Monday, May 4, 2020

You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII - P1

  1. Boards
  2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
  3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
Pazto 3 weeks ago#1
I'm glad if you enjoyed the game, I'm ok if you disliked it, "Nomura's" plot twist and all that stuff, but...
FFVII started AFTER midgar. That mindblowing moment where an entire world open in front of you...
The Cosmo Canyon, Rocket Town, Fort Condor, Icicle Inn...
This is something only the OG players can probably understand, but I can just say, if you played the original one and you loved it, please listen this: 

And tell me if this ""Remake"" is FFVII.
Lurking Here Since 1998
Willowed 3 weeks ago#2
Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.
I'm famous with a cheater, apparently.
JawlessJack 3 weeks ago#3
Willowed posted...
Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.

Sephiroth0327 3 weeks ago#4
Coming from someone whose screename has been "Sephiroth0327" since 2003 and beaten the original at least 20 times...

LOL - ok. If you want the same game, go play the remaster. The entire concept behind a remake/reimagining is that it's new and different
PSN: Sephiroth0327
wissenschaft 3 weeks ago#5
I played FF4 and FF6 before FF7 came out. FF7 having a world map wasn't mindblowing to me. Though I get that FF7 was the normies first introduction to JRPGs.

HyperL 3 weeks ago#6
"FFVII started AFTER midgar"

How very subjective.
crono12064 3 weeks ago#7
wissenschaft posted...
I played FF4 and FF6 before FF7 came out. FF7 having a world map wasn't mindblowing to me. Though I get that FF7 was the normies first introduction to JRPGs.


Yeah, and I also played Dragon Quest (Warrior) before FF.

What was mind blowing to me was Midgar. Afterwards, FFVII became your run of the mill JRPG as far as the exploration is concerned.
"I want to remind you that life is an RPG, so have fun!" - Yuji Horii
Omnithomas 3 weeks ago#8
Played since release. Midgar is one of the best segments of the original anyway.
"I am one of the supervisors, thats all you need to know."
wissenschaft 3 weeks ago#9
crono12064 posted...
Yeah, and I also played Dragon Quest (Warrior) before FF.

What was mind blowing to me was Midgar. Afterwards, FFVII became your run of the mill JRPG as far as the exploration is concerned.

Yes! Exactly. What was special about FF7 to me was Midgar. The start of the game and when you returned to Midgar were always my favorite parts of the game. I always dreamed of getting a whole remade game just set in midgar. And my dream has come true finally.
The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#10
crono12064 posted...
Yeah, and I also played Dragon Quest (Warrior) before FF.

What was mind blowing to me was Midgar. Afterwards, FFVII became your run of the mill JRPG as far as the exploration is concerned.

Yes, Midgar was mind blowingly bad.
KingVi3 3 weeks ago#11
Entire world open? Are you on crack?
You go point A to point B. How is this not final fantasy 7? We're not going outside of midgar. We gonna stay quarantine inside midgar together. Stay home, save lives.
Willowed 3 weeks ago#12
Actually thinking about it, if we think "entire world open", doesn't that mean FF7 would actually "start" after Rocket Town where you get the Tiny Bronco? You're actually pretty limited in where you can go and do until then.
I'm famous with a cheater, apparently.
Apoca 3 weeks ago#13
  1. make (something) again or differently.

Yup, about sums it up.
Pazto 3 weeks ago#14
If RE Remakes took the "alternative timeline" path, what would had happen?
But nah, let's go full KH and change the story!
From a company that made XIII (trilogy, lol) XV and KH3.
Heh... But as I said, if you are enjoying this, I'm happy for you ♥
Lurking Here Since 1998
Yuji Kaido 3 weeks ago#15
Willowed posted...
Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.

Got 'em.
"Just another free win." - Goddess Jacqui Briggs
Remember when games were entertainment and not political soapboxes? Yuji Kaido remembers.
The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#16
Willowed posted...
Actually thinking about it, if we think "entire world open", doesn't that mean FF7 would actually "start" after Rocket Town where you get the Tiny Bronco? You're actually pretty limited in where you can go and do until then.

It was certainly one of the best parts of the game.

There were several optional areas before that though (Fort Condor, Gongaga, Shinra Mansion, lots of stuff in Gold Saucer, sleeping dude cave, Yuffie's entire existence).
Gainazzo 3 weeks ago#17
I definitely felt the same way, the main theme and the world map opening before you was amazing but what made it so great compared to other games was Midgar. It's because of Midgar being so insanely well made and huge that makes it feel so crazy when you enter the world map and realize it's just a small portion of the world.
KunkopYep 3 weeks ago#18
I completely agree with TC.
This is a KH meets FFXIII-3 with FF7 characters.... in the worst kind of form
I don't mind losing with Bust a Move 4 - DafPAF
Pazto 3 weeks ago#19
Also most ppl seem to forget that for most of ppl FFVII was the first introduction to JRPG.
I mean it was the first FF Europe got beside Mystic Quest.
Lurking Here Since 1998
toadieman 3 weeks ago#20
Just watched the game ending. This is so bad. Like kingdom hearts level bad.
Playing: XCOM Enemy Within
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
1Tekkaman 3 weeks ago#21
FFVII started AFTER midgar.
As someone who has played it many times over the past two decades, I can confidently say this statement is a mass of bat guano.
I swim through a sea of stars. . . .
Pazto 3 weeks ago#22
KunkopYep posted...
I completely agree with TC.
This is a KH meets FFXIII-3 with FF7 characters.... in the worst kind of form

