Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, was the first one killed. Video allegedly shows him in a group chasing the teen & someone throwing something, that appears to be a Molotov cocktail, at him. Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender for a crime involving a minor.
Anthony Huber, 26, was shot & killed in Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot. He was filmed chasing down the armed teen. After the teen gets kicked in the face while on the ground Anthony decided to beat him over the head with his skateboard. He was then shot in the torso. He allegedly had a criminal history that included charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse.
The third man who was shot and survived is Gaige Grosskreutz, 26. He's a member of the People’s Revolution Movement. He came to Kenosha from Milwaukee, which is twice as far away from Kenosha, than the teen shooter lived. He was filmed chasing after the teen with a pistol. He was shot at close-range in the upper arm. He has a criminal record that includes burglary and was a convicted felon in possession of a gun, which is illegal.
All this is happening because Jacob Blake, a man with a warrant for his arrest since July 7th, was at the scene of yet another 911 domestic disturbance call. According to the record, Blake had an arrest warrant filed against him on July 7, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin for an incident involving domestic abuse that happened on May 3. The previous offenses listed are criminal trespass to dwelling, third-degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct.
When police arrived on scene this time they attempted to detain Mr Blake for questioning. Knowing that he had a warrant for his arrest and a weapon on him, rather than speaking with the officers calmly like an adult, he decided to resist arrest and fight with the police. The media chose to first show the video of Blake getting shot without any context. They did this instead of releasing the video of Blake first wrestling with and fighting cops, then trying to escape to his vehicle. Rather than being a good role model for his children, Blake disobeyed orders to stop and drop the knife. Officers approached Blake as he attempted to reach into the vehicle, against their demands, and after being told to drop the knife without compliance they shot him in fear for their lives. A knife was recovered on the driver’s side floorboard of the vehicle. Yet somehow Blake is now a martyr for the NBA and the “woke left” for committing felonies while sports events across the country are being postponed to prove their solidarity and wokeness.
What’s the over under that Blake’s toxicology screen comes up dirty and he was driving his kids around under the influence and was back at his ex-girlfriends house causing trouble again? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 

Edit: It has now been confirmed that he was back at his girlfriend’s house and police dispatch had named him as the assailant, based on the 911 call, prior to the cops arriving on scene. He was not supposed to be there, had stolen her keys and wouldn’t leave the premises. So it looks like he wasn’t minding his business while on his way to church...or breaking up a fight like the media first reported