Monday, June 3, 2019

Got one of those DMCA violation e-mails from Comcast

  1. Boards
  2. Current Events
  3. Got one of those DMCA violation e-mails from Comcast.
I thought the rule with emulation is that if you own a legally purchased physical copy of the game, you’re not breaking the law.

Granted they don’t know that I own Metroid Prime legally purchased both physically and digitally, but if it comes to that what’s the rule?
(edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
Doe 1 hour ago#2
I didn't know people get emails for downloading ROMs
EffectAndCause 1 hour ago#3
Doe posted...
I didn't know people get emails for downloading ROMs

I don’t have a VPN (learned what that is today) so I guess Comcast can track it.

Seems like this was just a warning though, and they’d terminate my service if I kept doing it.
(edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
kingdrake2 1 hour ago#4
EffectAndCause posted...
I thought the rule with emulation is that if you own a legally purchased physical copy of the game, you’re not breaking the law.

Granted they don’t know that I own Metroid Prime legally purchased both physically and digitally, but if it comes to that what’s the rule?

you aren't allowed to download something illegal even if it's legal if you own the game or system.
that's why i ditched comcast a long time ago.
The act of treachery is an art, but the traitor himself is a piece of **** - Mike Tyson
mach25687 1 hour ago#5
Is it one of those pop up they put telling everybody you DL illegally?
LockeMonster 1 hour ago#6
This seems new. They don't send DMCAs unless you're uploading or torrenting. It's not Comcast who requests it, it's the company who owns it that says they caught you downloading. That's not possible with direct downloads.
"Scranton is great, but New York is like Scranton on acid. No, on speed. Nah. On steroids."
FC: 3282-3258-0224
You can't legally download a rom or iso regardless of if you own it or not.

You are legally allowed to make your own backups
The Legend is True!
TheoryzC 1 hour ago#8
This is where my sigs suppose to be.
OctilIery 1 hour ago#9
EffectAndCause posted...
I thought the rule with emulation is that if you own a legally purchased physical copy of the game, you’re not breaking the law.

Granted they don’t know that I own Metroid Prime legally purchased both physically and digitally, but if it comes to that what’s the rule?

No. Downloading Roms is always illegal.
EffectAndCause 1 hour ago#10
TheoryzC posted...

Yeah this time it was. I guess I won’t do that anymore.
spudger 1 hour ago#11
get a vpn and stop worrying
-Only dead fish swim with the current
VipaGTS 1 hour ago#12
stop using torrents.
"I devour urine just like my Portland Trailblazers, with piss poor defense."
Bishop9800 1 hour ago#13
VipaGTS posted...
stop using torrents.

What would you suggest
HypnoCoosh 1 hour ago#14
Don't do illegal s***.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." George Washington
You downloaded it illegally, don’t do that.
EffectAndCause 1 hour ago#16
HypnoCoosh posted...
Don't do illegal s***.

Didn’t know I was, I usually always buy games, music and movies legally.

I’ve bought this one twice.

Sorry big daddy Comcast, i’ll be a good boy.
Shill central in here lol
Posted with GameRaven 3.5.1
Jagr_68 1 hour ago#18
lmfao like Comcast ever does anything. Just scare tactics, man.
A vpn will squash any concerns. Also don't reply to the message and treat it like you never received it if it ever comes up again.
Ten million dollars on a losing campaign
Twenty million starving and writhing in pain
I've got a friend who apparently keeps getting them for streaming/downloading movies from shady sites. Always just warnings though.
[This Sig was deleted at the demand of the Illuminati]
EffectAndCause 1 hour ago#21
I just wanted better graphics, better controls, convenience and more durable hardware. :’(
EffectAndCause 1 hour ago#22
Side question, how the f*** does still exist?
spudger 1 hour ago#23
EffectAndCause posted...
Side question, how the f*** does still exist?

somewhere were the law doesnt care or there is no extradition probalby
-Only dead fish swim with the current
Aloner 54 minutes ago#24
EffectAndCause posted...
I thought the rule with emulation is that if you own a legally purchased physical copy of the game, you’re not breaking the law.

That's always been a myth.

The law has never been about your possession of the data. It's about your right to copy it (copyright).

When you buy a game you purchase the license to use it in the exact form you bought it in. You're not automatically permitted to upload it your PC or anything, regardless of the fact that it's a product you bought.

Because the data is considered under a different set of laws than the physical product you bought (which you can otherwise do whatever you want with).
Irony 50 minutes ago#25
EffectAndCause posted...
I thought the rule with emulation is that if you own a legally purchased physical copy of the game, you’re not breaking the law.

Granted they don’t know that I own Metroid Prime legally purchased both physically and digitally, but if it comes to that what’s the rule?

This has never been the case
I am Mogar, God of Irony and The Devourer of Topics.
EnterTheTekken 44 minutes ago#26
I've been using torrents for years on Xfinity and have gotten nothing [no VPN]. I'm talking music, Blu-ray movies, full seasons of TV series, etc.

What client are you using? It's usually the sharing that gets you popped, not so much the downloading. Turn down your Upload speed and max clients allowed per upload. Also, kill the transaction the moment your download finishes.
Lordgold666 42 minutes ago#27
MC_BatCommander posted...
You can't legally download a rom or iso regardless of if you own it or not.

You are legally allowed to make your own backups

^^^ this, they need to be YOUR own dumps
3DS: 1848-2391-0198
"May the Father of Understanding guide us"
P4wn4g3 41 minutes ago#28
I mean if they told me that I'd just cancel the service.
Zikten 40 minutes ago#29
comcast is dumb. they have been calling me about giving back an old crappy modem for 2 years. I have no idea what happened to it and I moved out of their coverage area. not mailing that thing even if I find it.
TheoryzC 1 minute ago#30
Direct download all day
This is where my sigs suppose to be.
  1. Boards
  2. Current Events 
  3. Got one of those DMCA violation e-mails from Comcast.

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