Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What's the Single Worst Thing In Gaming, In Your Opinion?

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  2. Xbox One
  3. What's the Single Worst Thing In Gaming, In Your Opinion?
SigmaLongshot 1 day ago#1
If you had to consider the single worst thing wrong with videogaming as a pastime as it stands today, what would it be?

Would it be something to do with the games themselves, and how they're designed? Perhaps it's something to do with the way the games are consumed, or sold, or perhaps even the gamers themselves!

XB1/XB360/Wii U: TotoMimo PS4: Gooey_Toto/SigmaLongshot
http://highteafrog.com/ for more details on High Tea Frog!
Bumbleoni 1 day ago#2
Zombody2 1 day ago#3
Over reliance, and complete and total control over gaming from reviews and metacritic. 

I think review scores in particular are entirely useless and can’t imagine myself ever letting them sway something I’m interested in. 

Having someone who has played a game saying hey it’s broken or hey it’s great can be helpful, but this obsession with popular opinion and others tastes dominating over your own is just sad, and well, really keeps innovation held back.
Dark Souls 2- Healing items, similar boss types = worst game in series
Bloodborne- Healing items, similar boss types = greatest game ever made.
nems1015 1 day ago#4
The push for online only
Currently playing : COD: Blops4 (X1), NBA2K18 (X1), Diablo 3 (X1), Farcry 5 (X1), Skyrim (X1)
Sanctus Dominus Infernus ad Astra
Regus Kobalus....cast unholy fire
xcmon3yx2 1 day ago#6
Micro Managing
Political Correctness
Hand Holding
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
xcmon3yx2 1 day ago#7
Spacefrisian posted...

Down with Capitalism Comrade! Long live Socialism
Look around...... we're all a bunch of ***holes
Houndour 1 day ago#9
Microtransactions . If you want to put them in in a $60 game, then make the game free to play.
AWarAmp84 1 day ago#10
Bumbleoni posted...
Go Leafs go!
Gamer entitlement
Play Slow Die Ignorant
Greed and no crouch button.
AWarAmp84 posted...
Bumbleoni posted...
- My theme song: https://youtu.be/eVsLt1JuPfg
- I'm just your friendly neighborhood lizardmen enthusiast.
It's easy to say microtransactions, loot boxes, pointless DLC (easy fatalities?) and all that, but I see that as a business issue, not gaming issue. As for issues directly related to the actual games, there are plenty I don't like. But one of the worst by far is that developers always love to copy popular games with old IPs. This isn't an issue with new IPs. Pokemon has been popular for a long time, so it makes sense that others try to copy it, with games like Yo-Kai Watch, Digimon and so on.

The problem is when they do this with old IPs, and espeically when it makes zero sense. God of War (the original) had some awesome QTEs, but why did everything from Resident Evil to Tomb Raider have to copy it? Using QTEs to kill a boss is one thing. But hammering a button to open an ventilation shaft in Batman: Arkham? Why? It adds nothing to the game, and only lead to pointless frustration. It's not like you can fail the QTE, either. If you do, the only thing that happens is you need to try again. Nothing gained, nothing lost.

Slowing down time was awesome in Max Payne, but what does that mean we should be allowed to go into slow motion in other games too? Including car games? This is especially annoying if you're racing a car at 200mph, turn on slow motion to make a corner, miss anyway, then simply rewind time and try again. What's the point? This is one big reason why I don't play Forza Horizon 4 all that much. Whatever happened to challenging the player?

And the list just goes on. I get that a game got very popular, but that doesn't mean everyone else should copy it.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown." 
~ H.P. Lovecraft ~
ZatchBell 1 day ago#15
Digital and physical price being the same when a game releases. Digital should always be cheaper than physical.
Sega Fan for Life
(message deleted)
TalesofLizalfos posted...
AWarAmp84 posted...
Bumbleoni posted...
 show hidden quote(s)
XBL Gamertag: TheRevan Lord
"Can't wait to count out your coin!" -- Bethesda, 2018
QueenTakhisis posted...
This is especially annoying if you're racing a car at 200mph, turn on slow motion to make a corner, miss anyway, then simply rewind time and try again. What's the point? This is one big reason why I don't play Forza Horizon 4 all that much. Whatever happened to challenging the player?

Serious Forza players don't use rewind unless it's for things like getting stunt jumps right. There was one in FH3 that you had to thread the needle to get to the jump and the slightest mistake would cause you to miss it. Using rewind just saved you from having to start your run up again. Other than that I'd rather restart the race than use rewind.


My complaint about games is the bolded part. Far too many games are being dumbed down to reach a bigger audience but in doing so are alienating the core player group.
QueenTakhisis posted...
And the list just goes on. I get that a game got very popular, but that doesn't mean everyone else should copy it.

