- Boards
- PlayStation 4
- Decline of Japanese Gaming
It's kind of crazy to think how fast that shift happened. In the 80's and most of the 90's the entire console gaming scene was dominated by Japanese developers and Japanese games. Really, you could make the argument that the rise of western PC game developers and that scene also had a hand in gamers tastes shifting to the more western style. For years console gamers couldn't play all those awesome PC games... and once consoles became more capable you could start to get those games. But also, just the rise in gaming popularity probably had a hand in that as well. Japanese games tend to be more obtuse in their structure. Less handholding. I don't know that you could look at one thing as the reason for it all. Interesting to think about though.
We look at the PS4 and major Japanese AAA titles are few and far between. These days on the Ps4 western games dominate.
"They'll outlive your cowardice trolling and main account" ~ Universquall
I say Japanese games are doing better this gen than last. While plenty of good games came out last gen, most were forgotten or not well received. However this year alone has at least 6 high profile and high selling Japanese games being released and plenty of more modest ones as well. It may not reach SNES-PS2 levels again, but it's better than it has been.
Or 2638-3926-9055 |
some of the biggest titles this year were Japanese. persona 5, nier Automata, yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria, Nioh, FF12 HD, - Resident Evil 7, and evil within 2 all available on the industry leading japanese console Playstation 4.
It looks like japanese gaming has carved out a comfortable spot in the industry TBQH.
My top 10 PS4 games = FFX HD, The Last of Us Remastered, Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5, Yakuza 0, FF12 HD, Until Dawn, Journey.
What you are experiencing isnt a decline in Japanese games but an incline in western studios. More of one doesnt equal less of another. I also think it has something to do with the rise of the internet. Japan as always been a little stingy when it comes to localizing their games. There used to be full 1-2 page ads in gaming magazines to import games if you can remember that far back. With the internet I think we see this more or its harder to ignore which gives the apperance that we arent getting a lot of content from the east.
Japanese games arent really on the decline. it's just western games are finally on the rise. but dont get it twisted. this year, the best games have all been Japanese made. Breath of the Wild, Persona 5, Ys VIII, Tales of Berseria, NieR Automata, Gravity Rush 2, Nioh, etc. i think this year as far as western goes Mass Effect Andromeda , and Uncharted the lost legacy, and dishonored outsiders happened? i mean there's also star wars battlefront 2 which people are bitching about, and of course your call of duty. Wolfenstein 2 is coming out soon too. but i could name more jp games.
NNID ShinFZ, PSN/Steam ShinstrikeX, FC 2766 - 8993 - 3310
lionhartwolf posted...
What you are experiencing isnt a decline in Japanese games but an incline in western studios. Yeah, I never though JP games were declining, what you said make sence. Japanesse game still make up most of this year's big titles, both on the PS4, Switch and 3DS. Then again, all three platforms are japanesse as well.
My FC: 5301 2862 3777
Send me Donkey Kong Country Challenges! More info at: https://www.facebook.com/Challenge-NeoArashi-1882592348727869/ |
Persona 5 Zelda Breath of the Wild Y's VIII Resident Evil 7 Nier Automata The Last Guardian Gravity Rush 2 Disgaea 5 Dragon Ball Xenoverse Dragon Quest Heroes Dynasty Warriors series Nioh Romance of Three Kingdoms series Nobunaga's Ambition series Everybody's Golf Grand Kingdom Guilty Gear Let it die Tales of Berseria Tales of Zesteria Yakuza series This thread is nonsense ![]()
"When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger." - Confucius
Not sure what your on about friend...
Resident Evil 7,Evil within,Nier,Nioh,Persona,Final fantasy series,Tales series,Dragon quest series,Ni No Kuni,Yakuza,Gran Turismo,Dark souls,Bloodborne,and the big 2 AAA games that will win most if not all game of the year awards.... Zelda and Mario....so yeah not quite sure you thought this dumb topic through bud. |
Name one western game released this year that scored ABOVE 89
Western games sell more than Japanese games because western games are usually SOLD ON MORE PLATFORMS, while Japanese games tend to be exclusive to PS4, PC, and Switch. Close this thread dude. Admit your mistaken analysis and move on.
