Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What the hell happened to Shenmue III?

  1. Boards
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. Uummm...? What the hell happened to Shenmue III?
Is it just me, or Ryo and Shenhua look WAAAY off now? Even less faithful to the original than the initial E3 2015 early concept models were.
I personally NEVER asked for this, and I'm an early backer with more than 500$ in the original kickstarter pledge. Is this Deep Silver's fault?
I always abhorred Deep Silver as publisher/producer because they almost never did anything right in this particular regard. Are they meddling into Shenmue's development process now?
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)stickyreportquote
MasterVG782 1 day ago#2
It's not as if the game is releasing tomorrow. There is still a lot of work to be done before the final release, so I wouldn't put too much faith into this being the final look. Hell, the trailer is called a "1st Teaser" on the official Playstation Youtube channel. Also, don't forget that this is a small studio (Sony is just helping with marketing), and the environments look pretty good so far.
PSN: Akimitsu782
Master_Faust 1 day ago#3
But it looked GOOD before (not "polished to perfection", but good already) as the development was progressing (those screenshots were just fine). Now it looks WORSE character faces-wise. What the hell happened? WHERE/WHEN did it gone astray? I wouldn't be surprised even one slightest bit if it turns out that this is Deep Silver's and ONLY Deep Silver's fault.
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Stop trying to blame people because you don't like how a couple fictional characters look. It doesn't even make sense. A company says they will pay for discs and some plastic boxes but only if Ryo's face changes? Get a life.
It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Master_Faust 1 day ago#5
Get the hell out of here with that inexperienced uneducated kindergartner-tier troll BS of yours, kiddo.
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Shenmue 3 the next mighty no9
If you don't like Doctor Who you're wrong
Lovecraftiangod posted...
Shenmue 3 the next mighty no9

Predicting failure is worse than predicting successs. You're just being a cancerous fool.
It's geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame.
Master_Faust 1 day ago#8
Well, I obviously wouldn't go THAT far. Unlike with Mighty #9, everything else BESIDES JUST FACES looks quite fine in there (so far, that is). Mighty #9 was ugly crap since kickstarter.
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Mirage13 1 day ago#9
Game look amazing. Characters look amazing. Nothing wrong with the game. There is something wrong with TC's thread though. He should really close it before he further embarrasses himself.
Master_Faust 1 day ago#10
Mirage13 posted...
Characters look amazing

NOT Ryo and definitely NOT Shenhua.
I really couldn't care less about other characters for as long as the MAIN PROTAGONISTS don't look faithful to the original. I didn't pay 500+ dollars for THIS, I paid them for Ryo & Shenhua.
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Mirage13 1 day ago#11
Master_Faust posted...
Mirage13 posted...
Characters look amazing

NOT Ryo and definitely NOT Shenhua.

Well that is your opinion and a pretty bad one at that.
ArsenicSteel posted...
Lovecraftiangod posted...
Shenmue 3 the next mighty no9

Predicting failure is worse than predicting successs. You're just being a cancerous fool.

Yeesh, what a toxic f***.
Master_Faust 1 day ago#13
Mirage13 posted...
Well, that is your opinion

Opinion of a man that got his main nickname (which is "Master Chen" in actuality. It's currently "Master Faust" on this site only and ONLY because someone else already took that account name before I've registered) in 1999, after playing original "Chapter I - Yokosuka". Opinion of a man that bought his very first ever Dreamcast console (and had more than 5 of them since then and up to this very day) strictly ONLY because of Shenmue and BIOHAZARD Code Veronica. Opinion of a man that was one of the very first non-"administrator/moderator team" registered users on the original forums of Shenmue Dojo. Opinion of a man that stays absolutely hardcore and completely relentless Shenmue adept and a 100% faithful pro-"Shenmue" preacher since the very first day and for all these years right up until today. Opinion of a man who absolutely without any second thought immediately gave out almost 500+ dollars to Shenmue III kickstarter right when it gone live during E3 2015. But, please, do tell me more about me, I guess. You definitely know about me more than I am, uh-huh. Father's Heaven?
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
dj___roll 1 day ago#15
Master_Faust posted...
Get the hell out of here with that inexperienced uneducated kindergartner-tier troll BS of yours, kiddo.

