Monday, August 28, 2017

How Nintendo can "fix" Paper Mario.

  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch
  3. How Nintendo can "fix" Paper Mario.
Option A, obviously, is to just go back to the original battle system in the first two games. But Nintendo likes to change things up all the time, so I don't see them doing that. 

Option B, is a...compromise. They seem to be attached to the sticker/card idea but they've implemented it poorly.

Nintendo has Monolith, who made Baten Kaitos, an RPG that utilizes a very fun combat system with cards and decks. Bring them on to make a similar battle system that flows as well as the Baten Kaitos games. And for God's sake, bring back leveling up and make the decks permanent and not able to "run out" - again, like Baten Kaitos handles things.

This idea popped into my head because I've made two posts mentioning Baten Kaitos today and using a small team from Monolith seems more realistic than Nintendo making a new TTYD.

...or just make a new Baten Kaitos.
We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound fine?
(edited 3 days ago)stickyreportquote
StephenYap3 2 days ago#2
Option B is going to be an impossibility since Tanabe, the main man behind SS and CS, said this...

However, I do feel as though we reached the end of where Color Splash is headed, so if we get the chance to continue the series, I think we’ll want to create a Paper Mario with a different system.

On topic, I would like to see the first two games' battle system return since that's where the series truly shined for me, but even then it's still up to Intelligent Systems to decide its fate. So, whether the next game is returning to that formula we all loved or being something completely new, we can at least breathe that Intelligent Systems is done with the SS/CS formula (unless if Tanabe does a 180 and backstabs the Paper Mario fanbase by implementing a resource-based battle system where you use...I dunno, toys, I guess?).
Still waiting for a good Mario Tennis and Paper Mario RPG, Camelot and Intelligent Systems
Iokua 2 days ago#3
So, your suggestion is for that instead of making a new Paper Mario in line with what fans want, is to instead make a Baten Kaitos? That's like offering someone s*** because it's the same color as the chocolate they actually want.
Welcome to gamefaqs, where poverty is an illegal activity.
Baha05 2 days ago#4
Option C: Make it whatever they want and make sure there aren't any flaws in it
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
StickMen1090 2 days ago#5
depends what kind of opinion you have
3DS FC: 2063-0061-2915
``if the system is easy to develop for then that just confirms how weak it is" shaunme - 2014
They could make a new one with literally the exact same mechanics as the original PM but a different story/location and I'd be absolutely stoked. Actually they could make ten more with the exact same mechanics and I'd be stoked.
LimboStudios 2 days ago#7
Grab TTYD's gameplay style. Audience and stylish moves and everything that made it great.
Give it a story on the scale of Super Paper Mario with the unique locations of TTYD.
Give it the amazing graphical style of Color Splash, literally the only good thing about that game.
Don't even mention that the world is made of Paper, the Paper characters in Paper Jam aren't aware of it and that's good. I want my humor witty and clever, not paper puns.

There's the perfect way to fix Paper Mario, it really isn't f***ing rocket science.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Invader_Stork posted...

...or just make a new Baten Kaitos.

This would just be my preferred choice.
I'm Baby Luigi's biggest fan, a rather cantankerous female.
Left 4 Dead 2 is the best Mario-based shooter.
Go back to how things were and stop adding useless gimmicks to their damn series. Each game should feel like an evolution of the previous title, not something completely and utterly unrelated, if they want to do that they can make a new series (like Splatoon).
Welcome to the Internet, where stating your opinion is a declaration of war.
LimboStudios posted...
Grab TTYD's gameplay style. Audience and stylish moves and everything that made it great.
Give it a story on the scale of Super Paper Mario with the unique locations of TTYD.
Give it the amazing graphical style of Color Splash, literally the only good thing about that game.
Don't even mention that the world is made of Paper, the Paper characters in Paper Jam aren't aware of it and that's good. I want my humor witty and clever, not paper puns.

There's the perfect way to fix Paper Mario, it really isn't f***ing rocket science.
Indie games aren't 3rd party games- TalesRevenant
You give Sony $60. They refund you $60. You give them $60 again. That's $120 to Sony. - Someone on this site
Delta_Force 2 days ago#11
Iokua posted...
So, your suggestion is for that instead of making a new Paper Mario in line with what fans want, is to instead make a Baten Kaitos? That's like offering someone s*** because it's the same color as the chocolate they actually want.