"When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger." - Confucius
Kislevic posted...
There are alot of good Japanese games but they are not selling anywhere near as much as western games. It used to be the other way around Not really. Japanese games dominated on consoles and Western games dominated everywhere else.
I wonder if 'Deus Vult' would still be such a popular phrase in nerdom if they knew there was no 'v' sound in Latin.
Mr_LoVe_G posted...
Not sure what your on about friend... He didn't say anything about critical acclaim. He's talking about sales, and yeah, Japanese games have taken a hit.
I wonder if 'Deus Vult' would still be such a popular phrase in nerdom if they knew there was no 'v' sound in Latin.
Manservice posted...
Kino posted...What? The biggest AAA titles are Japanese. How about Nioh and Nier: Automata. I am pretty sure those sold well.
Kept you waiting, huh?
I'd say if anything western gaming is in serious danger these days. Uncontrollable and unregulated rise of grossly anti consumer practices is driving people away. Smaller studios are being bought, cannibalized and completely gutted by larger ones killing off variety and talent. If ignorant casuals ever get tired of an endless stream of shitty shooters all the western AAA companies are going to be quite screwed.
Kino posted...
What? The biggest AAA titles are Japanese. TIL that CoD, Halo, Destiny, every Blizzard game, TW3, etc are Japanese. Also Bethesda.
I feel like they are making some great points, but the name-calling and volcano-based murder-ideation are chipping away at their position somewhat.
ShippFFXI posted...
Kino posted...What? The biggest AAA titles are Japanese. LMAO at TW3, Destiny and Halo. Pokemon Sun and Moon sold 14 million units in 2 months Mainline pokemon franchise sold over 40 million units on 3ds and you said Destiny and TW3 are bigger than Pokemon Pokemon = COD |
kelaparan posted...
ShippFFXI posted...Kino posted...What? The biggest AAA titles are Japanese. The biggest titles. Plural. Ok, guess you win since Pokémon releases 2 versions of the same game along side each other. Pokémon is probably the only AAA Japanese game that outsells Western AAA games. Possibly Mario and Zelda. "The biggest AAA" titles selling are not Japanese. Try not to cherry pick.
I feel like they are making some great points, but the name-calling and volcano-based murder-ideation are chipping away at their position somewhat.
ShippFFXI posted...
kelaparan posted...ShippFFXI posted...Kino posted...What? The biggest AAA titles are Japanese. 3DS/WIIU GEN Mario Kart 3ds = 15 Million units New Mario Bros 2 = 11 million units Mario 3d Land= 11 Million units Animal Crossing = 11 Million units Super Smash Bros 3ds = 8.8 Million units Mario Kart 8 Wii U = 8 Million units Mario 3D Land, NSMBU and Smash Bros WiiU = 5 Million each Pokemon Sun/Moon outsold COD IW(PS4+XB1) last year Mario Kart 7+8 outsold Destiny + Destiny 2 2D Mario outsold Blizzard game on the console 3D Mario outsold Halo and Forza Smash BROS outsold every AAA fighting games in the market Animal Crossing is bigger than TW3 Japan still have Nintendo dude for strong sales in the west |
True. During PS2 days probably 80% of games i bought were from japan nowdays its maybe 1 game per year at most. Usually Dark Souls or some kind of game similar to that. They just cant make good games for the most part.
Death Road to Canada = 10/10 |
kelaparan posted...
ShippFFXI posted...kelaparan posted...ShippFFXI posted...Kino posted...What? The biggest AAA titles are Japanese. Tw3 sold over 15 million
Karma, Truth, Vengeance
PSN - MWXIII NSW- 772023730916 Steam - TyrXIII/Tyr Above All B.Net - MWXIII |
it's less that Japan has declined and more that the rest of the world has been slowly catching up
though they're still pretty far ahead, if I had to choose between only being able to play games from Japan or the rest of the world I'd probably pick Japan Kislevic posted... It's kind of crazy to think how fast that shift happened. In the 80's and most of the 90's 20 years is a long time, especially in an industry as young as video gaming
Can I interest you in a...side mission?
https://myanimelist.net/profile/Fishin |
My favourite games are japanese, but sadly japan is shifting towards a more playable anime aprouch
I still love games like mgs, bloodborne, final fantasy, nier automata, the new monster hunter seems great... but for each non anime game you have tons of daganropa, megadimension netunia, persona, tales of, trails of cold steel, sword art online and crap like that
Final Fantasy XII is the greatest video game of all time.