Master_Faust posted...
Mirage13 posted...
Well, that is your opinion

Opinion of a man that got his main nickname (which is "Master Chen" in actuality. It's currently "Master Faust" on this site only and ONLY because someone else already took that account name before I've registered) in 1999, after playing original "Chapter I - Yokosuka". Opinion of a man that bought his very first ever Dreamcast console (and had more than 5 of them since then and up to this very day) strictly ONLY because of Shenmue and BIOHAZARD Code Veronica. Opinion of a man that was one of the very first non-"administrator/moderator team" registered users on the original forums of Shenmue Dojo. Opinion of a man that stays absolutely hardcore and completely relentless Shenmue adept and a 100% faithful pro-"Shenmue" preacher since the very first day and for all these years right up until today. Opinion of a man who absolutely without any second thought immediately gave out almost 500+ dollars to Shenmue III kickstarter right when it gone live during E3 2015. But, please, do tell me more about me, I guess. You definitely know about me more than I am, uh-huh. Father's Heaven?

You need help, I'm not even joking.
"Trespassin', man I've got the right ta shoot ya!"
SpinoRaptor24 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
Lovecraftiangod posted...
Shenmue 3 the next mighty no9

Predicting failure is worse than predicting successs. You're just being a cancerous fool.

Yeesh, what a toxic f***.

the irony, my god...
"Why you eyin' my lemon drink?" Switch FC: 0888-0797-5379
Master_Faust 1 day ago#18
To "Spammer God":
You need to try way harder than just that.
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
OMGAlien 1 day ago#19
This thread is pure comedic gold. Keep it up folks!
Master_Faust 1 day ago#20
What's so "comedic" in me expressing my concerns about the quality of my most beloved game series' continuation for which I've pledged more than 500$ in real hard-earned money?
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
jason19192 1 day ago#21
Mirage13 posted...
Game look amazing. Characters look amazing. Nothing wrong with the game. There is something wrong with TC's thread though. He should really close it before he further embarrasses himself.

you from the future?
OMGAlien 1 day ago#22
Master_Faust posted...
What's so "comedic" in me expressing my concerns about the quality of my most beloved game series' continuation for which I've pledged more than 500$ in real hard-earned money?

Firstly, I was referring to the responses in this thread generally. Second, what they have shown is a work in progress alpha build with the game planned for a late 2018 release. There is plenty of time to make improvements. Since you are a backer, you should voice your concerns where it is more likely to be acknowledged. You may remember that people voiced concerns regarding character designs when the initial Shenmue 3 teaser was released as well. 

Finally, have some faith in Yu Suzuki. Considering the hard work Suzuki put into his notable titles in the past and given his attention to detail, I don't believe he'll just release a half baked product.
Master_Faust 1 day ago#23
OMGAlien posted...
Have some faith in Yu Suzuki

I never lost faith in Yu even one slightest bit to begin with.
He IS the "Satoru Iwata of SEGA's", after all. I'm expressing these concerns because I feel like the quality of main character faces worsened due to Deep Silver's somehow (in one way or another) meddling into the development process. I always hated "executive meddling" in any way, shape, or form. It ruined a lot of potentially great games in the past.
If this happens with Shenmue III, I'll probably won't be able to handle this at all and will quit being a gamer altogether. Because it was Shenmue exactly and no other title/series that made me who I am today as a sophisticated, professional, hardcore gamer.
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
CrimsonGear80 posted...
SpinoRaptor24 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
Lovecraftiangod posted...
Shenmue 3 the next mighty no9

Predicting failure is worse than predicting successs. You're just being a cancerous fool.

Yeesh, what a toxic f***.

the irony, my god...

