- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I wouldn't get too excited about Pokemon Switch.
As much as we should be thrilled that there will (eventually) be a mainline Pokemon game on consoles, I wouldn't get too excited yet.
Pokemon is starting to tread down a dangerous downhill slope ever since Sun and Moon. Gamefreak seem to be shifting away from the challenging adventures of the previous titles, and moving towards linear, hand-holding experiences. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon look like they aren't doing much to buck the trend, just adding in more padding and Gen 1 Pandering. Sun and Moon were terrible Pokemon games, the only ones I couldn't sit through till the end, due to all the added crap like Z Moves while dropping legitimate improvements from ORAS. Aloha sucked as a region, the story-driven nature of the game just wasted my time and the trials were f***ing stupid and easy. I'm worried for Gen 8/ Pokemon Switch. Part of me hopes that they will just go back to basics story wise (Kanto Region completely remade and massive, 150 Pokemon) while using open world concepts from Zelda. I know I complained about Gen 1 pandering, but if the next generation continues the trend of taking the series backwards gameplay-wise, I don't think the series will be as popular as it is for much longer.
Thank God for Jim!
Would be funny if it was actually Pokemon Go Switch.
PS4 - Because it was the next gen console i was the most interested in.
Warrior - Because i usually pick the Warrior class in MMORPGs when i played them. |
I would because it's a mainline Pokemon game on home consoles.
Also there was nothing wrong with sun and moon (unless you like gyms more than trials).
Currently Playing :Mario X Rabbids: Battle Kingdom
Maverick_Reznor posted...
I would because it's a mainline Pokemon game on home consoles. Being a mainline Pokemon game on a home console doesn't automatically make it good. Eh, to each their own, I hated them. I felt like I spent the majority of my time either a) Watching cutscenes progressing a story in which I had no investment whatsoever b) Being railroaded to tutorials which were both unskippable and explained things a 5 year old could figure out themselves. (I didn't need to spend 5 minutes at a clothing shop telling me exactly what it's purpose was.) After the third trial I just put the game down and didn't pick it back up.
Thank God for Jim!
Yeah. The one thing I always thought about Pokemon was that it was a challenging experience. Except for the trials and lack of HM's (Finally), it was the same as it always was. I actually welcomed the story, it was a nice change of pace. The games have always been linear. I don't know what Pokemon games you've played, but that has always been the case.
This guy are sick.
Greggbird33 posted...
Yeah. The one thing I always thought about Pokemon was that it was a challenging experience. Except for the trials and lack of HM's (Finally), it was the same as it always was. I actually welcomed the story, it was a nice change of pace. The games have always been linear. I don't know what Pokemon games you've played, but that has always been the case. Yeah they have been linear, but they weren't as obvious about it, and actually let you deviate from the main path and discover things yourself (such as trees you had to come back to later to cut, or water you couldn't surf on yet) without having someone shout at you as soon as you left the walking track.
Thank God for Jim!
I have my bones to pick with gamefreak about some of their more... questionable decisions, but in what universe have Pokemon games ever truly been challenging?
The closest I can think of was a notable difficulty spike in gen 3... Something that you can easily solve the same way you do in other Pokemon games: train/grind
"Ignorance is bliss until they take your bliss away."
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Mods are pathetic SJWs who abuse their administrative abilities and couldn't muster a logical defense for their actions to save their lives. Worthless.
When has Pokemon NOT been linear? Gamefreak designs the games with the dated 80s NES era jRPG mentality of blocking the player through incredibly lazy excuses to force linear progression since Gen 1. "Oh im so thirsty sorry i cant let you pass because im thirsty and the only place with the drink i want is in a town you will reach by following the order GF wants" "Oh no my shoes are untied sorry i wont get out of your way until i tie my shoes and that will take about as long as it takes for you to go through that one cave to the north" "Oh no it happens someone fell off a bike here and now people are blocking the way helping out the poor sod and wont be done until you beat the gym" "Oh no a pokemon is blocking the way for reasons and he wont move until you use a key item you cant get until later" "Oh no you need (insert HM) to pass so for now looks like you can only go to (insert place)" Don't forget your daily dose of forced trainer battles to make otherwise short and bland areas drag.
"Deadpool is just as formulaic the Avengers films it so relentlessly strives not to be."
(edited 5 days ago)quote
Downhill since sun and moon? The downhill started with x and y!
My 3ds friend code is 2852-7795-4118
There was never any considerable downhill slope so I see no issues at all.
X/Y could've been better, true, but they aren't bad, just among the weakest entries of the franchise perhaps. |
The worst part is that you're right.
My DeviantArt page: http://bistrochan.deviantart.com (Yeah, I know my name is really stupid. Also, I draw like a kid too...)
3DS FC: 4012 8713 6790 |
Story is good for Pokemon, agree with everything else.
Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!
I hope we get a 10-15 minute tutorial on how to use a pokeball again
Nintendo Switch Friend Code:
0209837474242048207. Add me plz |
PrincessCookie posted...
who says it will be Gen 8 it might be Coliseum 3 ? It may not be gen8 but it will be an actual Pokémon game. They made it a point to say it was going to be a mainline entry.
2939-0236-7680 Currently playing Pokemon X
Flamingoo posted...
Pokemon Sun/Moon was the beginning of the second decline. How can that be true when they were objectively better than X and Y? |
SSjYagami posted...
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3. Also wrong, the DS entries were better. |
JediMasterColey posted...
PrincessCookie posted...who says it will be Gen 8 it might be Coliseum 3 ? This.
NNID/Gamer Tag: PoisonShroom
Greatest line in a NES game ever: "Kill all babies" from Exodus. |
Ah, the Pokemon Cycle seems to be kicking as usual, I see.
FC: 1977 - 0616 - 0040
Gallant was here |
GallantChaddymn posted...
Ah, the Pokemon Cycle seems to be kicking as usual, I see. There is no Pokémon Cycle, just idiots b****ing about things on the internet. |
Ya, the game will probably be 900p and 30fps which is definition of garbage.
Never forget those that lost karma this day!! http://imgur.com/UrIzM4Y
Greggbird33 posted...
Yeah. The one thing I always thought about Pokemon was that it was a challenging experience. Except for the trials and lack of HM's (Finally), it was the same as it always was. I actually welcomed the story, it was a nice change of pace. The games have always been linear. I don't know what Pokemon games you've played, but that has always been the case. Gen 7 is actually a lot better about it than gen 5 and 6 were. It was ultimately linear but didn't feel like itbecause of theway the progression moved you back and forth around the map, like the older gens. Pokemon is ultimately linear, and always has been, but they didn't feel like actual halways like Gen 5 and to alesser extent, Gen 6
FC: 1977 - 0616 - 0040
Gallant was here |
It really needs an overhaul the level of BotW honestly, at least in terms of how linear it's getting.
BotW went from the most hand-holdy games in the entire series with an annoying sidekick telling you anything and everything, to a solo adventure where the game teaches you almost everything naturally and actually expects you to have the competency a normal person should have. If Pokemon went that direction, I'd buy the new game in less than a heartbeat.
I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero. I have always only fought for the people I believe in. ~Zero
PrincessCookie posted...
who says it will be Gen 8 it might be Coliseum 3 ? There are still people that think this?
FC: 1977 - 0616 - 0040
Gallant was here |
RollinHard posted...
Ya, the game will probably be 900p and 30fps which is definition of garbage.
"3DS is a handheld console, so unless you are playing with your ass there is no reason to afk. Multitask like a pro" - jisn064
GTMippey posted...
Maverick_Reznor posted...I would because it's a mainline Pokemon game on home consoles. You're disgusting. Sun and Moon is awesome.
Prepare for trouble.
Make it double. |
GallantChaddymn posted...
Greggbird33 posted...Yeah. The one thing I always thought about Pokemon was that it was a challenging experience. Except for the trials and lack of HM's (Finally), it was the same as it always was. I actually welcomed the story, it was a nice change of pace. The games have always been linear. I don't know what Pokemon games you've played, but that has always been the case. Glad someone finally gets it. I thought we were all on board with Gen 7 being a step in the right direction, to the point where people were SUPER f***ING PISSED over it not getting a Switch port. Now suddenly all the trolls are coming out to claim that it's part of some made up, downward trend since gen 1/2/3? Give me a break. |
GTMippey posted...
the challenging adventures of the previous titles You . . you're joking, right?
Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI (DS), Darksiders: Warmastered (Wii U), Etrian Odyssey Untold, Splatoon 2
3DS FC: 4167-4549-4028 NNID: TotalJakeout |
GTMippey posted...
Pokemon is starting to tread down a dangerous downhill slope ever since Sun and Moon. lol You mean since Gen 5
Today is the day: Bomberman, Paper Mario, K.Rool, Wonder Red, and Goku for Smash.
uberking422 posted...
GallantChaddymn posted...Ah, the Pokemon Cycle seems to be kicking as usual, I see. Oh please. This happens every gen. New gen gets teased or announced. People proclaim the last gen that they previously hailed as the best in the series is actually the worst and caused a downword spiral and showing GF are out of ideas or are ruining the series are New game comes out Everyone loves it and proclaims it the greatest game since (insert fave gen here) Rinse and f***ing repeat.
FC: 1977 - 0616 - 0040
Gallant was here |
uberking422 posted...
to the point where people were SUPER f***ING PISSED over it not getting a Switch port. everyone my ass. Thirsty people were. Just as many people clearly pointed out why a sun/moon port or stars would be terrible, HINT: because sun/moon were terrible enough as if.
