Tuesday, December 18, 2018

As an owner of the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, the UI of the PS4 is better

  1. Boards
  2. Xbox One
  3. As an owner of the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, the UI of the PS4 is better
BURGERgio 2 days ago#1
Having used both consoles for a year now, I definitely prefer the UI of the Pro over the X. The start up from turning on the console is about 20 seconds on Pro to 2 minutes on the X. Have no idea why it's this long but it is. Also the UI on the X is slow and lags behind a lot. Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.
All that and unbridled unrepentant censorship! PS4s got it going on!
...And on that day, the World was changed forever.
da_StoOge 2 days ago#3
I own both and they're both slow as hell now.
"Even though I'm no better than a beast, don't I have the right to live?"
I'm more used to the PS4 UI but the X1 UI has caused me nothing but trouble
PSN and XBL: Tyruler50, Switch FC: 4538-0715-0699
Steam: TYmaster50, Battlenet: TYmaster50#1751
DRmoeller 2 days ago#5
I can't comment on the comparison because I only have the X, but I can say that your Xbox would turn on faster if you set it to "Instant On". Mine turns on in seconds.

I'm sure PS has the same settings.
My PS4 UI was really slow to load and it took a lot longer than my Xbox. This is when I was trying to access the PS store.

On start up I'd say both consoles took around the same amount of time to load fully for me.
My baby run to me. She lives in broken down buildings. Can't pay the rent again. These spider webs are my home now.
I got my x last week and the only “issue” I have is that the ui isn’t really any faster than my og halo 5 Xbox. I was hearing so much about it loading faster and I’m just not seeing it. Game loading times? I’m sure it’s faster. But the ui is still meh lol
(Not so) patiently waiting for EDF5 to come to Xbox.
agentspoon 2 days ago#8
Your Xbox One X takes two full minutes to go from off to the Dashboard? Then you need to send it in for repairs.

Both of mine take less than a minute and seconds from Instant-On.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
The_Hedon 2 days ago#9
BURGERgio posted...
Having used both consoles for a year now, I definitely prefer the UI of the Pro over the X. The start up from turning on the console is about 20 seconds on Pro to 2 minutes on the X. Have no idea why it's this long but it is. Also the UI on the X is slow and lags behind a lot. Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

Your Xbox is broke then.
XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
I don't own a Pro, but I have a friend that does and I've played quite a bit on it. The Xbox UI is slow in comparison. I've never understood why MS doesn't update or fix this.
ACiDx0nE 2 days ago#11
BURGERgio posted...
Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

Having an X1 for some time now I’m pretty sure the system is stable. I’d advise you not to let your cat sit on top of it and stop your little sister from using it as her personal piggy bank. That’s a good place to start Slick
Zweihanda 2 days ago#12
I miss the blades of the 360 UI. Now it's an ad filled mess. Love the system to death regardless thought but agreed, the 4s is better along with the Switch. So organized and clean.
PSN: Zweihanda 
Xbox GT: FatSatan Switch FC SW-6301-8298-6902
agentspoon 2 days ago#13
Zweihanda posted...
I miss the blades of the 360 UI. Now it's an ad filled mess. Love the system to death regardless thought but agreed, the 4s is better along with the Switch. So organized and clean.

Bad bait is bad. Imagine failing at being a Troll.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
agentspoon posted...
Your Xbox One X takes two full minutes to go from off to the Dashboard? Then you need to send it in for repairs.

Both of mine take less than a minute and seconds from Instant-On.

Are you serious? rofl all that "power" to be that slow lol
PS4 86+ millions Xbox 39+ millions
The_Hedon 2 days ago#15
Zweihanda posted...
I miss the blades of the 360 UI. Now it's an ad filled mess. Love the system to death regardless thought but agreed, the 4s is better along with the Switch. So organized and clean.

Lol wrong on so many levels.
XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
agentspoon 2 days ago#16
Shura_Surplice posted...
Are you serious? rofl all that "power" to be that slow lol

Boring, don't you have an older brother or sister you can nag?
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
I 100% agree with OP,
though I also think their system is likely broken if it’s taking that long to turn on and crashing so much. 

