Monday, December 10, 2018

The one thing I absolutely I hate about JRPG's

  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch
  3. The one thing I absolutely I hate about JRPG's
kaioideiye 2 days ago#1
After you beat the game you have to go from lv. 50 to lv. 80 to beat the true boss. Im gonna be honest I still havent cleared postgame content of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Octopath Traveler, Monster Hunter Stories or Dragon Quest 11 because of this. Whenever I get to this point I just start chipping away at another game until that one gets to the same dreadful 5 hour grind point.
(edited 2 days ago)stickyreportquote
It's not for everyone but speaking for myself I find grinding therapeutic. Beating an RPG "super boss" is really rewarding to me. But I try to do everything I can in every game I buy.
Dirak 1 day ago#3
I never bother with "superbosses" or post game content *shrugs*
Some music goes with everything.
Any game that locks the actual ending of the game behind a superboss automatically gets docked points in my book.

It's not something I'd ever do in a game I make. Any "superbosses" that may or may not show up in any RPG I make are purely optional side encounters. Yeah, they may drop some sweet gear, but they're purely there for the challenge.

Locking essential story content behind them is just plain not ok in my book. Especially if you have to be max level in order to handle it and grind forever to do so. :(
I make RPGs for a hobby. Feel free to give 'em a whirl if you like a challenge.
kaioideiye 1 day ago#5
mattskirble92 posted...
It's not for everyone but speaking for myself I find grinding therapeutic. Beating an RPG "super boss" is really rewarding to me. But I try to do everything I can in every game I buy.

I think part of it is I already know the outcome in a way from watching reviews or reading in forums whatever the case may be so I feel the grind at that point is irrelevant.I feel like Im just grinding without any sense of accomplishment. 

Right now Im finshing these games so Im gonna try to do it before jumping back into Persona or buying Romancing Saga 2, Fire Emblem Awakening, Radiant Historia, Bravely Default series and a few SMT games which reminds me I didnt finish off the end game content for SMT 4 Apacolypse either. SMH.

Next year will be all about Trails of Cold Steel and Grandia so I gotta clear off my backlog.
ROB45 1 day ago#6
When does this happen in Chrono Trigger?
You're not supposed to battle Calasmos right away, you know ... I went around the world, doing what I could, and reached level 70 by the time I felt like grinding for some of the harder challenges - and level 70 is a good level for Calasmos if you use the Super Sword of Light.
3DS Friend Code: 0087-2458-1255 Aeon
ACNL: Mayor Sakurai of Harukawa Dream Address: 7D00-00AF-A89F
kaioideiye 1 day ago#8
ROB45 posted...
When does this happen in Chrono Trigger?

Im not sure. That games also in my backlog Ive never played it but bought it on PS3 a few weeks ago.
kaioideiye posted...
mattskirble92 posted...
It's not for everyone but speaking for myself I find grinding therapeutic. Beating an RPG "super boss" is really rewarding to me. But I try to do everything I can in every game I buy.

I think part of it is I already know the outcome in a way from watching reviews or reading in forums whatever the case may be so I feel the grind at that point is irrelevant.I feel like Im just grinding without any sense of accomplishment. 

Right now Im finshing these games so Im gonna try to do it before jumping back into Persona or buying Romancing Saga 2, Fire Emblem Awakening, Radiant Historia, Bravely Default series and a few SMT games which reminds me I didnt finish off the end game content for SMT 4 Apacolypse either. SMH.

Next year will be all about Trails of Cold Steel and Grandia so I gotta clear off my backlog.

Don't you just tend to naturally end up at level 99 by the end of the SMT IV games anyway? I did, at least.
3DS Friend Code: 0087-2458-1255 Aeon
ACNL: Mayor Sakurai of Harukawa Dream Address: 7D00-00AF-A89F
kaioideiye posted...
ROB45 posted...
When does this happen in Chrono Trigger?

Im not sure. That games also in my backlog Ive never played it but bought it on PS3 a few weeks ago.

