Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Designs: Any likes or dislikes?

  1. Boards
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  3. Designs: Any likes or dislikes?
Ninjamohawk 3 days ago#1
I for one am really glad they didn't go with Simon's silly red design. When he was rumored I was worried they'd trash him up like that.

I'm also glad we got oot Ganondorf.
In particular:
Roy looks like shit
Ganondorf should be the Twilight Princess variant
After watching a playthrough of Punch-Out on Wii I now want Mac to be redesigned to look like he did in that game
Marth doesn't look great, and I'm not a fan of Ike's face.
Ness and Ike should both have darker skin colors.
Insert long list of me bitching about certain recolors here. Namely Pac-Man, Sonic, and Lucario's as a whole, and the lack of Fire Mario, Pokemon Shiny Variants, and a couple others, also the inclusion of Crafted Yoshi which looks too similar to regular Yoshi imo, should've used Yarn Yoshi or Black Yoshi.
Ness and Lucas imo should be redesigned. I'd like to see them get the Pit treatment in Brawl and go from Chibi to a more realistic design.
Snake's sneaking suit is too bright a color and he shouldn't have Big Boss' facial hair.
I'd prefer a Samus design based on Super Metroid like in 64, Melee, and Brawl. Not a big issue though. I'm fine with the current design.
TalesofLizalfos rejected me. At least I have Mortal Kombat 11! (kai better be in the f**king game)
Stolen 4chan gif
Ninjamohawk 2 days ago#3
CheerUpCrewcut posted...
Ganondorf should be the Twilight Princess variant

Really? I never liked Ganonbeard
Izzy0585 2 days ago#4
Classic Ken / Ryu and classic Simon Belmont are safe choices.

Not this game, but Pac-Man's World design (with the classic design incorporated into a few moves) instead of Ghostly Adventures was the right decision. Same with Mega Man being the Classic design, although the others being in the Final Smash is a "try to please everybody" kind of ordeal.

Generally most of the characters that I am familiar with, I think they made the right choices. I won't speak on those I don't know too well so they're indifferent to me.

The only one that I feel is incomplete (not bad but incomplete) is Sonic not having the Classic design. I guess it wouldn't work all too well as an alt costume, but maybe they could've given it a go. I'm not against the Modern Sonic design, and I'm sure glad they didn't try to shoehorn the Boom design in somewhere, but the Classic design would look better standing next to Pac-Man, Mega Man and Mario (they are retro designs for the most part even if it's not their original incarnation.) So by that I mean both classic and modern being in would be justified.
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them.
(edited 2 days ago)quote
Gamemaster64 2 days ago#5
No Hilda colors for Zelda and she has a spirit and it use that grey hair one for it(what relates to that color scheme?). 
Pokemon spirits should evolve. 
no update on codec from what I read(there update for Palutena's though)
Lyn's weird voice
No Octolings as echo (at least) representing stuff from S2.
Ball! Ball! Poke Ball!
Ball! Ball! Ultra Ball!
Limit 2 days ago#6
Incineroar and Corrin look bad but they always do so
CheerUpCrewcut posted...

Ness and Lucas imo should be redesigned. I'd like to see them get the Pit treatment in Brawl and go from Chibi to a more realistic design.


I do agree with you on the Crafted Yoshi costume though. It looks like shit.
I'm Baby Luigi's biggest fan, a rather cantankerous female.
Left 4 Dead 2 is the best Mario-based shooter.
prsboys 2 days ago#8
I understand why they went with classic Simon but they should have at least had an alt for the red version.
Hello peoples it is Prsboys and how I wish I had a taco
Grand_Angel 2 days ago#9
I love everything about Daisy. Her animations are perfect and all her alt colors look great.

Samus still having her Other M design is a let down for me. Would have definitely preferred her Prime or Samus Returns suits. Oh well, at least I have Dark Samus.
Winturwulf 2 days ago#10
From just a character design standpoint, I'm glad for OG Ganondorf. IMO, it's his best design.

ALttP Zelda I'm cool with because I loved that and ALBW. I think TP Zelda was the best, though.

Ike's young design looks weird to me, but that may be because I'm used to Smash 4 Ike.

I miss the Metroid Prime Samus. Her Other M design is really underwhelming.

I miss Smash 4 Link too, but I understand why he was replaced.