I’m glad I have both systems but the Xbox’s OS is ridiculously convoluted.
Itchy itchy. scott came. ugly face so killed him. Tasty. 4// itchy. tasty.
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
I feel like I've seen a similar topic recently
Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
flame030191 2 days ago#19
Turn off Cortana and your Xbox will run a bit faster. It won’t be a mind blowing change, but it’ll be a noticeable improvement.
X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
agentspoon 2 days ago#20
flame030191 posted...
Turn off Cortana and your Xbox will run a bit faster. It won’t be a mind blowing change, but it’ll be a noticeable improvement.

Also the transition animations.

You would see a major improvement if we could turn off the tabs like we used to.

I had Home and Store on mine and the Dashboard was so snappy.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Tourn46 2 days ago#21
Yet I've had more crashes on Bloodborne alone than all my Xbox games or together.
GT/PSN: Tourn46
"Ha ha ha! You're getting my Goron blood pumping!"
Jigglybuff2 2 days ago#22
As an owner of both, disagree. 

Cant stand the ps4 ui. Sure its sometimes faster. But its ugly and just an eyesore otherwise.
Rip Jigglybuff, my account of 12 years that was banned for supposedly sharing accounts with someone else, despite no proof of such transgression
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Ok, so the point of this topic is?
div85 2 days ago#24
Not a huge fan of either
hands down better

looks at folder options
and systems lack of advertisement spam on menus on ps4

really think they should cut down on some stuff they force in your face on xbox one
apparently unpopular opinion if reported as trolling is trolling on gamefaqs
Where are all these ads on the Xbox UI that people keep talking about?
Gamertag: OneTruePlayer81
PS4 is a better UI experience overall but it slows to a crawl sometimes when I have to use it when playing a game and I'm on a PS4 Pro. My Xbox One X is faster when using the UI when playing a game but otherwise has no other advantage over the PS4 UI.
IGN: Fraz
3DS Friend Code: 3411 - 0360 - 6459
I'm going to test this out but, I've recently learned you can block ads by using an ad blocking DNS(which is free for personal use) I'm going to test it out on my computer. For those that have issues with the Xbox ads maybe look it up and do that for your Xbox to see how it goes
Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
@OneTruePlayer81 posted...
Where are all these ads on the Xbox UI that people keep talking about?

well their gaming specific so you might overlook them
one the ones always got me even when i had gold

was their xbox live gold free ads the ones that wanted credit card info to get the ""free"" xbox live gold memberships 

but yeah thats just example of it
i mean if you could compare it to ps4 it would be like whats found in psn store the recommended for you section but unlike that

xboxs is more recommended by xbox
apparently unpopular opinion if reported as trolling is trolling on gamefaqs
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
dj___roll 2 days ago#30
DRmoeller posted...
I can't comment on the comparison because I only have the X, but I can say that your Xbox would turn on faster if you set it to "Instant On". Mine turns on in seconds.

I'm sure PS has the same settings.

Yeah, but that unfortunately leads to your system UI lagging even harder and causing issues with launching games. 

I just turn mine on and go make coffee or something else for a couple minutes before coming back. MS hasn’t had a good UI since the blades on 360.
agentspoon 2 days ago#31
dj___roll posted...
Yeah, but that unfortunately leads to your system UI lagging even harder and causing issues with launching games. 

I just turn mine on and go make coffee or something else for a couple minutes before coming back. MS hasn’t had a good UI since the blades on 360.

Does it? Mine never leaves Instant-On and I have issues with it at all. If you looked after your stuff instead of neglecting it you might see better longevity.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
agentspoon posted...
Shura_Surplice posted...
Are you serious? rofl all that "power" to be that slow lol

Boring, don't you have an older brother or sister you can nag?

This is funny because I'm a 27-year-old grown man who just minutes ago was sending his big brother one letter texts to tell him what time we're eating for Christmas. 😂😂😂

Anyway, the Xbox UI does leave something to be desired, but you certainly won't find your solution in a PS4/Switch!
Playing - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (XONE); Fortnite (XONE/NS); Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! (NS); Splatoon 2 (NS); Timberman VS (NS)
One has a multimedia game console UI, the other is somewhat indistinguishable from a Blueray player.

