
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

No Okami HD for Switch

  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch
  3. No Okami HD for Switch
VanderZoo 3 days ago#1
This sucks, the game would be most perfect on Switch.

I always wanted a port on Wii U as well.

Imagine Okami portable, using touch controls to draw with the celestial brush.

Seems like such an obvious fit for Switch!
Voysa_Reezun 3 days ago#2
Okami was mediocre, IMO, but it's an odd thing not to put on Switch if they're re-releasing it.
The world is better off with some people gone. Our lives are not all interconnected. That theory is a crock. Some people truly do not need to be here.
Okami is very overrated.
CreviceCretin - Mario games are for little kids grow up and kill something.
^ 213 people agree that it's ignorance at its finest.
Seeing as Capcom didn't bring The Disney Afternoon Collection or MegaMan Legacy Collection 2 to either 3DS or Switch, it's really not that much of a surprise
We Are Ka-Tet. We Are One From Many
Want: A Hat In Time, Kingdom Hearts III, Psychonauts 2, Super Mario Odyssey, South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Neo1661 3 days ago#5
Yeah very odd since DS got Okami and Wii got port of hte PS2 version. Actually really pissed. Switch is perfect fit for this.
Mmaguy 3 days ago#6
That's too bad. Okami is a lot of fun. It would have been a nice addition to the Switch.
PSN - Exzander - Steam - Exzander - Friend Code (Switch) - SW-2315-9276-2710
VanderZoo 3 days ago#7
There's a few games that I think do work better on Switch than other platforms because of the touchscreen and portability.

Games like this, and Persona 5. 

Skyrim and LA Noire aren't those games for me.
finalrush7 3 days ago#8
Too bad. Everyone was saying it was Zelda's second coming but I just couldn't get into it within the first two hours on Wii..
Best 3 games of all time: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Xenoblade, Xenoblade X
Gone but never forgotten - Didier Drogba #11 - Chelsea Legend
_Dog 3 days ago#9
What a pity considering Switch owners have passed two of Capcom's "tests"...
Corrin was a mistake.
Not changing sig until Ash wins a Pokemon league, becomes a Pokemon Master and/or ends his journey. Started 12/14/2016
Anclation 3 days ago#10
Screw you Capcom
Yeah... Sorry.
moogle69 3 days ago#11
This is one game i would have loved over here, it is a shame.
3DSXL FC: 0087-3600-6980
Hyped: LOH:TOCSIII, Xenoblade 2, SMO, KHIII, DQXI
FlameAbsol 3 days ago#12
If Okami were ever to be ported over to Switch, it can work the same way as it does on Wii. You can use Joy-Cons as the brush to paint things just like Wii-Mote.

Love this game on Wii and I wouldn't mind double-dip on this one again.
I am deaf and One's GT: Flame Haze SnS
FlameAbsol posted...
If Okami were ever to be ported over to Switch, it can work the same way as it does on Wii. You can use Joy-Cons as the brush to paint things just like Wii-Mote.

Love this game on Wii and I wouldn't mind double-dip on this one again.

And in handheld mode, we could use a finger to paint with. 

I really hope we get it eventually. It's one of my favorite games. I'll be so disappointed if the Switch gets passed over for this game.
SkyCrackers 3 days ago#14
Zombie_Socks_96 posted...
Seeing as Capcom didn't bring The Disney Afternoon Collection or MegaMan Legacy Collection 2 to either 3DS or Switch, it's really not that much of a surprise

Both of those were even more bizarre omissions. Capcom spurning the Switch really doesn't make sense from a business perspective.
"Theyre not only moron but also Galapagosian Lolita Complexed Chicken." -Tomonobu Itagaki
xF0x 3 days ago#15
Congrats, Capcom. You're the new Konami.
Everything will be fire.
ROB45 3 days ago#16
A shame, Okami was one of the best Wii games.
My sources says that Scalebound is being made.
Greatness comes from within
Disappointed about no Switch version, then I got hyped when I realized that they were making a PC version, but then I got disappointed again when I realized that Capcom will probably shove Denuvo in it.
Indie games aren't 3rd party games- TalesRevenant
You give Sony $60. They refund you $60. You give them $60 again. That's $120 to Sony. - Someone on this site
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
xF0x 3 days ago#19
ROB45 posted...
A shame, Okami was one of the best Wii games.

