Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The 1080ti is £1000

  1. Boards
  2. PC
  3. The 1080ti is £1000
Cobra1010 2 days ago#1
This nearly 2 year old card's prices just keep rising. With the bitcoin thing over and the new rtx 20xx series out. This fucking card is still £1000. I swear it was £800 during the bitcoin gold rush. 

Fuck this shit. Am I never going to be able to own a high end pc. Not even a fucking 2 year old card.
(edited 2 days ago)stickyreportquote
unknown_VS 2 days ago#2
Welcome to how monopolies work , enjoy your stay ~
And I thought it was expensive when I bought mine during the summer..
"I commend your courage, but I will show you no mercy."
https://pcpartpicker.com/list/BJj8sZ --- http://myanimelist.net/profile/Fateism
literally a month ago they were going for $600-$700.
Steam: SneakyT
Rud3Bwoy 2 days ago#5
Honestly how much could you get for one of these used now ? Really thinking about selling mines and getting a 2080ti
Glorious 4K Master Race
https://valid.x86.fr/seqds1 Rig Specs
Rienfleche 2 days ago#6
I should have bought one a few months ago when they were on sale. Didn't know the RTX series would be so pricey and that the failure rate would be high (2080 Ti). My graphics card (970) can't handle new games at 4K/60 FPS with all settings turn to low anymore. Even overclocking doesn't help. Maybe it's time to switch back to AMD again with their upcoming RX 3080. I heard it could match the 2070 for half the price. I just hope the aftermarket ones would stay below 70c at full load and not sound like a rocket engine max fan speed.
Rud3Bwoy 2 days ago#7
Rienfleche posted...
I should have bought one a few months ago when they were on sale. Didn't know the RTX series would be so pricey and that the failure rate would be high (2080 Ti). My graphics card (970) can't handle new games at 4K/60 FPS with all settings turn to low anymore. Even overclocking doesn't help. Maybe it's time to switch back to AMD again with their upcoming RX 3080. I heard it could match the 2070 for half the price. I just hope the aftermarket ones would stay below 70c at full load and not sound like a rocket engine max fan speed.

lol your 970 couldn't handle new games at those settings even before tf?lol
Glorious 4K Master Race
https://valid.x86.fr/seqds1 Rig Specs
Might sell mine now then and upgrade to the 2080 Ti.
Ryzen 7 2700X | ASUS X470 ROG | G.Skill 16GB 3600Mhz DDR4 | Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X | 28" Acer Predator 4K G-Sync
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Rud3Bwoy 2 days ago#9
BrokenMachine85 posted...
Might sell mine now then and upgrade to the 2080 Ti.

same if i can get 600 for mines i would sell and get the 2080ti asap
Glorious 4K Master Race
https://valid.x86.fr/seqds1 Rig Specs
Rienfleche 2 days ago#10
Rud3Bwoy posted...
Rienfleche posted...
I should have bought one a few months ago when they were on sale. Didn't know the RTX series would be so pricey and that the failure rate would be high (2080 Ti). My graphics card (970) can't handle new games at 4K/60 FPS with all settings turn to low anymore. Even overclocking doesn't help. Maybe it's time to switch back to AMD again with their upcoming RX 3080. I heard it could match the 2070 for half the price. I just hope the aftermarket ones would stay below 70c at full load and not sound like a rocket engine max fan speed.

lol your 970 couldn't handle new games at those settings even before tf?lol

I ran Fallout 4 with all settings set to low and unchecked the additional settings to manage a consistent 60 FPS and that game came out 3 years ago so no unless it's a Pixel Graphics game like Wizard of Legend which came out this year.
mikey_205 2 days ago#11
Just get an rtx 2800 lol. Same performance as 1080ti and cheaper with better future support. The 10xx gtx line are even more overpriced than rtx now lol. For some reason ppl are still obsessed with getting them pushing the price well beyond the reason that it originally made sense.
Pokemon X FC 4940-6875-7569
unknown_VS posted...
Welcome to how monopolies work , enjoy your stay ~

I always love seeing people deny that monopolies are harmful. I've seen all kinds of excuses. "It would be silly to hike up prices because people won't pay them! It's obvious they'll keep them the same because that's what people are willing to pay! lol so much paranoia XD"