Kislevic posted...
It's kind of crazy to think how fast that shift happened. In the 80's and most of the 90's the entire console gaming scene was dominated by Japanese developers and Japanese games. Really, you could make the argument that the rise of western PC game developers and that scene also had a hand in gamers tastes shifting to the more western style. For years console gamers couldn't play all those awesome PC games... and once consoles became more capable you could start to get those games. But also, just the rise in gaming popularity probably had a hand in that as well. Japanese games tend to be more obtuse in their structure. Less handholding. I don't know that you could look at one thing as the reason for it all. Interesting to think about though. HA that's funny Japanese were in decline in Gen 7. They are currently In the ascendency. In fact there were more Japanese games rated in the high 80-90s this year than western games. Japanese dominance is well on its way and there's nothing the west can do to stop it.
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIII |
Pretty sure its the opposite with western gaming
The whole loot box, broken at launch, and overall trying to swindle the user base is typically a western dev thing. Its true Capcom is an example against this however with what we've seen their trying to be more western themselves with the shifts we've seen them take over the years regarding their IPs.
Ignorance is Bliss...
Omega_Red posted...
In fact there were more Japanese games rated in the high 80-90s this year than western games. http://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/score/metascore/year/all/filtered
Life before Death. Strength before Weakness. Journey before Destination.
I believe the top ten games for 2017 on metacritic speak for themselves.
http://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/score/metascore/year/all/filtered Japan ain't going nowhere.
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIII |
Beers posted...
Omega_Red posted...In fact there were more Japanese games rated in the high 80-90s this year than western games. Thank for proving my point
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIII |
I believe this thread is some kind of bizarre display of insecurity towards Japan and Japanese games. Japanese games are doing just fine, and they generally don't care about Western games and Western gamers and Western ratings and reviews. As long they are doing fine in their own market, they tend to be content. Japanese games are made for Japanese people, not for you. They're a country of 125m or so people vs a whole world out there of billions. The West has how many people vs Japan? Point made. The fact that a way smaller country and population can have so much success in the game industry speaks for itself.
Also, sales =/= quality. |
Omega_Red posted...
I believe the top ten games for 2017 on metacritic speak for themselves. Not counting re-releases, there are more western games on that list.
Life before Death. Strength before Weakness. Journey before Destination.
Kislevic posted...
Nobody is talking about the scores, I love Japanese games but we can all admit they are not on too SALES wise anymore like they used to be Blah blah blah blah Mindless shooters have always sold more. There are more casual gamers than there are hardcore gamers. This ain't news.
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIII |
Omega_Red posted...
Beers posted...Omega_Red posted...In fact there were more Japanese games rated in the high 80-90s this year than western games. I see more western games on there.
Life before Death. Strength before Weakness. Journey before Destination.
MeteoraXV posted...
I believe this thread is some kind of bizarre display of insecurity towards Japan and Japanese games. Japanese games are doing just fine, and they generally don't care about Western games and Western gamers and Western ratings and reviews. As long they are doing fine in their own market, they tend to be content. Japanese games are made for Japanese people, not for you. They're a country of 125m or so people vs a whole world out there of billions. The West has how many people vs Japan? Point made. The fact that a way smaller country and population can have so much success in the game industry speaks for itself. The only people afraid of the rise of Japanese gaming are xbots, die hard Xbox fanboys who are afraid of the disparity in gaming libraries growing even larger. Because less face it, more Japanese games means more games for the PlayStation brand and Nintendo. Microsoft just can't compete with Sonys output of games. The true underlying reason why these "gamers" are afraid of Japan rule is simply the console war.
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIII |
- Boards
- PlayStation 4
- Decline of Japanese Gaming
- Boards
- PlayStation 4
- Decline of Japanese Gaming
Omega_Red posted...MeteoraXV posted...