It's the only Wii game I liked, not even kidding.
Everything will be fire.
_Dog 3 days ago#20
SkyCrackers posted...
Zombie_Socks_96 posted...
Seeing as Capcom didn't bring The Disney Afternoon Collection or MegaMan Legacy Collection 2 to either 3DS or Switch, it's really not that much of a surprise

Both of those were even more bizarre omissions. Capcom spurning the Switch really doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

Users from NeoGAF say that Capcom banked on the Switch to fail and are now caught with their pants down. Clearly they gotta think something over now.
Corrin was a mistake.
Not changing sig until Ash wins a Pokemon league, becomes a Pokemon Master and/or ends his journey. Started 12/14/2016
_Dog posted...

Users from NeoGAF say

Users from Neogaf say a lot of things, m8, and barely any of them resemble quality. Do they have something to actually back it up or did they get it from the same place that told them that they could stare at the eclipse without glasses on.
Indie games aren't 3rd party games- TalesRevenant
You give Sony $60. They refund you $60. You give them $60 again. That's $120 to Sony. - Someone on this site
VanderZoo 3 days ago#22
FlameAbsol posted...
If Okami were ever to be ported over to Switch, it can work the same way as it does on Wii. You can use Joy-Cons as the brush to paint things just like Wii-Mote.

Love this game on Wii and I wouldn't mind double-dip on this one again.

I heard those motion controls didn't work too well actually.

Anyway touchscreen would work perfectly.
InnerSpace 3 days ago#23
dancing_cactuar posted...
Disappointed about no Switch version, then I got hyped when I realized that they were making a PC version, but then I got disappointed again when I realized that Capcom will probably shove Denuvo in it.

No 'maybe' about it lol - Capcom, being Capcom, is probably gonna take poor Ammy and shove that DRM where the sun don't shine
"How many Lowe's would Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe's?"
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
That's too bad, it's an excellent game.
Comyx 3 days ago#25
Okami HD was confirmed?
kinggravy 3 days ago#26
_Dog posted...
SkyCrackers posted...
Zombie_Socks_96 posted...
Seeing as Capcom didn't bring The Disney Afternoon Collection or MegaMan Legacy Collection 2 to either 3DS or Switch, it's really not that much of a surprise

Both of those were even more bizarre omissions. Capcom spurning the Switch really doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

Users from NeoGAF say that Capcom banked on the Switch to fail and are now caught with their pants down. Clearly they gotta think something over now.

This really sounds a lot more like things have gone sour between Nintendo and Capcom. MHW is one thing, it's been in dev for a long time and wouldn't be ported quickly. But Disney Afternoon and Mega Man would not take that long to port. An announcement at the least if they were coming. Okami HD was already out on PS3, so they could have at the least ported THAT over.
FC: 2852-7398-0118
InnerSpace 3 days ago#27
Comyx posted...
Okami HD was confirmed?

Not officially, but it's reportedly slipped onto a few EU retailer listings, and was just recently listed on South Korea's official GRAC ratings board; since it's Capcom though, it wouldn't surprise me if it's just a port built from the Okami HD PS3 source code lol - I think they just keep all this old 'HD remaster' code just lying around to port to new systems at this point
"How many Lowe's would Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe's?"
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
kinggravy posted...
_Dog posted...
SkyCrackers posted...
Zombie_Socks_96 posted...
Seeing as Capcom didn't bring The Disney Afternoon Collection or MegaMan Legacy Collection 2 to either 3DS or Switch, it's really not that much of a surprise

Both of those were even more bizarre omissions. Capcom spurning the Switch really doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

Users from NeoGAF say that Capcom banked on the Switch to fail and are now caught with their pants down. Clearly they gotta think something over now.

