Monday, May 4, 2020

You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII - P2

  1. Boards
  2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
  3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
vexdemyous 3 weeks ago#151
3headed posted...
every character literally gets a tear jerker storyline that mostly blends in with the story and goal completion.

the goal post is moved bc you're tracking someone down to prevent him from unleashing bad pokemon.

We must have different definitions of tear jerking. Barrett's was the only one that is super memorable and hit any emotion for me.

I get why the goal posts move, it doesn't make it a well written story. It was passable but still had little foreshadowing. It just dropped the next major bomb on you.
3headed 3 weeks ago#152
islandstartv posted...
They would never be able to finish the game that way, it cost too much money to make, they need to take the profits from this game to make the next game lmao

pretty much this.

just be happy that the game isn't an exact remake of the original with updated graphics.

we would never see another ff7 themed game or spin off ever again.
I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
3headed 3 weeks ago#153
vexdemyous posted...
We must have different definitions of tear jerking. Barrett's was the only one that is super memorable and hit any emotion for me.

I get why the goal posts move, it doesn't make it a well written story. It was passable but still had little foreshadowing. It just dropped the next major bomb on you.

oh. no we're in agreement in terms of writing.

let me be clear ff7 is garbage writing, story, scenario, and setting. the only thing it got right was the presentation of the jump from 2d to 3d rpgs.

if you want a good game that people actually like, then it's ffx.
I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
RevOn_DX 3 weeks ago#154
As I said on the FF XV board..

Final Fantasy VII Remake is such a slap in the face to us real fans. Hell, it can't even touch Final Fantasy XV in all its glory

To protest the launch of Final Fantasy VII: Kingdom Hearts Edition, I have purchased Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition for Xbone, Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD for Switch, spent 50 bucks in Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire, and bought every single Final Fantasy XV figure available on the Square Enix Online Store.

That outta show em. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
The official Color TV-Game 15 of GameFAQs
Fatal Frame for Smash Bros, please. Thank you :3
3headed 3 weeks ago#155
RevOn_DX posted...
As I said on the FF XV board..

Final Fantasy VII Remake is such a slap in the face to us real fans. Hell, it can't even touch Final Fantasy XV in all its glory

To protest the launch of Final Fantasy VII: Kingdom Hearts Edition, I have purchased Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition for Xbone, Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD for Switch, spent 50 bucks in Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire, and bought every single Final Fantasy XV figure available on the Square Enix Online Store.

That outta show em. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

:D :D

dude i feel you on that one.

these stupid weebs are taking this way too seriously.
I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
Pazto 3 weeks ago#156
Is kinda funny to see how most of haters truly misunderstood my post.
Lurking Here Since 1998
Fuuinashi 3 weeks ago#157
RevOn_DX posted...
As I said on the FF XV board..

Final Fantasy VII Remake is such a slap in the face to us real fans. Hell, it can't even touch Final Fantasy XV in all its glory

To protest the launch of Final Fantasy VII: Kingdom Hearts Edition, I have purchased Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition for Xbone, Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD for Switch, spent 50 bucks in Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire, and bought every single Final Fantasy XV figure available on the Square Enix Online Store.

That outta show em. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

Hum, excuse me sir, but haven't you ever heard of Final Fantasy VI ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!
RevOn_DX 3 weeks ago#158
Of course I heard about Final Fantasy VI. Final Fantasy VI wishes it was Final Fantasy IX
The official Color TV-Game 15 of GameFAQs
Fatal Frame for Smash Bros, please. Thank you :3
ArcadianGenesis 3 weeks ago#159
Pazto posted...
Did you just use double double quotes? 🤔
Playing: Resident Evil 3
Anticipating: Final Fantasy VII, Xenoblade Definitive Edition
3headed 3 weeks ago#160
Pazto posted...
Is kinda funny to see how most of haters truly misunderstood my post.

lol yeah we get it. you were looking forward to the nostalgia you get from hearing the world map theme. and this game takes place in midgar.

just wait for the next game man. you'll get your kick when the time comes. they couldn't do it this time.

and don't worry, your childhood is exactly as in tact as it was yesterday before the game came out, and the years before while you were waiting for this game.

regardless, just look forward dude. life is good.

I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
ShiftBlood 3 weeks ago#161
3headed posted...
life is good.

BotW2 opening scene is Bolson nonchalantly humming to himself, watering plants in his house with Tarrey Town music playing
Watchersoftripe 3 weeks ago#162
Looking at that Metacritic user average score right now (7.9) there are a lot of fans upset that they got mislead into thinking this was the full fledged game.

Square can say whatever they like, but you cannot call something a remake if you are not faithfully providing the same core experience that fans remember. The remake is surely for the fans to begin with. No?

I lost faith in Square after XII. Like a fool I continued to but their products until XV came out - half finished and looking worse for wear -and that was it, I swore never to buy a FF again. Like a chump I bought the underwhelming KH 3.

Square operate like they are running out of a soup kitchen when in reality they are a multi million dollar corporation who have been acting like they are doing us a favour by adding unnecessary shit to FF and depriving us of what we loved about the series to begin with.

Honestly, everytime I see that pontificating, sanctimonious hack Nomura near a game I just sigh and walk away. It will take him to be struck by lightning just for FF to get back on track.

Keep this fanfic FF 7 remake crap away from me.
645AR 3 weeks ago#163
stop calling it a remake
KunkopYep 3 weeks ago#164
645AR posted...
stop calling it a remake
Yup its not it's like a horrible sequel
I don't mind losing with Bust a Move 4 - DafPAF
3headed 3 weeks ago#165
Watchersoftripe posted...
Looking at that Metacritic user average score right now (7.9) there are a lot of fans upset that they got mislead into thinking this was the full fledged game.

Square can say whatever they like, but you cannot call something a remake if you are not faithfully providing the same core experience that fans remember. The remake is surely for the fans to begin with. No?

I lost faith in Square after XII. Like a fool I continued to but their products until XV came out - half finished and looking worse for wear -and that was it, I swore never to buy a FF again. Like a chump I bought the underwhelming KH 3.

Square operate like they are running out of a soup kitchen when in reality they are a multi million dollar corporation who have been acting like they are doing us a favour by adding unnecessary shit to FF and depriving us of what we loved about the series to begin with.

Honestly, everytime I see that pontificating, sanctimonious hack Nomura near a game I just sigh and walk away. It will take him to be struck by lightning just for FF to get back on track.

Keep this fanfic FF 7 remake crap away from me.

can i get your commitment that you will not be purchasing the next chapter of ff7 remake?

I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
Devilman_Amon 3 weeks ago#166
YungLeviathan posted...
”oHhh NoOooO SephiRotTH nO loNGER MYSTERIOUS cos hE makes APPEARANCES!!!!”

It is weird though

Its like the game assumes you played the original already

To newcomers I'd imagine them being like 'who the fuck is that guy and why is Cloud saying he should be dead' lol
(\__/) (\_(\
(='.'=)(= '.')=
Devilman_Amon 3 weeks ago#167
Watchersoftripe posted...

Honestly, everytime I see that pontificating, sanctimonious hack Nomura near a game I just sigh and walk away. It will take him to be struck by lightning just for FF to get back on track.


They took him off FF XV and it still sucked though. In fact, it got worse.
(\__/) (\_(\
(='.'=)(= '.')=
razzyhealer 3 weeks ago#168
You know, I came to this board, and this is one of the first topics I clicked into.

Honestly, I'm embarrassed to having read even half of what people have written here.
FFRK code: gYFY
3headed 3 weeks ago#169
razzyhealer posted...
You know, I came to this board, and this is one of the first topics I clicked into.

Honestly, I'm embarrassed to having read even half of what people have written here.

which half? do you share the same sentiment as op, or no?

also it's gfaqs... cmon... it's complete garbage.
I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
Rude Hero 3 weeks ago#170
Willowed posted...
Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.

Too hot to handle, too cold to hold.
KunkopYep 3 weeks ago#171
Dragonage2ftw posted...

Come back when you’ve finished a high school English class, please.

Please tell that to Nomura. Cuz thats the only story he knows.
I don't mind losing with Bust a Move 4 - DafPAF
andrewtanner07 3 weeks ago#172
Watchersoftripe posted...
Looking at that Metacritic user average score right now (7.9) there are a lot of fans upset that they got mislead into thinking this was the full fledged game.

Because people are idiots,pretty much every marketing material SE put out said you only played through Midgar, if people were stupid and didn’t pay attention to that it’s not the company‘s fault.

It literally tells you exactly how long it is on the website and on the back of the game case.
This girl requested intercourse to bring her to climax, with the clinical efficiency of the assassination, of Bin Laden.
Mercinarie 3 weeks ago#173
KunkopYep posted...
Please tell that to Nomura. Cuz thats the only story he knows.