Today is the day: Bomberman, Paper Mario, K.Rool, Wonder Red, and Goku for Smash.
GallantChaddymn posted...
uberking422 posted...GallantChaddymn posted...Ah, the Pokemon Cycle seems to be kicking as usual, I see. oh please there is no cycle. People simply have preference. Show me one time were I said I liked Black/white or Sun/moon. Show me one time when someone praised a previous gen only to bash it now because your nonsense cycle.
Today is the day: Bomberman, Paper Mario, K.Rool, Wonder Red, and Goku for Smash.
I doubt the next game will be trails. The whole point of the trials was because there was no Pokemon league to prove yourself so they used the trials and the Kahuna's instead. You were the one that helped build the Pokemon league in that region. I actually liked the change up they did, it was different than the "Go to the 8 gyms, get your badges and stop "evil" villains plan which is all stopped the same way in every game." I am sure they will either go back to the traditional game of the 8 gyms or they will come up with something else. I doubt it'll be another adventure of you being part of the creation of the Pokemon League.
As for it being easy... every Pokemon is easy. You can take your starter and use just that all the way up to the Pokemon league and stomp on them without even needing to change a pokemon. If you remember older Pokemon games being so much harder, i have a sneaking suspicion that it was more you were a kid and sucked at everything and you're older now. For linear... they've always been there. Johto had a bit more freedom once your got to Ecruteak City but at the same time, the game suffered a little there as the gym leaders and pokemon were all around the same levels for a few areas because you could go a few places out of order and by the time you were nearing the end of that region, you could beat the trainers and gym leaders with your eyes closed.
| PSN - JSampG / NNID - Sampsonj | Toadette of the MK8 Deluxe board
"27,146 sales is a decrease from 26,114 sales (Paraphrase)" - Linetrix
(edited 5 days ago)quote
uberking422 posted...
GallantChaddymn posted...Greggbird33 posted...Yeah. The one thing I always thought about Pokemon was that it was a challenging experience. Except for the trials and lack of HM's (Finally), it was the same as it always was. I actually welcomed the story, it was a nice change of pace. The games have always been linear. I don't know what Pokemon games you've played, but that has always been the case. I never thought gen 7 was good. |
kaliskonig posted...
uberking422 posted...to the point where people were SUPER f***ING PISSED over it not getting a Switch port. If I wasn't bound to this phone i'd hold you up to that. The mere fact that everyone previously praising the game is silent in favor of these now large amount of detractors is suspect enough. Youtubers whose content revolves around Pokemon are perhaps the most blatant example of this occurence.
FC: 1977 - 0616 - 0040
Gallant was here |
Blah blah blah more pessimistic gamers
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer."
--Satoru Iwata, 1959-2015 |
kaliskonig posted...
uberking422 posted...to the point where people were SUPER f***ING PISSED over it not getting a Switch port. pokemon x and y sold more then sun/ moon. Im just saying this for the people lying that pokemon x/y were bad when the sales dont lie when it comes to the pokemon series. sun/moon were bad and the alola forms is some cheap trash. pokemon x/y brought the series into 3d and had mega forms and tons of new ideas and concepts to the gameplay. The fact that you could mix and match berries and breed different kinds and grow really rare ones was amazing. before hackers hacked pokemon x/y it was the best pokemon has ever been especially since 3ds x/y online > then any other pokemon game before it. the first 2-4 months people were trading items and pokemon like people trade things in an mmo. especially for items like megastones or those super rare berries you could only get from beating battle tower.
FC: 3609-2443-9791
pokemon x/y first battle 19 minutes in
![]() pokemon sun/moon first battle is 38 minutes in and then you still have tons of talking and walking cutscenes. 45 minutes and you still cant do s*** in the game for real yet. ![]() cutscenes and story talking all the time is not good so dont try and say its a good change because its even worse to have in a pokemon game.
FC: 3609-2443-9791
GTMippey posted...
Greggbird33 posted...Yeah. The one thing I always thought about Pokemon was that it was a challenging experience. Except for the trials and lack of HM's (Finally), it was the same as it always was. I actually welcomed the story, it was a nice change of pace. The games have always been linear. I don't know what Pokemon games you've played, but that has always been the case. This is one of the things that really made sun and moon the most boring pokemon games I have ever played. It didn't feel like an adventure where I could explore. The maps were tiny in comparison to past games where you could go to multiple different places after having completed a certain objective or revisit old places to unlock new locations after getting certain items. I wanted to explore the world, but instead felt like I was being boxed into a one-way path. The Z-moves reminded me of Power Rangers and Digimon for some reason, which was a huge turn off. It also made the world of Pokemon feel cheap, like this was some sort of desperate idea to get more sales. The trials were TERRIBLE! They should have trials BEFORE gyms. I would like to see 8 gyms in the next game with 3 trials before each gym. It would make sense to have trials that prove your ability to take on a gym leader. Either than or they should use trials as a way to qualify for the Elite Four. Trials on its own was lazy and uninteresting. |
kirbyhoakage posted...