This really sounds a lot more like things have gone sour between Nintendo and Capcom. MHW is one thing, it's been in dev for a long time and wouldn't be ported quickly. But Disney Afternoon and Mega Man would not take that long to port. An announcement at the least if they were coming. Okami HD was already out on PS3, so they could have at the least ported THAT over.

Or Capcom just doesn't want to support a console that hasn't proven itself yet and has only been out for 6 months? You need at least a year + holiday season to gauge if a system is worth it. + as it stands, Switch is selling just like the Wii U and the Wii U dropped off a cliff shortly after. You have to wait and see until the end of the year when Mario comes out and how this thing does after.

PS4 was selling at insanely fast rates and was selling 10x better than the Switch did during these 6 months alone. X1 was no slouch and was doing really well too, I mean, after they dropped the price from $500 and changed their policies.

Why do you think Square has only given it spinoffs and offshoots thus far while the bigger games like Thief, NieR Automata, Rise of the Tomb Raider, etc. completely skipped it? Why do you think Namco is only giving ports of older games and lowtier spinoffs while the bigger games like Code Vein, Dark Souls III, Tekken 7 completely skipped it?

No smart developer is wasting money putting games on a Nintendo system when every single Nintendo console except a fluke in the past has only hurt their business.
I'm just a drone and life is a nightmare. I'm just a drone, I know that it's not fair. Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me
Link01588 3 days ago#29
I've wanted to play this masterpiece for a while, so I hope that it does come to Switch.
Xenoblade Chronicles is legitimately the best game I've ever played.
InnerSpace 3 days ago#30
Link01588 posted...
I've wanted to play this masterpiece for a while, so I hope that it does come to Switch.

Me too - the game is excellent; that said, they'd make a lot of people happy if they took a second to speed up the text and get rid of those awful dialogue noises - I know tons of people who never got past the prologue because of how that s*** drags on and makes weird Navi noises literally every five seconds
"How many Lowe's would Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe's?"
Starwars4J 3 days ago#31
TalesRevenant posted...
+ as it stands, Switch is selling just like the Wii U and the Wii U dropped off a cliff shortly after.

You need to research better Tales, the Wii U "dropped off a cliff" a month and a half after launch. Switch is massively outpacing it and the fastest selling Nintendo home console of all time.

PS4 was selling at insanely fast rates and was selling 10x better than the Switch did during these 6 months alone.

You gotta check that math bro

Why do you think Square has only given it spinoffs and offshoots thus far

Dragon Quest XI is a spinoff?

No smart developer is wasting money putting games on a Nintendo system when every single Nintendo console except a fluke in the past has only hurt their business.

So with the Switch on track to blow past the Wii U in terms of sales, how are you guys gonna spin it? Are you gonna say "Every Nintendo has sold less than the one before it...except for that one fluke...and that other fluke"?
What I can't get over is how she ripped one testicle off..~Frogstir
I can't read your topics without expecting Bel Air now.~KensaiBlade
VanderZoo 3 days ago#32
InnerSpace posted...
Link01588 posted...
I've wanted to play this masterpiece for a while, so I hope that it does come to Switch.

Me too - the game is excellent; that said, they'd make a lot of people happy if they took a second to speed up the text and get rid of those awful dialogue noises - I know tons of people who never got past the prologue because of how that s*** drags on and makes weird Navi noises literally every five seconds

They can probably mod that out in the PC version.
Capcom is awfully selective about their support for the Switch, no Disney Collection, Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 or 2, or this but we do get Resident Evil Revelaitons
Reading internet jokes-
Reading a poorly written argument-
TalesRevenant posted...

PS4 was selling at insanely fast rates and was selling 10x better than the Switch did during these 6 months alone.