I believe this thread is some kind of bizarre display of insecurity towards Japan and Japanese games. Japanese games are doing just fine, and they generally don't care about Western games and Western gamers and Western ratings and reviews. As long they are doing fine in their own market, they tend to be content. Japanese games are made for Japanese people, not for you. They're a country of 125m or so people vs a whole world out there of billions. The West has how many people vs Japan? Point made. The fact that a way smaller country and population can have so much success in the game industry speaks for itself.
Also, sales =/= quality.
The only people afraid of the rise of Japanese gaming are xbots, die hard Xbox fanboys who are afraid of the disparity in gaming libraries growing even larger. Because less face it, more Japanese games means more games for the PlayStation brand and Nintendo. Microsoft just can't compete with Sonys output of games.
The true underlying reason why these "gamers" are afraid of Japan rule is simply the console war.
Yeah I never got into that stupid ^$@#^& console war garbage, thank god. I just wanna play games. And I play mostly Japanese games yes. But I see such a hatred for Japanese games out there everywhere these days, it's really shocking.Rookie User
User Since: Oct 2017
Karma: 17
Active Posts: 194
Total Badges: 4
Why do you guys waste time answering to a topic opened by an alt belonging to some of the regular trolls in this board?Here's how I feel about 90% of topics and posts seem in Gamefaqs:
https://youtu.be/mHWXDaQPau0PS4TW posted...some of the biggest titles this year were Japanese. persona 5, nier Automata, yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria, Nioh, FF12 HD, - Resident Evil 7, and evil within 2 all available on the industry leading japanese console Playstation 4.
It looks like japanese gaming has carved out a comfortable spot in the industry TBQH.
With the exception of RE7 and to a lesser extent Evil Within 2, none of those are big titles in any shape or formthechairmen posted...PS4TW posted...
some of the biggest titles this year were Japanese. persona 5, nier Automata, yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria, Nioh, FF12 HD, - Resident Evil 7, and evil within 2 all available on the industry leading japanese console Playstation 4.
It looks like japanese gaming has carved out a comfortable spot in the industry TBQH.
With the exception of RE7 and to a lesser extent Evil Within 2, none of those are big titles in any shape or form
What a clown, what game is big according to you?Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIIIKinjoTakemura posted...Bloodborne
Persona 5
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Resident Evil 7
Nier Automata
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
Disgaea 5
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dynasty Warriors series
Romance of Three Kingdoms series
Nobunaga's Ambition series
Everybody's Golf
Grand Kingdom
Guilty Gear
Let it die
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Zesteria
Yakuza series
This thread is nonsense
None of these games are better than Black Ops 3 or Titanfall.PSN: Out_Here_TrippinRoYaLBLighT posted...KinjoTakemura posted...
Persona 5
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Resident Evil 7
Nier Automata
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
Disgaea 5
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dynasty Warriors series
Romance of Three Kingdoms series
Nobunaga's Ambition series
Everybody's Golf
Grand Kingdom
Guilty Gear
Let it die
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Zesteria
Yakuza series
This thread is nonsense
None of these games are better than Black Ops 3 or Titanfall.
It's cuz of garbage like you that Gen 7 was a nightmare for people like me.Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIIIRoYaLBLighT posted...KinjoTakemura posted...
Persona 5
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Resident Evil 7
Nier Automata
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
Disgaea 5
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dynasty Warriors series
Romance of Three Kingdoms series
Nobunaga's Ambition series
Everybody's Golf
Grand Kingdom
Guilty Gear
Let it die
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Zesteria
Yakuza series
This thread is nonsense
None of these games are better than Black Ops 3 or Titanfall.
i died from the insideIt was me,dioYou mindless CoD drones are less than human in my eyes and I'll humiliate you every chance I get whether that's online or in person.Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIIIKislevic posted...There are alot of good Japanese games but they are not selling anywhere near as much as western games. It used to be the other way around
Its because multiplayer games and online games are bigger now. WIth that said nintendo games are japanese games and they sell a lot especially the multiplayer games like pokemon,mario kart, smash bros etc.
japan doesnt have cod/gta level of games though because they dont focus on multiplayer like that.FC: 3609-2443-9791enfam0us posted...Well seeing as how the best game of of every month this year has been a Japanese game, hard to really say they're going down.
