Monday, December 17, 2018

So what is your honest opinion of Melee now in 2018

  1. Boards
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  3. So what is your honest opinion of Melee now in 2018
In the weeks leading up to Ultimate i had been playing each game in the series with friends on my days off pretty much non stop.
During this time i had realized that Melee is probably my least favorite game in the series i still had fun playing it but it just felt clunkier then i remembered it and it was pretty disappointing.
and after playing Ultimate Melee just feels kinda sluggish to me.

I was pretty big into the Melee community up until like 2011 where i would play the game all the time with friends. Also i would go to tournaments at a local game store that would do a tournament every so often just because the owner was a smash fanatic although they eventually started using Brawl for these tournament and on a side note unfortunately the store closed in 2015. 

Regardless i still enjoy Melee but i would pick playing any other Smash game before i would pick Melee.

So how do you all feel about Melee now after all the years that have gone by and all the sequels that have come and gone.
Switch Friend Code: SW-5101-2906-6521 PM me if you add me.
Crohnos 1 day ago#2
It was good for the time, but looking at it now it’s kinda really bland
Formerly GreatJallopi
Horror game enthusiast (82 completed)
Rolfin 1 day ago#3
I think it's a good game that has outlived itself in a relatively negative way
"What is Jeff?"
Winturwulf 1 day ago#4
I think Melee is overhyped, personally. It was definitely a step up from 64, but I liked the rosters from the later games more. The only things I really didn't like about Brawl was the slow speed and tripping, which is the only thing I think Melee has a leg up on as far as that goes. Smash 4 was definitely my favorite and the one I spent the most time with since Melee.
Frogfucius say: Man who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with stinky finger.
LonkyKang 1 day ago#5
Melee had a way better story mode, way better single player content, way faster mechanics, way better vibe, and a roster with only 2 anime and each character actually ment something and we’re fun to unlock
lizard81288 1 day ago#6
It still has the best single player modes
I Believe I Have A Serious Case Of Misanthropy.
Melee single player, trophy system and specialized unlock conditions shine in comparison to Ultimate
"All you've got is an unconfusing name. You can't compete with a guy who crushes planets." - GoodApolloIV
LonkyKang 1 day ago#8
Spec_Reloaded posted...
Melee single player, trophy system and specialized unlock conditions shine in comparison to Ultimate

Rolfin posted...
I think it's a good game that has outlived itself in a relatively negative way
"Never trust a women"-Nobliss Gordon Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans episode 17
People die everyday b
As a sequel to 64, it delivers in a large way. Twice the amount of characters, a huge graphical jump, new single player modes, 290 all-new collectible trophies, event matches, there's a lot to take in. That's why Melee seemed like this really huge game back in the day.
Obsolete casual game, terrible competitive game. As a casual game there are less options compared to the more recent Smash game and competitively it's a campy snoozefest.
assassingriskel posted...
Rolfin posted...
I think it's a good game that has outlived itself in a relatively negative way
Call me Peripuff, I use it everywhere but I can't change it here. Thanks ^_^
Official Toadette and 3rd Best User of the Smash Ultimate Board!
It was a huge part of my childhood and I have a ton of nostalgia for the game. It set the standard for the Smash franchise going forward and was a key factor in making me a lifelong diehard Nintendo fan. I owe that game so much.

All of the above also applies to Brawl, which in its heyday I enjoyed much more than Melee. Of course, Brawl was outdone by Smash 4, which has been totally outdone by Ultimate.

Melee is an awesome game that I have a ton of respect and nostalgia for when I look back on it, but I have to look back to see it because I left it behind me a long time ago.
King Boo for Super Smash Bros!
StarD86 is forever my hero
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
JigglySmash posted...
assassingriskel posted...
Rolfin posted...
 show hidden quote(s)
Official Phantom Thief of SmashFAQs. Any opinions are not representative of the rest of the board.
Marth actually had a sword in that game.
Crystal Maiden... gal could break your heart in a thousand pieces. -Rucks
Greator 1 day ago#16
I love Melee, it was one of my first video games in general but the fanbase is so awful it's actually starting to make me hate it, which is such a shame.
I actually meant it
JoyStar 1 day ago#17
I still adore Melee. It was the first Smash game I owned (I did play 64 at a friend's house), Mewtwo was in it, I loved the different modes (Adventure Mode was fun and I loved Event Matches), and I really liked the Trophy Lottery and Home Run Contest. 