Lurking Here Since 1998
OmniChris 3 weeks ago#23
Pretty sure it's FF7 Remake.
crono12064 3 weeks ago#24
wissenschaft posted...
Yes! Exactly. What was special about FF7 to me was Midgar. The start of the game and when you returned to Midgar were always my favorite parts of the game. I always dreamed of getting a whole remade game just set in midgar. And my dream has come true finally.

Oh wow. Good for you.

Midgar is the iconic location of the game, and I have heard people years before this remake was announced that they wanted to spend more time there.
"I want to remind you that life is an RPG, so have fun!" - Yuji Horii
Guru_Clef 3 weeks ago#25
OmniChris posted...
Pretty sure it's FF7 Remake.
Shhh. They’re already confused.
Magoichi 3 weeks ago#26
When I was 10 I enjoyed the world map stuff. A couple years later after several replays I found myself enjoying the Midgar and Junon sections the most, which were both quite linear each time you visit.
Guru_Clef 3 weeks ago#27
wissenschaft posted...
Yes! Exactly. What was special about FF7 to me was Midgar. The start of the game and when you returned to Midgar were always my favorite parts of the game. I always dreamed of getting a whole remade game just set in midgar. And my dream has come true finally.
Ditto! The mood and atmosphere the game set with Midgar was what locked me into the game. I wish we had more similar settings in the OG. Oh well, looking forward to this one!
(message deleted)
MalakTawus 3 weeks ago#29
Well, infact this is NOT FFVII,lol
"Remember, you can make anything as idiot-proof as you want, they'll just build a better idiot...."
YourBestFrenemy 3 weeks ago#30
Hence the word Remake in the title.
Things could always be worse. Spiders could have wings.
ivory3333 3 weeks ago#31
i know this is a remake, but at this point i will not even consider remotely close to ff7. i will pretend it is a different game and story that take place in similar universe with similar character (so far).
Everyone is in favor of free speech.people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.
Pazto 3 weeks ago#32
ivory3333 posted...
i know this is a remake, but at this point i will not even consider remotely close to ff7. i will pretend it is a different game and story that take place in similar universe with similar character (so far).

Lurking Here Since 1998
Talgonite 3 weeks ago#33
crono12064 posted...
Yeah, and I also played Dragon Quest (Warrior) before FF.

What was mind blowing to me was Midgar. Afterwards, FFVII became your run of the mill JRPG as far as the exploration is concerned.

This. Midgar was awesome. I was expecting the whole game to take place there.
3DS FC: 0748-6657-0652
Willowed 3 weeks ago#34
The_Undying_84 posted...
It was certainly one of the best parts of the game.

There were several optional areas before that though (Fort Condor, Gongaga, Shinra Mansion, lots of stuff in Gold Saucer, sleeping dude cave, Yuffie's entire existence).

I never really thought about Shinra Mansion being optional, but yeah. I guess it actually is.
Maybe it's the flashback just screaming for you to go in that got me there, I just thought it would've been the safe and Vincent.
I'm famous with a cheater, apparently.
foodeater4 3 weeks ago#35
I don’t mind the expanded Midgar

I haven’t really played the game since the ps1 days and this the only part of the gsme I somewhat remember
jaymzevanz 3 weeks ago#36
I'm 50 years old, OG.
sorry but it is FF7, just not the one YOU wanted.
but you are entitled to YOUR opinion.
i think the changes are interesting.

the artist formerly known as jaymz1970 (gamefaqs for 6+ years)
Mwiff 3 weeks ago#37
Willowed posted...
I never really thought about Shinra Mansion being optional, but yeah. I guess it actually is.
Maybe it's the flashback just screaming for you to go in that got me there, I just thought it would've been the safe and Vincent.

Oh shit I honestly had no idea Shinra mansion was optional either haha.
FinalFantasyIV 3 weeks ago#38
I definitely drove right passed Gongaga the first time
murador 3 weeks ago#39
Pazto posted...
So, if the rest of this "Project" will be XIII linear like, with no open world and stuff you would be happy?
I mean from most of you it sound like the story could end at the bridge, and you would be fine with it... LoL.
Seto Tears, Aerith Death, Barret vs Dyne and so on... heh...

I dont really mind about not having an open world, all FFs are linear. You had an open world on VII and several other FFs that wasnt really opened, it was pretty straight forward.