This. There is now an entire "souls" genre because companies copy the EXACT formula. It's pretty ridiculous.
Formerly known as fon1988
No offense, but how other people play doesn't matter much to me. I just don't like rewind in car games. FH4 was just an example, as it's such a recent game. And I know it's not required to use it. But rewinds and helping the players is here to stay. Even today, I got Phantasy Star on the Switch, and the first thing I saw was that the "Sega Ages version" gives you more money, has less random encouners, and let you save everywhere. I was hoping it was more some added QoL stuff, and maybe a slightly updated graphics and sound. I didn't expect the game to be dumbed down like this. Fortunately there is still the classic mode, but still.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown." 
~ H.P. Lovecraft ~
gjc2007 1 day ago#22
Microtransactions. Easily.

They compromise core game design, and at this point there's nothing "micro" about them with shit like Bethesda charing fucking near $20 for color swaps, Ubisoft wanting $15 to make player progression faster, or Take Two/R* wanting something like $10 for enough gold to buy a horse (though at the very least RDR2's single player is massive and devoid of any of this horse shit).

And then you have loot boxes and various other "spin the wheel" type systems. Cosmetic items in games have largely been gutted.

It's all garbage that publishers get away with because we're getting to the point where generations of gamers just don't know any better because they grew up with increasingly intrusive DLC practices with the PS3 and 360, along with the rise of mobile devices and F2P games.
Console wars are stupid
Release now. Patch later.
"Life is though, but its thougher when your stupid" - John Wayne
everything is wrong this generation and it started last gen..and its only going to get worse.
DynamicD 1 day ago#25

I want to be worth something, I want to be worth enough to attract the attention of others.
Theme Song #26: A Real Life
KiltyMcBagpipes posted...
Release now. Patch later.
We are mercenaries... mercenaries move to their own advantage.
http://imgur.com/a/M8CNJ http://imgur.com/a/gYBjq
Sony fanatics.
Xbox One X & PS4 Pro: RonBurgundy929
nems1015 posted...
The push for online only
"Before there was time, before there was anything. There was nothing and before there was nothing. There were monsters." - The Lich King
link0316 1 day ago#29
Dlc, incomplete games.
RE4 is one of the greatest games ever made.
link0316 1 day ago#30
nems1015 posted...
The push for online only

Good one.
RE4 is one of the greatest games ever made.
The cookie cutter model of what triple A games are today.

Ooh it’s a big open world. And you are the one guy/gal in it that’s allowed to leave your town/village. And no one else does anything special in your little world, but you......boy oh boy, Superman has nothing on you. Time moves when you want it. People react to your accomplishments. In a matter of hours, you are a filthy millionaire, dressed in all the best gear, and completely invulnerable to any punishment from law enforcement. And sometimes, you even get magic powers, or just really good with the weapon of your choice. And the rest of the world just, oh I don’t know, waits for you to be done with whatever you are doing.

We have gotten so used to the same game that it’s starting to impact our ability to appreciate games anymore. So we spend money we don’t have on the next quick fix ie microtransactions, or we pre-order the next cookie cutter triple A game hoping it will be. “Amazing” or Incredible” because the gaming community likes those words. And we take our frustrations out on each other in rage like incidents when things don’t go out way.

Gaming is trapped in a rut. Game developers simply do not evolve their products at all.
I just changed my signature because the Eagles won the Super Bowl!
-February 4th, 2018
No subtitles
XBOX 360/One - Darth Stinkius
PS4 - DarthStinkius
TheGutter 1 day ago#33
God of War, GOTY 2018.
dancer62 1 day ago#34
Actually, videogaming is pretty good. I could quibble about unnecessarily complex graphics that interfere with gameplay, and bloated multi-gb install sizes, and the relative scarcity of my favorite genres, but, overall, pretty good.

Videogaming has come a long way from simple dots of light moving on an oscilloscope screen.
If ballet was easy, it would be pointe-less
The release of incomplete games
Xbox Live Gamertag: natraps
1ee7icus 1 day ago#36
I still can’t stand sitting through cutscenes and other BS before I can load into my game. Sounds dumb but I just want to get into my game. CoD used to be great hit the start buttong twice...bam you are loading into a multiplayer match.
Somewhere in GameFAQs underbelly there's a river of pink slime.
Gamers complain about everything. Change a sequel too much, complain. Play it safe and don't change enough, complain. Make a sequel every year or two, milking the franchise. Take too long for a sequel, stupid company focusing on x and not y which is better. That game is too linear and short. This game had too many side quests that are just filler. There is no way to please everyone.
Go Dawgs, Go Braves. State of Georgia has to win eventually.
TXGUY147 1 day ago#38
putting items for sale on the store vs being able to obtain them by playing the game.
Seahawker 1 day ago#39
Exclusivity deals. Licensing one publisher to make all the games in a genre/franchise is bad for innovation in gaming.
Do you know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? Medicine. ~~Tim Minchin
Xbox Live GT: Shihoku101
Gotham9843 1 day ago#40
Gamers, hands down. 

