Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Rumor: Microsoft to Release 2 Next Gen Xbox Consoles in Holiday 2020

  1. Boards
  2. Xbox One
  3. Rumor: Microsoft to Release 2 Next Gen Xbox Consoles in Holiday 2020
get ready boys!

article: http://www.vgchartz.com/article/394032/rumor-microsoft-to-release-2-next-gen-xbox-consoles-in-holiday-2020/

Microsoft is planning to release two next generation Xbox consoles in holiday 2020, according to sources who spoke with Windows Central.

The first next generation console is codenamed Lockhart and will be more affordable. It will have specs similar to the Xbox One X and have refinements. The idea is similar to the Xbox One S when compared to the Xbox One. 

The second next generation console is codenamed Anaconda and will be more powerful and more expensive. It will provide a "cutting-edge console gaming experience." Microsoft is looking to reduce loading times, with the potential of including SSD storage. 

These next generation consoles will be compatible with everything that is currently playable on the Xbox One. This includes the original Xbox and Xbox 360 games that are backwards compatible.

This should be treated as a rumor until confirmed by Microsoft.
Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.
"Life is though, but its thougher when your stupid" - John Wayne
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
TXGUY147 1 day ago#3
SSD would be incredible. Hope that happens.
ThanosSupreme 1 day ago#4
KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

get it!
Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
Looks like Microsoft will be pulling out their big Anaconda for 2020.

I bet both consoles will be announced at E3 2019
Nothing comes out as you plan it out to be.
TXGUY147 posted...
SSD would be incredible. Hope that happens.

Only if they can include a reasonably large one. Anything less than 2TB is unacceptable, given the sizes of modern games. Even 2TB is small...
Our Hammer of JUSTICE Crushes You, Ovrr Powwr.
http://www.glsen.org/ Viva Bien!
ThanosSupreme posted...
KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

get it!

Maybe the official name will be the Xbox Mandingo.
"Life is though, but its thougher when your stupid" - John Wayne
sillyrascal 1 day ago#8
One XSlim for 4queens
ONE XLarge for 8Kings
The PSY of gamefaqs
Care to ...dance?
sylverlolol 1 day ago#9
Very excited for the 'Anaconda'. Went primarily PC with PS4/X1 for exclusives this gen...but I've decided its time to finally jump on the 4k bandwagon next gen. Also tired of the rat race with PC upgrades just to stay ahead of poor port optimization.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
VENOMOUS75 1 day ago#10
Anaconda :putting the squeeze on the competition and wallets.
bob15x 1 day ago#11
smart idea to have two different specced console that way people cant complain about price.

You either go all in, or go budget
TXGUY147 1 day ago#12
GamecubeIchiban posted...
TXGUY147 posted...
SSD would be incredible. Hope that happens.

Only if they can include a reasonably large one. Anything less than 2TB is unacceptable, given the sizes of modern games. Even 2TB is small...

True, Games are getting bigger and bigger the more advanced they get from all aspects.
ThanosSupreme 1 day ago#13
bob15x posted...
smart idea to have two different specced console that way people cant complain about price.

You either go all in, or go budget

this ^ it's very smart to do so at launch so people can chose the model budget they want

TXGUY147 posted...
GamecubeIchiban posted...
TXGUY147 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Only if they can include a reasonably large one. Anything less than 2TB is unacceptable, given the sizes of modern games. Even 2TB is small...

True, Games are getting bigger and bigger the more advanced they get from all aspects.

it's insane how YUGE the memory has expanded for games this gen compared to last
Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
I already have an anaconda lmao
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Anaconda and Lockhart? Stupid names.
bob15x 1 day ago#16
ThePedigree posted...
Anaconda and Lockhart? Stupid names.

those are just code names.
ThanosSupreme 1 day ago#17
bob15x posted...
ThePedigree posted...
Anaconda and Lockhart? Stupid names.

those are just code names.

he thought they were real names LUL
Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
div85 1 day ago#18
Anaconda needs to be a big leap over the One X or I'll be hugely disappointed
ZatchBell 1 day ago#19
Looks like Microsoft will be pulling out their big Anaconda for 2020.