Ooft... Solid Got Em'
ImmaXehanort 3 weeks ago#174
I have a twitter account ImmaXehanort of YT. YouTube account is ImmaXehanort.
StrongerDoggo 3 weeks ago#175
this is the prologue
the real deal starts in part 2
Tonight we hunt!
BombermanX 3 weeks ago#176
Pazto posted...

FFVII started AFTER midgar.

I thought FFVII started when you press start on the controller.......
When I'm concentrating, I never have more than one drink before dinner, but I do like that one to be large and very strong and very cold and very well-made.
vitalemrecords 3 weeks ago#177
the real demon's souls starts here
that face you make when
Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#178
chrisat928 posted...
Why do people want to play the exact same game? I never understood that rational when it comes to remakes. The originals still exist, you can go play that if you don't like the remake.
Cry harder
Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#179
islandstartv posted...
They would never be able to finish the game that way, it cost too much money to make, they need to take the profits from this game to make the next game lmao
Ridiculous apologism.
Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#180
3headed posted...
oh. no we're in agreement in terms of writing.

let me be clear ff7 is garbage writing, story, scenario, and setting. the only thing it got right was the presentation of the jump from 2d to 3d rpgs.

if you want a good game that people actually like, then it's ffx.
It didn't get that right either. Scenarios are pre rendered 2d with super low poly 3d models walking over it. Only the battle areas were full 3d and that had no impact on the gameplay.
Stover46 3 weeks ago#181
FFVII was so bad that it was beloved for 25 years, had countless references to it, had spinoffs, characters are still popular even today, so much so that people begged for a remake for years, and the remake got Square's full attention
You people are such fucking clowns.
3DS FC: 4141-6111-4038 - so hyped
Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#182
Stover46 posted...
FFVII was so bad that it was beloved for 25 years, had countless references to it, had spinoffs, characters are still popular even today, so much so that people begged for a remake for years, and the remake got Square's full attention
You people are such fucking clowns.
Cry harder.
CmPope 3 weeks ago#183
Trickster-0 posted...
Cry harder.
Oh the irony
Pazto 3 weeks ago#184
I wonder how many ppl that are loving the Remake (including the last 3 hours of it) played the OG VII back then.
Because is clear that most of SquareEnix (not SquareSoft) Nomura's FanBoys have no idea what they are talking about.
Lurking Here Since 1998
3headed 3 weeks ago#185
Stover46 posted...
FFVII was so bad that it was beloved for 25 years, had countless references to it, had spinoffs, characters are still popular even today, so much so that people begged for a remake for years, and the remake got Square's full attention
You people are such fucking clowns.

i respect your world view, and acknowledge that nothing can change it.

note however that mario, gta3 onward, tetris, zelda, and pokemon are truly beloved games that have had countless references, had spinoffs, and characters (or gameplay in terms of tetris lol) that are still popular today. not ff7, though it does have a strong niche following.

also note that ff7 fans have been asking for a remake for like 10 years... but se found making the ff13 series and ff15 to be more advantageous than remaking ff7.

lastly, when se finally decided to remake ff7, the work was handed off to 3rd parties, or passed around different internal teams... not quite full attention from se.

and to add insult to injury: ffvii remake runs off unreal engine :D
I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
islandstartv 3 weeks ago#186
Trickster-0 posted...
Ridiculous apologism.

Ridiculous comment, you obviously don't understand the cost of making a game like Final Fantasy VII and how many people need to work on the game to make it look as good as it does on a corpse of a console like the ps4

stay in your lane and leave the thinking to grown folks
3headed 3 weeks ago#187
Pazto posted...
I wonder how many ppl that are loving the Remake (including the last 3 hours of it) played the OG VII back then.
Because is clear that most of SquareEnix (not SquareSoft) Nomura's FanBoys have no idea what they are talking about.

lol this game is amazing.

let the past be the past, and don't let your memories prevent you from enjoying the newer things in life.

I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
Pazto 3 weeks ago#188
3headed posted...
lol this game is amazing.

let the past be the past, and don't let your memories prevent you from enjoying the newer things in life.

Don't get me wrong buddy, I liked the battle system, art style & music remix, and I'm probably gonna buy the "complete edition" of it one day, whenever SE will finish this project (in 14 years or so?).
At this point (since for me this is a reboot, more than a remake) I just wish for an open world, not episodic thing, and a proper plot (if you have to change it, do it right). So far this is a good version of XIII, with a FFVII skin on it and a wild duo of Nomura & Nojima all over the plot.
Lurking Here Since 1998
Trickster-0 3 weeks ago#189
islandstartv posted...
Ridiculous comment, you obviously don't understand the cost of making a game like Final Fantasy VII and how many people need to work on the game to make it look as good as it does on a corpse of a console like the ps4

stay in your lane and leave the thinking to grown folks
So much pathetic apologism. Funny how SE is the only company in the world that suddenly can't make a game that is smaller than what other companies make all the time with less resources.
Ner0nitas 3 weeks ago#190
Uhm... no.
But after the escape was the moment, where the game turned into a mediocre RPG.
I'm glad the remake only covers Midgar, since it was the best part about the original.
It has a great start, a phenomenal end, and nothing is dragged out.
AWildChocobo 3 weeks ago#191
I'm 33 and played original at release. Actually have the remastered on my ps4 too. This game is pretty good
3headed 3 weeks ago#192
AWildChocobo posted...
I'm 33 and played original at release. Actually have the remastered on my ps4 too. This game is pretty good

i agree with this.

I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
Fuuinashi 3 weeks ago#193
RevOn_DX posted...
Of course I heard about Final Fantasy VI. Final Fantasy VI wishes it was Final Fantasy IX

RevOn_DX 3 weeks ago#194
Fuuinashi posted...
But they all pale in comparison to the GOAT, Final Fantasy XII
The official Color TV-Game 15 of GameFAQs
Fatal Frame for Smash Bros, please. Thank you :3
Ilikemyname420 3 weeks ago#195
This games only major fault really is that the subtitle: 'remake' probably wasn't the best choice of words. It's a blast from the past and closer to what people wanted in the original when it came out (based on the ads at the time) while giving long time fans a curve ball in terms of plot.

I look at it a bit the same way the Zelda series with 'A Link Between Worlds' and 'A Link to the Past'.
3headed 3 weeks ago#196
Ilikemyname420 posted...
This games only major fault really is that the subtitle: 'remake' probably wasn't the best choice of words. It's a blast from the past and closer to what people wanted in the original when it came out (based on the ads at the time) while giving long time fans a curve ball in terms of plot.

I look at it a bit the same way the Zelda series with 'A Link Between Worlds' and 'A Link to the Past'.

aren't they completely different games and the link between worlds is a sequel to a link to the past?
I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
ArcadianGenesis 3 weeks ago#197
Ilikemyname420 posted...
This games only major fault really is that the subtitle: 'remake' probably wasn't the best choice of words. It's a blast from the past and closer to what people wanted in the original when it came out (based on the ads at the time) while giving long time fans a curve ball in terms of plot.

I look at it a bit the same way the Zelda series with 'A Link Between Worlds' and 'A Link to the Past'.
A better comparison would be Resident Evil 2 (2019) - a reimagining that retains the spirit of the original while evolving the game design to modern standards.
Playing: Final Fantasy VII Remake
Anticipating: Xenoblade Definitive Edition
The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#198
chrisat928 posted...
Why do people want to play the exact same game? I never understood that rational when it comes to remakes. The originals still exist, you can go play that if you don't like the remake.

I wanted some changes, but the changes they made are literally the exact opposite of what they should be in every single area.

Game play should have been: More in depth and tactical turn based where every single point of damage matters.
What they actually did: An ARPG where AI controls 2 party members.

Story should have: Fixed the many plot holes of the original:
What they actually did: Create many more plot holes that are much bigger than any that existed before.

Content wise: Should be the entire original game with extra side quests/superbosses and make the game less linear (there's no real reason, for example, why the huge materia segment couldn't be done in any order).
What they actually did: Reduce it to just the prologue of the original which is the worst and most linear part of the original, then stretched it out with pointless garbage to try and claim it was worth 60 dollars.
ssjremuko 3 weeks ago#199
yes, it is.
Head Recruit of the Cult of Gilgamesh!
Official Maria of the Duodecim Boards
3headed 3 weeks ago#200
The_Undying_84 posted...
I wanted some changes, but the changes they made are literally the exact opposite of what they should be in every single area.

Game play should have been: More in depth and tactical turn based where every single point of damage matters.
What they actually did: An ARPG where AI controls 2 party members.

Story should have: Fixed the many plot holes of the original:
What they actually did: Create many more plot holes that are much bigger than any that existed before.

