Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Apparently Dragon Quest 11 won't have voice acting

  1. Boards
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. Apparently Dragon Quest 11 won't have voice acting.
PS4TW 1 week ago#1
Really surprised to hear about this. I enjoyed the VA in Dragon Quest 8 alot and pretty much every game now days has VA. Very disappointing in what otherwise looks to be a good game :/
My top 10 PS4 games = FFX HD, The Last of Us Remastered, Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5, Yakuza 0, FF12 HD, Until Dawn, Journey.
Haeravon 1 week ago#2
Yeah, kind of worried about this, too. Voice acting in DQVIII was great, which makes me hope they add it in the NA version of DQXI. I don't think the original DQVIII had a Japanese VO, either, so... here's hoping.
PSN: Haeravon
Follow my work at: www.facebook.com/haeravonfaqs, twitch.tv/haeravon and www.youtube.com/user/haeravonfaqs
Amplifier316 1 week ago#3
normo1 1 week ago#4
It seems we are going back in time if this is real
PSN - Manorm
Amplifier316 posted...

They are basing it off of a small preview in the opening where the voices haven't been applied yet
Currently Playing :The Legend of Zelda :Majoras Mask (N64)
(edited 1 week ago)quote
TheSonyFan 1 week ago#6
Thank you, 3DS. You continue to lower the standard for the whole video game industry.
#PlayStationNation | #SonyDomination | #KillTheSwitch | #SonyExclusiveOrNoBuy | #PCIsTheEnemy
~~I know who you are and what you did. I've got my eye on you.~~
Haeravon 1 week ago#7
Amplifier316 posted...

PSN: Haeravon
Follow my work at: www.facebook.com/haeravonfaqs, twitch.tv/haeravon and www.youtube.com/user/haeravonfaqs
Haeravon posted...
Amplifier316 posted...


That article only mentions the main character (which never has dialog or voice acting at all).
Currently Playing :The Legend of Zelda :Majoras Mask (N64)
(edited 1 week ago)quote
Maverick_Reznor posted...
Amplifier316 posted...

They are basing it off of a small preview in the opening where the voices haven't been applied yet

For the record, this is the video:


Haeravon posted...
I don't think the original DQVIII had a Japanese VO, either, so... here's hoping.

It didn't; VA was added to the western release. All versions of DQVIII 3DS had it, though.
~Nova Castings
A man who can imitate a Spanish squirrel helping 48 men mow a meadow is capable of anything!
Haeravon 1 week ago#10
Maverick_Reznor posted...
Haeravon posted...
Amplifier316 posted...


That article only mentions the main character (which never has dialog or voice acting at all).

"Unfortunately, there won’t be character voices in the game on either PS4 or 3DS, which is something Dragon Quest fans will be used to."

Yes, they started out talking about the protagonist, but they didn't say the protagonist wouldn't be voiced, they said "there won't be character voices". Plural. That might make sense if there was CAC and whatever character you made wouldn't be voiced (Dragon Age: Origins), but that's not the case here.

Just my interpretation.
PSN: Haeravon
Follow my work at: www.facebook.com/haeravonfaqs, twitch.tv/haeravon and www.youtube.com/user/haeravonfaqs
Maverick_Reznor posted...
Amplifier316 posted...

They are basing it off of a small preview in the opening where the voices haven't been applied yet

no. there is a sourxe. i made a thread about it 1 or 2 weeks ago with a gematsu article. they clearly say in the interview. there are no voice overs in the game.

ill just post it here so no one gets mixed up


anyone can scroll down anyone and see in the general faq
Are the characters voiced?

The characters are not voiced.
in all honesty, ppl should accept it.
Nomura told me to get excited for the new KH3 footage/info and then he said he was joking, I walked out of the building with a straight face and said F it.
(edited 1 week ago)quote
Haeravon posted...
Maverick_Reznor posted...
Haeravon posted...
Amplifier316 posted...


That article only mentions the main character (which never has dialog or voice acting at all).

"Unfortunately, there won’t be character voices in the game on either PS4 or 3DS, which is something Dragon Quest fans will be used to."

Yes, they started out talking about the protagonist, but they didn't say the protagonist wouldn't be voiced, they said "there won't be character voices". Plural. That might make sense if there was CAC and whatever character you made wouldn't be voiced (Dragon Age: Origins), but that's not the case here.

