Sunday, May 12, 2019

How do I stop turning when I move my joystick one millimeter?

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Nintendo Switch
I'm preparing for a down B with Ganondork and suddenly my character turns and makes me self destruct.
It's not drifting since I calibrated my joystick like 10 times, and this also happens when I'm doing aerials with my other joystick. Why? The joystick works fine with other games...

One of my biggest complaints with The Switch is the default controllers it comes with are made very cheap and break very easily. Combine this with the fact that it's portable, if you're the type of person that brings it with you on travel, it's a recipe for disaster.
I have already had 2 broken left joycons just from putting it in a bag when traveling. I only say this because your joysticks may be breaking because they break so damn easily.

Hit diagonal down slightly in the direction you're trying to face.

I'd say you need some pivoting for microspacing safely, that or use diagonal input as someone said above.

If you've messed with the stick sensitivity at all in the controls area, I'd recommend dropping it down to Low. That should help a lot with missed inputs.
SmokeRulz  (Expert)
But then I won't be able to run or drop from platforms...
You will be able to still, it's not that hard on Low

Move the stick only half a millimeter. It works for me.

I suppose increasing the dead zone size isn't an option?
How do I do that lol

Either you're using the controller wrong or it's broken. The game doesn't have this issue.

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