The simpler one runs smoother, that shouldn't surprise anyone.
hrj 2 days ago#34
agentspoon posted...
dj___roll posted...
Yeah, but that unfortunately leads to your system UI lagging even harder and causing issues with launching games. 

I just turn mine on and go make coffee or something else for a couple minutes before coming back. MS hasn’t had a good UI since the blades on 360.

Does it? Mine never leaves Instant-On and I have issues with it at all. If you looked after your stuff instead of neglecting it you might see better longevity.

It actually does. 
I have an x and I love it. 
However, having it in instant on has caused several issues where only a restart worked. 
After turning instant on off, everything works everytime.
PSN/GT - Hennaboy
BURGERgio posted...
Having used both consoles for a year now, I definitely prefer the UI of the Pro over the X. The start up from turning on the console is about 20 seconds on Pro to 2 minutes on the X. Have no idea why it's this long but it is. Also the UI on the X is slow and lags behind a lot. Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

hey is the ui of the pro the same as the one for the ps4 slim etc......?
"Kojima, the man who trolled the world"
agentspoon 2 days ago#36
hrj posted...
It actually does. 
I have an x and I love it. 
However, having it in instant on has caused several issues where only a restart worked. 
After turning instant on off, everything works everytime.

You mean power cycling your electrical equipment? I thought that was common sense.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
agentspoon 2 days ago#37
TsC_PoLiTiKz posted...
This is funny because I'm a 27-year-old grown man who just minutes ago was sending his big brother one letter texts to tell him what time we're eating for Christmas. 😂😂😂

Anyway, the Xbox UI does leave something to be desired, but you certainly won't find your solution in a PS4/Switch!

I too enjoy sending my older brother random but very vulgar swear words. Its even better if his missus reads them.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
i prefer the Playstation UI. Just getting to a game can be annoying on Xbox.

that said. Getting to the store on Xbox and actually buying things is way better. Half the time PS store doesn't even work. It can take forever to load and when u get to checkout u get an error. This has been an issue the whole time i've had PSN.

Also, at least with Xb1x....when using Instant On, over time the UI becomes sluggish and unresponsive. I had to power cycle or something to clear it up. So it could run smooth again
zinsindetta 2 days ago#39
I had both way longer then you and Xbox One is superior.
INKU48 2 days ago#40
As on owner of both, I don't give a crap. Both get the job done just fine for letting me start up ny video games. Can't even imagine how it can be a big deal to some.
Big fan of video games.
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
BURGERgio 2 days ago#41
ACiDx0nE posted...
BURGERgio posted...
Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

Having an X1 for some time now I’m pretty sure the system is stable. I’d advise you not to let your cat sit on top of it and stop your little sister from using it as her personal piggy bank. That’s a good place to start Slick

I don't have anything on top of it. Quite an assumption don't you think?
BURGERgio 2 days ago#42
INKU48 posted...
As on owner of both, I don't give a crap. Both get the job done just fine for letting me start up ny video games. Can't even imagine how it can be a big deal to some.

The reason why is because I have an OLED TV so when I turn on my xbox, the loading screen of the Xbox can cause massive image retention and it's pretty annoying. I have to turn my xbox on 2 minutes before turning on my TV because I don't want that damn xbox logo to be there for so long.
n00bsaib0t 2 days ago#43
“As someone who has taken both solid and squishy shits, a solid shit is better”.
3DS: 4871-6557-4900 | Switch: SW-7875-2425-7203
https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nifterific | XBL / PSN: Nifterific | NNID: n00bsaib0t
Jigglybuff2 2 days ago#44
n00bsaib0t posted...
“As someone who has taken both solid and squishy shits, a solid shit is better”.