Unfortunately I haven't been able to play it in years because the disc is scratched.
Masked Marauder - Skull Kid for Smash!
Melee still is and will always be the best, but Ultimate is fresh so it will keep any attention I want to give to Smash
Very fun game in 2001, got a lot of hours out of it.

In 2018? It hasn't aged well. Good thing we have improved games like Ultimate to succeed it.
Say wut?
In 2018? It's actually a solid title. I do really enjoy the gameplay.

Crazy Hand was some bullshit though.
Official of Smashfaqs. Hi TalesofLizalfos, Jedimess, Tinfoil, Rorrrr, Nes_Mettaur, Supersonic, MagnificentLink, notok, and senok
Panthera 1 day ago#21
It's still a great game. It didn't magically stop being good any more than any other game from 2001 or earlier has magically stopped being good just because time has passed.
I prefer it to Smash 64, but I'd take the other games over it.

Melee was too buggy and broken. I mean Ice Climbers had two different 0-deaths that started from a grab. One of them required like 5 inputs to pull off.
Oil_Panic 1 day ago#23
I tried playing again a few months back, in anticipation for Ultimate. The gameplay nowadays felt... stiff. It’s hard to explain. It’s like it’s harder to move or do smash attacks than it is in later games. I also realized I was taking the ability to turn off “press up to jump” for granted, as my attempts to do up tilts were failing spectacularly.
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."
- God-like being, Futurama
shroom_ninja_X 18 hours ago#24
It's a fantastic followup to the original, boasting twice as many characters, more stages, and vastly expanded single player modes. It was the perfect sequel for it's time, and I still love the competitive edge the game has. Nearly 20 years later, the game still has oceanic levels of technical depth, and you can always continue to grow and improve. I wish certain characters had been balanced a little bit better, but even still, one could still do a lot worse than 12-13 viable characters out of 26.

While I can appreciate Brawl's ambition, roster, and single player content, it's overly floaty gameplay, tripping, and abysmal character balance (even by the standards of this series) really killed my interest in continuing to play it outside of modded versions. 4 and Ultimate are both solid games IMO, however.

I would love to see Nintendo come out with an HD re-release of Melee with online play or even a future Smash game with Melee's physics and mechanics. Realistically, I'm not holding my breath for that to happen anytime soon though.

Thank goodness for Project M.
Word to your mother.
felica 18 hours ago#25
Still and always will be the best smash in terms of gameplay(I would give this to PM but obviously PM is not a official game)

Was outshined by brawl and continues to be outshined with each smash moving forward in basically everything else.
Patiently waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3,Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry 5
3DS FC-0447-9990-9059 TSV-2787 IGN-Evan
(edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
I hate it, and not in an “every entry is better than the last” way. The gameplay is stiff as hell and genuinely unfun for me.
You'll never see it coming!
12/6/18 - Joker is in Smash!
Padraigo52 17 hours ago#27
As bad as it was in 2004.
Number43 17 hours ago#28
This is what the future holds:
Punkachu98 17 hours ago#29
10/10 Amazing when it first released.

6/10 To go back and play now that there are newer better games.

10/10 Esport that should never die.
Official Charizard of the SmUsh board!
I was grinched by the grinch leak. And I'm not ashamed.
Whyked 4 hours ago#30
If I need to restore my Darkness Power... I'll need the powerful of a Smash Ball! Then... the world will be mine!
d4rkauras 4 hours ago#31
It’s a great game that continues to thrive today.
~Reimu Hakurei for SSBU~
Smash Ultimate: Character crisis simulator.
Great game.