Does it at least taste like chocolate or is it just nutty?
More Bush on Obama's Clinton!
What the hell does "should of" mean?
Lm03 2 days ago#12
Invader_Stork posted...
...or just make a new Baten Kaitos.

this is the only solution.
ROB45 2 days ago#13
Regressing to a system from 17 years ago that was woefully unimpressive even for its time is definitely not the right direction to take the series.
Chezwyck 2 days ago#14
LimboStudios posted...
Grab TTYD's gameplay style. Audience and stylish moves and everything that made it great.
Give it a story on the scale of Super Paper Mario with the unique locations of TTYD.
Give it the amazing graphical style of Color Splash, literally the only good thing about that game.
Don't even mention that the world is made of Paper, the Paper characters in Paper Jam aren't aware of it and that's good. I want my humor witty and clever, not paper puns.

There's the perfect way to fix Paper Mario, it really isn't f***ing rocket science.

So basically a modern day TTYD. Sounds good to me. The sad thing is they know the insane amount of feedback they've gotten but refuse to change it back. I pray they don't f*** up Metroid Prime, I wish it was a competent team like Retro handling it instead of the senile morons at Nintendo.
My suggestion is to scrap it and go back to square for super Mario rpg.... but square would destroy it.
arvilino 2 days ago#16
Actual advancements and overhauls of the formula, while taking aspects from each game that would complement a new entry and refining them further.

1.Keep the world cohesive like Color Splash: No travelling through sewers and coming out of a pipe, no hub world that has no onfoot exit, absolutely no bunch of doors in a line that lead to different "dimensions". Not being afraid to have a world map between areas since it requires all the locations in the game to be placed sensibly. 

2. Give the party as a whole more involvement, make scenes where there's dialogue, development or even witty banter between multiple members of the party rather than canned lines between your current active party member and an NPC who always responds the same way regardless of whether a newborn Yoshi or a Elderly Bob-bomb is talking. Add some party dynamics and don't make the party act as if they're all members of some sort of Mario fanclub. 

3. Make the level and world design design less linear and more open structure like Color Splash, play on the adventure element by making certain areas open before they're specifically needed so that it feels less like each area only ever exists once you're pointed to go there. Put more emphasis on intereactions and unique mechanics within each individual level and fewer "simon says" puzzles where you're facing the same puzzles during the penultimate chapter as you did in the 1st. 

4. Either come up with a unique main storyline(not lifted from other RPGs) or shrink the amount of time spent on it between chapters. Having 20-30 minutes filled with reptition of the similar or redundant information between chapters when all the villain wants to do is take over the world or destroy it. PM64's story kind of went against the grain of other RPGs at the time and was less serious(e.g. Bowser stealing a magic wand so he can beat up Mario and write about it in his diary, compared to the likes of Sephiroth) I think they should do that again and make fun of modern RPG stories and lampoon idea that everything needs to be more epic, hell even poke fun at itself for the need to make Peach have some new special significance to a story that otherwise would never have even involve Mario.

5. Create more scenarios with a lot of variety. The parts of the games that put them above other RPGs come from the individual chapter scenarios but in cases in the past at times you're just walking back and forth the same stretch of paths(e.g. TTYD chapter 4) between snippets of dialogue. Take inspiration from Color Splash where in a single "chapter" there's a lot of variety in the things you do and places to visit.

6. More compelling side content: A dungeon with 100 samey looking floors, a bunch of fetch quests or a Rock, Paper, Scisssors tournament aren't particularly fun. Why not challenge dungeons based on each chapter with harder enemies, puzzles and a stronger chapter boss at the end? Or a major minigame card game like Triple-Triad or Tetramaster from Final Fantasy VIII and IX.

7. Advance the battle gameplay and make it fresh or drop it for a more Oot LoZ-like action gameplay as opposed to a poor man's mario platformer. Something to make it feel more modern.

ROB45 posted...
Regressing to a system from 17 years ago that was woefully unimpressive even for its time is definitely not the right direction to take the series.

No kidding. There's no real direction in just going back, even if it succceeded they'd be kind of stuck in a wheelspin where they could only ever make the game that way.
'The fact of the matter is that we've been here constantly. We've been betraying peoples expectations, in a good way, for a long time.'
3DS: 2449-4649-4995
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Iokua 2 days ago#17
Delta_Force posted...
Iokua posted...
So, your suggestion is for that instead of making a new Paper Mario in line with what fans want, is to instead make a Baten Kaitos? That's like offering someone s*** because it's the same color as the chocolate they actually want.