As someone who's taking a very solid shit right now that doesnt want to come out, it's all a matter of opinion
Rip Jigglybuff, my account of 12 years that was banned for supposedly sharing accounts with someone else, despite no proof of such transgression
agentspoon 2 days ago#45
@Jigglybuff2 posted...
As someone who's taking a very solid shit right now that doesnt want to come out, it's all a matter of opinion

You got your Poop Knife ready?
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
Jigglybuff2 2 days ago#46
No. I didnt think I'd need it for this one.

taco bell betrayed me
Rip Jigglybuff, my account of 12 years that was banned for supposedly sharing accounts with someone else, despite no proof of such transgression
agentspoon 2 days ago#47
Jigglybuff2 posted...
No. I didnt think I'd need it for this one.

taco bell betrayed me

Ah, I know the one. Once you pop the "cork" its a trip to Lava Town.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
dj___roll 2 days ago#48
hrj posted...
agentspoon posted...
dj___roll posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Does it? Mine never leaves Instant-On and I have issues with it at all. If you looked after your stuff instead of neglecting it you might see better longevity.

It actually does. 
I have an x and I love it. 
However, having it in instant on has caused several issues where only a restart worked. 
After turning instant on off, everything works everytime.

And his reply is exactly why I have that dude on ignore. He just cannot accept that his favorite system has issues. Never understood that attitude. No ones saying it’s the most horrible thing ever. But it is an issue. 

I had to help my brother out because suddenly his games stopped booting up. He took off instant on and rebooted and it was all good. 

Pretending there’s no problems doesn’t keep them from existing.
dj___roll 2 days ago#49
EastCoastKody posted...
i prefer the Playstation UI. Just getting to a game can be annoying on Xbox.

that said. Getting to the store on Xbox and actually buying things is way better. Half the time PS store doesn't even work. It can take forever to load and when u get to checkout u get an error. This has been an issue the whole time i've had PSN.

Also, at least with Xb1x....when using Instant On, over time the UI becomes sluggish and unresponsive. I had to power cycle or something to clear it up. So it could run smooth again

The Xbox store is actually my only real issue with the system. It’s so damn slow to react to button presses. And you either wait and hope it noticed you pushed A, or you end up double tapping and going farther than you wanted. Same for backing out with B. 

The 360 was the only system to get it right.... until they updated it from the blades.
Giarccpsn 2 days ago#50
BURGERgio posted...
Having used both consoles for a year now, I definitely prefer the UI of the Pro over the X. The start up from turning on the console is about 20 seconds on Pro to 2 minutes on the X. Have no idea why it's this long but it is. Also the UI on the X is slow and lags behind a lot. Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

My Pro UI lags like shit scrolling over tiles. My 1X does not.
I have not timed start ups but thinking about it Pro seems slightly faster.
Crashing I have no complaints about either console. Rarely ever have crashes.
  1. Boards
  2. Xbox One
  3. As an owner of the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, the UI of the PS4 is better
    1. Boards
    2. Xbox One
    3. As an owner of the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, the UI of the PS4 is better
    agentspoon 2 days ago#51
    Claims people cant accept things and yet puts people who's opinions differ from his on Ignore?

    Well done, you played yourself.
    HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
    Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
    I use startup (power saving mode) on the X. It is a little bit longer than the PS4, but not 2 mins.
    (edited 2 days ago)reportquote
    AdventSoul 2 days ago#53
    Same for me TC, I now have both and the PS4 UI is far less laggy than the Xbox UI. I prefer how easy it is to navigate with the Xbox over the PS4 but everything else just feels better on the PS4.

    I still like my Xbox more.
    Xbox 1 GT: AdventSoul05
    Dragon's Dogma Pawn: Synestriel, Female
    Jigglybuff2 posted...
    n00bsaib0t posted...
    “As someone who has taken both solid and squishy shits, a solid shit is better”.

    As someone who's taking a very solid shit right now that doesnt want to come out, it's all a matter of opinion

    Is it one of those poops that feels like it's leaving you sideways? Those suck.
    "Good news, soldier. Your leg only got a scratch. Bad news is your leg is over there." Col. Archibald Barisol, 1968
    nems1015 2 days ago#55
    What sucks more is sometimes when the dookee hits the water so hard, the water shoots up your stink star and is ice cold. Hate those
    Currently playing : COD: Blops4 (X1), NBA2K18 (X1), Diablo 3 (X1), Farcry 5 (X1), Skyrim (X1)
    The_Hedon 2 days ago#56
    agentspoon posted...
    flame030191 posted...
    Turn off Cortana and your Xbox will run a bit faster. It won’t be a mind blowing change, but it’ll be a noticeable improvement.