Content wise: Should be the entire original game with extra side quests/superbosses and make the game less linear (there's no real reason, for example, why the huge materia segment couldn't be done in any order).
What they actually did: Reduce it to just the prologue of the original which is the worst and most linear part of the original, then stretched it out with pointless garbage to try and claim it was worth 60 dollars.

seems like you were asking for a custom built rpg for you that was never going to happen.

on gameplay:
this is a longer post in the making, but the combat system is actually still very familiar to the original. the 'attacks' and movement during combat are just there to engage you while you're building up atb.

in the og you had to just wait around and make a decision, in this version you can do stuff while you're building atb and THEN make a decision.

the simple 'attack' option was just replaced with big hit items like limit breaks or specific character gimmicks since the normal 'attack' option is now free flow combat to build atb.

also, the ai in this game is only made to build up your atb. outside of that, there is no support- you still are in complete control of their actual choices in combat comparable to the og.

i'm honestly amazed they pulled this combat system off. but if you can turn on 'classic' mode to get the same feel that you're looking for if it's turn based that you wanted.

also remember that ff7 combat was extremely easy. it was not like persona or ffx where every move mattered. not to judge, but you seem to be okay with a change you prefer, but condemn them for sticking close to the og formula.

on story:
how do you know which plot holes exist? you literally played a quarter of the story thus far with this game.

on content:
they couldn't afford to make the whole game. you knew exactly what you were getting from the getgo... why complain about it?
I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
  1. Boards
  2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
  3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
    1. Boards
    2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
    3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
    XxGhaleonxX 3 weeks ago#201
    Willowed posted...
    Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.

    This. I swear people are fucking idiots.
    PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
    Switch: SW-0738-7544-2985
    Ahogen 3 weeks ago#202
    3headed posted...

    on content:
    they couldn't afford to make the whole game. you knew exactly what you were getting from the getgo... why complain about it?

    They're one of Japan's biggest gaming companies. They could easily afford and even redo this twice over. Please don't give this sorry ass cop out excuse.
    Takes a certain level of machismo to be able to play as the little girl.
    Video games turn people into ethnocentric turds.
    DiscoDevil 3 weeks ago#203
    Well yeah it is a Remake.. you do realise that it was never meant to be a direct ported game to ps4 right? Like that was never promised...

    I for one welcome the changes, I feel more connected with this game because of the remake. In the original I only had love for the core members, but doing side shit with other member from AVALANCHE made me feel more connected to them. The original never did that for me..
    cjtencounter 3 weeks ago#204
    XxGhaleonxX posted...
    This. I swear people are fucking idiots.

    The point is Square had every opportunity in the world to make something even GRANDER than the original. They had all the ingredients staring them right in the face and they still created something inferior to something that was created on the PS1.
    How is this even possible? Capcom absolutely remade RE2 into something greater....

    Right down to the dialogue....the iconic quotes are gone. They kept Barrets's "pizza" talk in the train but removed the beautiful moment where Barret acknowledges that is unlike Cloud to say something like that when he mentions "A floating city...pretty unsettling scenery."
    And what's superior?

    Original: “It’s Like This Train. It Can’t Run Anywhere Except Where Its Rails Take It.”
    Remake. "It's like this goes only where it takes it."
    Top 5 Most Wanted:
    1. Final Fantasy VII Remake | 2. Streets of Rage 4 | 3. Resident Evil 3 | 4. The Last of Us Part II | 5. Ghost of Tsushima
    The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#205
    3headed posted...
    seems like you were asking for a custom built rpg for you that was never going to happen.

    on gameplay:
    this is a longer post in the making, but the combat system is actually still very familiar to the original. the 'attacks' and movement during combat are just there to engage you while you're building up atb.

    in the og you had to just wait around and make a decision, in this version you can do stuff while you're building atb and THEN make a decision.

    the simple 'attack' option was just replaced with big hit items like limit breaks or specific character gimmicks since the normal 'attack' option is now free flow combat to build atb.

    also, the ai in this game is only made to build up your atb. outside of that, there is no support- you still are in complete control of their actual choices in combat comparable to the og.

    i'm honestly amazed they pulled this combat system off. but if you can turn on 'classic' mode to get the same feel that you're looking for if it's turn based that you wanted.

    also remember that ff7 combat was extremely easy. it was not like persona or ffx where every move mattered. not to judge, but you seem to be okay with a change you prefer, but condemn them for sticking close to the og formula.

    on story:
    how do you know which plot holes exist? you literally played a quarter of the story thus far with this game.

    on content:
    they couldn't afford to make the whole game. you knew exactly what you were getting from the getgo... why complain about it?

    There shouldn't be an AI in the game at all. Every action should be chosen by the player. Including physical attacks.
    And it's dumb as all hell how ATB builds in the remake. Whoever the player controls fills way faster because the AI is dumb and just doesn't attack as fast as they could. That's shit design. The only thing affecting how fast the bar fills should be the character's speed stat and whether they're slowed or hasted, just like the original.
    FFX was easier than FFVII because it tells you the turn order and lets you change characters mid battle. You can just go all out offense, then when you see the boss's turn is coming up, put in Yuna real quick to heal, then go right back to all out attacking.
    In 4-9 you have to keep your HP up all the time because you don't know when the enemy will attack next.

    There were several plot holes in Midgar that are still there, and the ending made everything much worse.

    They could afford to make the whole game if they weren't so obsessed with graphics and didn't change the combat system. They managed to make DQ11, which is longer than FFVII.
    3headed 3 weeks ago#206
    Ahogen posted...
    They're one of Japan's biggest gaming companies. They could easily afford and even redo this twice over. Please don't give this sorry ass cop out excuse.

    that's a poor sorry ass reason for why you think they can easily afford it.

    in real life finance, marketing, and other knowledge workers crunch numbers based off variables to determine if resources should be put into something, and how much to ensure maximum roi.

    it's safe to assume that releasing ff7r in installments instead of pulling all available resources into the project to complete in one single game within a set timeframe was the path that led to most roi.

    believe me, if they thought that making a single game would net more money, then they absolutely would've gotten it done instead of losing out on roi.

    I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
    Darkside_Hazuki 3 weeks ago#207
    Sephiroth0327 posted...
    The entire concept behind a remake/reimagining is that it's incomplete and inaccurate
    Fixed. Just like the remakes/reimaginings of Resident Evil 2 & 3. Less content, crappier character portrayals.
    "This is what makes a legend!" - Terry, KoF '99
    RE Outbreak/PSN: Stick_Breitling; Metal Gear Online: Gabe LOGAN
    Hirokey123 3 weeks ago#208
    Midgar is what sets FF7 apart from other RPGs and from other FF's. When people talk about FF7's world the talks is almost exclusively about midgar because most of the locations outside it are significantly more generic. Midgar is FF7 and it's specifically the transition from this almost overwhelming dark gritty maze-like to this open natural very primitive feeling world that really makes the game stand out. If Midgar was removed or even shortened FF7 would be significantly less memorable.

    Focusing on expanding Midgar was always the best move they could make for this remake, because Midgar is the key that defines and shapes FF7's world and sets the tone for everything to come. Midgar is where FF7 was at its most varied, inventive, and experimental and everything felt new and fresh. Once you leave midgar it becomes a safer more traditional FF game especially in the environments and I can only ever assume that was intentional, to avoid completing alienating the classic FF fans at the time but prepping them for the tone shift they were moving towards that would be embodied by X.

    That's just my two cents on the matter.
    I've got a quote that embodies you perfectly, but it's seventy-three posts long, has a few massive flowcharts, and lots of Xion-KMA to Me
    Nomight 3 weeks ago#209
    the game has the two shinra troopers at the gate in the slums.....thats a 10 outa 10 by that alone >:)
    Fuuinashi 3 weeks ago#210
    Nomight posted...
    the game has the two shinra troopers at the gate in the slums.....thats a 10 outa 10 by that alone >:)

    Those guys have SEEN things, man.
    Pazto 3 weeks ago#211
    ArcadianGenesis posted...
    A better comparison would be Resident Evil 2 (2019) - a reimagining that retains the spirit of the original while evolving the game design to modern standards.

    Well, nope. Leon didn't travel back in time, and there was no alternative timelines. More or less it was a Remake of the "original title", lot of updates, some story changes, but at the end of the day, it was the same thing... FFVIIR on the other end went all Meta KH poop.
    So yeah, RE2 was a remake, FFVIIR is a time-plot sequel.
    Lurking Here Since 1998
    xSHEPERDx 3 weeks ago#212
    It misses the mark in a lot of ways, and a good part of that comes from bloat. Dragging out so many areas of the early game causes pacing issues and too many disconnects with the narrative, on top of the disconnects associated with the "Re" stuff that completely throws it off the rails and breaks any sense of coherent composition to, really, just change things willy nilly. I get what they were going to try to do -- redo the story so they could milk it for as much cash as they can with this episode format BS, but that doesn't have to mean the writing had to be so mediocre.

    It's not terrible, but it has no idea what it's trying to be. It definitely can't come close to the masterful weaving the original manage with such low end tech (which may have contributed to its charm) but it's been a good amount of time since the original was released and I don't think these guys 'have it' anymore.