Just my interpretation.

youre not wrong chief
Nomura told me to get excited for the new KH3 footage/info and then he said he was joking, I walked out of the building with a straight face and said F it.
That's good to hear. Honestly, voice acting's overrated, especially in RPGs. It just needlessly bloats the budget, and forces limitations on the story-telling.
"Wise men choose death before war, Wiser men choose not to be born," - Angel
da_StoOge 1 week ago#14
qwertyMrJINX posted...
That's good to hear. Honestly, voice acting's overrated, especially in RPGs. It just needlessly bloats the budget, and forces limitations on the story-telling.

This is kind of where I'm at. If the VA's are actually great and the story doesn't exactly suffer from the inflated budget, then obviously I'd be all for that, but that is a rarity.
"Even though I'm no better than a beast, don't I have the right to live?"
Why are we surprised? Japan has been cutting corners for years. Just look at Nintendo
Death Road to Canada = 10/10
TheMadness 1 week ago#16
Maverick_Reznor posted...
Amplifier316 posted...

They are basing it off of a small preview in the opening where the voices haven't been applied yet

The game comes out next week..... if they don't have the voices ready by now....
bossk5 1 week ago#17
This actually doesn't bother me at all. The absence of "sure to be cringe worthy" VA will only enhance my enjoyment of the game.
I buy used games
GenjiRed 1 week ago#18
qwertyMrJINX posted...
That's good to hear. Honestly, voice acting's overrated, especially in RPGs. It just needlessly bloats the budget, and forces limitations on the story-telling.

This, old school rpg fans don't need voice acting to enjoy a game.
If you believe in Pikachu, have accepted him as a cute lord and savior, and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.
DKFjalfe 1 week ago#19
This is a great thing. Voice acting makes JRPGs objectively worse.
Guys guys guys, Dragon Quest VIII didn't have voice acting in Japan.
Ultra lame if SE don't add VA in western version.
Blitz_kid_ 1 week ago#22
Wait what? Lmao.
Final Fantasy XV is a terrible game with awful characters
Blitz_kid_ 1 week ago#23
normo1 posted...
It seems we are going back in time if this is real
Final Fantasy XV is a terrible game with awful characters
rjames80 1 week ago#24
I'm pretty happy about this. DQ voice acting has been pretty awful. Especially DQ Heroes. I had to hit the mute button every time there was a scene involving dialogue.
Do not, my friends, become addicted to smooth jams! They will take hold of you, and you will regret their absence!
rjames80 posted...
I'm pretty happy about this. DQ voice acting has been pretty awful. Especially DQ Heroes. I had to hit the mute button every time there was a scene involving dialogue.

I really enjoyed it in DQVIII.

I haven't played an entry since then but that was one of my favorite RPG's. Still is.
PSN ID/Gamertag: docholliday504 Now Playing: Black Ops 3; The Witcher 3
Uva Uvam Vivendo Varia Fit
GREEN00 1 week ago#26
Outstanding news. VA has no place in DQ.
HaVeNII7 1 week ago#27
This isn't as bad as everyone is thinking. VA is a budget sink and limits the writers creativity.

This can only make the game better if you're willing to read. Which if you aren't...lol
PSN/Steam: HaVeNII7
lifeline81 1 week ago#28
Well, it'll save money for them that's for sure; but I don't like it. If they want Dragon Quest to continue to be the rave in the gaming world, leaving things out is not a good way to go about it.
"And at the end of the day, even if it's not perfect, it's better than nothing." Keiji Inafune (Mighty No. 9) PSN: BlueHippo12 .
Braev 1 week ago#29
I feel like it might have voice acting in the localized release. Who knows though.

TheSonyFan posted...
Thank you, 3DS. You continue to lower the standard for the whole video game industry.

I hope you know DQVIII on 3DS has voice acting even in the Japanese version. Oh wait, joke account.
There's a mystery to be uncovered here, that's for sure. And I get the feeling the truth is beyond my wildest imagination.
L0rdCrump 1 week ago#30
What writing creativity does DQ have? lol. If anything voice acting should make up for the generic stories.