I know that sounds terribly jaded but to me, it's true. There is so much negativity. Gamers play a game for minutes, or worse yet, not at all and they feel like they're qualified to tear an entire game down based on an all-too prevalent "me too" bandwagon hate. 

Shit talking other games because it's not on their console of choice and so many other things. 

Gamers are the worst.
Live: Gotham0114
Switch FC: 8425 - 1928 - 6297
Shamino 1 day ago#41
Blizzard merging with Activision.
Nintendrone/Sony Pony/PC Elitist here...Sorry XBox, no need for you...
dr_zomberg 1 day ago#42
microtransactions. you want to plague a game with them? then release the games cheaper.
VG collector, professional 3d erotica creator, phd in zombie folklore, a girl.
i DEMAND nazi white men dlc for battlefield 5
Reflex-Arc 1 day ago#43
Gamers who find more enjoyment in bitching about games and gaming, than gaming itself.
Case | Mother Board | CPU (OC'd!) | Video Card x 2 | Sound Card | RAM | PSU | SSD | HDD | Some Fans | Monitor | Mouse | Keyboard
dided21 1 day ago#44
HorizonN7 1 day ago#45
Zombody2 posted...
Over reliance, and complete and total control over gaming from reviews and metacritic. 

I think review scores in particular are entirely useless and can’t imagine myself ever letting them sway something I’m interested in. 

Having someone who has played a game saying hey it’s broken or hey it’s great can be helpful, but this obsession with popular opinion and others tastes dominating over your own is just sad, and well, really keeps innovation held back.

Yeah reviews are totally useless....tell that to the people who shelled out money on Fallout 76 instead of taking advantage of the many sales that have been going on lately. I picked up MHW, Hollow Knight and God of War for $55. 3 GOTY caliber games for less than the price 76. Reviews are great for the industry and keep people from picking up crap.
without a doubt, political correctness. i can always choose not to buy a game if the dlc is invasive or wait for the goty edition. i know not to trust reviewers because the media is corrupt as f*** as we learned on gamergate. i can even forgive dev stupidity like bethesda, whose main quirk is how glitchy their games are (and how reliant on mods they become). But i'll NEVER accept a dev insulting its fan and telling them to not buy their game like EA did, or how everything has to be political (even fantasy worlds) like bioware says. simply put, if you can't write a character, setting, story without making it a mouthpiece to your warped view of reality then don't F***ING bother.
3ds fc: 2277-6647-7634, ign: luis, electric safari with: Electrode/Electabuzz/Manectric
HorizonN7 1 day ago#47
Lack of new IPs. Last gen was PHENOMENAL with all of the new franchises. This gen is pathetic by comparison. 

Gamers are also pretty crappy nowadays.
Manservice 1 day ago#48
Ugly women
Console wars. 

Competition is good for consumers as it keeps companies competing for our money. Infantile members on here want to see X company buy Y company or see Z company fail. None of this would be good for anybody... but people don’t seem to get that.

The “XBox is better than PS4 is better than NS” crap is old and played out.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Kenny_Mayne 22 hours ago#50
Original #1 seahawks fan est. 2013. Not changing sig until they move the seahawks, mariners, sounders to Oklahoma City
  1. Boards
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  3. What's the Single Worst Thing In Gaming, In Your Opinion?
    1. Boards
    2. Xbox One
    3. What's the Single Worst Thing In Gaming, In Your Opinion?
    Beasthunt 20 hours ago#51
    People. Then microtransactions. Then EA.

    But EA is made up of all 3. Sooooo there is that.
    Acts 2:38.
    NavyVet88 20 hours ago#52
    ZatchBell posted...
    Digital and physical price being the same when a game releases. Digital should always be cheaper than physical.

    Or the digital being 5x more expensive versus it's physical counterpart years after release
    XBL: LuckySwampAzz
    Starting NG+ in DS3 and starting up rdr2
    EnemyWithin88 20 hours ago#53
    The quartering
    Play Slow Die Ignorant
    Gambit916 20 hours ago#54
    For me is lack of polish for a quick buck. It sucks getting games and having to download a day one patch on top of the install time. I rather developers spend more time polishing the game than rushing it out and fixing it later. I do understand that they may not have a choice when it comes to that.
    InhumaneRaider 19 hours ago#55
    Day 1 patches...just a teensy bit above Microtransactions.
    Kayla! Don't wipe that off your face! You keep that on to remind you of what you did!
    And that's monster. She had a big chip on her shoulder, 'till she ate it.
    Mine would be cheating. 