OMGAlien 1 day ago#25
Master_Faust posted...
OMGAlien posted...
Have some faith in Yu Suzuki

I never lost faith in Yu even one slightest bit to begin with.
He IS the "Satoru Iwata of SEGA's", after all. I'm expressing these concerns because I feel like the quality of faces worsened due to Deep Silver's somehow in one way or another meddling into the development process. I always hated "executive meddling" in any way, shape, or form. It ruined a lot of potentially great games in the past. If this happens with Shenmue III, I'll probably won't be able to handle this at all and will quit being a gamer altogether. Because it was Shenmue exactly and no other title/series that made me who I am today as a sophisticated, professional, hardcore gamer.

I really understand your passion towards Shenmue and respect it as Shenmue is one of my favourite games of all time. Shenmue provides an absolutely absorbing and unique gaming experience that was revolutionary for its time. The attention to detail in the game however is still unmatched by many games in the current generation.

A lot of games that Deep Silver has published have been rather unimpressive. However, I don't think it is fair to jump to conclusions and put blame towards Deep Silver at this point. They are a publishing partner and I don't believe anything concrete has been revealed regarding the extent of the publisher's input when creative decisions are concerned.

As a backer, you do have a platform through which you get to convey your concerns/opinions to the team, right? Perhaps, you can create a petition and send it as well to bolster your point of view if it receives enough signatures.
VanderZoo 1 day ago#26
I think they look better than the 2015 footage.
"He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!" - Donald J. Trump
Master_Faust 1 day ago#27
OMGAlien posted...
I don't think it's fair to blame Deep Silver at this point

Before Deep Silver was announced as the publisher of choice for Shenmue III, the character models at that point (via screenshots) looked just fine. Character models became worse almost immediately after Deep Silver came into light. So how am I not supposed to make logically produced assumptions or naturally connect dots, in such of a case?
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Game is most likely to be s***. I'm sorry tc.
PSN: Shadowstrike002. Currently playing: FF12,sonic mania,night trap,Hyperdimension 1&3 ps3
Master_Faust 1 day ago#29
>Trying this hard
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
OMGAlien 1 day ago#30
Master_Faust posted...
OMGAlien posted...
I don't think it's fair to blame Deep Silver at this point

Before Deep Silver was announced as the publisher of choice for Shenmue III, the character models at that point (via screenshots) looked just fine. Character models became worse almost immediately after Deep Silver came into light. So how am I not supposed to make logically produced assumptions or naturally connect dots, in such of a case?

You are making assumptions without any direct evidence. Those character designs could have been picked well before Deep Silver entered the equation. Correlation doesn't equal to causation. It could be mere co-incidence that just soon after the publishing deal was announced, we received new footage with unimpressive designs for certain characters. 

Not only is there enough time to make improvements, it's likely the team will feel compelled to make changes if enough people voice concerns. Since you are a backer, let the team know how you feel.
It's supposed to be coming this year. The reason why there hasn't been more is because of the "whiny minority" complaining about hearing about games too early.
"When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger." - Confucius
OMGAlien 1 day ago#32
KinjoTakemura posted...
It's supposed to be coming this year.

"The current release date is scheduled for the second half of 2018".
Sometimes the creator changes the style of how they want the character to look, that's up to them. 

I feel like gamers often time think they have a say in how story or characters end up in a game, like they're a part of the creative process.

We are merely paying for a glimpse at the developer's vision. Just because you are invested in that vision of theirs, doesn't mean they have to cater every design process after your taste.
Master_Faust 1 day ago#34
OMGAlien posted...
The current release date is scheduled for the second half of 2018

The initial very first scheduled release date, which was posted on the original kickstarter, was supposed to be somewhere in October of 2017.

MightyBaconX posted...
Sometimes the creator changes the style of how they want the character to look, that's up to them.

Not when it's a case of a DIRECT-EFFING-SEQUEL to a VERY notorious series. If it would've been just a second game in the series, style might've been changed, yes, but it's a THIRD game, with two full games before it which already solidified the overall look of the series. "Consistency" is the word you probably never heard of, huh?
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
OMGAlien 1 day ago#35
MightyBaconX posted...
Sometimes the creator changes the style of how they want the character to look, that's up to them. 

I feel like gamers often time think they have a say in how story or characters end up in a game, like they're a part of the creative process.

We are merely paying for a glimpse at the developer's vision. Just because you are invested in that vision of theirs, doesn't mean they have to cater every design process after your taste.