And every single time a corporation has the opportunity to bilk money out of you, they always, always will. Corporate culture in America in particular is built on the idea of "What can we get away with?" and we see this acutely with gaming. Can we get away with locking content away on the disc and selling it back to them? Can we get away with cutting content out entirely and selling it back day one? Can we get away with changing the game balance so people buy microtransactions? Can we get away with pushing gambling on gamers aged 3 and up?
"Everything popular is wrong." - Oscar Wilde
tearast 2 days ago#13
Dragon Nexus posted...
unknown_VS posted...
Welcome to how monopolies work , enjoy your stay ~

I always love seeing people deny that monopolies are harmful. I've seen all kinds of excuses. "It would be silly to hike up prices because people won't pay them! It's obvious they'll keep them the same because that's what people are willing to pay! lol so much paranoia XD"

And every single time a corporation has the opportunity to bilk money out of you, they always, always will. Corporate culture in America in particular is built on the idea of "What can we get away with?" and we see this acutely with gaming. Can we get away with locking content away on the disc and selling it back to them? Can we get away with cutting content out entirely and selling it back day one? Can we get away with changing the game balance so people buy microtransactions? Can we get away with pushing gambling on gamers aged 3 and up?

The only people that are against monopolies are communists that want big government to intervene and break them up. Of course, that goes against the free market and everything this nation stands for.
Cobra1010 posted...

Fuck this shit. Am I never going to be able to own a high end pc. Not even a fucking 2 year old card.

Um, high end PCs are not a human right. The 1080ti is still a bad fucking ass card, high end as you said. I bought mine for $700 when they were available for preorder so with the exchange rate it's not that much more. Pay to play with the best fidelity my friend.
Glorious 4K/Vive VR PC Master Race
Gamefaqs PCH Discord channel: https://discord.gg/EmPEfdC
It's almost like they stopped production of them and supply is dwindling.
I'm laughing in my pants so hard right now - Rud3Bwoy 12/3/2018
mikey_205 2 days ago#16
tearast posted...
Dragon Nexus posted...
unknown_VS posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

I always love seeing people deny that monopolies are harmful. I've seen all kinds of excuses. "It would be silly to hike up prices because people won't pay them! It's obvious they'll keep them the same because that's what people are willing to pay! lol so much paranoia XD"

And every single time a corporation has the opportunity to bilk money out of you, they always, always will. Corporate culture in America in particular is built on the idea of "What can we get away with?" and we see this acutely with gaming. Can we get away with locking content away on the disc and selling it back to them? Can we get away with cutting content out entirely and selling it back day one? Can we get away with changing the game balance so people buy microtransactions? Can we get away with pushing gambling on gamers aged 3 and up?

The only people that are against monopolies are communists that want big government to intervene and break them up. Of course, that goes against the free market and everything this nation stands for.

Erm the reason capitalism works is because of competition. Without competition to drive prices down, improve quality and improve efficiency its just as bad as communism.
Pokemon X FC 4940-6875-7569
unknown_VS 2 days ago#17
mikey_205 posted...
the reason capitalism works

Except it doesn't. 

Next up you're gonna tell me we live in a democracy where "the people" decide.
SgtFoley 2 days ago#18
unknown_VS posted...
mikey_205 posted...
the reason capitalism works

Except it doesn't. 

Next up you're gonna tell me we live in a democracy where "the people" decide.

It's a republic.
"What a looser you are. Your parents must be so damn proud of you..." - Fade2black001 2018
unknown_VS 2 days ago#19
So... you're telling me you believe "the people" have a say in politics? 

Like I predicted? 

What's this supposed to mean?

"It's a republic"

China is a republic.
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
We are a constitutional republic to be more accurate. I don't know China's system very well, but unlike the president in America, the current leader of China doesn't have many, if any, checks to his power. The president in our system is accountable to the voters, the media, the other two branches of government, and of course, the constitution itself.
"I commend your courage, but I will show you no mercy."
https://pcpartpicker.com/list/BJj8sZ --- http://myanimelist.net/profile/Fateism
tearast 2 days ago#21
mikey_205 posted...
tearast posted...
Dragon Nexus posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

The only people that are against monopolies are communists that want big government to intervene and break them up. Of course, that goes against the free market and everything this nation stands for.