I bet both consoles will be announced at E3 2019, 

Holiday 2020 makes sense for release. Showing the system at E3 2019 a year and a half before release would be a bad business decision as it would hurt xbox one sales. Xbox original was shown in 2001 and released in 2001. Xbox 360 was shown in 2005 and released in 2005. Xbox one was officially shown in 2013 and released that same year.
Sega Fan for Life
ZatchBell 1 day ago#20
Why would anyone buy the Lockhart model if it is similar to an xbox one x......I already have an xbox one x, no reason to upgrade to a system with minimal changes.
Sega Fan for Life
GamecubeIchiban posted...
TXGUY147 posted...
SSD would be incredible. Hope that happens.

Only if they can include a reasonably large one. Anything less than 2TB is unacceptable, given the sizes of modern games. Even 2TB is small...

Ummm, no. If you don’t have an external by now, that’s your problem. I’ll gladly even take a 256gb SSD internal just to speed the system up. I’ve got my own SSD external already, I don’t even want MS to get crazy with it.
u avin a giggle there m8?
bob15x posted...
ThePedigree posted...
Anaconda and Lockhart? Stupid names.

those are just code names.

People said the same for the Scorpio, it’s just a code name. Yet people still call it Scorpio today. What the heck was Microsoft thinking?
ZatchBell posted...
Why would anyone buy the Lockhart model if it is similar to an xbox one x......I already have an xbox one x, no reason to upgrade to a system with minimal changes.

Is this really a hard concept? If you have an S you get the Lockhart. If you have an X you get the Anaconda. That’s literally the whole point.
u avin a giggle there m8?
nems1015 1 day ago#24
Anyone going to get the next xbox at launch knowing that if you wait a bit they will release more "optimal" versions?
Currently playing : COD: Blops4 (X1), NBA2K18 (X1), Diablo 3 (X1), Farcry 5 (X1), Skyrim (X1)
ZatchBell 1 day ago#25
No it makes Lockhart a waste of time to upgrade to at all. The x has been out since November 2017 and microsoft wants to release a next gen version at a discount that is similar to it in November 2020? Very skeptical of the graphical upgrade the next xbox will offer over xbox one x. People need a reason to upgrade.

I get the idea to release a cheaper version that is less powerful but if it about the same as the xbox one x that weaker version is not an upgrade then.
Sega Fan for Life
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Makes sense. With Sony revealing the PS5 is coming in 2021 months ago it makes sense for MS to release the next xbox a year earlier
MRL3G3ND 1 day ago#27
I'm going to reserve my excitement until the reveal...this gen was crap all the way through...I cannot bring myself to get excited when this gen was so disappointing.

MS not only needs a new console but new games...and if the graphics aren't mind blowing I'm skipping it anyway

we waited 3 years before seeing anything that couldn't be done on the 360...
agentspoon 1 day ago#28
MRL3G3ND posted...
we waited 3 years before seeing anything that couldn't be done on the 360...

Assassins Creed - Unity
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
majorstefan posted...
Makes sense. With Sony revealing the PS5 is coming in 2021 months ago it makes sense for MS to release the next xbox a year earlier

They did not say 2021.
celestial_nero ~ Pro, Switch, Vita, One X ~ Serenity Locust
~ Monster Hunter World - Hunting with new players and vets ~
Teremei 1 day ago#30
If sony doesn't do BC with PS4 and PS2 then I will be switching to Xbox next gen.
Currently playing Let's go Pikachu and Octopath Traveller
ZatchBell posted...
No it makes Lockhart a waste of time to upgrade to at all. The x has been out since November 2017 and microsoft wants to release a next gen version at a discount that is similar to it in November 2020? Very skeptical of the graphical upgrade the next xbox will offer over xbox one x.

Same as this gen. 3 years of 1080p 360 games....but Microsoft launched the X 3 years earlier so we'll be getting 8k versions of X games...

I get the idea to release a cheaper version that is less powerful but if it about the same as the xbox one x that weaker version is not an upgrade then.

