Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Should Stream sniping be a banable offense????

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  3. Should Stream sniping be a banable offense???? liek omg title needs to be longer
Should it? - Results (52 votes)
Yah mun, sitting on your ass playing video games for a living is serious business!
Yah mun, in fact ban soundwhoring as well
Yah mun, in fact it does not matter if you are stream sniping, if you kill me you are obvs cheating because I am no 1 su
Nah mun, if you are dumb enough to stream intel to your opponents you deserve to get it used against you

Your opinions on this? Personally I don't really understand why these publishers consider these twitch streamers so important that they feel the need to step in and ban players who manage to kill them in their games?
"Behold, I shall corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces" Malachi 2:3, The Bible
no and yes... wait what

i think no considering streamers have ability to toss down a delay on said stream

the idea that you can stream snipe and its banable is overly lame. due to it could of been prevented by streamer and fact streamers use it on pretty much every platform as a excuse for their failures

example: take something like ninja and his fortnite streams he openly acused someone of stream sniping due to them killing him. then he went out to say wait for the dance as proof... in a game were its pretty much a big meme to spam the dance emotes...(such evidence...oh my)
apparently unpopular opinion if reported as trolling is trolling on gamefaqs
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
What in the fuck are you talking about?
dr_zomberg 1 day ago#4
no. if youre stupid enough to stream a game where youre sniping, you deserve to be killed in the game, and its nobodys fault but yours.
VG collector, professional 3d erotica creator, phd in zombie folklore, a girl.
i DEMAND nazi white men dlc for battlefield 5
Beasthunt 1 day ago#5
Acts 2:38.
Crysiania 1 day ago#6
No, its your own fault for broadcasting your position.
mcnichoj 1 day ago#7
It takes more than just knowing where someone is to outplay them.
PSN/XBL/Steam: mcnichoj | Switch FC: Ask
"Wanting people to have full knowledge of the facts about a console makes you a fanboy."
agentspoon 1 day ago#8
If you are stupid enough to get outplayed by a casual when you are supposed to be good at the game then its your own fault.

If you are stupid enough to make it obvious what you are doing then its your own fault.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
When I see people bitching about stream snipping to me it's their way of writing off that they are getting out played.
"the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?" - Jim Ryan, Sony Interactive Entertainment
So let me see if get this right. You're asking me if I should be banned for killing another player in a competitive PvP game like Call of Duty or Battlefield? What's next? I can play Mortal Kombat against a streamer, but I'll be banned if I win? I can start my own stream, then dominate quite literally everyone in Smash Bros Ultimate with no skill at all, simply because they know they will get banned if I lose?
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown."
~ H.P. Lovecraft ~
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Do the emote.
10-9-8-7-triple 6-5-forked tongue. PSN/XBL - redditon4chan
agentspoon 1 day ago#12
wildstrike1516 posted...
When I see people bitching about stream snipping to me it's their way of writing off that they are getting out played.

Its like when criminals post videos on Facebook of themselves bragging waving money and guns around and then get their front door kicked down and the videos used against them.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
Bobsy84 1 day ago#13
For the people who don't know what stream sniping is, it doesn't mean just killing a streamer with a sniper weapon. Its when someone is watching their stream and using it to sneak up on the streamers location to get an easy kill.

The thing is it actually helps a lot of streamers like Doc and Shroud, no way in a normal game of PUBG or other battle royale would they even get to encounter 30 plus enemy players, the stream snipers basically help to feed their massive kill games that gets them more views.

I could see why it would be banded as it is kind of a cheap tactic, however chances are if the streamer is one of the more popular ones they are good enough that you are going to get wiped out by them either way, even if you know their location and think you can sneak up on them.

Its hard man, i mean some of these games really take off due to streamers so you can't blame the developer for wanting to keep them happy, but on the flip side i don't think every game needs adjusting/balancing to fit into the playstyle of such a small percentage of the games population.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Bobsy84 posted...
For the people who don't know what stream sniping is, it doesn't mean just killing a streamer with a sniper weapon. Its when someone is watching their stream and using it to sneak up on the streamers location to get an easy kill.

