Tuesday, December 18, 2018

I still don't get why people hate 343i so much...

  1. Boards
  2. Xbox One
  3. I still don't get why people hate 343i so much...
Solid Sonic 6 days ago#1
Their games are DIFFERENT from Bungie's, sure, but they're not bad or anything.
Washable toilet paper.
To 500.
Xbox One X & PS4 Pro: RonBurgundy929
Tourn46 6 days ago#3
Because gamers like to live in the past.
GT/PSN: Tourn46
"Ha ha ha! You're getting my Goron blood pumping!"
Solid Sonic 6 days ago#4
RonBurgundy929 posted...
To 500.

More like no one cares because this dead horse has been beaten like a dusty rug.
Washable toilet paper.
I thought they did pretty good with Halo 4. It had a bit of a confusing story, but they captured the heart of what makes Master Chief and Cortana such compelling characters.

The multiplayer could have used some work, but I did enjoy it. Felt kind of like Reach 2.0.

Halo Master Chief Collection has been a mess for over 4 years now. I don't think I need to even go into why it's such a mess at this point. This is where they first dropped the ball.

Then here comes Halo 5. They crafted a pretty damn good gameplay engine but completely dropped the ball on everything else. They gave us the worst campaign in the series' history, and took out local multiplayer. That is literally like Mario Kart not having local multiplayer anymore. Unacceptable.

That's why I am not really a big fan of them right now. I don't hate them per say, but I don't have a lot of faith in them at the moment. Maybe Halo: Infinite can change this. I don't know. We have not seen enough of it yet.
Formerly known as fon1988
lid1013 6 days ago#6
As someone who just got back into the franchise, I'm currently doing a full series playthrough and just finished Halo 4 for the first time.

Immediately the one thing I noticed was that it didn't "feel" like Halo, the atmosphere, setting, music, it all felt off. 

Story wise, all the Bungie Halo's were super simple to follow, yes there was and still is tons of lore and backstory to the games but it never feels needed to follow the games.

In Halo 4, they start exploring forerunner lore and history and its hard to keep up with sometimes, especially if you miss a terminal in the game which gave you bits of backstory.

I personally didn't like the direction the story took with 4, I liked it better when the forerunner were more mysterious and you never learned much about them, at least not in the games.

I've yet to play 5 but knowing its reputation and how I feel about 4, I'm keeping my expectations lower.
Hopefully Infinite brings back the classic Halo that people fell in love with.
DirkMcGurkin 6 days ago#7
I really don't know if it's them or just series fatigue to be honest. I don't feel the same excitement with Halo 4 and 5 that I once felt with the series. It's hard for me to put the blame on 343i when all they did was take the same formula and keep it rolling. When I finished Halo Reach, I was already in the mind set that this wraps everything up and I'm ready to say goodbye to the series.
Look around...... we're all a bunch of ***holes
xcmon3yx2 6 days ago#8
Halo MCC, what a fucking train wreck
From a campaign perspective I definitely like 343 more.
Play Slow Die Ignorant
nems1015 6 days ago#10
Anyone else hate those flood levels as well? I usually just run through them as quickly as I can. 

I dunno, the general consensus is that Bungie's trilogy was the pinnacle and after 434 took over that it was garbage.

I enjoy each game but I actually though that Halo 4-5 are great campaigns.

Only thing that I hope for is offline bots. I get its not the same as playing against real players but not everyone has Live Gold or the internet. If I could play offline bots (especially on the MCC) that disc would barely leave my Xbox. 

Alot of people focus on MP only but when I think of the entire Halo series I only think of the campaigns. And in that regard the series as a whole has left a great impression on me.
Currently playing : COD: Blops4 (X1), NBA2K18 (X1), Diablo 3 (X1), Farcry 5 (X1), Skyrim (X1)
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
The only thing 343 did that I dislike is make Halo 5 a T-rated game and kill splitscreen.
Currently Playing: NHL19 (X1), RDR II (PS4), Elite Dangerous VR (PC), Pavlov (PC)
Solid Sonic 6 days ago#12
Halo is barely an M-rated series in the first place. It's super-tame.

Halo: Reach is the most mature Halo game I've played and even that is rather mellow compared to stuff like Gears of War.
Washable toilet paper.
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
Solid Sonic posted...
Halo is barely an M-rated series in the first place. It's super-tame.

Halo: Reach is the most mature Halo game I've played and even that is rather mellow compared to stuff like Gears of War.

I won't argue that Halo games are barely M, but I definitely felt like 5 was a game built with accommodations for teenagers who can't play M-rated games in mind.

I still like 5, but it didn't feel quite right to me.
Currently Playing: NHL19 (X1), RDR II (PS4), Elite Dangerous VR (PC), Pavlov (PC)
sillyrascal 6 days ago#14
Solid Sonic posted...
I still don't get why people hate 343i so much...

Because Pre-Destiny, people thought Bungie took the talent with them.
The PSY of gamefaqs
Care to ...dance?
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
sillyrascal posted...
Solid Sonic posted...
I still don't get why people hate 343i so much...

Because Pre-Destiny, people thought Bungie took the talent with them.


I should also point out that I think 343i is MUCH better than todays Bungie. My god, Destiny is such a train wreck. I'd much rather put up with Master Chief Collection problems and Halo 5 than deal with Destiny.
Formerly known as fon1988
GTAcrazy 6 days ago#16
Because they ruined Halo™
GamerTag: Major Sousa
GTAcrazy 6 days ago#17
lid1013 posted...
As someone who just got back into the franchise, I'm currently doing a full series playthrough and just finished Halo 4 for the first time.

Immediately the one thing I noticed was that it didn't "feel" like Halo, the atmosphere, setting, music, it all felt off. 

Story wise, all the Bungie Halo's were super simple to follow, yes there was and still is tons of lore and backstory to the games but it never feels needed to follow the games.

