Monday, December 17, 2018

Hardest Nintendo franchise to be a fan of?

  1. Boards
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  3. Hardest Nintendo franchise to be a fan of?
Merc123 1 day ago#1
Can be either from not getting any games, or getting bad games, or really anything.

For example F Zero hasn't gotten a game in ages. The last game was in 2004 on GBA and released exlusivly in Japan. Its gotten stages and Karts in Mario Kart, as well as stages in Smash since. I could see it being pretty hard to be a F Zero fan.

My friend says its hard to be a die hard Star Fox fan. He says Zero sucked really bad and they don't get really any good games or they are just rehashes of Star Fox 64. He did say its having Fox in Starlink was great though.

I have another friend who is an Advance Wars fan. He doesn't really like Fire Emblem too much for killing off AW

For me Metroid was hard to be a fan of for a bit. Between not getting 2D Metroids, Other M and Federation Force, it kind of sucked. Really turned around with Samus Returns, Ridley and Dark Samus in Smash, and Metroid Prime 4 coming eventually. Its not bad at all these days? Also i know its not official but AM2R was great too.

What about you guys?
RotomGuy3 1 day ago#2
I just want Pikmin 4

When is Pikmin 4
GuyKopski 1 day ago#3
Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

It would be so incredibly easy to make a good Paper Mario game, yet the last three have all been disasters because the developers keep shoving in stupid gimmicks instead of just making the game people actually want.

Like, at least something like Star Fox is understandable (rail shooters aren't a viable genre in 2018 so they gotta have some dancing bear) but Paper Mario there is literally no reason except stubbornness.
I was right about Kencineroar. I was right about the Grinch leak being fake. I was right about no Rex. I was right about spirits deconfirming.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
ARMS. It's great but it needed a lot of work and many people say things like "ARMS is trash" or "No one plays ARMS" and things like that.
"On the internet, there's no such thing as manners." - A person who's wrong.
shuigi 1 day ago#6
RotomGuy3 posted...
I just want Pikmin 4


This, This so much.
kuuroba 1 day ago#7
Star Fox
FC: SW-1801-9402-9909, feel free to add me!
Birdbrain 1 day ago#8
Paper Mario

You just have to pray every new console that they bring back the old style of gameplay, or at least the Original Characters[Non-Toads] since Super Paper Mario from like 2007. 

Sure the series is alive, I guess that's a plus but it'd be painful to see it divert further on the Switch.
Author of the CYOA: Waluigi's Pirate Quest! Join if you're up for a fun CYOA!
Squidiot 1 day ago#9
shuigi posted...
RotomGuy3 posted...
I just want Pikmin 4


This, This so much.

One day...
Switch FC: 3443-8104-0243
Akg0001 1 day ago#10
Paper mario ist the correct answer
Smurf86 1 day ago#11
GuyKopski posted...
Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.
Star Fox because in order to be a fan (if they even exist), you have to be delusional (Very similar to Sonic's fanbase).
Naughty Dog is the king of intrusive microtransactions.
Custom Robo, Fossil Fighters, Golden Sun, Chibi-Robo, Advance Wars, Sin & Punishment, The Wonderful 101, Codename STEAM, Rhythm Heaven, Starfy, Ever Oasis, or any other Nintendo IP that the company fails to properly respect and/or advertise.
King Boo for Super Smash Bros!
StarD86 is forever my hero
Star Fox. Nintendo has no idea what to do with that franchise.
Drill Dozer.

Edit: No wait Doshin the Giant.
Official of Smashfaqs. Hi TalesofLizalfos, Jedimess, Tinfoil, Rorrrr, Nes_Mettaur, Supersonic, MagnificentLink, notok, and senok
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Startropics left on a massive cliffhanger, so that.
My name is Ohmygosh_Josh and I will NOT... SIGN IT AWAY!
Splatoon_2 1 day ago#17
splatoon obviously
I can't wait for the next Okami game, Okami 4K HD.
LnV 1 day ago#18
Pokemon...Unless you like thrash
Someone will eventually say Mother/EarthBound, but as a fan of the franchise I'm pretty content with how the series ended in Mother 3. New content being in Smash Bros games every 5-10 years is a fair deal for me. 

I also don't really mind if Mother 3 gets localized or not. I played it close to 10 years ago, and a modern Nintendo translation would probably try to rename it as "EarthBound: Whatever subtitle here" which I think is weird
GuyKopski posted...
Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

It would be so incredibly easy to make a good Paper Mario game, yet the last three have all been disasters because the developers keep shoving in stupid gimmicks instead of just making the game people actually want.

Like, at least something like Star Fox is understandable (rail shooters aren't a viable genre in 2018 so they gotta have some dancing bear) but Paper Mario there is literally no reason except stubbornness.

“The last three have all been disasters”
I think you mean Sticker Star was a disaster. Super Paper Mario is one of the best in terms of story and music, and Color Splash is really fun.
Not changing this sig until Waluigi is in Smash- Started 8/17/18
Earthbound just because the games were too old for us millennials. We were still getting our diaper changed when the first game came out.
5* Lvl 40+10s: Micaiah, Laevatein, Laegjarn, Linde, Olwen, Ishtar, Odin, Lucius, Surtr, Ylgr, Tailtiu, Helbindi, Catria, Camilla, Ophelia, Lewyn, and 81 others.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
jaigo2 1 day ago#22
WibbleWobbleWok posted...
GuyKopski posted...
Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

It would be so incredibly easy to make a good Paper Mario game, yet the last three have all been disasters because the developers keep shoving in stupid gimmicks instead of just making the game people actually want.

Like, at least something like Star Fox is understandable (rail shooters aren't a viable genre in 2018 so they gotta have some dancing bear) but Paper Mario there is literally no reason except stubbornness.

“The last three have all been disasters”
I think you mean Sticker Star was a disaster. Super Paper Mario is one of the best in terms of story and music, and Color Splash is really fun.

SPM is really divisive, which is why some people think the downfall starts there.

IMO, Mario and Luigi series isn't even as good as Paper Mario anyway, since at least Paper Mario games have somewhere to list the enemies you fought.
Fire Emblem
maro_man2 1 day ago#24
As a Pikmin fan, I think that series is up there now. There was a nine year gap between 2 and 3, and now we have gone five years with basically no info on Pikmin 4. I am getting worried that the game was actually cancelled.
Official Ridley of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate board.
TchaosT 1 day ago#25
GuyKopski posted...
Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

It would be so incredibly easy to make a good Paper Mario game, yet the last three have all been disasters because the developers keep shoving in stupid gimmicks instead of just making the game people actually want.

Like, at least something like Star Fox is understandable (rail shooters aren't a viable genre in 2018 so they gotta have some dancing bear) but Paper Mario there is literally no reason except stubbornness.

NR001 1 day ago#26
Magical Vacation / Starsign.
NNID: NRool2 -- GT: RhydonZX
FC: 4468-0958-4724
snake_5036 1 day ago#27
You felt your sins weighing down on your neck.
Hop103 1 day ago#28
Panel de Pon, the last game was average with no fairies, the series before was great, the game before that was meh, and then you have the excellent SFC Panel de Pon (well 2 if you count the Satellaview version but it's almost identical to the regular release). Oh yeah and Safe Sakurai doesn't want Lip to be playable.
"In the name of the future moon I shall punish you"-Chibi Moon
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
zoroark14 1 day ago#29
KingofUsa85 posted...
Fire Emblem

The toxicity of the “old vs new” is cancerous so many people can’t just enjoy the one they like without harassing the opposite camp (seen it more from the Og elitist than the fans of the new games personally)
pokemon is life pokemon is love and god hair's green 3DS FC:2793-1334-8898
Mother fans.
Porky for DLC!!!!
Untouch 1 day ago#31
star fox
there's been 1 good game, then a bunch of screwups
McLahey 1 day ago#32
Definitely not the hardest, but being an American Fatal Frame fan has been not great lately.

- IV: Didn't get an English localization
- Deep Crimson Butterfly: Got an English localization, but was never released in America
- V: Didn't get a physical release in America, so we were forced to buy it digitally...and it ate up the entirety of your Wii U's storage. It also wasn't a very good entry in the series, and it's been over four years since it released and we haven't heard anything about a possible Fatal Frame VI, aside from some (most likely fake) leaks.
Clear skies. Today, I weeded the fields. Work went well.
Luminozero 23 hours ago#33
Ohmygosh_Josh posted...
Startropics left on a massive cliffhanger, so that.

What? No it didn't. You saved the King and they all left to go reconstruct their world that had been destroyed by Zoda.

To be a Golden Sun fan is suffering. Even when your series does well, you have a seven year wait between games.
Democracy is a theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it, good and hard.
-H.L. Mencken
Ohmygosh_Josh 23 hours ago#34
Luminozero posted...
Ohmygosh_Josh posted...
Startropics left on a massive cliffhanger, so that.

What? No it didn't. You saved the King and they all left to go reconstruct their world that had been destroyed by Zoda.

To be a Golden Sun fan is suffering. Even when your series does well, you have a seven year wait between games.

Oh my godddddd, it happened again. I once again, got two things mixed up. Again. 

I was thinking of Golden Sun and Startropics at the exact same time, and I just so happened to get my wires crossed. I am stupid. 

I change my answer, correctly this time, to Golden Sun - the actual game that left on a cliffhanger. :p
My name is Ohmygosh_Josh and I will NOT... SIGN IT AWAY!
kaushik20 23 hours ago#35
GuyKopski posted...
Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

It would be so incredibly easy to make a good Paper Mario game, yet the last three have all been disasters because the developers keep shoving in stupid gimmicks instead of just making the game people actually want.