    Wanted to slam my head against the wall when the Roache character came out of nowhere and became a 'thing', and again when he showed up later. Stuff like that just flips the table on the setup that was being established and flow of the plot to all of a sudden just divert for the most stupid and pointless of reasons.

    That said, for every stupid, easily avoidable flaw, there's a few nuggets at least of positive direction, like actual world building in places the original avoided or simply forgot about. New elements like the orphanage are a nice touch. Point is, nothing is consistent. It's all over the place and it did not need to be. Quite a bit of a mess.
    Nomight 3 weeks ago#213
    "professional killer eyes"
    Nomight 3 weeks ago#214
    best line in the game 10 outa 10
    Pazto 3 weeks ago#215
    xSHEPERDx posted...
    It misses the mark in a lot of ways, and a good part of that comes from bloat. Dragging out so many areas of the early game causes pacing issues and too many disconnects with the narrative, on top of the disconnects associated with the "Re" stuff that completely throws it off the rails and breaks any sense of coherent composition to, really, just change things willy nilly. I get what they were going to try to do -- redo the story so they could milk it for as much cash as they can with this episode format BS, but that doesn't have to mean the writing had to be so mediocre.

    It's not terrible, but it has no idea what it's trying to be. It definitely can't come close to the masterful weaving the original manage with such low end tech (which may have contributed to its charm) but it's been a good amount of time since the original was released and I don't think these guys 'have it' anymore.

    Wanted to slam my head against the wall when the Roache character came out of nowhere and became a 'thing', and again when he showed up later. Stuff like that just flips the table on the setup that was being established and flow of the plot to all of a sudden just divert for the most stupid and pointless of reasons.

    That said, for every stupid, easily avoidable flaw, there's a few nuggets at least of positive direction, like actual world building in places the original avoided or simply forgot about. New elements like the orphanage are a nice touch. Point is, nothing is consistent. It's all over the place and it did not need to be. Quite a bit of a mess.

    Good Review!
    Lurking Here Since 1998
    Nomight 3 weeks ago#216
    its not ff7....its better >:)
    Kantiran 3 weeks ago#217
    Ahogen posted...
    They're one of Japan's biggest gaming companies. They could easily afford and even redo this twice over. Please don't give this sorry ass cop out excuse.
    They could afford it but in that case they would have had to sell it as a major loss. Why would they want to do that?

    SE is a profit oriented company (like most companies are). They care about making money first and foremost. Something like Nintendo completely restarting the production of Metroid Prme 4 because they aren't satisfied with the product given is an outlier (and technically we don't know how good Metroid Prime 4 will be in the end anyways).

    To make it clear that is a neutral statement. It's just how it is.
    Pazto 3 weeks ago#218
    Kantiran posted...
    They could afford it but in that case they would have had to sell it as a major loss. Why would they want to do that?

    SE is a profit oriented company (like most companies are). They care about making money first and foremost. Something like Nintendo completely restarting the production of Metroid Prme 4 because they aren't satisfied with the product given is an outlier (and technically we don't know how good Metroid Prime 4 will be in the end anyways).

    To make it clear that is a neutral statement. It's just how it is.

    This is what SE Brainwash you to Think. The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, BOTW: HUGE games, sold for HUGE profit. Square-Enix was just unable to redo the game, they used Midgar as an excuse to make money and take some time to figure it out. And you all fall for it.
    With this "lolwhut" ending, I doubt we are even get an open world at this point.
    Lurking Here Since 1998
    Kantiran 3 weeks ago#219
    Pazto posted...
    This is what SE Brainwash you to Think. The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, BOTW: HUGE games, sold for HUGE profit. Square-Enix was just unable to redo the game, they used Midgar as an excuse to make money and take some time to figure it out. And you all fall for it.
    With this "lolwhut" ending, I doubt we are even get an open world at this point.
    The alternative would be either a MUCH longer production cycle (RDR 2 took 10 years with extreme crunch times for the people working on it, didn't it?), weaker graphics (BOTWs strengh is the artstyle. While I personally wouldn't have a problem with a cell-shaded FFVII would you?) or outside money (CDPR is partially financed by the polish government).

    Game companies aren't your friends. They only care about money. People would need to remember that.
    The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#220
    Kantiran posted...
    They could afford it but in that case they would have had to sell it as a major loss. Why would they want to do that?

    SE is a profit oriented company (like most companies are). They care about making money first and foremost. Something like Nintendo completely restarting the production of Metroid Prme 4 because they aren't satisfied with the product given is an outlier (and technically we don't know how good Metroid Prime 4 will be in the end anyways).

    To make it clear that is a neutral statement. It's just how it is.

    All companies are out for profit, but good companies think that the best way to make money is to simply create the best product possible.

    Bad companies like Square Enix and EA try to make money buy nickel and diming you with DLC, microtransactions, and in this case, episodic releases.
    XxGhaleonxX 3 weeks ago#221
    @cjtencounter sorry you’re disappointed. I’m loving this game. It’s fun and I like the different story telling perspective. What chapter are you on?

    EDIT: Dude did you even play the game? If not then fuck off.
    PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
    Switch: SW-0738-7544-2985
    3headed 3 weeks ago#222
    Pazto posted...
    This is what SE Brainwash you to Think. The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, BOTW: HUGE games, sold for HUGE profit. Square-Enix was just unable to redo the game, they used Midgar as an excuse to make money and take some time to figure it out. And you all fall for it.
    With this "lolwhut" ending, I doubt we are even get an open world at this point.


    dude we're literally saying that se could 100% complete a full remake if deemed more profitable, but they decided to go with the installments bc it would give them more money in the longrun.

    there's no hidden good meaning to this- they are a for profit company and want as much money as possible.

    regarding your examples: these are all games with huge followings, and have market value and mass appeal that rely on new ideas and an engaged audience who want to see something new.

    the companies focused on something new.

    ff7 is a fan favorite nostalgia remake...

    why are you comparing these?

    I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
    KarmelCHAOS 3 weeks ago#223
    XxGhaleonxX posted...
    @cjtencounter sorry you’re disappointed. I’m loving this game. It’s fun and I like the different story telling perspective. What chapter are you on?

    EDIT: Dude did you even play the game? If not then fuck off.

    he had a meltdown and decided not to get it when it didn't get a perfect 100/100 on Metacritic
    vitalemrecords 3 weeks ago#224
    I think they had the option of making one game and a sequel or two - or DEFINITELY making three games and the otherwise "sequel" type content is sprinkled throughout the three game experience

    and I'm ready for it all.
    that face you make when
    thegregbradley 3 weeks ago#225
    Still don’t understand how people don’t understand that this was always said to be a remake of the game with core plot intact but many elements different
    vitalemrecords 3 weeks ago#226
    thegregbradley posted...
    Still don’t understand how people don’t understand that this was always said to be a remake of the game with core plot intact but many elements different
    most people do get it
    but some people just don't keep updated on gaming news - and maybe just heard it was getting remade - they lived their lives - then bought the game and were surprised.

    that face you make when
    Filipino Rebellion 3 weeks ago#227
    I never really got the hype for ff7. It was kinda a letdown.

    My first ff game was ff9, and that was my favorite. I guess if I played ff 7 first, then I would probably have a different take on how I feel.

    i am looking forward to playing the remake and experience something new that I felt was missing in the original that I can’t quite put a finger on

    Tim Tebow is the greatest Filipino NFL player that ever played
    SavenForever 3 weeks ago#228
    Pazto posted...
    I'm glad if you enjoyed the game, I'm ok if you disliked it, "Nomura's" plot twist and all that stuff, but...
    FFVII started AFTER midgar. it didn't.
    Mohamameer 3 weeks ago#229
    3headed posted...

    dude we're literally saying that se could 100% complete a full remake if deemed more profitable, but they decided to go with the installments bc it would give them more money in the longrun.

    I seriously don’t think they have the capabilities to develop the entire game in one go.
    Mohamameer 3 weeks ago#230
    XxGhaleonxX posted...
    This. I swear people are fucking idiots.

    Wrong. You just cannot possibly understand the reason players are upset if you haven’t played the OG during its time.
    Yagami1211 3 weeks ago#231
    Pazto posted...
    I'm glad if you enjoyed the game, I'm ok if you disliked it, "Nomura's" plot twist and all that stuff, but...
    FFVII started AFTER midgar. That mindblowing moment where an entire world open in front of you...

    How unlike any other FF before.

    See you on youtube as Reiji Arisu.
    DEVILx66 3 weeks ago#232
    KingVi3 posted...
    Entire world open? Are you on crack?
    You go point A to point B. How is this not final fantasy 7? We're not going outside of midgar. We gonna stay quarantine inside midgar together. Stay home, save lives.