    Also the transition animations.

    You would see a major improvement if we could turn off the tabs like we used to.

    I had Home and Store on mine and the Dashboard was so snappy.

    I use the guide button. It has every item the dash has but is insanely fast. It’s like having 360 blades.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    agentspoon 2 days ago#57
    The_Hedon posted...
    I use the guide button. It has every item the dash has but is insanely fast. It’s like having 360 blades.

    True but it was a nice option.
    HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
    Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
    The_Hedon 2 days ago#58
    agentspoon posted...
    The_Hedon posted...
    I use the guide button. It has every item the dash has but is insanely fast. It’s like having 360 blades.

    True but it was a nice option.

    True. But wasn’t it a short term mistake and found by a weird combination to enable it?
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    agentspoon 2 days ago#59
    The_Hedon posted...
    True. But wasn’t it a short term mistake and found by a weird combination to enable it?

    It was a Dev ability that got left in. It was just hold LS and press Y.
    HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
    Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
    Beasthunt 1 day ago#60
    As an owner of the X and Pro as well; you are 100% correct.

    The X ui is a complete mess.
    Acts 2:38.
    I wish the X let you change the internal drive, I put an SSD in my Pro and it boots so fast from power off, not to mention game load times
    PSN - madrileno23 XBL - thatchefdude
    Playing - AC Origins XB1X, Shadow of War XB1X, Gears of War Ultimate Edition
    Xbox ui is more colorful
    SpikeTheSpaceCo posted...
    One has a multimedia game console UI, the other is somewhat indistinguishable from a Blueray player.

    The simpler one runs smoother, that shouldn't surprise anyone.

    i have a sony bluray player....and it is the same lol
    agentspoon posted...
    Shura_Surplice posted...
    Are you serious? rofl all that "power" to be that slow lol

    Boring, don't you have an older brother or sister you can nag?

    I agree, Xbox is boring... and slow :/
    PS4 86+ millions Xbox 39+ millions
    Shura_Surplice posted...
    agentspoon posted...
    Shura_Surplice posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Boring, don't you have an older brother or sister you can nag?

    I agree, Xbox is boring... and slow :/

    You're old and tired.
    XBL Gamertag: TheRevan Lord
    I own both as well and would have to agree. They are both pretty awful, but I think the PS4’s being better is more of a case of simple being better. There is just way too much crap cluttering the XB1’s UI and making it run so goddamn slow. PS4’s can be slow as well, but all of my games are right there in little folders in alphabetical order and very easy to get to what I want.

    I refuse to use the store on either of them, though, because they are both absolute garbage. I just do it from my phone or PC.
    I like to dissect girls. Did you know I'm utterly insane?
    BigBee2005 1 day ago#67
    I have an X as well as a Pro, and I don't have any issues with either UI. Not only that but neither lags for me, and I don't get bombarded with ads.

    Not entirely sure what all the fuss is about TBH.
    AltiarLio 1 day ago#68
    The PS4 Homescreen is way easier to navigate because it’s super simple for its user base to use.
    GT & Steam: Tyron3L1o. PSN: TyroneLio.
    I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.
    ACiDx0nE 1 day ago#69
    BURGERgio posted...
    ACiDx0nE posted...
    BURGERgio posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Having an X1 for some time now I’m pretty sure the system is stable. I’d advise you not to let your cat sit on top of it and stop your little sister from using it as her personal piggy bank. That’s a good place to start Slick

    I don't have anything on top of it. Quite an assumption don't you think?

    Whatever the case may be, it sounds more like a you issue than an us issue.
    hrj 1 day ago#70
    agentspoon posted...
    hrj posted...
    It actually does. 
    I have an x and I love it. 
    However, having it in instant on has caused several issues where only a restart worked. 
    After turning instant on off, everything works everytime.

    You mean power cycling your electrical equipment? I thought that was common sense.