Like, at least something like Star Fox is understandable (rail shooters aren't a viable genre in 2018 so they gotta have some dancing bear) but Paper Mario there is literally no reason except stubbornness.

This really is the correct answer. Lots of Nintendo franchises are underrated or aren't given enough love from the company (although they have been a lot better to Metroid, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Yoshi, and Luigi's Mansion lately), but none have have gone the route of Paper Mario where the gameplay is fundamentally different from what it used to be.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Sticker Star and I don't think it deserves the hate it gets. I also really liked Color Splash and Super Paper Mario. But as good as each of those games were, it's not the same as getting a true sequel to a Thousand Year Door. Not even close.
Echo738 23 hours ago#36
GuyKopski posted...
Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

It would be so incredibly easy to make a good Paper Mario game, yet the last three have all been disasters because the developers keep shoving in stupid gimmicks instead of just making the game people actually want.

Like, at least something like Star Fox is understandable (rail shooters aren't a viable genre in 2018 so they gotta have some dancing bear) but Paper Mario there is literally no reason except stubbornness.

Paper Mario fan, can confirm. They're still making games for it but those games have been terrible. I honestly enjoyed Super Paper Mario, I get that it wasn't like the first two but it was alright. Sticker Star and Color Splash were godawful though, and they seem determined to keep taking it in that direction. The fact that this game has a Paper Mario stage but all the music is from Color Splash and the Mario RPGs saddens me.
PSN: Echo738
3DS: 5327 - 1006 - 6635
CheerUpCrewcut 23 hours ago#37
Let me state again: Doshin The Giant

Apparently didn't even get a Spirit in Ultimate.
Official of Smashfaqs. Hi TalesofLizalfos, Jedimess, Tinfoil, Rorrrr, Nes_Mettaur, Supersonic, MagnificentLink, notok, and senok
senokpersonnel 23 hours ago#38
i'm a game & watch fan. we haven't gotten any games in like 30 years. gamers & watchers rise up
you reposted in the wrong hill zone. currently supporting brown kirby and dunsparce for whatever reason.
e: despacito spider.
Donut007 23 hours ago#39
Advance Wars. Started off successful, great games and all. Even got its sister series into the West due to its success. FE still struggling, AW making bank, then 2010s hit. IS decides it wants to do a little experiment with the franchises. FE gets this huge last-ditch effort to become successful. AW gets a test at something completely different and more serious in its tone and story. FE lives and AW dies based off of this. After years of its continuous success, this one little experiment completely kills off the franchise. FE continues and becomes more successful than ever and IS refuses to touch AW ever again. It doesn't get that last-ditch attempt at salvation. It's just fuckin' dropped.

And while things like Golden Sun and F-Zero are also dead, AW just feels like it was robbed of its life rather than it being quit on. IS still makes games for the genre that AW was in, just never for AW. Hell, they even made Codename Steam to try and do something different that wasn't FE rather than actually give AW another go.

I just want Advance Wars again, man. Fire Emblem fans can have their Heroes and Three Houses and shit, but at least give some attention to us, goddamn.
*doodle, doodle*
TheLastSmile 23 hours ago#40
Yes it's me.
Wynvkius 23 hours ago#41
Birdbrain posted...
Paper Mario

You just have to pray every new console that they bring back the old style of gameplay, or at least the Original Characters[Non-Toads] since Super Paper Mario from like 2007. 

Sure the series is alive, I guess that's a plus but it'd be painful to see it divert further on the Switch.

Could you imagine a true sequel to TTYD with Color Splash’s art style? That would be incredible. But alas, ‘tis but a pipe dream.
Gorz_117 23 hours ago#42
RotomGuy3 posted...
I just want Pikmin 4

gamingdevotee 22 hours ago#43
Zero didn't suck,

People sucked at it,

That's the difference, people couldn't get the control scheme because they were terrible and unwilling to learn. I sucked too, but I figured it out.

Honestly I think f-zero are the only bad ones who got screwed out of games
(edited 22 hours ago)reportquote
DaDrkKnight 22 hours ago#44
gamingdevotee posted...
Zero didn't suck,

People sucked at it,

That's the difference, people couldn't get the control scheme because they were terrible and unwilling to learn. I sucked too, but I figured it out.

Honestly I think f-zero are the only bad ones

err Thats Nintendo hard. Difficult, but fair.
My internet persona is Majima with a dash of Jade. Keep that in mind when responding.
gamingdevotee 22 hours ago#45
DaDrkKnight posted...
gamingdevotee posted...
Zero didn't suck,

People sucked at it,

That's the difference, people couldn't get the control scheme because they were terrible and unwilling to learn. I sucked too, but I figured it out.

Honestly I think f-zero are the only bad ones

err Thats Nintendo hard. Difficult, but fair.

I mean bad as in to be a fan. I think I didn't explain that last bit well. Apologies and it has been edited to make it easier to understand
Milotorou 22 hours ago#46
GuyKopski posted...
Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.


The first two games were amazing.... then what do we get.... Sticker Star ? F****n please.
Now Playing / Will soon be playing : Xenoblade Chronicles 2, DBFZ (Switch), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Zelda BotW
Sp0ilzbury 22 hours ago#47
Duck Hunt.....
Switch FC:SW-6458-1074-4223 Discord:brainstraw#3133 PSN:Brain_Straw
ChaosKintrol 22 hours ago#48
Fire Emblem, the localization team has been butchering the writing for these games for years now with seemingly no plans to stop. It's too annoying to have to google how each and every character is originally potrayed to enjoy them so I just stopped playing halfway through Fates (also Corrin is the worst fucking protag in the series)
zersetzor 22 hours ago#49
Donut007 posted...
Advance Wars. Started off successful, great games and all. Even got its sister series into the West due to its success. FE still struggling, AW making bank, then 2010s hit. IS decides it wants to do a little experiment with the franchises. FE gets this huge last-ditch effort to become successful. AW gets a test at something completely different and more serious in its tone and story. FE lives and AW dies based off of this. After years of its continuous success, this one little experiment completely kills off the franchise. FE continues and becomes more successful than ever and IS refuses to touch AW ever again. It doesn't get that last-ditch attempt at salvation. It's just fuckin' dropped.

And while things like Golden Sun and F-Zero are also dead, AW just feels like it was robbed of its life rather than it being quit on. IS still makes games for the genre that AW was in, just never for AW. Hell, they even made Codename Steam to try and do something different that wasn't FE rather than actually give AW another go.

I just want Advance Wars again, man. Fire Emblem fans can have their Heroes and Three Houses and shit, but at least give some attention to us, goddamn.

I feel you man. I played both franchises from the first games they had in the west and really like both. But by now I am pretty much fed up with FE. Unless they make some meaningful changes to the formula, I probably won't buy the next games. The really sad part of this for me is that I actually liked Days of Ruin's setting so much better than the more happy-go-lucky earlier games. It made for so much more engaging stories, and less annoying characters like Andy.

But on the wider topic, I do have to mention Golden Sun. Dark Dawn was painfully mediocre, while the original two were so amazing. I can only dream of what they could make on modern hardware. Hell, even just a combination of 1 and 2 in one single game would be awesome! I still remember how excited I was when Golden Sun was on that early "in development" list for the DS.

Also I have to mention something slightly controversial: Pokemon. I hate where this series is going. I had been slightly enamoured with X and Y, and to a lesser extent with Sun and Moon, but on reflection I have come to the sour realization that the series probably peaked with Heart Gold/Soul Silver or Black and White 2. I definitely hope that they right the ship with the next generation, but my hopes are not high.
FC: 1719 - 3373 - 7685
Friend Safari: Ground: Diggersby, Dugtrio, Sandshrew
Milotorou 22 hours ago#50
ChaosKintrol posted...
Fire Emblem, the localization team has been butchering the writing for these games for years now with seemingly no plans to stop. It's too annoying to have to google how each and every character is originally potrayed to enjoy them so I just stopped playing halfway through Fates (also Corrin is the worst fucking protag in the series)

"Who could that mysterious girl in the black dress possibly be ?"

I lost it, right there, if this isnt the shittiest plot-induced stupidity in the universe I dont know what it is.
Now Playing / Will soon be playing : Xenoblade Chronicles 2, DBFZ (Switch), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Zelda BotW
  1. Boards
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  3. Hardest Nintendo franchise to be a fan of?
    1. Boards
    2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
    3. Hardest Nintendo franchise to be a fan of?
    Dfy556 22 hours ago#51
    Metroid, obviously. They just don't give a shit about it, and it took endless bitching to even get Metroid Prime 4s announcement. Meanwhile they put out crappy games after Prime 3 and basically left the series for dead.
    okayokayokay 22 hours ago#52
    Dfy556 posted...
    Metroid, obviously. They just don't give a shit about it, and it took endless bitching to even get Metroid Prime 4s announcement. Meanwhile they put out crappy games after Prime 3 and basically left the series for dead.

    At least there was an announcement.
    jaoman69 22 hours ago#53
    The Legend of Zelda since i seem to be the only person who didnt like BotW, and future Zelda games will be modeled off of it so i will never enjoy a new Zelda game ever again.
    Dfy556 22 hours ago#54
    zoroark14 posted...
    KingofUsa85 posted...
    Fire Emblem

    The toxicity of the “old vs new” is cancerous so many people can’t just enjoy the one they like without harassing the opposite camp (seen it more from the Og elitist than the fans of the new games personally)

    It's a style issue more than anything. The new Fire Emblem games are just so shameless and gross. Plenty of people enjoyed the old games and didn't have any interest in anime or any of that crap. Now it's filled with content that appeals to those people and has alienated the original audience
    Dfy556 22 hours ago#55
    okayokayokay posted...
    Dfy556 posted...
    Metroid, obviously. They just don't give a shit about it, and it took endless bitching to even get Metroid Prime 4s announcement. Meanwhile they put out crappy games after Prime 3 and basically left the series for dead.