Cutscenes and story is not good in an RPG.... lol Secondly, those videos you posted, that guy was terribly slow at EVERYTHING.
| PSN - JSampG / NNID - Sampsonj | Toadette of the MK8 Deluxe board
"27,146 sales is a decrease from 26,114 sales (Paraphrase)" - Linetrix |
kirbyhoakage posted...
kaliskonig posted...uberking422 posted...to the point where people were SUPER f***ING PISSED over it not getting a Switch port. Sun and Moon were released less than a year ago, X/Y are almost 4 years old. What a shocker that Sun and Moon haven't caught up yet, huh? And anyway, they are only 500k copies behind. |
S/M is possibly the most difficult mainline Pokemon game because it uses B/W/B2/W2's exp. system that exponentially decreases your exp. the closer you are to and over the opponents level.
Now, I have issues with the whole balance and combat of Pokemon in the main line games, but that's another topic altogether.
The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him. They're all complacent sheeple. Passion fights, but reason wins.
Doom and Gloom, Doom!!
PSN/steam: classicviolence Switch FC: 441991068406 3DS: 087719974865
Gamefaqs: Home of mod-alts, shills, sock puppets, and mentally ill trolls |
Bahamut_10th posted...
"Oh no you need (insert HM) to pass so for now looks like you can only go to (insert place)" To be fair at least this one makes sense. kirbyhoakage posted... cutscenes and story talking all the time is not good so dont try and say its a good change because its even worse to have in a pokemon game. At this point they need to really split the game like etrian odyssey does. A story mode for al the people with no imagination and fawn over forced interactions, and a non-story mode for those of us who just want to explore. metroidman18 posted... I hope we get a 10-15 minute tutorial on how to use a pokeball again I'm willing to give bean counters who are slaves to focus groups the benefit of the doubt with tutorials but I have to ask why can we never skip them? It's one of those mysteries of gaming that seems obvious. Let us skip the damn tutorials. And put button configuration in every game, that should just part of the default package when you start a new project. ikki5 posted... Cutscenes and story is not good in an RPG.... lol When the story looks like something a 2nd grader wrote and got a C on it's not good. Beyond that the cinematography if you can call it that was just beyond terrible in sun/moon. The way sun/moon was presented really and heavily detracted from the experience. You were boxed in completely forced to watch endless cutscene after cutscene as they attempted to make you care about bland, boring, one-dimensional idiots. It padded about a 10hour game with 20+ hours of story bull s***. That's not good for a game. |
GTMippey posted...
Gamefreak seem to be shifting away from the challenging adventures of the previous titles, and moving towards linear, hand-holding experiences. now, i haven't played a pokemon since gold, but red/blue/yellow/gold/silver felt linear as hell with plenty of hand holding.
People die when they are killed.
Among horse, Red Hare. Among men, Lu Bu. |
- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I wouldn't get too excited about Pokemon Switch.
- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I wouldn't get too excited about Pokemon Switch.
meiyuki posted...
When the story looks like something a 2nd grader wrote and got a C on it's not good.
Most stories that are intended for children are written like a child wrote it...| PSN - JSampG / NNID - Sampsonj | Toadette of the MK8 Deluxe board
"27,146 sales is a decrease from 26,114 sales (Paraphrase)" - LinetrixGTMippey posted...ust adding in more padding and Gen 1 Pandering
Why does this offend everyone again? Gen 1 is where the business is at. The switch game doesn't need to introduce new Pokemon. It just need to be a higher budget/open world type Pokemon game and it will need gen 1 to be successful and get attention.
Hell I wouldn't mind if it was just strictly Kanto with a 2018 open world engine and physics.(edited 6 days ago)quoteikki5 posted...meiyuki posted...
When the story looks like something a 2nd grader wrote and got a C on it's not good.
Most stories that are intended for children are written like a child wrote it...
That's not how it works, bud.Corrin was a mistake.
Not changing sig until Ash wins a Pokemon league, becomes a Pokemon Master and/or ends his journey. Started 12/14/2016enfam0us posted...open world engine
Really wish people would stop with this nonsense.Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI (DS), Darksiders: Warmastered (Wii U), Etrian Odyssey Untold, Splatoon 2
3DS FC: 4167-4549-4028 NNID: TotalJakeoutikki5 posted...meiyuki posted...
When the story looks like something a 2nd grader wrote and got a C on it's not good.
Most stories that are intended for children are written like a child wrote it...
Ah so suddenly it's a good thing to such just because a lot of them do.meiyuki posted...ikki5 posted...
meiyuki posted...