Breath of the Wild, RE7, Nioh, Nier and Persona 5, Splatoon and Mario Kart have ratings wise done well and sold very very well.
I agree with your point but what about Horizon'there's gAmes.and then thars gaM3w.it's a lovable character;it's a lovable guy. and he nolan snaked on you. so hard. the snake was in you so hard.'-ProletarianOmega_Red posted...You mindless CoD drones are less than human in my eyes and I'll humiliate you every chance I get whether that's online or in person.
You have got to be shitting me!!! You judge someone over the kinds of video ganes they play!? Did I read that right? Okay you know what I've cut my posting on here way back so I'm just going to say my piece....
So many people on these forums have taken this obsession with video games entirely too far. This is all some of you live and breathe. You're willing to sacrifice your life's just to keep this tired industry going. Wiling to sacrifice anything to get your Japanese gaming glory days back...they're not coming back. There, I said it. They've moved on past consoles. You need look no further than the Japanese App and Google Play Stores. It's all shifted to mobile there. They were great days and games but things change. You all need to start coping with not getting the glory days back. If you need to get counseling then do that. You're all willing to go so far for gaming you'll attack people online you don't know the first thing about!! When the developers don't make a game you want or the features you want, if it's not exactly how you want it you send out death threats!! All of this for what?? It's just video games
The fact this shit has gone too far got driven home last month on the day of the TGS Sony press conference. I shit you not some assclown on Gaf decided to skip out on his kid's first day of school over a damn gaming press conference!! He fought with his wife over it too! Some messed up priorities there when you're putting games fully ahead of your kids!!
It's time for a lot of people to take a long hard look at themselves, get their shit together and get their damn priorities straight!! Japan chose its path guys I'm sorry. The gaming landscape has completely changed and that transition to mobile is complete. This obsession with the hobby and the serious business attitude of it are unhealthy and it's just...gone a few magnitudes past too far. Lotta folks waking with eyes wide shut that are in for a very rude shock, awakening and reality check.bh7812 posted...Omega_Red posted...
You mindless CoD drones are less than human in my eyes and I'll humiliate you every chance I get whether that's online or in person.
You have got to be shitting me!!! You judge someone over the kinds of video ganes they play!? Did I read that right? Okay you know what I've cut my posting on here way back so I'm just going to say my piece....
So many people on these forums have taken this obsession with video games entirely too far. This is all some of you live and breathe. You're willing to sacrifice your life's just to keep this tired industry going. Wiling to sacrifice anything to get your Japanese gaming glory days back...they're not coming back. There, I said it. They've moved on past consoles. You need look no further than the Japanese App and Google Play Stores. It's all shifted to mobile there. They were great days and games but things change. You all need to start coping with not getting the glory days back. If you need to get counseling then do that. You're all willing to go so far for gaming you'll attack people online you don't know the first thing about!! When the developers don't make a game you want or the features you want, if it's not exactly how you want it you send out death threats!! All of this for what?? It's just video games
The fact this shit has gone too far got driven home last month on the day of the TGS Sony press conference. I shit you not some assclown on Gaf decided to skip out on his kid's first day of school over a damn gaming press conference!! He fought with his wife over it too! Some messed up priorities there when you're putting games fully ahead of your kids!!
It's time for a lot of people to take a long hard look at themselves, get their shit together and get their damn priorities straight!! Japan chose its path guys I'm sorry. The gaming landscape has completely changed and that transition to mobile is complete. This obsession with the hobby and the serious business attitude of it are unhealthy and it's just...gone a few magnitudes past too far. Lotta folks waking with eyes wide shut that are in for a very rude shock, awakening and reality check.
The wife knew who she married. First day of school is only a big deal to normies. Not everyone is into that.My last signature got erased, so I put this here instead.thechairmen posted...PS4TW posted...
some of the biggest titles this year were Japanese. persona 5, nier Automata, yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria, Nioh, FF12 HD, - Resident Evil 7, and evil within 2 all available on the industry leading japanese console Playstation 4.
It looks like japanese gaming has carved out a comfortable spot in the industry TBQH.