    At least there was an announcement.

    Yes, but we don't even know what it's going to actually be. Consider that they released Federation Force not long ago, and that was nothing like a Metroid game, but still bore the name.
    okayokayokay 22 hours ago#56
    Dfy556 posted...
    okayokayokay posted...
    Dfy556 posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    At least there was an announcement.

    Yes, but we don't even know what it's going to actually be. Consider that they released Federation Force not long ago, and that was nothing like a Metroid game, but still bore the name.

    Well presumably it's going to be more like a true sequel than anything. And something is better than nothing.
    Cobraemployee 22 hours ago#57
    Punch out...the wii one messed up all of the timings from the original
    HylianLikely 22 hours ago#58
    Mother/Earthbound, we've only had one game until a couple years ago. Now we have two...
    hyliangoron 22 hours ago#59
    gunna say pokemon 
    I started with gen 1 & have played at least 1 version of every generation except or/as and to be honest:
    to me it feels like the same game over and over and they get easier and easier with each new game.
    the story is always the same more or less start in x place pick fire, water, grass, go through all places 1 by 1 beat the gyms/trials that are all bring this type=win.
    while taking down new bad guy team who wants to use 1 box cover legend for there own gain blah blah blah & im just getting tired of it.
    for me they all feel like same game a different skin even when they make a change like new type the wow facter got old quick maga/zmoves yay now it's even easier 
    and tbh im not that big into competitive battling.

    im more into catching / filling out the dex that's what the spirt of pokemon was originally about. "I want to travel across the land searching far and wide each pokemon to understand the power that's inside" "gotta catch em all pokemon!"
    but let's be honest for 90% of the people "you'll never catch em all" exspecialy not with mythicals and events etc.

    I wish they would do something completely new with the main games.
    like on a botw scale or on a even bigger scale.
    make it feel fresh and completely new again
    frequently editing my posts
    Groovy_Batman 21 hours ago#60
    I’d say F-Zero and Mother/Earthbound are the hardest to be a fan of, and I can speak from experience. The chances of a new F-Zero actually getting released look slimmer every day, and what many consider to be the best game in the Mother franchise still hasn’t even come out in English yet.

    Metroid is probably my favorite series, so that ten-year stretch between Metroid Prime 3 and the Metroid 2 remake was pretty brutal, but the future is finally starting to look bright again for the series.
    Dfy556 21 hours ago#61
    okayokayokay posted...
    Dfy556 posted...
    okayokayokay posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Yes, but we don't even know what it's going to actually be. Consider that they released Federation Force not long ago, and that was nothing like a Metroid game, but still bore the name.

    Well presumably it's going to be more like a true sequel than anything. And something is better than nothing.

    I disagree. Do it right or don't do it at all.
    Merc123 21 hours ago#62
    Dfy556 posted...
    okayokayokay posted...
    Dfy556 posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    At least there was an announcement.

    Yes, but we don't even know what it's going to actually be. Consider that they released Federation Force not long ago, and that was nothing like a Metroid game, but still bore the name.

    They released Samus Returns last year and that was a return to form for 2D Metroid. Hopefully Prime 4 is a return to form as well. I think Nintendo realized Federation Force was a mistake and is trying to go back to what people liked.
    Dfy556 21 hours ago#63
    Merc123 posted...
    Dfy556 posted...
    okayokayokay posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Yes, but we don't even know what it's going to actually be. Consider that they released Federation Force not long ago, and that was nothing like a Metroid game, but still bore the name.

    They released Samus Returns last year and that was a return to form for 2D Metroid. Hopefully Prime 4 is a return to form as well. I think Nintendo realized Federation Force was a mistake and is trying to go back to what people liked.

    I never played Samus Returns. I was skeptical of it since it had that weird 2d/2.5d thing going on
    Robot99 21 hours ago#64
    Paper Mario. Nothing to add on what hasn't been said already, though.

    @Dfy556 posted...
    Merc123 posted...
    Dfy556 posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    They released Samus Returns last year and that was a return to form for 2D Metroid. Hopefully Prime 4 is a return to form as well. I think Nintendo realized Federation Force was a mistake and is trying to go back to what people liked.

    I never played Samus Returns. I was skeptical of it since it had that weird 2d/2.5d thing going on

    I played Samus Returns when it first came out, as my first Metroid game, and was thouroughly impressed. Just recently finished a second playthrough, and now I'm dying to try Super Metroid (and maybe Prime).
    Hey there! I'm Yosef, an avid Nintendo and Super Mario Maker player.
    (edited 21 hours ago)reportquote
    QuestofChosen 21 hours ago#65
    Star Fox 64 was excellent but after that most games were mediocre. The franchise has potential but Nintendo should try something different for the next game. Star Fox Racing or RPG? Earthbound is another franchise with great potential but is dead. Racing games aren't very popular but it is a shame the F-Zero universe is being ignored. Kid Icarus Uprising was released 5 years and a new game hasn't been announced. I haven't played a Golden Sun game but another active RPG franchise is never a bad idea. Having the Wars series alongside Fire Emblem would also be great. I'm happy Nintendo didn't give up on Metroid.
    (edited 21 hours ago)reportquote
    LuigiRocks444 21 hours ago#66
    Paper Mario just because I started with Sticker Star, which I hear was a bad idea

    I’ve not played any Paper Mario games since
    It's a Weegee time!
    greatdimentio 21 hours ago#67
    Mario RPGs, specifically Paper Mario if you cared about the original characters at all. I think they are just as important to the series as Mario, Peach etc (and in my honest opinion, MORE important than regular-ass Toad) so it huuuurts that they got shafted out of existence because of "brand name loyalty" to Miyamoto's Super Mario Bros. characters.

    The Mario RPGs in general are hard to have as a favorite because it means their original characters are way closer to the top of the Mario character list for me, making it verynoticeable when time and time again they aren't so much as glanced at when deciding rosters for the Mario multiplayer games. I've been wanting one of the RPG villains to get a playable slot for years but it's always either some 3-hit-kill mute bosses whose personality amounts to a funny noise, a mook that was designed as an obstacle, or even a non-Mario character like Link. Pauline is the first new addition to a Mario spinoff that I'm genuinely excited about in years because honestly she deserves it after the amazing Odyssey appearance and her legacy with the series, but I could care less about Boom Boom, Pom Pom and whoever else that makes a funny noise and I think the RPGs are full of good remedies for this issue if they'd actually consider them Mario characters :/ Didn't Kirby just get a game where a fuck ton of villains and one-offs from old games were playable? Where's that kind of fanservice for Mario?

    LuigiRocks444 posted...
    Paper Mario just because I started with Sticker Star, which I hear was a bad idea

    I’ve not played any Paper Mario games since
    If you want to experience why Paper Mario is beloved, play the first 3 games :D
    When Mario flails his arms he's in trouble. When Bowser flails his arms it's hilarious.
    When Luigi flails his arms, run and run far.
    (edited 21 hours ago)reportquote
    willm_360 21 hours ago#68
    Cobraemployee posted...
    Punch out...the wii one messed up all of the timings from the original

    I mean...your comparing the frame rate of a Wii game to a Nintendo game.

    Of course the timing is going to be different.
    I like seeing people rant about stupid things
    Luminozero 21 hours ago#69
    Milotorou posted...
    ChaosKintrol posted...
    Fire Emblem, the localization team has been butchering the writing for these games for years now with seemingly no plans to stop. It's too annoying to have to google how each and every character is originally potrayed to enjoy them so I just stopped playing halfway through Fates (also Corrin is the worst fucking protag in the series)

    "Who could that mysterious girl in the black dress possibly be ?"

    I lost it, right there, if this isnt the shittiest plot-induced stupidity in the universe I dont know what it is.

    Dude, that's not even the shittiest plot-induced stupidity in that game. It gets so much worse.
    Democracy is a theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it, good and hard.
    -H.L. Mencken
    shawn10000000 21 hours ago#70
    Smurf86 posted...
    GuyKopski posted...
    Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.
    notok 21 hours ago#71
    greatdimentio posted...
    Mario RPGs, specifically Paper Mario if you cared about the original characters at all. I think they are just as important to the series as Mario, Peach etc (and in my honest opinion, MORE important than regular-ass Toad) so it huuuurts that they got shafted out of existence because of "brand name loyalty" to Miyamoto's Super Mario Bros. characters.

    The Mario RPGs in general are hard to have as a favorite because it means their original characters are way closer to the top of the Mario character list for me, making it verynoticeable when time and time again they aren't so much as glanced at when deciding rosters for the Mario multiplayer games. I've been wanting one of the RPG villains to get a playable slot for years but it's always either some 3-hit-kill mute bosses whose personality amounts to a funny noise, a mook that was designed as an obstacle, or even a non-Mario character like Link. Pauline is the first new addition to a Mario spinoff that I'm genuinely excited about in years because honestly she deserves it after the amazing Odyssey appearance and her legacy with the series, but I could care less about Boom Boom, Pom Pom and whoever else that makes a funny noise and I think the RPGs are full of good remedies for this issue if they'd actually consider them Mario characters :/ Didn't Kirby just get a game where a fuck ton of villains and one-offs from old games were playable? Where's that kind of fanservice for Mario?