Does it at least taste like chocolate or is it just nutty?

It's liquidy and acidic.
Welcome to gamefaqs, where poverty is an illegal activity.
arvilino posted...
Actual advancements and overhauls of the formula, while taking aspects from each game that would complement a new entry and refining them further.

1.Keep the world cohesive like Color Splash: No travelling through sewers and coming out of a pipe, no hub world that has no onfoot exit, absolutely no bunch of doors in a line that lead to different "dimensions". Not being afraid to have a world map between areas since it requires all the locations in the game to be placed sensibly. 

2. Give the party as a whole more involvement, make scenes where there's dialogue, development or even witty banter between multiple members of the party rather than canned lines between your current active party member and an NPC who always responds the same way regardless of whether a newborn Yoshi or a Elderly Bob-bomb is talking. Add some party dynamics and don't make the party act as if they're all members of some sort of Mario fanclub. 

3. Make the level and world design design less linear and more open structure like Color Splash, play on the adventure element by making certain areas open before they're specifically needed so that it feels less like each area only ever exists once you're pointed to go there. Put more emphasis on intereactions and unique mechanics within each individual level and fewer "simon says" puzzles where you're facing the same puzzles during the penultimate chapter as you did in the 1st. 

4. Either come up with a unique main storyline(not lifted from other RPGs) or shrink the amount of time spent on it between chapters. Having 20-30 minutes filled with reptition of the similar or redundant information between chapters when all the villain wants to do is take over the world or destroy it. PM64's story kind of went against the grain of other RPGs at the time and was less serious(e.g. Bowser stealing a magic wand so he can beat up Mario and write about it in his diary, compared to the likes of Sephiroth) I think they should do that again and make fun of modern RPG stories and lampoon idea that everything needs to be more epic, hell even poke fun at itself for the need to make Peach have some new special significance to a story that otherwise would never have even involve Mario.

5. Create more scenarios with a lot of variety. The parts of the games that put them above other RPGs come from the individual chapter scenarios but in cases in the past at times you're just walking back and forth the same stretch of paths(e.g. TTYD chapter 4) between snippets of dialogue. Take inspiration from Color Splash where in a single "chapter" there's a lot of variety in the things you do and places to visit.

6. More compelling side content: A dungeon with 100 samey looking floors, a bunch of fetch quests or a Rock, Paper, Scisssors tournament aren't particularly fun. Why not challenge dungeons based on each chapter with harder enemies, puzzles and a stronger chapter boss at the end? Or a major minigame card game like Triple-Triad or Tetramaster from Final Fantasy VIII and IX.

7. Advance the battle gameplay and make it fresh or drop it for a more Oot LoZ-like action gameplay as opposed to a poor man's mario platformer. Something to make it feel more modern.

ROB45 posted...
Regressing to a system from 17 years ago that was woefully unimpressive even for its time is definitely not the right direction to take the series.

No kidding. There's no real direction in just going back, even if it succceeded they'd be kind of stuck in a wheelspin where they could only ever make the game that way.

"I hate TTYD and have to play devil's advocate for my s***ty favorite games" TTYD is THE Paper Mario formula, and they only get to make fun of RPG tropes if the story is epic itself, if it isn't epic, f*** off.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
arvilino 2 days ago#19
LimboStudios posted...
"I hate TTYD and have to play devil's advocate for my s***ty favorite games" TTYD is THE Paper Mario formula, and they only get to make fun of RPG tropes if the story is epic itself, if it isn't epic, f*** off.

Hence why the other 4 games differ from it in tone, gameplay or both. It's a single entry in a series of 5 games. TTYD has its pros, TTYD has its cons, its a game I like but there's undeniable area for improvement which other entries in the series outdone it in and not just something like "graphics" or "story".