Bruh, the PS4 sold 667,191 units in 6 months in Japan, switch is doing more than double that in the same amount of time. And before you go
who the f*** do you think is the target audience for Okami, a Japanese game starring the Shinto Sun goddess in which the plot melds together many different aspects of Japanese myths and whatnot? Is Europe going to be the big marketplace Capcom's aiming for with Okami?
And you expected to be a mod at Neogaf to "control the outskirts of your mind" with this type of s***?

VanderZoo posted...

They can probably mod that out in the PC version.

Not if it has Denuvo. Pretty sure Denuvo makes it much more difficult to mod games with it.
Indie games aren't 3rd party games- TalesRevenant
You give Sony $60. They refund you $60. You give them $60 again. That's $120 to Sony. - Someone on this site
Tales still sucking that sony teat. Leave some for linetrix and astral!
Playing dat Persona 5!
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
Usabell 3 days ago#36
Voysa_Reezun posted...
Okami was mediocre, IMO, but it's an odd thing not to put on Switch if they're re-releasing it.
Consoles shouldn't be about 480p, 720p, 1080p or the prettiest slideshow.
They're about a magical box that outputs wonderful streams of 60 images per second.
I might care if Platinum got any royalties from it, but they won't, so Capcom can suck it.
Surrender and I will destroy you peacefully. R.E.G.I.S. mk5 - Megas XLR
Omega Ruby Secret Base -
DuranmanX4 3 days ago#38
Okami was leaked via a Korean rating system

Switch isn't out in South Korea

A Korean Rating System would not rate a game on a system that's not even out in their country

So there is no confirmation if it is or isn't coming to Switch
Retail Wii U and 3DS games:
Retail PS4 and VITA games:
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
InnerSpace 3 days ago#39
DuranmanX4 posted...
Okami was leaked via a Korean rating system

Switch isn't out in South Korea

A Korean Rating System would not rate a game on a system that's not even out in their country

So there is no confirmation if it is or isn't coming to Switch

^ This as well, but as much as I hate NeoGAF (and I really hate NeoGAF), I think they mentioned that, this thread just seems to have conveniently glossed it over
"How many Lowe's would Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe's?"
moogle69 3 days ago#40
Link01588 posted...
I've wanted to play this masterpiece for a while, so I hope that it does come to Switch.

It truly is a masterpiece, once i started playing, i never stopped, went from beggining to end, and wanted more, thank god for okamiden, which was also good.
3DSXL FC: 0087-3600-6980
Hyped: LOH:TOCSIII, Xenoblade 2, SMO, KHIII, DQXI
DuranmanX4 3 days ago#41
InnerSpace posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
Okami was leaked via a Korean rating system

Switch isn't out in South Korea

A Korean Rating System would not rate a game on a system that's not even out in their country

So there is no confirmation if it is or isn't coming to Switch

^ This as well, but as much as I hate NeoGAF (and I really hate NeoGAF), I think they mentioned that, this thread just seems to have conveniently glossed it over

That would require a organ capable of processing rational thought located within the human skull that due to unfortunate circumstances, many people who visit and post on the boards of this site simply do not have
Retail Wii U and 3DS games:
Retail PS4 and VITA games:
Bloodychess 3 days ago#42
DuranmanX4 posted...
InnerSpace posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
Okami was leaked via a Korean rating system

Switch isn't out in South Korea

A Korean Rating System would not rate a game on a system that's not even out in their country

So there is no confirmation if it is or isn't coming to Switch

^ This as well, but as much as I hate NeoGAF (and I really hate NeoGAF), I think they mentioned that, this thread just seems to have conveniently glossed it over

That would require a organ capable of processing rational thought located within the human skull that due to unfortunate circumstances, many people who visit and post on the boards of this site simply do not have

It's Vander, we all know he's just trolling
Sweet dreams are made of cheese
Who am I to diss a brie?
NeoMonk 3 days ago#43
doutforharambe posted...
Tales still sucking that sony teat. Leave some for linetrix and astral!