    No, I mean having instant on causes lots of issues that I don't have when it's off.
    I don't use instant on with x1x anymore for that reason.
    PSN/GT - Hennaboy
    agentspoon 1 day ago#71
    hrj posted...
    No, I mean having instant on causes lots of issues that I don't have when it's off.
    I don't use instant on with x1x anymore for that reason.

    Well mine never leaves IO and I nor anyone I know has had any issues.
    HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
    Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
    hrj 1 day ago#72
    agentspoon posted...
    hrj posted...
    No, I mean having instant on causes lots of issues that I don't have when it's off.
    I don't use instant on with x1x anymore for that reason.

    Well mine never leaves IO and I nor anyone I know has had any issues.

    Lucky. Me and my Xbox friends all have issues with instant on.
    PSN/GT - Hennaboy
    BigOW 1 day ago#73
    Resident Weevil posted...
    All that and unbridled unrepentant censorship! PS4s got it going on!

    I don’t know if this applies to any game other then Conan Exiles but in Conan on the Xbox you can change your region to uk or something and download the full nude patch where as on tge ps4 there is no way to uncensored it
    agentspoon 1 day ago#74
    hrj posted...
    Lucky. Me and my Xbox friends all have issues with instant on.

    HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
    Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
    The_Hedon posted...
    BURGERgio posted...
    Having used both consoles for a year now, I definitely prefer the UI of the Pro over the X. The start up from turning on the console is about 20 seconds on Pro to 2 minutes on the X. Have no idea why it's this long but it is. Also the UI on the X is slow and lags behind a lot. Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

    Your Xbox is broke then.

    if he even has one
    Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
    Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
    is the ui for the ps4 slim the same as the pro?
    "Kojima, the man who trolled the world"
    TrickyPony 1 day ago#77
    My console has been on via Instant On mode since I bought it and I have never once needed to do a hard reset. No problems yet.
    This topic is taking the word s*** bucket to a whole 'nother level!!!!
    n00bsaib0t 1 day ago#78
    TrickyPony posted...
    My console has been on via Instant On mode since I bought it and I have never once needed to do a hard reset. No problems yet.

    I refuse to believe this. Between BC titles not showing up, the app not being able to connect to the console, and getting disconnected from Live and it not letting me back on I need to hard reset at least once a week.
    3DS: 4871-6557-4900 | Switch: SW-7875-2425-7203
    https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nifterific | XBL / PSN: Nifterific | NNID: n00bsaib0t
    hrj 1 day ago#79
    n00bsaib0t posted...
    TrickyPony posted...
    My console has been on via Instant On mode since I bought it and I have never once needed to do a hard reset. No problems yet.

    I refuse to believe this. Between BC titles not showing up, the app not being able to connect to the console, and getting disconnected from Live and it not letting me back on I need to hard reset at least once a week.

    Just do what I did, turn off the instant on feature and there's no problems
    PSN/GT - Hennaboy
    n00bsaib0t 1 day ago#80
    hrj posted...
    n00bsaib0t posted...
    TrickyPony posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    I refuse to believe this. Between BC titles not showing up, the app not being able to connect to the console, and getting disconnected from Live and it not letting me back on I need to hard reset at least once a week.

    Just do what I did, turn off the instant on feature and there's no problems

    That’s not gonna do me any fucking good when my Xbox is on 24/7.
    3DS: 4871-6557-4900 | Switch: SW-7875-2425-7203
    https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nifterific | XBL / PSN: Nifterific | NNID: n00bsaib0t
    n00bsaib0t posted...
    hrj posted...
    n00bsaib0t posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Just do what I did, turn off the instant on feature and there's no problems

    That’s not gonna do me any fucking good when my Xbox is on 24/7.

    Contact support your Xbox might be messed up..

    Don't have those issues and my Xbox is always on unless I'm not home. It's always in instant on mode also.

    Never had those issues across the other Xbox ones I've owned either.
    Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
    I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
    agentspoon 1 day ago#82
    ExempliGratia posted...
    Contact support your Xbox might be messed up..

    Don't have those issues and my Xbox is always on unless I'm not home. It's always in instant on mode also.

    Never had those issues across the other Xbox ones I've owned either.