In Halo 4, they start exploring forerunner lore and history and its hard to keep up with sometimes, especially if you miss a terminal in the game which gave you bits of backstory.

I personally didn't like the direction the story took with 4, I liked it better when the forerunner were more mysterious and you never learned much about them, at least not in the games.

I've yet to play 5 but knowing its reputation and how I feel about 4, I'm keeping my expectations lower.
Hopefully Infinite brings back the classic Halo that people fell in love with.

+10 points for you.
I completely agree with your post and share your thoughts as well.
GamerTag: Major Sousa
For starters, Halo 4 multi-player was Cod with a Halo paint scheme, MCC was a train wreck, the convoluted plot of Halo 4, the false advertising of halo 5, the terrible campaign of halo 5, the bastardization of Cortana, the existence of Spartan Locke, the surplus of glitches in Warzone, the terrible balancing of Warzone, the constant unnecessary reworking of gametypes, calling Halo fans entitled, hiring people who hate Halo to work on Halo, I could go on and on fam...
Famalam fam famalamalamalingo
Arizona_Joe 6 days ago#19
To the Master Chief Collection debacle I will say to be fair 343 wasn't the ones working on it when it came out. Yeah they shouldn't have handed off their franchise to another team so their fuck up was their absence. 

As for 343 overall they had a ton of hate right out of the gate before we even saw anything. All people saw was they weren't Bungie and it's a Microsoft studio so they had an uphill battle as they had EA/Activision dislike before they even did anything.

Halo 4 campaign was good and Halo 5 Multiplayer was great. Too bad they can't do both at the same time.
LazorGuns 6 days ago#20
Because the game no longer feels like Halo anymore.
GTAcrazy 6 days ago#21
Arizona_Joe posted...
As for 343 overall they had a ton of hate right out of the gate before we even saw anything. All people saw was they weren't Bungie and it's a Microsoft studio so they had an uphill battle as they had EA/Activision dislike before they even did anything.

That's not true. 
I was really excited for the new team especially since they hired a bunch of people that worked on great franchises. 
Then I played Halo 4.
GamerTag: Major Sousa
flame030191 6 days ago#22
I don’t think people actually really hate 343i’s games. Halo 4 was received well, it just lacked staying power, MCC was and is loved by many people just hated the lack of support 343i gave a game that desperately needed it; and Halo 5 sold very well and is still among the most active Xbox games today over three years after release. 

There’s vocal hate for them by those who didn’t want to see the series evolve like it did and they blame 343i for it, but as for actual gamers it seemed that Halo 5 especially was pretty well received overall and is seen as a solid game and one of the best Xbox One exclusives.
X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
flame030191 6 days ago#23
GTAcrazy posted...
Arizona_Joe posted...
As for 343 overall they had a ton of hate right out of the gate before we even saw anything. All people saw was they weren't Bungie and it's a Microsoft studio so they had an uphill battle as they had EA/Activision dislike before they even did anything.

That's not true. 
I was really excited for the new team especially since they hired a bunch of people that worked on great franchises. 
Then I played Halo 4.

And then you went on to hate a game you’ve never played at all as if you’re an expert on it.
X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
Arizona_Joe 6 days ago#24
GTAcrazy posted...
Arizona_Joe posted...
As for 343 overall they had a ton of hate right out of the gate before we even saw anything. All people saw was they weren't Bungie and it's a Microsoft studio so they had an uphill battle as they had EA/Activision dislike before they even did anything.

That's not true. 
I was really excited for the new team especially since they hired a bunch of people that worked on great franchises. 
Then I played Halo 4.

Not saying everyone was like that but go back and look at the forums around that time. There wasn't much wait and see or I'm not expecting the same quality but I'll give it a shot. It was immediate "I hate 343, they're gonna ruin the franchise, they'll never be Bungie, I'm gonna trash them on Twitter to let them know how much I despise them"

It's like damn let them fuck up first. There's some things 343 hasn't done well but man I don't believe any studio got that much hate for announcing their existence.
187mike 6 days ago#25
I hate the way 343i designs campaigns 

Halo 4 was just a tunnel. Never played Halo 5 

Dont really like the MP community in 343i halos. It feels so isolated.
Deal with it
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
Zombody2 6 days ago#26
I think they are pretty bad at making the single player aspects, but great and the multiplayer. I love halo 5's multi, got good with the pistol and now it's all skill based for me.
Dark Souls 2- Healing items, similar boss types = worst game in series
Bloodborne- Healing items, similar boss types = greatest game ever made.
nems1015 6 days ago#27
Zombody2 posted...
I think they are pretty bad at making the single player aspects

Currently playing : COD: Blops4 (X1), NBA2K18 (X1), Diablo 3 (X1), Farcry 5 (X1), Skyrim (X1)
They absolutely killed halo. That’s where the dislike comes from.
RonBurgundy929 posted...
To 500.

I would wait for the usual suspects to arrive but i can no longer see them. I'm sure they will be here soon
Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
as someone with little allegiance to the halo franchise.
Who loved 1 & 2 and then really never played another Halo game (except for some reach).

i tried 5 multiplayer a couple times. Really didn't like it. Didn't feel like Halo to me
AWarAmp84 6 days ago#31
I was hooked on the original Halo trilogy but by the time Reach came out, I was beginning to lose interest. The truth is that the Halo games needed to evolve in order to stay fresh and appeal to a larger audience and as a result, they angered a lot of the older fan base. They needed to compete with the large amount of FPS's on the market that didn't exist in the beginning.
Go Leafs go!
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
Eli99999 6 days ago#32
Their games aren't bad no, but not good either. That's why.
Found a picture of you - https://imgur.com/4jj3ADM
Epacalypse 6 days ago#33
RonBurgundy929 posted...
To 500.
Sleeping is a waste of time.
cugabuh 6 days ago#34
I got an Xbox pretty late in its life cycle (within the last 6 months or so). I went in knowing not to expect much from Halo 5, and was still somehow let down.