The X is - and always - was microsofts next console. They just released it early and really expensive and really powerful.

Its a significant upgrade to the majority of Xbox One and PS4 owners....and it'll be $299.
The PSY of gamefaqs
Care to ...dance?
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
ab2c4 1 day ago#32
I don't understand why they don't just keep the X as the entry level model.
ab2c4 posted...
I don't understand why they don't just keep the X as the entry level model.

The article says they are with "refinements"
The PSY of gamefaqs
Care to ...dance?
MetalZoic 1 day ago#34
Serenity_Lotus posted...
majorstefan posted...
Makes sense. With Sony revealing the PS5 is coming in 2021 months ago it makes sense for MS to release the next xbox a year earlier

They did not say 2021.

Most articles and industry guesses are pointing to the PS5 to release holiday of next year, 2019.

If that's true can MS afford to be a year behind? The jump Sony would get on them as far as user base would be massive.
ZatchBell posted...
No it makes Lockhart a waste of time to upgrade to at all. The x has been out since November 2017 and microsoft wants to release a next gen version at a discount that is similar to it in November 2020? Very skeptical of the graphical upgrade the next xbox will offer over xbox one x. People need a reason to upgrade.

I get the idea to release a cheaper version that is less powerful but if it about the same as the xbox one x that weaker version is not an upgrade then.

It’s literally not an upgrade to the X, it’s a upgrade to the S. It’s a budget console, not an upgrade to the premium. You’re not even trying to understand how this works.
u avin a giggle there m8?
ThanosSupreme 1 day ago#36
ZatchBell posted...
Why would anyone buy the Lockhart model if it is similar to an xbox one x......I already have an xbox one x, no reason to upgrade to a system with minimal changes.

same reason people still go out and buy the S model over the X
Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
Serenity_Lotus posted...
majorstefan posted...
Makes sense. With Sony revealing the PS5 is coming in 2021 months ago it makes sense for MS to release the next xbox a year earlier

They did not say 2021.

They did. Deliberately reinterpreting straight forward statements to what you want doesnt change what was originally said
ThanosSupreme 1 day ago#38
agentspoon posted...
MRL3G3ND posted...
we waited 3 years before seeing anything that couldn't be done on the 360...

Assassins Creed - Unity

Dead Rising 3
Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
ThanosSupreme posted...
agentspoon posted...
MRL3G3ND posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Assassins Creed - Unity

Dead Rising 3

Could have been done with downgrades. You could do Red Dead Redemption 2 with downgrades.
The PSY of gamefaqs
Care to ...dance?
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Teremei posted...
If sony doesn't do BC with PS4 and PS2 then I will be switching to Xbox next gen.

This is how I feel. If sony tries to pull this shit with charging us to play BC titles I may have to skip them next gen. It's so anti consumer.
Forza defined the Car Simulator Genre, it was always the highest selling franchise in the genre by a HUGE margin. - Izraeil
ThanosSupreme 1 day ago#41
sillyrascal posted...
ThanosSupreme posted...
agentspoon posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Dead Rising 3

Could have been done with downgrades. You could do Red Dead Redemption 2 with downgrades.

true but then we can say that games like gears 4 or god of war 2018 can be done on 360 and ps3 with downgrades...not worth it
Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
LanternOfAsh posted...
GamecubeIchiban posted...
TXGUY147 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Only if they can include a reasonably large one. Anything less than 2TB is unacceptable, given the sizes of modern games. Even 2TB is small...

Ummm, no. If you don’t have an external by now, that’s your problem. I’ll gladly even take a 256gb SSD internal just to speed the system up. I’ve got my own SSD external already, I don’t even want MS to get crazy with it.

I currently have 2 external, an 8TB and 4TB. Combined with the 1x's internal storage, I only have 3TB free. That's why I brought up the point the 1st place. A 256GB SSD would only be large enough for 2 typical AAA games.
Our Hammer of JUSTICE Crushes You, Ovrr Powwr.
http://www.glsen.org/ Viva Bien!
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
If they offer a more powerful console at launch, does that mean there won't be a mid-gen console?
Favorite NFL Team: The Los Angeles Rams
GamecubeIchiban posted...
LanternOfAsh posted...
GamecubeIchiban posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Ummm, no. If you don’t have an external by now, that’s your problem. I’ll gladly even take a 256gb SSD internal just to speed the system up. I’ve got my own SSD external already, I don’t even want MS to get crazy with it.