Oof the PSN version is a shit port.
NOW PLAYING: Silent Hill 2
Pishkaposh 1 day ago#11
I love RPGs, but I definitely agree the grind to finish the "big picture" of Octopath Traveler is a bit rough for a new player. Especially considering you really don't have to grind in that game to complete everyone's chapters as long as you use all the characters pretty equally. I read up on some grinding strats with Primrose and did it in about 3 hours with some lucky beguiling dances. But grinding blind for people who never learned the dancer's strengths would take far longer. Fortunately, knowledgeable players with experience of the last battle could beat that monstrosity at the end of Octopath Traveler at the mid 40's, low 50's with the right skill setups and strategies.

I haven't played Chrono Trigger in over a decade, but the only two fights I could see people having to grind for in that game are 1) Ocean Palace Lavos if you want to actually win that fight before seeing most of the other endings and 2)High level Spekkio at the end of time, which you'd probably only do for bragging rights or tabs I think
Mohan101 1 day ago#12
kaioideiye posted...
After you beat the game you have to go from lv. 50 to lv. 80 to beat the true boss. Im gonna be honest I still havent cleared postgame content of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Octopath Traveler, Monster Hunter Stories or Dragon Quest 11 because of this. Whenever I get to this point I just start chipping away at another game until that one gets to the same dreadful 5 hour grind point.

Persona 5 and FF6 don't do this I believe. You should try them out. ;)
Yeah Octopath Traveller's true boss drained me when I spent hours battling only to have no chance against its second phase.
Or 2638-3926-9055
Final bosses being super bosses is annoying but it doesn't bother me as much as extremely poor quality writing or fanservice
Science is life
VermilionX 1 day ago#15
im not a fan of most postgame

bec it's usually a grindfest

but im glad it's postgame so i don't feel like im missing much if i ignore them
CFN: Zerokage me and my bike! GSX-R750 K6
OosontheLoose posted...
kaioideiye posted...
ROB45 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Im not sure. That games also in my backlog Ive never played it but bought it on PS3 a few weeks ago.

Oof the PSN version is a shit port.

I've played every version. Including iOS. Ios is the worst. But how is ps version bad? All it did was add some OVAs and maybe change the names of some items or tech names. It's still the exact same game that plays the same other than that.
you want mother 3 in america? don't you know? it doesn't exist.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
daniel1232323 posted...
OosontheLoose posted...
kaioideiye posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Oof the PSN version is a shit port.

I've played every version. Including iOS. Ios is the worst. But how is ps version bad? All it did was add some OVAs and maybe change the names of some items or tech names. It's still the exact same game that plays the same other than that.

And the hard coded load times unfortunately:(

Edit: Just like all of Squares SNES to PS1 ports.
NOW PLAYING: Silent Hill 2
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
kaioideiye posted...
After you beat the game you have to go from lv. 50 to lv. 80 to beat the true boss. Im gonna be honest I still havent cleared postgame content of Xenoblade Chronicles 2

It might seem like that in this game at first, but honestly, I never ever grinded any levels. There's stuff to beat in every level range, so you can get plenty of XP by just exploring all the places. Especially so if the stuff you take on is higher than you - not only is it a decent challenge but you get a crapload of XP. I remember fighting the Deimos Sauros in Temperantia when I was about 10 levels below them, the battles take like one minute each and gave my team more than a whole level a pop. :)

OosontheLoose posted...
And the hard coded load times unfortunately:(

Yep, the fact that they couldn't get a SNES game to run on modern hardware without loading times is embarrassing.
"The Switch couldn't handle DooM." - slyman19
"Wolfenstein coming to the Switch? 0% chance." - slyman19
Chilly0123 1 day ago#19
The final boss in Octopath did require some grinding if you weren't keeping all 8 of your characters leveled and geared up, but Dragon Quest 11 never required any grinding unless you were playing with stonger monsters enabled, and even then the final boss was a joke if you knew which key item to use on it.
Switch FC: 6749-4573-6683 | Steam:
RadKickAss 1 day ago#20
mattskirble92 posted...
It's not for everyone but speaking for myself I find grinding therapeutic. Beating an RPG "super boss" is really rewarding to me. But I try to do everything I can in every game I buy.