The single player was a giant heap of mediocrity, and I couldn't stand the card/requisition bullcrap that was forced into the multiplayer (I enjoyed the overall mechanics of it though).

Oh, and I was so excited to play it with my wife, only to remember the massive fuck up they made by removing splitscreen from the game.


Fuck that game.
(edited 6 days ago)reportquote
Arizona_Joe 6 days ago#35
nems1015 posted...
Zombody2 posted...
I think they are pretty bad at making the single player aspects


They did a good job with 4s campaign. But the multiplayer was meh.

They did a great job with 5s multiplayer. But the campaign was a disaster. Not just worst in series but in campaigns in general.

If they could somehow get 4s campaign and 5s multiplayer in the same game they'd be set.
da_StoOge 5 days ago#36
I liked Halo 5 despite it's obvious issues, but after the latest MCC update I just think the studio is either far less talented than they need to be or they're incredibly poorly managed. 

How they f***ed up the patch that was their big apology patch for f***ing up the original release, I'll never know. 

To give an example if their incompetence they recently patched the MCC's aiming controls after numerous requests. 
Except the stuff they added didn't fix any of the issues people wanted fixing. 

Do they have any idea what they're doing?
"Even though I'm no better than a beast, don't I have the right to live?"
Landonio 5 days ago#37
da_StoOge posted...
Do they have any idea what they're doing?

No, clearly.
AWarAmp84 posted...
The truth is that the Halo games needed to evolve in order to stay fresh and appeal to a larger audience

Bumbleoni 5 days ago#39
RonBurgundy929 posted...
To 500.

HornedLion 5 days ago#40
Tourn46 posted...
Because gamers like to live in the past.

Isn’t that why Halo makes some sales nowadays rather than none.
Brandy1977 5 days ago#41
343 has shit all over Halo artistically,narratively and gameplay wise.
Gamefaqs is ran by trolls.
nems1015 5 days ago#42
Arizona_Joe posted...
nems1015 posted...
Zombody2 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

They did a great job with 5s multiplayer. But the campaign was a disaster. Not just worst in series but in campaigns in general.

Currently playing : COD: Blops4 (X1), NBA2K18 (X1), Diablo 3 (X1), Farcry 5 (X1), Skyrim (X1)
MertensCW 5 days ago#43
lid1013 posted...
As someone who just got back into the franchise, I'm currently doing a full series playthrough and just finished Halo 4 for the first time.

Immediately the one thing I noticed was that it didn't "feel" like Halo, the atmosphere, setting, music, it all felt off. 

Story wise, all the Bungie Halo's were super simple to follow, yes there was and still is tons of lore and backstory to the games but it never feels needed to follow the games.

In Halo 4, they start exploring forerunner lore and history and its hard to keep up with sometimes, especially if you miss a terminal in the game which gave you bits of backstory.

I personally didn't like the direction the story took with 4, I liked it better when the forerunner were more mysterious and you never learned much about them, at least not in the games.

I've yet to play 5 but knowing its reputation and how I feel about 4, I'm keeping my expectations lower.
Hopefully Infinite brings back the classic Halo that people fell in love with.

My favorite part of Halo 4 was the flying part at the end.. which was the furthest thing from Halo in the entire game, yet exemplifies how poorly i thought of the rest of the game and be prepared because Halo 5 is much, much worse.

Though it might also hinge on what you thought of the Prometheans and their weapons because that’s what you’ll be dealing with for pretty much the entire game.
Few Favorites- Ninja gaiden 1-2, Colony Wars 1-3,Xenogears,MarioKart,Lunar 2 GTA:SA,S&K,FF6-7,Zanac,S.Metroid,SMB2,NFL2K5,Halo 2, NG2,Vanquish,Witcher 2.
(edited 5 days ago)reportquote
I thought I couldn't see the gang but I guess I can.

They're all here.

This thread can now proceed to 500!
Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
Ya’ll mentioning MCC has problems might want to check it out again. The match composer is perfection and stupid fast.
It’s massively improved just from when we were playing a couple weeks ago, I’ve been playing a lot but the last update just feels leagues more optimized.
u avin a giggle there m8?
An accurate portrayal of how I felt about Halo 5:

The Official Robin of the I2 Boards
The Official Ermac of the MK11 Boards
flame030191 4 days ago#47
Wicked_T_Wraith posted...
An accurate portrayal of how I felt about Halo 5:


Eh, I was just hoping for a proper Chief vs Locke fight. The story was mediocre, but the MP more than made up for it.
X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
5 has the best multiplayer. The single player is one of the most boring game modes I've ever played.
XBL Gamertag: TheRevan Lord
GTAcrazy 4 days ago#49
flame030191 posted...
GTAcrazy posted...
Arizona_Joe posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

That's not true. 
I was really excited for the new team especially since they hired a bunch of people that worked on great franchises. 
Then I played Halo 4.

And then you went on to hate a game you’ve never played at all as if you’re an expert on it.

Jesus Christ man just block me already!
I'm starting to think that you're in love with me.
GamerTag: Major Sousa
GTAcrazy 4 days ago#50
187mike posted...
I hate the way 343i designs campaigns 

Halo 4 was just a tunnel. Never played Halo 5 

Dont really like the MP community in 343i halos. It feels so isolated.

Yeah, the Halo 4 campaign was horrible.
Didn't feel anything like Halo, and the prometheans must be the cheapest and most annoying enemies to fight. 
I rather fight the flood for a whole level than have to kill prometheans for 2 minutes.
GamerTag: Major Sousa
  1. Boards
  2. Xbox One
  3. I still don't get why people hate 343i so much...
    1. Boards
    2. Xbox One
    3. I still don't get why people hate 343i so much...
    GTAcrazy 4 days ago#51
    Brandy1977 posted...
    343 has shit all over Halo artistically,narratively and gameplay wise.