Erm the reason capitalism works is because of competition. Without competition to drive prices down, improve quality and improve efficiency its just as bad as communism.

Competition comes from a FREE market, yes that's why capitalism works. Anyone can start a video game card company, so feel free.
unknown_VS 2 days ago#22
"Live the dream." 

ah ngreedias plan to sell their 10 series overstock has come to fruition.
DarkZV2Beta -No, because PS2 was garbage, and is the primary cause of the collapse of the Japanese game market in the mid 2000s. https://imgur.com/FMxcdHw
unknown_VS 2 days ago#24
sonic_c_tail posted...
ah ngreedias plan to sell their 10 series overstock has come to fruition.

"Not a monopoly!"

Mogu_Mogu 2 days ago#25
2080ti burning up. 1080ti discontinued. Not enough performance difference between them to be meaningful to most people.

So 1080ti price jumps up.
In the chronicles of my life 
there is a legend in which I change 'history' into 'herstory'.
unknown_VS 2 days ago#26
Mogu_Mogu posted...
2080ti burning up. 1080ti discontinued. Not enough performance difference between them to be meaningful to most people.

So 1080ti price jumps up.

It's like with games or consoles, as soon something gets discontinued it shoots up in price, often also because the next model / version is inferior. 

I mean. Look at that, that's not even a special edition... 


Imagine what a new launch model goes for...

(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Cobra1010 2 days ago#27
So what can I do? I've been waiting years. Should I just give up and settle with a 1070ti
Try a vega 64 and maybe give it one of those morpheus 2 +fans. Or wait for navi or 2070 rtx reduction.
DarkZV2Beta -No, because PS2 was garbage, and is the primary cause of the collapse of the Japanese game market in the mid 2000s. https://imgur.com/FMxcdHw
Rud3Bwoy 1 day ago#29
Cobra1010 posted...
So what can I do? I've been waiting years. Should I just give up and settle with a 1070ti

You can find 1080tis for around 600-700 on eBay and even Craigslist search around
Glorious 4K Master Race
https://valid.x86.fr/seqds1 Rig Specs
Rud3Bwoy 1 day ago#30
Rienfleche posted...
Rud3Bwoy posted...
Rienfleche posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

lol your 970 couldn't handle new games at those settings even before tf?lol

I ran Fallout 4 with all settings set to low and unchecked the additional settings to manage a consistent 60 FPS and that game came out 3 years ago so no unless it's a Pixel Graphics game like Wizard of Legend which came out this year.

Glorious 4K Master Race
https://valid.x86.fr/seqds1 Rig Specs
“Wahhh Ferrari’s are too expensive! I’m going to have to drive around in a Porsche!!”

Sorry but if you want high end you have to pay high end prices
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
tearast posted...
mikey_205 posted...
tearast posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Erm the reason capitalism works is because of competition. Without competition to drive prices down, improve quality and improve efficiency its just as bad as communism.

Competition comes from a FREE market, yes that's why capitalism works. Anyone can start a video game card company, so feel free.

Listen to me. China has real freedom, freedom to own property, make a profit, make your life. The West, so afraid of strong government, now has no government. Only financial power.
R.I.P TimeSplitters 4, R.I.P FreeRadical, 21st December 2008.
XBL Gamertag: Catalytic Flash
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Rud3Bwoy posted...
You can find 1080tis for around 600-700 on eBay and even Craigslist search around

buying a used gpu for $600+ is ridiculous.. you never will never know if it was mined on
Combo Master
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Mushroom87 1 day ago#34
BERZERKER17 posted...
tearast posted...
mikey_205 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Competition comes from a FREE market, yes that's why capitalism works. Anyone can start a video game card company, so feel free.

Listen to me. China has real freedom, freedom to own property, make a profit, make your life. The West, so afraid of strong government, now has no government. Only financial power.

We live in an oligarchy, all the power is in the hands of the few and the political system you see on tv is just a circus to keep the dull entertained/arguing
Rud3Bwoy 1 day ago#35
Combo Master posted...
Rud3Bwoy posted...
You can find 1080tis for around 600-700 on eBay and even Craigslist search around

buying a used gpu for $600+ is ridiculous.. you never will never know if it was mined on

just buy evga they have great warranty.
Glorious 4K Master Race
https://valid.x86.fr/seqds1 Rig Specs
Mushroom87 posted...
BERZERKER17 posted...
tearast posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Listen to me. China has real freedom, freedom to own property, make a profit, make your life. The West, so afraid of strong government, now has no government. Only financial power.