PSN: RadKickAss // NS: SW-6764-2951-5695
Even in Xenoblade 1 where being low level grants you penalties they make even the highest level boss outlevel you to force you to use your HEAD and use arts and gear setup properly.

I don't know a single jRPG that actually forces you to grind 20 levels to take on the endgame. Grinding has always been a thing for players who lack patience to strategize to rely on to make fights easier.
This can definitely be a problem, but how much varies a lot by game. I'm a big fan of games where you end up fairly near max level just by beating the main game, so that getting max level isnt' much of a grind at all. Games like Xenoblade Chronicles (I think I beat the game at level... 80ish, with 99 being max?) and SMT4 (I was like level 90 when I beat the game). 

On the other hand, sometimes the endgame grind has nothing to do with your level. Like in Xenoblade Chronicles X, getting to max level is easy. But then the REAL grind begins, getting all the right gear, gems, skell parts, materials, etc.
Arguing genres is a giant endless pit of wasted time where no one ends up satisfied.
0ofreako0 1 day ago#23
Layton_Kyouju posted...
Grinding has always been a thing for players who lack patience to strategize to rely on to make fights easier. does this make sense?

you grind for hours because you don't have patience? O_o
There was a time when I felt the same as you do, TC. I slowly but surely started hating JRPGs during the time.
Then I just decided to ignore most optional content and JRPGs became fun again. Well, safe for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. 
Most postgame and sidequest content is just filler anyway.
Maiden Of Miracles
OosontheLoose posted...
daniel1232323 posted...
OosontheLoose posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

I've played every version. Including iOS. Ios is the worst. But how is ps version bad? All it did was add some OVAs and maybe change the names of some items or tech names. It's still the exact same game that plays the same other than that.

And the hard coded load times unfortunately:(

Edit: Just like all of Squares SNES to PS1 ports.

Yeah...I bought FF Chronicles for my PS1 this year and I couldn't even do it...I have the snes version and have played through it so many times, I was hoping the PS1 version would have some cool FMV moments, but I made it to 600AD for the first time and stopped...the load times were THAT bad. I can't believe they kept those in tact for the PS3 version.
Synbios459 currently in the lead for #1 worst topic
Ryan Si 1 day ago#26
If I really, I mean really enjoy an RPG, I'll do everything I can in it. 

Put over 250 hours into the original Xenoblade on Wii. Unlocking all the heart to hearts, quests, hidden skills, locations, Colony 9 rebuilding, etc. It was a lot of grinding, but the music is amazing, the characters are unique, and the world is visually a joy to explore.
All hail the mighty ? Block.
TC should avoid Disgaea at all costs.
The one thing I dont like about japanese games in general are the huge numbers like with damage. A US game would say 100 while a Japanese game might say 1000 or maybe even 10,000. 
Currency I understand since the yen is less than USD
I use inverted controls. Also I hate fandoms.
I'm the Assman. Come on boy you know what I'm all about.
Blorfenburger posted...
The one thing I dont like about japanese games in general are the huge numbers like with damage. A US game would say 100 while a Japanese game might say 1000 or maybe even 10,000.

Meanwhile, in Disgaea...
Questionmarktarius posted...
Blorfenburger posted...
The one thing I dont like about japanese games in general are the huge numbers like with damage. A US game would say 100 while a Japanese game might say 1000 or maybe even 10,000.

Meanwhile, in Disgaea...