    You forgot "musically" also.
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    GTAcrazy 4 days ago#52
    ExempliGratia posted...
    I thought I couldn't see the gang but I guess I can.

    They're all here.

    This thread can now proceed to 500!

    Get on blocking the rest then Mister!
    You're wasting your time!
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    GTAcrazy 4 days ago#53
    Wicked_T_Wraith posted...
    An accurate portrayal of how I felt about Halo 5:


    Me with Halo 4.
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    The_Hedon 4 days ago#54
    Solid Sonic posted...
    Their games are DIFFERENT from Bungie's, sure, but they're not bad or anything.

    Besides PS fans, I don’t know anyone who hates 343.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    sillyrascal 4 days ago#55
    The_Hedon posted...
    Solid Sonic posted...
    Their games are DIFFERENT from Bungie's, sure, but they're not bad or anything.

    Besides PS fans, I don’t know anyone who hates 343.

    Bungie lol
    The PSY of gamefaqs
    Care to ...dance?
    The_Hedon 4 days ago#56
    sillyrascal posted...
    The_Hedon posted...
    Solid Sonic posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Besides PS fans, I don’t know anyone who hates 343.

    Bungie lol

    Solid point :)
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    I have both Halo 4 and 5, but I can't get further than the first few levels before losing interest in either one. I've never had that happen with any previous game in the series. I don't have hate for them. I simply don't have much interest in their games.
    Look around...... we're all a bunch of ***holes
    AWarAmp84 4 days ago#58
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
    I have both Halo 4 and 5, but I can't get further than the first few levels before losing interest in either one. I've never had that happen with any previous game in the series. I don't have hate for them. I simply don't have much interest in their games.

    I experienced the same thing. I bought both thinking I'd be able to get back into it but I just can't do Halo anymore. Siege was my go to shooter for so long.
    Go Leafs go!
    AWarAmp84 posted...
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
    I have both Halo 4 and 5, but I can't get further than the first few levels before losing interest in either one. I've never had that happen with any previous game in the series. I don't have hate for them. I simply don't have much interest in their games.

    I experienced the same thing. I bought both thinking I'd be able to get back into it but I just can't do Halo anymore. Siege was my go to shooter for so long.

    Honestly, the series has felt stale to me even before Halo Reach. I really liked Reach, but I was happy to hang it up after that. It's had that "been there done that" feel for a very long time with nothing new as far as SP goes.
    Look around...... we're all a bunch of ***holes
    The_Hedon 4 days ago#60
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
    I have both Halo 4 and 5, but I can't get further than the first few levels before losing interest in either one. I've never had that happen with any previous game in the series. I don't have hate for them. I simply don't have much interest in their games.

    Halo 3 ODST, a low point for the Halo series, took me out of the Bungie camp. It was horrible. Halo 5 convinced me to become a Halo fan again.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    I hated Reach personally (turned me off. Armor lock still haunts me) Halo 4 was ok and Halo 5's mp was great. Real rejuvenation of the series(MP wise). I'm hoping the next one makes both a good single and mp experience. 343 is almost there.
    Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
    I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
    (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
    GTAcrazy 4 days ago#62
    The_Hedon posted...
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
    I have both Halo 4 and 5, but I can't get further than the first few levels before losing interest in either one. I've never had that happen with any previous game in the series. I don't have hate for them. I simply don't have much interest in their games.

    Halo 3 ODST, a low point for the Halo series, took me out of the Bungie camp. It was horrible. Halo 5 convinced me to become a Halo fan again.

    You should go see a doctor.
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    AWarAmp84 4 days ago#63
    The_Hedon posted...
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
    I have both Halo 4 and 5, but I can't get further than the first few levels before losing interest in either one. I've never had that happen with any previous game in the series. I don't have hate for them. I simply don't have much interest in their games.

    Halo 3 ODST, a low point for the Halo series, took me out of the Bungie camp. It was horrible. Halo 5 convinced me to become a Halo fan again.

    I wasn't a fan of ODST at all.
    Go Leafs go!
    GTAcrazy 4 days ago#64
    AWarAmp84 posted...
    The_Hedon posted...
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Halo 3 ODST, a low point for the Halo series, took me out of the Bungie camp. It was horrible. Halo 5 convinced me to become a Halo fan again.

    I wasn't a fan of ODST at all.

    I loved it. 
    Great change of pace but still that Halo feel. 
    And the music was superb.
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    AWarAmp84 posted...
    The_Hedon posted...
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Halo 3 ODST, a low point for the Halo series, took me out of the Bungie camp. It was horrible. Halo 5 convinced me to become a Halo fan again.

    I wasn't a fan of ODST at all.

    Word me either.
    Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
    I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
    flame030191 4 days ago#66
    I liked ODST. Reach is really what made me quit Halo.
    X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
    The_Hedon posted...
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
    I have both Halo 4 and 5, but I can't get further than the first few levels before losing interest in either one. I've never had that happen with any previous game in the series. I don't have hate for them. I simply don't have much interest in their games.

    Halo 3 ODST, a low point for the Halo series, took me out of the Bungie camp. It was horrible. Halo 5 convinced me to become a Halo fan again.

    Yeah I forgot that one. Not good at all.
    Look around...... we're all a bunch of ***holes
    (edited 4 days ago)reportquote
    SigmaLongshot 4 days ago#68
    343i had a truly unwinnable situation, really.

    To come into a franchise that, for all intents and purposes, was assumed to be over (and the main story arc had finalised) and to not only resurrect it for a new generation of gaming (with quality-of-life upgrades more in keeping with contemporary games in the genre), but to also start from a place of negativity (before they'd even created any core Halo game, the "fans" - inverted commas because AYE RIGHT - had demonised them).