Well said. Shane Black eloquently gave his point of view regarding the matter as far as films are concerned when talking about the Predator suit designs in his upcoming film The Predator:
Master_Faust 1 day ago#36
MightyBaconX posted...
Gamers often think they have a say in how story or characters end up in a game, like they're a part of the creative process

You really don't know much about Shenmue's fanbase or Shenmue's history in overall at all, huh? When it comes to Shenmue, Yu Suzuki ALWAYS directly listens to EVERYTHING fans have to say. Shenmue's players/fans DO directly affect the game's developing process. And NOT just "kickstarter backers", no. The ENTIRE commune (Shenmue Dojo, by most part) does.

OMGAlien posted...
Well said

Not in the slightest bit.
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
OMGAlien posted...
KinjoTakemura posted...
It's supposed to be coming this year.

"The current release date is scheduled for the second half of 2018".

Oh I meant 2018. Sorry. I don't know what the hell I was thinking about.
"When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger." - Confucius
OMGAlien 1 day ago#38
Master_Faust posted...
MightyBaconX posted...
Gamers often think they have a say in how story or characters end up in a game, like they're a part of the creative process

You really don't know much about Shenmue's fanbase or Shenmue's history in overall at all, huh? When it comes to Shenmue, Yu Suzuki ALWAYS directly listens to EVERYTHING fans have to say. Shenmue's players/fans DO directly affect the game's developing process. And NOT just "kickstarter backers", no. The ENTIRE commune (Shenmue Dojo, by most part) does.

OMGAlien posted...
Well said

Not in the slightest bit.

You are being unreasonable. Filmmakers and game developers take fan feedback into consideration but in many cases, what you largely get to experience is based on the creator's vision. The important factor to take into consideration is that fans have their own ideas of what characters should look like and what direction should be taken with the story. When you have fans with differing views, a creator's most reliable source of inspiration is their own vision. Once again, I'll use Shane Black as an example. Just read what he has to say regarding following his vision and thinking about what fans want:

Yu Suzuki takes fan feedback into consideration since he is aware of how passionate fans are but he envisioned the Shenmue story as a 16 chapter saga a long time ago. He'll primarily follow his vision for the series.

KinjoTakemura posted...
OMGAlien posted...
KinjoTakemura posted...
It's supposed to be coming this year.

"The current release date is scheduled for the second half of 2018".

Oh I meant 2018. Sorry. I don't know what the hell I was thinking about.

Long day perhaps?
All of what you see was done before Deep Silver stepped in so your baseless assumptions about their involvement here are ignorant as can be.
Master_Faust 1 day ago#40
>both the #38 and #39
>my face be like:
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Master_Faust posted...
>both the #38 and #39
>my face be like:

Stay ignorant.
The_Freecs 1 day ago#42
I just don't understand why they're going for such a stylised look when the original games were'nt nearly as stylised.
Master_Faust 1 day ago#43
First two games used actual photographs of real people and objects for textures, that's why Shenmue and Shenmue II are both so realistic in their overall style.
Shenmue III, however, utilizes friggin' Unreal Engine. UE4 especially in particular is notoriously ill-known for making everything look like a toon with plastic-like shine, regardless of asset.
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
SpinoRaptor24 posted...
CrimsonGear80 posted...
SpinoRaptor24 posted...
ArsenicSteel posted...
Lovecraftiangod posted...
Shenmue 3 the next mighty no9

Predicting failure is worse than predicting successs. You're just being a cancerous fool.

Yeesh, what a toxic f***.

the irony, my god...


this (lower case "t". Suck it) is all you can do now. b**** (upper case "B").
"Why you eyin' my lemon drink?" Switch FC: 0888-0797-5379
OMGAlien 1 day ago#45
Master_Faust posted...
>both the #38 and #39
>my face be like:

Don't be so rigid and be more accommodating to Suzuki's vision as well as the engine being used for the game. If not then you'll be setting yourself up for disappointment. 