    Made me laugh
    The_Cisco 3 weeks ago#233
    Pazto posted...
    I wonder how many ppl that are loving the Remake (including the last 3 hours of it) played the OG VII back then.
    Because is clear that most of SquareEnix (not SquareSoft) Nomura's FanBoys have no idea what they are talking about.
    We all did, as well as the countless ports and remasters. I wonder how many of you goths are going to keep this goth salt on every single game that comes out. Every single board you have to go around Feeling like a freak on a leash (You wanna see the light), Feeling like I have no release (So do I).. How many times have you felt diseased (You wanna see the light)Nothing in your life is free, is free
    cjtencounter 3 weeks ago#234
    KarmelCHAOS posted...
    he had a meltdown and decided not to get it when it didn't get a perfect 100/100 on Metacritic

    Didn't you see my thread where I posted the image of my deluxe edition??? heck, it's not even the standard...I gave Square my $125 in pure confidence they weren't gonna fuck this game up.

    The thing is, it's actually a pretty good 8/10...the story is just so HUGE to me when it comes to FFVII. I mean, it's my favourite game of all time. Naturally. I'm gonna be pissed when I see Aerith waving her hands around hoping those funny looking KH-like darkness creatures don't hurt her hahaha.
    Top 5 Most Wanted:
    1. Final Fantasy VII Remake | 2. Streets of Rage 4 | 3. Resident Evil 3 | 4. The Last of Us Part II | 5. Ghost of Tsushima
    3headed 3 weeks ago#235
    Mohamameer posted...
    I seriously don’t think they have the capabilities to develop the entire game in one go.

    why's that?

    keep in mind that this game uses unreal engine, not the proprietary in-house tools that top priority ff games get.

    I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
    The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#236
    3headed posted...
    why's that?

    keep in mind that this game uses unreal engine, not the proprietary in-house tools that top priority ff games get.

    I think they're dinosaurs that are unaware of modern development techniques that would dramatically reduce their work load.

    They think every building and rock and car and so on needs a different model and texture.

    Modern developers know how to use a relatively small array of different models/textures in different ways to make them seem like completely different assets.

    They could also be reusing a lot of assets from their other games. The model of a behemoth for example doesn't need to be brand new, just reuse one from XV or XIV or something.
    Fuuinashi 3 weeks ago#237
    The_Undying_84 posted...

    They could also be reusing a lot of assets from their other games. The model of a behemoth for example doesn't need to be brand new, just reuse one from XV or XIV or something.

    People would deffinitely bitch about that. Even if they didn't for other FF games, they'd bitch about reused models in FF7 Remake.
    The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#238
    Fuuinashi posted...
    People would deffinitely bitch about that. Even if they didn't for other FF games, they'd bitch about reused models in FF7 Remake.

    Pretty sure a lot more people are bothered by not getting the full game.
    3headed 3 weeks ago#239
    The_Undying_84 posted...
    I think they're dinosaurs that are unaware of modern development techniques that would dramatically reduce their work load.

    They think every building and rock and car and so on needs a different model and texture.

    Modern developers know how to use a relatively small array of different models/textures in different ways to make them seem like completely different assets.

    They could also be reusing a lot of assets from their other games. The model of a behemoth for example doesn't need to be brand new, just reuse one from XV or XIV or something.

    these are valid points.

    that's why i mentioned that this game uses unreal engine.

    unlike top priority ff games, ff7r has access to cheaper and more talented dev resources due to the mass reach of unreal.

    i mean... realistically, this expanded demo was put together by a b team to make sure the combat engine works, and had se seniors attached to it to ensure fans thought it was top quality.

    they did not spend a lot of money on this. and it shows.

    if they put all company resources into this for the next 3-5 year, then the game could absolutely be built in one go.

    the problem would be the amount of loss they would suffer by doing this and not having enough sales to make the investment worth it.
    I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
    The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#240
    3headed posted...
    these are valid points.

    that's why i mentioned that this game uses unreal engine.

    unlike top priority ff games, ff7r has access to cheaper and more talented dev resources due to the mass reach of unreal.

    i mean... realistically, this expanded demo was put together by a b team to make sure the combat engine works, and had se seniors attached to it to ensure fans thought it was top quality.

    they did not spend a lot of money on this. and it shows.

    if they put all company resources into this for the next 3-5 year, then the game could absolutely be built in one go.

    the problem would be the amount of loss they would suffer by doing this and not having enough sales to make the investment worth it.

    They can really do whatever the hell they want with single player games though, revenue from mobile games and MMO's is more than enough to keep them afloat. As long as the project eventually pays off its investment, they don't really need to worry about money.
    3headed 3 weeks ago#241
    The_Undying_84 posted...
    They can really do whatever the hell they want with single player games though, revenue from mobile games and MMO's is more than enough to keep them afloat. As long as the project eventually pays off its investment, they don't really need to worry about money.


    and se found that making the game in one go was not going to eventually pay off when considered against other ways to get this project done and other competing priorities.

    to be clear though: i believe they 100% could make this game in one go, but it would be less profitable in the end with all variables considered. so they went the b level path and just used unreal to get some quick bucks out of weebs.
    I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
    Magoichi 3 weeks ago#242
    3headed posted...
    why's that?

    keep in mind that this game uses unreal engine, not the proprietary in-house tools that top priority ff games get.

    They're not Ubisoft size and the critical labor shortage in Japan is a real thing Nomura talked about...maybe if they put the entire company on it they could've done it.

    Including their western devs that are currently struggling to get Avengers out the door...
    The_Undying_84 3 weeks ago#243
    3headed posted...

    and se found that making the game in one go was not going to eventually pay off when considered against other ways to get this project done and other competing priorities.

    to be clear though: i believe they 100% could make this game in one go, but it would be less profitable in the end with all variables considered. so they went the b level path and just used unreal to get some quick bucks out of weebs.

    That's not what I said though, I said it just needed to make a profit eventually to be viable.

    Squenix is the type of bad developer whose money making model is completely backwards. They think giving you as little as possible while trying to suck as much money out of you as possible is the best way to make money.

    What good developers do is trust that just making the best product they possibly can will lead to the most money. And the sales of games like Witcher 3 show that they're right.
    When you make a REALLY good game, the sales reach a new stratosphere.
    Aeptia 3 weeks ago#244
    3headed posted...
    to be clear though: i believe they 100% could make this game in one go, but it would be less profitable in the end with all variables considered. so they went the b level path and just used unreal to get some quick bucks out of weebs.
    Interesting. I do agree that VII could be entirely remade to a similar standard as the Remake without skipping on any content. Why do that when people are willing to pay full price for the same content broken up into parts? I'd also wager that they will use the reception to determine how much more they can do to make profit. By not committing fully to a grand project and piecemealing it on their end, they can easily stop creating extra parts.

    I can actually see the Remake turning into a psuedo-compilation effort. Instead of making direct sequels, they might make additional content that follows on from where the Remake ends. I can easily see a movie, book, hell even an animated series all made to follow up from this. They've learnt a lot from what they did with XV Universe, and it's probably more cost effective to look to other mediums, than trying to create another Fabula Nova Crystallis situation which can easily drive up costs and waste development resources on 10+ year projects.
    Expect the Unexpected!
    3headed 3 weeks ago#245
    The_Undying_84 posted...
    That's not what I said though, I said it just needed to make a profit eventually to be viable.

    Squenix is the type of bad developer whose money making model is completely backwards. They think giving you as little as possible while trying to suck as much money out of you as possible is the best way to make money.

    What good developers do is trust that just making the best product they possibly can will lead to the most money. And the sales of games like Witcher 3 show that they're right.
    When you make a REALLY good game, the sales reach a new stratosphere.

    1. 'profit eventually' is too low level for multimillion dollar projects. they don't just want to EVENTUALLY make money- they want AS MUCH MONEY AS POSSIBLE. If they did research that said they would only make 50m from a single product, but 80m from multiple products-- then they will without a doubt go for the 80m option. This is not a charity, and goodwill for art is not a part of the business.
    2. Giving as little as possible while sucking money out of the players as much as possible is 100% the best way to approach FFVII from a business stand point. This is smart, not a bad thing.
    3. They don't trust that they can make a good game to eclipse major new games like witcher 3 or rdr2, gta... and judging from what we got with the remake-- THEY ARE CORRECT. It would be SUICIDE for the company to pretend that they can get the same level of success that your examples netted with a remake of FFVIIr that was only greenlit for weebs.
    basically, you seem to think that se champions consumer friendly behaviors as a business, and are still very much inspired by their art/work... they're not, and it's smart for them not to pretend to be.

    proof: we know that this was a cop out but we still bought the game, and will continue to buy the next game.

    I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
    3headed 3 weeks ago#246
    Magoichi posted...
    They're not Ubisoft size and the critical labor shortage in Japan is a real thing Nomura talked about...maybe if they put the entire company on it they could've done it.