    343i actually did a stellar job, all things considered, and though Halo 4 most certainly erred on the side of "making Halo's design up-to-date" over "making Halo as Halo as humanly possible", they most definitely made the property their own.

    Whenever someone says "Bungie would've done so much better", I point to Destiny, their "Halo game if they didn't have the Halo IP available to use". I think only a crazy person would assume that, if Bungie still had the Halo licence, they would just remake Halo 3 in all but name (the game most "purists" pine for), and I think that's what all the naysayers keep striving for - a decade-old game design, made again, never to iterate or change for the duration of eternity.
    XB1/XB360/Wii U: TotoMimo PS4: Gooey_Toto/SigmaLongshot
    http://highteafrog.com/ for more details on High Tea Frog!
    da_StoOge posted...
    How they f***ed up the patch that was their big apology patch for f***ing up the original release, I'll never know. 

    To give an example if their incompetence they recently patched the MCC's aiming controls after numerous requests. 
    Except the stuff they added didn't fix any of the issues people wanted fixing. 

    Do they have any idea what they're doing?

    See, this is just ignorant. The game’s aiming code is exactly the way it always was, the aiming controls are exactly the way they always were. There were several issues in the legacy code. People are just starting to notice how bad it used to be since we’ve improved so much since then. Also we’re playing on completely different types of TV in 4K and twice the frame rate so people are just generally confused as to how it feels.
    343 added more options to let people tweak it themselves.
    And they now put out an update to the beta to test the ‘modern controls’ that they’re implementing across the board to make it feel like what you’d feel is right, a modern game.
    So not only did they give us control options we’ve never had before, but they’ve also fixed problems on the legacy code that Bungie never bothered with, stuff that’s been hanging around for 10-15 years now.
    They’ve deserve props for all this stuff. I can’t wait to see how you’ll negatively spin this.
    At least wait until the actual patch comes out before you cry about it, you don’t know what you’re talking about so you jumped the gun.
    u avin a giggle there m8?
    (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
    da_StoOge 3 days ago#70
    LanternOfAsh posted...
    da_StoOge posted...
    How they f***ed up the patch that was their big apology patch for f***ing up the original release, I'll never know. 

    To give an example if their incompetence they recently patched the MCC's aiming controls after numerous requests. 
    Except the stuff they added didn't fix any of the issues people wanted fixing. 

    Do they have any idea what they're doing?

    See, this is just ignorant. The game’s aiming code is exactly the way it always was, the aiming controls are exactly the way they always were. There were several issues in the legacy code. People are just starting to notice how bad it used to be since we’ve improved so much since then. Also we’re playing on completely different types of TV in 4K and twice the frame rate so people are just generally confused as to how it feels.
    343 added more options to let people tweak it themselves.
    And they now put out an update to the beta to test the ‘modern controls’ that they’re implementing across the board to make it feel like what you’d feel is right, a modern game.
    So not only did they give us control options we’ve never had before, but they’ve also fixed problems on the legacy code that Bungie never bothered with, stuff that’s been hanging around for 10-15 years now.
    They’ve deserve props for all this stuff. I can’t wait to see how you’ll negatively spin this.
    At least wait until the actual patch comes out before you cry about it, you don’t know what you’re talking about so you jumped the gun.

    See, this is just ignorant. I am very much aware that the controls are identical to the legacy games as evidenced by my fairly detailed posts on Bungie's forum. 

    The control system become an issue, however, when you jump back and fourth between all four games which all feature slightly different aiming settings, and so fans immediately started requesting the option to set up their controls to better match the other titles, and to specifically fix the diagonal acceleration issue so it was more in line with Halo 4. 

    Bungie put out a statement saying they wanted to keep the legacy options available for fans (fair enough) but that they were looking into patching in control options to address the issues the fans wanted fixing. They then beta tested the option, people pointed out the patch didn't really address the issue at all, and yet they just shipped it as is. 

    So now Halo 2, which has a much larger deadzone than Halo 4, both read as having an identical deadzone of 12%, along with same acceleration values. Making it far more difficult to try and correctly match the different deadlines and acceleration curves across titles. 
    The patch also failed to address the bigger issue of the out of wack diagonal acceleration curve. 

    It's useless. If you noticed and were bothered by the issue the new patch barely fixed a thing, and if you didn't care in the first place then the options are redundant. 


    And don't try and come back by saying that they're trying to keep the game a solid close to the original as possible, because it's now got different hit boxes/bullet magnetism, 60FPS, the added control options, and the ability to further modify the controls via an Elite controller. 

    On top of that, Halo 2 Anniversary uses Halo 4's aiming settings which are completely different to Halo 2 Classic's.
    "Even though I'm no better than a beast, don't I have the right to live?"
    (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
    da_StoOge posted...
    LanternOfAsh posted...
    da_StoOge posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    See, this is just ignorant. The game’s aiming code is exactly the way it always was, the aiming controls are exactly the way they always were. There were several issues in the legacy code. People are just starting to notice how bad it used to be since we’ve improved so much since then. Also we’re playing on completely different types of TV in 4K and twice the frame rate so people are just generally confused as to how it feels.
    343 added more options to let people tweak it themselves.
    And they now put out an update to the beta to test the ‘modern controls’ that they’re implementing across the board to make it feel like what you’d feel is right, a modern game.
    So not only did they give us control options we’ve never had before, but they’ve also fixed problems on the legacy code that Bungie never bothered with, stuff that’s been hanging around for 10-15 years now.
    They’ve deserve props for all this stuff. I can’t wait to see how you’ll negatively spin this.
    At least wait until the actual patch comes out before you cry about it, you don’t know what you’re talking about so you jumped the gun.