    The worst part about the Paper Mario embargo is that Tanabe thinks the only Mario characters who exist in the main series are Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Jr, & Koopalings
    Agumon still has a chance RIP Bomberman & Waluigi SMASHFAQS has convinced me: Hat Goomba for Smash
    Crash, Spyro, Abe, Lara Croft, & Sora for Smash
    DrOrpheus42 21 hours ago#72
    I'm not a Chibi-Robo fan, but I think that'd probably be the toughest ride for a fan to endure. Watching the developers get so wishy-washy-desperate for sales that they have an identity crisis and completely swap the core gameplay multiple times. Then they hit the breaking point and put all their money down on... a basic platformer where progress can be arbitrarily stopped by a roulette wheel every level.
    ^The saga of me beating a game from each series in Smash Ultimate within 100 Days
    Merc123 21 hours ago#73
    Dfy556 posted...
    Merc123 posted...
    Dfy556 posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    They released Samus Returns last year and that was a return to form for 2D Metroid. Hopefully Prime 4 is a return to form as well. I think Nintendo realized Federation Force was a mistake and is trying to go back to what people liked.

    I never played Samus Returns. I was skeptical of it since it had that weird 2d/2.5d thing going on

    I vastly prefer 2D Metroid to 3D and i loved Samus Returns. Like i said it has a problem overusing the parry mechanic, and some meh bosses added, but other than that it was exactly what i wanted. The 2D/2.5d perspective was actually really cool imo, didn't affect gameplay at all, just looked cool. I was pretty surprised they chose to remake Metroid II since its kind of the forgotten 2D Metroid.
    Desulated 21 hours ago#74
    LnV posted...
    Pokemon...Unless you like trash

    This. That and FTFY.
    3DS FC: 4785 5422 7178
    Steam: Soldieroffate
    0sinium 21 hours ago#75
    RotomGuy3 posted...
    I just want Pikmin 4

    I can't believe I can't spell Osmium right.
    megafierce 21 hours ago#76
    Paper Mario.

    GuyKopski posted...
    Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

    Oh, look, someone already said it. Multiple someones, actually, but I won't quote all of them.

    GuyKopski posted...
    the last three have all been disasters because the developers keep shoving in stupid gimmicks instead of just making the game people actually want.

    Super was at least a good experiment, with the best story in the series. Some elements of the game aren't up to par when compared with the previous PM games, but none of it was glaringly unacceptable. The only real problem it had was that the gameplay was very different, and the marketing was always upfront about the fact that it would be from day one. It didn't fail at being what it was designed to be; it just had some quality drops in some elements (and a quality rise in the plot).

    SS and CS were disasters. Both were intended to be turn-based RPGs, and both ended up being designed in a way that just doesn't appeal to fans of the genre, let alone the series. CS didn't fail on every level the way SS did, but the utterly fucked combat UI, continued lack of any sort of XP or character progression (no, a bigger paint meter doesn't count), and requirement to replay the level to grab the next star even when it's just floating right next to the last one meant that the core gameplay of CS was fundamentally broken. So, yes, despite being a major improvement over SS in many ways, it still counts as a disaster as well.

    Merc123 posted...
    For me Metroid was hard to be a fan of for a bit.

    At least it's turned around, after having only had one disaster in its series. IIRC Federation Force wasn't bad, just another example of developers thinking a low-quality mobile spinoff would convince players that their broken franchise was being properly cared for. 

    WibbleWobbleWok posted...
    Color Splash is really fun.

    Yeah, but is it fun as a game to play? Or just as something to watch? Lots of people praise the writing and the art, but everything I've seen of the combat (y'know, the fundamental core of a turn based RPG) makes me want to hurl. I honestly cannot imagine what insanity went through the heads of the people who developed the UI for choosing actions in battle. 

    Golden Sun / Earthbound

    Both of those are dead series, though. 

    zersetzor posted...
    Pokemon. I hate where this series is going.

    As in, nowhere?

    I mean, I used to love the series, and I still kind of want to replay some of the games again. But good lord, the new games in the series have just been... dull. The same dumbed-down stories on repeat, with ever-increasingly redundant new Pokémon in every generation. I get that introducing new ones with the older games was interesting, but there've just been way too many for it to matter anymore. And I just love that each new game just seems to feature wimpier and wimpier trainer fights. 

    Colosseum did it right; no unnecessary new Pokémon, a very different kind of plot, and trainers who use full teams right from the start instead of Sun/Moon's "one poke per trainer SPAM THOSE Z MOVES LOL".

    Milotorou posted...
    "Who could that mysterious girl in the black dress possibly be ?"

    I lost it, right there, if this isnt the shittiest plot-induced stupidity in the universe I dont know what it is.

    Yeah. Fates... didn't have good writing quality at all. Solid concepts for the plot, but... yeah.
    Not only does [Smash Bros] promote violence against women - it also promotes violence against animals, and kids.~ Metamorphazone
    Nehpets700 20 hours ago#77
    It's pretty bad being a Fire Emblem fan. It's been 8 years since the last game.
    If you like Ike, join us here:
    I had the very first post on the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia board.
    Walshin 20 hours ago#78
    megafierce posted...
    Merc123 posted...
    For me Metroid was hard to be a fan of for a bit.

    At least it's turned around, after having only one disaster in its series. IIRC Federation Force wasn't bad, just another example of developers thinking a low-quality mobile spinoff would convince players that their broken franchise was being properly cared for.

    Only one ? Unless you forgot Other M exists, we need to have a little talk.
    I will agree on one thing : Other M and Federation Force wouldn't have been the catastrophe they were if Metroid wasn't written on the cover. In this alternate universe they would just have been mediocre game doomed to be quickly forgotten.
    But this is what happens when you betray a fan base multiple times... Let's all pray for Prime 4 to be good.

    On another note, to all the Fire Emblem fans whining : Yo, Echoes was nice. Stop getting hung up on Fates like this.
    (edited 20 hours ago)reportquote
    GrooseKirby 20 hours ago#79
    Mother, assuming you don't pirate. Imagine waiting over a decade for a game to be localized and STILL having the likely possibility of it never having an official translation.
    Official Jack Atlas of the Nintendo Switch Board. Watch Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
    Bandana Dee is now Bandana Dead. Type f in the chat to pay respects.
    Charged151 20 hours ago#80
    Dead Franchises:
    Golden Sun
    Advance Wars
    Fatal Frame (Until proven otherwise, Ninty has always treated the series terribly. It should have stayed primarily with Sony.)

    Misused Franchises:
    Star Fox
    Metroid (maybe ending?)
    Paper Mario

    Fire Emblem (games before Awakening were mostly excellent...Awakening onward...they became more anime/shameless/pandering kids as a mechanic should have stayed in FE4 which is where is belongs. Echoes is going in the right direction at least with kids gone.)
    Pokemon (It has gotten more and more stale after Gen 3.)
    (edited 20 hours ago)reportquote
    Persona5 20 hours ago#81
    star fox..ew
    Zareth 20 hours ago#82
    Advance Wars.
    It's okay, I have no idea who I am either.
    megafierce 20 hours ago#83
    jaoman69 posted...
    The Legend of Zelda since i seem to be the only person who didnt like BotW, and future Zelda games will be modeled off of it so i will never enjoy a new Zelda game ever again.

    ... Okay, when did anyone ever say this? Or are you just claiming the sky will fall over nothing?

    I mean, jeez, dude, Ocarina of Time was a far bigger success than BotW could ever hope to be and every future 3D Zelda game wasn't modeled off of it; MM reused the game engine and WW reused a lot of its elements, but things were very different after that. LttP is comparable to BotW and not every 2D game was modeled off of it, either; in fact, we've had more 2D games that use the Link's Awakening design than any other. The Four Swords series was very different. And so was the Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks series. 

    hyliangoron posted...
    I wish they would do something completely new with the main games.
    like on a botw scale or on a even bigger scale.
    make it feel fresh and completely new again

    I don't think they need to go the BotW route, just the Colosseum one. Actually, if I'm being honest, they don't even need to go that far (though I'd certainly love it if they did); they just need to change things as much as they did with the first three generations, rather than endlessly repeat the same Gym/Elite 4 (Sun/Moon almost did this, but really they just replaced Gyms with another equivalent with the same effect on the plot so it really didn't amount to anything) and "evil team wants to abuse the generation's legendary for godlike power" shtick they've been going on about for forever. Black and White made it halfway to that goal; if Plasma hadn't been obviously full of shit when they were going on about saving the Pokémon (imagine if they'd all been as duped as N, and had all truly believed they were doing the right thing, and had actually put a real moral conflict in the game) they'd have gone the whole way. 

    G/S/C turned the player's rival into an actual (minor) criminal and threw a second Gym challenge at them. It also introduced two new Types and the Held Item mechanic. R/S/E was the first plot that had the "team tries to control a legendary beast and it blows up in their face" idea and it worked fine since it wasn't done to death. It also introduced Double Battles (which Colosseum took and maximized the potential of) and the Ability mechanic. 
    The games that have come since... well, they've introduced a few gimmicks here and there, but they just go away after the generation ends; they haven't done anything really new with the plot or gameplay. 

    What really boggles me is why they've never expanded upon the "twin games" approach; Fates did it right, setting up one easier, lighter game next to one harder, darker one. Rather than make all trainer fights in both versions to be "lol one pokemon go ahead and abuse z moves and mega evolution", why not set one up to be the low effort faceroll and the other to be the one that can actually cause you to white out? Ugh.