I'm fine with everyone else. It's either "good" or "whatever, expected."
Frogfucius say: Man who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with stinky finger.
JackNief 2 days ago#11
I'm a little disappointed there's no red-haired variant of Simon Belmont to call back to his Ayami Kojima rendition.
...Or something to that effect.
Proud Owner of: Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Gaming PC, PSP, DS, Vita
startmario 2 days ago#12
-I dislike that they went with OoT Ganondorf (whose leotard and nose make me dislike him) instead of keeping TP Ganondorf, especially since TP Ganondorf actually used a sword in his own game and OoT is represented by Sheik (by existing) and Young Link already.
- Not a fan of Zelda’s new design. She’s pretty much another moe princess like Peach now. If they were gonna change her design, I would rather have had her BotW design instead (and no, I don’t buy that “she isn’t a fighter” nonsense since ALBW Zelda wasn’t neither). 
- If they gave Ike back his PoR design while keeping his RD self, I don’t see why Roy couldn’t have had a new design based on his FE6 self instead of reusing the design original to Smash
- I am disappointed that Snake’s design wasn’t revamped from his Brawl design (which is MGS2 suit + MGS3 Big Boss face) and done something like “MGS4 Octocamo + MGSV Big Boss face”.
-I like Wolf’s new design, but I don’t see how it’s based on his Star Fox Zero design (eyepatch aside)
-No shiny Pokemon asides from Incineroar 
-Chrom’s alts are nowhere as impressive as Lucina’s IMO
People saying no shiny Pokémon...Mewtwo has a green alt and Lucario has a yellow alt. Greninja has his black one um yeah they're there.
Ninjamohawk 1 day ago#14
I'm beside myself at how many of you wanted Sissy Simon from Castlevania Chronicles. Worst design of a Belmont ever.
Ninjamohawk 1 day ago#15
I would have liked to see at least one Golden Sun character instead of having both toon and young link. Or dark and zero suit Samus. Too much repetition.

And way, way too many fire emblem characters.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
Wario's classic costume still isn't his primary purple and yellow get up.

No Pac-Maze stage?
It's MegaJolt, thank you kindly. As of 2/26/16,"volt rodent the DLN-001" is also valid. Thx.
"Man, what a bunch of jokahs!" -Reyn ft. Pit
Roy should look younger
Simon should have a Kojima/Chronicles alt
I prefer Twilight Princess designs, but I see why they were changed. A bit bitter that Skyward Sword got completely skipped though.
- However, TP Ganondorf is way better than OoT Ganondorf. OoT Ganondorf looks ridiculous in comparison. His outfit is really, really bad.

CheerUpCrewcut posted...
Ness and Lucas imo should be redesigned. I'd like to see them get the Pit treatment in Brawl and go from Chibi to a more realistic design.

Imagine holding this awful, awful opinion. I didn’t know an opinion this bad existed, so congratulations.
You'll never see it coming!
12/6/18 - Joker is in Smash!
(edited 1 day ago)quote
NightROBe 1 day ago#18
I don't really dislike any design in Ultimate, although Bowser Jr.'s messy bandana sometimes bothers me. I've mellowed out about that recently, though.

Although we have not seen his in-game model yet, Arsene is one of the most over-designed things I have ever laid eyes upon, and I hope he doesn't look awful in Ultimate because he just has way too much going on everywhere.
I am an edgy, sleepy Heart-ThROB. That's all there is to it.
This is a backup account. I sometimes post from it to accumulate karma. You know, just in case.
Mmaguy 1 day ago#19
Palutena in a bikini isn't available, that's my main complaint.

Also, it's disappointing they didn't add more true variants instead of only color swaps.
Default Bowser seems quite off.

Doesn't feels like Bowser to me, in fact Smash has never got Bowser right.
Roy should have his Melee voice. When I first heard his English voice I was like "Alright." but it just kept getting worse. He sounds too old.
Melee Jun Fukuyama had the best feel. Godly voice.
- Also not a fan of the shin flaps, though they look alright from the front.
- WHERE is marine blue + silver design? Marth had to steal it and it doesn't even look as good as it did in Smash 4.

They made PoR Ike sound like an emo in English for some reason.
Old voice was much better in both languages.

 is missing the white hair alt. What a sham. Can't believe it ain't in the game.
Also I liked Brawl and Melee voices more but ehh

I think that's it.
I'm really pleased with the palettes for the Metroid characters; they look dope.