    No matter what multiplayer game I play there are always cheaters, that can do anything and even when reported nothing happens to them. Really? Why have rules if your not going to enforce them with proof.

    Big thing now is the chronousmax, cheating at its finest. But Microsoft, Sony, and even the devs don’t do anything about it either even if you have video evidence.
    "It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not". ~ Andre Gide
    lightfighter 13 hours ago#57
    Push toward online play
    Political correctness
    DirkMcGurkin 12 hours ago#58
    InhumaneRaider posted...
    Day 1 patches...just a teensy bit above Microtransactions.

    I'm just curious as to how this is a problem for you? The only reason I ask is because I have never noticed day one patches. They just install along with the game without issue. They're also deployed to fix problems with the game that were found after it went gold, so I don't see why having more bugs fixed should be an issue.
    Look around...... we're all a bunch of ***holes
    InhumaneRaider 12 hours ago#59
    DirkMcGurkin posted...
    InhumaneRaider posted...
    Day 1 patches...just a teensy bit above Microtransactions.

    I'm just curious as to how this is a problem for you? The only reason I ask is because I have never noticed day one patches. They just install along with the game without issue. They're also deployed to fix problems with the game that were found after it went gold, so I don't see why having more bugs fixed should be an issue.

    Most of the time it's representative that the developer rushed the game to meet the release date (aka Gold). It's lazy and indictative of "Oh, I can do that later". Not to mention, the times where Day 1 patches/updates remove content that can later be sold as DLC.

    Day one update usually indicate that the game is a mess prior to release, patches should come post-release.
    Kayla! Don't wipe that off your face! You keep that on to remind you of what you did!
    And that's monster. She had a big chip on her shoulder, 'till she ate it.
    grampamurked 12 hours ago#60
    SigmaLongshot posted...
    If you had to consider the single worst thing wrong with videogaming as a pastime as it stands today, what would it be?

    Would it be something to do with the games themselves, and how they're designed? Perhaps it's something to do with the way the games are consumed, or sold, or perhaps even the gamers themselves!


    EASILY Political posturing. 

    The level of pandering is off the charts.
    Steam ID: H8Laggers PSN ID: GRAMPAMURKEDU GT: H8laggers
    Currently playing: The keyboard on my smartphone.
    secondhand1 11 hours ago#61
    vigorm0rtis posted...


    The community can't get out of its own way and constantly bitches about the repercussions.
    It's a moo point. You know, like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo.
    etymologist 10 hours ago#62
    Gotham9843 posted...
    Gamers, hands down. 

    I know that sounds terribly jaded but to me, it's true. There is so much negativity. Gamers play a game for minutes, or worse yet, not at all and they feel like they're qualified to tear an entire game down based on an all-too prevalent "me too" bandwagon hate. 

    Shit talking other games because it's not on their console of choice and so many other things. 

    Gamers are the worst.

    I agree but would add that the community is toxic. Like a game? Better be prepared to become a punching bag. Have an opinion? Most other games can't seem to take it and get liberal with the block button. Have a suggestion or fun question? Expect mocking. Need help? You're ignored. 

    If the community were more supportive and mature, that would go a long way.
    Currently [re]playing: Dark Souls 2
    SigmaLongshot 7 hours ago#63
    etymologist posted...
    Gotham9843 posted...
    Gamers, hands down. 

    I know that sounds terribly jaded but to me, it's true. There is so much negativity. Gamers play a game for minutes, or worse yet, not at all and they feel like they're qualified to tear an entire game down based on an all-too prevalent "me too" bandwagon hate. 

    Shit talking other games because it's not on their console of choice and so many other things. 

    Gamers are the worst.

    I agree but would add that the community is toxic. Like a game? Better be prepared to become a punching bag. Have an opinion? Most other games can't seem to take it and get liberal with the block button. Have a suggestion or fun question? Expect mocking. Need help? You're ignored. 

    If the community were more supportive and mature, that would go a long way.

    I think "gamers" is a good answer, actually, but I wouldn't lump ALL gamers together. More just... the "insufferable hardcore".

    Most gamers actually just buy games and play games. But this subcategory of gamers? Nah, man. They've got to be overly critical, angry, vitriolic and tribal in nature. 

    There's a saying that goes "Do better yourself, then. If you can't do better [in a specialist field], then... become a teacher for it. And if you can't do that? Just become a critic."
    XB1/XB360/Wii U: TotoMimo PS4: Gooey_Toto/SigmaLongshot
    http://highteafrog.com/ for more details on High Tea Frog!
    AltiarLio 7 hours ago#64
    Gamers are easily the best and the worst thing about this hobby.
    GT & Steam: Tyron3L1o. PSN: TyroneLio.
    I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.
    1. Boards
    2. Xbox One 
    3. What's the Single Worst Thing In Gaming, In Your Opinion?

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