    Dfy556 posted...
    I never played Samus Returns. I was skeptical of it since it had that weird 2d/2.5d thing going on

    It's got its flaws, but it's a pretty good game. AM2R is a love letter to the franchise; SR is an attempt to try to bring in new elements. 

    Dfy556 posted...
    The new Fire Emblem games are just so shameless and gross.

    Not in every aspect, certainly, but then you look at marriage-eligible characters like Nowi, Elise, and Camilla, when two of them have prepubescent designs and two of them are your character's sisters, and... yyyyyyeah.
    Not only does [Smash Bros] promote violence against women - it also promotes violence against animals, and kids.~ Metamorphazone
    Merc123 20 hours ago#84
    Walshin posted...
    Only one ? Unless you forgot Other M exists, we need to have a little talk.

    I think they meant Other M was the bad one and that Federation Force wasn't so bad. I did play Other M and it was pretty bad. I only paid 6 bucks for it though. I never played Federation Force but i didn't have any interest at all in it.
    Cloud_Mario 20 hours ago#85
    I like Wave Race and 1080. I think they're dead, though...
    silverman1205 20 hours ago#86
    GuyKopski posted...
    Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

    It would be so incredibly easy to make a good Paper Mario game, yet the last three have all been disasters

    Do you mean last two? Super Paper Mario was fantastic
    "Beef? I am lacking in beef. Fawful is beefless." -Fawful
    megafierce 20 hours ago#87
    Walshin posted...
    Unless you forgot Other M exists, we need to have a little talk.

    That is the disaster I'm referring to. Federation Force was a marketing disaster, but still at least a decent game from what I'd heard.

    Just like with Super Paper Mario, I don't really classify a game as a "disaster" unless the game itself fails, harshly, in some fundamental way.

    It's like comparing World of Warcraft's issues with Mists of Pandaria - a badly marketed but beautifully designed expansion - to Warlords of Draenor - a well-marketed but utterly garbage expansion.
    Not only does [Smash Bros] promote violence against women - it also promotes violence against animals, and kids.~ Metamorphazone
    (edited 20 hours ago)reportquote
    DaDrkKnight 20 hours ago#88
    gamingdevotee posted...
    DaDrkKnight posted...
    gamingdevotee posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    err Thats Nintendo hard. Difficult, but fair.

    I mean bad as in to be a fan. I think I didn't explain that last bit well. Apologies and it has been edited to make it easier to understand

    No worries man, sorry for the narrow view.
    My internet persona is Majima with a dash of Jade. Keep that in mind when responding.
    vuchinator87 20 hours ago#89
    Golden Sun for me, also Pokémon cause the last few few games have been awful
    Hail to the victors
    Forward down the field!
    Zinith 20 hours ago#90
    4 years ago I would've said Yoshi as Nintendo thought they'd leave it in the hands of a company who dragged that name through the mud...
    I come up in unexpected places...
    Official Yoshi and Boshi of the Smash Ultimate Board
    Walshin 20 hours ago#91
    megafierce posted...
    Walshin posted...
    Unless you forgot Other M exists, we need to have a little talk.

    That is the disaster I'm referring to. Federation Force was a marketing disaster, but still at least a decent game from what I'd heard.

    Just like with Super Paper Mario, I don't really classify a game as a "disaster" unless the game itself fails, harshly, in some fundamental way.

    It's like comparing World of Warcraft's issues with Mists of Pandaria - a badly marketed but beautifully designed expansion - to Warlords of Draenor - a well-marketed but utterly garbage expansion.

    I wouldn't call Fed Force decent, but then again I can't call it horrendous to play either so... eh. Did WoW have a mediocre expansion you forgot right after it was gone ? Then Fed Force would be this one.
    That being said, since my reading comprehension seems to be currently horrendous, I should probably stop trying to discuss stuff on internet boards >.>
    Fates wasn’t even bad gameplay wise and it did pretty well to try and rid the series of some of the tedious things like wt, constitution, and item usage limits imo.

    The story is an absolutely friggin joke though so it’s simultaneously both a 1/10 rpg and about a 8/10 rpg for me.

    Honeslty reading this topic, Paper Mario fans have it rough. The first two were brilliant masterpieces. Those games had literally everything right and are some of the best games of their respective generations period. Super was good, but clearly the start of the bastardization of a series. We can complain about Fates’ pandering and awful story but at least it PLAYS like a Fire Emblem game.

    I mean case in point if you told me Paper Jam was coming out in the 2000’s after Superstar Saga and the brilliance of TTYD, I’d spend everyday searching for as much news around it as possible. When that game did come out though it was in a time of awful decisions regarding Mario RPG’s and the game sucked ass.
    Fire Emblem Castle Address Valla: 00615-55093-45091-22594
    N&B Block, probably.
    InfiniteMick 20 hours ago#94
    Walshin posted...
    megafierce posted...
    Walshin posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    That is the disaster I'm referring to. Federation Force was a marketing disaster, but still at least a decent game from what I'd heard.

    Just like with Super Paper Mario, I don't really classify a game as a "disaster" unless the game itself fails, harshly, in some fundamental way.

    It's like comparing World of Warcraft's issues with Mists of Pandaria - a badly marketed but beautifully designed expansion - to Warlords of Draenor - a well-marketed but utterly garbage expansion.

    I wouldn't call Fed Force decent, but then again I can't call it horrendous to play either so... eh. Did WoW have a mediocre expansion you forgot right after it was gone ? Then Fed Force would be this one.
    That being said, since my reading comprehension seems to be currently horrendous, I should probably stop trying to discuss stuff on internet boards >.>

    Warlords of Draenor.
    First casualty was Incineroar. Never been so proud of a board in my life.
    LesserAngel 20 hours ago#95
    As a F-Zero fan, I don't know how to feel about F-Zero content being shoehorned into Mario Kart, but I guess it's better than being completely forgotten like Advance Wars. I'd be satisfied for the moment if they re-released a way to play all of the SNES Satellaview tracks and the F-Zero X expansion kit, it would at least be something.

    I don't really play Fire Emblem that much, but they really do need to stop butchering the translations. Last thing I want from a RPG (tactical or otherwise) is to have the entire tone and personality of some of the characters changed.

    Not gonna lie, if a game doesn't have Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, or Smash in the title, a fan of a Nintendo franchise has had to deal with a fair amount of disappointment at some point. Those four franchises have had a select few minor downturns, but are otherwise almost guaranteed to never be ignored by Nintendo.
    Rainierman 20 hours ago#96
    Uhm, well personally, the series I wish were in a better place are in order:

    No games in forever...
    Star Fox
    Its best game in 20 years was Star Fox Zero. That's... saying something.
    Because it's been forever and we still don't get Mother 3.

    Maybe Metroid before but now I'm pretty happy with the place it's in right now.

    But outside of Smash? Golden Sun. It breaks my heart.

    Advance Wars as well but I'm personally not a fan.
    Official Rainierman of..! ... eh... Gamefaqs I guess...
    Karnage4208238 20 hours ago#97
    zelda its fanbase is filled to the brim with blind fanboys that will aspect anything and belittle anyone who disagrees with them case in point being botw a very crappy zelda game that its fanbase just ate up and its really hard for me to consider myself a fan of the series because of its fanbase
    Cletus Kasady/Carnage Is The Greatest Villain Of All Time
    S'up Im Karnage The Ultimate Cheater I Love to Cheat If You Don't Like It It's Your Problem Not Mine
    GrooseKirby 20 hours ago#98
    Karnage4208238 posted...
    zelda its fanbase is filled to the brim with blind fanboys that will aspect anything and belittle anyone who disagrees with them case in point being botw a very crappy zelda game that its fanbase just ate up and its really hard for me to consider myself a fan of the series because of its fanbase

    In general Zelda fans seem to be the most reluctant to admit some of the faults in the 3D games that aren't SS.
    Official Jack Atlas of the Nintendo Switch Board. Watch Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
    Bandana Dee is now Bandana Dead. Type f in the chat to pay respects.
    okayokayokay 20 hours ago#99
    TBH the only good zelda game is hyrule warriors.
    zersetzor 19 hours ago#100
    megafierce posted...

    zersetzor posted...
    Pokemon. I hate where this series is going.

    As in, nowhere?

    I mean, I used to love the series, and I still kind of want to replay some of the games again. But good lord, the new games in the series have just been... dull. The same dumbed-down stories on repeat, with ever-increasingly redundant new Pokémon in every generation. I get that introducing new ones with the older games was interesting, but there've just been way too many for it to matter anymore. And I just love that each new game just seems to feature wimpier and wimpier trainer fights. 

    Colosseum did it right; no unnecessary new Pokémon, a very different kind of plot, and trainers who use full teams right from the start instead of Sun/Moon's "one poke per trainer SPAM THOSE Z MOVES LOL".