Also @CheerUpCrewcut what do you hate about Roy's design?
"its very time of starting your story.
keep going!"
 - Alice -99th
Zelda's TP design>current
Link's green tunic>the default one
Some shitty recolor choices like Pac Man, Sonic, etc as previously mentioned
Besides that I think that's it.
I'm handsome.
Macedolago 1 day ago#23
Dislike: Tunic of the Wild Link, Fierce Deity being based on that one (It's so weird seeing it gloveless)
Like: Pretty much everything tbh
Official nothing of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate board
Twilight Princess Zelda is definitely superior to the Zelda we have, but I don’t see a way to have stopped this from being an issue since BotW Zelda is obviously not fit for it due to the moveset. 

I wish Skyward Sword Link and Zelda had been in Smash 4, but it seems those requests fell on deaf ears.
You'll never see it coming!
12/6/18 - Joker is in Smash!
Not enough jiggle. 

Did snake have a beard in the last one?
Games: MHGU, Smash U, Pokemon, Gear Club 2
Smackems 1 day ago#26
Not fond of the lack of armor for Link.
Common sense is the most uncommon thing in the world-some dude.
I want short hop double aerial Marth back, and the Brawl active frames...and a functional Marth dair meteor smash hitbox back.
Gannon looks way better, that's the best gannondorf 

Snake has darker hair than in any mgs game except 1, didn't like it at first but it's cool. Needs multiple taunts. More moves actually from mgs. Less beard

Y Link should have the razor sword maybe

King k rool should look towards the screen when he throw his crown occasionally if u don't move 

Too many anime characters
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.- Winston Churchill
(edited 1 day ago)quote
CheerUpCrewcut posted...
Ganondorf should be the Twilight Princess variant

Hmm...I prefer OoT Ganondorf over TP, but TP could of looked really cool in Ultimate's art-style, but alas, I'm glad they went for the OoT look though.
Oh yeah I'd honestly prefer if they toned down the particle effects (mainly the smoke) just a bit
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.- Winston Churchill
startmario 1 day ago#31
SgtNipplefinger posted...
People saying no shiny Pokémon...Mewtwo has a green alt and Lucario has a yellow alt. Greninja has his black one um yeah they're there.

No they’re not.

Mewtwo’s “green” color is more like a cyan (the Melee version had a color closer to his actual shiny) and his irises are still purple while Lucario doesn’t even have a yellow/gold alt and Greninja’s black alt doesn’t change the underside part of his skin to gray.
SorrowOfAcheron posted...
Roy should have his Melee voice. When I first heard his English voice I was like "Alright." but it just kept getting worse. He sounds too old.
Melee Jun Fukuyama had the best feel. Godly voice.
- Also not a fan of the shin flaps, though they look alright from the front.
- WHERE is marine blue + silver design? Marth had to steal it and it doesn't even look as good as it did in Smash 4.

They made PoR Ike sound like an emo in English for some reason.
Old voice was much better in both languages.

 is missing the white hair alt. What a sham. Can't believe it ain't in the game.
Also I liked Brawl and Melee voices more but ehh

I think that's it.
I'm really pleased with the palettes for the Metroid characters; they look dope.

Also @CheerUpCrewcut what do you hate about Roy's design?

The leggings/boots/whatever and the belt thing look awful on the purple/blue clothes.
TalesofLizalfos rejected me. At least I have Mortal Kombat 11! (kai better be in the f**king game)
Stolen 4chan gif
SorrowOfAcheron posted...
Melee voices more but ehh

To be fair, Utlimate IS HIS Melee/OoT voice actor, just older and deeper.
ZozmaSage 1 day ago#34
Don't like Zelda. Should have stuck with TP or OoT model.
ZozmaSage posted...
Don't like Zelda. Should have stuck with TP or OoT model.

The Ultimate design of Princess Zelda grew on me a lot lately and I love it....but the TP design is still special to me.
CheerUpCrewcut posted...
Ness and Lucas imo should be redesigned. I'd like to see them get the Pit treatment in Brawl and go from Chibi to a more realistic design.

What? That's the last thing they should do. Unless they wanted to channel Lucas' EarthBound 64 appearance for whatever reason.
startmario posted...
SgtNipplefinger posted...
People saying no shiny Pokémon...Mewtwo has a green alt and Lucario has a yellow alt. Greninja has his black one um yeah they're there.

No they’re not.

Mewtwo’s “green” color is more like a cyan (the Melee version had a color closer to his actual shiny) and his irises are still purple while Lucario doesn’t even have a yellow/gold alt and Greninja’s black alt doesn’t change the underside part of his skin to gray.