    So its not just me that has no issues? My Xbox never leaves Instant-On and I can leave the same game running for like a week booting it up multiple times and I never have issues.
    HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
    Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
    agentspoon posted...
    ExempliGratia posted...
    Contact support your Xbox might be messed up..

    Don't have those issues and my Xbox is always on unless I'm not home. It's always in instant on mode also.

    Never had those issues across the other Xbox ones I've owned either.

    So its not just me that has no issues? My Xbox never leaves Instant-On and I can leave the same game running for like a week booting it up multiple times and I never have issues.

    The only issue I have with instant on is when I'm sleeping middle of the night and it wants to update. I like the background noise while I sleep so I wake up instantly when it happens.
    Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
    I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
    BURGERgio posted...
    Having used both consoles for a year now, I definitely prefer the UI of the Pro over the X. The start up from turning on the console is about 20 seconds on Pro to 2 minutes on the X. Have no idea why it's this long but it is. Also the UI on the X is slow and lags behind a lot. Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

    I own both and I agree the PS4 ui is definitely smoother and quicker to do anything. It's more bare bones but that isn't a bad thing.
    You would think gamers would have more common sense.. this is what happens when you have no gameplay in your games.
    gamertag & psn: rasen145
    afatalvision posted...
    BURGERgio posted...
    Having used both consoles for a year now, I definitely prefer the UI of the Pro over the X. The start up from turning on the console is about 20 seconds on Pro to 2 minutes on the X. Have no idea why it's this long but it is. Also the UI on the X is slow and lags behind a lot. Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

    I own both and I agree the PS4 ui is definitely smoother and quicker to do anything. It's more bare bones but that isn't a bad thing.

    Finally people are making sense. The UI on the PS is better hands down! Most people who own both consoles realize this. Others are just in denial due to blind allegiance.
    RNA_v1a 1 day ago#87
    BURGERgio posted...
    Having used both consoles for a year now, I definitely prefer the UI of the Pro over the X. The start up from turning on the console is about 20 seconds on Pro to 2 minutes on the X. Have no idea why it's this long but it is. Also the UI on the X is slow and lags behind a lot. Games on my X crash a lot more too. I've have about 20 crashes on the X for every 1 on my Pro. Honestly I'm surprised since the X is technically stronger, but the UI has a lot more to be desired.

    The XB is so delayed and laggy it gets annoying
    [RSG] Red Screen Gaming
    GT - YELARAKA / Switch FC: 1432-0183-6634
    TrickyPony 1 day ago#89
    n00bsaib0t posted...
    TrickyPony posted...
    My console has been on via Instant On mode since I bought it and I have never once needed to do a hard reset. No problems yet.

    I refuse to believe this. Between BC titles not showing up, the app not being able to connect to the console, and getting disconnected from Live and it not letting me back on I need to hard reset at least once a week.

    That's fine, I don't need you to believe it. This is with my X. With my Elite I did maybe 5-6 hard resets in total since launch before trading it in. 

    All my BC titles work fine, not sure which app you're referring to but again all mine work I use about a half dozen weekly, and Live never has hiccups for me either.
    This topic is taking the word s*** bucket to a whole 'nother level!!!!
    The_Hedon 1 day ago#90
    agentspoon posted...
    hrj posted...
    No, I mean having instant on causes lots of issues that I don't have when it's off.
    I don't use instant on with x1x anymore for that reason.

    Well mine never leaves IO and I nor anyone I know has had any issues.

    Myself and none of my friends and fellow forumers have issues with IO either.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    n00bsaib0t 1 day ago#91
    TrickyPony posted...
    n00bsaib0t posted...
    TrickyPony posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    I refuse to believe this. Between BC titles not showing up, the app not being able to connect to the console, and getting disconnected from Live and it not letting me back on I need to hard reset at least once a week.

    That's fine, I don't need you to believe it. This is with my X. With my Elite I did maybe 5-6 hard resets in total since launch before trading it in. 

    All my BC titles work fine, not sure which app you're referring to but again all mine work I use about a half dozen weekly, and Live never has hiccups for me either.