We live in an oligarchy, all the power is in the hands of the few and the political system you see on tv is just a circus to keep the dull entertained/arguing

China is the last sovereign country in the world. Authoritarian but willing - unlike U.N.-governed countries - to give its people the freedom to do what they want.
R.I.P TimeSplitters 4, R.I.P FreeRadical, 21st December 2008.
XBL Gamertag: Catalytic Flash
loader963 1 day ago#37
They are only that high because Nvidia went all special ed on the rtx pricing. And speaking of, what the hell? I get you gotta pay-to play but there’s more Nvidia defenders here than I thought.... do so few people think Nvidia pricing is nuts? 

To quote MaryJHappy, this makes me sad to be a pc gamer :(
I can be patient, but I'm not waiting!
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
unknown_VS posted...
Welcome to how monopolies work , enjoy your stay ~
Pretty much. Waiting till the 2080 Ti becomes $999. And yess it will go that low. It was the promised price. It was only $1200 cause it was for the first time Nvidia launced a card in a open air configuration. Once third parties start manufacturing them it will go to $999.
PSN: captsplatter & Gamertag: OGcaptsplatter &
Switch FC: SW-3078-9578-8685 & Steam ID URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/captsplatter NO BLANK REQ.
loader963 posted...
They are only that high because Nvidia went all special ed on the rtx pricing. And speaking of, what the hell? I get you gotta pay-to play but there’s more Nvidia defenders here than I thought.... do so few people think Nvidia pricing is nuts? 

To quote MaryJHappy, this makes me sad to be a pc gamer :(

It is nuts but what choice do we have? I like my 60fps and good graphics.
PSN: captsplatter & Gamertag: OGcaptsplatter &
Switch FC: SW-3078-9578-8685 & Steam ID URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/captsplatter NO BLANK REQ.
N3xtG3nGam3r 23 hours ago#40
Yeah this whole situation is fucked.

If AMD doesnt come full force with a match to the 2080 for half the price with their 7nm GPU, they are missing a HUGE fucking opportunity. I feel like this is the perfect opportunity for a momentum switch, given the recent shit with RTX, and the insane pricing, as well as keeping prices on 1000 series even higher than launch prices by a wide fucking margin (i got mine in march of 2017 for $650), that people are looking to upgrade, and a ton of people would switch over to AMD if the benchmarks prove the rumors to be true. 

I already disliked nVidias business practices with their rising prices over the years, but when they launched RTX--that was some next level shit IMO, and they are legitimately off the fucking chain currently. They need to be leashed, and brought to heel. Consumers in every market have never been more fucked over at any point in time than they are now, and we're only ONE single tweet away from bringing down a conglomorate with todays social media structure...my point is, all it takes is AMD to follow through, and nVidia putting out some slap in the face discount and acting like we should thank them, and suddenly AMD is pulling back large amounts of marketshare. 

Whether you have an AMD product in your system or not, you should want this to happen. AMD needs to flex, and get nVidia back in check, and they can, with our help. Thats only going to happen if they can fucking deliver...hopefully they do.
ASUS B-150 Gaming MoBo| Intel CORE i5 6500k @ 3.5GHz | 32GB DDR4 | 2TB HDD | 600w PSU | nVidia GTX 1080Ti 11GB GDDR5-X
N3xtG3nGam3r 22 hours ago#41
Sephiroth311 posted...
“Wahhh Ferrari’s are too expensive! I’m going to have to drive around in a Porsche!!”

Sorry but if you want high end you have to pay high end prices

This is such a flawed argument when the 2016 ferrari is just 4/mph slower, but half the price of the 2018 ferrari. $650 for a GPU is high end as fuck. Thats what i paid for my 1080ti when i got it, and i would not have paid a dollar more than what i did.

2 years later the 2080ti comes out for twice the cost, with your typical 10-15% faster fps in some games. The jump between the 900 series and 1000 series was MASSIVE. The jump between the 1k series and 2k series should be massive. And its not, even factoring in this bootleg ass RT tech, the returns on the investment do not look promising. Especially when the next RTX cards end up outperforming these by 2-3x or something ridiculous and cost EVEN more than they currently do.