If this project turn to be similar to what FF X was I will be happy enough.
hellzyaaahhhhhh 3 weeks ago#40
you mean not canon to story...

woooo my prediction of the next crisis core came true....
the story everyone decleared not canon
the following is sponsored by a lost bet...
play "maplestory" its fun! try it you will like it
lcewitch 3 weeks ago#41
wissenschaft posted...
I played FF4 and FF6 before FF7 came out. FF7 having a world map wasn't mindblowing to me.


wissenschaft 3 weeks ago#42
Pazto posted...
So, if the rest of this "Project" will be XIII linear like, with no open world and stuff you would be happy?
I mean from most of you it sound like the story could end at the bridge, and you would be fine with it... LoL.
Seto Tears, Aerith Death, Barret vs Dyne and so on... heh...
Remake isnt even as linear as ff13 so as long as they keep the current quality ill be happy
King_Shortt_IX 3 weeks ago#43
You are right.

This is a Final Fantasy VII Remake.
It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies, and in the end, isn't that the real truth? The no.
Ryuseii 3 weeks ago#44
Yeah, definitely not the FF7 ''remake'' they were saying it would be. Its more of a reboot than anything, these aren't the character and world I grew up with, more like impostors who share similar names.

They ruined any air of mystery Sephiroth should have had to first time players early on, and the fact you're able to go toe to toe with Sephiroth at the end of the freaking first part of the remake before you even go out of Midgar just baffles me. It really kills any potential growth in power the characters could have at this point.

This isn't FF7, its something trying to imitate it. Glad I'm not buying it.
Ryuseii FC:SW-7252-2484-1041
YungLeviathan 3 weeks ago#45
Ryuseii posted...
Yeah, definitely not the FF7 ''remake'' they were saying it would be. Its more of a reboot than anything, these aren't the character and world I grew up with, more like impostors who share similar names.

They ruined any air of mystery Sephiroth should have had to first time players early on, and the fact you're able to go toe to toe with Sephiroth at the end of the freaking first part of the remake before you even go out of Midgar just baffles me. It really kills any potential growth in power the characters could have at this point.

This isn't FF7, its something trying to imitate it. Glad I'm not buying it.
”oHhh NoOooO SephiRotTH nO loNGER MYSTERIOUS cos hE makes APPEARANCES!!!!”
ace_spades111 3 weeks ago#46
Sephiroth0327 posted...
Coming from someone whose screename has been "Sephiroth0327" since 2003 and beaten the original at least 20 times...

LOL - ok. If you want the same game, go play the remaster. The entire concept behind a remake/reimagining is that it's new and different
can't argue against those credentials
(no, I'm not being snarky)
(message deleted)
Fuuinashi 3 weeks ago#48

Draconic_Seed posted...
No, it's a stupid sequel that nobody asked for.
What's strange to me is that SE blatantly lied to millions of people and noboby seems to care. Unbelievable.

This time we can save Aerith!
timber_jack 3 weeks ago#49
King_Shortt_IX posted...
You are right,

This is a Final Fantasy VII Remake.


ASRock Z77 Extreme4;GeForce GTX 970 ; Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570CPU @ 3.40GHz
Willowed 3 weeks ago#50
Draconic_Seed posted...
No, it's a stupid sequel that nobody asked for.
What's strange to me is that SE blatantly lied to millions of people and noboby seems to care. Unbelievable.
Well, I never claimed it was a remake over a sequel. I politely informed TC that it is indeed called FF7 Remake.
I'm famous with a cheater, apparently.
  1. Boards
  2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
  3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
    1. Boards
    2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
    3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
    CarpeCapricorn 3 weeks ago#51
    Correct. It's ffvii remake.
    Ffvii came out 20+ years ago.
    Beings that are born of dreams must return to them.
    Gun_Empress 3 weeks ago#52
    I wish they were at least most honest with the changes. We were under the impression it would be a 1:1.
    Order and Chaos
    Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#53
    Willowed posted...
    Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.
    No it's part one of FF7 reboot, that managed to go from the mediocre FF7 to something even worse.
    zombie_basher13 3 weeks ago#54
    "FF VII didn't start until you've played the game for 5 hours guys."

    The game started when you selected New Game
    What are you doing on computer? Go outside it's so beautifulll! Mrawww, c'mahhh!!
    OtherVulpe 3 weeks ago#55
    Draconic_Seed posted...
    No, it's a stupid sequel that nobody asked for.
    What's strange to me is that SE blatantly lied to millions of people and noboby seems to care. Unbelievable.

    Because people have kept their eye on the project through the past few years, and have reacted accordingly to each major change as they've been made known. People care. What you probably find unbelievable is that many want to play the game regardless. It's simple, though; the game seems to be a good fun experence by all accounts, on its own merits.
    StefanBilly 3 weeks ago#56
    people keep using this hilarious argument "it's a remake duh, its different". And yet, nobody seems to even udnerstand what defines "remake" and "remaster". It's not a remake, it's either a sequel or a "fabula nomura de fanfic". - Manga Shorts for great funs! - my 2d Art Portfolio.
    MasterDarken 3 weeks ago#57
    You're right, there's more to enjoy here than in FF7 - action, music, scenery. With less focus on the characters and story, this game is actually ENJOYABLE compared to the horror that is/was the classic game.
    Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#58
    Sephiroth0327 posted...
    Coming from someone whose screename has been "Sephiroth0327" since 2003 and beaten the original at least 20 times...

