8 games can and currently are running on hardware that's both better and worse the then the vanilla PS4 and XB1. While this doesn't immediately mean that Switch or XB1 X will automatically be supported, in the PC sphere there is weaker hardware running games and significantly more powerful hardware running games. It all comes back to devs and optimization.

        The only real difference between docked and undocked modes is a reduced clock frequency of the GPU from 768Mhz to 307.2Mhz (or 384Mhz for performance undocked mode). That's a reduction to 40% (or 50%) of docked mode. Going from docked mode's max resolution of 1080p to undocked mode's resolution of 720p is roughly a drop to 44.44% of docked mode's pixel count. Performance undocked mode would have no problem, but the other is a little low, which a tweak to some render settings could offset that.

        CPU clock frequency is constant throughout all modes, so I don't see this as needing to optimize between any modes other than to reduce a few graphical settings in the lesser of the undocked modes. They can focus on docked mode, then adjust slightly to undocked mode if needed.
        "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
        Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
        DiscostewSM posted...
        DoMyEyesLie posted...
        A few thoughts on this.

        First is, yes, the Switch isn't too far off from the XB1 in terms of chip performance, when docked. However, when developers make games for the system, they have to optimize for unlocked performance, which is far less capable.

        Second, Architecture has little next to nothing to do with this. This isn't cell, out of sync, or IBM, this is Tegra aka NVidia and ARM. No it comes right back to the portable mode power, optimization, and how demanding their engines are.

        Third, gen 8 games can and currently are running on hardware that's both better and worse the then the vanilla PS4 and XB1. While this doesn't immediately mean that Switch or XB1 X will automatically be supported, in the PC sphere there is weaker hardware running games and significantly more powerful hardware running games. It all comes back to devs and optimization.

        The only real difference between docked and undocked modes is a reduced clock frequency of the GPU from 768Mhz to 307.2Mhz (or 384Mhz for performance undocked mode). That's a reduction to 40% (or 50%) of docked mode. Going from docked mode's max resolution of 1080p to undocked mode's resolution of 720p is roughly a drop to 44.44% of docked mode's pixel count. Performance undocked mode would have no problem, but the other is a little low, which a tweak to some render settings could offset that.

        CPU clock frequency is constant throughout all modes, so I don't see this as needing to optimize between any modes other than to reduce a few graphical settings in the lesser of the undocked modes. They can focus on docked mode, then adjust slightly to undocked mode if needed.

        So it sounds like developers have to spend time to have 2 forms of their downgraded game. While on the other hand, they could spend far less time to upgrade their base game to run and/or look better on ps4 pro/one x
        psn: edwinc8811
        metroidman18 posted...
        DiscostewSM posted...
        DoMyEyesLie posted...
        A few thoughts on this.

        First is, yes, the Switch isn't too far off from the XB1 in terms of chip performance, when docked. However, when developers make games for the system, they have to optimize for unlocked performance, which is far less capable.

        Second, Architecture has little next to nothing to do with this. This isn't cell, out of sync, or IBM, this is Tegra aka NVidia and ARM. No it comes right back to the portable mode power, optimization, and how demanding their engines are.

        Third, gen 8 games can and currently are running on hardware that's both better and worse the then the vanilla PS4 and XB1. While this doesn't immediately mean that Switch or XB1 X will automatically be supported, in the PC sphere there is weaker hardware running games and significantly more powerful hardware running games. It all comes back to devs and optimization.

        The only real difference between docked and undocked modes is a reduced clock frequency of the GPU from 768Mhz to 307.2Mhz (or 384Mhz for performance undocked mode). That's a reduction to 40% (or 50%) of docked mode. Going from docked mode's max resolution of 1080p to undocked mode's resolution of 720p is roughly a drop to 44.44% of docked mode's pixel count. Performance undocked mode would have no problem, but the other is a little low, which a tweak to some render settings could offset that.

        CPU clock frequency is constant throughout all modes, so I don't see this as needing to optimize between any modes other than to reduce a few graphical settings in the lesser of the undocked modes. They can focus on docked mode, then adjust slightly to undocked mode if needed.

        So it sounds like developers have to spend time to have 2 forms of their downgraded game. While on the other hand, they could spend far less time to upgrade their base game to run and/or look better on ps4 pro/one x

        You obviously didn't understand what I was saying. Making a slight adjustment like how one would change a couple of settings like on a PC game does not mean each mode has to have its own developed form. It's one form with a couple adjustable settings.
        "When you've got no argument, say something bad about <x>."
        Perfectly explains why the Nintendo boards are toxic and are full of trolls/haters.
        kyncani 2 days ago#126
        DiscostewSM posted...
        TalesRevenant posted...
        rockymin posted...
        Starlord12 posted...
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.

        Yeah, no. A DQ port that we have had no info on and a couple of indy level digital games does not mean SE is "fully on board". Neither Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts is coming to the Switch, and they probably won't either. So SE isn't even close to being "fully on board".