"The Xbox One board isn't the place for personal anecdotes, joke topics or fanboy affair." -Gamefaqs Moderator
kranix1 3 days ago#44
xF0x posted...
ROB45 posted...
A shame, Okami was one of the best Wii games.

It's the only Wii game I liked, not even kidding.

Wasn't it a 2-3 year old port of a PS2 game?
Literally if it wasn't Nintendo I would return the god damn thing and never f***ing buy another Nintendo product again.- hilliet
Frozenx07 3 days ago#45
I've never played Okami but I heard good things about it. I'd be interested in playing a Switch port. Using the JoyCons in TV Mode and the touch screen in Handheld Mode would be a really great way of showcasing the features of the Switch. It would be such a missed opportunity from Capcom.

I agree that Capcom probably expected the Switch to bomb and are now scrabbling to support it. I'm expecting more support from them next year. I'm sure the Switch will get a big sales boost from Odyssey, if Nintendo can keep up with demand. Capcom will be impressed.
VanderZoo 3 days ago#46
Bloodychess posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
InnerSpace posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
Okami was leaked via a Korean rating system

Switch isn't out in South Korea

A Korean Rating System would not rate a game on a system that's not even out in their country

So there is no confirmation if it is or isn't coming to Switch

^ This as well, but as much as I hate NeoGAF (and I really hate NeoGAF), I think they mentioned that, this thread just seems to have conveniently glossed it over

That would require a organ capable of processing rational thought located within the human skull that due to unfortunate circumstances, many people who visit and post on the boards of this site simply do not have

It's Vander, we all know he's just trolling

Ignored for trolling.
alexczas 3 days ago#47
At this rate, Ace Attorney will be a PS Vita exclusive!
"Dragons don't like shoes"~me 2016
VanderZoo 3 days ago#48
dancing_cactuar posted...
TalesRevenant posted...

PS4 was selling at insanely fast rates and was selling 10x better than the Switch did during these 6 months alone.

Bruh, the PS4 sold 667,191 units in 6 months in Japan, switch is doing more than double that in the same amount of time. And before you go
who the f*** do you think is the target audience for Okami, a Japanese game starring the Shinto Sun goddess in which the plot melds together many different aspects of Japanese myths and whatnot? Is Europe going to be the big marketplace Capcom's aiming for with Okami?
And you expected to be a mod at Neogaf to "control the outskirts of your mind" with this type of s***?

VanderZoo posted...

They can probably mod that out in the PC version.

Not if it has Denuvo. Pretty sure Denuvo makes it much more difficult to mod games with it.

Dude, Japan is one country, Switch selling better there doesn't change the fact PS4 is still selling way better than it, worldwide, in total sales. I know you guys love Japan because it's Switch's best country, but there's a world outside of Japan now.

In fact Japan has long since lost its importance in the console market. Which is why Sony launched there last. Being Australian, I never thought I'd see the day Sony released PlayStation here before Japan, but that's the state of the market now. 

And yeah, Denuvo sucks, if it does have Denuvo, I'm not buying it on PC. I bought Sonic Mania on PC and regret that.
Bloodychess 3 days ago#49
VanderZoo posted...
Bloodychess posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
InnerSpace posted...
DuranmanX4 posted...
Okami was leaked via a Korean rating system

Switch isn't out in South Korea

A Korean Rating System would not rate a game on a system that's not even out in their country

So there is no confirmation if it is or isn't coming to Switch

^ This as well, but as much as I hate NeoGAF (and I really hate NeoGAF), I think they mentioned that, this thread just seems to have conveniently glossed it over

That would require a organ capable of processing rational thought located within the human skull that due to unfortunate circumstances, many people who visit and post on the boards of this site simply do not have

It's Vander, we all know he's just trolling

Ignored for trolling.

Sweet dreams are made of cheese
Who am I to diss a brie?
Xenis 3 days ago#50
Heh this game will do even worse on Xbox than Final Fantasy XV did on the system. Their management department make the weirdest of decisions.