    I actually disagree on the stories. In my opinion they try way too hard to have "epic" stories in the games. With not even taking over the world being good enough for the evil teams anymore. This trend started of course with Gen 3 already, but at least until Black and White 2 (with the exception of the Sinnoh games) the gameplay was pretty spiffy, the difficulty was decent (a bit easy of course, but hey), and the story didn't completely bog down everything. I have said this in some other discussions on this matter, but it bears repeating: The great thing about Gen 1 and 2 (and by extension their remakes) is how LITTLE story there is. You are just one kid on a wild adventure. Sure, in fact you don't have that many option as to where to go, but there are some choices, and you usually find the intended path by trying out and exploring. The one anecdote I keep remembering is that I only found out a few years back that apparently one is supposed to fight Koga before Sabrina in Gen 1. I never knew, because I just didn't do it like that. Compare that sort of game to Ultra Sun or Moon. You can barely leave the site of one Cutscene before the next starts. And the stories for the most part aren't even remotely interesting. Oooh, Lusamine is such a compelling and complex character... bullocks. The best stories in the more recent games are probably in BW, BW2, and XY. BW and BW2 for having actually interesting themes about animal treatment and N's weird background (though this is not to say that they are terribly great pieces of writing), and XY mainly for how there are long stretches of gameplay without any annoying story elements.
    But the possibly even more important aspect is what they keep doing to the gameplay. You of course allude to Z-moves, but they are really only the smaller brother to Mega Evolution. Both are terrible over-the-top, and likely one-time, gimmicks that mess up the core formula. Not to mention the sheer amount of terrible designs of Megas.
    And of course the difficulty is a joke. Starting in BW I always do Nuzlockes in Pokemon games, just so there is some challenge. Of course these games are not designed primarily for long-time fans, but rather the younger crowd. But my goodness, the older games aren't this insultingly easy, are they?
    I even somewhat regret that they switched to 3d at all, because some of the charm was lost, and because every battle drags on even longer than they already did.
    I do still enjoy the core gameplay of Pokemon. But at this point there are so many ROM hacks by fans that are just so much better than the actual games. It really is a shame.
    FC: 1719 - 3373 - 7685
    Friend Safari: Ground: Diggersby, Dugtrio, Sandshrew
    1. Boards
    2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
    3. Hardest Nintendo franchise to be a fan of?
      1. Boards
      2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
      3. Hardest Nintendo franchise to be a fan of?
      Xeno_Cyclops 19 hours ago#101
      Golden Sun. 

      Good god, a golden sun game on switch would be amazing
      Not changing this sig until Capcom brings back Rival Schools or Darkstalkers. Started 4/29/15
      Xbox GT: SMT Garou, PSN: Lord_Performa, NNID: SilentTitan7
      (edited 19 hours ago)reportquote
      SSJGPiccles 19 hours ago#102
      Y'know out of all the Paper Mario games the only actually bad one is Sticker Star. 

      Super and Color Splash just aren't what people want, but they're not objectively bad. 

      I could think of worse fates for a series.
      Prepare to have your Scales Tipped!
      Official Robin of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate board
      Golden sun
      I want Don-Chan and Rover in Smash. I wanna smash Don chan and Rover. Plain and simple.
      W0lf 19 hours ago#104
      desuno-to 19 hours ago#105
      Kid Icarus
      The 3DS game was pretty well received, but even Sakurai has stated it has no future.
      The game has made several appearances in Smash, had a neat anime series, and yet no one wants to revisit the game.
      The difference a letter makes:
      "i'm with tc about this" - "watashi mo onani desu"
      (edited 19 hours ago)reportquote
      redred17 19 hours ago#106
      Hardest would be Fire Emblem for me. Like seriously, look at those newer designs like Camilla. Definitely makes me hardest.
      SSJGPiccles 19 hours ago#107
      desuno-to posted...
      Kid Icarus
      The 3DS game was pretty well received, but even Sakurai has stated it has no future.
      The game has made several appearances in Smash, had an neat anime series, and yet no one wants to revisit the game.

      Oh, yeah. When you think about it Kid Icarus has to be the most loved unloved series of all time. 

      There's really nothing stopping it from having a future aside from nobody wanting to give it one for so me bizarre reason.
      Prepare to have your Scales Tipped!
      Official Robin of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate board
      MechaFlo 19 hours ago#108
      Star Fox. They've never really managed to recapture the magic of Star Fox 64 I think. 

      I really liked F-Zero GX too and I'm sad that it didn't get a sequel. Oddly enough I think Captain Falcon is better known for smash bros than his own series. 

      Metroid also hit a rough spot for a while but as long as Prime 4 is good, I think it's back in a good spot.
      InfiniteMick 19 hours ago#109
      redred17 posted...
      Hardest would be Fire Emblem for me. Like seriously, look at those newer designs like Camilla. Definitely makes me hardest.
      First casualty was Incineroar. Never been so proud of a board in my life.
      Technickal1 19 hours ago#110
      Starfy. First four games were never localized because reasons and the fifth and most recent game, released almost a decade ago, bombed so hard it killed the series worldwide.
      3DS FC: 0705-2213-8367
      FE14 MC Address: 06522-09932-36503-79745
      redred17 18 hours ago#111
      InfiniteMick posted...
      redred17 posted...
      Hardest would be Fire Emblem for me. Like seriously, look at those newer designs like Camilla. Definitely makes me hardest.

      Well, everybody's already saying Paper Mario so might as well toss another one out there

      Wario games, both Wario Ware and Wario Land games have both kind of had it rough. The last Ware game was basically a spin-off for WiiU (and a remake for 3DS, a console that's outdated at this point) and the last Wario Land game was Wario Land: Shake It for the Wii and that was 10 years ago.
      (edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
      papery0shi2 18 hours ago#113
      GuyKopski posted...
      Paper Mario, because Nintendo is hell bent on destroying it.

      It would be so incredibly easy to make a good Paper Mario game, yet the last three have all been disasters because the developers keep shoving in stupid gimmicks instead of just making the game people actually want.

      Like, at least something like Star Fox is understandable (rail shooters aren't a viable genre in 2018 so they gotta have some dancing bear) but Paper Mario there is literally no reason except stubbornness.

      This so much :-(
      Brawl FC- 3780- 8691-5039- Mist [( Mains- Yoshi, Bowser, Peach, Squirtle, Mario)] 
      Pokemon FC- 1547-9508-2200
      So many to choose from honestly but I agree with the majority of the responses in this topic.
      I like lasagna
      Honestly, it's hard to be a fan of Nintendo in general.

      They often butchered their own characters and worlds with retcon and other carp.

      The rely on nostalgia way too much

      They still have that "kiddy image."

      They refuse to follow the standards of modern society.

      They support a dying country.

      The only series you could be a fa of is Kirby's Dream Land.
      DryBird 18 hours ago#116
      For me personally? It used to be Metroid (8 YEARS between games? Come on Nintendo), but now it's Paper Mario. I absolutely despise what they've done with the series since Super Paper Mario.
      taub0017 18 hours ago#117
      Goemon, if anyone here knows that series
      Nes_Mettaur 18 hours ago#118
      I'm gonna go with Eternal Darkness, since the original studio's nonexistent and the former heads of it neck-deep in shit at this point.

      ...though if one game does not make a franchise, then I'll revise that answer to Advance Wars. The money's with Fire Emblem now, so I doubt the other game series from the same devs in the same genre's gonna see the light of day any time soon. At least Golden Sun or F-Zero still have some sliver of hope no matter how tiny.
      Official Dr. Mario of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate board
      prsboys 18 hours ago#119
      KingofUsa85 posted...
      Fire Emblem
      Hello peoples it is Prsboys and how I wish I had a taco
      desuno-to 18 hours ago#120
      SSJGPiccles posted...
      desuno-to posted...
      Kid Icarus
      The 3DS game was pretty well received, but even Sakurai has stated it has no future.
      The game has made several appearances in Smash, had an neat anime series, and yet no one wants to revisit the game.

      Oh, yeah. When you think about it Kid Icarus has to be the most loved unloved series of all time

      There's really nothing stopping it from having a future aside from nobody wanting to give it one for so me bizarre reason.

      So true. Heck, it was so big back in the day it was even on that "Captain N" show which had Icarus, Megaman and Simon Belmont. Which one those didn't get multiple sequels?
      Unlike many of the games listed here, KI didn't have a horrible game that was worthy of ending the series.
      The difference a letter makes:
      "i'm with tc about this" - "watashi mo onani desu"
      (edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
      Tedmastr 18 hours ago#121
      I’ll jump on the Paper Mario bandwagon as well, for many of the same reasons others have said. I loved the first two games, and together, they’re my second favorite game series. I’m not a fan of SPM, as it stepped too far away from some of the gameplay elements that mattered to me in the PM series, but I can see why others liked it. Had it been a lone spinoff, followed by a return to form with the next entry, I wouldn’t have cared. But the games that followed veered away from what the series used to be, and it hurts to see the PM label applied to something so different.

      The devs’ callous attitudes surrounding the subject don’t help. No, I don’t care for the M&L series that much, and I don’t think it’s an adequate replacement. And we would be fine with two Mario-themed RPGs (and even a third one in the form of a SMRPG sequel).

      What’s worse is that I can’t stop hoping for a return to form. I get my hopes up, and they get crushed. And I’m sure plenty of other fans feel the same way. PM is more than an aesthetic, and it would be easy to make another game with the charm and mechanics of the first two entries. And I suspect it would sell well, too.
      3DS FC: 2466-2669-5197
      IGN Teddy; TSV: 2442 (X); 0616 (Y); 3854 (OR); 1359 (AS)
      alexczas 18 hours ago#122
      Intelligent Systems need to hire some better writers, both Paper Mario and Fire Emblem have had some pretty stupid and or bland stories now instead of when they hit their stride during the GameCube/Wii era

      It’s kinda the reason I lost hope for Paper Mario, Fire Emblem though; has some glimmer of hope, since Shadows of Valentia had some of the best characters in the series
      "Dragons don't like shoes"~me 2016
      (edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
      Merc123 17 hours ago#123
      SSJGPiccles posted...
      desuno-to posted...
      Kid Icarus
      The 3DS game was pretty well received, but even Sakurai has stated it has no future.
      The game has made several appearances in Smash, had an neat anime series, and yet no one wants to revisit the game.