I use inverted controls. Also I hate fandoms.
I'm the Assman. Come on boy you know what I'm all about.
For western devs postgame means more quests and more stuff to do. For japanese devs postgame just means more mindless grinding. Sad.
Death Road to Canada = 10/10
0ofreako0 1 day ago#32
Blorfenburger posted...
The one thing I dont like about japanese games in general are the huge numbers like with damage. A US game would say 100 while a Japanese game might say 1000 or maybe even 10,000. 
Currency I understand since the yen is less than USD

i'd rather see 10,000 instead of 100 even if they do the same relative damage to a mob. 

my thing about japanese games is, in a lot of them, for every hour of playing you actually only get about 20 minutes because there's 40 minutes of cut scene/story. :|
0ofreako0 posted...
my thing about japanese games is, in a lot of them, for every hour of playing you actually only get about 20 minutes because there's 40 minutes of cut scene/story. :|

You should consider Brave Dungeon.
Also it's on sale right now:
0ofreako0 1 day ago#34
@Questionmarktarius posted...
You should consider Brave Dungeon.

it was one of the first games i bought and it's nearly my perfect turn based RPG. 

there's another one coming out next year (if i remember right) and i'm super excited for it.

long drawn out story doesn't turn me completely off games, it just...hampers my enjoyment. i'm about 50 hours in to xenoblade 2 and loving it but ugh there's a lot of story at times.
Blorfenburger posted...
The one thing I dont like about japanese games in general are the huge numbers like with damage. A US game would say 100 while a Japanese game might say 1000 or maybe even 10,000. 
Currency I understand since the yen is less than USD

I never really get that impression. Most Western games I play don't really show you the numbers directly, while Japanese games are super variable - from Paper Mario where 7 is a huge amount of damage, to Dragon Quest where 700 is the same, and then Final Fantasy where 7000 is fairly standard damage for stronger attacks later on.
3DS Friend Code: 0087-2458-1255 Aeon
ACNL: Mayor Sakurai of Harukawa Dream Address: 7D00-00AF-A89F
kaioideiye posted...
After you beat the game you have to go from lv. 50 to lv. 80 to beat the true boss. Im gonna be honest I still havent cleared postgame content of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Octopath Traveler, Monster Hunter Stories or Dragon Quest 11 because of this. Whenever I get to this point I just start chipping away at another game until that one gets to the same dreadful 5 hour grind point.

1. By "true boss", I assume you're thinking "true FINAL boss". A final boss is the main antagonist of an RPG that, when defeated, results in the viewing of the ending and credits. Any post-game boss afterwards is optional, you get nothing substantial (or nothing at all) for beating them, and they're meant to give you something to work towards in an effort to extend the life of the game. These "superbosses" are not "true final bosses".

2. Most bosses you can beat low-level when you take advantages of weaknesses. Ruby WEAPON in Final Fantasy VII, for example, is extremely easy to beat with Cloud on his own (both of the other party members dead) with several different materia setups that sap Ruby's health and gives it to Cloud. And in Pokemon, a level 30 Pokemon could easily defeat one of the level 60+ Pokemon that the League Champions use if they have a type-advantage and use the right move. The point being, learn the exploits that the game actually permits you to use. There's no reason you can't win against any boss, low-level.

3. The good thing about the optional superbosses is, as I said, they are optional and often times don't give you anything but bragging rights, so just don't fight them if you can't beat them and/or don't want to put forth the effort to prep yourself to finish them off.
Xbox One: Red Maxx XIII | Switch FC: 3577-2579-7872
Mixer streams: | YouTube:
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
InfinityOver0 23 hours ago#37
Blorfenburger posted...
The one thing I dont like about japanese games in general are the huge numbers like with damage. A US game would say 100 while a Japanese game might say 1000 or maybe even 10,000. 
Currency I understand since the yen is less than USD

That's one thing I do like about Japanese games lol
Science is life
kaioideiye 22 hours ago#38
AngelosTheHero posted...
kaioideiye posted...
mattskirble92 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

I think part of it is I already know the outcome in a way from watching reviews or reading in forums whatever the case may be so I feel the grind at that point is irrelevant.I feel like Im just grinding without any sense of accomplishment. 