Anyway, this is just for S.Korea. The Nintendo Switch is not officially released in South Korea but I still wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come to the Switch for the western release, Capcom being Capcom.
PC + Handheld = Perfection.
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
  1. Boards
  2. Nintendo Switch
  3. No Okami HD for Switch
    1. Boards
    2. Nintendo Switch
    3. No Okami HD for Switch
    slyman19 3 days ago#51
    Xenis posted...
    Heh this game will do even worse on Xbox than Final Fantasy XV did on the system. Their management department make the weirdest of decisions.

    Anyway, this is just for S.Korea. The Nintendo Switch is not officially released in South Korea but I still wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come to the Switch for the western release, Capcom being Capcom.

    Why do people think these games don't sell on Xbox? Obviously they do or they wouldn't bother. 

    People just don't f***ing think these days.
    Xenis 3 days ago#52
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    Heh this game will do even worse on Xbox than Final Fantasy XV did on the system. Their management department make the weirdest of decisions.

    Anyway, this is just for S.Korea. The Nintendo Switch is not officially released in South Korea but I still wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come to the Switch for the western release, Capcom being Capcom.

    Why do people think these games don't sell on Xbox? Obviously they do or they wouldn't bother. 

    People just don't f***ing think these days.

    Face it, Japanese games don't sell too well to the Xbox One audience when compared to the Playstation and Nintendo platforms. Why else do you think the majority of Japanese developers ignore the Xbox brand?

    SE didn't even bother giving Xbox One small titles like Lost SphearI Am Setsuna and big titles like Dragon Quest XI because they knew it wouldn't sell on that platform.
    PC + Handheld = Perfection.
    (edited 3 days ago)reportquote
    slyman19 3 days ago#53
    Xenis posted...
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    Heh this game will do even worse on Xbox than Final Fantasy XV did on the system. Their management department make the weirdest of decisions.

    Anyway, this is just for S.Korea. The Nintendo Switch is not officially released in South Korea but I still wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come to the Switch for the western release, Capcom being Capcom.

    Why do people think these games don't sell on Xbox? Obviously they do or they wouldn't bother. 

    People just don't f***ing think these days.

    Face it, Japanese games don't sell too well to the Xbox One audience when compared to the Playstation and Nintendo platforms. Why else do you think the majority of Japanese developers ignore the Xbox brand?

    SE didn't even bother giving Xbox One Lost Sphear or I Am Setsuna because they knew it wouldn't sell on that platform.

    Sorry, but they do sell or they won't bother. Why is simple logic difficult for you?
    Xenis 3 days ago#54
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    Heh this game will do even worse on Xbox than Final Fantasy XV did on the system. Their management department make the weirdest of decisions.

    Anyway, this is just for S.Korea. The Nintendo Switch is not officially released in South Korea but I still wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come to the Switch for the western release, Capcom being Capcom.

    Why do people think these games don't sell on Xbox? Obviously they do or they wouldn't bother. 

    People just don't f***ing think these days.

    Face it, Japanese games don't sell too well to the Xbox One audience when compared to the Playstation and Nintendo platforms. Why else do you think the majority of Japanese developers ignore the Xbox brand?

    SE didn't even bother giving Xbox One Lost Sphear or I Am Setsuna because they knew it wouldn't sell on that platform.

    Sorry, but they do sell or they won't bother. Why is simple logic difficult for you?

    No, it just seems you have a hard time comprehending the fact that they don't when compared to other platforms.

    Why did you ignore my other points? Its clearly because its the truth which you can't counter.
    PC + Handheld = Perfection.
    slyman19 3 days ago#55
    Xenis posted...
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    Heh this game will do even worse on Xbox than Final Fantasy XV did on the system. Their management department make the weirdest of decisions.

    Anyway, this is just for S.Korea. The Nintendo Switch is not officially released in South Korea but I still wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come to the Switch for the western release, Capcom being Capcom.