Also, like I said to you multiple times, convey your concerns to the team behind the game as that will make it more likely for positive changes to come to fruition. I want the character facial designs and animations to be better. I am optimistic that they'll be improved as there is still time to make updates. However, as long as the game is great and it captures the magic of the first two games, I am not going to cry myself a river if some of the characters look a bit 'different'.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Master_Faust 1 day ago#46
Mmkay, so...according to Yu's Net, the footage presented in that Gamescom 2017 teaser video is supposedly 16~18 months old, and the project's state on both the models/textures and animation is waaay long ahead of that. I really don't know anymore how to feel about this. To believe or not to believe? If to believe them on this - then WHY in all the hell didn't they build a teaser based on the most latest state of the game? Why show us such utter STINT in models and sheer LACK of animations? Is this downright trolling of his core fan audience, perhaps?
I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
OMGAlien 1 day ago#47
Master_Faust posted...
Mmkay, so...according to Yu's Net, the footage presented in that Gamescom 2017 teaser video is supposedly 16~18 months old, and the project's state on both the models/textures and animation is waaay long ahead of that. I really don't know anymore how to feel about this. To believe or not to believe? If to believe them on this - then WHY in all the hell didn't they build a teaser based on the most latest state of the game? Why show us such utter STINT in models and sheer LACK of animations? Is this downright trolling of his core fan audience, perhaps?

The game wasn't at E3 2017 and the team has been busy developing Shenmue 3.

It could be a combination of two factors. First, perhaps Suzuki felt pressure to show something recently (even if it's an old build). Second, it could also be possible that he wants to showcase the most up to date build later for a more impactful presentation. Like I said, I don't believe Yu Suzuki is going to release a half baked product and it's likely the game may even get delayed again if Yu Suzuki feels it doesn't live up to his standards/expectations.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
kenshiki 1 day ago#48
Thanks for the link
Pharsti01 1 day ago#49
Dont think anything happened besides we getting at look at some very early in development scenes.

It looked like an updated DC game.... which to be fair is what i expected and wanted.
Dunno if anyone expects it different, but id temper those expectations, its not a AAA game with a AAA budget... it could be a 2d game for all i care as long as they finally bring the story to an end.
Keep i mind it has very small budget
Death Road to Canada = 10/10
  1. Boards
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. Uummm...? What the hell happened to Shenmue III?
    1. Boards
    2. PlayStation 4
    3. Uummm...? What the hell happened to Shenmue III?
    Master_Faust 1 day ago#51
    OMGAlien posted...
    It's likely the game may even get delayed again, and again, and again, until Yu is satisfied

    Just a daily reminder that neither the monnies nor publishers'/producers' patience grow on trees. Even if that tree Chinese. I can't read Chinese.

    I highly doubt that Yu Suzuki (being the absolutely sophisticated and heavily seasoned highly professional video game developer that he is) would try to pull the "Chris Roberts" act on us.
    I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Isohunter 1 day ago#52
    Can I get some pictures for comparison?
    Master_Faust 1 day ago#53
    For comparison with WHAT exactly?
    Original two games? E3 2015's preliminary models/textures? Screenshots which were presented sometime BEFORE the Gamescom 2017 teaser?
    I'm telling you right now - purely visually at least Ryo's face resembles his face in two original games. The problem is not in that, but in fact that THAT face was a texture which was a combination of several photos of real people's faces. That's why it looked mightily fine and STILL looks well even nowadays. Because it's made of many parts of REAL existing faces. Problem with Shenmue III's faces, at least as I personally see it at this current time being, lies in that they were building models and textures completely from ground up, with assets from the friggin' Unreal Engine 4 (and I've already told you guys how it makes everything too cartoony), NOT from real people's photographed faces anymore. THAT is a major problem if you try to compare with Shenmue and Shenmue II, because those two simply look way more REAL than the "cartoonish UE4-built Shenmue III" from that teaser, and for all the rightful reasons.
    There was NO "uncanny valley" in Shenmue and Shenmue II, because ALL of them were REAL people (textures of them). With Shenmue III, however, uncanny valley is VERY apparent.
    And also, aside the very obvious uncanny valley that takes place in that teaser, Ryo's model in particular simply looks way too young. He looks younger than in Shenmue II.
    I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Jedi454 1 day ago#54
    Looks fine to me.
    Holy s***, this topic was certainly worth wandering into, if only to watch some kid have a meltdown. 