Maybe they will add Western voice acting, thats why it hasn't been announced for Western release yet. Traveling through a giant open world and long story silently just doesn't seem right to me these days.

Your having cinematic cutscenes without voice. Its like watching a TV show or movie and theres no voices, but subtitles instead. Its not a 2d rpg, theres cinematic scenes.
|--|o\/o|-|~ Can't let you do that, Star Fox!~~~| 
(edited 1 week ago)quote
donkeyjack 1 week ago#31
Don't care. Best JRPG series.
The boywonder is the American idol/And every night I go to bed with the title/With infrared in the bible. http://imgur.com/tyElXOs http://imgur.com/Mxpx3aN
Fine by me as it's much quicker to read text than listen to it. Never really been a fan of voice acting in text heavy games.
Vae Victis!
Now Playing: Hatsune Miku: Future Tone, Flame in the Flood, Fire Emblem Echoes: SoV, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Disgaea 5
pakathecat 1 week ago#33
AughtforNaught posted...
Fine by me as it's much quicker to read text than listen to it. Never really been a fan of voice acting in text heavy games.

Ditto. And I'd prefer silence to bad voice acting. I'd rather them focus on the writing. Although overall I prefer VIII overall, VII had one advantage in the insane amount of text for every little thing. Many NPCs you talk to, you could get specific party chat about what they said right after. VIII didn't have nearly as much detail.
skermac 1 week ago#34
Mo voice acting = huge Fail!
To the edge of the universe and back, endure and survive
Fine by me, to be honest. Voice acting is not something that I consider essential, to be honest.

skermac posted...
Mo voice acting = huge Fail!

Probably in the West, as has been the case with most Dragon Quest games. In the East, they don't mind when a game has no voice acting.
What's wrong with reading? I was actually a little bummed out with FFX's voice-action as opposed to text.

The only upside is that maybe people will quit the internet because of the all the words involved.
For any whom this post happens to offend, I can get you great deal on a spine.
Lsnake 1 week ago#37
No voiceacting? Dragon Quest VIII has some of the most awesome voice acting ever. Everytime that game doesn't have voiceacting in a scene, it loses so much. This can't be right. My hype for this game dropped like hell right now. (And yes I've played games way before they had voice acting, and some of my favorite RPGs of all time doesn't have it. That doesn't make this any less lame.)

Lesser games without voiceacting is fine, but a grand scope, major RPG? How many mediocre NIS RPGs have voice acting?
Dodgson, Dodgson, We've got Dodgson here!
skermac 1 week ago#38
In the 21st century there should always be va's
To the edge of the universe and back, endure and survive
(edited 1 week ago)quote
amerk 1 week ago#39
Regardless if it has VA or not, this game looks to be what many of the turn-based jrpg's have been hoping for from a Triple A game. It looks fantastic on all sorts of levels.
TheSonyFan 1 week ago#40
Braev posted...
I feel like it might have voice acting in the localized release. Who knows though.

TheSonyFan posted...
Thank you, 3DS. You continue to lower the standard for the whole video game industry.

I hope you know DQVIII on 3DS has voice acting even in the Japanese version. Oh wait, joke account.

Dragon Quest VIII was a PS2 game that was somehow co-opted by the 3DS.
Dragon Quest XI is a game that is being developed for both the PS4 and the 3DS. But since Square needs to keep things more or less the same, they appeal to the lowest common denominator. Hence why there is no voice.

Who's the joke now, Nintenfan?
#PlayStationNation | #SonyDomination | #KillTheSwitch | #SonyExclusiveOrNoBuy | #PCIsTheEnemy
~~I know who you are and what you did. I've got my eye on you.~~
amerk 1 week ago#41
You_Need_A_Life posted...
What's wrong with reading? I was actually a little bummed out with FFX's voice-action as opposed to text.

The only upside is that maybe people will quit the internet because of the all the words involved.

I love X, I do. But I cringe every time Tidus speaks. It's so much better to just read and imagine what we think he should have sounded like. Unfortunately, we'd also miss out on some of the iconic moments, like how he's portrayed as a crybaby throughout the game, or the "HA HA HA" moment.
DKFjalfe 1 week ago#42
skermac posted...
In the 21st century there should always be va's

khallos14 1 week ago#43
TheSonyFan posted...
Braev posted...
I feel like it might have voice acting in the localized release. Who knows though.