    Including their western devs that are currently struggling to get Avengers out the door...

    unreal allows them to bypass the labor shortage by hiring cheap contractors to get the job done. they would just need to shell out money to hire these contractors that are already proficient with unreal, unlike inhouse teams that are proficient only with their main engine.
    I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
    sniffy 3 weeks ago#247
    I wouldn't be upset if Square-Enix reused parts of Eos (FFXV) just as long as we get some kind of open worldmap. They can institute 'fast travel' options if they are concerned about Gen-Z complaining. Just put the crew on motorcycles to traverse the worldmap, and have Chocobos and I think that is doable.

    Nomura b**** ass already took away the Victory Fanfare and allowed them to butcher and water down almost every other memorable track. I better get my overworld theme! FFVII Remake reminds me of what they did with that Lufia 2 remake on the Nintendo DS
    Each successive Final Fantasy game makes the previous Final Fantasy game look like a masterpiece.
    Magoichi 3 weeks ago#248
    3headed posted...
    unreal allows them to bypass the labor shortage by hiring cheap contractors to get the job done. they would just need to shell out money to hire these contractors that are already proficient with unreal, unlike inhouse teams that are proficient only with their main engine.

    That's why they hired CC2 at first and that obviously didn't work out lol
    3headed 3 weeks ago#249
    sniffy posted...
    I wouldn't be upset if Square-Enix reused parts of Eos (FFXV) just as long as we get some kind of open worldmap. They can institute 'fast travel' options if they are concerned about Gen-Z complaining. Just put the crew on motorcycles to traverse the worldmap, and have Chocobos and I think that is doable.

    Nomura b**** ass already took away the Victory Fanfare and allowed them to butcher and water down almost every other memorable track. I better get my overworld theme! FFVII Remake reminds me of what they did with that Lufia 2 remake on the Nintendo DS

    you already got your overworld theme while walking around in the slums.
    I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
    StaticPenguin 3 weeks ago#250
    Willowed posted...
    Well no, it's not FFVII. It's FFVII Remake.
    I mean. This man has got a point.
    Recent Review - Vanquish Remastered
    1. Boards
    2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
    3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
      1. Boards
      2. Final Fantasy VII Remake
      3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII
      sniffy 3 weeks ago#251
      3headed posted...
      you already got your overworld theme while walking around in the slums.
      No, I mean I want the overworld theme intact...they basically hacked it to bits and changed so much of the arrangement. A double blow after what they did to Bombing Mission and Don Corneo's mansion theme...barely recognizable.
      Each successive Final Fantasy game makes the previous Final Fantasy game look like a masterpiece.
      Nomight 3 weeks ago#252
      yep it was pretty good
      cjtencounter 3 weeks ago#253
      3headed posted...

      and se found that making the game in one go was not going to eventually pay off when considered against other ways to get this project done and other competing priorities.

      to be clear though: i believe they 100% could make this game in one go, but it would be less profitable in the end with all variables considered. so they went the b level path and just used unreal to get some quick bucks out of weebs.

      Hahaha, I admit that before I actually played the game myself I'd be totally disagreeing with you right now. No doubt in my mind this was a damn cash grab.
      What we have here with this game is just inexcusable and really....a disservice to the fans who have waited so long for something epic.

      No question I'd take PS3 graphics with an enitre, proper story over what we got...which isn't state of the art graphics to begin with. God of War does it so much better.
      Top 5 Most Wanted:
      1. Final Fantasy VII Remake | 2. Streets of Rage 4 | 3. Resident Evil 3 | 4. The Last of Us Part II | 5. Ghost of Tsushima
      3headed 3 weeks ago#254
      sniffy posted...
      No, I mean I want the overworld theme intact...they basically hacked it to bits and changed so much of the arrangement. A double blow after what they did to Bombing Mission and Don Corneo's mansion theme...barely recognizable.

      the ff7 original game is on psn.
      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      3headed 3 weeks ago#255
      Magoichi posted...
      That's why they hired CC2 at first and that obviously didn't work out lol

      that's because se didn't give a shit about the remake in the beginning.

      yes, the contracting company did poorly and se had to actually take it seriously to get this out.

      if you told the company that ff7 is a top priority now, then this would go smoothly instead of whatever nonsense happened in the beginning.

      but again, there's no point in that since there's more money to be had in installments instead of a single game with all these crazy resources poured into it.
      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      3headed 3 weeks ago#256
      cjtencounter posted...
      Hahaha, I admit that before I actually played the game myself I'd be totally disagreeing with you right now. No doubt in my mind this was a damn cash grab.
      What we have here with this game is just inexcusable and really....a disservice to the fans who have waited so long for something epic.

      No question I'd take PS3 graphics with an enitre, proper story over what we got...which isn't state of the art graphics to begin with. God of War does it so much better.

      yep, after playing the game and talking with friends who are in the industry, the general consensus is that se made this game as quickly as possible while polishing up only things that mattered the most-- and even then, the game is not se material bc it's an unreal engine game :D

      consider this a cover of the original idea of a remake.

      nonetheless, i'm having a blast with it so far. and i'd pay another 60$ for 3 other episodes each if they continue to expand on things.

      however, this is aa material mixed with aaa polish on the things that most matter on the front end.

      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      Magoichi 3 weeks ago#257
      3headed posted...
      that's because se didn't give a shit about the remake in the beginning.

      yes, the contracting company did poorly and se had to actually take it seriously to get this out.

      if you told the company that ff7 is a top priority now, then this would go smoothly instead of whatever nonsense happened in the beginning.

      but again, there's no point in that since there's more money to be had in installments instead of a single game with all these crazy resources poured into it.

      What's the next big release made on the Japan side? This project is the top priority right now.
      3headed 3 weeks ago#258
      Magoichi posted...
      What's the next big release made on the Japan side? This project is the top priority right now.

      no. this is still standard priority based off their planned release calendar.

      they made the decision to launch in installments years ago, and the first chapter was released this week. nothing has changed.

      priorities are still set based off their projections.

      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      Magoichi 3 weeks ago#259
      3headed posted...
      no. this is still standard priority based off their planned release calendar.

      they made the decision to launch in installments years ago, and the first chapter was released this week. nothing has changed.

      priorities are still set based off their projections.

      What release calendar? The point is they have nothing else (high budget) announced yet so I was making a bit of a joke. Supposedly this was supposed to come out in 2018 under the original plans. Circumstances change, priorities change, we rarely get the whole picture shared with us on our end.

      I don't actually disagree with your points, it's your additional "they're doing it cause" logic. We don't know the truth, man. We can only speculate about these things.
      3headed 3 weeks ago#260
      Magoichi posted...
      What release calendar? The point is they have nothing else (high budget) announced yet so I was making a bit of a joke. Supposedly this was supposed to come out in 2018 under the original plans. Circumstances change, priorities change, we rarely get the whole picture shared with us on our end.

      I don't actually disagree with your points, it's your additional "they're doing it cause" logic. We don't know the truth, man. We can only speculate about these things.

      oh of course we have no real information.

      i'm just going off the fact that it's 2020, se knows weebs consider ff7r to be the next coming of christ, and that companies value money over everything else (as they should).


      i am curious to know what they could be working on tho lol

      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      cjtencounter 3 weeks ago#261
      3headed posted...
      the ff7 original game is on psn.

      What fans wanted, was to take the PS1's experience and have it presented in a way it is now on PS4. That would be the IDEAL way. And include extra bosses and content as they have now.

      I could forgive almost anything, anything at all...but to change the story like this when they have an OPPORTUNITY like this to make a masterpiece on PS4? I can't let that slide, just no way.

      At this point, I won't really be playing for the story....but moreso just to check out the cool characters interactions and just think about what could have been. The game is very solid. Go figure they did the gameplay justice but not the story aye.
      Top 5 Most Wanted:
      1. Final Fantasy VII Remake | 2. Streets of Rage 4 | 3. Resident Evil 3 | 4. The Last of Us Part II | 5. Ghost of Tsushima
      GamerQ_1986 3 weeks ago#262
      cjtencounter posted...
      What fans wanted, was to take the PS1's experience and have it presented in a way it is now on PS4. That would be the IDEAL way. And include extra bosses and content as they have now.

      I could forgive almost anything, anything at all...but to change the story like this when they have an OPPORTUNITY like this to make a masterpiece on PS4? I can't let that slide, just no way.

      At this point, I won't really be playing for the story....but moreso just to check out the cool characters interactions and just think about what could have been. The game is very solid. Go figure they did the gameplay justice but not the story aye.

      I really dont understand why they had to change the story...... All I wanted was FF7 from the 90's in updates graphics..... At this point i have no interest in the ramake anymore, This is NOT the remake i wanted. To all you guys enjoying the game I wish the best for you. IM OUT! This remake can kiss me behind...