I hate the fact that the meta revolves around inaccessible exploits like wavedashing and L-canceling.
Switch Friend Code: SW-8574-7802-0118
Add me and let's play some Smash Bros.!
Duwangboi 4 hours ago#33
What the general public of these boards think of me.
Joozhuah 4 hours ago#34
6/10 game, ruined by its community

Probably the 2nd worst Smash game though
Rest In Peace, Bandana Dee for Smash Ultimate.
You will never be forgotten
(edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
firedoom666 4 hours ago#35
It has the red shell which is pretty cool, and I like target test

but everything else has been done better by now. The adventure mode kinda sucks, Ultimate has the best classic mode, most the stages are boring,and the roster is pretty bad

It was a good game at the time, but now it is horribly obsolete
The Duke of Gravity in Smash Bros Big Brother!
Chibi-Robo for Smash Ultimate! SmashBurb was right about the number of Stages!
MechaFlo 4 hours ago#36
Great for it's time, and most improved over its predecessor in the whole series. But not worth going back to over modern entries.
SilentDarkway 4 hours ago#37
Has the most competitive depth, has precise and endless movement and options, and mechanics that are limitless and have unlimited amount of nuance. It has the most room for experimentation and creativity for the players. It has the deepest edge guarding, and it's lacking linearity in just about anyway, I think it's over-all the best Smash game over-all, especially since EVEN as a casual game, it's fantastic.

Also Melee Marth is sex.
(edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
SilentDarkway 4 hours ago#38
shroom_ninja_X posted...
a future Smash game with Melee's physics and mechanics

Btw, have you played's fantastic.
Limberg 4 hours ago#39
Whyked posted...

I'm happy people wanna move on and start taking showers
T_Info 4 hours ago#40
I loved Melee but I think it’s only aged well if you still use all the advanced techniques. If you’re not deep into the wavedashing, l-canceling, shffling, etc, it will just feel old now.

But I will say, the fact that some 8 characters are now viable at the highest level of melee play is a huge credit to its roster balance (despite the fact that some characters are still hopelessly useless at the pro level).
Photachyon2 4 hours ago#41
The "sharpest in the series" as Sakurai called it.

VannAccessible posted...
inaccessible exploits

VannAccessible posted...

Strange how it was in the previous game and had equipment that did the same thing in Smash 4.
PKM GO FC: 0313 - 5115 - 0094
SilentDarkway 3 hours ago#42
Photachyon2 posted...
The "sharpest in the series" as Sakurai called it.

VannAccessible posted...
inaccessible exploits

VannAccessible posted...

Strange how it was in the previous game and had equipment that did the same thing in Smash 4.

Agreed. Even more strange how some of those "exploits" like run canceling and ledge dashing returned in Ultimate.

I honestly think if Sakurai didn't advertise the return of run canceling for Ulimate at E3 people would proably call Ultimate a "broken buggy exploitable piece of shit".

Also people say Melee's "super glitchy" but it seems like they're only talking about wave dashing and pretend like wave dashing is 5 billion different glitches or something, which is hilarious because wave dashing isn't a glitch, it's literally the natural result of the physics engine and directional air dodging. The lag was low as well so you could use it in succession.

Literally every other Melee tech like L-Cancels and run canceling, and even crouch canceling (crouch canceling was ALSO in Brawl and Smash 64 IIRC) was advertised and recommended by Sakurai himself multiple times.

Also, why does it even matter if something's "unintentional" if it's fun and adds to the game? The result and mechanic is exactly the same, regardless if it's intentional or not, so why is it a big deal?

Reminder that combos and juggling in fighting games were unintentional and a "bug", yet it was revolutionary for the genre.
(edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
ShadeStrider1 3 hours ago#43
Fun, but the community is toxic.
Official Sephiroth of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Board.
brokenradio0 3 hours ago#44
A great game that I can't play for shit anymore.
DargenBallZz 3 hours ago#45
Punkachu98 posted...
10/10 Amazing when it first released.

6/10 To go back and play now that there are newer better games.

0/10 Esport players that should adapt to the series.