I currently have 2 external, an 8TB and 4TB. Combined with the 1x's internal storage, I only have 3TB free. That's why I brought up the point the 1st place. A 256GB SSD would only be large enough for 2 typical AAA games.

I don’t store any games on the internal, so I’m not seeing what the problem is. But obviously someone who thinks they need 9.5tb of games installed at all times has different desires. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
u avin a giggle there m8?
bob15x 1 day ago#45
ThePedigree posted...
bob15x posted...
ThePedigree posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

those are just code names.

People said the same for the Scorpio, it’s just a code name. Yet people still call it Scorpio today. What the heck was Microsoft thinking?

please stop being stupid
sillyrascal posted...
ab2c4 posted...
I don't understand why they don't just keep the X as the entry level model.

The article says they are with "refinements"

probably a better CPU more in line with what next gen will have, X still has the same one as OG Xbox One
I'm so glad The Cheat is not dead
thekingoftown posted...
sillyrascal posted...
ab2c4 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

The article says they are with "refinements"

probably a better CPU more in line with what next gen will have, X still has the same one as OG Xbox One

I think it will be more akin to the Xbox One S refinements. HDR. 4K BluRay. Blu-tooth and a slightly higher clock. Nothing major.
The PSY of gamefaqs
Care to ...dance?
KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

Well it don’t want none unless you got buns hun
"Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?"
ThanosSupreme 1 day ago#49
WickedSeraph posted...
KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

Well it don’t want none unless you got buns hun

Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
Teremei 1 day ago#50
WickedSeraph posted...
KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

Well it don’t want none unless you got buns hun

You like back?
Currently playing Let's go Pikachu and Octopath Traveller
  1. Boards
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  3. Rumor: Microsoft to Release 2 Next Gen Xbox Consoles in Holiday 2020
    1. Boards
    2. Xbox One
    3. Rumor: Microsoft to Release 2 Next Gen Xbox Consoles in Holiday 2020
    LanternOfAsh posted...
    GamecubeIchiban posted...
    LanternOfAsh posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    I currently have 2 external, an 8TB and 4TB. Combined with the 1x's internal storage, I only have 3TB free. That's why I brought up the point the 1st place. A 256GB SSD would only be large enough for 2 typical AAA games.

    I don’t store any games on the internal, so I’m not seeing what the problem is. But obviously someone who thinks they need 9.5tb of games installed at all times has different desires. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

    If I pay for it, I want it immediately accessible.
    Having said that, are there a lot of games where the load times are obscene or an issue? The only thing that I can recall recently is Soul Calibur VI, which apparently got patched...
    Our Hammer of JUSTICE Crushes You, Ovrr Powwr.
    http://www.glsen.org/ Viva Bien!
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    MRL3G3ND 1 day ago#52
    ThanosSupreme posted...
    sillyrascal posted...
    ThanosSupreme posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    Could have been done with downgrades. You could do Red Dead Redemption 2 with downgrades.

    true but then we can say that games like gears 4 or god of war 2018 can be done on 360 and ps3 with downgrades...not worth it

    this gen has basically been last gen high res pc versions of last gens games

    they were still developing games with direct x 9 at the beginning of this gen....and shortly after the XB1 was released...they released DX12
    GamecubeIchiban posted...
    LanternOfAsh posted...
    GamecubeIchiban posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    I don’t store any games on the internal, so I’m not seeing what the problem is. But obviously someone who thinks they need 9.5tb of games installed at all times has different desires. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

    If I pay for it, I want it immediately accessible.
    Having said that, are there a lot of games where the load times are obscene or an issue? The only thing that I can recall recently is Soul Calibur VI, which apparently got patched...