Yes they are. And Lucario does have yellow lmao.Incineroar has his white one as well.
cHickzc 1 hour ago#38
-Both Teen Ike and Marth remind me of Justin Bieber
-I miss Red Robin's red hair
-Fire Mario is gone. That was my costume...
-Short sleeves on Fierce Deity Link look awful 
-I like the detail on the fur of the animal characters 
-Would rather have Dark outfit for YL without the dark skin 
-I was hoping for a new alt for Marth and Roy this game. Their selection looks pretty bland
cHickzc posted...
-Fire Mario is gone. That was my costume...

There's actually a mod completed for that.
startmario 1 hour ago#40
SgtNipplefinger posted...
startmario posted...
SgtNipplefinger posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

No they’re not.

Mewtwo’s “green” color is more like a cyan (the Melee version had a color closer to his actual shiny) and his irises are still purple while Lucario doesn’t even have a yellow/gold alt and Greninja’s black alt doesn’t change the underside part of his skin to gray.

Yes they are. And Lucario does have yellow lmao.Incineroar has his white one as well.

Are you colorblind? None of those have a true shiny alt at all. Mewtwo and Greninja only have a teal and black alts but those aren’t shiny alts while none of Lucario’s alts are yellow (which may be my main reason to think that you’re colorblind) and has two green ones instead.

Only one you got right is Incineroar, you’re bullshitting me on everything else though.
I really wish Roy's design was based off of FE6.
I mean, I've gotten used to his new outfit, but I vastly prefer his outfit from FE6.
Official Funky Kong and Red Ken of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Board. 9/16/18: The day Funky Kong won the Smash Newcomer Royale and asserted his dominance.
Inklings don't have any S2 skins. We do talk about the Miis.
The Squid Sisters are my life. Without them, my life becomes unstable.
We need the REAL Ganondorf.
I will never get over Young Link having his OOT arsenal instead of his MM ones. Never.
Sk8RuLz 1 hour ago#45
I don’t like the new Zelda design, she’s the one from ALBW I think? I would’ve preferred SS or BotW Zelda, or even stay with TP Zelda, but she looks too much childish/cartoonish.

I love the option of having the tunic of the wild option for Link, there must always be a green Link! Since Botw focus so much on sheikah, a Sheikah set Link could’ve been nice too.

And we’re back to OoT Ganondorf...good, since it’s the original one.
Favorite: Zelda 1,2, BotW, MM, TP, OoT, ALttP, SS, WW, Xenoblade Chronicles, Star Wars KOTOR 1 & 2, Naruto CONR3, Final Fantasy 1,2,3, Fire Emblem PoR/RD
Sk8RuLz posted...

I love the option of having the tunic of the wild option for Link, there must always be a green Link! Since Botw focus so much on sheikah, a Sheikah set Link could’ve been nice too..

Do you mean ththe Stealth set? Because Shiek's already wearing it, oddly enough.
Nergigante 1 hour ago#47
Zelda looks better
Fox looks better, as do all of his colors
Falco actually looks good now, and most of his colors too
Wolf looks fantastic now, and most of his colors too (really, just the blue one looks weird)
Incineroar looks neat and most of his colors too
Toon Link looks really nice
K. Rool looks good
Ridley looks good
Simon looks neat
Ganondorf looks better than he did before

So, I only got praise. That's what happens when you come from playing Melee all the time.
Bite me!
DragonImps 19 minutes ago#48
RIP Snake’s ass. He still looks really good though. 

Wolf looks amazing, I love the blades on his boots. I’d make exaggerate his eyebrows a little more and maybe make that white patch of fur between his snout and the top of his head a but thinner, just so he looks more expressive and resembles his other designs more. But he’s still best Wolf.

Ridley’s wings are tiny, and he’s weirldy short compared to some characters. But he looks so badass :o Some people say that he looks crusty, but I like all those knarly details that he has.

I prefer Ultimate’s Zelda design, but I’ll miss playing as a stoic princess.
-Duality- 16 minutes ago#49
Meta Knight's galactic knight alt should've came with angel wings, or the horns, or both, it bothers me to be honest.

Incineroar's green alt, it's..... just not right.
You Are A Sad, Strange Little Man, And You Have My Pity, Farewell.
AfroPrime 14 minutes ago#50
I've always hated how they changed Bowser's design from Brawl to Smash 4. Ruined him. Dragon tank was sick.
Waifu culture is cancer.
(edited 14 minutes ago)quote
  1. Boards
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 
  3. Designs: Any likes or dislikes?

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