        He's a fool. Mainline FF and KH are never coming to this system, ever. This system isn't strong enough and can't run current gen AAA games whatsoever. Square is deff not "fully on board" DQ has always been on and come to Nintendo platforms. That literally tells you nothing except more DQ...which has always been on Nintendo. Everything else are literally all indie titles and smaller low tier 3rd Party games, which no one cares about. 

        Where's FFXV? Where's NieR? Where's KH3? Where's FFVII:R? Where's Dissidia? Where's Star Ocean? Where's etc. "It's coming!! Just YOU wait!" Lol ok. FFX and FFXII are never coming to this system. Those are PS2 classics and PlayStation console exclusives. They've been only on PlayStation systems for over 10-17 years. Good luck with that! :)

        He'll see it when 2 years pass and this so called "fully on board" is gonna just comprise of DQ and indie games.

        Remember when you said DQXI was never coming to Switch in a rant similar to this one? Good times....

        So that is the best Nintendo can do ? If I'm wondering if AAA support is coming or not - because I'm not buying another Wii U - DQXI, that's it ? One game ? That is Nintendo working at maximum capacity ?
        I love how people consider DQ as a massive worldwide AAA series just because it does decent in japan.

        Watch out Sony and Microsoft
        psn: edwinc8811
        metroidman18 posted...
        I love how people...

        Which ones?
        Any information provided on GFaqs can and will be used against you as bullying material.
        If you keep talking about me, I will keep pointing out your obsession.
        joeyd5150 2 days ago#129
        DiscostewSM posted...
        TalesRevenant posted...
        rockymin posted...
        Starlord12 posted...
        sandstormflygon posted...
        How hard is it for people to understand the nobody wants to work with the switch because it to weak. For games to have a chance it would take a lot of investment and it just isn't worth it for most developers.

        Not a lot as you would think. When you say "nobody" I already don't believe you as there are companies 3rd party that are fully on board Square Enix (Which I am very happy about) for example has a slew of games coming to it ( Octopath Traveler/Dragon Quest XI/I am Setsuna/Lost Sphear). Then There is games that so far Japan Only (so far) like: (Dragon Quest X/Dragon Quest Builders 2/).

        These AAA games can be downgraded ( somewhat) and still retain most of it's stellar graphics. We are getting to the point where the human eye will have a hard time differentiating between 1080p and 4k. Don't get me wrong 4k looks nice as I have a 4k TV and using it to it's full potential, but when I go back to playing 1080p games... the difference to me isn't so huge. If there is a large install base on the Switch, you can bet your behind AAA games will "eventually" make it over to the Switch.

        Yeah, no. A DQ port that we have had no info on and a couple of indy level digital games does not mean SE is "fully on board". Neither Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts is coming to the Switch, and they probably won't either. So SE isn't even close to being "fully on board".

        He's a fool. Mainline FF and KH are never coming to this system, ever. This system isn't strong enough and can't run current gen AAA games whatsoever. Square is deff not "fully on board" DQ has always been on and come to Nintendo platforms. That literally tells you nothing except more DQ...which has always been on Nintendo. Everything else are literally all indie titles and smaller low tier 3rd Party games, which no one cares about. 

        Where's FFXV? Where's NieR? Where's KH3? Where's FFVII:R? Where's Dissidia? Where's Star Ocean? Where's etc. "It's coming!! Just YOU wait!" Lol ok. FFX and FFXII are never coming to this system. Those are PS2 classics and PlayStation console exclusives. They've been only on PlayStation systems for over 10-17 years. Good luck with that! :)

        He'll see it when 2 years pass and this so called "fully on board" is gonna just comprise of DQ and indie games.

        Remember when you said DQXI was never coming to Switch in a rant similar to this one? Good times....

        Can't Tales get his account permanently banned already? I blocked this clown and I still have to read his f***ing nonsense..
        (edited 2 days ago)reportquote

        this is the size of the switches motherboard of course its not as powerful, honestly wtf do you people expect?
        Nintendo Switch = 2920-6179-2315
        Ancient Astronaut Theorist
        AncientRomeBC posted...

        this is the size of the switches motherboard of course its not as powerful, honestly wtf do you people expect?

        For developers to stop being so lazy and simply downgrade their AAA releases. The Switch has the same amount of teraflops as an xbox one! no excuses
        psn: edwinc8811
        metroidman18 posted...
        AncientRomeBC posted...

        this is the size of the switches motherboard of course its not as powerful, honestly wtf do you people expect?

        For developers to stop being so lazy and simply downgrade their AAA releases. The Switch has the same amount of teraflops as an xbox one! no excuses

        No it doesn't!!
        Nintendo Switch = 2920-6179-2315
        Ancient Astronaut Theorist
        metroidman18 6 hours ago#133
        AncientRomeBC posted...
        metroidman18 posted...
        AncientRomeBC posted...

        this is the size of the switches motherboard of course its not as powerful, honestly wtf do you people expect?

        For developers to stop being so lazy and simply downgrade their AAA releases. The Switch has the same amount of teraflops as an xbox one! no excuses

        No it doesn't!!


        psn: edwinc8811
        1. Boards
        2. Nintendo Switch 
        3. The switch is almost as powerful as the XBOX ONE...problem is the architecture

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