Official Shampoo Aruket of the MVC3 boards
SugarFlakes 3 hours ago#46
I tried playing it this year and couldn't get back into it.
Favorite RPGs: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn, Persona 5, Valkyrie Profile 2, Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix, Star Ocean 3 & 4
IHateDedede 3 hours ago#47
I still love Melee because you can kill 5000 Ness clones and get hilarious Ness screen KOs.

My name's Mr. Game & Watch, Melee Player, and I hate Ness.
Ganondorf is my MAN
#1 Ganondorf player in all the universes
(edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
Nergigante 3 hours ago#48
Full of unneeded "advanced techniques" that were "absolutely left in intentionally unfixed" and a community that refuses to move on, even claiming that their game is the PINNACLE of competitive gaming. Talk about self centered.

Game itself is fine but worse than Ultimate. It's also boring to watch. After 12 years, I'm so glad to finally move on permanently. Fuck that game, fuck old TVs, and fuck that community. ALSO FUCK JIGGS!
Bite me!
DanaDee 3 hours ago#49
Melee is broken as all heccc

Ultimate is basically melee but without all of the unbalanced bugs and glitches

though i will admit that the stadium was good in melee
Bananadanadanadanadanadanabanadanabanadeenabanadoona dana dee for smash Dee-LC
oh and Steve also
Played it recently on my modded Wii U and it’s pretty difficult to get into. 

Adventure mode on normal with Link kicked my ass. However when I played more, I started to get better.
A big fan of Seikon No Qwaser. Would love if the series can return someday. 
Also currently playing: Nothing at the moment.
(edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
  1. Boards
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  3. So what is your honest opinion of Melee now in 2018
    1. Boards
    2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
    3. So what is your honest opinion of Melee now in 2018
    Sega9599 3 hours ago#51
    Gimped Kirby. Less balanced than Sm4sh.
    Needed: New Pokemon Puzzle League, Shining Force and Left 4 Dead....
    wolfxslash 3 hours ago#52
    It was actually pretty good at the Time of release 

    My All time favorite moment during that era was me having a match against my Math teacher in class during school hours around our lunch break

    But now it's just another game I occasionally played even if I considered it Overrated because of it's stiff gameplay and when look at the single player with a currently mature mind Adventure mode sucked ass

    I did like the Events more specifically no. 37

    Other than that I haven't played Melee in awhile this year probably gonna do it next month for a marathon of matches, Don't know yet
    XxBHunterxX 3 hours ago#53
    DanaDee posted...
    Melee is broken as all heccc

    Ultimate is basically melee but without all of the unbalanced bugs and glitches

    though i will admit that the stadium was good in melee

    What are the glitches? Playing casually I’ve never really found any
    SilentDarkway 2 hours ago#54
    XxBHunterxX posted...
    DanaDee posted...
    Melee is broken as all heccc

    Ultimate is basically melee but without all of the unbalanced bugs and glitches

    though i will admit that the stadium was good in melee

    What are the glitches? Playing casually I’ve never really found any

    Every Smash game has glitches...and people are hyperbole about "Melee's glitchiness", especially since Brawl is way more glitchy.

    People act like wave dashing is 5 billion different glitches, and don't realize 80% of Melee's techs outside of that has appeared at least once in another Smash game (I.E. 64 and Ultimate.), and was advertised and recommended by Sakurai on his official blog.

    I think it's weird that people act like wave dashing is a "five hundred cancerous terrible glitches", but other things like pivots, perfect pivots, fox trots, wall techs, and other techs don't count as "cancerous terrible glitches", it's just poorly rationalized salt.

    People also don't realize that it doesn't even matter if things are unintended if adds to the depth and options and fun of the game, it doesn't matter if it's intentional or not, if the effect is exactly the same. Run canceling was actually a Melee tech, yet people act like it's "a new super cool addition" to Ultimate, shouldn't it be considered a "cancerous glitch", since it's a tech and it's from Melee?

    Hell combos and juggling in fighting games were a big accident, yet it revolutionized the genre.

    It's kind of funny because what do they define as glitches?

    I've heard many people treat wave dashing as a glitch...but how though? It's literally a natural result of the physics engine and how directional air dodging can use it in succession because the lag was low.