With the exception of RE7 and to a lesser extent Evil Within 2, none of those are big titles in any shape or form
They hype behind Persona 5 and Nier A disagree with you.My last signature got erased, so I put this here instead.NSGraphite posted...thechairmen posted...
PS4TW posted...
some of the biggest titles this year were Japanese. persona 5, nier Automata, yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria, Nioh, FF12 HD, - Resident Evil 7, and evil within 2 all available on the industry leading japanese console Playstation 4.
It looks like japanese gaming has carved out a comfortable spot in the industry TBQH.
With the exception of RE7 and to a lesser extent Evil Within 2, none of those are big titles in any shape or form
They hype behind Persona 5 and Nier A disagree with you.
Why are people acting like niche games are "some of the biggest releases" in this thread?
I love me some Tales, but it is a niche series. It is not some juggernaut like Final Fantasy, Pokémon, Mario, and Zelda.
Nobody is saying JP gaming is garbage here (or maybe they are and I'm not seeing it from them being on my ignore list), what is being said is that Western devs have taken over leading the industry. There still are JP games that are juggernauts like I mentioned. They're just in the minority now compared to powerhouse studios like Naughty Dog, Bethesda, Bungie, etc. It used to be that most console games were Japanese in origin. They led the industry, whereas most Western devs were relegated to PC games. We are seeing that shift now, for the most part.
Competition is healthy for the industry. I don't know why people take offense to the fact that JP devs aren't creating a monopoly over consoles like they used to.I feel like they are making some great points, but the name-calling and volcano-based murder-ideation are chipping away at their position somewhat.kelaparan posted...ShippFFXI posted...
kelaparan posted...
ShippFFXI posted...
Kino posted...
What? The biggest AAA titles are Japanese.
TIL that CoD, Halo, Destiny, every Blizzard game, TW3, etc are Japanese. Also Bethesda.
LMAO at TW3, Destiny and Halo.
Pokemon Sun and Moon sold 14 million units in 2 months
Mainline pokemon franchise sold over 40 million units on 3ds and you said Destiny and TW3 are bigger than Pokemon
Pokemon = COD
The biggest titles. Plural.
Ok, guess you win since Pokémon releases 2 versions of the same game along side each other.
Pokémon is probably the only AAA Japanese game that outsells Western AAA games. Possibly Mario and Zelda. "The biggest AAA" titles selling are not Japanese.
Try not to cherry pick.
Mario Kart 3ds = 15 Million units
New Mario Bros 2 = 11 million units
Mario 3d Land= 11 Million units
Animal Crossing = 11 Million units
Super Smash Bros 3ds = 8.8 Million units
Mario Kart 8 Wii U = 8 Million units
Mario 3D Land, NSMBU and Smash Bros WiiU = 5 Million each
Pokemon Sun/Moon outsold COD IW(PS4+XB1) last year
Mario Kart 7+8 outsold Destiny + Destiny 2
2D Mario outsold Blizzard game on the console
3D Mario outsold Halo and Forza
Smash BROS outsold every AAA fighting games in the market
Animal Crossing is bigger than TW3
Japan still have Nintendo dude for strong sales in the west
You're talking about games on a Nintendo console, when Nintendo has basically abandoned 3rd party support outside of their handheld. Yes, I know they're starting to change their ways now.
I also mentioned Mario and Zelda.
You're, once again, cherry picking. Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon are three Japanese franchises, they're exclusives, and they've all been popular for nearly 30 years (2 of them are 30+).
You're also completely ignoring franchises like The Witcher, The Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Starcraft, etc. All of these (maybe no SC, I don't keep up with that game) easily beat the majority of games you just listed in terms of units sold.
Stop cherry picking.I feel like they are making some great points, but the name-calling and volcano-based murder-ideation are chipping away at their position somewhat.bh7812 posted...Omega_Red posted...
You mindless CoD drones are less than human in my eyes and I'll humiliate you every chance I get whether that's online or in person.
You have got to be shitting me!!! You judge someone over the kinds of video ganes they play!? Did I read that right? Okay you know what I've cut my posting on here way back so I'm just going to say my piece....