    See, this is just ignorant. I am very much aware that the controls are identical to the legacy games as evidenced by my fairly detailed posts on Bungie's forum. 

    The control system become an issue, however, when you jump back and fourth between all four games which all feature slightly different aiming settings, and so fans immediately started requesting the option to set up their controls to better match the other titles, and to specifically fix the diagonal acceleration issue so it was more in line with Halo 4. 

    Bungie put out a statement saying they wanted to keep the legacy options available for fans (fair enough) but that they were looking into patching in control options to address the issues the fans wanted fixing. They then beta tested the option, people pointed out the patch didn't really address the issue at all, and yet they just shipped it as is. 

    So now Halo 2, which has a much larger deadzone than Halo 4, both read as having an identical deadzone of 12%, along with same acceleration values. Making it far more difficult to try and correctly match the different deadlines and acceleration curves across titles. 
    The patch also failed to address the bigger issue of the out of wack diagonal acceleration curve. 

    It's useless. If you noticed and were bothered by the issue the new patch barely fixed a thing, and if you didn't care in the first place then the options are redundant. 


    And don't try and come back by saying that they're trying to keep the game a solid close to the original as possible, because it's now got different hit boxes/bullet magnetism, 60FPS, the added control options, and the ability to further modify the controls via an Elite controller. 

    On top of that, Halo 2 Anniversary uses Halo 4's aiming settings which are completely different to Halo 2 Classic's.

    You literally just summarized the problems, none of this has anything to do with what I’ve said.
    And for the second time, the actual patch to ‘fix’ the controls hasn’t come out yet. You think the options to tweak them was ‘the’ patch.
    u avin a giggle there m8?
    da_StoOge 3 days ago#72
    Yeah, I just listed all the problems that you claimed I was ignorant about. That was the point. 

    But whatever. I really don't care to argue about it. I think they've fucked ip numerous times and are looking really incompetent compare to other 1st party studios. 

    You don't. 

    I'm not going to try and change your mind and you calling me ignorant is going to change mine.
    "Even though I'm no better than a beast, don't I have the right to live?"
    GTAcrazy 3 days ago#73
    SigmaLongshot posted...
    and I think that's what all the naysayers keep striving for - a decade-old game design, made again, never to iterate or change for the duration of eternity.

    Decade old game design that still works better than whatever the hell it was they did with Halo 4/5.
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    flame030191 posted...
    Eh, I was just hoping for a proper Chief vs Locke fight. The story was mediocre, but the MP more than made up for it.

    Personally, 5's multiplayer has never really held my interest.

    The story, however, was beyond trash. I didn't mind so much the direction they wanted to go with Cortana, but the ending was flat out undeserved, IMO.
    The Official Robin of the I2 Boards
    The Official Ermac of the MK11 Boards
    The_Hedon 3 days ago#75
    GTAcrazy posted...
    SigmaLongshot posted...
    and I think that's what all the naysayers keep striving for - a decade-old game design, made again, never to iterate or change for the duration of eternity.

    Decade old game design that still works better than whatever the hell it was they did with Halo 4/5.

    Lol nope.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    AltiarLio 3 days ago#76
    The story telling they do just seems so half finished, the writing and pacing is great up until the final third where it shits the bed.

    They are great devs though and have shown they love the franchise and given us the best halo multiplayer experiences.
    GT & Steam: Tyron3L1o. PSN: TyroneLio.
    I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.
    Thor 3 days ago#77

    The day Halo died as we knew it!


    "Hey man, I am cool; I am the breeze."
    flame030191 3 days ago#78
    AltiarLio posted...
    The story telling they do just seems so half finished, the writing and pacing is great up until the final third where it shits the bed.

    They are great devs though and have shown they love the franchise and given us the best halo multiplayer experiences.

    I agree entirely. It felt like they had an interesting idea for the story, started it out well, then found themselves in a time crunch and towards the end. Maybe Halo Infinite will be better in that regard? 

    Still, if the MP remains as good as it was in 5, I’ll be happy with Infinite regardless of single player quality.
    X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
    The_Hedon 3 days ago#79

    The day Halo redeemed itself.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    flame030191 posted...
    Halo 4 was received well

    Literally everybody acknowledges Halo 4 was the worst title in the entire series.
    AltiarLio 3 days ago#81
    idonliketurtles posted...
    flame030191 posted...
    Halo 4 was received well

    Literally everybody acknowledges Halo 4 was the worst title in the entire series.

    GT & Steam: Tyron3L1o. PSN: TyroneLio.
    I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.
    flame030191 3 days ago#82
    idonliketurtles posted...
    flame030191 posted...
    Halo 4 was received well

    Literally everybody acknowledges Halo 4 was the worst title in the entire series.

    And yet it still pulled an 87 on Metacritic and sold nearly 10m copies. 

    And no, not literally everybody acknowledges Halo 4 to be the worst game in the series. There are plenty who say Halo Reach was, or ODST. I’ve even seen plenty of people claim Halo 1, 2, or 3 were. So literally not everyone can agree on what is the worst in the series.
    X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
    flame030191 posted...
    And yet it still pulled an 87 on Metacritic and sold nearly 10m copies. 

    343 could shit in a case, call it Halo 6 and still get at least 80 on meta and sell millions of units on name alone. 

    flame030191 posted...
    Halo Reach


    flame030191 posted...

    The Halo 3 singleplayer expansion? Fucking lol for even bringing this up.
    (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
    flame030191 3 days ago#84
    idonliketurtles posted...
    flame030191 posted...
    And yet it still pulled an 87 on Metacritic and sold nearly 10m copies. 

    343 could shit in a case, call it Halo 6 and still get at least 80 on meta and sell millions of units on name alone. 

    flame030191 posted...
    Halo Reach


    flame030191 posted...