    Nope, USB3 is actually faster than the internal cable. And it’s very likely the external drive is faster also.
    And least it was, don’t know about the X. But yeah, no problems.
    u avin a giggle there m8?
    I learn not to buy consoles at launch anymore, cause Microsoft will just release a new more powerful like 2 years down the line. And the budget one being as powerful as the X lol, by 2020, those specs will be weak. So it would still only be worth getting the more powerful one at launch.
    Gamertag: Chaos Matazaki
    Psn: Chaos-Matazaki
    nems1015 1 day ago#55
    GamecubeIchiban posted...
    LanternOfAsh posted...
    GamecubeIchiban posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    I don’t store any games on the internal, so I’m not seeing what the problem is. But obviously someone who thinks they need 9.5tb of games installed at all times has different desires. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

    If I pay for it, I want it immediately accessible.
    Having said that, are there a lot of games where the load times are obscene or an issue? The only thing that I can recall recently is Soul Calibur VI, which apparently got patched...

    Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite has terrible load times
    Currently playing : COD: Blops4 (X1), NBA2K18 (X1), Diablo 3 (X1), Farcry 5 (X1), Skyrim (X1)
    Looks like I am not doing the same mistake twice.
    The Xbox One X is a mean machine but it lacks the games.
    <cite>Metallix87 posted...</cite>
    "Nintendo is an animal"
    H_H_J_J 1 day ago#57
    KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
    Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

    ... that's what she said...?
    0ofreako0 23 hours ago#58
    if the more powerful one has games that only play on it...i have no idea why they'd do this. here's hoping all games play on both consoles (if this is even true. it seems...not true to me, but who knows). 

    i just don't care about a game having a bunch of P or K or whatever. if i can play all the games on the cheaper one, that's the way i'll go.
    LanternOfAsh 23 hours ago#59
    0ofreako0 posted...
    if the more powerful one has games that only play on it...i have no idea why they'd do this. here's hoping all games play on both consoles (if this is even true. it seems...not true to me, but who knows). 

    i just don't care about a game having a bunch of P or K or whatever. if i can play all the games on the cheaper one, that's the way i'll go.

    Wew. Some slow posters around here.
    u avin a giggle there m8?
    devnull520 22 hours ago#60
    ZatchBell posted...
    Why would anyone buy the Lockhart model if it is similar to an xbox one x......I already have an xbox one x, no reason to upgrade to a system with minimal changes.

    What about for people who owns none of them? There are new people joining our hobby all the time, they need to buy their first console, would you rather buy a 3 years old console or a brand new one?
    Snowtrpr 22 hours ago#61
    So basically if you have an Xbox One X you can skip next gen
    autobotdan 22 hours ago#62
    But... But... But can it run crysis?
    "A Lone Warrior must restore honor to his clan...
    He seeks Justice for the Fallen...Vengeance is comming June 2008"
    Releasing a slight upgrade to the X alongside the next gen Xbox is a stupid move and is just going to confuse people even more. I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of disappointed kids that think they are getting the next gen Xbox, but their parents end up buying the other one instead that Christmas.

    Just release one console and call it the Xbox.
    I like to dissect girls. Did you know I'm utterly insane?
    autobotdan 22 hours ago#64
    The most powerful console in the universe
    "A Lone Warrior must restore honor to his clan...
    He seeks Justice for the Fallen...Vengeance is comming June 2008"
    devnull520 22 hours ago#65
    Snowtrpr posted...
    So basically if you have an Xbox One X you can skip next gen

    All X games will run on the new console, but that does not means that all the new games for the new console will run on the X.
    shinmiroku 21 hours ago#66
    That BC thing better be true, there's no reason Sony shouldn't have it going forward, I understand the PS3 reason.
    pyromania86 20 hours ago#67
    I'm down for the Anaconda with a new 4k OLED in 2020. Also, I am very glad to hear that the entire library including 360 games will be BC. That's huge considering half the stuff Sony releases are remasters from ps3..
    i7 6700k @ 4.6GHz | CRYORIG H7 | XFX GTR RX-480 8GB | 16GB DDR4 @ 3200 | MSI Z270 | SSD x2 | SSHD 2TB | G910/G502
    geertmatthys 16 hours ago#68
    Good luck to all initial buyers, first batch always technical mess lol. I'll wait a full 2 years
    SubwooferKing 16 hours ago#69
    So Scarlett wasn’t a thing?
    (Not so) patiently waiting for EDF5 to come to Xbox.
    sillyrascal 11 hours ago#70
    Snowtrpr posted...
    So basically if you have an Xbox One X you can skip next gen