    They also claim wave dashing is an "exploit" and "pro players abuse it to be dickheads" fucking what? It's a pretty easy input and it doesn't fucking turn you into superman or something...there are many players that are predictable and scrubby as fuck, yet they can wave dash...and also if it's so "broken", then why don't these scrubs use it back? It's a pretty damned easy input.

    ...the REAL challenge in wave dashing is the nuances of it, and when to use it intelligently...but how is that an exploit or abusive? That's like saying teching or spot-dodging is abusive and an exploit because players use it well.

    Do people not know what abusive or what an exploit means? How can something be an exploit when it literally requires knowledge, creativity, and experience to integrate it optimally in your gameplay? Not to mention, there's actually a lot of possibilities and layers it adds to the gameplay, calling it an exploit or glitch makes no sense. By that logic, L-Cancelling, and the Ultimate's return of run cancelling should be an "exploit" and "abusive", right?
    (edited 2 hours ago)reportquote
    Melee stopped being good when Brawl came out. But it was great before then.
    I'm here! I'm furry! I'll try not to shed! =^_^=
    i7 5820K|Rampage V Extreme|32GB DDR4 Ripjaws 4|EVGA 2080 Ti XC Ultra|HAF 932|Sony 55inch 4K HDR
    (edited 2 hours ago)reportquote
    My opinion is the same - move on from your shitty gamecube and actually play the new games like everyone else
    sHiNy sWoRd mY dIaMoNd
    uberking422 1 hour ago#57
    After playing Brawl for a while I tried playing a bit of Melee when some friends were playing it. I immediately remembered that I hated playing as at least half the roster in that game. Most of the characters just feel way too heavy or clunky to be fun.

    It's still a significant game for the series for how much it added after the first game, but I can't see myself going back to it for more than a moment.
    GhoullyX 1 hour ago#58
    This topic is just a magnet for SilentDarkway to come shill Melee and attack anyone in a passive aggressive way when they think it's not the best game ever.
    "Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration, and 2% attention to detail."
    FC: 3823-9481-7474 Do what you must, I have already won.
    Lailah66 1 hour ago#59
    Melee will probably live on. And ultimate will probably be replaced with whatever is the newest iteration of Smash.

    Ultimate is fun but hampered by lag and fewer combos. But it's still early. If they find some tech that raises the skill ceiling then it might have a legacy.
    GhoullyX posted...
    This topic is just a magnet for SilentDarkway to come shill Melee and attack anyone in a passive aggressive way when they think it's not the best game ever.

    That's ironic considering everyone including you are attacking everyone who likes or prefers Melee in a passive aggressive way...

    not even shilling Melee, breaking down stupid misconceptions that just enforce more evil and community splitting.
    It's hilarious that people love to brag how "Melee-like" Ultimate is, yet simultaneously claim Melee is "objectively shit and inferior" and "get out the past, Melee players"...and it gets even more ironic, when Ultimate isn't even like Melee at all, yet Nu-Smash fans STILL brag about how Melee-like it is. They also tell Melee fans to "get out of the past", yet they beg for another Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Ocarina of Time, and play games that are actually older than Melee, and they just deem them "objectively superior" and some of their favorite games of all time. I seriously don't get some of these Smash 4 kids. They hate on us for being "elitist", but in reality they're actually being the ultimate hypocritical elitist. They're being the same exact thing they're hating on.
    (edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
    shroom_ninja_X 56 minutes ago#62
    SilentDarkway posted...
    It's hilarious that people love to brag how "Melee-like" Ultimate is, yet simultaneously claim Melee is "objectively shit and inferior" and "get out the past, Melee players"...and it gets even more ironic, when Ultimate isn't even like Melee at all, yet Nu-Smash fans STILL brag about how Melee-like it is. They also tell Melee fans to "get out of the past", yet they beg for another Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Ocarina of Time, and play games that are actually older than Melee, and they just deem them "objectively superior" and some of their favorite games of all time. I seriously don't get some of these Smash 4 kids. They hate on us for being "elitist", but in reality they're actually being the ultimate hypocritical elitist. They're being the same exact thing they're hating on.