    LOL - ok. If you want the same game, go play the remaster. The entire concept behind a remake/reimagining is that it's new and different
    Pathetic apologism. A remake is meant to be the same game with remade graphics. It can fix stuff and add extras but it can't massively change anything.

    This was already not a real remake because it changed the gameplay but now it's worse because it doesn't even has the same story. This is part 1 of a terrible reboot, falsely advertised as a full remake.
    Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#59
    Gainazzo posted...
    I definitely felt the same way, the main theme and the world map opening before you was amazing but what made it so great compared to other games was Midgar. It's because of Midgar being so insanely well made and huge that makes it feel so crazy when you enter the world map and realize it's just a small portion of the world.
    Huge? Original midgar only has some areas where you can go and the reboot isnt very different regarding freedon of exploration.
    Aeptia 3 weeks ago#60
    Pazto posted...
    FFVII started AFTER midgar
    Actually it started with the Bombing Mission. Imagine thinking you can pretend the game started in a different place.
    Expect the Unexpected!
    YungLeviathan 3 weeks ago#61
    Gun_Empress posted...
    I wish they were at least most honest with the changes. We were under the impression it would be a 1:1.
    They were honest. Literally 95% of the game is 1:1.
    xKANONx 3 weeks ago#62
    how sad are your lives that you decide coming to a forum to cry at strangers is a good use of your time? You realize no one even remotely associated with this game will ever see this right? And that no one here cares whether you like it or not? You are essentially crying into the void..
    jaoman69 3 weeks ago#63
    Yes it is, can you not read?
    Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#64
    Willowed posted...
    Well, I never claimed it was a remake over a sequel. I politely informed TC that it is indeed called FF7 Remake.
    Cry harder. This isn't about what SE calls it. But what it is: a lame reboot, part 1.
    ExNeodeath 3 weeks ago#65
    This thread has caused me to return OP is correct, gorgeous game but highly disappointed with the delivery of the game. I don't want to purchase part 1 and then play part 2, 1-2 years later after a cliffhanger. This isn't movie cinema or a avengers saga. Make the full game and release it when ready. Also do not call it a remake if you change the story.

    Have watched a few video's of the game combat, and cut scenes amazing. But the delivery they dropped the ball and I feel like they are being greedy and trying to rush for profits. In order to complete the whole game you have to buy several parts...
    PSN: Xeleron ADD ME!
    Blazblue: Jin
    (message deleted)
    Willowed 3 weeks ago#67
    Trickster-0 posted...
    Cry harder. This isn't about what SE calls it. But what it is: a lame reboot, part 1.
    I'm not crying though. TC said it's not FFVII, and I agreed. The title of the game is literally Final Fantasy VII Remake.
    I'm famous with a cheater, apparently.
    Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#68
    Draconic_Seed posted...
    No, it's a stupid sequel that nobody asked for.
    What's strange to me is that SE blatantly lied to millions of people and noboby seems to care. Unbelievable.
    Everyone besides low standards new players care. Even the apologists care but pretend not to.
    Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#69
    StefanBilly posted...
    people keep using this hilarious argument "it's a remake duh, its different". And yet, nobody seems to even udnerstand what defines "remake" and "remaster". It's not a remake, it's either a sequel or a "fabula nomura de fanfic".
    Everyone understands. The apologists just pretend not to.
    StefanBilly 3 weeks ago#70
    xKANONx posted...
    how sad are your lives that you decide coming to a forum to cry at strangers is a good use of your time? You realize no one even remotely associated with this game will ever see this right? And that no one here cares whether you like it or not? You are essentially crying into the void..

    How sad are you coming here and crying about your twisted perspective on the reality of discussing opinions. Can you not realize that no one here will take you serious because this is literally the audience you think you're looking down on? - Manga Shorts for great funs! - my 2d Art Portfolio.
    Dropped_Emil 3 weeks ago#71
    Pazto posted... 
    The world map theme has a 100% success rate of making me emotional. Why'd you do that to me? :'(
    I'm not sure.
    Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#72
    Willowed posted...
    I'm not crying though. TC said it's not FFVII, and I agreed. The title of the game is literally Final Fantasy VII Remake.
    Aaaand reported for trolling.
    pichuscute 3 weeks ago#73
    Willowed posted...
    Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.
    This. FFVII is already available on all major platforms and has been for years now. You don't need to play the remake to get that.

    As with many in the past, from Metroid Zero Mission to Resident Evil to Fire Emblem Echoes, the best remakes modernize a game for a modern audience. That brings with it gameplay, story, and setting changes, as well as new content and new detail. Whether you like that is your problem, but this very much is a remake.
    Looking forward to: Buying more retro games, BotW2, FFVIIR, SMTV someday.
    Fav series: Zelda, Mario Kart, WipEout, Custom Robo, SMT, Final Fantasy.
    bipots2 3 weeks ago#74
    Willowed posted...
    Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.