      Oh, yeah. When you think about it Kid Icarus has to be the most loved unloved series of all time. 

      There's really nothing stopping it from having a future aside from nobody wanting to give it one for so me bizarre reason.

      I always wanted to play Kid Icarus Uprising. I liked the gameplay i saw but i never got around to it plus i heard its uncomfortable to play. Between the clips of that game and Palutena's Guidance in Smash, i do like the humor of Pit, Palutena and Viridi.
      (edited 17 hours ago)reportquote
      AkaneJones 17 hours ago#124
      notok posted...
      greatdimentio posted...
      Mario RPGs, specifically Paper Mario if you cared about the original characters at all. I think they are just as important to the series as Mario, Peach etc (and in my honest opinion, MORE important than regular-ass Toad) so it huuuurts that they got shafted out of existence because of "brand name loyalty" to Miyamoto's Super Mario Bros. characters.

      The Mario RPGs in general are hard to have as a favorite because it means their original characters are way closer to the top of the Mario character list for me, making it verynoticeable when time and time again they aren't so much as glanced at when deciding rosters for the Mario multiplayer games. I've been wanting one of the RPG villains to get a playable slot for years but it's always either some 3-hit-kill mute bosses whose personality amounts to a funny noise, a mook that was designed as an obstacle, or even a non-Mario character like Link. Pauline is the first new addition to a Mario spinoff that I'm genuinely excited about in years because honestly she deserves it after the amazing Odyssey appearance and her legacy with the series, but I could care less about Boom Boom, Pom Pom and whoever else that makes a funny noise and I think the RPGs are full of good remedies for this issue if they'd actually consider them Mario characters :/ Didn't Kirby just get a game where a fuck ton of villains and one-offs from old games were playable? Where's that kind of fanservice for Mario?

      The worst part about the Paper Mario embargo is that Tanabe thinks the only Mario characters who exist in the main series are Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Jr, & Koopalings

      Sort of
      Characters treated as they exist...
      Mario, Peach, Bowser, Toad, Bowser Jr., Kamek, Yoshi, Gooper Blooper, Petey Piranha, Luigi, Birdo, Wiggler(character specific version), Draggadon, Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, & Ludwig
      Characters that got into Paper Jam at least...
      Nabbit, Toadette, King Boo, King Bob-omb, & Dry Bowser
      (at least referenced Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luma, & Captain Toad)
      Trash to the entire Paper Mario series post Sticker Star...
      Donkey Kong, Pauline, Donkey Kong Jr., Stanley, Forman Spike, Wart, Mouser, Tryclyde, Fryguy, Clawgrip, Boom Boom, Reznor, Poochie, Whomp King, Eyerok, Big Bully, Chill Bully, E. Gadd, Toadsworth, Phantamanta, Eely-Mouth, Il Piantissimo, the Shop Tanooki, Piantas, Nokis, Polari, the rest of the Toad Brigade, Spooky Speedster, Queen Bee, Honey Bees, Gearmos, Penguins, Coach, Penguru, Guppy, Dino Piranha, King Kaliente, Bugaboom, Kamella, Tarantox, Topmaniac, Bouldergeist, Major Burrows, Baron Brrr, Kingfin, Lubba, Lumalee, Hungry Luma, Bunnies, The Chimp, Whittles, Fluzzard, Jibberjay, Klepto, King Lakitu, Gobblegut, Rollodillo, Sorbetti, Glamdozer, Squizzard, Prince Pikante, Boss Sumo Bro, Sprixies, Sprixie Princesses, Plessie, Bossblob, King Ka-thunk, Boss Brolder, Hisstocrat & Mistocrat, Prince Bully, Pom Pom, Wingo, King Totomesu, Dragonzamasu, Hiyoihoi, Biokinton, Tatanga, Kurosu, Ricky, Sabasa, Three Little Pigheads, Pako, Wario, Captain Syrup, Bobo, Robirdo, Goomboss, Chief Chilly, Mummipokey, Cheepskipper, Mega Goomba, Monty Tank, Lakithunder, & Polterpup

      That's without off siding into spinoffs not considered part of the main series. It such a larger more diverse list of things they refuse to use, and the barely use makes it worse. Why everything had to be generic toads, I don't know. They don't even obey the request as Bowser Jr., Gooper Blooper, Petey Piranha, & Draggadon were major characters created after the try to use characters that existed in " World" or before. Like they should have been using Wario & Daisy, or DK & Pauline if they were.
      SSJGPiccles 17 hours ago#125
      Merc123 posted...
      SSJGPiccles posted...
      desuno-to posted...
       show hidden quote(s)

      Oh, yeah. When you think about it Kid Icarus has to be the most loved unloved series of all time. 

      There's really nothing stopping it from having a future aside from nobody wanting to give it one for so me bizarre reason.

      I always wanted to play Kid Icarus Uprising. I liked the gameplay i saw but i never got around to it plus i heard its uncomfortable to play. Between the clips of that game and Palutena's Guidance in Smash, i do like the humor of Pit, Palutena and Viridi.

      It's definitely not an easy game to pick up, but I do recommend you play it at least once. It has a very unique control scheme to say the least, but it's also a very unique experience you can't get anywhere else with the best voice acting and humor of any Nintendo game period.
      Prepare to have your Scales Tipped!
      Official Robin of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate board
      Matarratas 17 hours ago#126
      Paper Mario
      I fucking loved the first two games, Super Paper Mario is kind of good but I'm not really a fan because it's very different to the first two games, I haven't played color splash but Sticker Star sucked ass and I've read that Color Splash is somewhat similar to SS.

      I hope that Nintendo returns some day to a formula similar to the first two games.

      I can not add much that other people have not said before. The series peaked at B/W and B2/W2. I finished Sun but I couldn't finish Ultra Sun, it was painfully slow.

      I really liked Breath of the Wild but It doesn't feel like a Zelda game, Skyward Sword was a tutorial for 3/4 of the game, Twilight Princess was easy as fuck. Those are the most common complaints 

      It's only hard to be a fan cause the fanbase is always bitching on everything that is not OOT/MM.

      Fire Emblem
      I don't really have a problem with the most recent games (Fates story sucks but I actually like the gameplay) but the fanbase it's splitted in two: old vs new games
      JNate 17 hours ago#127
      Star Tropics
      FC 5069-4007-2149 IGN Justin
      Number43 17 hours ago#128
      Ever play Nintendo Land for the Wii U? It was a collection of a variety of what could be called minigames but were a lot more substantial than most things that go by that name based on various Nintendo franchises, some being single player, some being multiplayer either competitive or cooperative, being asymmetrical with the player with the gamepad having very different gameplay than the other players. It included an F-Zero racing game (though very different from the old regular F-Zero games).
      RoRoCraziness 17 hours ago#129
      F-Zero. I loved X and GX, and then after a couple GBA games I never played, Nintendo just never touched the series again outside of cameos in stuff like Mario Kart 8 and Nintendo Land.

      That interview with Miyamoto a while back was soul-crushing, man.
      gamingdevotee 17 hours ago#130
      DaDrkKnight posted...
      gamingdevotee posted...
      DaDrkKnight posted...
       show hidden quote(s)

      I mean bad as in to be a fan. I think I didn't explain that last bit well. Apologies and it has been edited to make it easier to understand

      No worries man, sorry for the narrow view.

      It's cool I think I came off a bit quick out the gun.

      I just get a bit annoyed because people act like zero is a crime against star fox when it is just as good as 64 with a different control scheme to learn
      (edited 17 hours ago)reportquote
      highflyer_01 17 hours ago#131
      EffectAndCause posted...
      Mario Party

      They released an awesome one, for the Switch.
      Apply obligatory "In my opinion" with this post.
      redred17 16 hours ago#132
      Nes_Mettaur posted...
      I'm gonna go with Eternal Darkness, since the original studio's nonexistent and the former heads of it neck-deep in shit at this point.

      ...though if one game does not make a franchise, then I'll revise that answer to Advance Wars. The money's with Fire Emblem now, so I doubt the other game series from the same devs in the same genre's gonna see the light of day any time soon. At least Golden Sun or F-Zero still have some sliver of hope no matter how tiny.

      Never lose hope, my friend! Let them know we want it! Masahiro Higuchi, project manager recently promoted to producer and planner/director who worked on Advance Wars scenarios Kouhei Maeda have both commented on the franchise a few times, and they want to make another. 

      The last sold over half a million, and that's without ever being released to purchase in Japan. That's higher than Radiant Dawn, which was around the same time. The games had fucked up release schedules in Japan which was one reason they did so poorly there.

      And these are the developers who make WarioWare, Paper Mario, and Fire Emblem: all pretty much guaranteed to make money. This is the studio who developed Codename Steam, which horribly bombed. I can't imagine how difficult a new Wars game would be to pitch. I know rallying people online to sign a petition or some bullshit is generally a waste of time, but we have so many ways our voices can be heard now. Nothing will happen, though, if they don't know we want it.

      Sorry, Advance Wars is my favorite series, and I get very passionate about it. I'll never give up hope!
      fawfulmark2 16 hours ago#133
      Panel de freaking Pon.

