
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Bethesda hits players with overpriced in-game holiday items. a 20 dollar santa suit

Taken from reddit

Most of us agree that the pricing is out of hand in the atom shop. but this santa outfit set just dropped at $20.00. That's $20.00... 1/3 of the full game. Twice as much as most DLCs combined. I don't know how else to express it. Far Harbor took me like 2 months to complete alone, and i'm pretty sure I paid $20.00 for the entire Fallout 4 season pass (all DLCs). This santa outfit will be relevant for less than 2 weeks. COME ON BETHESDA! Fallout76 is already selling for $26.00 at some retailers!

I also mentioned when they listed the Emote pack automatically for "50% off" how shady that is. This set listed at "33% off".... call me crazy but i'd say it's not on sale if it was never full price!

If you ask me, SKINS should be like 400 or 500 ATOMS max.

CAMP decor should be like 200-300 ATOMS

EMOTES and ICONS should be 100-150

i'm thinking the max anything should be for one single item is maybe 700 ATOMS for some unique outfit or something.

When you get into $18 - $20 for an individual cosmetic item that's absurd. I honestly just hope no one buys it and they realize they need to adjust prices. (even though I know the youtubers will buy this stuff every time just so they can post an angry review and get their money back)

And I am fully aware that ATOMs can be earned in game.. but since there is a stall in ATOM collection pretty much after you hit LVL 40 or 50. i'd say it's safe to assume we all correlate ATOMS to currency.

**EDIT** Here is my response to all who say "just don't by it"

-honestly I'm not the type of person who ever spends real money on in game transactions. and I mean ever on any game. so I don't plan to on this either.. I just think that the pricing on these items is borderline offensive. And I can see the line trending upwards if enough people spend Atoms on this the next items will be 2500, then 3000, essentially charging 25 and 30 dollars for skins and chairs. Thus this thread is my opinion that the items are overpriced. And since people can ask Bethesda what they want and suggest community requested changes, I think they should know if we feel the ATOM shop is too expensive.

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