    Why put in the time to learn matchups, tech, etc when it's so much easier to complain about elitists and "glitches" on gamefaqs? I like Smash 4 and Ultimate, but the bickering between their fans and Melee players has gotten way out of control. When one gazes into the abyss long enough, the abyss begins to gaze back.
    Word to your mother.
    (edited 55 minutes ago)reportquote
    SilentDarkway 55 minutes ago#63
    shroom_ninja_X posted...
    SilentDarkway posted...
    It's hilarious that people love to brag how "Melee-like" Ultimate is, yet simultaneously claim Melee is "objectively shit and inferior" and "get out the past, Melee players"...and it gets even more ironic, when Ultimate isn't even like Melee at all, yet Nu-Smash fans STILL brag about how Melee-like it is. They also tell Melee fans to "get out of the past", yet they beg for another Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Ocarina of Time, and play games that are actually older than Melee, and they just deem them "objectively superior" and some of their favorite games of all time. I seriously don't get some of these Smash 4 kids. They hate on us for being "elitist", but in reality they're actually being the ultimate hypocritical elitist. They're being the same exact thing they're hating on.

    Why put in the time to learn matchups, tech, etc when it's so much easier to complain about elitists and "glitches" on gamefaqs? I like Smash 4 and Ultimate, but the bickering between their fans and Melee players has gotten way out of control. When one gazes into the abyss long enough, the abyss begins to gaze back.

    Honestly if Melee's so "old news" than what's the point of complaining about it? Doesn't that make it relevant enough for you (collective you, of course.) to complain about it and technically make it not "stuck in the past"? It's literally a paradox and counter-productive to their illogical point they're trying to make.
    (edited 54 minutes ago)reportquote
    shroom_ninja_X 52 minutes ago#64
    SilentDarkway posted...
    shroom_ninja_X posted...
    SilentDarkway posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Why put in the time to learn matchups, tech, etc when it's so much easier to complain about elitists and "glitches" on gamefaqs? I like Smash 4 and Ultimate, but the bickering between their fans and Melee players has gotten way out of control. When one gazes into the abyss long enough, the abyss begins to gaze back.

    Honestly if Melee's so "old news" than what's the point of complaining about it? Doesn't that make it relevant enough for you (collective you, of course.) to complain about it and technically make it not "stuck in the past"? It's literally a paradox and counter-productive to their illogical point they're trying to make.

    Some arguments aren't worth trying to make sense of logically. (Keyword: SOME.) When a person hard-wires themselves a certain way emotionally, no amount of logic is going to sway them. It's not always what a person says or does... it's the way you make them feel. Once you start to realize stuff like that, it's much easier to separarate the valid, understandable points from the kneejerk reactions and bait posts that aren't even worth responding to half of the time.
    Word to your mother.
    (edited 51 minutes ago)reportquote
    The_Undying_84 48 minutes ago#65
    It's still the best because Brawl, 4, and Ultimate all refuse to follow basic fucking logic and have the concept of momentum exist.
    toadfan64 47 minutes ago#66
    It's my favorite game to watch competitively, but far from my favorite to play.
    Brawl FC - 5412-9555-6314
    Also known as Toadfan64
    toadfan64 44 minutes ago#67
    DoomDesired2 posted...
    My opinion is the same - move on from your shitty gamecube and actually play the new games like everyone else

    That's why most of the most popular games to speedrun are almost all older games?
    Brawl FC - 5412-9555-6314
    Also known as Toadfan64
    Whyked 43 minutes ago#68
    The_Undying_84 posted...
    It's still the best because Brawl, 4, and Ultimate all refuse to follow basic fucking logic and have the concept of momentum exist.

    Found another stinkyposter.
    If I need to restore my Darkness Power... I'll need the powerful of a Smash Ball! Then... the world will be mine!
    Photachyon2 18 minutes ago#69
    Nah, Undying actually has a point (what a shock!) in this instance. Smash is in part a platformer, and momentum from ground speed carrying into jumps is commonplace among platformers. The game the series is based on, Kirby Super Star, does this. 