So many people on these forums have taken this obsession with video games entirely too far. This is all some of you live and breathe. You're willing to sacrifice your life's just to keep this tired industry going. Wiling to sacrifice anything to get your Japanese gaming glory days back...they're not coming back. There, I said it. They've moved on past consoles. You need look no further than the Japanese App and Google Play Stores. It's all shifted to mobile there. They were great days and games but things change. You all need to start coping with not getting the glory days back. If you need to get counseling then do that. You're all willing to go so far for gaming you'll attack people online you don't know the first thing about!! When the developers don't make a game you want or the features you want, if it's not exactly how you want it you send out death threats!! All of this for what?? It's just video games
The fact this shit has gone too far got driven home last month on the day of the TGS Sony press conference. I shit you not some assclown on Gaf decided to skip out on his kid's first day of school over a damn gaming press conference!! He fought with his wife over it too! Some messed up priorities there when you're putting games fully ahead of your kids!!
It's time for a lot of people to take a long hard look at themselves, get their shit together and get their damn priorities straight!! Japan chose its path guys I'm sorry. The gaming landscape has completely changed and that transition to mobile is complete. This obsession with the hobby and the serious business attitude of it are unhealthy and it's just...gone a few magnitudes past too far. Lotta folks waking with eyes wide shut that are in for a very rude shock, awakening and reality check.
It's fucking weird how some people place their entire identity on media then feel personally attacked if someone says something bad about it. There are people exactly like the dude you were talking to in all forms of media and its completely fucked up. Hell they are placing so much emotion and personal attachment into something they had no hand in making, they are getting attached to something they consumed and I hate saying it but this has been going on for a long ass time.
Its fine to love something and pine for the old days but to actually attack people because of what they view or don't is utterly pathetic and buddy getting so mad about people playing CoD which brought him to the point of calling them less then human and that he will humiliate them at any given chance is not only a massive cringe worthy moment but insanely petty and pathetic. All this over glorified fucking toys.http://www.terra-comic.com --> Terra: a Science Fiction WebcomicRafedx posted...bh7812 posted...
Omega_Red posted...
You mindless CoD drones are less than human in my eyes and I'll humiliate you every chance I get whether that's online or in person.
You have got to be shitting me!!! You judge someone over the kinds of video ganes they play!? Did I read that right? Okay you know what I've cut my posting on here way back so I'm just going to say my piece....
So many people on these forums have taken this obsession with video games entirely too far. This is all some of you live and breathe. You're willing to sacrifice your life's just to keep this tired industry going. Wiling to sacrifice anything to get your Japanese gaming glory days back...they're not coming back. There, I said it. They've moved on past consoles. You need look no further than the Japanese App and Google Play Stores. It's all shifted to mobile there. They were great days and games but things change. You all need to start coping with not getting the glory days back. If you need to get counseling then do that. You're all willing to go so far for gaming you'll attack people online you don't know the first thing about!! When the developers don't make a game you want or the features you want, if it's not exactly how you want it you send out death threats!! All of this for what?? It's just video games
The fact this shit has gone too far got driven home last month on the day of the TGS Sony press conference. I shit you not some assclown on Gaf decided to skip out on his kid's first day of school over a damn gaming press conference!! He fought with his wife over it too! Some messed up priorities there when you're putting games fully ahead of your kids!!
It's time for a lot of people to take a long hard look at themselves, get their shit together and get their damn priorities straight!! Japan chose its path guys I'm sorry. The gaming landscape has completely changed and that transition to mobile is complete. This obsession with the hobby and the serious business attitude of it are unhealthy and it's just...gone a few magnitudes past too far. Lotta folks waking with eyes wide shut that are in for a very rude shock, awakening and reality check.
It's fucking weird how some people place their entire identity on media then feel personally attacked if someone says something bad about it. There are people exactly like the dude you were talking to in all forms of media and its completely fucked up. Hell they are placing so much emotion and personal attachment into something they had no hand in making, they are getting attached to something they consumed and I hate saying it but this has been going on for a long ass time.
Its fine to love something and pine for the old days but to actually attack people because of what they view or don't is utterly pathetic and buddy getting so mad about people playing CoD which brought him to the point of calling them less then human and that he will humiliate them at any given chance is not only a massive cringe worthy moment but insanely petty and pathetic. All this over glorified fucking toys.
