Thursday, August 3, 2017

What are the chances that Sony will ever release another handheld?

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  2. Nonstop Gaming - General
  3. What are the chances that Sony will ever release another handheld?
D-Qwon 15 hours ago#1
First they had the PSP, then they had the Vita (which I understand didn't do so well).

Do you think they will ever release a new one or is the Vita the last one we'll see?
Get your groove on!
swagtile 15 hours ago#2
Considering they had two failed portable devices (PSP Go and Playstation Phone) and a third that underperformed all back to back, in a decreasing market everywhere outside of Japan, it's a safe bet they will drop out of the handheld market -- and it would be the smarter move despite how much I'd like for them to continue.
MushroomMuncher 15 hours ago#3
They abandoned the PS Vita 2 years in and left it to third parties.

I'd say pretty low
Surely you jestin'
_SJimW_ 14 hours ago#4
Very low

I mean there's a decent chance they'll release some kind of handheld in several decades, maybe a "PSP Classic," in like 2040 or something
Posted using GameFlux
Get it now for Android from Google Play!
glitch_ 14 hours ago#5
Would like another one, but they probably won't give it to us.
RawketLawnchair 14 hours ago#6

dedicated handhelds are dead. vita was the last one released. there will be no more, ever, because mobile phones have killed them

and honestly i don't even care, handhelds are so inferior to consoles it's not even funny
give me a reason not to smash your face in
Hunter_mk 14 hours ago#7
They will probably release a Phone with PSNow, also their phones are so fragile ugh
Been here for so long
gadgaurd 14 hours ago#8
glitch_ posted...
Would like another one, but they probably won't give it to us.

Eternal Gust: Now a Social Board.
DominicanGlory 14 hours ago#9
RawketLawnchair posted...

dedicated handhelds are dead. vita was the last one released. there will be no more, ever, because mobile phones have killed them

and honestly i don't even care, handhelds are so inferior to consoles it's not even funny

Amen bruddah
Shuriko 14 hours ago#10
RawketLawnchair posted...

dedicated handhelds are dead. vita was the last one released. there will be no more, ever, because mobile phones have killed them

and honestly i don't even care, handhelds are so inferior to consoles it's not even funny

there's no point in owning a console now with how much PC gaming has developed

handhelds at least held a niche. modern consoles are inferior to PCs with a couple exclusives gated behind them
(edited 14 hours ago)quote
pigzig_n1 14 hours ago#11
sanjeust 14 hours ago#12
The chances are slim.
"I'm confident that, if there's a real problem [with climate change], He [God] can take care of it." - Michigan Republican congressman Tim Walberg LOL
gadgaurd 14 hours ago#13
Shuriko posted...
RawketLawnchair posted...

dedicated handhelds are dead. vita was the last one released. there will be no more, ever, because mobile phones have killed them

and honestly i don't even care, handhelds are so inferior to consoles it's not even funny

there's no point in owning a console now with how much PC gaming has developed

handhelds at least held a niche. modern consoles are inferior to PCs with a couple exclusives gated behind them

This is also true.
Eternal Gust: Now a Social Board.
Darmik 14 hours ago#14
Not until their handheld can play the same games as the console so there's no real risk and no need to split up development studios. I doubt this is feasible for the PS4. Probably won't be feasible for a while.
Kind Regards,
hyperpowder 14 hours ago#15
There was rumors of a portable version of the PS4. Don't know how feasible that would be.

However depending on how well the Switch, we might see a PS5 with a *portable mode*
Whoever beats my score I will give them a $10 PSN or Live card:
Xeno_Cyclops 13 hours ago#16
They won't, or it's unlikely at least

Nintendo has the entire market to themselves now with the Switch being the ultimate handheld and no company has been able to outperform Nintendo at handheld consoles

Even companies that put out arguably better products (ie. Bandai's Wonder Swan vs Nintendo's Gameboy, PSP vs DS, PS Vita vs 3DS, etc.) have lost to Nintendo
R.I.P. Scalebound
Not changing this sig until Capcom brings back Rival Schools or Darkstalkers. Started 4/29/15
(edited 13 hours ago)quote
Shuriko posted...
there's no point in owning a console now with how much PC gaming has developed

handhelds at least held a niche. modern consoles are inferior to PCs with a couple exclusives gated behind them

pc gaming sucks

also it's dying too, no one buys tower computers anymore. laptops, tablets, and phones are all anyone needs. and those all blow for gaming