    Game characters get updated looks as systems get more powerful, idk why you would b**** that a face is different, do you want them to just use the exact same character models from what, like 15 years ago? 

    Also I'd love to see any evidence that deep silver is paying anything for the game to be created. They wouldn't have needed to go to kickstarter for money if they had a publisher willing to fund them. They may have the rights to sell and promote the finished product but they likely don't have any say in the actual content of the game.
    Xbox Live: ElevenOHNOEZ .....................................PSN: nightranma
    3DS: 5455-9525-0021
    Master_Faust 1 day ago#56
    Literal "0/10", lol. I haven't seen such bad trolling attempt on GameFAQs in a quite long time.
    I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    OMGAlien 1 day ago#57
    Master_Faust posted...
    OMGAlien posted...
    It's likely the game may even get delayed again, and again, and again, until Yu is satisfied

    Just a daily reminder that neither the monnies nor publishers'/producers' patience grow on trees. Even if that tree Chinese. I can't read Chinese.

    I highly doubt that Yu Suzuki (being the absolutely sophisticated and heavily seasoned highly professional video game developer that he is) would try to pull the "Chris Roberts" act on us.

    This is from the link I provided earlier:

    “I have been completely absorbed in development [of] Shenmue III recently," said Suzuki, "and often stay at the studio throughout the night to make it the best game possible. My life has become Shenmue both day and night, and I’m happy.”

    Yu Suzuki is clearly passionate about Shenmue 3 and aims to deliver the best results he can with the resources he's working with. There's only a vague release window for the game currently considering what was said in the publishing deal announcement.

    The game shouldn't be rushed & Yu Suzuki should take sufficient time to successfully deliver the sort of experience he has envisioned and the fans are hoping for. I have been patiently waiting for Shenmue 3 ever since I completed Shenmue 2 on Xbox back in 2002 so I won't mind (or even be surprised) if Shenmue 3's release gets pushed into 2019.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Master_Faust 1 day ago#58
    Again - "being a passionate man with grandeur ambitions" and "having infinite money" are two separate things and they almost never cross roads with each-other. Just go look up what plans and vision Chris Roberts had for Freelancer back in the days, and what we got on our hands in the end. The story with Freelancer's development is a very notorious, clear example.
    I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    ritsuka66 1 day ago#59
    Master_Faust posted...
    Is it just me, or Ryo and Shenhua look WAAAY off now? Even less faithful to the original than the initial E3 2015 early concept models were.
    I personally NEVER asked for this, and I'm an early backer with more than 500$ in the original kickstarter pledge. Is this Deep Silver's fault?
    I always abhorred Deep Silver as publisher/producer because they almost never did anything right in this particular regard. Are they meddling into Shenmue's development process now?

    Its a Yu suzuki fault. ONLY.
    Life....Hope...Dreams, What are these things? And where are they going? These things... I will destroy! -KEFKA -
    OMGAlien 1 day ago#60
    Master_Faust posted...
    Again - "being a passionate man with grandeur ambitions" and "having infinite money" are two separate things and they almost never cross roads with each-other. Just go look up what plans and vision Chris Roberts had for Freelancer back in the days, and what we got on our hands in the end. The story with Freelancer's development is a very notorious, clear example.

    I never said anything about having infinite money (or time) and clearly mentioned that Yu Suzuki "aims to deliver the best results he can with the resources he's working with". I don't want the game to be rushed just for the sake of meeting a release date & I feel that Yu Suzuki should be given sufficient time to properly realize his vision. Obviously, that doesn't mean the game should be delayed again and again, so on & so forth. I don't believe the game will get delayed many times but there is a possibility of a delay or two considering we just have a vague release window at this point.

    Rushing something can lead to disappointing results even if the creators are talented and well intentioned. For example, the Predator series reboot Predators was rushed and failed to garner the positive impact the filmmakers & studio had hoped for despite some of the notable talent involved and their good intentions.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Let's not forget that the game is not working with AAA game ressources, which are probably pretty limited. 