    StefanBilly 3 weeks ago#75
    A remake is a recreation of a game with modern standarts, which means interpreting what the original story tried to get across with modern possibilities to the best of their knowledge. Is FF7 "Remake" doing this? - Manga Shorts for great funs! - my 2d Art Portfolio.
    xKANONx 3 weeks ago#76
    StefanBilly posted...
    How sad are you coming here and crying about your twisted perspective on the reality of discussing opinions. Can you not realize that no one here will take you serious because this is literally the audience you think you're looking down on?

    please, tell me, how am I crying and what am I crying about exactly? I don’t care if you take me seriously or not, I’m simply stating facts to you. Do you honestly believe anything you say here will have any impact on the next game? And do you honestly believe anyone here cares about your whining? So what’s the point of complaining here, specifically, to these people? Also lol @ me having a twisted perspective if you think what’s happening here is “discussing opinions” instead of straight up moaning about how you don’t like the game.
    (message deleted)
    StefanBilly 3 weeks ago#78
    xKANONx posted...
    please, tell me, how am I crying and what am I crying about exactly? I don’t care if you take me seriously or not, I’m simply stating facts to you. Do you honestly believe anything you say here will have any impact on the next game? And do you honestly believe anyone here cares about your whining? So what’s the point of complaining here, specifically, to these people? Also lol @ me having a twisted perspective if you think what’s happening here is “discussing opinions” instead of straight up moaning about how you don’t like the game.

    Based on your logic, you are "crying" and you are "wasting your time". What's the point of complaining about people here? Do you need to share your thoughts here? Because if you want to tell everyone how dumb they are, you certainly aren't satisfied with just believing that you're better than them, you want them to know it. Which isn't going to work. - Manga Shorts for great funs! - my 2d Art Portfolio.
    SugarFlakes 3 weeks ago#79
    It sure isn’t.
    Favorite Games: Fire Emblem: PoR, Radiant Dawn, and 3 Houses, Persona 5, Star Ocean 3
    Valkyrie Profile 2, Super Mario: 64, Odyssey, World, DKC2, Banjo-Tooie
    Puppyfaic 3 weeks ago#80
    Pazto posted...
    FFVII started AFTER midgar. That mindblowing moment where an entire world open in front of you...
    Personally disagree. I only enjoyed the midgar portion of FF7.
    manta53 3 weeks ago#81
    Pazto posted...
    I'm glad if you enjoyed the game, I'm ok if you disliked it, "Nomura's" plot twist and all that stuff, but...
    FFVII started AFTER midgar. That mindblowing moment where an entire world open in front of you...
    The Cosmo Canyon, Rocket Town, Fort Condor, Icicle Inn...
    This is something only the OG players can probably understand, but I can just say, if you played the original one and you loved it, please listen this: (click to expand) 
    And tell me if this ""Remake"" is FFVII.
    Weird my copies definetly Final Fantasy 7, maybe you got some weird bootleg copy or something?
    Church of Korvin
    pichuscute 3 weeks ago#82
    Puppyfaic posted...
    Personally disagree. I only enjoyed the midgar portion of FF7.
    Have to agree, at least in part, to this. A lot of the second half of FFVII isn't paced the great, some of the character writing isn't great, and there's little consistency in locations. There's exceptions for sure, but I can't say I enjoy everything after Midgar. I'd say it was about a 50/50 whether I liked a place or whether it made any sense after leaving Midgar.

    Midgar is a huge strength and by far the most interesting part of the FFVII world. Hopefully, this remake helps to make that world a lot more consistent in the later parts.

    Looking forward to: Buying more retro games, BotW2, FFVIIR, SMTV someday.
    Fav series: Zelda, Mario Kart, WipEout, Custom Robo, SMT, Final Fantasy.
    ecleric 3 weeks ago#83
    FF7 Retcon
    Spiritlittle 3 weeks ago#84
    Willowed posted...
    Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.

    Official Raven of the Injustice 2 boards
    Official Jill Valentine of the Marvel vs Capcom Infinite boards
    MuddyPillow 3 weeks ago#85
    cry moar TC
    RevOn_DX 3 weeks ago#86
    Watch the next title be called Final Fantasy VII Versus
    The official Color TV-Game 15 of GameFAQs
    Fatal Frame for Smash Bros, please. Thank you :3
    Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#87
    StefanBilly posted...
    A remake is a recreation of a game with modern standarts, which means interpreting what the original story tried to get across with modern possibilities to the best of their knowledge. Is FF7 "Remake" doing this?
    BS. A game remake is the same game with modern graphics. It CAN make some small changes and as many additions as it wants. But it can't make major changes or else it stops being a remake.
    Mikexl 3 weeks ago#88
    It has been known for years that they were going to change stuff. It's a re-imagining, some things will be the same, some will be different. I don't know why this is so hard to grasp, no idea why some of you have been taken off guard by it.
    587Deathking 3 weeks ago#89
    Trickster-0 posted...
    BS. A game remake is the same game with modern graphics. It CAN make some small changes and as many additions as it wants. But it can't make major changes or else it stops being a remake.
    Sounds like a definition you just made up.
    Reading internet jokes-
    Reading a poorly written argument-
    JamesBR27 3 weeks ago#90
    The soundtrack of the original is seared into my heart. I LOVE it. I don't know if the orchestral soundtrack of the remake is so grand as the original. This overworld main theme of the original is still better than the orchestral.
    Thank the heavens this song is in FF XV.
    34 Years Playing Video-Games.
    Geostigma_Cloud 3 weeks ago#91
    Another rigatoni for brains completely unsolicited hot take
    MisguidedPirate 3 weeks ago#92
    Pazto posted...
    So, if the rest of this "Project" will be XIII linear like, with no open world and stuff you would be happy?
    I mean from most of you it sound like the story could end at the bridge, and you would be fine with it... LoL.
    Seto Tears, Aerith Death, Barret vs Dyne and so on... heh...
    You mean all those things that took place in a linear order, with just the option in between to amble around a bit on the world map or go back to previous locations for no reason or benefit?