TheSonyFan posted...
Thank you, 3DS. You continue to lower the standard for the whole video game industry.

I hope you know DQVIII on 3DS has voice acting even in the Japanese version. Oh wait, joke account.

Dragon Quest VIII was a PS2 game that was somehow co-opted by the 3DS.
Dragon Quest XI is a game that is being developed for both the PS4 and the 3DS. But since Square needs to keep things more or less the same, they appeal to the lowest common denominator. Hence why there is no voice.

Who's the joke now, Nintenfan?

You are. You are still the bad joke. Your reasoning is fucking stupid.
Viewer Discretion is Advised- 3DS FC 2037 1321 2557
rjames80 1 week ago#44
docholliday504 posted...
rjames80 posted...
I'm pretty happy about this. DQ voice acting has been pretty awful. Especially DQ Heroes. I had to hit the mute button every time there was a scene involving dialogue.

I really enjoyed it in DQVIII.

I haven't played an entry since then but that was one of my favorite RPG's. Still is.

I loved 8, except for the voice acting. I haven't played it since release, so I forget his name, but the thief with the awful British accent, or whatever it was, was super annoying.
Do not, my friends, become addicted to smooth jams! They will take hold of you, and you will regret their absence!
rjames80 posted...
I loved 8, except for the voice acting. I haven't played it since release, so I forget his name, but the thief with the awful British accent, or whatever it was, was super annoying.

Welcome to my ignore list.
Chucky86 1 week ago#46
Meh doesn't bother me either way really. I go through periods where I like VA then at times I like to read the story. 

With that said I really did enjoy the VA for DQVIII while others may not but that's just preferences.
Damn, you are adorable. Did you pick that gun because it looks cool? You totally did, right? I ain't gonna lie. You scare the s*** out of me.
rjames80 1 week ago#47
ZemusZeromus posted...
rjames80 posted...
I loved 8, except for the voice acting. I haven't played it since release, so I forget his name, but the thief with the awful British accent, or whatever it was, was super annoying.

Welcome to my ignore list.

No, please, not that! Anything but that! I value your input too much for you to not see my posts! Please, give me another chance! I'm begging you!
Do not, my friends, become addicted to smooth jams! They will take hold of you, and you will regret their absence!
(message deleted)
rjames80 1 week ago#49
Billysan posted...
rjames80 posted...
ZemusZeromus posted...
rjames80 posted...
I loved 8, except for the voice acting. I haven't played it since release, so I forget his name, but the thief with the awful British accent, or whatever it was, was super annoying.

Welcome to my ignore list.

No, please, not that! Anything but that! I value your input too much for you to not see my posts! Please, give me another chance! I'm begging you!

Don't other he's ignoring you.

Sure, but is he ignoring you? If not, he can see my post now. Thanks!
Do not, my friends, become addicted to smooth jams! They will take hold of you, and you will regret their absence!
Billysan 1 week ago#50
rjames80 posted...
Sure, but is he ignoring you? If not, he can see my post now. Thanks!

  1. Boards
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. Apparently Dragon Quest 11 won't have voice acting.
    1. Boards
    2. PlayStation 4
    3. Apparently Dragon Quest 11 won't have voice acting.
    Chucky86 1 week ago#51
    Lmao some people here are an absolute blast to read!
    Damn, you are adorable. Did you pick that gun because it looks cool? You totally did, right? I ain't gonna lie. You scare the s*** out of me.
    Ralizah 1 week ago#52
    TheSonyFan posted...
    Braev posted...
    I feel like it might have voice acting in the localized release. Who knows though.

    TheSonyFan posted...
    Thank you, 3DS. You continue to lower the standard for the whole video game industry.

    I hope you know DQVIII on 3DS has voice acting even in the Japanese version. Oh wait, joke account.

    Dragon Quest VIII was a PS2 game that was somehow co-opted by the 3DS.
    Dragon Quest XI is a game that is being developed for both the PS4 and the 3DS. But since Square needs to keep things more or less the same, they appeal to the lowest common denominator. Hence why there is no voice.

    Who's the joke now, Nintenfan?