And nah it doesn't need to be epic to make a mockery of those RPG tropes
'The fact of the matter is that we've been here constantly. We've been betraying peoples expectations, in a good way, for a long time.'
3DS: 2449-4649-4995
DuranmanX4 2 days ago#20
Sticker Star did exactly what Battle Network did, by having the battles be a meaningless grind only to get chips you will eventually waste, but people seem to be fine with Battle Network
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(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
SSjYagami 2 days ago#21
Return to franchise roots or die.
Mods are pathetic SJWs who abuse their administrative abilities and couldn't muster a logical defense for their actions to save their lives. Worthless.
wiiking96 2 days ago#22
Use the gameplay of PM64 and TTYD as a base and build off of it. The formula of those two games was flawed but strong enough to make those games become instant classics, and it's strong enough for a modern Paper Mario game. The level design should take after PM64 more than TTYD, but the writing should take after TTYD more. And there are some elements from SPM and SS that are worth incorporating into the original formula such as Catch Cards and a larger coin limit.
Bowser as the protagonist of a RTS game needs to happen at some point.
Fan of Majora's Mask, M+L: Superstar Saga, Metroid Prime 2, and DKC: Tropical Freeze.
arvilino 2 days ago#23
DuranmanX4 posted...
Sticker Star did exactly what Battle Network did, by having the battles be a meaningless grind only to get chips you will eventually waste, but people seem to be fine with Battle Network

I feel the problem is that they made a battle system that invokes what I call Elixir Syndrome where in games a large number of players are very unwilling to use consumable items as the perception of wasting the item causes the person to hesistate even wanting to use it because they're saving it for the "best time" and end up never even using it. 

It's probably a good thing they're moving away from the current battle system because regardless of how well they executed it they're not going to convince people who are inherently unwilling to fight battles or use rare stickers/cards because they're consumable. The same happened in Fire Emblem before Fates people just jammed all the rare weapons, elixirs and statboosters in the convoy never used them and pretty much just used the cheapo iron weapons for as long as possible if not the whole game.
'The fact of the matter is that we've been here constantly. We've been betraying peoples expectations, in a good way, for a long time.'
3DS: 2449-4649-4995
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
DavCube 2 days ago#24
DuranmanX4 posted...
Sticker Star did exactly what Battle Network did, by having the battles be a meaningless grind only to get chips you will eventually waste, but people seem to be fine with Battle Network

Except MMBN chips aren't consumable resources. You can lose use of them per battle, but they reload in between.
DuranmanX4 2 days ago#25
DavCube posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
Sticker Star did exactly what Battle Network did, by having the battles be a meaningless grind only to get chips you will eventually waste, but people seem to be fine with Battle Network

Except MMBN chips aren't consumable resources. You can lose use of them per battle, but they reload in between.

I guess another bonus (or not) is that you where forced into battles, with no option to flee

in Sticker Star, battles are encounter based, and fleeing is an option
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DavCube 2 days ago#26
DuranmanX4 posted...
DavCube posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
Sticker Star did exactly what Battle Network did, by having the battles be a meaningless grind only to get chips you will eventually waste, but people seem to be fine with Battle Network

Except MMBN chips aren't consumable resources. You can lose use of them per battle, but they reload in between.

I guess another bonus (or not) is that you where forced into battles, with no option to flee

in Sticker Star, battles are encounter based, and fleeing is an option

Only in the first game where you only had escape chips to put into the deck. Later games have a fleeing option that's comparable to Pokemon in that if your level/stats are too low you might not be able to run, with the only exceptions being specific challenge areas.
SSjYagami 2 days ago#27
Are people trying to compare MMBN to PMSS? A good game to a bad one?
Mods are pathetic SJWs who abuse their administrative abilities and couldn't muster a logical defense for their actions to save their lives. Worthless.
LimboStudios posted...
Grab TTYD's gameplay style. Audience and stylish moves and everything that made it great.
Give it a story on the scale of Super Paper Mario with the unique locations of TTYD.
Give it the amazing graphical style of Color Splash, literally the only good thing about that game.
Don't even mention that the world is made of Paper, the Paper characters in Paper Jam aren't aware of it and that's good. I want my humor witty and clever, not paper puns.

There's the perfect way to fix Paper Mario, it really isn't f***ing rocket science.

All of this.
GameCube VC/GBA VC pls ;-;
Nintendo: Please understand
DuranmanX4 2 days ago#29
SSjYagami posted...
Are people trying to compare MMBN to PMSS? A good game to a bad one?

There's a difference between comparing apples to oranges, and fresh apples to rotten apples
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(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
1. Stop f***ing with the battle system

2. No...thats it, stop coming up with weird terrible battle systems and just stick to what the original games or the mario and luigi games use, a normal turn based system modified to be slightly more active.
Just shut the hell up and talk about games, im so tired of the politics of gaming...
PS4Warrior 2 days ago#31
LimboStudios posted...
Grab TTYD's gameplay style. Audience and stylish moves and everything that made it great.
Give it a story on the scale of Super Paper Mario with the unique locations of TTYD.
Give it the amazing graphical style of Color Splash, literally the only good thing about that game.
Don't even mention that the world is made of Paper, the Paper characters in Paper Jam aren't aware of it and that's good. I want my humor witty and clever, not paper puns.