    Face it, VII didn't really open up in any true sense until very late once the Weapons awakened, like the grand majority of JRPGs where events are always moving you along and impeding backtracking until the final act. A big empty space between point A and point B is no different to a corridor when all's said and done.
    I'm so Monster Hunter, the only mail I send is Gmail. Or... umm, Mastermail.
    InfinityOver0 3 weeks ago#93
    Pazto posted...
    FFVII started AFTER midgar

    I agree but it seems reasonable people like us are in the vast minority
    Science works
    Gainazzo 3 weeks ago#94
    Mikexl posted...
    It has been known for years that they were going to change stuff. It's a re-imagining, some things will be the same, some will be different. I don't know why this is so hard to grasp, no idea why some of you have been taken off guard by it.

    No it's not a re-imagining in any way. They're not telling the same story so it can't be a re-imagined one.
    serpentaurus 3 weeks ago#95
    Yeah i will patiently wait for part 2.
    Now playing: Overwatch, MK11, CTR:NF, DQ11
    Argonar_Alfaran 3 weeks ago#96
    Pazto posted...
    I'm glad if you enjoyed the game, I'm ok if you disliked it, "Nomura's" plot twist and all that stuff, but...
    FFVII started AFTER midgar. That mindblowing moment where an entire world open in front of you...
    The Cosmo Canyon, Rocket Town, Fort Condor, Icicle Inn...
    This is something only the OG players can probably understand, but I can just say, if you played the original one and you loved it, please listen this: 
    And tell me if this ""Remake"" is FFVII.
    FFVII started in Midgar and many consider it a highlight of the game.
    Nomight 3 weeks ago#97
    Trickster-0 posted...
    Cry harder. This isn't about what SE calls it. But what it is: a lame reboot, part 1.
    your the one doing the crying...
    YashaX 3 weeks ago#98
    Okay mom
    Stover46 3 weeks ago#99
    It being FFVII is a big reason why it's good.
    3DS FC: 4141-6111-4038 - so hyped
    deathstlkr 3 weeks ago#100
    Willowed posted...
    Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.

    The way it is, the way it should be and the way it always will be.
    1. Boards
    2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
    3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
      1. Boards
      2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
      3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
      vitalemrecords 3 weeks ago#101
      I'm staying up all night to play this game.
      Can't wait.
      Two more hours
      that face you make when
      Nomight 3 weeks ago#102
      vitalemrecords posted...
      I'm staying up all night to play this game.
      Can't wait.
      Two more hours
      if i had a ps4 ill be blasting ff7 music all night
      (message deleted)
      emagdnE 3 weeks ago#104
      It's FF7 with a plot twist that turns it into a sequel of sorts.

      Exactly what about it ISN'T FF7? The plot is mostly in tact. The characters are just as zero-dimensional. Even the quality of writing of said plot twist is the same level of quality of FF7's writing.

      Sorry. But it's FF7 without being able to use the novelty of FMVs as a crutch.
      I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy... All right, give me the bomb. -Ultra Magnus
      MMX377 3 weeks ago#105
      You're right. This isn't Final Fantasy VII. This is Final Fantasy VII REMAKE.

      Yay me!
      "Get up!! Show me your true power!" Ryu's victory quote in SF3
      drsw36 3 weeks ago#106
      Trickster-0 posted...
      Cry harder. This isn't about what SE calls it. But what it is: a lame reboot, part 1.
      You’re the one crying.
      gfrequency 3 weeks ago#107
      jaymzevanz posted...
      I'm 50 years old, OG.
      sorry but it is FF7, just not the one YOU wanted.
      but you are entitled to YOUR opinion.
      i think the changes are interesting.
      41 here. Willing to bet half these dumbass kids complaining about how it's "not MY FFVII" were still in diapers when the original came out.
      You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
      Dragonage2ftw 3 weeks ago#108
      KunkopYep posted...
      I completely agree with TC.
      This is a KH meets FFXIII-3 with FF7 characters.... in the worst kind of form

      Come back when you’ve finished a high school English class, please.
      Official Yu Narukami, Incineroar, Parasoul, Sombra, Black Widow, RE5 Jill, Kaede Akamatsu, Kamala Khan, Rehgar, Orisa, R.Mika, 2B, and Power Girl everywhere.
      LegendofLegaia 3 weeks ago#109
      People out here acting like FFVII became an Elder Scrolls game after the Midgar section lmfao.
      "It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it." - Kreia
      3DS FC: 2277-7454-8997
      (message deleted)
      vitalemrecords 3 weeks ago#111
      gfrequency posted...
      41 here. Willing to bet half these dumbass kids complaining about how it's "not MY FFVII" were still in diapers when the original came out.
      I want a remake of all of the final fantasy games like this.
      I've been playing since there wasn't even a Final Fantasy 2
      that face you make when
      The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#112
      LegendofLegaia posted...
      People out here acting like FFVII became an Elder Scrolls game after the Midgar section lmfao.