    My BC titles work fine too, I said I need to hard reset for them to show up meaning when new BC games are added they don't show up in ready to install or the disc tells me that the game isn't supported when I insert it. It's super common, people post about it here pretty much every time a major release is added and for both OG BC waves.

    The app not connecting to my Xbox would suggest the app isn't on my Xbox, wouldn't it? The Xbox app for smart phones has controller capabilities. So switching from, say, Hulu to watching something on my external HDD I can just bust out my phone rather than going and grabbing the controller. We have issues with both our livingroom and bedroom Xboxes with this.

    The issue with getting disconnected from live has to do with the brick walls in my apartment, but it doesn't change the fact that anything else (desktop, laptops, phones, Switch) will reconnect automatically and the Xbox makes me reset it.
    3DS: 4871-6557-4900 | Switch: SW-7875-2425-7203
    https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nifterific | XBL / PSN: Nifterific | NNID: n00bsaib0t
    The_Hedon 1 day ago#92
    ThePedigree posted...
    afatalvision posted...
    BURGERgio posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    I own both and I agree the PS4 ui is definitely smoother and quicker to do anything. It's more bare bones but that isn't a bad thing.

    Finally people are making sense. The UI on the PS is better hands down! Most people who own both consoles realize this. Others are just in denial due to blind allegiance.

    The PS UI is the worst hands down I agree.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    The PS4 UI is cleaner and typically faster/smoother, but that definitely doesn’t make the Xbox’s awful by any means. I do feel both the XMB, as ugly as it was, as well as the blades and NXE last gen were better, but these aren’t bad IMO.
    X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
    n00bsaib0t posted...
    TrickyPony posted...
    n00bsaib0t posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    That's fine, I don't need you to believe it. This is with my X. With my Elite I did maybe 5-6 hard resets in total since launch before trading it in. 

    All my BC titles work fine, not sure which app you're referring to but again all mine work I use about a half dozen weekly, and Live never has hiccups for me either.

    My BC titles work fine too, I said I need to hard reset for them to show up meaning when new BC games are added they don't show up in ready to install or the disc tells me that the game isn't supported when I insert it. It's super common, people post about it here pretty much every time a major release is added and for both OG BC waves.

    The app not connecting to my Xbox would suggest the app isn't on my Xbox, wouldn't it? The Xbox app for smart phones has controller capabilities. So switching from, say, Hulu to watching something on my external HDD I can just bust out my phone rather than going and grabbing the controller. We have issues with both our livingroom and bedroom Xboxes with this.

    The issue with getting disconnected from live has to do with the brick walls in my apartment, but it doesn't change the fact that anything else (desktop, laptops, phones, Switch) will reconnect automatically and the Xbox makes me reset it.

    Have you contacted support about your issues?? They seem a bit weird.
    Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
    I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    The_Hedon 1 day ago#95
    flame030191 posted...
    The PS4 UI is cleaner and typically faster/smoother, but that definitely doesn’t make the Xbox’s awful by any means. I do feel both the XMB, as ugly as it was, as well as the blades and NXE last gen were better, but these aren’t bad IMO.

    I agree the UI is cleaner on the PS4. Though I don’t find it faster. I think part of that is the native 4K dashboard where as the Xbox isn’t native 4K freeing up ram. Both stores can take time to load cover boxes at times. But where I find the Xbox excels is in customization and the guide button. When I turn my Xbox on, it defaults to my most recent games and I just hit the down button once and all my pins of games and apps are right there. On PS you have to dig down a little more if you have folders organized. The XMB can’t be customized. 

    I don’t use the community tab or the game pass tab. When I go to the store I just use the guide button. Everything is laid out great on the guide and it is extremely fast in the guide.

    I have both the PS Pro and Xbox set to instant on and my Xbox resumes back to my game from standby faster than the PS. I have made videos of this and posted on YouTube.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    BURGERgio 2 hours ago#96
    Alright guys just a quick edit, I timed both and here are my time stamps. Xbox One X Start Up Time 1 minute and 15 seconds. PS4 Pro Start Up Time 35 Seconds. Don't get me wrong I still love my X, but that's double the start up time....
    1. Boards
    2. Xbox One 
    3. As an owner of the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, the UI of the PS4 is better

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