When the story looks like something a 2nd grader wrote and got a C on it's not good.
Most stories that are intended for children are written like a child wrote it...
Ah so suddenly it's a good thing to such just because a lot of them do.
Well, Pokemon IS intended for children. The games have the same type of writing that the shows and comics have.WTGHookshot posted...meiyuki posted...
ikki5 posted...
meiyuki posted...
When the story looks like something a 2nd grader wrote and got a C on it's not good.
Most stories that are intended for children are written like a child wrote it...
Ah so suddenly it's a good thing to such just because a lot of them do.
Well, Pokemon IS intended for children. The games have the same type of writing that the shows and comics have.
what!? Have you even read the Pokemon manga? That s*** gets really dark and really real, and that's a good thing.Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!uberking422 posted...SSjYagami posted...
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Also wrong, the DS entries were better.
Wrong, Pokemon Crystal remains the best game in the core series to this day.Mods are pathetic SJWs who abuse their administrative abilities and couldn't muster a logical defense for their actions to save their lives. Worthless.Im sadly pessimistic about pokemon switch too. Sun moon was terrible easily my least liked so far in the entire series. Im probably going to pick up ultra because im a diehard fan but i really wish a real dev was in charge of pokemon. Gamefreak is a joke.PS4 Pro
SwitchSSjYagami posted...uberking422 posted...
SSjYagami posted...
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Also wrong, the DS entries were better.
Wrong, Pokemon Crystal remains the best game in the core series to this day.
Platinum is the best game in the core series, best region, best designs, best legendary, best postgame, Battle Frontier.Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!meiyuki posted...ikki5 posted...
meiyuki posted...
When the story looks like something a 2nd grader wrote and got a C on it's not good.
Most stories that are intended for children are written like a child wrote it...
Ah so suddenly it's a good thing to such just because a lot of them do.
The reason a lot of them do is because it is easy for kids to follow the story and understand it. That makes is good. it is not just "suddenly good," it's always been good. maybe not for you because you grew up and got older while the target audience stayed the same and the way the stories are told stay the same (actually, there is a lot more to the stories now-a-days).| PSN - JSampG / NNID - Sampsonj | Toadette of the MK8 Deluxe board
"27,146 sales is a decrease from 26,114 sales (Paraphrase)" - LinetrixDon't care what you think, still getting it anywayNS Nickname Seraphina NS Friend Code:SW-8085-1784-6897
proud member of the Noctowl's Nest Guild OvO(edited 6 days ago)quoteI wouldn't get too excited because Sun/Moon needs to get a lot better to be like garbage. GF is doing a horrible job.Playing: Sonic Mania; Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight; The Legend of Zelda: BotW; Kancolle; WoW: Legion.ikki5 posted...The reason a lot of them do is because it is easy for kids to follow the story and understand it. That makes is good. it is not just "suddenly good," it's always been good. maybe not for you because you grew up and got older while the target audience stayed the same and the way the stories are told stay the same (actually, there is a lot more to the stories now-a-days).
I grew up with classic disney, and stories like chrono trigger, dragon quest and other rpgs. I never enjoyed stories written for idiots. It's not good for a game to have a forced, unskippable story written for idiots.Did you just complain about Gen 1 pandering and then call for ANOTHER Kanto remake?I'm not crazy, one of the voices in my head is a psychiatrist, and he says I'm fine.
Free speech without limit endangers the right to free speech.LimboStudios posted...WTGHookshot posted...
meiyuki posted...
ikki5 posted...
meiyuki posted...
When the story looks like something a 2nd grader wrote and got a C on it's not good.
Most stories that are intended for children are written like a child wrote it...
Ah so suddenly it's a good thing to such just because a lot of them do.
Well, Pokemon IS intended for children. The games have the same type of writing that the shows and comics have.
what!? Have you even read the Pokemon manga? That s*** gets really dark and really real, and that's a good thing.
Depends which manga for Pokemon. There's been a ton of different ones. I have definitely read quite a few and none of them were dark in the least. Maybe they've stepped up their game in recent years, but when I read it, it was as kid-friendly and oriented as the games were.WTGHookshot posted...
Depends which manga for Pokemon. There's been a ton of different ones. I have definitely read quite a few and none of them were dark in the least. Maybe they've stepped up their game in recent years, but when I read it, it was as kid-friendly and oriented as the games were.
There's a big difference between kid friendly and stupid. I honestly don't expect much from a pokemon story. That said the problem is less about the quality of the story and the forced nature of it. Past pokemon games lacking cutscenes and remaining somewhat light on text due to memory it was easy to skip through the story. Plus I can read decently fast anyway.
Sun/moon you have to sit through hours of terribly shot cutscenes about abject idiots doing utterly stupid things and acting like everyone playing the game has an IQ lower than a pencil sharpener. And you can't skip it no matter how much you want to. The game really feels like it's 5 hours of game and 25 hours of unskippable cutscene.meiyuki posted...ikki5 posted...