The thing is it actually helps a lot of streamers like Doc and Shroud, no way in a normal game of PUBG or other battle royale would they even get to encounter 30 plus enemy players, the stream snipers basically help to feed their massive kill games that gets them more views.

I could see why it would be banded as it is kind of a cheap tactic, however chances are if the streamer is one of the more popular ones they are good enough that you are going to get wiped out by them either way, even if you know their location and think you can sneak up on them.

Its hard man, i mean some of these games really take off due to streamers so you can't blame the developer for wanting to keep them happy, but on the flip side i don't think every game needs adjusting/balancing to fit into the playstyle of such a small percentage of the games population.

I've noticed this as well. Shroud will complain about stream snipers when he's having a hard time overcoming it but doesn't say a word about it when he walks out of the opening with 12 kills because he got an M4 and shot a bunch of people with pistols and a melee weapons. Also these same streams will use their audience for analysis or prompts when they occasionally miss something important like an AR suppressor.
"the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?" - Jim Ryan, Sony Interactive Entertainment
0ofreako0 1 day ago#15
fuck off with the bullshit 80/80

no one should ever take a thread that starts with 80/80 seriously

especially when it's absolute shit like the title was
Bobsy84 posted...
For the people who don't know what stream sniping is, it doesn't mean just killing a streamer with a sniper weapon. Its when someone is watching their stream and using it to sneak up on the streamers location to get an easy kill.

The thing is it actually helps a lot of streamers like Doc and Shroud, no way in a normal game of PUBG or other battle royale would they even get to encounter 30 plus enemy players, the stream snipers basically help to feed their massive kill games that gets them more views.

I could see why it would be banded as it is kind of a cheap tactic, however chances are if the streamer is one of the more popular ones they are good enough that you are going to get wiped out by them either way, even if you know their location and think you can sneak up on them.

Its hard man, i mean some of these games really take off due to streamers so you can't blame the developer for wanting to keep them happy, but on the flip side i don't think every game needs adjusting/balancing to fit into the playstyle of such a small percentage of the games population.
Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing it up. :-) And no, I still don't think you should be banned for it. No one is forcing you to stream. I think if you choose to show everyone where you are in a stream, you need to face the consequenses. I think a simple solution to this would be to have two seperate accounts. One is used for streaming, and doesn't really matter. You will have a tough time, as everyone knows where you are, so don't expect a good K/D ratio. But you could also have a private account you use when you are not streaming. This let you play on an even playing field with everyone else. You can of course use the same name as the other account, only with "_stream" or something in the streaming name. This way everyone knows it's you, but as you're not streaming, it doesn't matter. You can still record the match and all that, of course.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown."
~ H.P. Lovecraft ~
Bobsy84 1 day ago#17
The thing is for the risk of dying to a stream sniper they get the massive reward of more people trying to play with them and rushing their location this often leads to them getting crazy high kill counts you just would not see in normal gameplay even if you were extremely skilled.
GladiatorDanger 18 hours ago#18
QueenTakhisis posted...
So let me see if get this right. You're asking me if I should be banned for killing another player in a competitive PvP game like Call of Duty or Battlefield? What's next? I can play Mortal Kombat against a streamer, but I'll be banned if I win? I can start my own stream, then dominate quite literally everyone in Smash Bros Ultimate with no skill at all, simply because they know they will get banned if I lose?

Welcome to the future of AAA gaming!
"Behold, I shall corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces" Malachi 2:3, The Bible
AltiarLio 16 hours ago#19

If you deliberately go out of your way to ruin someone elses enjoyment you deserve to be banned.
GT & Steam: Tyron3L1o. PSN: TyroneLio.
I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.
BeefEaster 16 hours ago#20
I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about
rafa0506 15 hours ago#21
Huh? This sounds more difficult than actually sniping someone. Am I missing something?
Because Batman is a talentless hack with no powers that needs to hide like a girl to avoid getting shot to s***.dastoOge
Bobsy84 12 hours ago#22
rafa0506 posted...
Huh? This sounds more difficult than actually sniping someone. Am I missing something?