    Yeah, no. The two versions look nothing alike, so there's no reason to think that the 3DS came up at all when they were deciding whether to add voice acting into the PS4 version or not. And, as with DQVIII, this might not mean Western audiences won't get voice acting in the localized release.

    But, as the other guy said, joke account. Or, more precisely, bad joke account.
    Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4) and Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment (3DS)
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    MasterVG782 1 week ago#53
    As others have already said, the Japanese PS2 version didn't have voice acting, but it was added into the localization because Square thought the game would sell more in the west with it. It's still possible that the same might happen with Dragon Quest XI, which might be the reason behind the lack of a localization announcement from SE.
    PSN: Akimitsu782
    flkid 1 week ago#54
    Eh... thats kind of dissapointing tbh. Hopefully they add voices in the west like they did with DQ8.
    PSN: DarkVelstadt
    omgseal 1 week ago#55
    i hope this isnt true and is a miscommunication. the VA for 8 was superb and really elevated the experience. i was hoping the west would get the great version with voice acting and orchestration instead of the shitty midis present in the japanese version. im losing hope. id wait longer if we got a better game.
    PSN: bongchoof
    Pawn: Deckard(Lv. 52 currently. Changes often.) Currently: Warrior
    Dubs are almost always 99% garbage, so whatever. 

    And quite frankly, the British slang that they put into the localization really annoys me too.
    49ers, Warriors, Giants, Sharks fan for life
    sotojuan 1 week ago#57
    No original JP release of DQ has had voice acting.

    Voice acting for DQVIII (last traditional console release, 2004) only came long for the NA release and in JP for the 3DS re-relase (I think). Maybe they will do the same this time.

    It's clear, JP fans of DQ (i.e. where 99% of DQ sales come from) do not care about voice acting and some are probably against it. They'll add it to the West because as this thread proves, people won't buy it otherwise. It'll make localization take longer though.
    Tiael 1 week ago#58
    They also redid menus, added orchestral OST, and more for the west among the VA for DQVIII PS2.
    They could do something similar for DQXI.

    That said, there was probably no plans for VA in 3DS DQXI, and they didn't want to spend the money on VA for the PS4 version alone for Japan.
    Don't believe mago's lies.
    My DQ Community board: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/1126-dragon-quest-general
    Mizerous 1 week ago#59
    Love how people defend lack of voice acting while bashing other games for having it. :V
    Playing: Final Fantasy VIII/ Xenosaga Part 1
    It would suck if it doesn't have it but it won't stop me from buying it.
    PSN: nightwing2099 
    Systems I Own: PS4, PSP
    Lockheart34 1 week ago#61
    That's surprising to hear when Dragon Quest Heroes had voice acting, I mean, did anyone play those games for the story? I know I didn't. 

    But It's no big deal. I replayed FFVII again recently and the story was still good enough without VA.
    El_Zaggy 1 week ago#62
    maybe its because they need to downgrade the game a lot for the switch. the more there is space on a game cart, the more it cost. removing dialogue could make the game size way smaller
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    Mizerous 1 week ago#63
    El_Zaggy posted...
    maybe its because they need to downgrade the game a lot for the switch

    Breath of the Wild has voice acting
    Playing: Final Fantasy VIII/ Xenosaga Part 1
    El_Zaggy 1 week ago#64
    Mizerous posted...
    El_Zaggy posted...
    maybe its because they need to downgrade the game a lot for the switch

    Breath of the Wild has voice acting

    having you played it ?
    I mean. theres like. 5 minutes of voice acting ? its not like recent rpg where theres hours and hours of voices dialog.
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    sotojuan 1 week ago#65
    El_Zaggy posted...
    maybe its because they need to downgrade the game a lot for the switch. the more there is space on a game cart, the more it cost. removing dialogue could make the game size way smaller

    The game is coming out for 3DS which had VA in DQVIII.
    Good. It'll be better for it.
    I've been playing the series since its inception so I don't really have a problem with this.
    Dragon Quest is still one of the best video game series ever.
    amerk 6 days ago#68
    CorneliusNepos posted...
    I've been playing the series since its inception so I don't really have a problem with this.
    Dragon Quest is still one of the best video game series ever.