    It's not "teh worstest evar" not to have but I would like for this to return.
    PKM GO FC: 0313 - 5115 - 0094
    wolfxslash 17 minutes ago#70
    SilentDarkway posted...
    It's hilarious that people love to brag how "Melee-like" Ultimate is, yet simultaneously claim Melee is "objectively shit and inferior" and "get out the past, Melee players"...and it gets even more ironic, when Ultimate isn't even like Melee at all, yet Nu-Smash fans STILL brag about how Melee-like it is. They also tell Melee fans to "get out of the past", yet they beg for another Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Ocarina of Time, and play games that are actually older than Melee, and they just deem them "objectively superior" and some of their favorite games of all time. I seriously don't get some of these Smash 4 kids. They hate on us for being "elitist", but in reality they're actually being the ultimate hypocritical elitist. They're being the same exact thing they're hating on.

    Once again your exaggerating over an minority opinion 🤦🤦🤦🤦
    YoungThugger 17 minutes ago#71
    I love Melee. It’s still my favorite Smash and will always hold a special place to me.

    But it’s hard to go back to it after playing Ultimate and all it has to offer. I look at Melee as one of the greatest gaming times of my life, but it’s in the past and I’ve moved on.

    I ain’t gotta shit on it, nor will I sit here and say that I’d rather play it than Ultimate.
    I Commentate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate CPU Matches:
    SilentDarkway 16 minutes ago#72
    YoungThugger posted...
    I love Melee. It’s still my favorite Smash and will always hold a special place to me.

    But it’s hard to go back to it after playing Ultimate and all it has to offer. I look at Melee as one of the greatest gaming times of my life, but it’s in the past and I’ve moved on.

    I ain’t gotta shit on it, nor will I sit here and say that I’d rather play it than Ultimate.

    That's pretty fair.
    SilentDarkway 15 minutes ago#73
    wolfxslash posted...
    SilentDarkway posted...
    It's hilarious that people love to brag how "Melee-like" Ultimate is, yet simultaneously claim Melee is "objectively shit and inferior" and "get out the past, Melee players"...and it gets even more ironic, when Ultimate isn't even like Melee at all, yet Nu-Smash fans STILL brag about how Melee-like it is. They also tell Melee fans to "get out of the past", yet they beg for another Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Ocarina of Time, and play games that are actually older than Melee, and they just deem them "objectively superior" and some of their favorite games of all time. I seriously don't get some of these Smash 4 kids. They hate on us for being "elitist", but in reality they're actually being the ultimate hypocritical elitist. They're being the same exact thing they're hating on.

    Once again your exaggerating over an minority opinion 🤦🤦🤦🤦

    It's everywhere, Facebook, Reddit, GameFaqs...etc...

    it might not be the majority, but it's big enough to be significant.
    IamNori 14 minutes ago#74
    Melee is fun and still worth the time to play. The only reason I don't play Melee a lot is 'cause of Project M, which is basically Melee evolved.

    Unofficial mods aside, there are still plenty of reasons to get back into Melee, the gameplay being the most obvious reason. It's the most unique in the series.
    FFBE Global - ID: 439759934; Official Nyx of the Brave Exvius board
    Official Pit of the SmUsh board
    (edited 13 minutes ago)reportquote
    Miderb 12 minutes ago#75
    *you are now tracking this topic*
    Classic Sonic for Smash
    Official Keyboard Math Penguin/Sonic Mainer of the Smash Bros. Ultimate Board
    wolfxslash 8 minutes ago#76
    SilentDarkway posted...
    wolfxslash posted...
    SilentDarkway posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Once again your exaggerating over an minority opinion 🤦🤦🤦🤦

    It's everywhere, Facebook, Reddit, GameFaqs...etc...

    it might not be the majority, but it's big enough to be significant.

    I like see this"example" your sprouting 😑😑😑
    1. Boards
    2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 
    3. So what is your honest opinion of Melee now in 2018

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