      At least with dormant series like Golden Sun or F-Zero they can go back to older installments-try being a fan of a series that had to be rebranded every single time in the West in what started as SEGA taking a jab at the SNES being a girly console in the 90s, only to be constantly re-branded over and over again for 20 years, have a Hidden stage from your game REMOVED from the international version of Planet Puzzle League and have the main character only acknowledged recently in New Leaf and Ultimate outside Japan...whereas before they were only known of from a drokking stick.
      Still cries at a good film, Still kisses with saliva.
      (edited 16 hours ago)reportquote
      Paper Mario.
      There was a good game in the works. It played like TTYD. Then Myamoto played an early build of it and told the devs to scrap it because it played like TTYD. Never mind the plethora of NSMB games, a new Paper Mario playing like a game from 2004 is definitely the problem, apparently.
      Nintendo is absolutely hell bent on destroying Paper Mario.
      OsramTaleka 16 hours ago#135
      Pokemon. They come out all the time but they refuse to evolve.
      Cristaran 16 hours ago#136
      Kid Icarus, because we probably arent getting a new game. That hurts me deeply.
      Reimu Hakurei for Smash!
      FloraTheMaid 16 hours ago#137
      For me, Fire Emblem. While it's super successful and I'm happy that Nintendo is pushing it, the toxicity towards and within the FE community is painful and never-ending. It seems no one is ever satisfied. 

      I do feel for the Advanced Wars fans, though. Maybe with the huge success of the Switch, IS will be willing to give it another chance?

      Edit: also Kid Icarus. Please make another game.
      Hi! I'm that basic person you know! No, not that one. The other one.
      (edited 16 hours ago)reportquote
      notok 16 hours ago#138
      AkaneJones posted...
      Sort of
      Characters treated as they exist...
      Mario, Peach, Bowser, Toad, Bowser Jr., Kamek, Yoshi, Gooper Blooper, Petey Piranha, Luigi, Birdo, Wiggler(character specific version), Draggadon, Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, & Ludwig
      Characters that got into Paper Jam at least...
      Nabbit, Toadette, King Boo, King Bob-omb, & Dry Bowser
      (at least referenced Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luma, & Captain Toad)
      Trash to the entire Paper Mario series post Sticker Star...
      Donkey Kong, Pauline, Donkey Kong Jr., Stanley, Forman Spike, Wart, Mouser, Tryclyde, Fryguy, Clawgrip, Boom Boom, Reznor, Poochie, Whomp King, Eyerok, Big Bully, Chill Bully, E. Gadd, Toadsworth, Phantamanta, Eely-Mouth, Il Piantissimo, the Shop Tanooki, Piantas, Nokis, Polari, the rest of the Toad Brigade, Spooky Speedster, Queen Bee, Honey Bees, Gearmos, Penguins, Coach, Penguru, Guppy, Dino Piranha, King Kaliente, Bugaboom, Kamella, Tarantox, Topmaniac, Bouldergeist, Major Burrows, Baron Brrr, Kingfin, Lubba, Lumalee, Hungry Luma, Bunnies, The Chimp, Whittles, Fluzzard, Jibberjay, Klepto, King Lakitu, Gobblegut, Rollodillo, Sorbetti, Glamdozer, Squizzard, Prince Pikante, Boss Sumo Bro, Sprixies, Sprixie Princesses, Plessie, Bossblob, King Ka-thunk, Boss Brolder, Hisstocrat & Mistocrat, Prince Bully, Pom Pom, Wingo, King Totomesu, Dragonzamasu, Hiyoihoi, Biokinton, Tatanga, Kurosu, Ricky, Sabasa, Three Little Pigheads, Pako, Wario, Captain Syrup, Bobo, Robirdo, Goomboss, Chief Chilly, Mummipokey, Cheepskipper, Mega Goomba, Monty Tank, Lakithunder, & Polterpup

      That's without off siding into spinoffs not considered part of the main series. It such a larger more diverse list of things they refuse to use, and the barely use makes it worse. Why everything had to be generic toads, I don't know. They don't even obey the request as Bowser Jr., Gooper Blooper, Petey Piranha, & Draggadon were major characters created after the try to use characters that existed in " World" or before. Like they should have been using Wario & Daisy, or DK & Pauline if they were.

      I'm pretty sure he said Mario world as in existing Mario universe characters
      Also SMB3 Kings aren't on you're list
      Agumon still has a chance RIP Bomberman & Waluigi SMASHFAQS has convinced me: Hat Goomba for Smash
      Crash, Spyro, Abe, Lara Croft, & Sora for Smash
      coreekymon 16 hours ago#139
      Recently Pokemon with the plummeting quality of the last few games. I can only pray that 8th gen is the series' salvation. I've been a fan so long I don't want to stop, but they need to get their s*** together.
      Roy is, and always has been, my boy!
      Finally cataloged all my games:
      PrinceOfHot 16 hours ago#140
      Super Smash Bros is the worst by far. Not a fan, think it would be really hard to be a fan of such a silly game.
      PSN- SuperMarioPsycho
      Lo of Popstar 16 hours ago#141
      jaoman69 posted...
      The Legend of Zelda since i seem to be the only person who didnt like BotW, and future Zelda games will be modeled off of it so i will never enjoy a new Zelda game ever again.

      Nah I can't stand BotW.
      "He enjoyed life, as do all who are spared from the curse of intelligence." ~ Adam Sessler, X-Play
      Mammoths 16 hours ago#142
      megafierce posted...
      You made massive walls of text yet had to make shit up about coloseum, didn't knew what trials were or how it worked, didn't knew anything about Plasma or Skull, had no idea what Megas a z-moves does. One has to wonder why you went this fat to gaslight people in a smash thread, what kind of agenda could force your hand over a franchise you don't play.
      Mammoths 15 hours ago#143
      zersetzor posted...

      Also I have to mention something slightly controversial: Pokemon.

      Protip: if you use words like "peak" and dislike newer things more than the ones from when you were a kid 10 years ago and can't point a reason, the fault is on you: you don't like the series but just the memories of your own spoiled childhood with them, its called nostalgia. They will never "right the ship" because whatever they do you'll still hate it as its impossible to bring back your snowflake memories in the present, and the majority of people and fans still like it so there's no ship to right. 
      In a following post you also lied that the older games were somehow difficult (lol). Unless you were 5 when you played them, pokemon was always rpg baby mode. Specially bizarre since usum is usually considered the hardest pokemon game, but nostalgia screams harder

      Also don't come with this pathetic "realization" talk when half of your post is old bait (like the slow meme who is widely known as gaslighting), you must be pretty desperate if you're using a smash board to force this shit now, makes the way melee fans and genwunners used to act rational, and ethical compared to you, only one worse was the kid who spammed two posts lying that coloseum has "full teams from the start" and is hard (lol, specially funny when coloseum was shat on for years too).
      Nergigante 15 hours ago#144
      As a huge Star Fox fan... Star Fox.

      Good games hindered by gimmicks.
      Ok game hindered by horribad characters that were put in because of horrible business decisions.
      64 for ever instead of exploring a galaxy of potential that's right in front of them.

      Still like the franchise, characters (mostly), most games, but damn. I want to get off the gimmick 64 combo boat so bad.

      But I will be a fan for life. I've stuck around so far. Just really frustrating at times, especially when people get on my back for preferring certain characters.

      Just give me a good game that isn't hindered by gimmicks for once.
      Bite me!
      InfiniteMick 15 hours ago#145
      coreekymon posted...
      Recently Pokemon with the plummeting quality of the last few games. I can only pray that 8th gen is the series' salvation. I've been a fan so long I don't want to stop, but they need to get their s*** together.

      Gen 7 was fantastic, the only bad thing about it was incineroar
      Gen 5 sequels are becoming more and more acclaimed as having the best single player out of all the games in the series.
      First casualty was Incineroar. Never been so proud of a board in my life.
      redred17 15 hours ago#146
      FloraTheMaid posted...
      For me, Fire Emblem. While it's super successful and I'm happy that Nintendo is pushing it, the toxicity towards and within the FE community is painful and never-ending. It seems no one is ever satisfied. 

      I do feel for the Advanced Wars fans, though. Maybe with the huge success of the Switch, IS will be willing to give it another chance?

      Edit: also Kid Icarus. Please make another game.

      I've been a fan of the games since FE4, so I feel like the very small minority who's just looking in on the shit show that is FE communities. I don't understand the elitism on either side or what they are trying to prove.
      (edited 15 hours ago)reportquote
      desuno-to 15 hours ago#147
      SSJGPiccles posted...
      Merc123 posted...
      SSJGPiccles posted...
       show hidden quote(s)

      I always wanted to play Kid Icarus Uprising. I liked the gameplay i saw but i never got around to it plus i heard its uncomfortable to play. Between the clips of that game and Palutena's Guidance in Smash, i do like the humor of Pit, Palutena and Viridi.

      It's definitely not an easy game to pick up, but I do recommend you play it at least once. It has a very unique control scheme to say the least, but it's also a very unique experience you can't get anywhere else with the best voice acting and humor of any Nintendo game period.

      I'm a lefty and I still stuck through it because it was so much fun. The story, the environments, characters, homages to the original where all fun. The humor was also more mature too, from sexual innuendos to borderline swearing ("Pit Stain"), all things you wouldn't expect from ninty at the time.
      The difference a letter makes:
      "i'm with tc about this" - "watashi mo onani desu"
      AdamCommando 15 hours ago#148
      My criteria for this answer would come down to lack of quality, and that is why I choose Ice Climber.
      FkYou666 15 hours ago#149
      NeoChronoid 15 hours ago#150
      Am I the only one still waiting for a new Custom Robo?
      Also yes, the inexplicably-left-to-rot Kid Icarus

      PrinceOfHot posted...
      Super Smash Bros is the worst by far. Not a fan, think it would be really hard to be a fan of such a silly game.

      This is very bad bait. You should feel bad.
      1. Boards
      2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 
      3. Hardest Nintendo franchise to be a fan of?

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