      Nope, it just became a proper FF game, where it was no better than XIII during Midgar.
      kanon951 3 weeks ago#113
      Of course it's not FFVII. This is just a cash grab. A very bad one.
      pichuscute 3 weeks ago#114
      kanon951 posted...
      Of course it's not FFVII. This is just a cash grab.

      Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.
      Looking forward to: Buying more retro games, BotW2, FFVIIR, SMTV someday.
      Fav series: Zelda, Mario Kart, WipEout, Custom Robo, SMT, Final Fantasy.
      ShiftBlood 3 weeks ago#115
      Willowed posted...
      Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.

      BotW2 opening scene is Bolson nonchalantly humming to himself, watering plants in his house with Tarrey Town music playing
      ShiftBlood 3 weeks ago#116
      kanon951 posted...
      This is just a cash grab. A very bad one.
      BotW2 opening scene is Bolson nonchalantly humming to himself, watering plants in his house with Tarrey Town music playing
      chaosvalentine 3 weeks ago#117
      Midgar's probably the most iconic location of the original game, so the idea that the game starts after there seems pretty bizarre to me. There's a reason the ad campaigns, box art, etc. focused on it.

      I mean, I'm fine with the point that the remake lacks the exploration of the original, but I think it's better just to say that than to disregard Midgar's importance in the original.
      InfinityOver0 3 weeks ago#118
      The_Undying_84 posted...
      Nope, it just became a proper FF game, where it was no better than XIII during Midgar.

      Why can't people see that? There is literally nothing else to do in midgar except progress the story. Sounds like 90% of ff13 to me
      Science works
      Foreverltj 3 weeks ago#119
      Pretty much everybody I have ever met agreed that the game really takes off AFTER Midgar, myself included. But if so many people really love Midgar then more power to you. Of course I know what to expect from this game, so I will be ok JUST exploring Midgar.
      First flew the greedy pelican; eager for the reward, white wings flailing.
      PS4TW 3 weeks ago#120
      Times change: in 100 years all these ff games will probably be forgotten. Just enjoy it for what it is.
      "All life fears death from birth. Life fears death, but lives only to die." Necron(FF9)
      "People are not moved by logic." -Mithos(TOS)
      Helloa 3 weeks ago#121
      You bet it isn’t. This game is actually good.

      I’m joking. They’re both kinda lame and poorly written.
      I like it soggy. With xxxtra spicers?
      LunasHowl 3 weeks ago#122
      Willowed posted...
      Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.
      Miss_Chen 3 weeks ago#123
      Sephiroth0327 posted...
      Coming from someone whose screename has been "Sephiroth0327" since 2003 and beaten the original at least 20 times...

      LOL - ok. If you want the same game, go play the remaster. The entire concept behind a remake/reimagining is that it's new and different
      The hell lol
      Woman must not accept; she must challenge...
      FFBE:345,491,776 PSN:subaru2985 Nintendo Switch: SW-2801-4984-2212
      CrimsonWing69 3 weeks ago#124
      FF VII started for me when I pressed Start for New Game...
      NSGraphite 3 weeks ago#125
      Knew this topic was coming and it would be filled with its trendy to hate the remake types.
      PS4 at 100 million baby!
      LunasHowl 3 weeks ago#126
      NSGraphite posted...
      Knew this topic was coming and it would be filled with its trendy to hate the remake types.
      I'll bet money 75% of the haters bought it
      NSGraphite 3 weeks ago#127
      LunasHowl posted...
      I'll bet money 75% of the haters bought it
      And they decided whether or not they were going to like it before it even finished installing.
      PS4 at 100 million baby!
      s0m3kat 3 weeks ago#128
      Pazto posted...
      I'm glad if you enjoyed the game, I'm ok if you disliked it, "Nomura's" plot twist and all that stuff, but...
      FFVII started AFTER midgar. That mindblowing moment where an entire world open in front of you...
      The Cosmo Canyon, Rocket Town, Fort Condor, Icicle Inn...
      This is something only the OG players can probably understand, but I can just say, if you played the original one and you loved it, please listen this: 

      And tell me if this ""Remake"" is FFVII.
      They said it would be a totally different game from the jump
      PSN - somekat
      AtomicArtumas 3 weeks ago#129
      I can't believe I'm agreeing with endgame on a game's story... but yeah.