      Intel I9 9900k 5ghz 16gb RAM DDR4 3200mhz ,RTX 2080 ti 2055mhz oc, Asus maximus hero x z370 mobo, Corsair 540 case. PC MASTER RACE!
      3headed 3 weeks ago#263
      GamerQ_1986 posted...
      I really dont understand why they had to change the story...... All I wanted was FF7 from the 90's in updates graphics..... At this point i have no interest in the ramake anymore, This is NOT the remake i wanted. To all you guys enjoying the game I wish the best for you. IM OUT! This remake can kiss me behind...

      is it possible that you're jumping the gun here?

      i'm playing through the remake and have played the OG and am not hurt at all about how the pacing of the story has changed.

      this story pacing and any changes is much better than the og.
      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      Hastewoosh 3 weeks ago#264
      Pazto posted... .
      FFVII started AFTER midgar. That mindblowing moment where an entire world open in front of you...
      The Cosmo Canyon, Rocket Town, Fort Condor, Icicle Inn...

      Lol wow, nostagia goggles strong. Was FF7 your first RPG?
      None of that stuff was impressive.

      FF7 started off strongly in Midgar, became a snoozefest immediately after (all the things you listed are snoozefests...), and did not pick up again until they finally found Seph in the mountains.
      Pazto 3 weeks ago#265
      Hastewoosh posted...

      Lol wow, nostagia goggles strong. Was FF7 your first RPG?
      None of that stuff was impressive.

      FF7 started off strongly in Midgar, became a snoozefest immediately after (all the things you listed are snoozefests...), and did not pick up again until they finally found Seph in the mountains.

      Well I'm from Europe, and was born in the late 80's, so yeah, for me and like 80% of "older" Eu Gamers, FFVII was indeed our introduction with JRPGs. Any problem with that?
      Lurking Here Since 1998
      Gandalf the Istari 3 weeks ago#266
      This is kingdom hearts with vii characters aka shit
      Currently playing: DQ Heroes
      Ninjamaster07 3 weeks ago#267
      If they made a 1:1 remake of FF7 with modern graphics a lot of people would moan

      "After 23 year they couldn't have expanded on the story or locations? Even updated the combat? What a wasted opportunity"

      The point is, any rerelease/remake/reimagining was never ever ever gonna make EVERYONE happy

      If you're not digging this game, well I'm sorry to hear that.
      SFV: Guile, Boxer
      DBF: Bardock, Cell, Goku Black
      Hastewoosh 3 weeks ago#268
      Pazto posted...
      Well I'm from Europe, and was born in the late 80's, so yeah, for me and like 80% of "older" Eu Gamers, FFVII was indeed our introduction with JRPGs. Any problem with that?

      Then #1 reason FF7 impressed you the way it did with its world map and locations is exactly because it was your first time playing a game like that.

      I felt the same when i played FF6 the first time. Absolutely floored. but thats more a reflection of my inexperience with the genre than FF6 having a great world map.

      For the rest of us who've played other RPG's before, FF7 turned very generic post Midgar.
      and most of the locations were boring.
      Pazto 3 weeks ago#269
      Hastewoosh posted...
      Then #1 reason FF7 impressed you the way it did with its world map and locations is exactly because it was your first time playing a game like that.

      I felt the same when i played FF6 the first time. Absolutely floored. but thats more a reflection of my inexperience with the genre than FF6 having a great world map.

      For the rest of us who've played other RPG's before, FF7 turned very generic post Midgar.
      and most of the locations were boring.

      So you are fine with VII Remake been linear like XIII.
      Lurking Here Since 1998
      Hastewoosh 3 weeks ago#270
      OG Midgar was very linear i wasnt expecting anything different.
      and even with its large world map, FF7 was very linear until the very end.
      You are just led on the rail tracing Sephy from town to town to town to town until FINALLY you find him at the mountains.
      Sacred_Penance 3 weeks ago#271
      Ninjamaster07 posted...
      If they made a 1:1 remake of FF7 with modern graphics a lot of people would moan

      "After 23 year they couldn't have expanded on the story or locations? Even updated the combat? What a wasted opportunity"

      The point is, any rerelease/remake/reimagining was never ever ever gonna make EVERYONE happy

      If you're not digging this game, well I'm sorry to hear that.
      I generally agree, but its kind of bittersweet that they spent chapters 1-17 showing us that they CAN take the original story + characters, be incredibly faithful, add to it, update old outdated parts, and be just as compelling if not more...

      Then Ch. 18 happened. It's not that its bad, its just that its quite unnecessary in this particular installment.

      But also, I did kind of predict this like 3 months ago. Kitase or Nomura (can't remember) was talking about how when they first made the game, how insane the feedback to Aerith's death was, that people spent like a year or so dreaming of bringing her back to life, looking for ways to do it, investigating the Aerith ghost (glitch? or not) moment, etc. It's not a boldfaced bad idea to give people that kind of closure, its just badly placed to possibly do so under the guise of a "remake." Or even a "Re-imagining" - its more like, as someone said Avengers: Endgame, or FF7: Redux, which is a little bit different, and while I don't feel like I was lied to necessarily, I can see why many who were legitimately excited are a bit upset now.

      To them, my closing thoughts are that it would be way too easy for Part 2/3/w.e to just be Aerith lives! Zack lives! Sephiroth still loses! Cloud's identity still revealed! Etc. That they can/will change things IMO means we should expect the unexpected, rather than the expected. I'm personally rooting for an Aerith-almost dies but dies again in a new way fake out, where they try to make her death shocking for a new audience (and the old to a lesser extent) or something. Idk. Maybe I'm wrong and she just won't die. I do think that if her death isn't in the last "part" of the series, the backlash will be insane, and the "I wished I could bring her back for 20 years!" crowd will be drowned out by the "aerith's death taught me about the impermanence of life as a child!" crowd lol.
      chughes724 3 weeks ago#272
      I hope Aerith does live. Not only because I love her character, but it would REALLY piss the fanboys off.
      Listen to my story....this may be our last chance.
      Ninjamaster07 3 weeks ago#273
      Sacred_Penance posted...

      I agree, I think its "unfortunate" that it wasnt emphasized "yes this is FF7, but it should be looked at and treated as it's own thing" I can understand why some people are upset at the direction the story is taking

      And I agree, if this is how're they gonna go, I'd rather them not do the obvious fan choices like saving Aerith or Retconning Zack. It could be effective if Aerith living just cannot be changed, its part of fate that cannot be undone or something. Or maybe they'll REALLY kick us in the gut and kill Tifa as a consequence for trying so hard to save Aerith instead

      Nomura isnt a BAD writer, he has done good stuff, he has done some batshit stupid stuff. Where it goes and how it's done from here is a total coin toss, could be awesome, could be awful

      SFV: Guile, Boxer
      DBF: Bardock, Cell, Goku Black
      Drag0nBlade 3 weeks ago#274
      Just gonna say.
      I see Midgar.
      I see Jessie, Biggs and Wedge
      I see Barret
      I see Red XIII
      I see Cloud
      I see slums.
      I see events transpire in a similar order to what they did in OG FF7
      I LOVE Tifa. She is gorgeous
      I LOVE Aerith. Wish I could have a harem.

      I think with all that. It is Final Fantasy 7....remake.
      I make video games.
      DartDragoon 3 weeks ago#275
      Pazto posted...
      FFVII started AFTER midgar

      How to destroy your whole argument in a few words. That's extremely subjective and nothing more than your very own opinion.
      PSN: AstroZombie29
      Currently Playing: Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Zelda:Breath of the Wild, God of War
      EreiEmiya 3 weeks ago#276
      chughes724 posted...
      I hope Aerith does live. Not only because I love her character, but it would REALLY piss the fanboys off.

      I think they should let her die, at least she join Zack after she died so it's a win situation for her, she also can communicate with her friends via the lifestream so she's still alive somehow, to me she's not really "dead".

      Also Zack dying is what made his "living legacy" more interesting, with Cloud trying to be Zack and all that, i mean reviving supposed dead characters wich impacted the story is not a good idea to me, i mean sure you could for example revive Kurasame from Type 0 i don't think it would make any problem, but for FFVII characters and how spin off treated them, it would just be going backward to me.
      Currently playing: Fate Unlimited Codes (PS2/PSP) - Fate/Extra - Fate/Extra CCC - Legend of Heroes: Trail of Cold Steel IV
      Waiting: World of FF Maxima
      ace_spades111 3 weeks ago#277
      3headed posted...
      yep, after playing the game and talking with friends who are in the industry, the general consensus is that se made this game as quickly as possible while polishing up only things that mattered the most-- and even then, the game is not se material bc it's an unreal engine game :D

      consider this a cover of the original idea of a remake.

      nonetheless, i'm having a blast with it so far. and i'd pay another 60$ for 3 other episodes each if they continue to expand on things.

      however, this is aa material mixed with aaa polish on the things that most matter on the front end.

      I'm sorry but unless your friends are non technical members of game development industry (like the human resources department) I think that portion of your post is full of BS.

      The last part is just saying something while saying nothing.
      Define AA material relative to AAA and how FF7R falls into it.