There's the perfect way to fix Paper Mario, it really isn't f***ing rocket science.
PS4 - Because it was the next gen console i was the most interested in.
Warrior - Because i usually pick the Warrior class in MMORPGs when i played them.
DrGaster 2 days ago#32
Why the hell did they insist on keeping Sticker Star's gameplay? It's not like OoT or SM64 where the changes were embraced, loved, and made the series better. They were despised by just about everyone and only weakened the series.
Kaeporo 2 days ago#33
In this case you've got to look at the root cause. If anything needs "fixing" it's Nintendo. Imagine thinking TTYD is so flawed that the series needs an overhaul...Hell, it might even go further back than Nintendo. The root problem might actually be tied to the Japanese work culture.
Instead of getting offended you should instead become excited about having been afforded the opportunity to learn.
Kaeporo posted...
In this case you've got to look at the root cause. If anything needs "fixing" it's Nintendo. Imagine thinking TTYD is so flawed that the series needs an overhaul...Hell, it might even go further back than Nintendo. The root problem might actually be tied to the Japanese work culture.

Most of Nintendo's problems can be traced back to assbackwards JP work culture.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
DuranmanX4 1 day ago#35
LimboStudios posted...
Kaeporo posted...
In this case you've got to look at the root cause. If anything needs "fixing" it's Nintendo. Imagine thinking TTYD is so flawed that the series needs an overhaul...Hell, it might even go further back than Nintendo. The root problem might actually be tied to the Japanese work culture.

Most of Nintendo's problems can be traced back to assbackwards JP work culture.

which can be traced to American work culture from the US occupation during the 50s, when we needed filibusters so we can get kids off working coal mining jobs during 18 hours a day during a Arizona summer, with no worker's comp or possibility of unions
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(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Ban Mayamota from creative process.
PSN: captsplatter & Gamertag: OGcaptsplatter &
Switch FC: SW-3078-9578-8685 & Steam ID URL:
SSjYagami 1 day ago#37
DuranmanX4 posted...
SSjYagami posted...
Are people trying to compare MMBN to PMSS? A good game to a bad one?

There's a difference between comparing apples to oranges, and fresh apples to rotten apples

So what're you saying?
Mods are pathetic SJWs who abuse their administrative abilities and couldn't muster a logical defense for their actions to save their lives. Worthless.
DuranmanX4 1 day ago#38
SSjYagami posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
SSjYagami posted...
Are people trying to compare MMBN to PMSS? A good game to a bad one?

There's a difference between comparing apples to oranges, and fresh apples to rotten apples

So what're you saying?

You can compare a two games together if they use a similar mechanic

it's not like I'm comparing Battle Network to Gran Turismo
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SSjYagami 1 day ago#39
As long as Mario is the rotten apple in this scenario, I guess. The gameplay in MMBN is more tactical.
Mods are pathetic SJWs who abuse their administrative abilities and couldn't muster a logical defense for their actions to save their lives. Worthless.
DuranmanX4 1 day ago#40
SSjYagami posted...
As long as Mario is the rotten apple in this scenario, I guess. The gameplay in MMBN is more tactical.

I'm more concerned with the "how do we make fights important without including experience points"
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SSjYagami 1 day ago#41
DuranmanX4 posted...
SSjYagami posted...
As long as Mario is the rotten apple in this scenario, I guess. The gameplay in MMBN is more tactical.

I'm more concerned with the "how do we make fights important without including experience points"

They don't need to be important, they need to be fun. Importance is a secondary concern. MMBN battles are really great, but of course even those eventually get annoying due to the nature of random encounters in RPGs. I never once enjoyed any aspect of any battle in PMSS. It is too bad because at least SPM was a good game in its own right as a spinoff, proving change isn't always bad (as long as major changes like that are relegated to spinoffs). PMSS is just terrible, irredeemable.
Mods are pathetic SJWs who abuse their administrative abilities and couldn't muster a logical defense for their actions to save their lives. Worthless.
KingDDDD 32 minutes ago#42
Nintendo fixes it by caring for the series again, and coming to terms that the game won't be accessible to everyone. Putting too broad of a target audience has hurt a lot of Nintendo's franchises over the decades.
  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch 
  3. How Nintendo can "fix" Paper Mario.

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