consoles for life
give me a reason not to smash your face in
D E E G S 12 hours ago#18
Unlikely, they might try to do a Switch-like device but otherwise I doubt they would. They abandoned the Vita way to fast in the retail space after a very successful run with the PSP. Sony would really have to show up in a big way to win back faith from the consumer in that space and I don't think they have the desire to try again.
The only people that can say what matters to gaming are those that buy and play them.-Ollie Barder, Forbes Contributor
TheMadToker 12 hours ago#19
RawketLawnchair posted...
Shuriko posted...
there's no point in owning a console now with how much PC gaming has developed

handhelds at least held a niche. modern consoles are inferior to PCs with a couple exclusives gated behind them

pc gaming sucks

also it's dying too, no one buys tower computers anymore. laptops, tablets, and phones are all anyone needs. and those all blow for gaming

consoles for life

...and yet Steam numbers keep going up year after year. You need to rethink your logic.

A few good exclusives do not outweigh the customization, variety of titles available, superior online infrastructure, superior hardware, the fact multi-platform games make up the bulk of good AAA releases now-a-days and the fact that said mult-plats play vastly better on a PC, etc.

Seriously, what advantages do consoles really have in today's gaming environment exactly?

According to the trolls, PC gaming has been "dying" for over 30 years. Yet Steam hit another milestone this year: 17 million concurrent users as of January. A number - need I remind you - which has increased every. Single. Year. Not once has that number gone down. Dying indeed. Hilarious. That comment has no feet to stand on whatsoever. 

You guys really need another trolling tactic. You know. An actual, factual one. Go on and find one. I'll wait...

I mean, I know you're just trolling an all, but to say PC gaming is dying at a time where it is more popular then it ever has been in the history of PC gaming is... Well... Assinine, to say the least.
"Vengeance is mine!" quoth Alvis, and then he shot that guy right in the friggin' face.
(edited 12 hours ago)quote
hyperpowder 11 hours ago#20
TheMadToker posted...
RawketLawnchair posted...
Shuriko posted...
there's no point in owning a console now with how much PC gaming has developed

handhelds at least held a niche. modern consoles are inferior to PCs with a couple exclusives gated behind them

pc gaming sucks

also it's dying too, no one buys tower computers anymore. laptops, tablets, and phones are all anyone needs. and those all blow for gaming

consoles for life

...and yet Steam numbers keep going up year after year. You need to rethink your logic.

A few good exclusives do not outweigh the customization, variety of titles available, superior online infrastructure, superior hardware, the fact multi-platform games make up the bulk of good AAA releases now-a-days and the fact that said mult-plats play vastly better on a PC, etc.

Seriously, what advantages do consoles really have in today's gaming environment exactly?

According to the trolls, PC gaming has been "dying" for over 30 years. Yet Steam hit another milestone this year: 17 million concurrent users as of January. A number - need I remind you - which has increased every. Single. Year. Not once has that number gone down. Dying indeed. Hilarious. That comment has no feet to stand on whatsoever. 

You guys really need another trolling tactic. You know. An actual, factual one. Go on and find one. I'll wait...

I mean, I know you're just trolling an all, but to say PC gaming is dying at a time where it is more popular then it ever has been in the history of PC gaming is... Well... Assinine, to say the least.

A "few" exclusives is selling it short. PC is losing out on Nintendo's first party, Sonys first party, and some 3rd party games.

And 17 million isnt exactly mind blowing numbers when compared to 100+ million console owners. I remember hearing years ago that the PC gamer player base was around 20 million. So it's pretty much the same as it has always been.

PC gaming aint going to become huge unless it becomes cheaper to build, and easier to understand/maintain. 

I was looking to build a PC just a few days ago, but the end of the day I asked myself "is it worth it?". The awnser was no because it's pretty pointless for the price.
Whoever beats my score I will give them a $10 PSN or Live card:
wow steam barely beats out the wii u, and it's pretty much the only place to buy and play pc games

such an accomplishment, pc gaming truly is flourishing!

enjoy your digital only steam rentals!
give me a reason not to smash your face in
supremeblaster 11 hours ago#22
If Switch turns into a major success Sony might try to copy them a la the Wii. I'd like that to be honest. Portability is great.
I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero. I have always only fought for the people I believe in. ~Zero
Darmik 11 hours ago#23
Guys it's 17 million people using Steam at the same time. Not just people who use Steam in general or have a gaming PC. 

