Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Who needs to be nerfed asap?

  1. Boards
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  3. Who needs to be nerfed asap?
Zeldameister 6 hours ago#1
Is there still someone who needs to be nerfed as soon as possible? I don't think Patch 1.2.0 will be a balance patch, but I'm sure there will be some in the future.
Sora and Banjo are 100% in Smash!
Minecraft Steve stinks!
7656198 6 hours ago#2
Game hasn't been out long enough to already be talking about nerfs.
PSN: Snycher 
Twitch @Snycherus & YouTube @Snycher
NerfBayo123 6 hours ago#3
Instead of asking that, why not ask who needs a buff?

We don't need another Destiny 2, where balance comes before fun.
Kirby Dance
Ninja_Pancake 6 hours ago#4
yosheta 6 hours ago#5
Buff Ridley's Up Special with super armor
Dagon_Huxly 6 hours ago#6
Nerf Jigglypuff. Not cause shes strong or anything I just think itd be funny.
cHickzc 6 hours ago#7
Inkling's roller plants you in the ground too long
Totes-My-Boats 6 hours ago#8
No nerfs. Only buffs.
NNID: BeticChris
kk4176 6 hours ago#9
Pro gamers
GhoullyX 6 hours ago#10
"Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration, and 2% attention to detail."
FC: 3823-9481-7474 Do what you must, I have already won.
Bluntlicious 6 hours ago#11
as a villager main i feel it needs a nerf, his tree and gyroid do way too much damage
Impossibill 6 hours ago#12
Better nerf Greninja.
They were Usula's New Groove and they did what they could.
Jonbazookaboz 5 hours ago#13
cHickzc posted...
Inkling's roller plants you in the ground too long
"If PAC-MAN had affected us kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music!"
Rlaur2 5 hours ago#14
Greninja better be the first nerf or Imma be mad.
Chrom and PAC-Man.
Reptobismol 5 hours ago#16
it took ten posts for greninja to be namedropped

after and only after they nerf greninja do they have clearance to nerf luigi puff and triple D
An infant sea turtle is actually capable of killing an adult African bull elephant. It does, however, require a substantial amount of surprise.
DKLinks 5 hours ago#17
K Rool?
"Cowards live longer."
Official Young Link of the Smash Ultimate Board
Yuri_Hakada 5 hours ago#18
No more nerfs.

Just buff everyone that needs it so that everyone is good and fun to play as
Banjo-Kazooie will 99% be playable and anyone who disagrees can @ me
Yuri_Hakada 5 hours ago#19
DKLinks posted...
K Rool?

lol, remember when people said Smash 4 Bowser was top 5? He'll drop within a month, you'll see
Banjo-Kazooie will 99% be playable and anyone who disagrees can @ me
So far I don't feel like anyone needs nerfs. I feel like Inkling might be, though. I've seen some insane shit come out of them - I hope it's just that people don't really know how to play against it.
Living through a cycle of nightmares, and they don't fight fair
GT - Vanessa Magick /// PSN - VanessaMagick
RadeonHD4250 5 hours ago#21
cHickzc posted...
Inkling's roller plants you in the ground too long

But it also costs a crap ton of ink to use.
Koopa Troopa lover and enthusiast. NNID: KT_KoopaTroopaLX
Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe) / Splatoon 2 in game name: Radeon. Specialist in Acceleration and cover fire.
(edited 5 hours ago)quote
Delete Ganondorf from the game. Please and thank you! 
FC = 4570-7620-1556 IGN = (music note)TURBO(music note)
Banjo2553 5 hours ago#23
I dunno about asap but K. Rool seems pretty ridiculous. Not nearly as broken as Brawl Meta Knight and day 1 Bayonetta though.
plasmabeam 5 hours ago#24
Totes-My-Boats posted...
No nerfs. Only buffs.
~Jacksonville Jaguars~
RadeonHD4250 5 hours ago#25
LivingInPapaya posted...
So far I don't feel like anyone needs nerfs. I feel like Inkling might be, though. I've seen some insane shit come out of them - I hope it's just that people don't really know how to play against it.


Same can be said with the Belmonts and King K Rool. It's still early so newcomers are going to be on everyone's "radar" for nerfs.
Koopa Troopa lover and enthusiast. NNID: KT_KoopaTroopaLX
Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe) / Splatoon 2 in game name: Radeon. Specialist in Acceleration and cover fire.
GreatKiraLord 5 hours ago#26
I'd like K Rool, Inkling, and Meta Knight to be somehow scaled to majority of the roster not by nerfing the 3 but by buffing others. I don't really see anyone truly broken. Also, Roy/Chrom/Marth/Lucina are fine and should not be nerfed. I honestly think these guys are very balanced.
(edited 5 hours ago)quote
SilentDarkway 5 hours ago#27
NerfBayo123 posted...
We don't need another Destiny 2, where balance comes before fun.

Smash 4 was Destiny 2 of Smash...

