It was either Starglider or Hugo III: Jungle of Doom for me.
RS3: UltimaSuende . 99 WC / 81/99 Fishing.
attack for lols1 hour ago#2
Shinobi or Double Dragon
He might be the president, but it's not his country.
Kaboom!  Or Warlord 
RIP: Canuklehead, Karma: 1369 // RIP: Gen_Lee_Enfield, Karma: 1731 // RIP: Orlando of the Axe, Karma: 1642 // RIP nayr626 Karma: 4395 --They delivered!
You must gather your party before venturing forth
Space Rogue
I love beautiful pale White, Asian and Arab cis-women, especially their clean bare feet, and the high I get from their aroma.
Either Super Mario 64 or Paper Mario.
Number of legendary 500 post topics: 26, 500th posts: 18; PiO ATTN: 2 RotM wins 1, Caring is sharing:
Pong or Asteroids
Ten million dollars on a losing campaign Twenty million starving and writhing in pain
Airhammy posted...
Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt
Super Mario
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
I got into it kinda late, the first game I played was Syphon Filter 1 on PS1. I never knew about games until I randomly saw my dad playing it once and from there I always wanted to play. My dad didn't play games before or after that though, I just happened to catch it for like the one year he played video games. iirc, he didn't even buy the PS1, someone he knew just randomly gave it to him for some reason.
Combat atari, thought it sucked hard
Either Space Invaders or Ghostbusters for the Atari. Not sure which one.
I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.
tear this gooby up34 minutes ago#20
Blaster Master (NES)
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Comanche: Maximum Overkill
i7 5820k (H100i v2) / Asus x99-a / 32gb DDR4 QC / EVGA 1070ti / 840 Pro 512gb + 1tb WD Black
Possibly Mega Man X. I can remember getting that game with our SNES one Christmas.
"Evil is what you make of it. Bind it to a higher purpose and you would have altered its nature. We use what tools we must." - Gerald Tarrant
ignores me29 minutes ago#23
Zelda I Still love it
Duke Nukem I believe
The fully enlightened earth radiates disaster triumphant
mortal kombat
let's positive thinking [this post tastes like lunch]
Crash Bandicoot, Gex, Spyro, or Medevil.
For those of you who started in the N64/PS1 era, how many earlier games do you enjoy?
Pitfall on the gameboy color was the first I remember playing alone. LoZ on a floppy disc was the first memory of games though.
It's a toss-up between Warcraft, Transport Tycoon or Full Throttle
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage, He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I know it was a game on the Atari 7800, but I cant remember exactly what.
Fact: Nintendo is the best, there is no point denying it.
Goof Troop on the SNES.
Or a bunch of games like Lunar Lander and Frogger on the Commodore 64. I never really considered those full blown games.
Super Mario World
I don't even know anymore. 3DS FC: 2320-6426-2982 | Pokemon Ultra Sun IGN: Tab
Probably Donkey Kong or Space Invaders...or something else for Atari.
By Grabthar's Hammer....what a savings.
Airhammy posted...
Super Mario Bros.
Donkey Kong on the gameboy pocket
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