There are 125 million active Steam users as per stats from 2015.
Kind Regards,
(edited 11 hours ago)quote
Darmik posted...
Guys it's 17 million people using Steam at the same time.

i know what concurrent means

it's still barely above wii u sales at its absolute peak, which only happened once, when pcmen say everyone in the world owns a pc

so like 0.001% of pc owners play games, i'm not impressed
give me a reason not to smash your face in
also they probably consider me an "active steam user" even though the only time i've logged in since like 2011 was to change my password when someone from thailand or some shit got my login credentials and was trying to steal my account

thanks for the excellent account security, steam
give me a reason not to smash your face in
Darmik 11 hours ago#26
RawketLawnchair posted...
Darmik posted...
Guys it's 17 million people using Steam at the same time.

i know what concurrent means

it's still barely above wii u sales at its absolute peak, which only happened once, when pcmen say everyone in the world owns a pc

so like 0.001% of pc owners play games, i'm not impressed

Saying it's barely above Wii U makes no sense. You're comparing total hardware sales to active users on an online service at the same time.
Kind Regards,
gadgaurd 10 hours ago#27
RawketLawnchair posted...
Darmik posted...
Guys it's 17 million people using Steam at the same time.

i know what concurrent means

it's still barely above wii u sales at its absolute peak, which only happened once, when pcmen say everyone in the world owns a pc

so like 0.001% of pc owners play games, i'm not impressed

Darmik posted...
There are 125 million active Steam users as per stats from 2015.
Eternal Gust: Now a Social Board.
Luckyneog 10 hours ago#28
On a scale of 1-10,i would say -9
I have struggled a long time with surviving but no matter what we have to find something to fight for.
Darmik posted...
Guys it's 17 million people using Steam at the same time. Not just people who use Steam in general or have a gaming PC. 

There are 125 million active Steam users as per stats from 2015.

Any information provided on GFaqs can and will be used against you as bullying material.
If you keep talking about me, I will keep pointing out your obsession.
TheMadToker 8 hours ago#30
NintendoGamer83 posted...
Darmik posted...
Guys it's 17 million people using Steam at the same time. Not just people who use Steam in general or have a gaming PC. 

There are 125 million active Steam users as per stats from 2015.


and these numbers simply keep Rising every single yet so to say PC gaming is dying is incredibly stupid when it's growing at an exponential rate.
"Vengeance is mine!" quoth Alvis, and then he shot that guy right in the friggin' face.
Scoutisabelle 8 hours ago#31
Why did this turn into another PC vs. console debate?
Be good. - E.T.
Scoutisabelle posted...
Why did this turn into another PC vs. console debate?

an insecure pc fanboy brought it up, as always

see post #10
give me a reason not to smash your face in
"Anime is for jerks" - Jeff Gerstmann
(message deleted)
metaIslug 6 hours ago#35
On the topic of Sony handhelds, I think it would be very smart of them to release a budget ($80) handheld that only does PS Now and Remote Play. It could also run Android or some form of it so as to support those kinds of games

Look at the future of the market - the 3DS may or may not actually have a successor depending on who you ask, and Sony has spent a lot of time trying to develop a sort of Netflix-like user experience be it through Playstation Now, Playstation Plus or their cable-television replacement.

In terms of an ecosphere for their consumer facing products, a handheld of some form is something they would be foolish to not continue to pursue to flesh out those offerings. The question is how they will do it so that they can finally clear that hurdle they keep tripping over - the price.
"Press A to curl up and lick your own testicles - you know, like Nintendo's entire corporate strategy..." - Yahtzee
Shuriko posted...
there's no point in owning a console now with how much PC gaming has developed

handhelds at least held a niche. modern consoles are inferior to PCs with a couple exclusives gated behind them

Handhelds still hold a niche, but it takes some understanding of use behaviors to capitalize on that; though, I agree that the blurred line between a PC gaming experience and a PS4/XB1 is making it harder to rationalize the ownership of a console - particularly with the amount of televisions being made that already have access to things like Hulu, Amazon and Netflix.

Which is why the Switch could be a brilliant product if Nintendo can manage to get more than its own games to be successful on the hardware - but also feeds my point on why Sony needs to maintain a handheld. If, in the next five years, ownership of a console becomes pointless, then Sony has spent an awful lot of money creating an infrastructure that has no meaning if they don't have a device to deliver it. To that end, if they can create a device that is able to deliver their content and interface for $200 that is "more" portable than a laptop, they would be wise to do so.
"Press A to curl up and lick your own testicles - you know, like Nintendo's entire corporate strategy..." - Yahtzee
Blue_Katarn 4 hours ago#38
after the Vita, it would take a visionary at Sony to take another crack at the already declining handheld market in the face of mobile encroachments.
"Lad, no one feels ready. No one feels that he deserves it. And you know why? Because no one does. It is grace, pure and simple." - Uther Lightbringer
  1. Boards
  2. Nonstop Gaming - General 
  3. What are the chances that Sony will ever release another handheld?

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