It kind of became a big thing with the rise in popularity of battle royale games (happened on PUBG on PC a lot). People join a game with a popular streamer, whilst watching their stream live at the same time. They then obviously have the info on the streamers exact location on the map, what way they are facing ect. and use this to sneak up and kill them.
rafa0506 11 hours ago#23
Bobsy84 posted...
rafa0506 posted...
Huh? This sounds more difficult than actually sniping someone. Am I missing something?

It kind of became a big thing with the rise in popularity of battle royale games (happened on PUBG on PC a lot). People join a game with a popular streamer, whilst watching their stream live at the same time. They then obviously have the info on the streamers exact location on the map, what way they are facing ect. and use this to sneak up and kill them.

But still... There is a radar. It's seems more difficult than actually playing the game. Now if you want to specifically take out a certain person then I maybe can see someone who hates streamers wanting to do this.
Because Batman is a talentless hack with no powers that needs to hide like a girl to avoid getting shot to s***.dastoOge
Bobsy84 11 hours ago#24
I don't follow it that much but the big cases i remember were all on PUBG where there is no radar or indicator for enemies other than seeing/hearing them in game. I can't really imagine anyone being too bothered by dying on battlefield or cod (unless its search and destroy) as you just spawn back in straight away. In a battle royale where you only get one life and a games takes 25 minutes then i can kind of see why they would be pissed off.
EnemyWithin88 11 hours ago#25
Streaming has its own terminology now

You should get banned for streaming
Play Slow Die Ignorant
ExempliGratia 11 hours ago#26
I'm guessing stream sniping is when someone uses your stream to find your location and snipe you.

They should be banned if they do that. If you need that advantage to be cool and get a kill that's sad.

People will do anything for a win though so It's not surprising.

"But but don't stream while sniping you deserved to get caught" - someone who will try anything they can to win.
Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
Kingkevin06 8 hours ago#27
If you're sniping in a game and streaming it, doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a sniper?

I know, I know, it's not real life, whatever, but your only goal as a sniper in a mp game should be to not be found, so if you stream it, don't complain.
SigmaLongshot 7 hours ago#28
I personally think it's a pretty low tactic. It's effectively the new-age form of screen-watching, and given that some people think screen watching "is just part of the strategy", whilst others think it's "pure evil in videogame form", I don't think you'll get a definitive answer here.

Some people will say "it's strategy", whilst others will say it's "utilising tools not free to most other players".

Basically just ask someone "is screenwatching lame?" - and if they say "yes", they'll likely think stream-abusers are just as odious.
XB1/XB360/Wii U: TotoMimo PS4: Gooey_Toto/SigmaLongshot
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ExempliGratia 7 hours ago#29
Kingkevin06 posted...
If you're sniping in a game and streaming it, doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a sniper?

I know, I know, it's not real life, whatever, but your only goal as a sniper in a mp game should be to not be found, so if you stream it, don't complain.

That's not how it works at all though. People stream so they others watch. Now you're telling those same people they can't stream if they snipe because people want to cheat and watch the stream to get their location?

That makes no sense.
Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
SigmaLongshot posted...
I personally think it's a pretty low tactic. It's effectively the new-age form of screen-watching, and given that some people think screen watching "is just part of the strategy", whilst others think it's "pure evil in videogame form", I don't think you'll get a definitive answer here.

Some people will say "it's strategy", whilst others will say it's "utilising tools not free to most other players".

Basically just ask someone "is screenwatching lame?" - and if they say "yes", they'll likely think stream-abusers are just as odious.

I see stream snipping as mostly a low tactic too but I do think streamers bring it on themselves. I do find it to be more like a guy is carelessly broadcasting information and someone else is picking up on it than being cheating. I see it more like in football when you see a play is being called but the coach is covering his mouth up vs openly telling everyone. Like I said in a prior post streamers use their audience all the time to get an edge and that is always overlooked but cry foul when that works against them. I think most stream snipping comes down to people just wanting to get a laugh being able to say they knocked someone else out on air, but as long as you are taking steps to hide that information it's really not an issue.
"the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?" - Jim Ryan, Sony Interactive Entertainment
G_U_G 6 hours ago#31
mcnichoj posted...
It takes more than just knowing where someone is to outplay them.

Usually. But imagine you have that 50 cal. You are watching their stream. They pop up and are sniping or just shooting it out with another team. Bam, you snipe them. That is NOT outplaying someone.