The Car market has apparently crashed, and it now costs as much to buy a porsche this year as it did to buy a ferrari two years ago, and the ferrari now costs as much as a fucking tank ''cause it just works''. You have no reason to support these practices. I dont understand the rationale behind your comment, unless its legit just to troll lol, which if it is, oh well.
ASUS B-150 Gaming MoBo| Intel CORE i5 6500k @ 3.5GHz | 32GB DDR4 | 2TB HDD | 600w PSU | nVidia GTX 1080Ti 11GB GDDR5-X
robert43s 17 hours ago#42
I would buy a 2070 or 2080 instead. Indeed, many companies no longer seem to stock 1080ti (scan doesn't), though Overclockers does, haven't checked ebuyer or others.
Remember, it's only a game, have fun and enjoy.
Judgmenl 14 hours ago#43
What would you expect for a card that is out of production lmfao?
Judge, Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
You're a regular Jack Kerouac
SlyflyT 13 hours ago#44
Judgmenl posted...
What would you expect for a card that is out of production lmfao?

I dont understand how someone could be this stupid. Usually when a card is out of production the price goes DOWN. Especially after the next generation of cards hits the market. But this cycle is different because the 20XX cards are such a fucking rip off that there is more demand on the older generation cards then the new cards. A week before the 20XX cards launched you could get a 1080ti for around 350-400 dollars. Soon as people saw the 20XX cards were a swindle the 1080ti shot right up in price.
YO YO YO SlickT, coolness to da max, Slick as turtle WAX!
Judgmenl 13 hours ago#45
SlyflyT posted...
Judgmenl posted...
What would you expect for a card that is out of production lmfao?

I dont understand how someone could be this stupid. Usually when a card is out of production the price goes DOWN. Especially after the next generation of cards hits the market. But this cycle is different because the 20XX cards are such a fucking rip off that there is more demand on the older generation cards then the new cards. A week before the 20XX cards launched you could get a 1080ti for around 350-400 dollars. Soon as people saw the 20XX cards were a swindle the 1080ti shot right up in price.

This has literally never happened for high end cards. Go look on some retailer for something like the Vega Frontier Edition or any of AMD's dual GPU cards, 980Ti or Titan cards.
Judge, Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
You're a regular Jack Kerouac
(edited 13 hours ago)reportquote
Rud3Bwoy 12 hours ago#46
SlyflyT posted...
Judgmenl posted...
What would you expect for a card that is out of production lmfao?

I dont understand how someone could be this stupid. Usually when a card is out of production the price goes DOWN. Especially after the next generation of cards hits the market. But this cycle is different because the 20XX cards are such a fucking rip off that there is more demand on the older generation cards then the new cards. A week before the 20XX cards launched you could get a 1080ti for around 350-400 dollars. Soon as people saw the 20XX cards were a swindle the 1080ti shot right up in price.

this,i can get near dam retail for my evga ftw 3 i usally take a loss for every gpu but not this time
Glorious 4K Master Race
https://valid.x86.fr/seqds1 Rig Specs
avidgamer4 10 hours ago#47
Probably just scalpers selling end of line stock at inflated prices because they know some idiot will pay that extra money for an old card. Probably SLI or something.
loader963 9 hours ago#48
Fwiw I couldn’t find any 1080 tis under 450 before during, or after rtx launch ..... was thinkimg about making an sli rig. But yeah, the 1080 Ti is still popular.
I can be patient, but I'm not waiting!
Rud3Bwoy 9 hours ago#49
avidgamer4 posted...
Probably just scalpers selling end of line stock at inflated prices because they know some idiot will pay that extra money for an old card. Probably SLI or something.

not at all ebay/other forums they're going for 600 plus used etc
Glorious 4K Master Race
https://valid.x86.fr/seqds1 Rig Specs
MuayThai85 8 hours ago#50
I've been look at 1080Ti's recently (going to upgrade my 1060 next month). They are under $600 here. Only slightly more expensive than the RTX 2070 as well.
How can one person post so much stupid s***?
  1. Boards
  2. PC 
  3. The 1080ti is £1000

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