    Pretty much. I grew up with Atari and NES, had no problem with reading, and in fact, rpg's on the NES and SNES helped me get into reading science fiction, fantasy, and other types of adventure novels.

    It was a real treat when we played Final Fantasy for the first time and got introduced to a story where we had to go out and speak with all the NPC's to figure out where to go and progress, because it was so different from getting the story in a single blurb in the manual, turning the game on, and the main goal is to get to the end of each stage. I loved the concept of what the early rpg's had, that I sought out areas to explore and people to talk to.

    Come the SNES and PS1, stories became more advanced, along with the game play, and they just got better and better.
    I hope Square Enix reads this topic and just decides not to export to the west.

    I already have my copy pre-ordered and my Japanese friends are so hyped for this release.
    Japanese 3DS Fc:1822-2063-3814
    Jedi454 5 days ago#70
    Richardwilliams posted...
    I hope Square Enix reads this topic and just decides not to export to the west.

    I already have my copy pre-ordered and my Japanese friends are so hyped for this release.

    I hope Square Enix doesn't read what otaku rejects like you type in forums.
    xenosaga123 5 days ago#71
    and they still didn't make it so players can create their own protagonist like in DQIX, those sexist pigs. they already lost alot of interest and lost extra sales just catering to the trunks fans.
    That's a shame. They finally got the hang of it with games like Heroes.
    Izuku Midoriya is my spirit animal.
    When it comes to balance, Vanguard is Melee and Yu-Gi-Oh is Brawl.
    Jedi454 5 days ago#73
    xenosaga123 posted...
    and they still didn't make it so players can create their own protagonist like in DQIX, those sexist pigs. they already lost alot of interest and lost extra sales just catering to the trunks fans.

    Oh shut up you. There's nothing sexist about a lead male protagonist.
    rjames80 5 days ago#74
    SegavsCapcom posted...
    That's a shame. They finally got the hang of it with games like Heroes.

    Seriously? The voice acting was awful in Heroes. I literally had to mute the TV several times because it was so bad. Especially that Alena character. Holy shit, was she awful!
    "I know it's crooked, but it's the only game in town." - Canada Bill Jones
    Tiael 5 days ago#75
    xenosaga123 posted...
    and they still didn't make it so players can create their own protagonist like in DQIX, those sexist pigs. they already lost alot of interest and lost extra sales just catering to the trunks fans.

    No, they didn't.
    Now run back to the Lingerie Football League boards.
    Don't believe mago's lies.
    My DQ Community board: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/1126-dragon-quest-general
    Gailien 5 days ago#76
    Voices will be in DQ XI remaster.
    now playing: Trails of Cold Steel (PS3)
    jhon2345 5 days ago#77
    young gamers are used to voice acting.
    old gamers can live without voice acting.

    For 2017 game it will have impact on sales.
    Not a deal breaker, but lame as hell if that's true.
    Now Playing: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    Reverse and hold at 38.5!.... Status Report!
    kloud 11 5 days ago#79
    Well, I definitively won't be buying it
    Kalkano 5 days ago#80
    The western PS4 release will have voice acting. I 100% guarantee it. It's just weird for Japanese people to have voice acting in a DQ game, in the same way that it was weird for Zelda games to have voice acting (before BotW). 

    Even the 3DS version will probably have SOME voice acting when it releases here.
    Currently Playing for the First Time: Fire Emblem 2: Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
    Shining Force 3 Chronology - http://tinyurl.com/kwjsvyb
    bossk5 posted...
    This actually doesn't bother me at all. The absence of "sure to be cringe worthy" VA will only enhance my enjoyment of the game.
    FC: 4785-5481-1973
    PKM X/Sapphire IGN - Greg/Tres
    If true, this wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Voice acting has never been a requirement, and honestly overwrought Japanese dialog is better read in your head than said aloud dramatically.
    (edited 4 days ago)quote
    crillgamer 4 days ago#83
    I can live with it. But the VA in DQ8 was great. Right up there with SH Covenant's VA.
    When in danger or in doubt
    Run in circles scream and shout
    I'd rather read than listen to voice acting. Usually I skip the voices because I can read faster than they can "act it out". Also, some of the greatest RPG's I've ever played have had no voice acting at all.
    Too many games, not enough time...
    VA can really break immersion, especially in a Japanese game where men built like rocks have voices like their nuts are being crushed in a vice and there's always an extremely high pitched loli. Nothing lost really
    Knowledge without power is wasteful, power without knowledge is dangerous
    amerk 4 days ago#86
    InfinityOver0 posted...
    VA can really break immersion, especially in a Japanese game where men built like rocks have voices like their nuts are being crushed in a vice and there's always an extremely high pitched loli. Nothing lost really