The reason a lot of them do is because it is easy for kids to follow the story and understand it. That makes is good. it is not just "suddenly good," it's always been good. maybe not for you because you grew up and got older while the target audience stayed the same and the way the stories are told stay the same (actually, there is a lot more to the stories now-a-days).
I grew up with classic disney, and stories like chrono trigger, dragon quest and other rpgs. I never enjoyed stories written for idiots. It's not good for a game to have a forced, unskippable story written for idiots.
I don't know about you but a lot of stories by Disney are worse than their original (The story they heavily based theirs off of) or bad, The little Mermaid? Lol, a princess that has everything but wants more, even sings about it and then gets more (Great story to teach children)... Chrono Trigger I am also sure was targetted for a different audience.| PSN - JSampG / NNID - Sampsonj | Toadette of the MK8 Deluxe board
"27,146 sales is a decrease from 26,114 sales (Paraphrase)" - Linetrix(edited 6 days ago)quoteikki5 posted...meiyuki posted...
ikki5 posted...
The reason a lot of them do is because it is easy for kids to follow the story and understand it. That makes is good. it is not just "suddenly good," it's always been good. maybe not for you because you grew up and got older while the target audience stayed the same and the way the stories are told stay the same (actually, there is a lot more to the stories now-a-days).
I grew up with classic disney, and stories like chrono trigger, dragon quest and other rpgs. I never enjoyed stories written for idiots. It's not good for a game to have a forced, unskippable story written for idiots.
I don't know about you but a lot of stories by Disney are worse than their original (The story they heavily based theirs off of) or bad, The little Mermaid? Lol, a princess that has everything but wants more, even sings about it and then gets more (Great story to teach children)... Chrono Trigger I am also sure was targetted for a different audience.
You might be the absolute most jaded person is the history of the entire planet.X and Y were much worse than Sun and Moon. Though S/M wasn't too goodFinal Fantasy XV is a terrible game with awful charactersGTMippey posted...(Kanto Region completely remade and massive, 150 Pokemon)
No. Only you want that. That would be horrible and I wouldn't buy that. Why would I want only 150 when there are over 700?! Makes no sense. You talk about features being removed but you want them to remove 300+ Pokemons?Final Fantasy XV is a terrible game with awful charactersSun and Moon has sold 15+ million worldwide, expect Pokemon on the Switch to do the same numbers.
GameFreak can get away with anything because they know their games will sell 15+ million.PC + Handheld = Perfection.meiyuki posted...Sun/moon you have to sit through hours of terribly shot cutscenes about abject idiots doing utterly stupid things and acting like everyone playing the game has an IQ lower than a pencil sharpener. And you can't skip it no matter how much you want to. The game really feels like it's 5 hours of game and 25 hours of unskippable cutscene.
I will agree that GameFreak has absolutely no f***ing clue on cinematic angles and dramatic cameras. However, that must be improved, not removed.Even my most peaceful and calm posts are somehow designed to belittle those that disagree with me even a little, get used to it~!Xenis posted...Sun and Moon has sold 15+ million worldwide, expect Pokemon on the Switch to do the same numbers.
GameFreak can get away with anything because they know their games will sell 15+ million.
That will depend on how the Switch sells. So far no game has sold more than 2.3 Million (Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild) and Pokemon's success will all be dependant on how well the PokeBank is integrated into the new system linking the 3DS to it. If the Pokebank which connects Gen V to Gen VI and VII is removed from the series, that will be it for many fans. Many of them won't accept being robbed of those games so GF needs to do some real work.PSN ID: Adamight 3DS Friend Code:0061-4706-8830I've so far loved every main-series Pokémon game so I'm not too worried. The worst thing I can imagine is if it ends up being simply an enhanced port of Sun & Moon or something but I highly doubt that.ZeldaFan14 posted...I've so far loved every main-series Pokémon game so I'm not too worried. The worst thing I can imagine is if it ends up being simply an enhanced port of Sun & Moon or something but I highly doubt that.
Yeah I wouldn't worry about this but I have a funny feeling it might be a Kanto re-visit for some reason.PSN ID: Adamight 3DS Friend Code:0061-4706-8830The game is actually going to be Pokemon Snap: Switch Edition. They're going to start installing kiosks in all the Blockbuster Video locations so you can bring in your memory cards and print out all the sweet pictures of Mew that you capture.PC/PS4/Switchmeiyuki posted...You might be the absolute most jaded person is the history of the entire planet.
You think stories that teach kids to never stop wanting more/ be greedy make good children's stories?| PSN - JSampG / NNID - Sampsonj | Toadette of the MK8 Deluxe board
"27,146 sales is a decrease from 26,114 sales (Paraphrase)" - LinetrixTheZuperHero posted...enfam0us posted...
open world engine
Really wish people would stop with this nonsense.