Not that I think stream sniping is bad. The tool is there. I guess if you need the advantage use it. They are openly allowing you to watch them play and anyone in the match can watch them. So they should just accept that fact.

I just find it funny when you wipe 2 squads in Fortnite and have 13-14 kills and are near death and some no kills fool shoots you once with a pistol he as been camping with and then dances some stupid dance. Who cares, you suck. Seen it a number of times were they do that and immediately get sniped. I always find the worst players dance usually. A skilled player never really needs to dance or show off because they expect to win.
Kingkevin06 6 hours ago#32
ExempliGratia posted...
Kingkevin06 posted...
If you're sniping in a game and streaming it, doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a sniper?

I know, I know, it's not real life, whatever, but your only goal as a sniper in a mp game should be to not be found, so if you stream it, don't complain.

That's not how it works at all though. People stream so they others watch. Now you're telling those same people they can't stream if they snipe because people want to cheat and watch the stream to get their location?

That makes no sense.

I'm not telling anyone what to do or not do.

My point is people, gamers included, will do whatever they can to win.

Even the esports teams are doing some funky stuff, although it's not the same as screen watching.

Kind of shocked it hasn't happened from the very start.

I don't condone cheating, just saying that ever since streaming became big time like it has, I'm quite surprised it hasn't happened sooner.

Stream away all you want, don't be surprised if someone out there is pushing the limits.
agentspoon 6 hours ago#33
A better question is "Should popular Streamers have the power to get someone banned on their word alone?"

Didn't one guy get someone banned because he said the guy "had a higher ping than him" and the guy was banned without hours with no warning or explanation?
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
AltiarLio 6 hours ago#34
agentspoon posted...
A better question is "Should popular Streamers have the power to get someone banned on their word alone?"

Didn't one guy get someone banned because he said the guy "had a higher ping than him" and the guy was banned without hours with no warning or explanation?

Spoon do your research before believing the internet. You're better than this smh.

Here's a reddit link that has links that explains everyting with context and all. https://www.reddit.com/r/DeFranco/comments/9xyky0/ninja_got_a_player_banned_for_having_a_higher/
GT & Steam: Tyron3L1o. PSN: TyroneLio.
I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.
AltiarLio posted...
agentspoon posted...
A better question is "Should popular Streamers have the power to get someone banned on their word alone?"

Didn't one guy get someone banned because he said the guy "had a higher ping than him" and the guy was banned without hours with no warning or explanation?

Spoon do your research before believing the internet. You're better than this smh.

Here's a reddit link that has links that explains everyting with context and all. https://www.reddit.com/r/DeFranco/comments/9xyky0/ninja_got_a_player_banned_for_having_a_higher/

Sorry but you are wrong. This was a huge deal in PUBG way before anyone knew of Fortnite being anything beyond a horde mode style game.

He later went on to say this.

"If you're mad about streamers complaining about stream sniping, you should just be thankful that we provide you with something to watch,"

He basically went from being the guy to watch in PUBG to losing everything in a few months because people got sick of his complaining.
"the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?" - Jim Ryan, Sony Interactive Entertainment
(edited 6 hours ago)reportquote
AltiarLio 5 hours ago#36
What are you on about? I was clearly talking about the Ninja situation.

Also, shit streamer was always shit. Shroud was the face of PUBG lol.

Also, Fortnite Save the World is really good lol :D
GT & Steam: Tyron3L1o. PSN: TyroneLio.
I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.
agentspoon 5 hours ago#37
AltiarLio posted...
Spoon do your research before believing the internet. You're better than this smh.

Fair enough. I don't watch Streams nor care so I wouldn't know the juicy details.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
AltiarLio 5 hours ago#38
agentspoon posted...
AltiarLio posted...
Spoon do your research before believing the internet. You're better than this smh.

Fair enough. I don't watch Streams nor care so I wouldn't know the juicy details.

yeah i have too much time on my hands, event management downtimes are the worst lol
GT & Steam: Tyron3L1o. PSN: TyroneLio.
I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.
ExempliGratia 5 hours ago#39
Kingkevin06 posted...
ExempliGratia posted...
Kingkevin06 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

That's not how it works at all though. People stream so they others watch. Now you're telling those same people they can't stream if they snipe because people want to cheat and watch the stream to get their location?