    I never understood what was so hard about getting decent VA's in a game. You have talented VA's for animated movies, cartoons, and what not, but you can't do this for a video game? Granted, it's probably a budget thing, so you won't want to have somebody who will cost you millions to do the VA for a primary character, but I can't imagine all they can find in the bottom of the pool are people like you described above... and yet, a lot of rpg's feature horrible VA's.

    Surely there is somebody talented out there that can sound better, and not cost more than the budget allows.
    kaminarikid 4 days ago#87
    You guys always complain about final fantasy not being "traditional" enough and now you're mad about dragon quest being too old-fashioned? 

    Guess what? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
    amerk 4 days ago#88
    kaminarikid posted...
    You guys always complain about final fantasy not being "traditional" enough and now you're mad about dragon quest being too old-fashioned? 

    Guess what? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

    Not me. In fact, I think DQ is one that has kept the main series feeling somewhat recognizable over the past several games compared to Final Fantasy.

    But I think you're lumping "you guys" a bit too broadly here. GF isn't one type of gamer who likes one type of thing; it's a variety of gamers who like different things.

    The people who are complaining that DQ is not changing and still consider the series old-fashioned are most likely not the same people who grew up with the series (as well as Final Fantasy) and were upset over FFXV. The people who are complaining are probably the people who are new to the series and happy with how Final Fantasy changed, and now they want DQ to change as well.

    I hope DQ stays how it is. It at least gives some of the oldies a game they can relate to, and some of us have been shifting more and more towards DQ since Final Fantasy has changed so much. We don't need every rpg to become an FFXV clone.
    Are people complaining about voice acting the other Dragon Quest games had because they honestly didn't like them or is it because they were voiced by people with accents from various European countries and beyond? If it's the former then alright. If it's the later... well guess what? Dragon Quest games are pretty much always in a medieval Europe setting with it sometimes also having equivalents of places further north and east. They are going to use voices for the characters that match the setting, not a bunch of American voice actors who, while they sound great, would be out of place on such characters.

    Only reason I bring this up is I have seen way too many people on Youtube bitching because the voice acting ain't American.
    3DS FC:3411-4073-7332
    (edited 4 days ago)quote
    Skull_pro 4 days ago#90
    TheSonyFan posted...
    Thank you, 3DS. You continue to lower the standard for the whole video game industry.

    Don't blame it on the 3DS, Tales of the Abyss had voiced cutscenes, Metal Gear Solid 3 had voice acting, Bravely Default and Second have voice acting...
    My FC: 5301 2862 3777
    My sympaties to the friends and familly of the January 29th 2017 Quebec City Mosque shooting victims. R.I.P.
    amerk posted...
    InfinityOver0 posted...
    VA can really break immersion, especially in a Japanese game where men built like rocks have voices like their nuts are being crushed in a vice and there's always an extremely high pitched loli. Nothing lost really

    I never understood what was so hard about getting decent VA's in a game. You have talented VA's for animated movies, cartoons, and what not, but you can't do this for a video game? Granted, it's probably a budget thing, so you won't want to have somebody who will cost you millions to do the VA for a primary character, but I can't imagine all they can find in the bottom of the pool are people like you described above... and yet, a lot of rpg's feature horrible VA's.

    Surely there is somebody talented out there that can sound better, and not cost more than the budget allows.

    Me either! Another terrible example is grand kingdom. Just trying to get the voices of your character to even match their appearance is all but impossible. Idk if it's a joke to the Japanese or what but it's r*****ed and they need to get serious about it
    Knowledge without power is wasteful, power without knowledge is dangerous
    (edited 4 days ago)quote
    Kalkano 4 days ago#92
    kaminarikid posted...
    You guys always complain about final fantasy not being "traditional" enough and now you're mad about dragon quest being too old-fashioned? 