Right now Im finshing these games so Im gonna try to do it before jumping back into Persona or buying Romancing Saga 2, Fire Emblem Awakening, Radiant Historia, Bravely Default series and a few SMT games which reminds me I didnt finish off the end game content for SMT 4 Apacolypse either. SMH.

Next year will be all about Trails of Cold Steel and Grandia so I gotta clear off my backlog.

Don't you just tend to naturally end up at level 99 by the end of the SMT IV games anyway? I did, at least.

I didnt finish the game as you can see from the post Im a master procrastinator. Is that the case?
kaioideiye 22 hours ago#39
Questionmarktarius posted...
0ofreako0 posted...
my thing about japanese games is, in a lot of them, for every hour of playing you actually only get about 20 minutes because there's 40 minutes of cut scene/story. :|

You should consider Brave Dungeon.
Also it's on sale right now:

LOL I have this on both 3ds and Switch. Another game I loved yet abandoned. Also have Disgaea 5. So many games no time to play them but I just keep buying.
kaioideiye posted...
Another game I loved yet abandoned.

Wait, why?
A first run should be around six or seven hours.
kaioideiye 17 hours ago#41
Questionmarktarius posted...
kaioideiye posted...
Another game I loved yet abandoned.

Wait, why?
A first run should be around six or seven hours.

Im not sure why. Just works out that way.
Megaman Omega 5 hours ago#42
Blorfenburger posted...
The one thing I dont like about japanese games in general are the huge numbers like with damage. A US game would say 100 while a Japanese game might say 1000 or maybe even 10,000.

And then Diablo III shoots your entire claim out of the window.
"The Switch couldn't handle DooM." - slyman19
"Wolfenstein coming to the Switch? 0% chance." - slyman19
(edited 5 hours ago)reportquote
I guess it's a matter of taste, I like grinding in JRGGs, it's relaxing to me, especially on a handheld where I can just lay in bed and gain a couple levels before I fall asleep.
Xbox One: AMilli0NliGHTS | PS4/Vita: AMilli0NliGHTS_ | Switch: 4951-1316-4319 | 3DS: 3926-7362-7193 | Steam: AMilli0nliGHTS
amilli0nlights posted...
I guess it's a matter of taste, I like grinding in JRGGs, it's relaxing to me, especially on a handheld where I can just lay in bed and gain a couple levels before I fall asleep.

NOW PLAYING: Silent Hill 2
kaioideiye 1 hour ago#45
amilli0nlights posted...
I guess it's a matter of taste, I like grinding in JRGGs, it's relaxing to me, especially on a handheld where I can just lay in bed and gain a couple levels before I fall asleep.

Its not that I love grinding too. I particularly love finding the best way to grind in certain situations and points of games. Theres just something about finishing out the game at the very end and grinding from 50-80 or whatever the case maybe. Its like some negative vibe hanging over my head at the end of the game idk what it is. 

Anyways I just got the end credits to roll for Dragon Quest after 90 hours so I feel pretty good about that. Gonna let this one sit for a bit and move onto another game.
Smackems 1 hour ago#46
Dirak posted...
I never bother with "superbosses" or post game content *shrugs*
Common sense is the most uncommon thing in the world-some dude.
Jonexe 8 minutes ago#47
Depends on what we consider the final boss:

1. The one that gives me the end of the plot and the credits.
2. The hardest boss in the game.

If it's #1, I actually like it to be more difficult if, and only if, there is side content to do to help me level/gear up to beat it. Many SNES RPGs had this (CT, FF4~6) where when you were capable of going to the final dungeon you weren't necessarily capable of beating it. There was side content available to help you power up to finally go through the dungeon and beat the boss.

If it's #2 I skip them entirely. Fuck pointless post-game content.
"My life is a chip in your pile... ante up!"
  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch 
  3. The one thing I absolutely I hate about JRPG's

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