    The Halo 3 singleplayer expansion? Fucking lol for even bringing this up.

    Cool. You still haven’t proven that literally everyone agrees that 4 is the worst. This thread alone shows multiple people talking about multiple games in the franchise being the worst, so my guess is it’ll be a hard thing to prove.
    X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
    flame030191 posted...
    You still haven’t proven that literally everyone agrees that 4 is the worst.

    One playthrough of 4's campaign and a few hours in multiplayer is all you need to figure it out.
    flame030191 3 days ago#86
    idonliketurtles posted...
    flame030191 posted...
    You still haven’t proven that literally everyone agrees that 4 is the worst.

    One playthrough of 4's campaign and a few hours in multiplayer is all you need to figure it out.

    I think you’re confusing your own opinion with the overall picture. You may think it’s the worst. That’s your opinion, and that’s fine, but don’t try to claim everyone else agrees with your opinion. 

    Factually speaking, it’s neither the lowest rated game in the series, Halo Wars 2 holds that candle with Halo Wars 1, MCC, Halo Anniversary, and Halo 5 all also being rated lower than 4, nor is it universally agreed upon to be the worst considering, as I’ve said, even within this one thread you have multiple games being thrown into the discussion of worst Halo.
    X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
    SpartanAlice253 posted...
    Halo 4 multi-player was Cod with a Halo paint scheme

    idonliketurtles posted...
    Literally everybody acknowledges Halo 4 was the worst title in the entire series.

    This. Reach had some good and bad mixed in at least, H4 was just... something else entirely.
    Gaucho Pride
    UCSB ATO Iota Nu Chapter
    (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
    GTAcrazy 3 days ago#88
    idonliketurtles posted...
    flame030191 posted...
    Halo 4 was received well

    Literally everybody acknowledges Halo 4 was the worst title in the entire series.

    It's probably a tie between 4 and 5.
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    GTAcrazy 3 days ago#89
    flame030191 posted...
    idonliketurtles posted...
    flame030191 posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    One playthrough of 4's campaign and a few hours in multiplayer is all you need to figure it out.

    I think you’re confusing your own opinion with the overall picture. You may think it’s the worst. That’s your opinion, and that’s fine, but don’t try to claim everyone else agrees with your opinion. 

    Factually speaking, it’s neither the lowest rated game in the series, Halo Wars 2 holds that candle with Halo Wars 1, MCC, Halo Anniversary, and Halo 5 all also being rated lower than 4, nor is it universally agreed upon to be the worst considering, as I’ve said, even within this one thread you have multiple games being thrown into the discussion of worst Halo.

    You bringing Halo Wars into the conversation just proves that you're wrong and that you lost.
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    flame030191 3 days ago#90
    GTAcrazy posted...
    flame030191 posted...
    idonliketurtles posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    I think you’re confusing your own opinion with the overall picture. You may think it’s the worst. That’s your opinion, and that’s fine, but don’t try to claim everyone else agrees with your opinion. 

    Factually speaking, it’s neither the lowest rated game in the series, Halo Wars 2 holds that candle with Halo Wars 1, MCC, Halo Anniversary, and Halo 5 all also being rated lower than 4, nor is it universally agreed upon to be the worst considering, as I’ve said, even within this one thread you have multiple games being thrown into the discussion of worst Halo.

    You bringing Halo Wars into the conversation just proves that you're wrong and that you lost.

    Imagine pretending your opinion matters to anyone after ranting about how the human eye can’t see 4K.
    X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
    Otterz4Life 3 days ago#91
    I love all the Halos for different reason and appreciate what 343i has tried to do. CE is my favorite, but there are things i loved in 4 and 5. The biggest mistake 343i made was putting the first half of 5's story in some expanded universe crap and not in the game itself. 

    Halo purists are approaching Melee fan levels of gatekeeping and just being generally insufferable.
    GT: Otterz4LIFE
    SigmaLongshot 3 days ago#92
    Otterz4Life posted...
    I love all the Halos for different reason and appreciate what 343i has tried to do. CE is my favorite, but there are things i loved in 4 and 5. The biggest mistake 343i made was putting the first half of 5's story in some expanded universe crap and not in the game itself. 

    Halo purists are approaching Melee fan levels of gatekeeping and just being generally insufferable.

    I absolutely agree with almost everything here.

    The absolute vitriol from the "classic fans" has reached that unbearable level of "if it's not EXACTLY the same as this ancient thing I love, then it's automatically terrible".

    And as I said before, clinging to that notion of "the best ones were from over a decade ago" is mired very deep in nostalgia and an unironic desperation to see a neo-retro revival. They're quite often the same people that say things like, "the new Doom is great, it plays JUST like the old ones", which is... well, it's wrong on so many levels, like those people that say "ugh, this game literally looks like an N64 game!" when it just looks a little bit less polished than other AAA games.

    Taken in a bubble, in isolation, Halo 3 is fantastic. It's fantastic and it's of its time, but it's not something that you could slap a new coat of paint on and release it nowadays without quite a huge slap in the face by reality that there're a myriad of quality-of-life updates the genre has seen since then.
    XB1/XB360/Wii U: TotoMimo PS4: Gooey_Toto/SigmaLongshot
    http://highteafrog.com/ for more details on High Tea Frog!
    (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
    The_Hedon 3 days ago#93
    GTAcrazy posted...
    idonliketurtles posted...
    flame030191 posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Literally everybody acknowledges Halo 4 was the worst title in the entire series.

    It's probably a tie between 4 and 5.

    Nope. ODST.
    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    SigmaLongshot posted...
    Otterz4Life posted...
    I love all the Halos for different reason and appreciate what 343i has tried to do. CE is my favorite, but there are things i loved in 4 and 5. The biggest mistake 343i made was putting the first half of 5's story in some expanded universe crap and not in the game itself. 