      This game is still 100% FF7 through and through.
      Take your nostalgia glasses off, and actually look at the original.
      "people's first experience with JRPGs" and? Why does that matter literally at all for how good a game is?
      If my first experience with zelda had been the CDi games, I'd still think they're terrible.
      "omg, it had a world map!" ...something which was standard for the genre for over 20 years, and only recently is starting to become less common as they're no longer actually needed, is the sole saving grace of the game? really?
      Do. Fail. Retry. Never give up. Only way to reach the top.
      MHW: Name: Bean MR:100+
      Raiden243 3 weeks ago#130
      Yep this is basically Final Fantasy Kingdom Hearts.
      chairforceone 3 weeks ago#131
      I don’t get it, so are you supposed to have played the original to understand the remake?
      I have the ps1 game digitally but I’ve only ever gotten to the snow area where you find hojo’s lab or whatever, should I just carry on playing the original if I want the story?
      The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#132
      AtomicArtumas posted...
      and only recently is starting to become less common as they're no longer actually needed

      They're still needed and games today are worse off for trying to phase them out.
      CubanKing 3 weeks ago#133

      LOL - ok. If you want the same game, go play the remaster. The entire concept behind a remake/reimagining is that it's new and different

      Miss_Chen posted...
      The hell lol
      Haha you got to admit it's funny, a remake is supposed to be new and different!!! lol do they hear themselves?
      ClassicRando 3 weeks ago#134
      Willowed posted...
      Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake. I swear you took the words right out of my brain!
      ClassicRando 3 weeks ago#135
      CubanKing posted...
      Haha you got to admit it's funny, a remake is supposed to be new and different!!! lol do they hear themselves?
      Seriously they're trying to expand on the original. If you like the original, play the original again. I did
      ClassicRando 3 weeks ago#136
      make (something) again or differently.
      "the bed would be more comfortable if it were remade" straight out of the dictionary man
      zak234 3 weeks ago#137
      ClassicRando posted...
      Seriously they're trying to expand on the original. If you like the original, play the original again. I did

      No, no, no. Play the game until the end and you will see that this is not a remake, but a reboot.
      MauroMartel 3 weeks ago#138
      Yeah, sure. It's not FFVII just because you say so. Nice one, champ.
      Honor above everything.
      Xean_Liteheart 3 weeks ago#139
      k whatever lol
      Macdaddyruss1 3 weeks ago#140
      Lol stfu. I played the original as a teen. Just finished playing an hour. It is ff7 MIDGAR
      The internet will go down for 3 days in April due to COVID19
      CubanKing 3 weeks ago#141
      ClassicRando posted...
      Seriously they're trying to expand on the original.
      you mean like a sequel?
      vexdemyous 3 weeks ago#142
      I dunno. Things were simple in Midgar. The corporation was bad while an amateur resistance comes to terms with the fact that their actions have real world consequences. After you left Midgar it was just a moving goal post of bad guys.
      3headed 3 weeks ago#143
      it's FFVII remake u cuck.

      the original is available in the psn store if you can't get over the fact that you're old.

      u cuck.
      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      chrisat928 3 weeks ago#144
      Why do people want to play the exact same game? I never understood that rational when it comes to remakes. The originals still exist, you can go play that if you don't like the remake.
      3headed 3 weeks ago#145
      vexdemyous posted...
      I dunno. Things were simple in Midgar. The corporation was bad while an amateur resistance comes to terms with the fact that their actions have real world consequences. After you left Midgar it was just a moving goal post of bad guys.

      every character literally gets a tear jerker storyline that mostly blends in with the story and goal completion.

      the goal post is moved bc you're tracking someone down to prevent him from unleashing bad pokemon.
      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      3headed 3 weeks ago#146
      chrisat928 posted...
      Why do people want to play the exact same game? I never understood that rational when it comes to remakes. The originals still exist, you can go play that if you don't like the remake.

      most of the olds here were counting on this game to be a gateway to their childhoods. but really, they're just chasing phantoms from their pasts.

      it's because they have nothing better to live for, and are disappointed when they realize it's just a game, but their actual lives have been nothing but a waste.

      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      islandstartv 3 weeks ago#147
      I understand square dropped the ball, they had success with Dragon Quest, all they had to do was Final Fantasy VII like that, even similar how they did the world map and had the tales of series type field map between towns, it was a pleasant surprise to see a traditional world map when you got the boat as well as an airship

      flying the highwind of a detailed world map like that would've made all the fans happy and it would've broke all gaming records
      alex75000 3 weeks ago#148
      It’s FF7 Remake - 1
      You foolish knaves who cause my fall, Gates of Hell will be open for you all,
      3headed 3 weeks ago#149
      alex75000 posted...
      It’s FF7 Remake - 1

      Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Chapter 1

      to be exact.

      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      islandstartv 3 weeks ago#150
      ExNeodeath posted...
      This thread has caused me to return OP is correct, gorgeous game but highly disappointed with the delivery of the game. I don't want to purchase part 1 and then play part 2, 1-2 years later after a cliffhanger. This isn't movie cinema or a avengers saga. Make the full game and release it when ready. Also do not call it a remake if you change the story.

      Have watched a few video's of the game combat, and cut scenes amazing. But the delivery they dropped the ball and I feel like they are being greedy and trying to rush for profits. In order to complete the whole game you have to buy several parts...

      They would never be able to finish the game that way, it cost too much money to make, they need to take the profits from this game to make the next game lmao
      1. Boards
      2. Final Fantasy VII Remake 
      3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII

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