DapperRedhead 5 hours ago#28
Totes-My-Boats posted...
No nerfs. Only buffs.

Exactly. Low tier needs to make it's way up where everyone else is. Not the other way around.
Asking for nerfs is the sign of a player who doesn't want to improve
BKC1992 5 hours ago#30
Let Falco's shine and lazers have more stun. They're so situational based it's crazy.. his approach is better due to his increased speed, but all of his forward facing attacks have bad ending lag except forward tilt.
~Falco WILL be Top Tier~
Yuri_Hakada 5 hours ago#31
BKC1992 posted...
Let Falco's shine and lazers have more stun. They're so situational based it's crazy.. his approach is better due to his increased speed, but all of his forward facing attacks have bad ending lag except forward tilt.

umm, NO

and this is coming from someone who mailed Falco in Smash 4, fully acknowledging that he was bad.

They honestly made him a bit too good in this game already, he doesn't need more
Banjo-Kazooie will 99% be playable and anyone who disagrees can @ me
PlasmaCannon 4 hours ago#32
Nerf Links shield. It's extremely obnoxious how much he can "block" just by standing there.
Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone.
ReinhardtPence posted...
Asking for nerfs is the sign of a player who doesn't want to improve

Which is a majority of the fanbase who complains characters that seem to be OP to them.
Brownstone 3 hours ago#34
plasmabeam posted...
Totes-My-Boats posted...
No nerfs. Only buffs.
mew2ds 3 hours ago#35
UndertaleFan278 posted...
ReinhardtPence posted...
Asking for nerfs is the sign of a player who doesn't want to improve

Which is a majority of the fanbase who complains characters that seem to be OP to them.
The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense
Zeldameister 3 hours ago#36
UndertaleFan278 posted...
ReinhardtPence posted...
Asking for nerfs is the sign of a player who doesn't want to improve

Which is a majority of the fanbase who complains characters that seem to be OP to them.

Well, King K. Rool is op as fuck!
Sora and Banjo are 100% in Smash!
Minecraft Steve stinks!
Totes-My-Boats posted...
No nerfs. Only buffs.

That’s not very smart. Literally King. K Rool is so broken he makes Bayonetga look terrible.
PlasmaCannon 2 hours ago#38
King Dededes Gordos need a heavy nerf badly. Easily the most irritating "projectile" in the game.

Dunno if this counts as a nerf/buff but I want Mr. Game & Watchs old Fair back because this new one of his is ass.
Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone.
Joozhuah 2 hours ago#39
Definitely Greninja.
Rest In Peace, Bandana Dee for Smash Ultimate.
You will never be forgotten
Nobody,i feel the good characters are pretty balanced,nobody is broken
We need buffs though.
Switch FC: SW-4715-6997-7089
Totes-My-Boats posted...
No nerfs. Only buffs.
FC: 4554-0551-0272 | IGN: TheHungryBox
The Pokemon Meta is BS because power creep. i had been grinched by the Grinch Leak lol. The Government is stupid AF
Dragonage2ftw 2 hours ago#42
Shrek is OP.
Official Yu Narukami, Incineroar, Parasoul, Sombra, Black Widow, RE5 Jill, Kaede Akamatsu, Kamala Khan, Rehgar, Orisa, R.Mika, 2B, and Power Girl everywhere.
SilentDarkway 2 hours ago#43
PlasmaCannon posted...
King Dededes Gordos need a heavy nerf badly.

Don't ruin Dedede anymore than what he's already been lowered to...please...
Won’t be happy until Kirby shoots a projectile every time she inhales and at 100% he can inhale and shoot you towards the blast zone.
znyrk 2 hours ago#45
People seriously need to stop begging for nerfs. They are going to ruin it just like Sm4sh. There should only be buffs to even the battlefield, nerfs are only excusable in cases of a character being extremely broken. People need to realize the damage that can be done by complaining. Why would you not attempt to get better in stead of ruining something for someone else? Are people really this short minded and selfish these days? Remember that it could be your favorites next time and then we're all in the same boat.
Friend Code: 0387-9625-1990 
Water - Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier
(edited 2 hours ago)quote
GhoullyX 1 hour ago#46
Please buff Kirby!
"Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration, and 2% attention to detail."
FC: 3823-9481-7474 Do what you must, I have already won.
G_I_B_B_O_N 1 hour ago#47
That thing isabella digs in the ground. Holy shit that was annoying
Mortal Kombat X, Overwatch and Dark Souls matches
for the people crying about squid kid's side b I found some cool tech.. block then punish
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality!"
Ranked #1(US) on Fighting Ex Layer board!
Inklings grounding can be mashed out of, the length of time you’re grounded depends on how high your percent is. It’s easy to avoid and shield against when you’re at kill percents and really punishable. Aka git gud
3DS FC: Username is Treuce and FC is 2509-1348-8615
NNID: Treuce
Charged151 1 hour ago#50
Samus really needs a big buff.
  1. Boards
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 
  3. Who needs to be nerfed asap?

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