Someone is emotional😂😂😂
I don't mix with casual trash, they are whole different breed of gamer if they can even call themselves gamers.Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omega-red/
PlayStation Network: The_Red_KingIIIOmega_Red posted...
Someone is emotional😂😂😂
I don't mix with casual trash, they are whole different breed of gamer if they can even call themselves gamers.
Emotional? Did you not read what you said?
Omega_Red posted...You mindless CoD drones are less than human in my eyes and I'll humiliate you every chance I get whether that's online or in person.
If anyone was emotional it was you. I just don't understand how you can write off entire groups of people all because of a game they play. This is coming from someone who doesn't like CoD and does like Japanese games, mind you i'm not a fan of most fan service games like Nep or whatever but I have no issues with something like Persona.
I guess I am the type of dude that judges people by their actions and what they say rather then judge someone based on their hobbies. It seems petty to do that. I don't give a shit if someone plays games like Nep, Hatred, Call of Duty, Senran or anything else. I might not like a lot of them but who cares? If they like it more power to them I say. Its overall none of my business.http://www.terra-comic.com --> Terra: a Science Fiction WebcomicKislevic posted...It's kind of crazy to think how fast that shift happened. In the 80's and most of the 90's the entire console gaming scene was dominated by Japanese developers and Japanese games. Really, you could make the argument that the rise of western PC game developers and that scene also had a hand in gamers tastes shifting to the more western style. For years console gamers couldn't play all those awesome PC games... and once consoles became more capable you could start to get those games. But also, just the rise in gaming popularity probably had a hand in that as well. Japanese games tend to be more obtuse in their structure. Less handholding. I don't know that you could look at one thing as the reason for it all. Interesting to think about though.
We look at the PS4 and major Japanese AAA titles are few and far between. These days on the Ps4 western games dominate.
I don't really think there has been a decline so much as a series of shifts:
First, starting last gen, many western developers that focused primarily on PC gaming added consoles to their supported platforms and brought AAA-style games to those consoles, given the rise of HD gaming. Big budget, large studio, heavy emphasis on graphics etc. That's not the kind of studios Japan really has, with few exceptions.
Second, given that Japan has been trending ever more towards mobile gaming, due primarily to students and young professionals commuting rather than driving (as well as families generally only having one television), many Japanese studios switched their focus to handhelds.
There's still been great games produced by Japan over the years. They haven't gone anywhere. Most games I play are Japanese as I have always loved their style more than the western PC AAA style. There's been a lot of good Japanese games for the PS4 - my favorites list is mostly theirs, or, like in the case of Rise of the Tomb Raider and the original reboot - produced by a Japanese company. There's also been a lot of great stuff on handhelds. If you look beyond the somewhat shallow rush to compare graphics and big-budget production values as the only measure of a good game, you'll see that Japanese games went nowhere.
Third, there's also been a shift in western gamers away from Japanese games. It's either a younger generation of gamers that came on board in the PS3 gen and never really knew the older generation Japanese console classics, hence the rush in forums to belittle Japanese games I know we've all seen. Or, it's older gamers just wishing to see more advanced AAA Japanese titles, just like the way western games are doing it. That's a fool's errand because only a few Japanese studios even try to go down that road - but there's been a few entries like FFXV and the Souls games that have held their own among all these shifts.
Really just comes down to Japanese gamers looking to handhelds, Japanese developers looking to cater to them a bit more than to consoles (all things being equal because they make console games too of course), Japanese studios having more trouble budgeting in the big AAA game style that western companies use, and finally us. Many, many western gamers nowadays just don't respect Japanese gaming history or care to look past the graphical production values to see what kind of game is under that hood.The only Western game that stood out are Witcher 3, GTA5, uncharted, last of us and Fallout 4. Everything else just rehash and done before. Japanese games have come back this gen. Splatoon, Zelda Bow, Mario Odyssey, Persona 5, nier automat, bloodborne, dark soul, and later on Metroid Prime 4. There are games coming but gamers should not focus on particular brand of hardware and software because that is short sight.Good to be a gamer. Proud to be owner of NES, SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, 360, PS1-4, 3ds, GBA, psp, Switch- Boards
- PlayStation 4
- Decline of Japanese Gaming
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