That makes no sense.

I'm not telling anyone what to do or not do.

My point is people, gamers included, will do whatever they can to win. 

Even the esports teams are doing some funky stuff, although it's not the same as screen watching.

Kind of shocked it hasn't happened from the very start.

I don't condone cheating, just saying that ever since streaming became big time like it has, I'm quite surprised it hasn't happened sooner.

Stream away all you want, don't be surprised if someone out there is pushing the limits.

Which is exactly why people are getting banned for stream sniping and the such.

Which they should.
Xbox Live Gamertag :ExempliGratiaEGPSN::ExempliGratia
I'm disrespectful and angry all the time. TJM
(edited 5 hours ago)reportquote
Kingkevin06 3 hours ago#40
So here's a question I have after thinking about it some more.

If I'm a better player than the streamer, he attempts to snipe me and misses and I see where the shot came from, I figure out a way to getting him and take him out without ever watching him stream, am I cheater?

On the other hand, if I am watching a streamer and use it to find the streamer, how would the streamer know, especially if I am watching the stream with a different name from my gamertag?
agentspoon 3 hours ago#41
Kingkevin06 posted...
So here's a question I have after thinking about it some more.

If I'm a better player than the streamer, he attempts to snipe me and misses and I see where the shot came from, I figure out a way to getting him and take him out without ever watching him stream, am I cheater?

On the other hand, if I am watching a streamer and use it to find the streamer, how would the streamer know, especially if I am watching the stream with a different name from my gamertag?

Either people are stupid and broadcast that they were "Stream sniping" by putting it on their own Youtube channel to try and make money off the Streamers name or they don't, cant accept the fact that they got outplayed and assume it was "Stream sniping"
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
Kingkevin06 1 hour ago#42
agentspoon posted...
Kingkevin06 posted...
So here's a question I have after thinking about it some more.

If I'm a better player than the streamer, he attempts to snipe me and misses and I see where the shot came from, I figure out a way to getting him and take him out without ever watching him stream, am I cheater?

On the other hand, if I am watching a streamer and use it to find the streamer, how would the streamer know, especially if I am watching the stream with a different name from my gamertag?

Either people are stupid and broadcast that they were "Stream sniping" by putting it on their own Youtube channel to try and make money off the Streamers name or they don't, cant accept the fact that they got outplayed and assume it was "Stream sniping"

@agentspoon Ok, I think I am totally lost on this topic, is it a problem of people watching a stream to locate the streamer to kill them, or is it as you just said, I watched a streamer for his location, then went on YouTube and bragged about it in my own video showing any viewers I have, video of me watching the streamer while actively hunting him down?

If it's the case of someone making a video of themself using a streamer video to hunt them down then putting it up, yeah that is dirty and if I had the attention span to stream watch and hunt down, I wouldn't be bragging online about it.

If it's the streamer just getting outplayed, I would like to think the streamer would know the difference or is there a don't kill the streamer rule going on I don't know about?
agentspoon 1 hour ago#43

This topic is about people watching the Streamers stream and then using that to locate them and kill them.

My point was in response to someone that asked how would the Streamer know? Some people are actually stupid enough to post the footage to Youtube or Twitter and then brag about it for fifteen minutes of fame.

The Streamer or one of their fans sees this, reports it and the user gets banned.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest!
Kingkevin06 16 minutes ago#44
@agentspoon, ok, so generally speaking it's a case of both, you do it and announce it to the works or you do it and keep your mouth shut about it.

I would agree with most people saying it's cheating to win but on the other hand a lot of people will do anything the can to win or get ahead and gamers are not exempt.

I personally wouldn't do it, it would gain me nothing.

On the other hand, if I was gonna try to get high viewer count on my own streaming account, I'd make myself nknown as the streamer killer.

I'd search out the too streamers if games I like, get their gamertag and go hunt them down in public games all on my own merit, no cheating.
  1. Boards
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  3. Should Stream sniping be a banable offense???? liek omg title needs to be longer

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