    Why do people think these games don't sell on Xbox? Obviously they do or they wouldn't bother. 

    People just don't f***ing think these days.

    Face it, Japanese games don't sell too well to the Xbox One audience when compared to the Playstation and Nintendo platforms. Why else do you think the majority of Japanese developers ignore the Xbox brand?

    SE didn't even bother giving Xbox One Lost Sphear or I Am Setsuna because they knew it wouldn't sell on that platform.

    Sorry, but they do sell or they won't bother. Why is simple logic difficult for you?

    No, it just seems you have a hard time comprehending the fact that they don't when compared to other platforms.

    Why did you ignore my other points? Its clearly because its the truth which you can't counter.

    Moving the f***ing goal post. PC gamers make me wanna f***ing puke.
    Frozenx07 2 days ago#56
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    Heh this game will do even worse on Xbox than Final Fantasy XV did on the system. Their management department make the weirdest of decisions.

    Anyway, this is just for S.Korea. The Nintendo Switch is not officially released in South Korea but I still wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come to the Switch for the western release, Capcom being Capcom.

    Why do people think these games don't sell on Xbox? Obviously they do or they wouldn't bother. 

    People just don't f***ing think these days.

    Face it, Japanese games don't sell too well to the Xbox One audience when compared to the Playstation and Nintendo platforms. Why else do you think the majority of Japanese developers ignore the Xbox brand?

    SE didn't even bother giving Xbox One Lost Sphear or I Am Setsuna because they knew it wouldn't sell on that platform.

    Sorry, but they do sell or they won't bother. Why is simple logic difficult for you?

    But they don't bother. Did you read the previous post?
    (edited 2 days ago)reportquote
    briguy 2 days ago#57
    It'll come to Switch if it comes to other current platform. I wouldn't worry about it.
    Nintendo Switch + PS4 Pro + New 3DS
    officially announced in japan for december release. not coming to switch lol.
    Pharsti01 2 hours ago#59
    Usually a game not coming to the Switch doesnt strike me as surprising... but somehow, this one does.

    Id expect another HD release to come to all the systems really.
    Thiel1989 2 hours ago#60
    Bummer, loved that game on the Wii. But if it's $40 or less i'll double dip on the PS4 version <3
    MSI Intel H81 LGA 1150 Motherboard | i7 4790K | GTX 1070 Gaming X 8GB | 16GB RAM | Windows 7
    Surprised at all the okami hate. I loved that game and okamiden. Looking forward to the hd release. Its too bad the switch isnt getting it. But lol capcom.
    Playing dat Persona 5!
    super_clout 1 hour ago#62
    Frozenx07 posted...
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    slyman19 posted...
    Xenis posted...
    Heh this game will do even worse on Xbox than Final Fantasy XV did on the system. Their management department make the weirdest of decisions.

    Anyway, this is just for S.Korea. The Nintendo Switch is not officially released in South Korea but I still wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come to the Switch for the western release, Capcom being Capcom.

    Why do people think these games don't sell on Xbox? Obviously they do or they wouldn't bother. 

    People just don't f***ing think these days.

    Face it, Japanese games don't sell too well to the Xbox One audience when compared to the Playstation and Nintendo platforms. Why else do you think the majority of Japanese developers ignore the Xbox brand?

    SE didn't even bother giving Xbox One Lost Sphear or I Am Setsuna because they knew it wouldn't sell on that platform.

    Sorry, but they do sell or they won't bother. Why is simple logic difficult for you?

    But they don't bother. Did you read the previous post?

    but they do bother
    tekken series
    RE series
    Final fantasy series
    kingdom hearts series
    dragon ball
    one piece
    sword art online
    Valkyrie chronicles series
    megaman series
    raiden series
    blazeblue series
    FC 1891 1184 7059. IGN. Clout
    (message deleted)
    1. Boards
    2. Nintendo Switch 
    3. No Okami HD for Switch

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