    Guess what? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

    Actually, it has nothing to do with being "traditional" for either series. It literally boils down to genres.

    We want modern Turn-Based games. Period.
    Currently Playing for the First Time: Fire Emblem 2: Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
    Shining Force 3 Chronology - http://tinyurl.com/kwjsvyb
    Chucky86 4 days ago#93
    Kalkano posted...
    kaminarikid posted...
    You guys always complain about final fantasy not being "traditional" enough and now you're mad about dragon quest being too old-fashioned? 

    Guess what? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

    Actually, it has nothing to do with being "traditional" for either series. It literally boils down to genres.

    We want modern Turn-Based games. Period.

    Well good for you.
    Damn, you are adorable. Did you pick that gun because it looks cool? You totally did, right? I ain't gonna lie. You scare the s*** out of me.
    Billysan 4 days ago#94
    FutaiNoKiwami posted...
    Are people complaining about voice acting the other Dragon Quest games had because they honestly didn't like them or is it because they were voiced by people with accents from various European countries and beyond? If it's the former then alright. If it's the later... well guess what? Dragon Quest games are pretty much always in a medieval Europe setting with it sometimes also having equivalents of places further north and east. They are going to use voices for the characters that match the setting, not a bunch of American voice actors who, while they sound great, would be out of place on such characters.

    Only reason I bring this up is I have seen way too many people on Youtube bitching because the voice acting ain't American.

    The European accents seem to mix surprisingly well with JRPGs and thier overall tone I think. I loved the voices in Xenoblade and The Last Story as well.
    Billysan 4 days ago#95
    amerk posted...
    Not me. In fact, I think DQ is one that has kept the main series feeling somewhat recognizable over the past several games compared to Final Fantasy.

    But I think you're lumping "you guys" a bit too broadly here. GF isn't one type of gamer who likes one type of thing; it's a variety of gamers who like different things.

    The people who are complaining that DQ is not changing and still consider the series old-fashioned are most likely not the same people who grew up with the series (as well as Final Fantasy) and were upset over FFXV. The people who are complaining are probably the people who are new to the series and happy with how Final Fantasy changed, and now they want DQ to change as well.

    I hope DQ stays how it is. It at least gives some of the oldies a game they can relate to, and some of us have been shifting more and more towards DQ since Final Fantasy has changed so much. We don't need every rpg to become an FFXV clone.

    I think DQVIII should be the standard for the series. That game was old school for all the right reasons but didn't fall back on cheap gimmicks like one dimensional level design and cheap graphics.
    sotojuan 4 days ago#96
    jhon2345 posted...
    young gamers are used to voice acting.
    old gamers can live without voice acting.

    For 2017 game it will have impact on sales.

    No it won't. JP Dragon Quest fans (99% of where the sale will come from) don't care about lack of VA because they've never had it.

    VA is for the West and re-releases - a tiny part of their income.
    Skull_pro 3 days ago#97
    Billysan posted...

    I think DQVIII should be the standard for the series. That game was old school for all the right reasons but didn't fall back on cheap gimmicks like one dimensional level design and cheap graphics.

    The original DQ8 in Jaoan didn't have VA either. So if they base every new DQ game off this one, prepare to never have any VA ever again.
    My FC: 5301 2862 3777
    Send me Donkey Kong Country Challenges! More info at: https://www.facebook.com/Challenge-NeoArashi-1882592348727869/
    Billysan 3 days ago#98
    Skull_pro posted...
    Billysan posted...

    I think DQVIII should be the standard for the series. That game was old school for all the right reasons but didn't fall back on cheap gimmicks like one dimensional level design and cheap graphics.

    The original DQ8 in Jaoan didn't have VA either. So if they base every new DQ game off this one, prepare to never have any VA ever again.

    In Japan at least.
    Primantis 3 days ago#99
    Cor Blimey!
    94mav98 7 hours ago#100
    Honestly, I'm more annoyed by the fact it will feature MIDI music because the composer, while musically gifted, is a shitty person.
    "Every single new Final Fantasy game is the one that ruined the franchise forever, and this is obvious the second they announce the title."
    1. Boards
    2. PlayStation 4 
    3. Apparently Dragon Quest 11 won't have voice acting.

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