I wish you'd stop acting like open world isn't a transition all games are headed down.
All the important and biggest devs are making them. If you wanna be taken serious on world wide scale you'll adapt.
Notice pokemon still sales now days but no one puts it in line with GotY.(edited 3 days ago)quotePokemon is one of the few franchises to genuinely improve with each release. New Pokemon, new types, mechanical additions and improvements, etc.GP Vs 2016: Second Place Winner
PSN: ourtheNGW, Now Playing: The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth +Xenis posted...Sun and Moon has sold 15+ million worldwide, expect Pokemon on the Switch to do the same numbers.
GameFreak can get away with anything because they know their games will sell 15+ million.
Sadly thisWe need a new Final Fantasy TacticsGTMippey posted...As much as we should be thrilled that there will (eventually) be a mainline Pokemon game on consoles, I wouldn't get too excited yet.
Pokemon is starting to tread down a dangerous downhill slope ever since Sun and Moon. Gamefreak seem to be shifting away from the challenging adventures of the previous titles, and moving towards linear, hand-holding experiences. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon look like they aren't doing much to buck the trend, just adding in more padding and Gen 1 Pandering.
Sun and Moon were terrible Pokemon games, the only ones I couldn't sit through till the end, due to all the added crap like Z Moves while dropping legitimate improvements from ORAS. Aloha sucked as a region, the story-driven nature of the game just wasted my time and the trials were f***ing stupid and easy.
I'm worried for Gen 8/ Pokemon Switch. Part of me hopes that they will just go back to basics story wise (Kanto Region completely remade and massive, 150 Pokemon) while using open world concepts from Zelda. I know I complained about Gen 1 pandering, but if the next generation continues the trend of taking the series backwards gameplay-wise, I don't think the series will be as popular as it is for much longer.
I have trash opinions3DS FC:1375-8350-6103; Switch FC: 5454-0571-3814
Mii Name: Luigi; NNID: MARIOS_BRO123GTMippey posted...Aloha
Seattle Seahawks: Super Bowl XLVIII CHAMPS! GO HAWKS!
Formerly known as BlueMenace84Seneca_Wallace_ posted...GTMippey posted...
I'm not crazy, one of the voices in my head is a psychiatrist, and he says I'm fine.
Free speech without limit endangers the right to free speech.(edited 1 day ago)quoteSSjYagami posted...Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
All of this. I did; however, love B/W's story and protagonists.i7-4930k, EVGA X79 Classified, CM V8 GTS, CM Stormtrooper, 16GB HyperX Sav. 1600MHz, EVGA GTX 960 2G, AMD R7 240 SSD, WD Black 1T, CM V750.
My GPU is trash. :(@SSjYagami posted...Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Not at all. Gen 4 was the best, and Gen 7 is better than 5 and 6, so it hasn't been downhill since Gen 7.3DS FC:1375-8350-6103; Switch FC: 5454-0571-3814
Mii Name: Luigi; NNID: MARIOS_BRO123LuigiFan835 posted...@SSjYagami posted...
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Not at all. Gen 4 was the best, and Gen 7 is better than 5 and 6, so it hasn't been downhill since Gen 7.
Wait do we technically count HG/SS as Gen 4?i7-4930k, EVGA X79 Classified, CM V8 GTS, CM Stormtrooper, 16GB HyperX Sav. 1600MHz, EVGA GTX 960 2G, AMD R7 240 SSD, WD Black 1T, CM V750.
My GPU is trash. :(DeathSoul2000 posted...Tldr
Im not even the tc but I have to say, it must be so hard getting through life with the attention span of a goldfish. Are you still following along buddy or did I lose you back at "even".FC: 1075-0820-9469
IGN: ChekoGTMippey posted...Gamefreak seem to be shifting away from the challenging adventures of the previous titles, and moving towards linear, hand-holding experiences.
Since when has pokemon been challenging or not a linear game? I agree the routes were a bit more linear than previous titles, but progression has always been linear.DarkDemon373 posted...GTMippey posted...
Gamefreak seem to be shifting away from the challenging adventures of the previous titles, and moving towards linear, hand-holding experiences.
Since when has pokemon been challenging or not a linear game? I agree the routes were a bit more linear than previous titles, but progression has always been linear.
There's always been some exploration in pokemon but you're right it has typically been pretty linear. However sun/moon takes it to an extreme. There's not really any straying from the path in the game, and what's worse they have the absolute most artificial of artificial road blocks.