    Halo purists are approaching Melee fan levels of gatekeeping and just being generally insufferable.

    I absolutely agree with almost everything here.

    The absolute vitriol from the "classic fans" has reached that unbearable level of "if it's not EXACTLY the same as this ancient thing I love, then it's automatically terrible".

    And as I said before, clinging to that notion of "the best ones were from over a decade ago" is mired very deep in nostalgia and an unironic desperation to see a neo-retro revival. They're quite often the same people that say things like, "the new Doom is great, it plays JUST like the old ones", which is... well, it's wrong on so many levels, like those people that say "ugh, this game literally looks like an N64 game!" when it just looks a little bit less polished than other AAA games.

    Taken in a bubble, in isolation, Halo 3 is fantastic. It's fantastic and it's of its time, but it's not something that you could slap a new coat of paint on and release it nowadays without quite a huge slap in the face by reality that there're a myriad of quality-of-life updates the genre has seen since then.

    Well yeah lol, I loved halo so much cuz I thought it was unique... Now it's filled with all this stuff like ads, enhanced movement and all this crap from other games. It's just this weird mishmash of ideas from other franchises that had no right to be in Halo. 

    Y'all like to say it needed to innovate, but how is mindlessly ripping mechanics from every other game supposed to be innovative? Or add "quality of life updates" when the campaigns of 4 and 5 were poorly balanced messes with awful level design and broken AI? Or a multi-player that's literally cod with a halo skin? Sheesh Halo 5 MP was the only good thing to come outta 343 since anniversary and even that is filled with a myraid of issues not present in earlier titles.
    Famalam fam famalamalamalingo
    SigmaLongshot 2 days ago#95
    @SpartanAlice253 you're saying that as if every single core Halo game hasn't added additional gameplay gimmicks since the beginning - ones that significantly alter gameplay flow.

    Halo 2 introduced dual-wielding weapons (and anyone with any time playing that game will attest, this messed with the balancing of weaponry quite considerably) and hijacking vehicles, then Halo 3 changed the control scheme and added equipment packs, then Halo Reach added special abilities (armour lock, etc), and we go on, and on.

    One of the major arguments is that the "core gameplay and design was tainted", but that core design had been fluid and changing since the turn of the millennium, really. And then, after that, the argument boils down to "but I liked X changes, but I didn't like Y changes because that's my preference" - which basically makes the entire argument one of subjectivity (so... pointless).
    XB1/XB360/Wii U: TotoMimo PS4: Gooey_Toto/SigmaLongshot
    http://highteafrog.com/ for more details on High Tea Frog!
    GTAcrazy 2 days ago#96
    SigmaLongshot posted...
    @SpartanAlice253 you're saying that as if every single core Halo game hasn't added additional gameplay gimmicks since the beginning - ones that significantly alter gameplay flow.

    Halo 2 introduced dual-wielding weapons (and anyone with any time playing that game will attest, this messed with the balancing of weaponry quite considerably) and hijacking vehicles, then Halo 3 changed the control scheme and added equipment packs, then Halo Reach added special abilities (armour lock, etc), and we go on, and on.

    One of the major arguments is that the "core gameplay and design was tainted", but that core design had been fluid and changing since the turn of the millennium, really. And then, after that, the argument boils down to "but I liked X changes, but I didn't like Y changes because that's my preference" - which basically makes the entire argument one of subjectivity (so... pointless).

    The changes 343i made to the gameplay lowered the skill ceiling and made the game boring.
    That's the difference.
    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    Landonio 2 days ago#97
    GTAcrazy posted...
    SigmaLongshot posted...
    @SpartanAlice253 you're saying that as if every single core Halo game hasn't added additional gameplay gimmicks since the beginning - ones that significantly alter gameplay flow.

    Halo 2 introduced dual-wielding weapons (and anyone with any time playing that game will attest, this messed with the balancing of weaponry quite considerably) and hijacking vehicles, then Halo 3 changed the control scheme and added equipment packs, then Halo Reach added special abilities (armour lock, etc), and we go on, and on.

    One of the major arguments is that the "core gameplay and design was tainted", but that core design had been fluid and changing since the turn of the millennium, really. And then, after that, the argument boils down to "but I liked X changes, but I didn't like Y changes because that's my preference" - which basically makes the entire argument one of subjectivity (so... pointless).

    The changes 343i made to the gameplay lowered the skill ceiling and made the game boring.
    That's the difference.

    Not to mention the fact that things like dual-wielding, vehicles, equipment (as stupid as they were), etc. have 0 bearing on competitive play, unlike a lot of the horrible changes and additions that have been made since 3.
    GTAcrazy 2 days ago#98
    Landonio posted...
    GTAcrazy posted...
    SigmaLongshot posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    The changes 343i made to the gameplay lowered the skill ceiling and made the game boring.
    That's the difference.

    Not to mention the fact that things like dual-wielding, vehicles, equipment (as stupid as they were), etc. have 0 bearing on competitive play, unlike a lot of the horrible changes and additions that have been made since 3.

    GamerTag: Major Sousa
    The_Hedon 2 days ago#99
    Landonio posted...
    GTAcrazy posted...
    SigmaLongshot posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    The changes 343i made to the gameplay lowered the skill ceiling and made the game boring.
    That's the difference.

    Not to mention the fact that things like dual-wielding, vehicles, equipment (as stupid as they were), etc. have 0 bearing on competitive play, unlike a lot of the horrible changes and additions that have been made since 3.

    XBL: xHedon PSN: Kvally. Forza Horizon 4 2018 GOTY
    I feel like 343 made Halo 5 more competitive and more fun. But what do I know, I only actually played the game.
    X1X/PS4 Pro/Switch/RTX master race
    1. Boards
    2. Xbox One 
    3. I still don't get why people hate 343i so much...

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