    I do hope the character models will get better, but the game looks better than I thought it would, the environments look very nice. Still get chills with that teaser, the soul is still there.
    OMGAlien 1 day ago#62
    shenmue_masta posted...
    I do hope the character models will get better, but the game looks better than I thought it would, the environments look very nice. Still get chills with that teaser, the soul is still there.

    Master_Faust 1 day ago#63
    shenmue_masta posted...
    the environments look very nice

    You probably have to thank Kid Nocon for that. They DID hire him, after all. Also - again - the Gamescom 2017 teaser's footage is at least 16 months old. The progress is WAAAY ahead.
    I play these anytime and at any place: "Guitar Freaks" series, "Silent Hill" series, "The King of Fighters" series, X series, DDR.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Cyanea 23 hours ago#64
    $300 backer here. And I'm a bit worried as well. The characters looks off, and I understand that its early footage, but usually when devs make a teaser, they really spend time on the animations and stuff just for that trailer. So I dont understand why they didn't put more effort in making it right?
    It gives me a bad impression and I'm kinda losing faith.

    My expectations is that the character designs reaches the level of Tecmo Koei games. Why I bring them up is because they can make cartoonish characters blend in well in unreal engine. Also, the faces are always super attractive.
    Alien Isolation is the best horror game on current gen!
    ninjabeaver1 23 hours ago#65
    Trailer looks great for a budget game. Happy to see Yu carry on with his vision.

    The game is coming out on the second half of 2018. It helps to not over obsess/follow with the development of the game until it's released and just carry on with your usual life. Game development is complex as hell, and time spent on implementing X is time not spent on implementing Y, which makes it trickier when fans set their own expectations of what updates they want to see during development.

    Both of us are getting the same game on release day anyway. Noone knows how it's gonna turn out.
    MiIkMan 2 hours ago#66
    The team has revealed themselves to be 100% totally incompetent and they clearly can't make this game to any sort of standard.

    Kickscammer scammed us all. Hope the game flops into oblivion.
    Glad old man Suzuki got my money and ran. Hope it contributes to a nice retirement.
    Milk, man.
    << Protect society from the emotions of ugly people >>
    NicoGrimm 1 hour ago#67
    I see Faust keeps proving that he's mentally unstable with every topic he makes. Glad nothing changed since the PC boards.
    How dare the Gods work against me! I don't remember giving them permission.
    WTGHookshot 1 hour ago#68
    Master_Faust posted...
    Mirage13 posted...
    Well, that is your opinion

    Opinion of a man that got his main nickname (which is "Master Chen" in actuality. It's currently "Master Faust" on this site only and ONLY because someone else already took that account name before I've registered) in 1999, after playing original "Chapter I - Yokosuka". Opinion of a man that bought his very first ever Dreamcast console (and had more than 5 of them since then and up to this very day) strictly ONLY because of Shenmue and BIOHAZARD Code Veronica. Opinion of a man that was one of the very first non-"administrator/moderator team" registered users on the original forums of Shenmue Dojo. Opinion of a man that stays absolutely hardcore and completely relentless Shenmue adept and a 100% faithful pro-"Shenmue" preacher since the very first day and for all these years right up until today. Opinion of a man who absolutely without any second thought immediately gave out almost 500+ dollars to Shenmue III kickstarter right when it gone live during E3 2015. But, please, do tell me more about me, I guess. You definitely know about me more than I am, uh-huh. Father's Heaven?

    And yet, despite everything you wrote, your opinion still means no more and no less than anyone else's on the matter.
    Sokolov 27 minutes ago#69
    Master posted...
    Opinion of a man that got his main nickname (which is "Master Chen" in actuality. It's currently "Master Faust" on this site only and ONLY because someone else already took that account name before I've registered) in 1999

    "Master Chen"


    Just wow.
    Sokolov 26 minutes ago#70
    shenmue_masta 19 minutes ago#71
    1. Boards
    2. PlayStation 4 
    3. Uummm...? What the hell happened to Shenmue III?

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