    More like if you have an Xbox One X you're already next gen.
    The PSY of gamefaqs
    Care to ...dance?
    (edited 11 hours ago)reportquote
    SupaflyGibson 10 hours ago#71
    ThePedigree posted...
    bob15x posted...
    ThePedigree posted...
     show hidden quote(s)

    those are just code names.

    People said the same for the Scorpio, it’s just a code name. Yet people still call it Scorpio today. What the heck was Microsoft thinking?

    Who the hell still calls it Scorpio?
    i5 7600K 3.8 GHz | EVGA GTX 1080 | 16G DDR4 | ASRock Z270 TAICHI
    gt: For Spartaa
    madrileno23 10 hours ago#72
    GamecubeIchiban posted...
    TXGUY147 posted...
    SSD would be incredible. Hope that happens.

    Only if they can include a reasonably large one. Anything less than 2TB is unacceptable, given the sizes of modern games. Even 2TB is small...

    256GB SSD and 2TB regular drive.
    OS is on SSD as well and space for a couple games, but the 2TB drive is for most games storage.
    PSN - madrileno23 XBL - thatchefdude
    Playing - AC Origins XB1X, Shadow of War XB1X, Gears of War Ultimate Edition
    Zweihanda 10 hours ago#73
    Honestly I'm more interested in the software.
    PSN: Zweihanda 
    Xbox GT: FatSatan Switch FC SW-6301-8298-6902
    Every1hasAids 9 hours ago#74
    KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
    Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

    Doesn’t want to build a PC because it’s too expensive. But prefers to buy the most expensive still underpowered console. Lol. Oh Kay, pal.
    Favorite fighting game: Tekken
    Least favorite fighting game: Smash Bros.
    MetalZoic 9 hours ago#75
    sillyrascal posted...
    Snowtrpr posted...
    So basically if you have an Xbox One X you can skip next gen

    More like if you have an Xbox One X you're already next gen.

    I'd doubt this. 
    If the current rumors of Sonys PS5 hitting holiday 2019 are true, and it is supposedly much more powerful than the X then I don't see MS releasing a much less powerful system a full year later. 

    If the next Xbox truly is a year after PS5 I'd guess that the budget model would be a substantial jump over the X with the premium model being a noticeable jump over the PS5.
    ThanosSupreme 8 hours ago#76
    autobotdan posted...
    The most powerful console in the universe


    Every1hasAids posted...
    KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
    Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

    Doesn’t want to build a PC because it’s too expensive. But prefers to buy the most expensive still underpowered console. Lol. Oh Kay, pal.

    the underpowered console is the PS4 Pro he's not talking about that one lul

    Zweihanda posted...
    Honestly I'm more interested in the software.

    plenty of great software will be available at launch. at least half of the new first party studios will have launch titles for it. 

    the OG xbox one had one of the best launch line ups in recent memory
    Playground Games Forza Horizon 4
    Gaming Has Reached A New Level Only On Xbox One X/Windows 10
    Every1hasAids posted...
    KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
    Looks like I'm getting an Anaconda for Christmas 2020.

    Doesn’t want to build a PC because it’s too expensive. But prefers to buy the most expensive still underpowered console. Lol. Oh Kay, pal.

    He'll get it as a gift for Arbor Day or National Polka Dot Day or whatever holiday he comes with for getting gifts anyway.
    "Good news, soldier. Your leg only got a scratch. Bad news is your leg is over there." Col. Archibald Barisol, 1968
    1. Boards
    2. Xbox One 
    3. Rumor: Microsoft to Release 2 Next Gen Xbox Consoles in Holiday 2020

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