      I say all this while acknowledging you're enjoying the game. It's still nonsense.
      Darkside_Hazuki 3 weeks ago#278
      Drag0nBlade posted...
      Just gonna say.
      I see Midgar.
      I see Jessie, Biggs and Wedge
      I see Barret
      I see Red XIII
      I see Cloud
      I see slums.
      I see events transpire in a similar order to what they did in OG FF7
      I LOVE Tifa. She is gorgeous
      I LOVE Aerith. Wish I could have a harem.

      I think with all that. It is Final Fantasy 7....remake.
      Well it's a good thing you can only see and not hear or intelligently interpret because your perspective would be a bit more developed than just what you're looking at. Good luck with your neurological issues.
      "This is what makes a legend!" - Terry, KoF '99
      RE Outbreak/PSN: Stick_Breitling; Metal Gear Online: Gabe LOGAN
      scorpio man 3 weeks ago#279
      Sephiroth0327 posted...
      Coming from someone whose screename has been "Sephiroth0327" since 2003 and beaten the original at least 20 times...

      LOL - ok. If you want the same game, go play the remaster. The entire concept behind a remake/reimagining is that it's new and different

      Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty
      Drag0nBlade 3 weeks ago#280
      Darkside_Hazuki posted...
      Well it's a good thing you can only see and not hear or intelligently interpret because your perspective would be a bit more developed than just what you're looking at. Good luck with your neurological issues.

      So. What is not Final Fantasy 7 then? Last I checked. Most of it was.
      I make video games.
      Demiurge_Zero 3 weeks ago#281
      LMAO FF7 was the first jrpg for many and because of that a lot of people loves it, for them it doesn´t matter if is actually good or raw trash.

      People are so sensitive, many mononeural beings here.
      MuddyPillow 3 weeks ago#282
      the game isn’t as trash as people on this site say; nor is it as good.

      there’s obvious pacing issues with the game. going after Hojo is a good example of this. very boring and long part of the game. going from sector 5 to the playground was very tedious also. combat AI could use some work. a lot of the time the AI will just stand around when they could be attacking.

      overall though I think it was a good game. the ending was a bit too grandiose for my tastes, but I didn’t think it was necessarily bad.

      I didn’t particularly care for how meta it got though at the end. or Barret humming the victory theme.

      looking forward to seeing where they take the story now.

      people on this board though need to chill with the attacks; on both sides of argument. too much of this “your opinion isn’t valid” being thrown around. you guys can discuss your feelings while being civil (or not apparently). too many are taking opinions as personal attacks.
      3headed 2 weeks ago#283
      ace_spades111 posted...
      I'm sorry but unless your friends are non technical members of game development industry (like the human resources department) I think that portion of your post is full of BS.

      The last part is just saying something while saying nothing.
      Define AA material relative to AAA and how FF7R falls into it.

      I say all this while acknowledging you're enjoying the game. It's still nonsense.

      lol nope. we're talking developers who code things for games.

      i can see that you're trying to read between the lines, but there's really nothing there- so i'll be clear:

      1. they made this game as quickly as possible- hence why they used unreal instead of their inhouse tool (which was used by FFXV)
      2. AA vs AAA is exactly what you think of it... this game has AA elements such as the bad side quests and poor textures, while being mixed with AAA elements --- the main characters have great polish compared to the NPCs and other textures.

      there's no other meaning, nothing to read between.

      this is also just from people who work in games for large developers.

      you can believe this or not, but that's not on me my bro. :D

      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      (message deleted)
      cjtencounter 2 weeks ago#285
      GamerQ_1986 posted...
      I really dont understand why they had to change the story...... All I wanted was FF7 from the 90's in updates graphics..... At this point i have no interest in the ramake anymore, This is NOT the remake i wanted. To all you guys enjoying the game I wish the best for you. IM OUT! This remake can kiss me behind...

      Dude, I feel ya I'm pretty much in the same boat but hear me out....give it a chance! Some of the new scenes, I can't help but enjoy somewhat....I mean, like Jessie, she is just impossible to hate.

      But yeah...the murky darkness of Midgar is non-existant in the new remake. The foreboding music that keeps playing after the first reactor blows up really sets the stage for the mood and atmosphere present. It blows my mind that the people at Square did not catch on to what gave the original its "appeal." Even my brother, when I presented the first couple hours of the game to him, agreed with me that they "disnified" FFVII with this remake. Overall, it just feels more upbeat and bright.

      Original: lonely, moody, calm, atmospheric, dark, melancholic, mysterious, heroic

      Remake: loud, noisy, bright, upbeat, hasty, action, in your face, cheerful
      Top 5 Most Wanted:
      1. Final Fantasy VII Remake | 2. Streets of Rage 4 | 3. Resident Evil 3 | 4. The Last of Us Part II | 5. Ghost of Tsushima
      Macdaddyruss1 2 weeks ago#286
      The internet will go down for 3 days in April due to COVID19
      Muflaggin 2 weeks ago#287
      Yes it is. Next.
      LightSnake: "Sigh....I might've been wrong about a lot this time."
      Terra-enforcer: "You were right. I was wrong. I'm a filthy welcher."
      benjjjamin 2 weeks ago#288
      This is totally FF7. I love it.
      Schiff: We're better than that
      Morgan Freeman: But they were not better than that. That night saw 4 new articles of impeachment and Jim Jordan fought a raccoon
      Yodabong 2 weeks ago#289
      While I Agree that later in this remake the game doesnt feel the same as OG FF7. TC is wrong about FF7 beginning after midgar.

      The rest of the world (aside from Junon) is a smattering of tiny villages, farms and caves.

      Midgar is what sets the stage that this is a technologically dystopian oligarchy that is exploiting the planet's life force for profit.

      Midgar is the set up, its the Shin-ra (a co antagonist of the story) headquarters, and the number 1 place where avalanche wants to stop the reactors.

      Sorry but Midgars existence is the catalyst of Avalanches fight and most certainly the most iconic location of FF7 OG
      iliekpieplz 2 weeks ago#290
      Remake clearly isn't FFVII. The game would've been completely different if it weren't for the Whispers. Cloud would've been done with Avalanche by chapter 5 and never form the party if the Whispers didn't interfere.
      Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television.
      PSN: ZanSangyou
      FNFred 2 weeks ago#291
      Well, no.

      This is NOT Final Fantasy VII. It's Final Fantasy VII Remake. The original isn't going anywhere but I loved the remake.
      FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE is like my Childhood coming back to say Hello one more Time...
      Such an Amazing Experience! Truly Loved it! Thanks so much, Square!
      YHWH_Saves 2 weeks ago#292
      Wrong, TC. I played FFVII on release and almost every memory that is invoked when I hear the game's title is concerning Midgar/Shinra.

      The entire game is amazing, but this is FFVII fo sho.
      "Man will not live off of bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of God."
      Smileytin 2 weeks ago#293
      This game doesnt even deserve to use 7's lore. They might as well have have made a new IP with new characters. Square just wanted to cash grab
      AfkNinja 2 weeks ago#294
      Pazto posted...
      FFVII started AFTER midgar.
      It literally started with Midgar. Get over yourself.
      OzuDriver 2 weeks ago#295
      This topic was made by a Whisper.
      [ Mii: Hales \ IGN: Xanxus ]
      [ FC: 0447 5921 9046 / Safari: Grass: Sawsbuck, Pansage, Quilladin ].
      Pizza_Buddy 2 weeks ago#296
      I feel like they probably had a solid 15-20 hour game and then padded it with filler to give a longer experience to players.

      The original is one of my favorite games of all time, and I replay it every couple years. Remake is probably a solid 4/5 for me. I'd recommend getting it on sale.

      What really bums me out is that we probably won't see Part 2 for a long time, if ever, due to the Coronavirus basically putting a giant pause button on the world.
      3headed 2 weeks ago#297
      Pizza_Buddy posted...
      I feel like they probably had a solid 15-20 hour game and then padded it with filler to give a longer experience to players.

      The original is one of my favorite games of all time, and I replay it every couple years. Remake is probably a solid 4/5 for me. I'd recommend getting it on sale.

      What really bums me out is that we probably won't see Part 2 for a long time, if ever, due to the Coronavirus basically putting a giant pause button on the world.

      yep. this is where i'm at so far.

      I make absurd posts because I find it entertaining. Take from them what you will. Just keep in mind that they are purposefully absurd :P
      Macdaddyruss1 2 weeks ago#298
      It is
      The internet will go down for 3 days in April due to COVID19
      The_Undying_84 2 weeks ago#299
      Pizza_Buddy posted...
      What really bums me out is that we probably won't see Part 2 for a long time, if ever, due to the Coronavirus basically putting a giant pause button on the world.

      They said not to expect it any faster than the first part even before the virus happened.

      And I'm not sure if they were accounting for having to learn how to develop for next gen consoles either.
      Macdaddyruss1 2 weeks ago#300
      I agree.
      The internet will go down for 3 days in April due to COVID19
      1. Boards
      2. Final Fantasy VII Remake 
      3. You can love it. You can hate it. But this is not FFVII

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