There's a part in the game where if you get off the path you encounter an npc that says "Hey pokemon isn't all about island challenges, you should try exploring some." Followed by a literal artificial wall. "Try exploring," WTF do you think I'm trying to do? So I think that leads a lot to the complaints of linearity. In past pokemon games you could get farther off the path and the artificial walls that did exist at least made a tiny degree of sense in the context of the game. The didn't include artificial walls that were so artificial they couldn't be bothered to give it any more immersion than "you can't progress cause story."Mitsukiba posted...LuigiFan835 posted...
@SSjYagami posted...
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Not at all. Gen 4 was the best, and Gen 7 is better than 5 and 6, so it hasn't been downhill since Gen 7.
Wait do we technically count HG/SS as Gen 4?
I don't know about others but I do. I also see that FRLG and ORAS are also part of Gen 3 and 6 respectively.3DS FC:1375-8350-6103; Switch FC: 5454-0571-3814
Mii Name: Luigi; NNID: MARIOS_BRO123LuigiFan835 posted...Mitsukiba posted...
LuigiFan835 posted...
@SSjYagami posted...
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Not at all. Gen 4 was the best, and Gen 7 is better than 5 and 6, so it hasn't been downhill since Gen 7.
Wait do we technically count HG/SS as Gen 4?
I don't know about others but I do. I also see that FRLG and ORAS are also part of Gen 3 and 6 respectively.
Then I have to agree with you on Gen 4.i7-4930k, EVGA X79 Classified, CM V8 GTS, CM Stormtrooper, 16GB HyperX Sav. 1600MHz, EVGA GTX 960 2G, AMD R7 240 SSD, WD Black 1T, CM V750.
My GPU is trash. :((edited 1 day ago)quoteMitsukiba posted...LuigiFan835 posted...
Mitsukiba posted...
LuigiFan835 posted...
@SSjYagami posted...
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Not at all. Gen 4 was the best, and Gen 7 is better than 5 and 6, so it hasn't been downhill since Gen 7.
Wait do we technically count HG/SS as Gen 4?
I don't know about others but I do. I also see that FRLG and ORAS are also part of Gen 3 and 6 respectively.
Then I have to agree with you on Gen 4.
Didn't like Platinum? DP were meh but Platinum fixed the painfully slow battles which was the main issue.
As for spinoffs, Battle Revolution was terrible, PokePark was decent for its target demographic, PMD:EOS is the best PMD game, and PR:SOA is the best PR game.3DS FC:1375-8350-6103; Switch FC: 5454-0571-3814
Mii Name: Luigi; NNID: MARIOS_BRO123LuigiFan835 posted...Mitsukiba posted...
LuigiFan835 posted...
Mitsukiba posted...
LuigiFan835 posted...
@SSjYagami posted...
Don't worry, I am not. It has been downhill after gen 3.
Not at all. Gen 4 was the best, and Gen 7 is better than 5 and 6, so it hasn't been downhill since Gen 7.
Wait do we technically count HG/SS as Gen 4?
I don't know about others but I do. I also see that FRLG and ORAS are also part of Gen 3 and 6 respectively.
Then I have to agree with you on Gen 4.
Didn't like Platinum? DP were meh but Platinum fixed the painfully slow battles which was the main issue.
As for spinoffs, Battle Revolution was terrible, PokePark was decent for its target demographic, PMD:EOS is the best PMD game, and PR:SOA is the best PR game.
I never played Platinum because I didn't want to after finishing Diamond. I also never got Pokémon Rangers. But I thoroughly enjoyed Explorers of Sky, loved it even. I haven't played any other spinoffs.i7-4930k, EVGA X79 Classified, CM V8 GTS, CM Stormtrooper, 16GB HyperX Sav. 1600MHz, EVGA GTX 960 2G, AMD R7 240 SSD, WD Black 1T, CM V750.
My GPU is trash. :((edited 1 day ago)quoteExplain to me why the Pokemon Switch title would not be Gen 8 when at E3, Game Freak specifically said that they were developing a "core Pokemon game" for Nintendo Switch.
And here's a little refresher for you guys. Game Freak did not make Pokemon Coliseum or Battle Revolution, Genius Sonority did.sashj posted...The trials were TERRIBLE! They should have trials BEFORE gyms. I would like to see 8 gyms in the next game with 3 trials before each gym. It would make sense to have trials that prove your ability to take on a gym leader. Either than or they should use trials as a way to qualify for the Elite Four. Trials on its own was lazy and uninteresting.
Yeah, no. Just because trials weren't good doesn't mean going back to 8 gyms is better. Combining the two is an even worse idea.
The whole going through some puzzle room while beating down mook trainers to get to the boss trainer is done to death and tired as f***. Instead they should add stuff like colosseums or a bunch of different Pokémon tournaments to mix it up and make it interesting."This close, I can hear your heart beating. Thump...thump...that's how you sound... <3"
https://m.imgur.com/gfiAZKK- Boards
- Nintendo Switch
- I wouldn't get too excited about Pokemon Switch.
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